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Hard & Fast: A Hard Thrusting Racing Heart Billionaire Romance by Vale, Vivien (41)

Hard Pressed

Don’t just get pressed.

Get hard pressed.

You thought being the popular girl in high school would get you through life?

You didn’t realize that the nerdy guy would come out on top, did you?

Well, baby…he did. That’s me. 

Billionaire media mogul. Owner of the largest tabloid newspaper in the country.

I make or break careers at the drop of a hat.

And now you work for me. 

Find that hard to believe?

Because the moment I saw you, the past came rushing back.

Everything I thought I forgot came back.

How all I could think of back then was you.

How you didn’t even know I existed.

And when you did, it was to torment me.

Of course you have no idea that loser in high school is the biggest alpha male on the block.

How could you? 

You see a successful billionaire with the body of a Greek god. 

You don’t realize who I used to be.

But I’m going to make you remember. You can bet on it. 

You’re going to realize what it’s like now that the tables are turned.

You’re going to realize what I went through.

And by the time I’m done, you’ll love me as much as I loved you.


I try not to do this too much. ‘This’ being whisking people up and away, taking them to far-off lands for multicourse dinners. It’s a little too Aladdin . It’s a little much and, honestly, not the glamorous fun it seems in the movies.

Here’s the basic truth: I drop more than a hundred grand to make people feel uncomfortable. They’re rarely enjoyably wowed. This might be my fault.

I don’t tell people to bring their passport, bustle people into my private (but shared) plane, and get a last-minute reservation to a Michelin-starred restaurant overseas all because I love them and want more of their company.

I do it only because I see doubt in their eyes. Or, no. It’s not doubt I see, but a look of discovery when they suddenly realize who I am is not what I seem.

Like this one sitting across from me. Her name is Jane, but she seems like an Amber or Topaz. Someone either born into luxury or someone so hungry they grab at opportunities, determined to make one stick.

We met at an event at a TriBecA gallery yesterday. She handed me a glass of sparkling wine and when I went to grab a cocktail napkin, she handed me her headshot folded into a sharp square, small enough to slide into my trouser pocket.

She winked at me. I laughed. Chutzpah can be sexy, but mostly it’s annoying.

Later, I followed her as she walked around the room with a tray full of canapés, each one capped with perfect mounds of shining caviar. When she stopped and turned to look at me, I took one and, before I popped it into my mouth, I asked if she’d get a drink with me when she got off work.

Jane-Amber-Topaz smiled and then she nodded. She turned on her heel and walked to the back of the gallery and through the doors hidden behind a towering sculpture of a faceless man carved in onyx.

A minute later she was next to me. She was wearing dark lipstick and her navy trench was belted tight.

“Let’s go,” she said. I arched a brow and smiled down at her; she was tall, maybe six feet, but I’m taller still and bent slightly toward her.

“Your boss is okay with that?” I asked, my voice low.

“I’m hoping to convince you to be my boss,” she said.

We left, slid into a cab. I let my hand brush her thigh.

“This is about work,” she said, so I removed my hand and nodded, looking out the window. I brushed my hair out of my eyes and tried not to be annoyed. “Ok, let’s start with work. Which one of my businesses are you trying to break into?”

“I’m an investigative reporter,” Jane said, “and Hard Pressed has one of the best teams working right now: the Russian dossier, the CH Jones scandal…well, I guess, I don’t have to tell you about the scoops your team has racked up over the past few years.

I nodded curtly.

“No,” I said, “You don’t.” Jane’s forefinger pulsed on her thigh. She was nervous, but her eyes gleamed with excitement. I asked her, “Are you good? Where have you published?”

“Mostly in mid-market newspapers, but yeah. I’m really good. I’ll send you my clips. But also consider the facts: We didn’t just run into each other, obviously. I sought you out. I hope it doesn’t make you uncomfortable,” she said. She wet her lips with tip of her tongue and continued. “In order to find you, and get you to talk to me, I had to do a small investigation.”

“You could have just made an appointment with my assistant,” I said, feeling fascinated and wary. The air in the cab had gone still.

“We both know you wouldn’t have seen me,” Jane said.

The cabbie leaned on his horn. The moment broken.

The evening went on. We didn’t talk about her investigation. I planned to leave her at the bar and head back to my apartment alone. But she was beautiful and tenacious. I found myself fascinated and curious about what she wanted to happen next.

I listened to her talk and answered some of her questions. We both drank our bourbon neat. When the server brought the bill, I put down my black AmEx card over the bill for our drinks.

“I’m not going to hire you,” I said. “Not like this and not for that team. You want me to admire your gall and I do—to an extent. But finding out where the CEO of a major media group will be on a Wednesday night isn’t a deep dive investigation, a two-penny PI could have done just as well.

“On our investigative team, there are five Pulitzers between them. By asking questions and digging through thousands of files, they brought down one major bank and an online sex trafficking ring. What do you know about these kinds of investigations? You’re a cub reporter, tenacious but green.”

Even in the dark of the bar, I could see the blood rush to her face. At first, I thought she was embarrassed, and expressing it like a kid by blushing from her toes to the roots of her hair, but as the moment stretched I realized she was furious.

“I haven’t told you what I know about you, Stanley,” she said.

I was getting up from the table, but sat back down when I heard her.

“I changed my name,” I said, trying for nonchalance. “I’m not exactly the first person to do that.”

She nodded, smiling slowly.

“Sure, Xavier, that’s true. People change their names and you absolutely look the part of a debonair business god throwing around his black card in a dive bar in the East Village. Xavier is something else, but Stanley is…nothing much.”

I forced a laugh.

“Let’s get out of here,” I said, taking care to keep my voice so low she had to lean slightly forward to hear me.

A slight look of surprise flashed across her face.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

I smiled coolly.

“To your house to grab your passport,” I said. “I assume you have one, Jane.”

She looked me dead in the eye, and belted the last of her bourbon. A sharp nod and then she took off for the door.

We didn’t talk much and then we both slept on the plane. I had the flight attendant bring out Dom Perignon and a bowl of caviar from the Caspian Sea. I told her to use the crystal champagne flutes.

When sudden turbulence caused the plane to jolt, I watched Jane’s full champagne glass fly and smash against the side of the plane. I smiled and asked the flight attendant to bring her another crystal glass filled close to the rim with champagne.

“Let’s try that again,” I said.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“Rome,” I said.

I watched her swallow the wine, the caviar in front of her untouched. She looked out her window and I, finally feeling calm, looked out mine.

Once we landed, I deposited her in the penthouse of the Ritz. Then, later, I sent a chauffeured Rolls Royce to pick her up.

I didn’t prepare her for the luxurious glamor of the dinner. I didn’t offer to buy her a wardrobe full of designer dresses. I was dressed impeccably, tailored suit, cufflinks, a square of silk tucked into my pocket.

Now, she’s seated across from me in a dress that looks like it was bought in a Midwestern mall in 2003. She’s still beautiful, but she’s lost her cocksure attitude.

“You’re not eating, Jane,” I remark, taking a sip of the rare vintage I ordered for us. “Is it okay? Should we call the chef over?”

“It’s perfect,” she says, a note of bitterness obvious.

I incline my head.

She picks up her fork and puts it down again.

“You’ve made your point, Xavier,” she says.

I lift my eyes to hers.

“Let me be very clear, little girl,” I say. “You may think you know me and understand some part of who I am or where I’ve come from. You learned I came from a small town, was raised by a single-mother. You might know every fact of my life, but I am and will always be more than you are: smarter, richer, more powerful, more accomplished. If you cross me, threaten me, follow me, I will—” here I pause and lean back in my chair for effect, “crush you.”

I watch her wilt. I feel both shame and satisfaction.

“Now,” I say, dabbing my lips with the napkin. “We have a few minutes before the plane will be ready to take us back home, should we get dessert?”

I watch her as she lifts her head and squares her shoulders.

“Whatever you like, Xavier.”

Back on my plane, she’s staring out the window while I’m smiling to myself.


I’m not sure why I’m here again, sitting on the black leather chair in this stuffy, cramped waiting room. The guy sitting at the back of the room looks like the receptionist, but he isn’t.

His name is Brock, a douchey name for a douchey guy. He’s the youngest talent agent in this three-person outfit and the one who didn’t get a private office with a door. Everyone who walks in and treats him as if he might be helpful in connecting them with another agent in the office is rudely and pointedly ignored.

Or, if he’s in a playful mood, he looks you up and down and says something like: “My clients are all animals, but I might make an exception for you and your horse’s face” or “you and your bullfrog’s mouth” or “sloth’s hands” or “hippo’s grace” or “cow’s titties” or whatever animal part comes to his mind in the moment.

The poor person who makes the mistake of thinking he’s a decent human being, mostly innocent teenage girls, blink stupidly at him, and then sink into the other chair in the room to wait for their actual agent to stick their head from behind the door and call their names.

The smart ones, however, turn and take off, speeding out the door.

You better run , I always think, but Brock never acknowledge their reactions and goes back to barking into the mouth piece on his headset.

In all my years, sitting in this chair in front of his desk, I’ve never seen him meet with a client himself or close a deal. He must do something, though, because I’ve noticed his clothes have stopped hanging off his body. He looks like a man who eats good food regularly and he carries himself like a man who has a trainer, a masseuse, and a tailor.

I know all this about Brock because I sit here forgotten for hours by my agent, Cheri. I know all this because years ago I was the green and hopeful kid, still sporting my cheerleader-perfect ponytail.

The first morning I walked into this place, I was going to meet with my agent—my agent !—for the first time. I’d tied a red ribbon in my hair that morning, but before I opened the door of my car to walk into the building, I changed my mind. I pulled off the ribbon and slipped it into my black Longchamp bag, a present from my aunt on my nineteenth birthday.

That was years ago—how many? Seven? Ten? Who knows. That was the last promising day of my career. Since then I’ve wasted days of my life on this black plastic chair watching people walk past me with big confident smiles and leave with watery eyes.

Those of us who are veterans of this life will nod at each other. I’ve watched so many of them change from having that snappy walk of an eager dreamer to the more measured clipped movement of the determined, to the resigned forward motion of the person trapped in a tortured loop.

There’s nothing glamorous about this life.

Today, for example, I’ve been waiting for an hour and forty minutes to see a woman who won’t look me in the eye for the whole of our 15-minute meeting. She won’t waste her words on me or help me when I tell her that I haven’t worked as an actor in months. I’ll tell her that I’m starting to lose my will to go on.

I’ll tell her in no uncertain terms, that I wish I was with an agent who took time to work with me or send me to auditions for interesting roles, and she’ll nod along, all the while shifting piles of papers from the left side of her desk to the right. A headset will hang around her neck and she’ll smell like Chanel and stale cigarettes, and I’ll leave without a job and get into my car and drive to Eastern High School where I’ll put in a few hours as the assistant cheer coach.

I shift in my chair and the plastic sticks to the back of my legs. I’ve been here too long, I think. I’m hungry and will be late for practice, so I grab the handle of the old Longchamp bag and get up just as Cheri sticks her head out the door and says, “Allie?”

I lift my hand in greeting, but it feels like sign of defeat. She opens the door a little wider, enough for me to slip around the door into the room filled to bursting with boxes and papers. She gestures at the chair.

“It’s good to see you,” she says to me, but doesn’t look up from her computer screen.

“You too,” I say flatly.

“How’s it going?”

“Well, I wanted to ask you,” I say, bending forward with my elbows on my knees trying to get her attention, while glancing at the computer screen.

“Uh-huh,” she says. “Go on.”

“I haven’t been out for a real audition for a while. It’s been more than two months. The last one was for the commercial for the body spray, remember? Remember, I was allergic to the spray and broke out into hives? Ruined my chances to go out for anything for weeks, but I’m better now.”

I pitch my voice lighter and say lamely, “Look at me; hive-free!”

Cheri doesn;t look at me. She speaks a “ha” sound, because it was a lame joke but she can’t be bothered to pretend to laugh.

“Anyway,” I push on. “Is there anything else? Anything at all? I need to work—things are a little tight right now.”

The noise of keyboard keys being tapped grates on my already frayed nerves.

“I’m just checking something,” she says to me. “There was something I saw and thought of you right away. Ah, yes, here it is.”

She turns her chair and, finally , glances my way. I sit up straighter.

“Have you heard of Hard Pressed ?”

“The cat-list people?” I say, confused.

“Yep,” she says, “same folks. The company is owned by that guy Xavier Baldwin. Super rich and slightly brilliant when it comes to the Internet. For the past couple years, they’ve been in the process of expanding their media brand from cat-lists and clickbait to quizzes and news, and now they’re doing video content. A lot of video content, actually.”

I nod, but I’m not sure what I’m nodding for.

“They’re going to start doing things like humor shorts and entertainment news clips, but they’re also looking for someone to be the face of their new food show. They say it has the potential of being a regular gig, which would be great for you. Tons of exposure and a hot brand behind you, the whole bit.”

“That sounds great,” I say, trying not to get excited. I’ve seen too much disappointment. “I don’t know a ton about food, but I’m a TopChef super-fan.”

“Uh-huh,” Cheri says. Now she’s the one nodding.

“Great,” she says, “that’s super. Maybe draw on that enthusiasm when you meet with them, if you meet with them. But from what they tell me, this gig is going to be less about ‘preparing food’ or ‘cooking’ per se and more about eating stuff. Remember this whole thing is about getting Millennials to click on the videos and share them across their TwitterBooks or SnapGrams or whatever the fuck they care about this week.”


“And if you can get in front of this market and if they like you, you could become a sensation. You know, like the kid that went to the dentist and came back high? Remember that? He kept asking about real life or something?”

“Sure—but he was a child and became an actual meme,” I point out. “Are you saying I’m auditioning at Hard Pressed to be a meme? Can companies engineer memes even?”

“First of all, you’re not auditioning. I told them you’d take it. But they are taking you on as a trial run. If you do well, there’s the potential for a regular gig or maybe another viral content nonsense thing.”

“Cheri, I don’t know—”

“What’s the problem exactly? Is it the paycheck or the possibility of a regular paycheck?” Cheri pushes herself to face the screen again and begins typing.

“I was hoping I would get a chance to go out for a role. You know, to act again?”

“This is acting, kiddo,” she says. She faces me and looks me in the eyes for the first time all morning. “The segment is about eating and talking about gross-out foods—worms and crickets and Soylent, monkey brains and lizard eyes. Shit like that. You’ll eat them after being adorably horrified or whatever the director wants.”

“Cheri—” I feel panic starting.

“Sorry, Allie, I have another client coming in. The shoot starts today.”

I hear the ping of an email from the phone tucked in my bag.

“I just forwarded the information.”

I get up and mumble thank you. I make my way out of the building into the parking lot wondering what I did to deserve this life.


By the next day, I'm deep into work again, observing what’s transpiring in one of the smaller studios at Hard Pressed. We’re growing fast, and we now have quite a few studios here as we continue to produce a variety of media projects. I built this company from scratch and now it’s a fucking empire. Anybody who’s lucky enough to catch a break here will have a major highlight on their resume.

Part of why I’m down here is I like to know what’s going on in all areas of my company. The other part is I know new models have come in today and I want to check them out for myself.

Not only because I want to have my pick and fuck one lucky winner later tonight, but also because I like to think of it as quality assurance. I want only the best of the best in here.

Naturally, I know what will happen with the girls. I'll have one of them on my arm by nightfall. It’s always the same. Just like it was with Jane the other night. I don’t have to do much—fucking anything, really—to have the flavor of the day, then move on.

But that's beside the point.

What matters is that my company stays on top. I worked fucking hard to get here. I used to be somewhat of a nerd with too much knowledge for my own good. I kept my eye on the prize, though, and was determined to make it big.

And here I am.

I'm the boss, built like a gladiator. All eyes turn toward me as I walk deeper into the studio, making my presence known. I'm used to the attention.

I look over the new recruits and I'm happy with what I see. They're gonna give Hard Pressed a new angle, a fresh edge.

This is a small video shoot, something about food, so it's not essential to the brand but it's still important that all the models look good.

I look for the camera crew to go over the details. What can I say? I'm a control freak and I like it that way.

That's when I see her.

Jesus Christ.

It's Allie fucking Baldwin.

No fucking way.

The girl from my past, the girl whose betrayal motivated me to become even more of a success, is here in my studio?

I'd know her anywhere. She's the girl that broke my heart, the one that got away. She and I have a sordid past but today she’s right here in front of me. She looks even better than I remember.

This girl jaded me when we were younger. She took my virginity, and I supposedly took hers. But afterwards, I found out from this girl named Becky that Allie had an STD and didn't tell me. Luckily, I came out clean but it was a close call. What really hurt about that shit, though, was that she lied to me. Said I was the only guy she’d ever been with. That it was special.

I trusted this girl. Allie and I were friends and I thought we had something real. Sure, it was a high school thing, but that kind of stuff sticks with you. It’s sure as fuck stuck with me. It’s formative, really.

Looking at her now in the middle of all her model friends, just laughing and enjoying life, my cock stirs just like it always did. I feel attracted to her despite myself. I also feel extremely angry.

I've always resented what she did to me and though I never thought I'd see her again, now that she's here in my very own studio, I can't not want her.

I just keep watching her and even though she sees me too, I feel sure she doesn't recognize me, or even remember me if the way she treated me was any indication. I was a nerd in high school.

I've changed a lot, so much that I’m likely unrecognizable. I went from being a nobody with an ingenious mind, to a billionaire somebody.

I've definitely made something of my life. I used all my genius and filtered it in the right ways. I own this company, and it’s a fucking media empire. Allie really lost out when she betrayed me.

I walk up to the videographer and ask him about the new girl. I have to make sure it's her. Although who can mistake that fantastic body?

She was a cheerleader back then and fucking stunning, I guess she's trying to make in the modeling world. I imagine it's not a smooth transition; the competition's tough out here. I just can’t believe that she’s not only in Manhattan, but in my studio.

"Who's the new girl, Mario?" I ask him.

"Which one? We have so many, per your request," he says.

How could he not know who I'm talking about? Allie is obviously the most beautiful of all those models. Her blonde hair is flowing over her shoulders and she has a tight little body that I'd love to pound my cock into.

Despite all my aggression towards her, I still want to fuck her into oblivion, just to make her understand what she's missing. I want to make her the one that leaves with me tonight. I want to fuck her. Then I want to walk away and make her the one who lost out.

She can have me for a night or two but that’s all. I’m just not that way with women. I won’t let myself get involved beyond that. Especially not with Allie.

In fact, she should be honored I even want to go to bed with her. After what she did, she doesn't deserve a second glance from me. But she's so gorgeous I just can't resist taking one more taste of her.

The photographer looks over his notes to find out her name.

"Um, the blonde one, let's see, her name is Allie. She’s an up-and-coming model and it doesn't look like she's done anything significant. She works for the agency called The Galaxy."

She works for The Galaxy. That's an agency I've never heard of which, means it must not be that important. I know all the big players in town and that company's definitely not on my list.

It makes me think that she's a struggling model. She's an unknown. And I actually wonder how she's able to afford to live in New York City without proper representation.

My eyes are on her and her eyes are on mine. There’s an almost tangible connection energizing the air between us. The difference is, I know who she is and she obviously doesn't remember me.

I'm gonna make her pay for that.

I tell the photographer, "I want you to make sure you're tough on her today. I want to see how she does under pressure."

He nods his head as I walk away. I want to make Allie suffer. I don't know what this sudden urge is to see her in pain, but it's consuming me.

I have a vision of her at prom, directly after we slept together. I changed schools but decided to at least attend the end-of-the-year prom. And it was there I thought about giving Allie a second chance, only to see her all over the quarterback. Right after she and I had sex, she was flaunting her love for this other guy. I wonder if he knew about her STD?

The fact that she would go around sleeping with so many guys and not tell them about her disease, well it speaks volumes about her character. I judged her all wrong back then, having no idea what kind of person she really is. But now that she's here, I have a new opportunity to make her pay. I'm gonna teach her a lesson, show her you can't get away with treating people so carelessly. Tossing them away, just like she did with me.

I turn and stalk out of the studio with conflicted feelings. I'm not normally one for revenge; this aggression towards Allie is uncommon. I'm not sure what to do with it. I know I need to punish her, I'm just not sure how.

I'm need to formulate a plan.

I leave her to the video shoot. It's an insignificant one. I don't even know how she got booked with this company considering her agency is unknown. I'm gonna have to talk to my vetting staff.

I feel anxious, adrenaline coursing through my veins, because even though I want to torment Allie, I also have this irrepressible desire for her. I guess I've never fully gotten over the cheerleader that almost damaged my life forever. And who taught me her own lesson—to harden my heart.

She was incredible back then and she seems to be now, but what most people don't realize is that Allie isn’t what she seems. To do what she's done to me, well it means she has not one scrap of dignity or integrity, and that's something she just can't get away with.

I decide right then that I'm gonna turn her life upside down, just like she did to mine.

As I walk from the studio to the elevator that goes up to my penthouse apartment, I can only think about Allie.

Fuck, she's taken over my mind already.

What gives me some small satisfaction is knowing that I've made it in the world and she hasn't.

I'm at the top and she's at the bottom. My, how the tables have turned. She used to be the charismatic cheerleader that had the world at her fingertips. Unlimited potential. And me? I was the lovelorn teenager who was obsessed with her. The token nerd. I had the brilliant mind, she had the brilliant body.

Now, I tower over her in every sense. I smile to myself. I’m about to have a hell of good time getting to know this Allie and making her beg for me.


Finally, I can breathe. I've just finished the shoot with Hard Pressed . It was definitely not as bad as I thought it would be.

I love modeling and being on camera. It's during those moments that I realize I'm in the right career, even if things have been hard. Because even though I signed with a bad agent, I still have a love for the profession and that's what propels me forward. Keeps me pursuing dreams that the less passionate would have given up long ago.

This is finally a quality, high-paying job, and I'm grateful for the work. I only wish I could be doing this sort of thing every single day.

Back in a little dressing room, I take down my hair and gather my things together.

It's no easy work being a model. I guess I've learned that the hard way. Jobs for me are hard to come by and yet I know I deserve better. If only there was a way to make a name for myself.

In high school, my talents always came easily to me. I never had to work very hard at being popular, or being a cheerleader. But now, in the real world, as I try to make my dreams come true, I'm starting to see that it's a lot harder than it appears.

I look in the mirror. My makeup is applied perfectly, as they had a professional do it, so I think I'm in a keep it on for the day even if it is a little much. I take off my outfit, though, and fit my slim body into an oversized T-shirt and some black leggings.

I was kind of dreading today and I don't know why. Hard Pressed is a great place to work and I'm wondering if maybe there's a more permanent position for me here like my agent suggested.

They do a variety of media. And I think with such a big company, there might be a place for me to stand out.

I walk out through the hallway and run into a couple of producers.

"You did really good today, Allie," one producer says.

"Yeah, we like you a lot," another one says. "I think you might have potential here for more gigs. We'd love to see you again, and we'll contact your agent."

When they're gone, I allow myself to feel just elated. If I didn't have such a crummy agent, I'd be even more excited. If these producers do contact me for more work, I just certainly hope Cheri does her job and gets back to me. What I’d really love is to be able to sign directly with Hard Pressed and avoid Cheri altogether.

Some of the other actors and the crew are milling about, and I join them.

"Hey Allie," one actor says. "You did really good today. I think the shoot will be a huge success."

"Yeah, same to you. I never knew that Hard Pressed was such a cool company."

One of the other girls smiles at me. "I've been doing work for them for two years, and it's always an absolute joy to work here. I think you should come on board as a permanent member of the team, Allie, you'd love it."

Inside, I'm beaming. She doesn't even know how much I love hearing that. My time in the modeling world has been strained, to say the very least. Because I have such a terrible agent, I just can't score the kind of high-quality jobs I know I'm worth.

"Well, you guys," I say, "I'm actually hoping for a more permanent position here. I have an awful agent and I'm trying to avoid her at all costs."

"Are you bound to her by a contract?" the actress asks me.

"Yes, I am. Do you think it will be a problem?" I ask.

One of the crewmembers says, "It can cause a lot of problems. I've seen models come and go but whenever they break a contract with their agent, well, it turns out bad. An agent can sue you for breach of contract and any number of things to ruin your life."

His words rattle me. I knew it might be hard to get around my contract, but I didn't realize it would be such an imposition. How am I supposed to get ahead in my career when I'm bound to this terrible agent who doesn't seem to care about me at all?

I'm losing precious time. Right now, I should be at the height of my career. I should be getting job offers left and right. Instead, I find myself scrambling for even a little bit of good work.

"Well, I have to find a way around it. I wish I'd known she was a terrible agent before I signed."

"That's what they all say," the crewmember says. "Just be careful, Allie, because you can really get into trouble."

I appreciate his concern but I’m suddenly committed to the fact that I have to get out of this contract if it means I could have a chance at something permanent with Hard Pressed . Because I can’t rely on Cheri for that.

We continue to chat and to exchange stories. I love being surrounded by other people in the business. They can offer up really good advice and their success is inspiring.

Even the crewmembers seem to know more about what goes on around here than the management. Being on the scene of a real working set is so motivating.

"Hey, Allie," one of the actors says. "How'd you get into this business anyway?"

"Me? Well let's see, I was scouted, I guess you could say, by my agency. They saw me in high school and said I have the perfect form to be a model. I signed with them blindly, not even thinking to investigate their reputation. My agent was so smooth, and she seemed like she was telling the truth. Unfortunately, she doesn't get me as many gigs as I need."

It's the same old sob story I think everyone's already heard a million times over. I was a naïve girl anxious to get into the industry with the first person who approached me. I should've done a background check on my agent before I signed a contract with her. I should've known my worth and applied to some of the bigger agencies in town that have a better reputation.

But hindsight is everything. Now that I've learned my lesson, I just have to figure out what to do next.


It’s incredible. Almost inspiring. I'm watching Allie from across the room, and she's become the focal point of the entire cast and crew. Everyone seems to love her. She's as charismatic as she’s ever been.

Halfway up to my penthouse, I stopped the elevator and came back down, needing to put my new plan into immediate action.

Seeing her here in the middle of the group, getting along with everyone so effortlessly, reminds me of high school and the way she used to be popular back then. She's never had to work hard for a single fucking thing in her life, unlike me.

I feel so jaded by her and so deceived, and yet looking at her now, I find myself having salacious thoughts. It’s like my brain and my cock aren’t communicating. Even though I know her soul is ugly, her body's fucking hot.

She's wearing nothing but a baggy t-shirt and black pants that define her slim frame. Even in that, she makes me hard.

And there's nothing I appreciate more than a beautiful woman. I guess you could say I'm a womanizer, but I couldn’t fucking care less.

I've come such a far way, down such a long road, to build this empire. I deserve all the riches at the top, including the hottest women.

Unlike Allie, I always had to struggle for friends and for affection. I was the nerd in high school who possessed a genius intellect but had a lack of friends. Seeing Allie interact with my cast and my crew this way brings up those feelings of resentment.

I want her to struggle. I want her to know how I felt being at the bottom of the totem pole. A part of me wants to punish her.

I stride over to where she's talking to her newfound friends. They all start to whisper as I come towards them.

Being the CEO and the billionaire boss of this whole operation, well, it affords me a certain amount of presence. Everyone knows when I walk into a room. I write their paychecks. And at this point, I’m quickly becoming famous in this town.

"Hello, everyone," I say. "Today was a really nice shoot. Thank you, all of you, for your cooperation and for your patience."

She's looking at me with big eyes and I know I have her right where I want her. The cast and crew scatter when I show up. I have that effect on people. My authority radiates from me, and I don't mind that people feel nervous around me. It gives me an air of power, something I plan on using against Allie right now.

She introduces herself confidently, and again I wonder where she gets that kind of natural charisma that I’ve worked so hard to develop.

"Hello, sir, I'm Allie Baldwin. I don't think we've met yet."

I can't even believe my ears. I mean, I suspected she didn’t recognize me earlier, but now, up close, she really doesn't remember me? I guess I shouldn't blame her. I look completely different from my younger version. I've grown up now. I'm much taller and pure muscle. Nothing like the geeky kid she used to know.

I shouldn't expect her to remember me, but it still pisses me off that she doesn't.

She's gazing at me with intense, hungry eyes and I can tell I have the same effect on her that I do on everyone else. She wants it bad. At least one thing's for sure—she'll never forget me again by the time I’m done with her.

I will not, however, give her the benefit of knowing who I truly am. This isn’t the right time to reveal the fact that I'm geeky Stanley Armstrong from her past, now only known as Xavier.

I smile charmingly and say, "Hi, Allie, I’m your new boss. One of the higher-ups."

I purposely don’t give her my official title. I can't have her knowing that not only am I a higher-up, but I'm the CEO of the whole fucking company. My identity can't be revealed to Allie just yet.

It gives me such pleasure to say I’m her boss. Pretty soon I'm going to be her boss in more ways than one. In all the ways that count.

Even though she jilted me in the past, I’m so attracted to her right now that it's the only I can think about. The sexual tension is practically sizzling between us. She wants me...bad, just like all the other women.

It's not surprising, and I even though I plan to let her in between my sheets, that's as far as it will ever go.

What Allie doesn't know is if she had stayed true to me, I would've given her the whole goddamn world. I've become a booming success and the fact that she left me in high school, well, that's her problem now. She's obviously struggling for modeling jobs, while I'm at the pinnacle of my career. The knowledge is satisfying.

"I'm overseeing this shoot," I say, not wanting to reveal too much truth.

"Oh," she says, her eyes lighting up. "I just want you to know that I had a lovely time working for your crew today and I think it would be so great to work with you in the future. If you ever have any other jobs come up where you need to have a blonde model step in, I'd love to be your go-to girl."

"My go-to girl?" I say as my eyes feast upon her body, and I give her a smirk. "You can be my go-to girl anytime you want."

My words are laced with heavy undertones, and I know she gets the innuendo. She wants me just as badly as I want her.

I can't help it. She's fucking stunning, even more beautiful than when we were in high school. I have to get a piece of her, and then I'll leave her just like she left me.

"Well, I'd love to get to know you a little bit better," she says. "Maybe you can tell me more about Hard Pressed ?"

Yeah, she wishes. I'm sure she would love to get to know me better, as all women do. She lost her chance. But I'm still willing to claim her and to show her what she's been missing, and only when the moment's right will I reveal who I truly am.

I can't wait to see her face when she discovers that I've turned into a billionaire bad boy.

It’s the perfect opening, and I decide it's time to put my deceitful plan into action. Allie hurt me in the past, and I intend to hurt her in the future.

"Sure, I'd love to get to know you better too. Will you have lunch with me tomorrow? Say around noon?"

She looks excited, and something about that makes me fucking angry. She really doesn't know who I am, and I'm gonna have to make her pay for that.

"Yes, I'd love to!" she says.

She's like all the other women, pining for my attention. It's just too damn easy sometimes.

"Okay, meet me at the restaurant Blackwell's. You know it?"

She nods. "Yeah, the fine dining restaurant downtown. Right?"


I smile and turn away, chuckling to myself. Little does she know what I have in store for her. This is all part of my warped plan. If she wants to get to know me, she's about to get to know the dark side.


The scent of my signature perfume surrounds me as I walk naked from my bathroom to my bedroom. I want to take more care than usual with my body, my hair and makeup in preparation for my lunch with that mysterious man, the higher up in Hard Pressed .

In my anxiousness to get to know him, I'm not even sure I got his name. How embarrassing. I'm going to have to find it out somehow without appearing too obvious.

As it is I've ripped through my entire closet trying to find the perfect outfit. Not only is this guy in a position of power where he might be able to help my career, but he's fucking hot.

He's like six foot five of pure male muscle. I long to have his strong arms and his hard body wrapped around me. He's all I’ve thought about since I met him yesterday.

There's something brooding about him that I find completely irresistible. He stares at me with a level of intensity that nobody ever has.

It’s part of why I'm determined to make a really good impression at lunch and prove myself worthy of his attention. I'd give anything for this date to turn into something more. So I’m dressing the part.

I pull on a tight, red leather skirt and a sleeveless white silk top. I have the body to wear just about anything, one of the perks of being a model, even a struggling one.

I slip on some designer heels that I purchased on consignment. It's hard to make rent, let alone go shopping.

I apply fake eyelashes and a swipe of red lipstick before tossing my hair and setting out to meet him at this restaurant called Blackwell's.

It's not a place I could afford on my own normal budget, but I'm anticipating he'll splurge for the bill. Even if he doesn't, I need this meeting, both for my career and for my underserviced sex drive.

Just then my best friend Lindsay calls on the phone.

I tap the phone to answer. "Hey, Lindsay…yeah, I'm just getting ready for my date with that guy. You know what’s crazy? I didn't even catch his name."

I put her on speaker so that I can finish getting ready.

"Well, from what you already told me, it sounds like you're more interested in his body than his name," she laughs.

"Hey,” I say with a laugh of my own. “I mean, you're right. He’s crazy fucking hot. But I’m interested in more than just sex.”

“Yeah,” Lindsay says, and I can practically hear her smirk. “A job.”

She’s right. That’s most important. But I can’t help thinking about all the possibilities of what could come from this date. He was so charming, and it seems like he’s into me, but he also seems like the kind of guy who could get any woman anytime he wants, and he probably does. I need to keep my head on straight.

"Well, first things first, you have to find out the size of his package." she's laughing really hard now.

"I'll give you that," I laugh. "But judging by the size of his body, his package has gotta be huge."

For a second my eyes glaze over with the image of how big his cock must be. I hope I get a chance to not just touch it but to taste it too.

God, this guy has me infatuated. I can't help but think of him like this. I'm almost giddy, and that’s crazy because normally I don't get like this about men.

"Lindsay, I gotta go. My date's in like fifteen minutes and I still have to make my way downtown."

"Okay, girl, I want notes on everything."

"You got it."

I find a nearby car on an app on my phone and wait curbside for it to arrive. It's New York City so nothing takes long, but least I have a couple moments to just breathe in the city and to contemplate what's ahead of me. I'm really nervous for this date. That never happens to me. Normally I'm fully confident in everything I do.

The car arrives and I get in and have him take me to Blackwell's. The driver gives me a strange look, taking in the way I'm dressed, and I wonder if he knows that I can't really afford a place like that?

It's no matter. I can fit in wherever I go. It's one of my myriad of talents, I just need to draw on that inner confidence.

The drive downtown does me good. I never tire of seeing what's going on in the city. NYC has such an infectious air of excitement and venture. I love living here.

Pretty soon the car pulls up to the restaurant. It's on a corner and it's the kind of place that screams you better have a membership or you're not getting in here .

I pay the driver and he peels out, anxious to get to another client. I prepare myself to see this mystery man once again.

I walk up to the hostess like I own the place.

"Hi, I'm Allie Baldwin," I say. "I should have a reservation here with...someone."

I feel so embarrassed that I don't even know my date's name. I probably can’t even get in here without it. What am I gonna do? Hopefully, he sees me standing here and rescues me. Hopefully, he's arrived first.

"Oh, I'm sorry," the hostess says insincerely. "Your name's not on the list."

With that, she turns her back on me and I feel like absolute rubbish. No one likes to get turned away from an upscale restaurant. What was he thinking inviting me here without giving me his name?

I walk back outside, but it’s freezing standing on the sidewalk in my little skirt. Fuck. What am I gonna do now? Well, I either have to call another car and not have this date that I really need to have or I have to stand out here waiting until he comes to find me. Either way, it's not a good look.

Just as I'm wondering what to do my phone pings and I notice there's a text...from him.

Hi, it's Xavier. Where are you? You're not here at the restaurant.

Xavier? So that's his name. What is he even talking about? Also, how did he get my number? I’m sure it’s available somewhere within the company. I try not to read too much into the fact that he took the time to find it.

But seriously, this is the restaurant we clearly discussed yesterday. There must be some confusion.

I tell him as much.

Hey Xavier. I'm here at the restaurant Blackwell's where we discussed the meeting. Have I somehow gotten the name wrong?

I wait impatiently. I'm standing on a street corner in front of Blackwell's looking very cold and very out of place. I know I've gotten the place right because he was very specific about it.

No. You've got the wrong place. I’m at The Amsterdam uptown.

Oh my God. No way.

I know he never mentioned that to me. I don't want to insist that I'm right and start an argument before we’ve even had our meeting, though, so I order another car and get in to make my way uptown.

I only hope this hasn’t ruined my chances with Xavier.


I can’t keep the smirk off my face as I sit waiting at the uptown restaurant called The Amsterdam. I deliberately told Allie the wrong place, and damn, does it feel so good.

I saw the opportunity yesterday, and I took it. My plan to make Allie pay for the things she did in high school is practically falling into place all on its own.

Sending her to the other side of town is a direct throwback to her standing me up in high school on what was supposed to be our first date.

I still can't believe she did that, but now she's gonna get a taste of her own medicine.

What makes this all the sweeter is that I can tell Allie really wants me. Her pussy is probably aching to have me inside of her and that makes this revenge even sweeter.

I plan to fuck with her as much as possible before revealing my true identity. This misdirection today is just phase one of what's gonna go down.

I order an expensive scotch on the rocks and just wait. I hope she's scurrying around town, frantic to get me. She's probably so unsure of what happened and thinking that she made a mistake.

I laugh to myself and think about how enjoyable this is going to be for me. I want to make her squirm and I want to make her feel some of the pain and confusion of being stood up.

I wait for what seems like a fucking eternity. Doesn't she know I have better things to do with my day than to wait on her? As the clock ticks by and my time is wasted, I become increasingly more and more angry.

By the time she's ushered into the restaurant and takes a frenzied seat across from me, I'm really pissed.

"Where have you been?" I say angrily. "My time is money and I don't have time to sit here and wait for someone who can't even get the destination right."

I hope I make her feel bad. I hope she thinks it's all her fault and is eager to make it up to me.

"Oh my God, Xavier, I'm so sorry. I really thought it was at Blackwell's. I thought we had discussed—"

I cut her off before she can make up any more excuses. Deep inside, I know it's not her fault, but I also know it feels so good to take my anger out on her. Suddenly, years’ worth of pain is boiling to the surface and I just want to make her pay for all of it.

"Well, next time maybe you should double check with me about the location," I say between gritted teeth.

She gazes down and plays with her fingers, somber as ever. For half a second, it breaks my heart to see her sad, but I quickly regain my composure.

She doesn't deserve a solitary moment of empathy for me. I remember why I’m doing this. This is all her fault and I'm going to make her pay for how she treated me all those years ago.

The idea of it makes my cock twitch and harden against my pants. I'm aching to take my torment out on her sexy little body. The question is, when will it happen?

"Well, at least you're here now," I say, visibly calmer but still the one in charge.

Then I call the waiter over and order an expensive bottle of wine.

Allie attempts to lighten the mood by saying, "So I finally found out your name, Xavier. I never actually caught your name yesterday."

Yeah, and it was fucking intentional. But of course I don't tell her that.

"So, what got you into modeling?" I ask, completely ignoring her comments about my name.

"Well," she shifts uncomfortably in her chair, "I used to be a competitive cheerleader and my agent found me that way, while scouting."

I'm glad to see that she's uncomfortable around me. She should be. I plan on using my dominance over her in a way that she can’t begin to imagine.

"Something about the way you said that makes me feel like you're not happy being a model," I say, pouring her some wine.

She looks at me and says, "Can I be honest with you?"

"Of course."

"I love modeling. And acting. I feel like it's what I've been called to do. But I have a shoddy agent. She never goes out of her way to do anything to advance my career, and honestly, she's made my career almost intolerable."

Her admission confirms what I suspected—that she's a struggling model, not successful at all. I can’t make myself give a fuck about that. In fact, I take an almost perverse pleasure in it.

My, how the tables have turned. Now I'm the one with all the power and she's the one asking me for favors. I'm sure she's dying to get into my company.

"Oh, you were a cheerleader?" I say as if I don't already know, injecting condescension into my voice. "That's got to be a tough transition from cheerleading to modeling. They're not exactly the same thing."

My words seem to sting her the wrong way. She looks down again and plays with her napkin.

"I mean, I know it's a tough industry to crack. I just thought that maybe I could do it. I like to perform and to be on camera."

I've tortured her enough. I'll give her what she wants. And I'll give her the truth. Some of it anyway.

"Well, you're certainly gorgeous enough to be a model," I say, knowing my words will soothe her.

She looks up at me hopefully and the sparks begin to fly. There's definitely sexual tension between us. There always has been. But now that we've each grown up, our chemistry is on fucking fire.

We finish lunch and I decide it's time to get a taste of Allie once more.

"This was a nice lunch, Allie, but I'm not done with you yet. Would you like to come up to my apartment for a few drinks?"

She's not gonna say no. I'm not gonna be disappointed. I'm never disappointed in women. They always want only one cock.

And Allie's no different.

It’s almost too easy.

"I'd love to," she says, the expression on her face making it clear she knows full well that I intend to fuck her up there.

Game on.


I have Allie right where I want her. I confused the fuck out of her by switching restaurants. Now she's experienced what it's like being stood up.

She stood me up in high school and I've done it to her now. What she doesn't understand is this is just the beginning of my tactics against her. I will be her downfall and she's gonna wish she never met me.

But for the time being, I might as well suck the marrow out of this moment and take her home with me. I have no intention of letting her go when she looks this good, all dressed up only for me.

I lead her out of the restaurant and into the waiting limo, where I can't wait to get my hands on her. I have all this built-up aggression and tension that I need to express somehow.

"Wow, is this your limousine?" she asks as I open the door for her.

She's probably never seen a man with the kind of money I have. Little does she know that I'm actually the owner of the company that she's vying to work for. And little does she know how much I demand control in every area of my life, including her.

But she’s about to find out.

"It's the company's," I lie.

Of fucking course, this is my limousine. It's one of many that I own. I only travel in style and she'll come to understand that. She might realize the truth too late—after I've fucked her and left her and jilted her just like she did to me.

Once inside the car, my carnal desires take over. I waste no time. She knows exactly why she got in my limo.

No need to disappoint.

I spread her legs and get down between them so that I have access to her sweet pussy that I haven't tasted in so goddamn long.

Yes, she was my first time and yes, it was amazing back then, but obviously, I've become a fucking predator in bed since then. I’m the best any woman's ever had, and Allie's about to experience that.

Lucky girl.

I open her legs wider and trail kisses along the inside of her thighs so that I have her trembling in excited anticipation.

I plunge my tongue into her pussy that is sopping wet, already aching for me.

I suck her clit and swirl my tongue around and around the sensitive bud until she opens up to me like a flower.

I probe and prod my way into her with my tongue, licking up all the sweet juices, her nectar.

She tastes fucking perfect, and honestly, it's the sweetest, most beautiful pussy I've ever seen. Not that I’ll ever admit that to her.

She tastes so fucking good and it turns me on so much to go down on her like this in the back of the limo.

She's moaning and crying out, clenching the leather seats with her fingernails.

I keep at it. I trail my tongue up and down her pussy lips and tease her swollen clit until I know she's on the brink of explosion.

She pulls at my hair and her nails scratch my back. She's got her legs wrapped around my neck, holding me in some sort of lockdown move like she doesn’t want me going anywhere.

Don’t worry, baby, I’m in this for the duration.

This girl could be a fucking wrestler with the way she's clamping down on me. Who knew such strength could be contained in such a tiny little thing like Allie?

I love that she's using all of her might to prevent the torturous pleasure I entice, to keep herself from coming when I know she fucking wants it, and yet for all of her effort, I still dominate her easily. Maybe that submission is what she's trying to prevent, trying to run from.

She's clenching her legs down on my shoulders and her whole body is trying to resist exploding into my mouth. Why is she resisting? Am I too much for her? But I already know the answer to that, don’t I?

The orgasm I'm about to give her will be so fucking powerful and earth-shattering that she'll wonder what happened. She'll see what she's been missing with other guys and I'll become her new obsession. Just watch.

She's trembling and vibrating and calling my name. With a few more flicks of my tongue around her clit, she finally lets go and releases into my mouth. I suck down all her sweet juices, every last drop. It turns me on so much to do this to women, especially Allie. Her cum is like fucking ambrosia.

She's shaking and calling out my name and has me centered between her legs. I can only imagine what pleasures are shattering reality as she knows it. I really am that fucking good.

The driver probably hears her cries and I try to muffle her moans with the palm of my hand.

"Oh, Xavier. God, fuck."

I love to hear her call my name, but she doesn't even know who I really am. If I told her I who I am right now, I wonder if she'd be having the same reaction?

Would she cry for Stanley as much as she is crying for Xavier? With this tongue of mine? I have no doubt.

She closes her legs as I come up for a breath. I kiss her so that she can taste herself on my lips. This sweet and salty mix excites us both. I can't wait to get her back to my penthouse.

I press the button for the partition to come down between the driver and us.

"Henry, can you step on it?"

He smirks like he's heard all of what's gone on back here. It’s not like it’s the first time.

"Sure thing, Xavier, sure thing."

She's sitting next to me, her body all flushed and quivering, releasing the waves, tension, and pleasure.

What Allie doesn't know is that this is just the beginning. I'm gonna fuck her so hard that she's gonna forget her own name.

For now, I reach for the limo bar and make us both a drink. I can tell she's gonna need it in order to keep up with me.

"Whiskey?" I ask.

"Do I need it?" she says.


I pour us both a drink and she takes her whiskey down as a shot.

Henry winds the car through the city streets until at last, we're at my building.

Allie looks up at from the open sunroof.

"You live here?" she asks.

I laugh. The wonderment on her face tells me all I need to know. She's in awe of me already and she doesn't even know the half of it.

She probably thinks I own one of the apartments on the lower levels. Little does she know I have the entire top floor, the penthouse.

Allie doesn't know who I am, and she’s already seeing what she's been missing. She shouldn't have abandoned me and treated me like she did in high school. Or she might've been my wife by now.

The limo arrives and I help her out of the car. I fully intend on dragging her upstairs and making her mine. I'm gonna show her even more of what she's been missing, and when she finds out it’s been me all along and that she can't have me anymore, her heart is gonna be crushed.

That's my ultimate desire, to crush Allie.

We walk past the doorman and I just hope he doesn't call me Mr. Armstrong. I can't have Allie figuring out my last name or this whole game will be over. I don't need to have my identity blown by a fucking doorman.

I hurry past him with a swift nod and then I have her in the elevator.

Once inside, I immediately start undressing her. That limo ride has me all worked up with my own tension that can't be ignored—my rock hard cock.

"Xavier, what are you doing? Someone could come in and see us."

Is she telling me what to do? I don't fucking think so, baby.

I continue what I'm doing, pulling at her clothes until her top is off.

"This is a private elevator," I breathe into her ear.

No one's gonna be walking in on us, not that I'd care if they did.

The doors open and my penthouse is on full display. She's halfway undressed as she walks into the space and takes in a swift breath.

"Holy shit, Xavier. You live here?"

"I do," is all I say.

I don't owe her an explanation. She can sit there and wonder how I can afford all this as much as she wants. But she's not gonna get an inch of truth from me. My plan is all about deception and I'm sure as fuck not gonna reveal the truth now.

Besides, I have other things on my mind—like getting Allie into my oversized bed as quickly as possible and fucking her brains out.

Seeing her walk around my place, semi-undressed, makes my cock throb hard at the prospect of being with her once again. It’s been years since I’ve been inside of her sweet pussy, and I have every intention of making this an unforgettable occasion now.

Suddenly, I can hardly take another minute of not being inside of her. The elevator doors whoosh shut and we’re left staring at each other in anticipation.

She's my little prisoner now. And she's about to find out how much that turns me on.


He pulls me into his bedroom with a sense of urgency. I still can't believe what I'm seeing. This guy, this great, incredible, sexy as hell guy lives here? That means he's a fucking millionaire, at the very least.

I've scored by being with him. I mean, I'm not out for money, but who doesn't like to be wine and dined?

He lives in the penthouse of one of the most exclusive buildings in town. How did I not see this coming? The limo, his demeanor, everything screams money. I just never expected he had so much of it.

I can tell this guy's a player but right now he's got me so under his thrall that I know I'll give in to his every request. It's not usual for me to be so weak in the knees, but you would be too if 6'5 of pure chiseled muscle was dragging you into his penthouse bedroom.

He made me come in the limo and I'm about to come now just thinking of what I’m sure has to be a massive cock entering me.

He's literally dragging me down the hall to his master bedroom. I feel kind of enclosed up here. He owns the whole goddamn floor. It's just me and him, and his aggressive nature right now is making me feel a little lust-drunk.

But why does he seem so angry? Is this what he gets off on?

I don't want to question it too much because his anger is actually turning me on. It doesn't make sense to me but the energy of it is so fucking hot.

"I can't believe you live here," I say.

"Well believe it," he says with a tone of annoyance in his voice

Why do I always have to go for the bad boys? Xavier has a lot of money, which means he's used to getting what he wants.

Especially when he looks like he does. I'm sure nobody ever says no to him, and I'm certainly not about to be the first. But there's a certain air of entitlement that he’s giving off.

He pulls me inside the bedroom. It's all deep colors, blacks and grays. The bed is huge. It's more than oversized. It's the biggest bed I've ever seen.

There are mirrors all around and it's a really fucking sexy atmosphere. With the press of a button, he closes all the blinds and it's nearly pitch black in here. He turns on some low lighting, and it's like the sexiest scene you've ever seen, straight out of a movie.

He pushes me down on the bed and proceeds to remove the rest of my clothing. He unhooks my bra and I catch my breath as I realize what's about to happen.

Sure, he went down on me in the limo, but that's not what I was really craving. What I'm craving is his massive cock inside of me. I'm just waiting to get a good look at it.

He takes off his shirt to reveal rippling abs. He must have an eight-pack, and that delightful V that leads to his cock is on full display.

He's tanned and gorgeous. And his tall frame is dwarfing my own and suddenly, I feel so small under his weighty stature.

He pulls off my thong and soon I'm naked and sprawled out on his bed.

He's wearing only his pants, and I watch with wide eyes as he walks to a drawer where he pulls out a blindfold.

"I want you to wear this," he says with authority.

I'm not gonna back down from that. I'll do whatever he says as long as he promises to fuck me soon. I'm aching for it.

I've never had sex while blindfolded before, but hey, there's a first time for everything. He slips the silk mask over my eyes, and now I can't see anything. The room was already dark but now it's completely black.

He flips me over so that I'm on my knees and then he pulls my ass back so I’m at the edge of the bed, giving him perfect access. I hear him remove his clothes and I'm waiting on all fours with anticipation.

What's it gonna feel like? How big is he?

Soon my questions are answered because I feel what's got to be no less than ten inches of perfect cock enter me from behind. He's not slow at all. He slams right into me, fucking me with a vengeance, as if he despises me and as if he wants to punish me. What's with that?

Despite the fact that I shouldn't like it, I do. A lot.

I want more of it. I want all of his aggression to be taken out on me.

It feels so damn good. Imagine being fucked by the biggest cock you've ever seen, and you'll know a little bit about where I'm at.

I clutch his sheets with my hands, trying to steady myself under his force. The onslaught of fucking, of his pushing down into me it's almost too much. Almost.

My pussy is spreading, stretching, trying to accommodate his thick length. I moan into the sheets, unable to see anything, only feel, and only sense.

What I sense is a connection between us. Maybe it's primal, maybe it's lust-driven...or maybe it's something else, something more real?

No matter what I feel going on between us, I can’t imagine what I ever did to merit this kind of aggression. But hey, I'm not gonna argue because it feels really fucking amazing.

He grabs my ass as he drives into me over and over. His long shaft moves powerfully in and out, in and out. His thrusting throws me off guard as he's hitting my G-spot like he owns it—and me.

He slaps my ass a couple times and it hurts so good. I know my skin must be turning red with his hand mark but it all adds to the sensation of complete sexiness.

He fucks me for a long time and it gets to the point where I don't think I can hold back any longer. I'm about to come from him hitting my G-spot so perfectly. And it's gonna be fucking explosive.

I don’t know if I’ve ever have an orgasm as big as what I can feel building deep inside me.

"Say my name, Allie, say it," he says through gritted teeth.

"Xavier, yes, Xavier," I moan.

"Tell me how bad you want this. Tell me I'm the only one you ever wanted," he says.

Even though we've only recently met, saying that statement feels pretty true. I've never wanted a guy as desperately as this. I've never been fucked like this.

"I want only you, Xavier. Please, make me come," I say.

"Not yet," he says.

He continues to drive his massive cock in and out of my pussy. Even though I haven't seen it, I've felt every forceful inch. I'm starting to feel stretched and spent just from the sheer amount of impact.

His momentum feels so good as he pounds his cock against my G-spot. I feel the eruption start to go off in my body like a volcano and I don't think I can contain it anymore. I started to finger myself, hoping that touching my clit will help me ride the incredible tidal wave that's coming.

"I can't hold back, Xavier. I have to come," I say.

"Fine," he says.

I'm blindfolded and the world is dark and all I know right now is the delicious feeling of his giant cock inside of me, torturing me with pleasure.

The sensation is so powerful, and so amazing, and I finally give myself over to the skyrocketing sensations of bliss.

I come hard, a body-wracking orgasm that starts deep inside, and trust me, it's the explosion of a lifetime. The world starts to spin even though everything is black.

I feel dizzy as I come around his cock. Reality begins to fade. I’m floating on pure ecstasy.

He must feel my release and times his own with mine so that suddenly we're both coming and I'm screaming and he's holding onto my ass and it's just so fucking good.

I've never had sex like this before. I never want it to stop. I want more. I know immediately I'm addicted to Xavier, and I don’t think I’ll ever get enough.


I just fucked Allie again for the first time after so many years and I'm surprised by how amazing it was. She's intoxicating and I don't know what this pull is from inside of me to be with her.

She’s fucking stunning and I guess it’s thrown me a little off guard even though I’m trying to be distant with her. I’ve teased her and toyed with her over lunch and now she’s my prey, caught in a trap of intrigue and deception.

Part of me wants to hear her scream my real name, Stanley, the name she used to know me by, but there’s no time for thinking about that shit. Right now, I’m still rock hard and ready for more.

She’s a fucking model after all. Let’s not forget that. And she probably uses her charms on every man, not just me. That’s how it was before. I’d do well to remember that.

I bury my feelings and remember my true motives for this escapade. I'm trying to ignore the nostalgia, the aching need to be with her, but it’s hard. Allie has that effect on people. I aim to stay detached but it's fucking harder than I anticipated.

I take the blindfold off, her eyes open, and she looks at me in such an intimate way that it gives me pause. I pull away and try to act indifferent.

"Want to take a shower?" I ask.

She's spread out on my bed like she could stay there all day. I can tell she feels freshly fucked and probably unable to move. The crisp gray sheets envelop her body at the perfect angle, showcasing her gorgeous curves. She makes it look like an ad for men’s cologne or some shit.

I press a button to open the blinds and fresh sunlight comes streaming in. It hits her body and she lazes in it like a cat.

I can’t shake this vision of her tangled up in my sheets. It feels so right, as if having her here is what I’ve been missing all along.

But this line of thinking will get me nowhere. I have a plan, a need to destroy her, and even her naked body spread in the sexiest position out across my bed will not sway me.

Allie must pay. But first I’ll have her screaming my name one more time. It’s a sound that I’ll never tire of hearing. Allie Baldwin crying out for me, craving and coming around my cock, submitting to me in every way. I want it all.

I'm dying to get her into the shower so I can fuck her one more time.

I take her hand and pull her up off the bed. I can't help but admire her body every second that she's naked. She’s definitely cut out to be a model. I wonder if she works hard for that body or if it just comes naturally to her?

I lead her into the bathroom, which is huge and decked out with every possible luxury and amenity you could ever want. There are double sinks, double closets, a steam room, separate sauna, an oversized tub, and a shower with multiple rainshower heads. What fucking else would you expect in a penthouse?

I dim the lights in here too so I don’t abruptly shake her out of her blissful oblivion. Then I turn on some music and light candles. It's sexy and romantic, and I don't fucking know why I’m doing it, but I feel like she deserves this kind of treatment.

I start the water and make sure it runs nice and hot for her. She takes a seat on the side of the tub, likely wondering what craziness just ravaged her body.

I don't fuck like normal guys, I fuck like a damn champion. I know she's feeling all of that right about now. Pretty soon she'll start to harbor feelings for me and think about our future together. This is what all women do.

Unfortunately for them it never works out. But at least they get the opportunity to experience what it's like to be with a real man.

And when Allie starts to feel that way, I’ll have her just where I want her.

I take her hand and pull her gently into the shower. She lets the water run over her blonde hair that hits the middle of her back. For a while I just watch her.

She's like a golden goddess in the shower. I think I'd like to take her to Hawaii and put her under some waterfalls.

There's a reason she's vying to be a supermodel. She literally makes men think of taking her to glamorous places and doing filthy things to her just because she fucking stands out against Mother Nature herself.

I won't let my mind wander now. I only have Allie for a couple more hours before I have to get back to work.

I get in the shower with her and let the water hit my skin and am immediately intoxicated by the effect of being in here with Allie.

There's something about her that causes my heart to race just a little bit faster.

I have to be inside her again soon. I want to connect. These are definitely feelings I shouldn't be having right now. That’s not part of the plan.

Maybe they're leftover obsessions from high school. I don't fucking know, but for this one moment, I have to give into my need to be with Allie.

I'm not going to worry and I'm not going to strategize. I’ll just allow myself to be, then I’ll worry about the rest later.

After she's nice and wet from the water, I sit down on the marble bench and pull her towards me. She gets down on her knees and immediately starts sucking my cock before I even tell her to. It’s like she’s starved for a taste of my cock.

The warm, almost hot water grazes my skin and it makes the heated sensation of her lips around my thick shaft all the better.

This is one of my favorite places to fuck, in the shower. Especially when you have a shower this big. It's large enough to fit three girls. Believe me, I know from experience.

But again, being here with Allie is different and I can't put my finger on why. I feel so angry at her and those emotions still rise to the surface, but she's tenderizing me in some way that I can't explain. A way I don’t want to fucking acknowledge.

It's feels fucking amazing to be with her. Especially when I look down and see her lips spread wide over the girth of my enormous shaft.

She's hungry for it and I'm hungry for her.

"Fuck, Allie, that feels so fucking good. Just like that, baby," I say through gritted teeth.

She's going down on me with vigor, and I have to say, this girl has some moves that I've never seen before. She's like an expert at sucking cock. I could get used to this.

I don't want to come down her throat, though. I want to come inside of her again.

Right as I'm at the brink of orgasm, I pull back. I get up and I bend her over the marble stool so that I can take her right here in the shower with the water pelting down upon us.

I slam into her from behind, and it's an electrifying feeling. We're completely connected, our bodies so close it’s hard to tell where one ends and the other begins.

We find a rhythm easily and she's quickly moaning again and crying out in pleasure. I've never been with a girl like this. It's never been this good. It surprises even me. And I don't get surprised very fucking easily.

We fuck, and fuck, and fuck. I could do this all day. I want her every second.

But eventually we have to go back to the real world and I have to go back to hating her. So, I pump into her a couple more times, and when I know she's at the edge of her climax I command her to come.

"Now, baby," I growl. "I want you to come right fucking now."

On command, she climaxes right then. Her pussy gets tight as a fucking vise around my cock, and it feels incredible. I take that as my cue to unload inside of her.

A hot flow of cum shoots out of me directly into her waiting pussy. The idea of my sticky cum being inside of her, filling her so full that it starts to run down her shaking thighs is such a fucking turn on. The shower water washes all the stickiness away before we have a chance to enjoy it.

She cries out as she comes. She screams my name. Hearing my name on her lips is like the ultimate satisfaction. I could drink that shit up all day.

By the end, we’re both spent. It's been quite an afternoon. I wash her down with soap and rinse her off. She steps out of the shower and into one of my terrycloth robes.

She looks so fucking beautiful, and I don’t want to admit it, even to myself, but I could get used to this.

I decide then and there that to fully enact my plan, I’m going to need to get her even more addicted to me. I just have to watch myself, though, because if I don’t? I’m toeing the line into fucking dangerous territory.


I'm back at Hard Pressed, this time in the studio headquarters. It feels good to be here. There's a lot going on and a lot of energy is buzzing in the air. This is a hot company right now, and if I can get more work here, I'll be truly ecstatic.

I hear the producers talking about a pitch for a big commercial piece that's coming up for an app release for the company. I didn't even know they did apps.

That's why this is such an exciting venture. I want to do more than just model. I want to be on camera in every way possible, getting my name out there.

I decide to call my agent and to let her know about this big project to see if she can get me on as part of the cast.

"Hi, Cheri, it's Allie. I'm here at Hard Pressed studios and they've got this really exciting project coming up. Have you heard of it? It's a commercial for an app release. I'd love to be a part of it, so if you have any connections here can you please get me an audition?"

"Oh no, honey, that part's all wrong for you. I don't want you selling yourself short by doing commercial work. Let's just stick to the modeling and do what we've been doing."

I'm annoyed at her, as usual. Is she determined to undermine my career?

"But Cheri, what we've been doing isn't working. I'm barely getting paid enough to cover all my bills, much less eat."

Sometimes I think she doesn't understand the desperation of my situation. Maybe I should've just gone to college and pursued a real career. But I know I can be a good model, that given the chance I could make it big. I guess I just never understood that the stakes would be so high.

Nonetheless, I don't think Cheri works as hard for me as she could. She's happy to take a slice of my tiny paychecks, but that's about it. The jobs I book are few and far between.

Being here at Hard Pressed makes me fully realize just how much I'm missing out on. I think being a part of this commercial could be a real opportunity for me, and yet she seems to see it the wrong way. Because of my stupid contract, without her help, I can't get a foot in the door to even have an audition. This is so frustrating.

I decide to lay it out for her.

"Cheri, if you're not gonna work hard for me then I don't want you to be my agent anymore. I think it's not working out. And I need to find my own way."

"Listen to me, Allie," she says her voice full of rage. "You work under me, got that? I say what jobs you take and what jobs you don't. I'm the one in charge of your career, not you."

She hangs up on me and I realize I'm going to be left to my own devices. If I'm going to get anywhere in this world I'll have to do it by myself.

I'm determined to get a part in this commercial and there's nothing Cheri can do to stop me.

I decide to make myself known to the Project Lead. I've done my spying, and by now I know she's the boss around here. The one to talk to.

I make my way over to her and put on my best air of confidence. I can schmooze with the best of them, and now is the time for that.

"Hi, sorry to disturb you. But I know you're in charge of this new commercial and I just wanted to make sure you know who I am. I'm Allie Baldwin. I'm a model and I'd really like to be a part of this project. I think I can really excel at it."

She looks at me as if she's taking in my measurements, which are perfect, of course. My body definitely doesn't disappoint. That's why I'm a model after all.

But in this business, it's hard to make it no matter what, no matter how beautiful you may be.

"Oh, your name is Allie? I didn't know your name but I saw your face around here the other day and I have to say, you've got the looks. I think you might be a great fit for this project. I'm really glad you approached me and I think you should come to the auditions."

She scratches down the date and time on a piece of paper that she then hands off to me. Inside, I'm giddy with excitement. This could be my first big break, and guess what? I got it all by myself.

"Thank you so much for taking the time," I say, trying not to bubble over with excitement.

I walk away from her with a renewed sense of confidence about myself. I can break into this industry with or without Cheri. She's never done anything good for me and I think it's time to separate.

I call Cheri back, fully intending to break things off.

"Hey, Cheri," I say. "You know, I don't appreciate you hanging up on me. But I just wanted to tell you that the commercial I was talking about? Well, I just booked an audition for it by myself. I no longer need your services. I don't want you as my agent anymore."

This sets her off into a rage like something I've never seen. Not from her.

"You went behind my back?" She's fuming. "Well, let me tell you something, Allie, you have no rights to your own career. You signed all those over to me when you signed the contract. I own you for the next five years. If you try to break with me, I'll make your life a living hell. I'll sue you for breach of contract—for so much money that you'll be paying me back for the rest of your life. This is a promise."

I drop the phone in shock. I can’t believe she just said she would sue me if I broke with her. I know I was warned of this the other day, but I didn't actually believe Cheri would take it that far.

What was I thinking signing with that bitch? And for so fucking long? I know now just what a shit deal that contract was.

I duck into a corner so that I can try to stifle the hot tears that are now running down my face.

I feel trapped in this job. I feel trapped in my life. With Cheri as my agent, I'll never make any money, certainly not enough to survive. And by the time five years is over, I'll have descended and I'll be past my peak in the modeling world.

I’ve wasted my life on her long enough and yet I don't know what to do to change things. I’m stuck and see no way out. No way to pursue the dream that are quickly dying before my very eyes.

All the excitement I felt evaporates and I’m left empty and despondent. But then I look up and see the one person who might be able to fix this.



I’m like the fucking king of my little empire. As I walk on location around the studio, about to oversee events for the new commercial launch, I acknowledge how fucking awesome it feels to own all of this.

In a short time, Hard Pressed has become a leader in the industry, and that was always my vision. I set lofty goals and achieve them. It’s just what I do. What more can I say?

I walk into the main floor of the building just in time to see Allie duck into a corner.

She seems upset and despite myself, I want to go find out what's wrong. I walk over to where she is and peek around the corner to see her eyes flooded with tears.

"Allie," I say with more sincerity than I anticipated feeling. "What's wrong? What happened? Tell me."

She looks at me like she's happy to see a friend. Little does she know how much of a friend I am—or used to be. Because if she knew the depths of my dark plan, she’d know I’m her fucking enemy. Even if I don’t quite feel like that right now.

"Oh, Xavier, I'm so happy to see you. Except I don't want you to see me like this." She wipes the tears away from her mascara-stained face.

"Well, tell me what's going on. What happened?" I ask.

"Fine. Here's what happened," she says. "You know how I've been with that sleazy agent? Well, her name is Cheri, and she's been against me since day one. I kid you not. Today, I saw that they were doing a commercial so I called her and asked if she could book me an audition.

“She said that's not the direction she wants my career to go. She says she's in charge of my career and by extension, my life."

"Wait, what? She threatened you?"

I have the impulse to beat her agent for hurting her, but once again, I have to check my emotions. She's not mine, nor do I want her to be...not for anything more than a fling. Still, there may be an opportunity here.

"So, I went behind her back," Allie continues. "I just felt so enraged by the fact that she's not helping me get ahead. I went directly to the Project Lead, and guess what? She said I may be perfect for the part."

Of course she's perfect. Allie's the most gorgeous girl to walk into this studio in as long as I can remember.

"So, I called her back, my agent, and I told her I wanted to part ways. But she threatened to sue me for breach of contract. And she said I'm under her thumb for the next five years."

Fresh tears are rolling down her face as she recounts the way this fucking agent threatened her. For some reason, the idea of someone else owning her makes me feel possessive in a way I've never known.

I ignore these ridiculous feelings, though, and set about initiating phase two of bringing Allie down. She makes it all too easy being so vulnerable with me. She needs to learn not to wear her heart on her sleeve.

Yes, I'm dying to fuck her again, but I'm also consumed by this need to cause her pain. I want her to hurt the way she made me hurt.

And suddenly, the perfect idea practically presents itself.

"Don't worry, Allie, I'll take care of everything. I have the power to do that," I say. "Please just give me a minute to make some phone calls."

I step away from her and into an empty office. I shut the door and began mounting my next attack. First, I'll make a call to her modeling agency.

They put me through to the director. Within a few minutes and with a few promises, he agrees to let me buy him out. Just like that, it's my agency now. I own it and I own her, only she'll never know it was me.

I laugh to myself. It’s fucking perfect.

I decide it's time to assign her a new representative. I make sure Cheri is fired and I put her with a guy named Harry. He seems pliable and easily influenced by money, so it's not hard to convince him to book his new model client all the wrong jobs.

If she thought her career was suffering before, it's really gonna hurt now.

I talk to Harry and make sure he understands that I want Allie to book the worst possible jobs, with an extra incentive to him for his discretion, of course.

I never anticipated that such a sublime opportunity to take her down would fall so easily into my lap, but things have worked out perfectly.

Harry's scheduled to call Allie in about fifteen minutes, so I can make my move.

I seek her out again and promise her it's going to be okay. Tell her I've taken care of everything. She has a new agent.

"He's the best of the best," I lie. "And he'll take you to the top."

"Thank you, Xavier, for everything."

Her wide-eyed genuine gratitude astounds me. How could someone with that amount of heart have been the heartbreaker I knew back then? She seems so innocent.

But I don't allow myself to fall for it, not this time. I remind myself that she is in show business. It’s her job to make people believe shit.

I kiss her cheek and make my exit before Harry calls.

He's gonna phone her up and introduce himself. He's been instructed to book her for a terribly boring video. I told him not to share the details with her.

But it’s all going to be under my guidance now. I'm going to be calling the shots on Allie's career, but it will all be done behind the scenes. None of it will be revealed to her. She’ll be fucking clueless.

I've got her right where I want her and I never dreamed it would be so easy. She's gonna pay for everything that went down in high school. She'll never guess that this was all coming from me. And I'm not gonna tell her until the time is right. When I’m ready to crush her.

But for now, all I care about is that Allie thinks I'm her savior, when in fact I'm her goddamn enemy. She's literally sleeping with the enemy, and that makes me feel so fucking good to have that power over her.

Revenge is mine, at last.


Things are finally looking up. I've been asked to do a video shoot with Hard Pressed and now that I have my new agent, I couldn't be more excited. I think it's different from the commercial I saw going on the other day. As far as I know, this is not for the app release.

It bums me out that I didn't get that important shoot, but this is the next best thing. Even though it's for something else. I don't know what it is exactly, but I’m on the right track, I just know it.

I trust Xavier, and I trust my new agent. At least it's better than working for that bitch, Cheri. This is a big company and to even get some type of work with them is a really big deal. This is my second gig. Maybe a steady stream of jobs is on the horizon.

Hard Pressed occupies a gorgeous building in downtown Manhattan. It's the hub of where every model wants to be. And I'm here. At last.

Walking through the modern lobby makes me feel as though I've really made it. There are agents everywhere talking into their phones and models milling about. Assistants are scrambling to get things done, and every now and then I see an important higher-up dressed in a power suit walking around.

I know the company from the sheer amount of exposure they have. They're all over the web covering everything from news to entertainment, fashion shows and red carpets. Hard Pressed covers all the big entertainment news so the fact that I even got this gig is a major moment for me.

I feel proud of myself. If I do well today, then it could really facilitate things moving forward. I can make a name for myself.

I do wish my new agent Harry had given me a better idea of what this video would entail. I haven't known what to prepare for or anything. But I guess I just have to trust him.

"Hey, Allie," an assistant says as she approaches me and leads me quickly toward some chairs. "Let's get you straight into hair and makeup."

Ah, my favorite part. What woman doesn't enjoy being pampered, especially for work? I truly feel like I'm living the life.

If things continue this way, then my dreams will most certainly come true. And I really have Xavier to thank for all of that.

"Allie, hi. I'm your makeup artist. Name's David. It's a pleasure to work with you."

Already, this is more professional than any other shoot I've worked on. I'm getting excited.

I sit in the makeup chair, and just as he starts to work his magic on my face, someone comes behind me with a blow dryer and begins to do my hair. Then a manicurist sets up shop next to me and works on my nails.

I'm being primped from every angle. This is a professional team in a professional setting, and I try to act nonchalant, as though I've seen it all before.

In truth, my old agent only got me the shadiest shoots in even shadier parts of town. Often, they would take place in someone's cramped apartment and I never felt as if I was going anywhere.

Hard Pressed is big. I feel like a real model. I feel like this is what I always envisioned when I thought about this career. And finally, it's all coming together.

I just have to calm my nerves and know that whatever the shoot is about, I can handle it. I know how to be charismatic and how to get the job done. If anything, I'll just fake it until I make it.

"So, have you ever worked for Hard Pressed before?" David says, bronzing me to perfection.

"Only once before. I did a little something for them and it was really great. So, I'm really grateful to have been asked back."

"Yeah," my hairstylist says. "If they asked you back that means they must've really liked you. This company doesn't just hire anybody. You have to be good."

They're making me feel more confident by the second, and I guess that's what a glam squad's for.

"I bet you say this to all the new models," I say, laughing.

"No, girl," David says. "You've got it all going on. You have something really special. Doesn't she, Maureen?" he asks the person doing my hair.

"Yes, honey, you're really beautiful and you should know that."

"Thanks, you guys, you don't know how good it is to hear that."

Their words and praises really do lift me up. I allow myself to sink into the salon chair as Maureen gives me a fragrant scalp massage and pulls conditioner through my hair.

I let myself be primped and preened and then I close my eyes and try a little visualization technique. I try to imagine every part of this video shoot going well, whatever it's about. I see myself feeling confident and ready. I think about how the camera loves me, and I do so well that they keep booking me for more events.

I'm so into my exercise that I nearly fall asleep.

The assistant comes in and tells me that they're ready for me on set. David applies some false lashes, and I open my eyes to see a stunning image of myself in the mirror. I normally don't look this good. God, I wish I could take this glam squad home with me.

Instead, I leave the makeup room and walk into the big set where the shoot will take place. It all seems very expensive and important.

It's intimidating in here. My agent isn't here, and I don't have any friends or family supporting me. It's just me, and I have to make this happen. It's time to shine.

A huge white screen falls from the ceiling over the floor and I see where I'm going to be on camera. A simple black stool is the only accessory.

I take a seat in front of the camera and try to angle my super tight jeans right. I want to look good and like I've done this before.

There's all manner of lighting prep going on around me and people holding microphones.

"Are you ready, Allie?" the director asks.

"I am."

"Okay, take one."

The cameras roll, and this is my moment. The interviewer asks me a series of questions that I try to answer to the best of my ability.

"Hi, Allie, how long have you been a model in the industry?"

I decide not to detail my sordid past with Cheri and keep things simple.

"Um, about five years now."

I smile bright.

"And do you have a strong social media presence?"

"Yes," I lie. "Well, it's building."

"Can you please describe your thoughts on how you think videos go viral?"

I'm still not sure what the shoot is for, but maybe it has something to do with social media? I know these types of shoots try to get candid, unrehearsed answers, so I try to answer the question with grace and poise and as much knowledge as I can muster.

"I think videos go viral when they have a lot of meaning for various groups of people. When more than one person can relate to something then it creates a unifying effect that has the power to reach a lot of people."

"Can you be more specific?" the interviewer says.

"Okay, well, for something to go viral, let's say a person named Jamie has the video. He then hangs out with Sarah and shows it to her. And then Sarah shows it to Charles, etc. this is how things get spread. Before you know it, it's spread around to everyone you know and everyone they know."

It seems like they just want to get a model's perspective on how you can get famous or something. Maybe this video will go viral and people will know my face and name.

It’s a little bizarre, but I just hope whatever it's for is a good cause. I know Xavier wouldn't put me in a compromising position. At least I don't think he would.

The interviewer asks me a series of similar questions, and I answer them all with truth and honesty. I try to move my body and make the lighting work for me and not against me. I try to come off as a real professional model.

At the end, it feels like a really long day, but I got to do what I love and so it didn't feel like work at all. This is what life should be about, doing what you love. I feel like I'm finally in the right place at the right time.

I'm excited I actually got to do a video shoot and speak my mind instead of just having photos taken. Don't get me wrong, I love doing photoshoots but I also like other work. And in the end, it's about rounding out my portfolio. And this could definitely be a portfolio piece.

The glitz and the glamour of the day feel like second nature to me. I have no doubt I'm in the right career, and now that I've meet Xavier, I might even be in the right place romantically. We’ll have to see. He hasn’t mentioned seeing me again, but I’m hoping what happened between us was on the beginning.

As I head home, still in full makeup and hair, I feel like I’m floating on a cloud. I think about Xavier again. His gorgeous body and dark nature thrill me. But there's also something dangerous about him that I can't put my finger on.

I always go for the bad boy. And I always get hurt. I'll have to watch my step with Xavier, but in the end, he's too hard to resist. I know I'll give in to anything he asks of me.

I want to.

Because I want him.


I'm spending the day in the editing room going over footage of Allie's video shoot. Being in the editing room always fulfills me. I get to be a voyeur of all the new talent and thus have first pick of any new models or actresses that catch my attention.

In the end, I tell them who I am, or they already know, and it's over before it begins. I have them in my bed by nightfall. It's almost too easy.

Watching Allie, though, gives this a whole new meaning. Yes, she's fucking gorgeous. She always has been, but dressed to the nines for this shoot, well, she really stands out.

I imagine all the things I would do to her if she were here in the editing room with me. I'd spread her out over all this equipment and have her calling my name in no time.

It's funny how I've got her eating out of my hand. For a second, I picture what life would look like without all this underhanded manipulation on my part. Maybe we could happy?

I'm definitely not tired of her and that's what's different. I never expected she'd be anything except another woman to me. And so far that's what she is, but damn, when I imagine her lips straining to take in the girth of my cock, well, it nearly sets me over the edge.

I will have more of her sexually, but not until I toy with her first.

This video is the second insidious thing I've done to get back at her. The shoot she sat for was a setup. I made sure they asked her a series of questions in which I could trap her. She doesn't know it but I'm gonna flip it around and edit that footage into a totally different video. By the end, it will look like she's a spokesperson for people with STDs.

I know it's a premeditated and awful thing to do, but what can I say? She deserves it. She deserves everything she gets.

I've never had a girl be so cruel to me as Allie was. Hopefully, this will make her understand that she can't treat people that way and get away with it.

I watch the footage and I see her beautiful face on camera. She's shifting on her stool trying to cast herself in the best light. She really is a natural model and apparently a natural spokeswoman because everything she says is on point.

I'm impressed by her. But that's Allie's charm. She gets you to love her and then she destroys you. Not this time. I cannot let that happen again. I’ll be the one doing the destroying this time around.

I sift through the footage for something I can use. She's answering questions about how videos can go viral. I love the idea that she doesn't realize this little gem is gonna fly around the web and pull her name through the mud.

I have the power to make it be so. I practically own the internet with this company. It's everything my nerdy genius mind in high school could've imagined. I always knew I'd make it to the top and it definitely doesn't suck up here.

Hey, she should be satisfied that she even got more work with Hard Pressed . We're the biggest firm in town after all.

I toss my black hair out of my eyes and unbutton my shirt to get some air. Looking at Allie turns me on no matter how much I hate her.

I know my actions are shady and a part of me wants to go back or just refrain from posting this, but another part can't resist humiliating Allie.

To see her suffering gives me some sick sense of pleasure. I know it’s fucked up, but what she did to me was fucked up too.

I find a scene where she finally speaks the perfect line for me to use against her.

The interviewer asks her to be more specific about something and this is where Allie says verbatim, "Before you know it, it spreads around to everyone you know and everyone they know."

I couldn't ask for a better lead-in to the fact that she's posing as the STD girl. This will ruin her career for sure.

I twist the video into my own contorted image of Allie having an STD. It's so good, and so seamless, that I know a lot of people are gonna see it and recognize her face.

I look at her on-screen and she seems beautiful and yet so vulnerable. Something about that vulnerability makes my cock harden and throb with the idea of taking her.

I do feel glad that Allie's gonna get hurt, but a part of me knows that this is not filling me with as much satisfaction as I thought it would. I should be elated that I'm finally exacting revenge.

I've been dreaming for years of hurting her the way she hurt me. But having it happen at last doesn't feel as great as it should. Something is lacking and I can't put my finger on what it is.

I guess I'm having second thoughts. But I don't let them linger. I may be an asshole playboy to women but I'm not malicious. Being this way towards Allie goes against my nature.

Still, it has to be done. She needs to learn.

All I have to do is remember how she took my virginity and how she abandoned me. Lied to me. The bitter emotions resurface and I'm able to go forward with my plans.

A few clicks on the video and it's ready to go to press. I'm very good with programming and computers, so getting this shit done is no big deal.

I hit "Send" to my publicist and I know it's on it’s way to the public. It’s times like these being a genius comes in very handy. I can do my own dirty work so easily.

Even though I want to humiliate her publicly I still want to fuck her privately. At this point, nothing will get that out of my system. She's a damn good lay. The best I've had in a long time. Maybe ever.

I decide to make things interesting for the night and I text her to invite her out to dinner.

Hey, Allie, it's Xavier. Can you meet me for dinner?

Her response comes quickly.

Hi there, I'd really like to. But I'm just in a really bad place. I’m still upset I lost the chance to do that huge video app. And I lost it because of that awful contract from Cheri. I don't think I'd be very good company tonight.

Man, this girl's life is rough and it's about to get rougher.

No, just come out with me. It'll take your mind off things. I promise to make it worth your while.

She can't resist me. I know she can't. I know she's feeling things for me already, but what she doesn't understand is that it's totally unrequited love. I will not love her back. Not this time.

She doesn't deserve to have even a piece of me.

I send her another quick text when she doesn’t respond.

Meet me at the club Minx downtown.

Okay, Xavier. I really do want to see you so I'll come .

I smile. Perfect.

Yes, once again I have her right where I want her. She did the wrong thing by admitting her disappointment about that shoot because I will totally capitalize on it.

I think of a way to use that information to my advantage. Allie really needs to learn not to trust a bad boy.

I call my assistant and find out exactly who was booked for the app release that Allie wanted.

I find out it's a girl named Olivia. Perfect. I'll invite her to be my date.

Imagine how Allie's face will fall when she sees me with Olivia, the girl who stole her spot.

Enacting revenge on her is just too easy because she's way too open with me. Hasn't she learned that she needs to have her guard up with people?

I look over my editing job again and check with my publicist to make sure the video is to ready to be released. Then I close up, though this firm never really sleeps.

I go to my penthouse downtown and prepare to make myself look better than ever. Having Allie's hungry eyes on me is all I ever wanted. And it still gets me off, no matter how pissed at her I am. I gotta admit, I can't wait for this night to begin.

The hot shower water does nothing to suppress my nagging desire for her. And fuck, as much as I don’t want them to, feelings of regret threaten to wash over me as I think how I may have ruined Allie's life.

Is it fair what I've done? I don't know. But someone has to show this girl she can't just treat people like trash. And I guess it's gonna be me who does it.

I dress in my best Gucci pants and a crisp white shirt. I also want to look so damn good that other women salivate for me right in front of Allie.

Jealousy is the theme for this evening. I want women gushing over me. And I know that my white shirt contours me in such a way that my shredded abs will be visible. I want to get all the women wet with just one lingering stare at my body.

Like I said, it doesn't take much. Especially when you're one hulking Viking of a man within a sea of lesser men.

First, I have to go pick up Olivia so that I can arrive with her on my arm. Nothing will make Allie more envious and distraught than this. She has to think I'm fucking other women. That's just how it is.


I'm getting dressed in my little apartment to go downtown and meet Xavier. He's invited me to a club called Minx that I've never been to before.

I'm hopeful about tonight. I've been feeling so blue since losing out on that major app commercial. I mean, I'm satisfied with the one I did, but I still have no idea what it's for and thus no idea if it will propel my career forward or not like I hope.

I'm excited, though, to get out of the house and to shake things up. Xavier is still somewhat of a mystery to me, but he's the hottest guy in town, there's no denying that.

Butterflies are swirling around in my stomach as I think about seeing him again. He's so tall and domineering. His very presence makes me weak in the knees and so fucking wet.

I'm trying to rummage through my closet and find a decent outfit. As soon as I get paid for this last gig I’m going on the biggest shopping spree.

I decide on a simple black dress. You can't go wrong with that. It's tight and will hug every curve in just the right way.

I've always been slim but being a model has taken that to new heights. I'm so good about watching what I eat, eating clean, and going to the gym. The gym is one membership that I can't afford not to splurge on.

I hope tonight all my hard work counts and that Xavier notices my tight little body and appreciates it.

For a minute, my eyes glaze over as I imagined him taking me in the club bathroom or somewhere else equally as public and risky.

All I want to do is be around this guy. It's so not like me. But with Xavier, there's this carnal, raw passion that cannot be denied. I want to get to know him, sure, but more than that, I want his rock-hard body on top of mine. Inside of mine.

I curl my blonde hair so that it cascades elegantly over my shoulders, slip on some heels, and am out the door.

I grab a cab and am soon downtown. The club appears to be in the same building as Xavier's penthouse. How obvious of him. I smile, hoping the evening ends up in his penthouse.

There's a line down the block to get into Minx. I walk to the front of the line and give them his name and am led right in. Knowing people in high places has its perks for sure.

The club isn’t huge. It has more of a boutique feel. There are plush, cozy places to sit and lots of sexy magic going on.

For a moment, I contemplate hitting the dance floor by myself until Xavier can find me. There's no way I'm perusing this place for him. He'll have to come to me.

I sit at the bar and order a drink.

"Vodka soda please," I say to the bartender.

He's cute, but nothing compared to the man I'm waiting for.

I sit with my drink at the bar and casually look around, hoping to find him.

And that's when I see it. I feel like someone punches me in the stomach as I watch him walk in with another girl. And guess what? It's not just any girl—it's the same fucking girl who got the app release commercial ahead of me.

He's brought my nemesis to the club? What the fuck?

Number one, I thought this was a date. Number two, I don't understand why he would bring her of all people.

Is he doing it just to hurt me? I just divulged to him the fact that I'm really upset about losing out on that commercial. He must've done this on purpose.

All these conflicting emotions are swirling inside of me but the one that is foremost is feeling the life draining out of me as I realize Xavier is fucking another girl.

Here I thought I was the only one. Here I've dared to dream of a life with him. How could I have been so stupid?

He's a player and I should've known it. I don't know whether I should sneak out of the club and go home or if I should stay and confront this thing head-on.

Soon I don't have a choice because he's walking right towards me with this girl on his arm.

"Hi, Allie, this is Olivia. You guys know each other? You're both models."

Olivia says to me, "No, Allie and I have never met. Where have you been working, Allie? Because I never see you around Hard Pressed ."

Oh my God, this is so humiliating. This girl is an actual model who books actual jobs, like the one I was pining for. And here I am, some nobody trying to make a name for myself having to explain everything to Xavier and this girl.

Well, I'm determined to not let it come off like that. I have to paint myself in the best light.

"Hi, Olivia," I say indifferently, as if I don't care at all about the fact that her hand is grazing Xavier's bicep. "I try to pick and choose my jobs carefully. I've only just been introduced to the Hard Pressed studio environment. It's working out very well."

I plaster on a fake smile.

"Oh yeah? What have you been in?" she asks.

"Well," I say without missing a beat. "I just did a commercial for them. Besides that, nothing really. I've been pretty booked up," I lie.

Xavier looks at me like he knows the truth. He looks at me like he's peering right into my soul and that he's happy I'm humiliated.

Why did I have to choose this bad boy over all the others? I almost feel like he wants to hurt me, but I'm not gonna let it happen.

"I was just having a drink," I say. "Will you guys join me? And then we can hit the dance floor."

Xavier takes it up a notch and orders bottle service in a VIP area. There's no way I could get into the VIP area on my own. I've always been invited because there's no way I can afford it myself.

Good thing Xavier's paying. He could probably buy the entire building.

He orders a bottle of expensive vodka and all three of us partake. It's just us in this cozy little booth. How great.

He's watching me the whole time like he wants to see my reaction. I won’t give him the satisfaction of knowing I'm upset.

I sip my drink and try to make small talk with Olivia even though I can't stand the sight of her.

Xavier starts flirting aggressively with Olivia right in front of me. What the fucking hell is this bullshit? This hurts like you wouldn't believe, but I fight back the tears and act normally.

He's flaunting his affection for her in my face and I can barely stand it. What an asshole.

The night moves on and we hit the dance floor. He's dancing between Olivia and me, but mostly he's dancing with her.

It's too much to deal with so I make my way back to the VIP booth, pissed as fuck. I didn't want to come out in the first place and I should've listened to and respected that intuition.

I decide the only way to get through this evening in one piece is to drink even more. I help myself to the expensive vodka, and boy, does it go down nice.

Eventually, Olivia and Xavier come join me with smiles on their faces like they just had the best time ever. They're hot and sweaty from dancing so long and I'm about to get sick over it.

I might as well go out with guns blazing. I decide it's my turn to flirt with Xavier, even though I tell myself I will never trust him again. But I want to make Olivia jealous.

I lean into him and whisper in his ear about how bad I want to suck his cock right here in the club. The vodka's starting to kick in. I say that maybe we should do it here in the booth.

I see a devious smile spread across his face and I can tell he's delighted with my suggestion.

"You would really do that?" he says, staring into my eyes as if he's looking for certain truth.

"I would with you," I say honestly.

Even though I feel like he's out to hurt me tonight, I honestly would give myself to this man. He's everything I want and I don't want to lose him now, especially to some stupid model like Olivia.

He's rubbing my leg and things are starting to heat up. I can tell Olivia feels uncomfortable because she's no longer part of it. She's no longer the focus of his gaze and that makes me so fucking happy. He's looking at only me, and that's the way it should be.

Then Xavier says, "Maybe we should make it a threesome?"

Olivia and I exchange horrified glances. I would never do anything intimate with her. The fact that he said that makes me furious. What could his motive possibly be to hurt me like that?

"Maybe I should just leave you two here to go at it," I say, thinking about making a swift exit.

"What's wrong with you, Allie? Are you jealous?" he says with a wicked grin, as if he already knows the answer.

Now I'm really angry, and I might have had a little too much to drink, so I feel bolder than ever.

"I can't believe you brought another girl, Xavier. I can see exactly what kind of a guy you are."

This conversation is painful because as much as I want to hate him, I can’t deny the insane chemistry between us. He’s so fucking hot, and even though some girl is draped all over him, I can't help but have the desire to be his only one.

"Oh, come on, Allie, don't be a spoilsport. We can all get along, can't we?" he says smoothly.

Oh, fucking fantastic. So this is how the rest of the night is gonna be.


I can tell Allie's so pissed that I brought someone else to the club. As she should be. I'd be disappointed if she wasn't put out by me having another girl on my arm, especially Olivia.

But at this point, the war's on. Allie's giving it to me and I'm giving it right back. This girl is feisty.

I knew she'd be jealous, but I thought she'd scurry away and not be able to handle it. Instead, she's matched me word for word for the entire night.

Fighting with her is turning me on more than the idea of having Olivia and Allie both at the same time. At this point, I only have eyes for Allie. I hate to admit that even to myself.

She's getting drunk, I can tell. And I myself am a little tipsy. That makes this all the more fun and all the more deviant. Just the way I like it.

Olivia is ceasing to exist. In truth, no one can compare to Allie. She really is that beautiful.

"So, Allie," I say. "Do you want to join me on the dance floor?"

She eyes me up and down like she's trying to take me on and see if I'm serious or what I'm up to. Eventually, she concedes, and I lead her out into the middle of the floor where we slow dance, an erotic, sensual flow of bodies, even though everyone around us is moving quickly.

Time stands still, and all I can see is Allie. She's the most gorgeous thing in the world. What the fuck is happening to me?

Holding her in my arms so tightly as she grinds down on my cock feels so right. I remember my foray into the video editing and I'm starting to wonder if I made the right move or not. Her life could be over because of me. And suddenly I'm not so sure I want that.

I'm starting to feel enthralled by this girl. She weighs heavily on my mind each moment of the day, and tonight I just can't drag my eyes away from her.

I hold her close, and she backs her hips into me as if she wishes we were fucking right here on the dance floor. I imagine doing it in the middle of the club with everybody watching, and my cock hardens even more, to her obvious delight.

I want to do it. I want to fuck her right now. But then I see Olivia walking towards us. She's about to interrupt the moment.

"Oh hi, Olivia, now I have you both in my arms. I'm the luckiest guy in the club." The alcohol's making me feel even cockier than usual.

I begin to pay attention to Olivia and this drives Allie nuts. So I do it even more. She storms off the dance floor back to the bottle of vodka waiting for her. She can drown her sorrows if she wants to. Right now, I'm going to make her think I’m into Olivia.

But then I see some guy approach Allie at her table. It's a sight I can't fucking handle. It's fucking torment for me. I feel possessive of her and I don't even know why.

But all I can think is that she's mine. She's mine to fuck with, at least for now.

"Let's go back to the table." I pull Olivia off the dance floor and she looks dismayed.

She can see what's going on between Allie and me. You could cut the sexual tension with a knife.

"This is a private table," I say to the guy.

Then I turn to Allie with dark eyes. She better never even consider talking to another guy besides me.

"So, were you flirting with that guy?" I ask her point blank.

She looks at me with fury in her eyes.

"Why do you even care? You brought another girl tonight. That was not cool."

At least she's being honest. I'll give her that.

"No one said we're exclusive Allie, you should've known that," I say, taking a heavy drink of vodka.

"Come on, Xavier. You invited me out here tonight. You brought her to make me jealous. You have to know she's the girl that stole my spot on the shoot. And that makes it even worse. You brought her out of all the women you could've chosen. You're trying to hurt me."

Her words shock me. I am trying to hurt her. In more ways than she can even count. But I didn’t expect her to be so in tune with that.

Something about it suddenly feels so wrong. And yet being with her tonight like this feels so right. I plan on taking her home. I fucking need to. To claim her yet again.

Olivia comes to the table and I can tell she's feeling totally awkward about the whole situation. She doesn't belong here. She was a pawn in my game and now I'm done with her. I'm all about Allie now.

"I think I'm gonna go, guys. I've had enough of this," she says, but neither of us are even listening.

Allie's just staring at me with rage in her eyes and it turns me on so damn much. I want her to take her rage out on me in the bedroom. And I want to show her mine.

She deserves to be punished for what she did to me, in more ways than one. I plan on showing her exactly what she missed out on in high school. And she will make it up to me.

Olivia takes her leave but Allie's still fuming.

"Your date is gone," she says.

"Maybe I don't care," I say.

"I don't understand your angle. Why would you want to make me jealous like that? What have I ever done to you?"

Damn. If only she knew. The fact that she doesn't even remember me just burns me up inside. It makes me so angry with her all over again.

I wish I could tell her all of that now. But I hold my tongue. As usual.

"Your jealousy tells me that you really, really want me, Allie," I say, casually sipping my drink.

I called her out and she doesn't like that. Her eyes blaze with fury.

"You don't know anything about me, Xavier. You think you can have any woman in the world, but the truth is, you're just like every other guy. There's nothing special about you being a player. I think you should know that."

She's so frustrated that I can tell she's about to leave. Fucking walk right out on me. But I can't have that. I'm not done with Allie yet.

"Come back to my apartment with me," I say, testing her boundaries.

If she comes with me, I'll know that I have her. If she goes, then at least I'll see she has one shred of integrity left in her body.

"No, Xavier."

So she wants to escape.

"You can't jerk me around like that. There's no way I'm going with you."

Wow, she actually shut me down. Who would have fucking thought it?

But then again, she will be coming home with me. I have no doubt. I always get what I want. Especially in terms of women.

"Come on Allie," I say, taking her arm. "You know you want to come up with me. Just give into it."

I lean into her and kiss her softly at first, and then more aggressively. This will convince her. After this kiss, she'll be mine. Just watch.

"Xavier, I don't want to be treated like this," she says in a low whisper.

I kiss her again and I feel her body giving into mine. She wants it bad. I can only imagine how wet she is under that tiny little skirt she's wearing.

And I have to know for sure. I move my hand up her skirt and start to finger her, delighted to know she's not wearing any underwear. I push my fingers into her forcefully, giving her just a taste of what's to come if she comes back to my penthouse with me tonight.

She's moaning and whimpering. I'm doing it all undercover and no one can see us. It's so hot to take her like this right here in the club. I want to take things one step further. I kiss her passionately and then I get up. I pull her up too so that she can follow me...straight to the penthouse.

I told you she wouldn't be able to resist for long. And now I have her. I lead the way through the throngs of people at the hottest club in town.

Soon we're in my private elevator making out. She's ready for it. I'll have her begging by the end of the night, and that makes vengeance all the more satisfying.

Soon she'll realize that I'm not what I seem, but not tonight.


Xavier and I are making out in his elevator. I know it's his because I was here before, back before I knew he owned the penthouse and was an obvious billionaire.

I'm still confounded by that. Does it come from family money? What's his deal? I know he works for Hard Pressed but that's about it. Does he have a side job? Execs make a lot of money but nowhere near enough to afford penthouses and limousines like his.

Xavier's a mystery to me still, but I'm not about to let some pesky questions ruin this moment.

Because right at this moment I have my legs around the hips of the hottest man on earth. He's got my back pressed against the elevator wall and we're damn near fucking.

After a night of drinking and hostility, I'm ready to let it all go, I'm ready to come. Knowing him, bastard that he is, he'll have me waiting and begging for it. He likes to dominate me, to dictate when I come. I learned that quickly.

And I'm okay with it because that lack of control on my part lets me release my inhibitions all the more.

He buries his head in my neck and kisses me and lightly bites me. He's practically growling in my ear.

We had a night of furious back-and-forth dialogue. Both of us want each other so bad and yet for his part, he's somehow resisting me and I don't know why.

Just as I'm starting to think about Olivia and wonder why he brought her on her date, the elevator stops, and my thoughts are interrupted.

Xavier escorts me inside to his lavish penthouse. It looks more glamorous at night, with the twinkling lights of the city as the most intoxicating backdrop.

I don't even have time to ask for a drink because he's leading me towards his oversized gray sectional. He pushes me down on it gently before going about removing my clothes.

He strips me down and I help him, anxious to feel his giant cock inside of me. I fumble with his pants but he stops me with one hand.

"No, I'm in control here," he says.

He undoes them with his own hands and steps out of them before wordlessly motioning for me to kneel before him.

I'm naked, and his eyes are lustful as he takes in my body. It seems like he can't get enough of me.

I'm on my knees and the plush carpet helps to make it more comfortable. He grabs my head with his large hands and forces me to take his cock down my throat. I can't say I don't enjoy it, but it's kinda hard to think when you have a 10-inch shaft sliding in and out of your mouth.

I suck and swallow and try to tease him with my tongue. But none of my own tactics work. He's in charge here and he's making that perfectly clear.

He's thrusting into me, fucking my mouth, and it's so damn hot. My eyes start to water as I can hardly breathe around his huge cock. His length is so big that it's hard to handle the size of him.

He pumps and thrusts and finally comes, shooting hot cum down my throat. It tastes so fucking good, but mostly it's the thought it being his essence that turns me on until I feel delirious with desire.

The taste of Xavier's cum trickling down my throat and down the sides of my mouth has me feeling hot and tense, with my heart fluttering in my chest.

I'm ready to have him inside of me, to have my own release.

This night has been so hard seeing him with another woman. And verbally sparring with him all night with the absence of any true physical connection has been torture. I'm getting him now, at last, and I'm ready for it.

I try to pull him down to the couch so that I can get on top, but as usual, he stops me. It's always this way, I'm coming to find out. But I need to trust him because every time he takes control, I'm led towards something new that I didn't even know I was missing. He fills me up and I always reach new heights of bliss.

He sits on the couch, fully naked now. I will never get used to his gigantic, sculpted frame. He looks like the finest specimen of man on earth.

I'm aching for him to fuck me and I know I won’t be disappointed.

He grabs my hand as if to say it's okay. I look at his gleaming cock and can no longer hold back. I get on top of him and ease myself down onto his massive shaft.

Inch by glorious inch, he's entering me, and I'm almost ready to come just thinking of the power of the man behind the cock.

He lifts my hips up and down easily so that he finds a steady rhythm that I follow. I circle and grind on him, but most of all I feel connected.

This isn't the same angry sex we had the other day.

That was mind-blowing, but I feel more in tune with him tonight. Maybe it's because we're both a little tipsy, I don't know. But things are different.

I'm in sync with him emotionally and physically. We're fucking so hard and I scream out his name as it gets more intense.

"Xavier, I'm gonna come," I say, with a slight tone of desperation in my voice.

"Okay, baby, come. I want you to come for me," he says.

See, he's acting nicer already.

I move my hips around his cock and it feels so good, my G-spot is aching for it. My whole body starts to vibrate and I'm on the precipice of a thunderous orgasm.

I breathe, scratch my fingernails into his shoulders, and ride him hard, to the point that I reach oblivion.

Waves of ecstasy flow within my entire being. It's just him and me now as the world dissolves, everything disappearing except the feeling of my pussy gripping his cock as I convulse and shake.

I cry out and this seems to make him want to come also. He holds my hips steady and then crashes into me from underneath.

His cock is covered with my cum and he slides into me quicker. The slick sounds make me crazy with lust. I'm riding the waves of the last orgasm but I feel a new one coming right on its heels.

"Uhh, I'm gonna come again," I moan.

My words seem to make him happy and a smile crosses his face. He's getting his fill and so am I.

He's fucking me so hard and the sensation of it is almost too much. My body feels like it will shatter into a million pieces with another orgasm. Each wave heightens the next.

My emotions are torn. I fucking love this guy and I fucking hate him.

I grip his neck and hold him close because I'm gonna come again. He sucks my tits and it's all over for both of us. He and I come at exactly the same time together, as one in unison, and it's fucking amazing.

He lets out one hard gasp as he reaches his climax. I'm in mine and he can likely tell because my pussy is tightening around his cock, milking every last drop of cum from him. Our cum mixes together and slides down my thighs.

"That was incredible," I say, almost whimpering.

It was the relief we both needed all night long. It's what we both wanted and yet neither of us seem prepared to admit the extent of our feelings. I think he has this same weirdly twisted mix of love/hate that I do.

He holds me still on his lap for a couple minutes as he pumps every last drop of cum into me. My heart starts to calm down and I sink back down to earth.

He pulls out of me. I let go of his neck and get up, walking to the bar naked.

"Fuck, that was so good. Mind if I make a drink?"

He's looking at me with wonder. I'd give anything to know what he's thinking.

"I'll make you one too," I say.

I reach for his top-shelf liquor and pour us both a shot of vodka. First, I shake it with ice so that it will go down cold.

I bring him the drink as he lazes on the couch. He's watching me. I think it's his new favorite hobby.

I love to tantalize him with my body. I walk around naked to make sure he swiftly gets hard again.

"To us," I say, joining him on the couch.

He has an odd expression on his face, as though he's questioning my motives or something, like he doesn't trust me. What the fuck?

Once again, a mysterious element surrounds him and I think I'm risking everything by being with yet another bad boy. What am I getting myself into?

But I ignore his odd expression, not wanting to ruin the moment.

We clink glasses and down the vodka. It's smooth and it does the job of taking the edge off. It helps me to relax into the pleasurable rebellious sensations that are still pulsating throughout my body. My body is betraying me with this guy. I know I shouldn't, but I really must.

Life is never boring with Xavier. I wonder how much longer it will last?


Having just slept with Allie after a long night of back-and-forth exchanges and sexual tension between us, I feel pretty fucking good. But I'm not done with her yet.

I can't seem to get enough of her. Allie is everything I've dreamed of and more. And yet I'm dismayed because I have these conflicting emotions of wanting to love her and to make her mine, and of wanting to punish her for the pain she caused me in the past.

I don't know how much of that emotional turmoil is driving this lust driven behavior, but I can't seem to get my fill of her.

Right now, she's sauntering about naked in my apartment and the view is pretty damn good. Allie has a smoking hot body and I'll never tire of watching her face.

Her body against the backdrop of the city that infiltrates every view from the penthouse is perfect. She could be a true supermodel if she tried. She's all legs and limbs, everything streamlined and tight.

It's not every day you see a body like this. I know she had a bad agent, but I still don't understand how she's not risen to the top. How is she not gracing every runway under the sun?

That I'll never know, and she may not either once I'm done with her career, but I shift those thoughts out of my mind for the moment.

She brings me a shot of vodka and we clink glasses before I take it down in one smooth mouthful. She's made sure to make use of my most expensive bottle. This girl likes the life of luxury even though I'm sure her modeling affords her practically nothing.

I wish I could say that Allie has more extravagance coming to her in the future, but at this point I don't know what the future holds for Allie. Her career will be at a standstill, all because of me.

Maybe she's starting to break down my walls. I wish she hadn't betrayed me in the past and I didn't have to be this guy, this person out for revenge. But I have to. Who am I to say it won't happen again?

No, no way. I have to keep my guard up. I can't let her penetrate my fortress, my guarded heart.

She's charismatic and she has an infectious personality, but I can't let that sway me from my past and my path of destruction towards her.

For the time being at least, I have her holed up in my place and she's all mine. I wanted to claim her all night long in that club. I don't even know why I brought Olivia when I only have eyes for Allie.

There's an unspoken tension between us, of desire unfulfilled. It lingers and it's palpable and obvious. I know she feels it too; how could she not?

I like her not knowing exactly where she stands with me, though. It gives me all the power and I like it that way.

"Okay, Allie, come on." I beckon her to follow me back to the bedroom.

I intend to claim her over and over throughout the night. I want her to be so sore from the size of my cock that she's remembering it with pure satisfaction for the next couple days. She'll remember me forever. I have no doubt.

She and I are both definitely a little tipsy right now, and that last shot of vodka didn't help. Or did it?

I pick her up and throw her down onto my enormous bed. Here I can have my way with her.

She's waiting there for me and she looks so small, so fucking fragile. Her vulnerability turns me on and it makes me feel possessive of her, like I would kill anybody that laid a hand on her that wasn't me. She's all mine.

I shut the door and the room's pitch black. I can feel the shift in her demeanor and she's quivering in hopeful, anxious anticipation of what I'm about to do to her.

The low lighting turns on and I go to the drawer of my armoire and pull out a couple of things. I have the silk blindfold that she wore before. I like her to feel me, not see me. I also grab a silk tie. Might as well take this thing even further.

She sees what I have in my hand and the intensity in the room magnifies. Her eyes widened as it registers what's about to come. I slip the blindfold over her eyes and then I flip her over so that I can tie her hands behind her back.

Having her tied up like this, vulnerable to my every whim and desire, makes me feel so powerful. So fucking hard.

I get off on this kind of thing and having it with Allie enhances the experience tenfold. It's the feeling I want to have with her. I can't explain why I just want to dominate her.

"Can you see?" I say.

"No," she says with a slight quiver in her voice.

I love that I make her this nervous. Even with the alcohol in her system, liquid courage so to say, she can't help but be a little fearful of me.

It's because I force her to explore unknown places. She was probably unaware of her desire to submit until she met me.

I bring her to new peaks of pleasure that she's never known, and yet commingled with that is a sense of pain. The pleasure-pain experience is what she craves and it's what I can deliver.

"Are you ready for this?" I ask.

"Yes," she breathes.

She doesn't even know what she just said yes to. I go to the side table beside the bed and pull out a couple more items. One thing I take out is a huge dildo which I intend on using on her very well. And then I pull out a little vibrator. Might as well make this interesting.

"What are those?" she asks.

"Shh," I caution her. "You'll find out soon."

She's tied up and blindfolded, bent over my bed, with her beautiful ass in the air. I take the vibrator and slowly insert it into her wet pussy. I know it's wet for me but she's not gonna have me just yet.

She gasps as I insert the toy deep inside her. Then I click on the button and it starts to vibrate and to rotate around.

I move the toy in and out slowly as it pulsates circles around inside of her. She's breathing hard and I can tell this is going to bring her maximum pleasure.

I do it for a while until I think she might explode. I can't have her coming just yet. Let's draw it out some more.

It's time to get my fill. I pull her over to the side of the bed so that her face is in line with the edge. Then I push my cock down her throat.

From my standing position, I have great access to her mouth and throat.

I hear her choking and breathing around my cock and it only serves to harden me more. I'm turned on, almost to a level that's more intense than anything I’ve ever experienced.

I thrust and pump into her more but the sensation of her lips around me and her tongue sliding along my shaft, well, it's gonna make me come sooner than expected. I pull out.

Then I get onto the bed and take her from behind. I spread her open wide and use the little vibrator to circle her clit as I enter her.

"Xavier," she moans. "You're so fucking good. Fuck, I'm gonna explode."

Does she know that every time she breathes my name I get a little more determined to make it the only name she ever utters this way again?

The date was fun, the verbal sparring and sexual tension, but it's all been leading to this. This moment of me inside of her, her ultimate surrender, it's all we both care about.

Nothing gets better than this. We have a fucking connection. Something unexpected. I can't deny that anymore.

I fuck her gently at first. I just want to savor the sensation of her pussy tightening around me. Allie is everything and more and I don't know what I'm getting into, but for the moment I let myself sink deeper into her and into the awareness of our connection. It's all coming together.

The world is hazy and I just see Allie's blonde hair everywhere and her breathing intensifies to keep up with me.

She's all I have, and all I want, but even I can't admit this just yet. It's too real to acknowledge, so deep that it scares the shit out of me. What the fuck is happening with this girl?


My hands are tied behind my back, I'm blindfolded, and he's pressing me down on the bed as he fucks me from behind.

It doesn't get much more intense than this.

I don't know what I did to merit his scorn and fury, but it all feels good in my body, so I'm game.

This all started in the club. The heated exchanges between us, the fact that he brought another girl, all of it was leading to this moment. What he did made me furious and a part of me can't even believe I went to bed with him anyway.

At the same time, the sexual buildup, the energy that was vacillating between us in the club, it all led to this moment.

And to me, this moment is special. I have never been tied up before Xavier. I've never let a guy blindfold me and do things to me with sex toys. I feel like this is virgin territory, and oh my God, what have I been missing out on?

Sex with him is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. He's dominant and controlling and yet also acutely aware of what it is I want and need.

There's an unspoken boundary he will not cross. I feel strangely sure that he’ll never hurt me. He doesn't deserve to have my trust yet, but he has it. He owns me, at least for this moment.

I never dreamed I would be tied up like this. I've never gone to such extremes as with this guy, but with Xavier extremes are necessary. It takes a lot to satisfy him. He tries to claim me on every level, body, mind, and spirit. And now, as the world is darkened by my blindfold, he's taking me to new levels.

Everything's sensory. The feeling of his shaft sliding slowly into me. The sound of his harsh breathing as he pumps into me and has his way with my pussy that's aching and throbbing.

All I can think of is when? When can I come? He likes to call the shots on that, and in a weird way I want to obey that. I want to fucking please him, and I don't know why.

I try to catch my breath, but it’s impossible. His gigantic cock feels so good, filling me up in every way. The sensation of pleasure rises and falls and I'm ready to just ride that wave, but before I have a chance, he pulls out another trick of the trade.

He's got some kind of little vibrator pressed against my clit. Now the feelings are varied. I want to come from inside, deeply, and from without. The combination will result in a dangerous explosion that will leave me dizzy for days.

I know what he's doing. He's taking me so far over the edge that I'll never forget this night. I'll never forget him. Not that I could if I tried.

He circles my clit over and over again and the effect is tantalizing. This, combined with the feel of his gigantic cock filling me up, well, I'm about to come whether he wants me to or not.

The idea of it is glorious, but I'm trying to ride the surge of pleasure as best I can so as not to disappoint the man in charge.

I'd do anything for him. I sincerely think that, and yet it's so early. What am I even doing here?

I try not to climax and not to let it all fall into million crashing pieces, but it's hard to hold back.

I know the more I hold back, the more explosive it will be. If I can hang on a little longer then I'll be able to come again and again and again, and I won't be able to stop. I'll have multiple orgasms back to back and this is likely what he craves.

Xavier really is that good. He's everything I could ever want, and I feel myself falling for him in more ways than one.

Nothing makes sense except the quality of this moment. The feel of his giant manhood thrusting in and out, in perfect sync with my own rhythmic buildup is just too good.

Fucking him is magical. I try to spread open wider to take in all of him. It's always a pleasure I would literally die for to feel inch after gratifying inch of him inside me.

He's just circling my clit with that fucking vibrator and it feels so divine, but the feeling is torturous as well. I feel my climax rising from there and from deep within. It's gonna be insane, he's made sure of that.

My heart races as I take in the fullness of him. I feel buildup from every direction like nothing I’ve felt yet with him. He thrusts into me a little harder, and that's it, I have to come.

"Xavier, I'm coming. I can't help it," I cry out.

"That's good, baby," he says. "Just let it go."

And I do. I let it go all around his fucking enormous cock. A giant flood of sensations encompass me. My pussy is pulsating and it's warm and gushing what feels like gallons of cum all over his cock.

This makes it easier for me to accommodate his width and he takes the opportunity to thrust in and out with more force than ever, like our fucking lives depend on it.

He's turned on by my release, knowing it's all because of him.

The wetness of my sticky cum surrounds his entire shaft and he starts to pummel me quickly. He's fucking me so hard, and when I think of how connected we are, it makes me feel like I’m going to come all over again.

The many peaks rise and fall, as I come without being able to stop. He sprays his essence inside of me and the warm fluid comingles with my own.

Things are not just surface with him. It's not just lust. There's something deeper here. I know it. And that to me, is sexier than anything else.

Being connected to him, to another person like this, is enough to make me come for days.

My orgasm rolls into one and then another. I'm having the most intense orgasms fo my life, and all I can do is moan and cry out his name. It's probably exactly what he wants. He loves to hear me begging for it. And beg I do.

"Good girl,” he says. "Just let it go. You know you want to."

I do want to. His name is the only thing on my lips. He's consuming me with his presence and it's all I can think about.

"Xavier, I want you so bad. It's only you." I don’t even know what I’m saying I’m so lost in this orgasmic haze.

Every time I say his name it's like a new release of testosterone goes pulsing through him.

He flips me over so that I'm on my back, but my hands are tied above my head. I still can't see him, but I can sense what's about to happen.

He pushes my legs back so that he can have full access to my sopping wet pussy. And soon he's sliding that enormous shaft right back inside of me.

He's in it for the long haul like a fucking marathon. I'm spent as all hell, but Xavier hasn't had his fill.

He dominates me once again as if we both haven’t just come our brains out.

I don't know what's left. But he’s surely gonna find it.

He pushes into me and I'm whimpering and begging for it. I just want more of him. Always more.

"Ah, Allie, you're so tight," he growls.

The way he says it makes me get even wetter for him. How can this one man consume all of my thoughts and my body at the same time?

The connection seems too deep, too real. I don't know what's going on. And I don't know if I can trust it.

But for the time being it's all about the present moment. I can hardly think of anything else except for what's going on right now, which is the fact that I'm blindfolded and I only have the sensory experience of him taking me once more.

He sinks into me deeper and deeper. My throbbing pussy is still aching for more. I can't keep up, so I just give in. I relax and give in to the force of his cock.

I think I'm coming again but I can't tell because I'm living in one blissful place where everything all blends together. It's almost like having an out of body experience.

"Are you ready for me to come?" he asks.

"Yes," I sigh, my voice thick with desire.

His motion speeds up considerably and he's pounding into me and it's everything.

Before I can savor it for one single more second, though, he pulls out and sprays his cum all over my chest.

I’m sure my tits are glistening with his sticky essence. I want to taste it and to have every part of him inside of me. I lick up what I can and this makes him groan.

I'm completely spent, exhausted, done for. I lay stretched out on his bed unable to get up, unable to move. That many orgasms will do that to a girl.

With one heaving motion, he lies down beside me and we curl up and go to sleep. It's been forever since I've slept like this, with a man that I feel safe with enveloping me.

I think about our relationship and how it feels so real. I let myself drift off to sleep with fantasies of this man, Xavier, who is wrapped around me.

Can it be real? Can I trust what I have? Surely I'm not making up a connection such as this.

Don't do it, Allie. Stay guarded. You can't trust this guy.

My intuition is screaming out at me to fucking pay attention, but all I can do is let myself drift off into a blissful sleep, unguarded, next to the man of my dreams.


It's been a few days since that incredible night of sex with Xavier. He made me feel things that I never felt before. He took me to realms of bliss that I didn't even know existed.

Lately, he's all I can think about and that makes me nervous. I know he's a bad boy and I know he's a player, but somehow I've become wrapped up in him.

You'd think he would've at least called by now, but he hasn't. So I'm trying not to get my hopes up.

I haven't booked any more jobs since that video either, which is frustrating. I have rent to pay.

Nothing is guaranteed in this business. I've learned that the hard way. But if I don't figure out something soon, I'm gonna have to take a second job.

I make a cappuccino and then take my laptop outside to the common terrace I share with some people in my building. At least I have this outdoor space in NYC, which is damn hard to come by.

I get comfy and pull my sweater tighter to shield against the fall air. There's nothing like fall in the city. I have a nice view of a tree-lined street where the leaves are just beginning to turn to shades of orange and deep red.

Unfortunately, I'm unable to appreciate it as much as I should because my career is looming over me. I may not be able to afford to live here through the winter, and that thought is disheartening.

I can't even let myself think of how it will to crawl home to my parents and have to admit that I failed.

I'm an aspiring model and actress and this career has come with a certain cliche. No one thinks you can make it big because so many people try.

I push those thoughts from my mind and get on the internet to see if my video is up yet on Hard Pressed .

As soon as the site opens, I’m stunned into a shocked silence. The ground suddenly feels unstable beneath my chair.

There's my face, the video, all under the caption "Beware: The Spread of STDs."

What in fucking hell is this? This can't be right.

With trembling hands, I press play and I see a vidio play about how STDs can spread so quickly from person to person. And guess who seems to be the spokesperson for it?


The video highlights a bunch of statistics about STDs.

And then there I am saying, "Okay, well, for something to go viral let's say a person named Jamie has it and he then hangs out with Sarah and gives it to her and then Sarah gives it to Charles. This is how things get spread and before you know, it’s spread around to everyone you know and everyone they know."

Oh my God.

My words have been edited. While in the shoot I was talking about a video going viral, they've edited my words to include STD, which I know I never said.

I don't know how this happened. I certainly didn't do my research into what the shoot was for, but I trusted my new agent Harry and I trusted Xavier to put me in the right position.

I never dreamed the video would be about this. If I had known, I would've done it. They've painted me to look like I have a true STD.

Is this even legal?

The sad thing is, I don’t know. I didn’t even bother to read the contract. You’d think I’d have learned my lesson after Cheri.

But no. Here I’ve gone and gotten myself royally screwed all over again.

It doesn't look like I'm a model posing for a shoot, pretending to have an STD. All my words have been twisted and it sounds like I really do have one.

I frantically search the Internet to see how far the video has spread. I go to YouTube and see that it has 800,000 views already.

Holy fuck. Oh my God, what have I done?

I feel nauseous. My ears are ringing.

I hold onto the sides of my chair to steady myself as the world spins. I feel like I have vertigo. Everything seems a little off balance.

A rush of adrenaline pumps through my body as I realize what this might mean. My reputation is on the line, and with this thing getting so many views people are always gonna know me as that model with an STD.

"Are you all right?" some stranger asks me.

I guess I must look as ill as I feel. I continue to hold my seat as the world appears simultaneously frozen and spinning at the same time.

"Thank you, no, I'm fine," I say to him. I don’t even know how I force the words out.

I don't know what to do or what my next step is. Can I have them take it down? I can try but if they don't agree there's no way I can afford a lawyer right now.

I think back to when I signed the contract for this shoot. I thought everything would be in the clear. I was stupid and naïve and trusting.

But now that I’ve signed, I don't think I have any course of action. I have no retribution. I fucking signed up for it. With a goddamn smile on my face.

A sense of claustrophobia takes over. I feel the walls of my life closing in and I don't know how I'll get out of this mess.

I pick my stuff up and rush back into the building to my apartment. I'm frantic, needing to get this thing contained. But I have a sinking suspicion my efforts will be in vain. The video has almost a million fucking views already.

I scramble to the phone and call the one person I know I can trust. Lindsay.

"Hi, Lindsay, it's me, Allie. You'll never guess what just happened."

"Allie, I think I've already seen it," she says, her somber voice telling me all I need to know.

Oh my God, if Lindsay's already seen it, that means most of the world probably will before long.

"You saw my video?"

"I'm afraid I have. Babe, I'm so sorry. Listen, I know it's not true and I know everyone else will think that also."

The truth hits me like a ton of bricks. Lindsay's trying to be nice, and she's trying to soothe me, but the fact is people are definitely gonna think I have an STD from now on.

I mean, I know it’s a serious thing. I know people suffer from this every day. I’m not making light of it. But this could effectively ruin my career for the types of jobs I want to go for. I’ll always be known as the STD video girl.

Every time a new casting director Googles my name this is gonna come up. I will never escape this vicious shoot. I will never live it down.

"Lindsay, I think I've just committed career suicide and I didn't even know what I was doing. I thought the video was for something else entirely. I didn’t say what it looks like I said. They've edited this to make it look like I really have an STD. I'll never have a normal life again."

"It's okay, Allie. There's a way around this. You just have to figure out how to clear your name."

She's trying to be a good friend, and she really is, but despair still washes over me.

"I know you're right, Lindsay, but at this point, I just want to stay in my house and be a hermit forever. How can I show my face around town again?"

"You can do that, Allie," she says supportively. "You have every right to just lay low for a while. But trust me, this thing is gonna blow over. It's not gonna haunt you forever. And besides, nobody watches these boring old videos anyway."

"Thanks so much, Lindsay,” I say, but I don’t feel any better.

"Okay, sweetie, call me if you need anything. And I'll call and check on you."

I make an attempt at a joke. "Can you pick up my groceries and dry-cleaning forever?"

We both laugh but I'm gonna be staring at a lot of delivery menus, this I know for sure.

Lindsay says what only a good friend would.

"I will seriously do that for you. If you feel like you can never leave the house again, I will be your personal slave and make sure you have everything you need."

At least that gets a laugh out of me. "Thank you. You're always there for me."

At least I have one person in the world that I can count on. I don't know how this happened, but I have to get to the bottom of it.

For now, I decide to sulk. I play some moody music that has a sense of melancholy and I lick my wounds.

I'm going to take a long, hot bath and pretend that this day never happened. At least in this moment, here in my own space, I can imagine that this never happened.

I let the water run and my tears fall. There's no holding back this rush of emotion. I feel betrayed but I'm not sure by who. Did my agent do this? Or was it Xavier?

How is it that I keep having such bad luck in the modeling world? Maybe I'm not meant to be here at all. Maybe I should've just stayed in my hometown and been satisfied with the status quo. Instead, I had to move to fucking New York City and try to make something of myself.

Well, look at me now. I couldn't get much lower than this.

I get into the bath and make sure there are lots of bubbles. Then I put a cold compress over my eyes and just try to disappear from the world.


I always begin my day by working out. And today is a beautiful morning to be in the window-lined gym. The air is crisp and the fall weather is starting to turn.

I've been a member at the little, exclusive gym right next to Hard Pressed ever since we opened.

I had a vision of the kind of company I wanted to create and it's all come to life in such a short time. Our success was virtually overnight and it just confirms the fact that everything I touch turns to gold. I have the Midas touch.

My morning workout is part of a kind of ritual that I prescribe to every single day. It keeps me steady, and it keeps me grounded, and most of all it keeps me in shape.

I'm lifting weights and there's just the usual crowd of a few people other than me who are dedicated enough to show up here at five am. You have to be committed to your health to be here this early five days a week.

I like to have everything exclusive and everything private in my life, and the gym is no exception. It has every amenity I could need and there's a spa attached for those really hard days when I need to unwind. It's only the best for me and even my gym must be swank.

As I pump iron I think about Allie. I'm really having second thoughts now about the video. She's likely already seen it and that means her world must be crumbling around her.

I try to take my aggression out on the weights but it does me no good. She's permeating every facet of my thoughts. Ever since Allie walked back into my life, I haven't been able to think of anything else.

Even though I want to hurt her and to get her back from the past, there's something irresistible about her that I find truly fascinating. Despite the way she wounded me as a teen, I feel like she does have a good heart. She's not shown me anything but kindness, integrity, and humility since we’ve met again.

She's not some arrogant model who feels entitled and like the world should be hers without having to lift a finger. No, that's not Allie. She is a lot more depth than that.

So how did it all go so wrong?

I take to the treadmill and try to sprint my way out of it. I feel truly bad for what I did to her and yet part of me feels like it was necessary.

I run and I run and I run, trying to escape the pain of what I've done. The STD video has gone viral just like I anticipated. And it was me who did it.

Suddenly I feel like I'm not much better of a person then Allie was in high school. The hatred I bear towards her is starting to fade and I see myself as a vile creature.

Not even the toughest workout can erase this.

I shower and leave the gym to hit the coffee shop that's conveniently located right next door. Everything in my life is in order. I'm at the height of my career, in the height of my life. And yet by hurting Allie, I feel like I've gone so wrong.

I take my triple shot latte to the Hard Pressed headquarters next door.

I walk into the building and nearly everyone says hello to me. I'm the boss and the CEO and that affords me respect, whether earned or not.

If any of them knew what I did to Allie and how I pushed that STD video on her, well, I'm not sure I'd be getting such friendly greetings this morning.

I take the elevator up to the top floor where I occupy the entire penthouse as my office. My secretary checks in and gives me a list of things I need to get done today.

"Thank you, Tricia," I say to her. "Can you please bring me my protein shake?"

"Sure, Mr. Armstrong. Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you."

I don't know why I even have to ask. I have the same thing every day and she should know it. I think it's time to find a new secretary.

I'm in a brooding kind of mood. The gym did nothing to take my mind off Allie. And the idea that I've ruined someone's entire life doesn't feel so good. I definitely thought I'd gain more satisfaction from this but all I feel is guilt and blame.

I take my phone to text her and think about maybe trying to smooth this whole thing out. But I just can't do it.

I log onto my computer and find the video to see how many views it has by now.

My God, the numbers have nearly doubled. Over 1 million hits already.

I wonder how Allie's feeling? I imagine she hasn't left her apartment and I imagine she's shed a lot of tears over this. That thought should make me so happy. But instead, I feel like less of a man.

Fuck. This is how she got me to fall in love with her before. She has a sparkling personality. But if that was so true how could she have been so cruel before?

I reach again for my phone thinking maybe I can text her and we can meet. Maybe I can explain to her what happened and we can go about fixing it. Every time I see her name flash on my phone, though, I'm just reminded of the past and what she did and how she hurt me.

I keep feeling like she doesn't deserve success. She doesn't deserve me to help her. She needs to be permanently scarred like I was. I wonder how many other guys she marred with her awful secrets?

I sit at my desk and ponder the day. I have a lot to do but part of me feels like I have to see Allie. Being with her makes me just want to fuck her into oblivion. I long to possess her and for her to have eyes only for me.

I simultaneously hate her and desire her. These feelings are confusing and they torment me. Normally I don't care about women very much. But something about Allie is the same as the girl I thought I knew in high school. The girl who wouldn’t do what she did to me.

I used to be in love with her, I think, because not only was she beautiful but she was nice too. And I'm seeing that as she's changed into a woman, her heart is the same. And it's a heart I've officially hurt by releasing that video.

Things are not adding up in my mind and I don't understand how I've arrived at this point.

I decide at the very least I need to see her. Otherwise, she'll be on my mind all day and I'll have this inner battle of whether to text or not.

I write to her and ask if she'll meet me at the coffee shop below the building.

Her response is expected.

I want to but I'm just too devastated. Have you heard about what happened? I don't want to show my face around town. How could you have done this to me?

Okay, so she knows it was me. I'm going to have to weasel my way out of this. I'm not ready for her to know my true identity just yet.

Just jump in a cab and come down here. No one will even see you. I need to talk to you.

There's no response and I know she's probably sitting there thinking about what to do.

I picture it and decide to push her farther.

Please, Allie, it'll be worth it. Besides, I know you can't resist some espresso this early in the morning.

If I cared about her at all I should really be the one bringing her coffee. I should really be nurturing her wounds and helping her through this.

Instead, I'm the one who caused all this. I'm just not that guy she needs to comfort her.

But I still want to see her.

After a long silence, my phone finally beeps again.

Okay, Xavier. I'm gonna meet you but then I'm coming right back home .

Yes, at least I've got her coming out of the house a little bit. Seeing her will take the edge off my inner torment. Maybe I can sort through these opposing feelings.

Now I just have to figure out exactly what I'm gonna say to her.


I haven't left my house for several days and if it was up to me I would never leave. I've given myself over to the fact that I either need to be a hermit in this town or I need to move.

The problem with the video going viral is that even if I move, people will know me there too. This is the worst thing that could've ever happened to me. I've become a meme and tons of people are making fun of me. Not only is it ruining my life, but it will forever ruin my career.

Just when I thought things were gonna start looking up, this had to happen. I thought I was gonna start booking shoots with my new agent and that everything would be fine. Now I feel like life cannot be more bleak.

My agent did me wrong. I fully blame him and at this point, and I'm kind of missing the days of working with Cheri. She might've been a slimeball but at least she wouldn't have set me up for an STD video shoot.

Who is this guy Harry anyway? I find myself thinking that I'm a little bit too naïve. Here I am in NYC all by myself trying to forge ahead in one of the most demanding and competitive careers in the world. And now I have been beaten.

And to top it all off I don't have proper representation moving forward. I trusted Xavier when he moved me away from Cheri.

Xavier seems so domineering and like he has his life in control. I guess I was hoping he would put my life in control too. This is just another example of how I leaned on him too much when I should've kept my guard up.

Ultimately, I've learned that I can only rely on myself. I can't trust anybody to do anything for me. I need to do my research on agents and all future jobs. Of course, that is if I even book any future jobs.

At this point, I can't imagine a single casting director taking me seriously. This video has exploded over the Internet. It's not some little thing that everyone's ignoring. It's made a firestorm and I don't know how all of that has happened so quickly.

Xavier's texting me and asks me to meet him for coffee. I don't want to go at all. And I don't know why I even agreed.

In the end, he's still so hard to say no to. Even though I'm upset with him I'm not one hundred percent sure that he was behind this awful shoot. And I can't place blame where blame doesn't belong. I will have words with him, though, about how I got into this mess. I need to see if he was behind it at all.

He's a bad boy for sure. And he's a player. At this point, I don't expect to ever be his girlfriend. But I don't think he is capable of malintent. Underneath it all, he must have a good heart.

This terrible shoot must've had nothing to do with him. At this point, I'm just blaming my agent Harry.

I drag myself out of bed and away from the TV where I've been binge-watching Netflix. My apartment's a mess, with takeout food everywhere and bottles of wine.

Lindsay's been a true friend and she's brought me in all the groceries and everything I need so that I don't have to show my face around town. I'm just not ready for that yet.

If anyone walked in on me now it would certainly look as though I don't have my life together. And that's how I feel inside so I guess this apartment is just a reflection of that.

I take a shower and try to pull myself together. I am about to see Xavier, after all. He's so hot and I don't want to disappoint him by looking like a slob.

I pull on some jeans and a tank top and then I wrap my hair in a scarf and put on some huge oversized sunglasses to disguise my face as much as possible.

I've even considered dying my hair a dark shade of brown so that I will be further unrecognizable. But for now it's still blonde and that will still draw attention to me.

I duck into a cab quickly and so as not to be noticed. The driver takes me to the coffee shop which I see is right next to Hard Pressed . How convenient that is for Xavier.

A nice guy and a true boyfriend would've come to me. Instead, he dragged me all the way downtown to a spot that was convenient for him.

Maybe he's concerned and trying to get me out of the house. I don't know but I'm about to find out.

I arrive at the coffee shop and get out, trying to hide my face the whole time.

There are a few snickers and I realize my disguise may not be the best. At the counter, I order my latte. The person working stares at me like she's seen me someplace before, even though the large glasses are covering half my face.

"Hey," she says. "Are you that girl from the video?"

I feel my cheeks flush a burning red.

I say, "What video?"

And then I scurry to a table all the way at the back corner. This is worse than I thought. People can recognize me even with the so-called disguise on. I never should've come out.

I'm hiding in the back and then I see him walk in. Every time I see him my heart skips a beat and my stomach drops a little. He makes me feel nervous and yet it's a delightful kind of nervous feeling.

I’m so attracted to him. I feel like it’s because he has this aura of authority and power. Plus, he's pure muscle.

As much as I want to hate Xavier and blame him for this I just can't. He's so fucking gorgeous.

He looks around and sees me in the back.

"Hiding in the back, are we?" he asks, smiling.

"What else am I supposed to do?" I say. "Even the people here recognize me."

He sits down and the waitress comes over to take his order. She's staring at me and trying to suppress laughter I can tell. It's so humiliating.

"Allie, I'm glad you're here. It took bravery to come out like this."

"Yeah, well, I have a bone to pick with you anyways," I say. "You're the one who set me up with that agent Harry. And he's the one that booked me for that video without telling me what it was about. I don't know who to blame, you or him."

He looks at me thoughtfully like he has something on his mind that he wants to say.

"No, Allie, I had nothing to do with it. I'm sorry for setting you up with that guy Harry, but he really seemed to have your best interest in mind. Maybe he thought this video will give you exposure," he says as his coffee is delivered.

"Exposure? I got exposure all right. A little too much of it. Don't you see that my career is over?" I say angrily at him.

He flicks a pack of sugar and pours it into his coffee while saying, "Over? Now that's a little dramatic, isn't it? I don't think it's a career-ending move to have a public safety video out with your name on it."

Why is he trying to spin it like this? He's obviously seen the video and was probably laughing at it himself. It's nothing like a public health video. It's just a humiliating interview where it looks like I have an STD.

I take off my glasses and stare into his face. He looks back at me intently and again there is that electrifying connection between us. It's something that can't be denied. I've never felt this way with any other guy.

"I do want to say, Xavier, that I'm sorry about how drunk I got the other night. I never meant to let it get that out of hand."

He smiles at me. "Were you drunk? I didn't even notice."

He's lying, of course. He knew how trashed I was.

"Well, I'm also sorry that I snuck out of your place before you woke up in the morning."

"Yeah, I noticed that," he says. "Are you a runner?"

What could he mean a runner?

"A runner?"

"Yeah, someone who runs away from commitment. You like to escape," he says.

Well, that's fresh coming from him. He's a playboy and he knows it, so I don't know why he's calling me out. A least I had the decency to apologize.

"I am not a runner. I just like to sleep in my own bed is all," I say.

"Okay, if that's what you want to believe." He's fucking teasing me now.

I can't believe he's even questioning me when he is so obviously the problem in this situation. He brought another woman on our last date for fuck’s sake. He couldn't have made it any clearer that he's not ready for a relationship.

"You're the one running from love," I say. "I mean you brought that girl Olivia to the club the other night. You certainly made it evident that you don't want to start something real."

He looks at me deeply, in that way that causes that nervous tension I’m becoming familiar with. What is it about this guy that has me so captivated?

I mean sure, he's tall and gorgeous and obviously wealthy, but there's something more there. There's something in him that I just can't put my finger on.

I attribute it to his overpowering nature. That must be what I'm infatuated with. We continue our coffee date and I'm actually feeling better about having left the house.

No matter how much I want to be angry with him, I just can’t. And that’s when I realize that as much as I tried to guard my heart, it’s too late.

I’ve fallen for Xavier.


We’re in the café, my favorite haunt in NYC. The exposed brick and ancient beams give this place a rustic quality that I will never tire of. There are quite a few patrons here but Allie’s tucked nicely in the back corner of our table so it’s doubtful anyone recognizes her besides the staff.

"So tell me, Allie, what is your biggest regret in life?" I ask over our coffee.

She thinks about my question for a while.

“There's only one regret that stands out to me. And it has to do with this guy Stanley I knew in high school.”

"Oh really?" Suddenly I'm way more interested. Where is this coming from?

"Well, you might find this story boring, but it has to do with how I lost my virginity."

"Go on." My eyes dance as I think back to the moment.

It was special for me too, considering I was the guy she lost it to. Well, the guy I thought she lost it to. After what happened after, I knew the truth.

My level of fucking has gone up about a million times since then, but she was still my first.

Too bad she doesn't realize it was me, otherwise she could've been Mrs. Armstrong and her life wouldn't be in shambles right now.

"The truth is," she says. "I was really hurt in high school by this one guy, and more than that, this one girl who was supposed to be my best friend."

I find I'm sitting on the edge of my seat, anxious to hear her side of the story.

"So, there was this guy, his name was Stanley. He was kind of a nerd, but I always felt something for him. He was so smart, and that attracted me to him a lot. I knew that he would make something of himself in life."

I look at her intently, knowing full well that she's describing me. Is that really how she saw me back then?

She continues, "So I was a cheerleader and I was friends with this girl on the squad named Becky. I didn't realize until later that she was incredibly jealous of me and she had it out for me. Anyway, back to Stanley. He and I had a date scheduled and I relied on Becky my friend to tell him where it was. But I found out later she told him the wrong place, so he thought I stood him up."

I'm all ears now because I remember Becky, but I didn't know she meddled in our situation. This is news to me. I thought Allie stood me up that night of our first date. And I’ve been operating on that presumption. That's why I stood her up the other day at Blackwell's.

If this is true, then suddenly things are looking very bad for me. Even worse than they already do.

"So, the thing is," she says. "Stanley and I, well, we had a connection. We ended up losing our virginity to each other despite missing the first date. It was a high school thing and it was one magical night. I felt as connected to him as I have ever to another human being."

Oh my fucking God. What she's describing is exactly how I felt that first night with her. I knew we had a connection. I felt it then like I feel it now.

Even more, she’s telling me she did lose her virginity to me, something I didn’t believe after the fact. And this changes everything.

"But after that night," she says, "he left school suddenly and I didn't see him for a while. I found out that my so-called friend Becky had told him I had an STD. Seems relevant to my life right now doesn't it?"

Fuck. She doesn't sense the connection. I purposely put her in the STD commercial out of spite for what she did to me. Becky told me that Allie had an STD and didn't tell me. Made me believe she’d lied about me being he first. Lied about everything.

This is all so wrong.

"Anyway, Becky told Stanley that I had an STD and that I didn't tell him before we had sex. I think he was really mad at me and I think that's why he left school. He thought I gave him an STD. I was so devastated because I really cared about this guy. I gave him my virginity after all."

There it is again. She really was a virgin. She wasn’t sleeping around. Everything I thought I knew is all wrong.

"So, what happened?" I try to act the part of the new guy just trying to understand.

"Wow, you seem really interested in the story," she says to me.

"Well, I just want to learn more about you," I say. "Tell me how it ends."

"Okay, well, Becky told me that Stanley had moved on. She said he was dating someone else. In my own grief at losing Stanley, I decided to try to get back at him in case I ever saw him again. I didn't know why he left me. I didn't know that Becky had told him I had an STD. So, the quarterback of the football team asked me out and I said yes. We went to prom together and Stanley was there. I flaunted my love for this football player in front of him.

“I didn't want Stanley to know that he hurt me so much by abandoning me. Remember, I had no idea Becky had been working behind the scenes to ruin me. And ruin me she did. Because after that, I never saw Stanley again. But I never stopped caring about him either. So, I guess you can say that's my biggest regret."

I have nothing to say. I'm just silent. Now it all makes perfect sense. I remember Becky. She was the go-between with Allie and me. And she really destroyed everything we had and everything we could have been. I had no idea I shouldn’t trust her. And it sounds like Allie didn't know either.

I am just astonished that one girl, this Becky, could have such an evil heart as to ruin lives.

Her actions devastated me. And this entire time I had no idea that Allie was hurting too.

So I've been operating entirely out of false assumptions. Suddenly my need to protect Allie is at the forefront of my mind.

The walls come down and I allow myself to care for her at last. I've been suppressing it all these years, but she really is the person for me. There’s no denying it any longer. It’s always been her.

And me? I've dismantled her entire life. Because of my actions, she may be out of work for a lifetime. She may never come to realize her full potential.

"Allie, I'm so sorry," I say, but the message is veiled. "I'm sorry that happened to you."

Really, I'm sorry for what I've done.

"I want you to be happy and to forget about the past," I say to her, wracking my brain for a way to fix all this.

Tears form in her eyes.

"Thanks, Xavier, that means a lot." She wipes the tears away and says, "I don't know why I'm crying. It's silly, really. I mean, it was so long ago. He probably doesn't even remember my name. I just wish that girl hadn't come between us. I guess you could say that I have a hard time trusting female friends now."

My heart breaks for her and for myself. We were both robbed of a happy ending. I've spent years hating Allie for what I thought she did, and for what? I've wasted time being bitter. And all of that stops now.

I will not let Becky steal another moment from us. From this day forward, I will make it up to Allie.

Years of hurt and pain are coming off of me like how a snake sheds its skin. I see that I've been a player because I was too afraid of getting hurt again. I thought Allie never cared about me and I could not have been more wrong.

She's the only person to have seen me for what I was, a geeky, awkward kid, and to love me anyway. She saw my potential when no one else did, and what did I do? I sabotaged her career as a model, possibly forever.

"Allie, it's going to be okay." I'm unsure of the words even as I say them. "We'll fix it, okay?"

She looks at me. "Why are you suddenly so interested in helping me? What's changed?"

I wish I could tell her. I want to divulge the truth right here. But I just got her back and I can't afford to jeopardize that now.

First, she needs to know that she can be safe with me. I'm done with the games, and I'm done trying to destroy and damage her. This is our new beginning.


We're getting ready to leave the coffee shop and frankly, I’m shocked by Xavier's behavior. He seemed to take a genuine interest in my story of regret over having lost Stanley.

I've never seen that side of him before. Normally he's kind of cold and crass and distant. But something about me opening up to him has led him to treat me a little more gently.

I don't know what it is about Xavier. I can't put my finger on it but there's something mysterious about him. There's something I'm just not getting.

First, he acted so concerned about helping me to get a new agent. But then the agent ended up being a not so great person. And then Xavier invited me out, but he asked Olivia to come along. I'm still scratching my head over that one. Even though the sex that night was amazing.

And now he's actually acting so nurturing and I just don't understand why. I mean everybody has a virginity story, and they're usually not that great. So I don't know why mine is so different to him.

"So, do you think we should get out of here?" he says.

I cringe at the thought of leaving my little hiding spot.

"I'm ready to go," I say. "But I'm not ready to face the world."

"Come on," he says. “I bet no one will even recognize you. Besides you're with me, what could go wrong?"

I look at him and think to myself how he's just so handsome and how I secretly want to go back to his penthouse and let things heat up.

"Fine," I say, giving in. "We can go. But you have to guard me if something happens," I say, somewhat jokingly.

We're on the street and all seems good. He and I decide to take a little walk around the city. It'll help to get some fresh air after being cooped up in my apartment for so long.

"So," he asks. "Have you ever felt that strongly for anyone else besides that guy Stanley?"

I look up at him and think about how I'd love to tell him the truth. I'd love to tell him that maybe he could be the guy that I could fall for again. But again, with Xavier, things are just too dangerous.

I know he has a problem with commitment and I don't want to get wrapped up in the drama. So I say nothing about that.

"No, I haven't ever felt that way again. I guess I'm just unlucky in love...and in life."

He has a gloomy expression on his face and I don't understand why. It's not like this is his life being ruined. And it's not like it was he that did it to mine.

He's holding my hand and it's a nice fall day. For a moment everything in the world seems just right.

All the women who pass Xavier give him a second glance. He must be used to this kind of behavior, with women checking him out everywhere. He really is that gorgeous.

Just as I'm starting to let go and to forget all my worries, something awful happens.

Some guys approach us. They look like college frat boys or something. They take one look at me and started laughing.

And then one of them says, "Hey, man, you know she's diseased, right?"

He directs the question to Xavier, and I feel absolutely humiliated. This is like my worst nightmare. This is why I didn't want to leave the house.

I try to hide my face and then realize I forgot my somewhat clever disguise. I left my scarf and sunglasses at the café. I'm screwed.

Before I can feel much more embarrassment, though, Xavier is going up to the men and challenging them.

"What did you just say?" he says aggressively.

The guy doesn't back down. He stands up to Xavier, even though he's about half his size.

“I said she has an STD, moron. Don't you know that?"

At this point, I want to find the nearest hole, crawl in it, and never come out. For this kind of thing to happen in front of Xavier, the man I'm trying to impress, well, it's the worst kind of torture.

Xavier grabs the guy by his collar and throws them up against the building. I’m stunned into silence. I've never seen him rage like this before and I've never seen those muscles on full display.

"You will never say anything like that about her again," he yells at the guy.

He picks him up by the collar and holds him by the neck against the building, nearly choking him out.

"Now, I want you to apologize to the woman. Now!"

It's super hot and sexy to see Xavier in full alpha male mode right now. I really do feel taken care of. And I've never had a guy stand up for me like this before. It makes me feel like he'll always do this for me and that I can trust him. What are these feelings?

The guy utters some kind of half-assed apology. But Xavier doesn't let him go.

"You better mean what you say!" he screams in the guy's face.

He squeezes his neck a little tighter and the other guys are cowering, looking like they'd love to run away right about now.

"I want you to apologize, and you better mean it," he says. “I want all of you to apologize to her."

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," one of the guys says to me, so willing.

"Yeah, me too. Honestly, we're real sorry about this," another one says.

And finally, the one who's being held up against the building utters his final apology to me and it couldn't sound more sincere,

"Listen, we didn't know. We are so sorry. I'm sorry for what I said and I promise never to say something like that again."

With that, Xavier releases his grip and the guy falls to the ground. He's holding his neck like it hurts, and I can't say that I care.

I'm impressed by my man, if I can even call him that these days. He protected me, and it's the first highlight in my life I've felt since the video came out.

"Xavier, you certainly made them pay for it," I say, still a little dazed.

"Yeah, well, they deserved everything they got. They're lucky I didn't punch their stupid faces in. I feel sick about the fact that people are treating you this way," he says.

"You know, I really appreciate that," I say. "But you have to know this is not your fight. I'm gonna have to figure my way out of this somehow."

"I'm gonna help you, Allie," he says. "I promise to help you find a way out of this thing. There's got to be a way to undo this."

A look of misery crosses his face and I just honestly cannot put two and two together. Xavier and I are not exclusive, and he's made me feel like I'm not the only woman in his life, so why does he care so much now?

I figure I should take what I can get and just be grateful for his kindness. But a part of me is wary. There's something that I just don't trust about Xavier right now.

I'm just ready to retreat from the world. This has been a pretty traumatic day.

"Can we please go somewhere private?" I ask, hoping he'll take me somewhere and fuck my brains out so I'll forget all this wretched embarrassment.

He looks at me thoughtfully.

"You can't hide forever, you know. I think we should stay out and you can learn to handle the scrutiny."

I know he's vacillating between being the alpha male that he is and not letting me give in to my tormentors, and he's feeling kinda like maybe he should give in to me and get me out of here. I hope he chooses the latter.

"I want to hide, Xavier, at least for a little while longer."

He sighs. "You sure that's what you want to do? You're just gonna run from the world?"

"For a little while longer. Don't you understand? Today was brutal."

"Okay." He squeezes my hand, turns around, and leads me back toward the penthouse.

I'm elated to be going somewhere private, out of the public eye. This has been one long experience that I'm ready to put it behind me. It looks like the video is going to haunt me no matter where I go and what disguise I wear.

Even though I'm with Xavier now, it's hard to look up and have a positive perspective, considering today I've been both heckled and judged.

But if we’re going back to his place, I know I have the perfect distraction in store.


I call to have a town car come and pick us up. I need to get Allie off of the street as soon as possible. I had no idea what she's been dealing with. The heckling and the harsh judgments are too much for me to hear. They make my blood boil.

I want to protect her and I can't believe it was I who put her in this position. It's all my fault.

My feelings for her are obviously shifting. And even though I created this warped situation, I know now that I'm gonna bring her back out of it, somehow, someway. Allie doesn't deserve this. I don't know what I was thinking.

I pull her away from the crowds and into a corner near a skyscraper so she's nice and hidden. She's crouched in the crook of my arm and I'm trying to protect her.

Her face is famous. Everyone's seen the video and it's gotten way more publicity than even I could imagine.

"Are they gonna pick us up soon?" she asks.

"Yes, baby, they're coming. I'll get you out of here soon."

I wrap the sides of my black trench coat around her and try to envelop her with my safe presence. She snuggles into my chest and the feeling is everything I could dream of.

I lean down to kiss her, and as her soft lips meet mine, sparks of electricity start to fire off between us. It's undeniable. There's always that spark.

I feel it when I'm in the room with her, and I feel it when I'm away from her, at a distance. We just have some kind of incredible connection.

I push her against the wall of the building and use my coat to block what we're doing. I kiss her passionately, as if by doing so I can prove that it's all gonna be okay.

Where is that damn driver?

I'm not going to waste a single second waiting for him. I kiss Allie and then move my hands to her tits. I clutch them and twist her nipples hungrily. I want to get her back to my place as soon as possible.

With one hand I shield her with my oversized trench coat, with the other, I slide my hand down into her panties where she's nice and wet, waiting for me.

I slowly start to finger her. I massage her clit and plunge a couple fingers deep inside of her. She gasps and I have to muffle it with my mouth.

I kiss her as I finger her. People are walking by on the street beside us and yet nobody has any clue what's going on between us.

I finger her deeply and with every press against her G-spot, she lets go a little bit more. I love this moment when she just fully submits to me. I know best how to please her and how to handle her.

I kiss her and finger her but I'm getting ravenous, starved for more of her. I think I might have to take her right here.

"Xavier, we can't. We'll get caught."

She's worried, but I'm not. This is such a hot moment, taking her in what appears to be some kind of alleyway. The shadows of the buildings surround us and she's hidden by my coat. Nothing could go wrong.

I can't be with her and not have this desire to make her mine. I want to give her a total body experience where the world disappears and all she can think about is me.

I finger her expertly and get her nice and ready to explode. Then I unzip my pants and reveal my giant cock. She looks down and sees it, and I can see a look of fear and lust tangled into one.

We're out in public, in broad daylight, and yet I can tell she still can't help herself. She wants it so bad.

"Tell me you want it," I say.

"No, Xavier, we can't do it here. Please, we'll get in trouble."

I repeat myself. "Tell me how bad you want it. Tell me you want me, and only me."

I put her hand on my cock and she starts to circle it up and down with swift motions. Her eyes darken and I can see she wants it so bad. If it was up to her she'd be on her knees indulging herself with my shaft deep in her throat.

She loves to worship my cock with that mouth. She sucks on it as if to please, to show me I'm the only one. She will always acquiesce to being my little sex slave, that much is becoming more and more obvious.

That'd be so hot and I wish I could do it. I wish I could have her down on her knees right here on the sidewalk, but that would be too obvious.

The heat is rising between us. I shove her panties down and hoist her up with my arms so that I can reach her. I keep the coat up so we're hidden from sight and then I plunge my cock deep into her.

"Oh, Xavier, oh my God. Fuck. I can't believe we're doing this right here," she breathes.

My only hope is that she doesn't cry out too loudly, that I can keep her restrained or she'll blow our cover. I've never fucked a girl right here on the street like this and I have no intention of getting caught.

All I can think of is Allie. All I can think of is how gorgeous she is, that she's a fucking supermodel and I'm consumed by her.

Everything goes numb around me except for the feeling of my cock tensing up and getting even harder for her.

I keep thrusting into her, unable to contain the force of my lust. Her back is hitting the brick wall of the building. I kiss her and she screams into my mouth.

The connectedness we share is now becoming a familiar aspect of my life with Allie. I let myself fall into the intensity, into the rush of the climax that shoots through my body.

We come at the same time. I can tell because her pussy clenches tightly around me. I always know when she's had a big release. I pump my essence into her and her muffled screams are swallowed by my mouth.

We successfully just fucked right here on a crowded New York City street. Yes, we're out of sight, but the experience of the public being so close has a sense of voyeurism about it that's so fucking hot.

I could be with Allie anywhere all day. No matter where we are, on a busy street or in the intimacy of my bedroom, it's all the same, it's all intense with her.

I pull out of her and we reorient ourselves to the world, adjusting our clothes. I take her hand and pull her out of the shadowy corner that's been blocking us. I hold her hand and we wait, but soon the town car pulls up.

She's looking at me with this intense passion and emotion in her eyes. What we just did was extremely intimate and also extremely deviant. The mixture of public exposure adds an aspect of intimacy that was a huge fucking rush.

I know she's coming down from the high of her orgasm just like I am. But, at the same time, I can't wait to get back to the penthouse because now I haven't experienced the full measure of gratification that's possible with her.

With Allie, I always want to take her to her edge, to her personal brink and so far past it. When she gets so hot that nothing will bring her down but the feel of me allowing her to explode, well that how far I like it. When she gets to the point that she can barely utter a word, much less her name, then I know that I've done my job.

She will never forget me again.

I'll make it my mission to satisfy her on all fronts until she's so obsessed with me that the reality of who I really am won’t come crashing down on her like a ton of bricks. It will seem like it’s perfect, that things are finally how they should be.

I'm vacillating, yes, on whether I have hurt her too badly, beyond repair. But I also want her to know the truth...that she's been fucking Stanley all along. And if she didn't have feelings for me then, she certainly will now.

The car drives us through the city and there's passion hanging thickly in the air between us. I know Allie's fulfilled but she has no idea just how immeasurably intense it's about to get for her.

Within the confines of my penthouse, I'll have full opportunity to dominate her in the way she craves. She'll never admit it, but her secret desire and fetish is to yield to my every want and need. It's the basis of what makes us great.

Allie understands, in an unspoken way, that I am her liberator if only she'll submit. And I’m about to make her submit like she never has before.


Xavier and I just fucked in a darkened city corner, with onlookers passing by. He shielded me with his trench coat, and somehow, I don't think we were noticed at all. It just looked like we were kissing.

I've never been so dangerously exposed in public. Xavier took me to a new level of sexual oblivion that was enhanced by the fact that we could so easily be caught. We had to have each other right there, on a side street.

It couldn't wait and that's what's so thoroughly exciting about being with Xavier. He seems to know all my buttons and he presses them. He knows how to add a layer of adventure to life that lifts me out of my own worries.

Being safely removed from the public and from prying eyes within the bounds of the town car feels so good. No one can antagonize me in here.

Today was an intense day for people approaching me about the video. I love that Xavier's nature is to protect me. He seems determined to help me live my life again and maybe to get things back on track.

He’s gently massaging my thigh as we ride in the back of his car. There's something safe about being held like that. When I'm around him, the world seems right again.

At the same time pressure's building up within me. The sight of his huge cock is lingering in my mind. I always want more. More of him.

He puts his arm around me and I feel safeer and more connected than ever. He may be a bad boy, but some part of me is wanting to trust in him and to let go even more.

When I'm with him there's a feeling of true emotional involvement that's intense, to say the least.

We hit some traffic and it takes longer to get to his place than normal. But I don't mind because sitting back here with him is time spent together. I don't know why I can't tear myself away from this man, but every part of me wants involvement with him.

There's a friction between us, a kind of sexual chemistry that lights me up when I'm away from him, but especially when I'm with him.

It's this feeling that makes me think that we can make it. It makes me feel like Xavier is more than just some guy. Right now, he's my perfect guy. He's taught me about myself sexually in such a way that I never thought was possible. Made me explore new things that I never knew I loved until he showed me.

Every time I'm with him it's like a new volcanic explosion takes over my body and mind. He's got the endurance of an athlete. And I love that when I'm with him I don't have to be in control. I don't need to worry when I'm with him because he's got it all handled.

I'm sure he would never intentionally hurt me, at least I think he wouldn't.

The car pulls up to the building that I'm now so familiar with. It's Xavier's place, his luxe home within the city. We go inside and directly to his private elevator.

Once inside he starts trying to undress me, wanting more and more. This is life with him. It's an endless sexual ride that always ends in bliss and then more buildup.

I'm only ever temporarily satiated by him. It always feels good to explode in his arms but then I immediately want more. I've never felt this way with a guy before, so interested.

In the elevator, he squeezes my hand and says, "So have you ever fucked in an NYC street before?"

I look up at him slyly. "Of course not."

He knows it's true. He knows he's the first to do many things with me. And that's how I like it. He's exciting and he makes the world more compelling.

We arrive at the top floor and he pulls me inside of his sprawling apartment.

I watch his ass as he goes to the bar and offers me whatever I want.

"I'll have a Pellegrino, thanks."

I need the mineral water to replenish my system after the session we just had on the street.

He brings me the water and I drink it, grateful for the moisture to my dry throat. Sex on the street will do that to a girl.

I have the as yet unmet desire to get on my knees and to show him exactly what he means to me.

He's standing there, his rock-hard abs slightly evident through his white suit shirt. I go to my knees and unzip his pants. He breathes deeply and allows it. We both want more. His cock is already hard and waiting for me.

My body wants to melt and explode at the same time. There's this pressure building inside of me, this push-pull that is only ever sated by the feeling of Xavier's cock deep inside of me.

I circle his massive shaft with my hand before sucking the tip.

I moan around his length.

"Mmm, you taste so good."

I lick and suck the tip enjoying the marvel of a cock this big. I can hardly fit my hand around the width of it, but I try.

It's so big that I can only force it down my throat so far. He loves this. He likes to see my eyes water as I try to take in all of him.

I cup his balls with one hand and quickly circle the lower part of his shaft. I slide my tongue in circles around the rest. I try to tease and taunt him. He knows what I really want is more.

He takes my head and pushes himself deeper into my throat.

"Aww, baby, I know that's what you like. I can tell you love to have my cock deep in your throat. I want you to choke on it."

I breathe around him and try to nod my head yes.

He knows what I like. He knows I crave him. His domination is turning me into a different person, someone I don't even recognize. But I guess you could say Xavier just has that effect on women.

I'm ready to come in my panties but I hold back, not daring to defy him. His power over me is unmistakable. My natural reaction is to give in to him, more and more every time.

I've never met a man that was so in control, so dominant. And I never knew I needed to submit so badly.

He moves my head in a rhythmic motion so that he gets the most out of this blowjob. Anything he wants he can have.

My heart is pumping, pounding in my chest. I want to simultaneously swallow his cum and have it spray all over my face, my tits. Which is it gonna be? How is he gonna want it?

Soon I have my answer. I start to feel more aroused and I cry out around his shaft. He forces it down my throat and holds it there as he pumps hot cum down my throat.

"Fuck, Allie, you are so fucking hot," he says with a final gasp.

I smile to myself at the compliment and know I have done my job well. I could taste him like this all day. It's a different kind of connection to be on my knees in front of him, in full submission mode.

I lick up his essence and all of the leftovers, not wanting to waste a precious drop. He takes my hand and helps me up. I feel dizzy by all the sex play.

I go over to the couch and sink into a corner, ready for a nap.

Xavier goes and makes himself a midday drink. Then someone calls and he's on the phone about business. I've no idea what they're talking about and I don't care.

I just know that I'm here in his place and it feels so right. It feels almost like home and I can't explain why.

The surroundings are luxurious for sure, but everything also screams of him. And he is what I want. At this point, he's my sole desire and even though my life is imploding in other ways I'm just so happy to be with him.

I sip my Pellegrino and relax into his oversized sectional. I can see the sun shining outside and his view covers some of the park and the tops of many city buildings.

I love that it's the middle of the day and I've had such an exciting adventure already. I’ve almost forgotten the drama of my life. I'm primed and ready to go for another round but who knows if he'll have to work or not.

Where other people are working their 9-to-5 jobs, I'm up here in a beautiful penthouse with an amazing man who drives me fucking wild.

My life may be a nightmare in terms of work, but at least I have Xavier, and he makes it all better.

When you're in the position I am, it's hard not to be grateful. I'm just so happy to have found someone like him. And even though I don't know how long it's gonna last, at least I’ve had a taste of him and I will always know that a love like this can exist.


Allie's there on the couch looking fucking perfect. I'm on the phone doing some business and I'm trying to be vague in my conversation. I don't want her to find out that I own Hard Pressed . Not yet.

I have to time this right. It's really awkward actually having to be on this phone call when she's in the room.

I should probably duck away into another room and do this privately, but I want to keep an eye on Allie. Watching her is the greatest seduction for me. She's a supermodel after all. I could just watch her all day.

She's sipping her sparkling water and I think it's time she had something a little bit harsher. She's gonna need it as a pick me up for what I'm about to do.

"Okay, Charlie, that sounds fine. Let's just make that happen," I say to the guy on the phone.

I walk over to the bar and make a vodka soda with plenty of lime that I bring to Allie. I motion for her to take it and she looks up at me for one second before doing what I say.

"All right, that sounds great. Just get back to me," I say as I hang up the phone.

"Sorry, baby, that was business," I say.

"Don't worry, I'm good. Who wouldn't be good hanging out in this beautiful penthouse?"

That's good. I'm glad she likes my place. Most women do. But most women don't get to spend very much time up here.

Allie's different and I don't know why. Maybe because she's a blast from my past or maybe because I'm actually starting to feel something for her.

It makes my deceitful actions against her feel all the more wrong. But in this moment, I have to focus on what's right, and that's her on my couch under my control.

She sips her vodka like a good girl and I have my own drink.

Then I lower my eyes at her as if to tell her it's time.

Without another word she gets up off the couch and follows me to the bedroom. By now you could label it our sex room.

So much as happened in here with Allie in such a short time. I've done things with her that I wouldn't bother to do with anybody else. The idea of sending her into explosions of multiple orgasms is what gets me off every single day. I want to push her past her limits and give her pleasure like she’s never known. I want to torment her with deviant bliss.

In the room, the shades are already drawn and the lighting is low.

"You know what to do," I say to her.

She sets her drink on the night table and then she proceeds to undress before getting on the bed, ready for me.

The idea of having her like this in ultimate servitude to my every desire has my cock getting harder by the second. It's starting to throb and pulsate at the idea of being inside of Allie. Sure, we did it on the street but I need her properly subjected to my authority and that can only happen in the bedroom where I have my sex toys and ultimate privacy.

I pull out the blindfold and show it to her. Her eyes become wide and I love the look on her face.

"Put it on," I say.

She slips the mask over her eyes and I can stare at her beautiful body without her knowing what I'm doing. She's the most stunning model in the world, and she's all mine.

I don't feel the need to tie her up this time, she's not going anywhere. But I do pull out a pair of nipple clamps from the drawer. She's doubtlessly not so familiar with these.

I trail the cool metal clamps along the sensitive parts of her skin. skin. I run them over her taut belly and along her breasts. She doesn't know what's about to come.

I open the clamps and put one on her nipple and she cries out in pain, mixed with pleasure.

"Baby, trust me, you’re gonna love this," I whisper.

Then I take the other clamp, open it, and position it around her other nipple. She arches her back, writhing with need. I have her right where I want her.

The sensation is certainly sending electrical pulses right down to her pussy that I'm about to devour.

I take off my shirt and bend over the bed. I spread her legs wide so that I can have full access to her at my leisure.

I slowly trace my tongue over lips of her trembling pussy. She quivers, to my delight. I gently flick and lick her clit in tantalizing circles. And then I torment her with the intimacy of my tongue plunging deep inside of her. I go down on her for a long time, fingering her and sucking away all her juices.

Going down on a woman gives me the utmost form of pleasure, but of course it's even more heightened with Allie—everything is.

She's sighing and whining, yielding to my slightest touch. She wants me so bad. Everything about the way her body is quivering tells me so. She loves to be subjected to my ultimate authority. She loves to have me dominate her.

"Tell me, baby, how much you want this," I say.

She says nothing and I growl the words once again.

"Tell me."

"Yes, please," she says, clutching the sheets. "I want you, Xavier. You know I do."

Her admittance gives me the greatest of pleasure. Here she is blindfolded, her nipples clamped, me between her legs, and she's begging for it. It's exactly what I want to hear.

But my possessive nature wants to make sure that she only ever says these words to me. She's mine now. And she needs to understand that.

I take off my pants and get ready to sink my cock deep inside her. Only she doesn't know it because she doesn't see it. I need to hear how bad she wants it one more time before I give her the full pleasure of having me enter her.

"I want to know more, Allie. Tell me more," I say.

She acquiesces easily as her body is aching for it and her mind wants to be sent to paradise, a place that only I can make her go.

"Yes, Xavier. You're the one. You're all I've ever wanted. Please, please make me come," she begs.


I'm not bragging, but I have this effect on women. It's easy to make them tell me what I want to hear. But with Allie, I need to know that she means it. I'm starting to develop real feelings for her and I want to know that I'm not out here on a limb, alone. I want to know that her feelings mirror my own.

I spread her wide and slowly push my cock inside of her, inch by slow inch. It drives her wild when I go slow and I love it. The more I can draw out her pleasure, the better it will be.

And the warmth of her wetness causes sensations to arise within me that are like volcanic sparks. The pressure's building up but I learned a long time ago how to ride it out.

I slide into her and she cries out my name. It's everything I want to hear. The more she tells me that I'm the one she wants the more I feel that what she says is real.

Our connection is true.

Now I just have to figure out how to fix the mess I’ve made and make it last.


I've decided to do whatever I can to right my actions. It might be too late but I'm not gonna go down without a fight.

Now that I know the truth, I feel horrible about what I did to Allie. I should've known that she was a good person. I should've known that Becky was out to harm us.

But I guess hindsight is everything. It does no good to kick myself over what I did now but at the same time, I regret having doubted Allie and her love for me.

I should've listened to my intuition about what I felt. She's always been a good person and that's why I loved her. Then and now.

I spent all these years with bitter regret just etched in my mind, thinking of ways to destroy her. Now I see all my efforts were for nothing. My malice was directed towards the wrong person.

And now it might be too late to save Allie's career. What's worse is the fact that it's all my fault and if she ever finds out, I might lose her again, forever this time.

Even though I spent so many years being a playboy and a womanizer, I guess it's always been Allie in my heart. My hatred was misdirected lust and love for her.

I hated her because I couldn't have her. I hated her because I loved her so much. And I still do.

Now the prospect of losing Allie is too much to bear. I have to fix this because if she ever finds out and I have nothing to show for it then it might really be the end. I have a sick feeling in my stomach at the notion of her leaving me.

So, I'm here at the Hard Pressed offices early to begin my work on fixing her reputation. I start by taking down the video. That in itself will do much good but it won't fix everything because so many people have seen it already.

Then I call in my public relations team to help me form a strategy. We're sitting around the conference table in my office.

"So, you see this was all a mistake," I say to the team. "We want to take back our stance on this video and remove it from everyone's minds."

"Well, that's gonna be hard to do," the team lead, Diana, says. "Virtually everybody's seen it, and even though you took the video down, it's been copied and recopied and it's been spread around the web and on social media. It's hard to stop this kind of a tornado once it starts."

"Well, isn't that what I hired you for?" I say to her rather angrily.

I don't want to hear excuses. I want to hear what can be done. I'm paying them enough for fuck's sake.

"I think that you should hold a press conference today and announce Hard Pressed's official position on the video," a guy named Jake says.

"A press conference? That's actually not a bad idea. I think we can arrange it for this afternoon," I say.

"That's a fabulous idea, Jake," Diana says. "What we have to do is really highlight how Hard Pressed is taking a different stance because the video was created out of spite by somebody unknown."

They don't know the full story. I told them that somebody framed Allie and pitched the video as being true.

"Okay, then it's been arranged. Tell me when the press conference starts and I'll be there"

The team leaves and I take the opportunity to call Allie and give her the good news.

"Allie, I'm really sorry that Hard Pressed published that video. I've taken it down and we're working to reorganize our stance on things. I think someone made it out of spite but we're gonna get this corrected," I say to her.

It's all lies, but at this point, I can't afford for her to find out. I'll lose her forever. How I'm gonna navigate through these treacherous waters of avoiding the truth, I don't know. But for now, I just have to keep my head above water.

"Oh my God, thank you, Xavier," she says so excitedly that it kind of breaks my heart. "That's a really great first step towards fixing this. If your company publicly comes out and renounces the video, then I might so have a shot at getting my life back."

"That's the idea, baby. That's the idea."

"So, when can I see you next?" she says.

My heart is torn into a million pieces. I don't know whether I should tell her the truth because the guilt is eating away at me or if I can continue as things are, pretending to be her knight in shining armor.

"First let me get to the press conference and then I'll get back to you and let you know where we stand, okay?"

"Okay, sounds great. I'll be watching you during your press conference. Thanks, Xavier, thanks again for doing this for me. I don't know where I'd be without you."

I can tell you where she'd be. She'd be a lot better off. If she never met me, her life would be going great right now. I feel terrible and the shame of my actions are eating me alive.

"No, Allie," I say to her in all honesty. "I'm not that good of a guy. You shouldn't rely on me too much."

"But Xavier, you've been the only one that's been there for me throughout this whole thing. I mean my friends have been great, but you're the only one that's taken a vested interest in trying to help me fix this."

"I feel responsible, baby," I say. Little does she know how very much I am responsible. "It's my company that published the stupid video. I just want all of this to go away for you."

"Me too," she says. "I'm never gonna forget this kindness."

Man, this girl is making me feel so much worse with every passing second. The more praise she lays on me, the worse I feel. I wish I could be the man that she thinks I am.

Unfortunately, I might've screwed that up forever. What the fuck was I thinking? I was already feeling bad about my actions when I thought she was in the wrong, but now that I know she was in the right, my disgrace is staggering.

I feel like I'm a dishonorable man and that Allie deserves so much better. At the same time, my possessive nature will never let me allow her to go. That's why it's so essential this press conference goes right.

"Okay, baby, it's time for me to go. I'll talk to you soon," I say.

Diana scoots me to the lobby downstairs. Everything’s laid out perfectly. The podium's there along with everything I need to make a statement. There's all kinds of press and media there, the usual scene.

I adjust my tie and walk confidently to the podium. I've never had to deliver a pack of lies like this to the entire media, but I will do anything to save my relationship with Allie.

I open by saying, "We at Hard Pressed have a vested interest in maintaining the highest level of standards and integrity. It has been brought to my attention that this vile video about STDs was made in the wrong. The model featured, Allie Baldwin, does not have an STD.

“And while we want to spread public health knowledge about diseases like that, to increase awareness of prevention, we would never want to misrepresent by portraying an innocent person as being affected. We’re taking down the video and reversing our stance on everything to do with it. Thank you."

The cameras are flashing like crazy and it's blinding. Reporters are screaming questions at me wanting to know more and why.

Diana takes over and fills them in on the rest of the details. I can't take a single more question. I feel so fucking deflated.

I take the back door and walk out onto the street. I need the air something to calm me down.

I walk past a group of guys and they're talking about the video, they're talking about Allie, saying that the whole conference was one big lie.

All I see is rage. I grab one of the guys and I just start punching him in the face.

I've come unleashed.

I leave him bleeding on the sidewalk and then I stalk away. I have to control this and yet I'm so out of control. I'm in love with Allie. I realize that now. So anyone who says a negative thing about her is my enemy.

Trying to contain this has become my obsession. Allie is my obsession. And yet the guilt and shame of having started all this is making feel crazy.

Should I tell her, or can I continue to hold my cards close? She will find out who I am at some point. That much is certain. What then?


Lindsay has come over and she's determined to drag me out of the house. There's nothing I want more than to stay in my bathrobe with a cup of tea and to try to forget the world.

It's looking like because of my bad reputation and subsequent lack of work, that there is limited time left for me in NYC. I can't afford to be here anymore. I'm going to have to go home to my parents and admit to them that I was wrong about making it big as a model.

I've resigned myself to my fate and to the fact that this means things with Xavier are probably over. I'm starting to really fall for him so it feels awful to think about having to leave. But what’s my other option?

The thing is, even being at home is gonna be rough. Especially without Xavier.

"Come on, Allie, just put on some clothes and let's get out of here. I've had enough of you moping around. You have to enter life again at some point."

"You understand that it's a torture for me to even leave this apartment, right?"

"Yeah, of course, I know. But the thing is you're never gonna get stronger if you keep hiding from what happened. Besides, with the press conference Xavier just did, it's all gonna be swept under the rug by tomorrow."

I reluctantly pull on a pair of jeans and say, "Yeah, that was pretty cool of him to do that for me."

She's picking out a top for me to wear. Lindsay feels totally at home going through all my clothes and everything in my apartment. She's the closest thing I've ever had to a sister.

"Well, he needed to do that for you. If he's so into you then it's the least he could do. It was his office that put the video out to begin with."

She's right, and a part of me does wonder why Xavier took so long to jump to action. Maybe he doesn't have the authority to take the video down. I don't know what the story is there, but it just reaffirms the nagging feeling that something is off with him.

I twist my hair up into a messy bun and pull on a jacket. I'm finally ready to go.

We hit the streets of NYC and I'm tempted to just go shopping and blow the rest of my money. I could use some retail therapy. And I'm seeing all the cute new fall items out in the store windows.

"You know I'm probably gonna have to leave right, Lindsay?" I say sadly.

"No, babe, we're not gonna let that happen. I'm sure that after today things are gonna start to turn around."

She seems optimistic but also like she really believes what she's saying. Maybe it can happen? Maybe my life could be fixed? But I doubt it.

"The thing is, I think I'm still tied to this contract with my agent, Harry. I don't see how I can get out of that. I haven't even talked to him since the video came out. I'm not sure what his motives were for putting me in it."

"Allie, if I had all the money in the world, I would hire you the best lawyer and free you from that contract. Then you can re-enroll with a proper modeling agency. That's what you really need."

"You're a great friend, Lindsay, truly. And if I have to go, I'm really gonna miss you."

"Stop, Allie! You have to think positively in order for things to work out."

We head into a little diner, the same one we always frequent together. I order the usual eggs, sausage, and coffee. And she orders her usual French toast.

"I really love coming here with you, Lindsay. Something about the atmosphere makes me feel like I'm at home."

She digs into her lunch.

"Yeah, well, we've been coming here for almost five years. And it’s still gonna be that way. I promise you, Allie, this mess will get sorted. I don't know how, but I'm sure it will. You're not gonna be a meme forever."

Easy for her to say.

I certainly hope she's right. At that moment I see the TV in the upper corner switch to the news and guess who's face flashes across it? Xavier's.

There he is at his press conference defending me. He makes a statement and is bold and it's powerful and I hope it does the trick.

"Oh my God, Allie, do you see that? His press conference," she says. "He's defending you."

I silently wonder how he has the authority to make a statement on behalf of the entire company. I mean, I know he's one of the big executives but I'm not sure how high up he goes. By the look of his penthouse, he must be very well employed.

I'm just grateful to see his face up on TV and I'm grateful to hear the words he says about the dangers of believing everything you see on the Internet. Hopefully now when anybody Googles me, this scene will also come up. My slate will be wiped clean. I can only hope.

I eat quickly and tell Lindsay, "I think I should go down to the office. I need to thank Xavier in person for what he did."

I finish my coffee and she finishes up too, and then we walk together outside into the bustling street.

"See you later." I hug her goodbye and then I walk towards Hard Pressed .

Once I get there, I ask the secretary to lead me to Xavier's office. She tells me it's at the very top floor, the penthouse.

Huh, that's weird.

His office is in the penthouse? How could that be? Where is the owner's office?

Things are not making sense but I really want to see him. I go to the elevator and press the button for the penthouse. It takes forever to get to the top floor but once I'm there the door opens directly to his office.

No one is in there, not even his executive assistant. I look around at all the fine modern finishes and wonder how he can afford all this.

This place is extremely luxurious. I look out at the city through the floor to ceiling windows and I admire the midday view. He's got it all going on up here. I decide that I'm just gonna wait for him. Hopefully, he'll be back soon.

I walk over to his desk, intending to take a seat at one of the leather chairs. But first I want to take a moment to peruse his special objects. He's got a number of expensive pieces of art hanging, including one by Pablo Picasso.

I run my finger over various picture frames showing him in Africa and on several other exotic trips. I see a photo of his mom and think that she looks familiar, like someone I knew way back when.

And then something strange catches my eye that's sitting on his desk. I hate to snoop, but the papers I see have the name of my modeling agency across them.

What is this? I peruse the paperwork and realize it's about the purchase and absorption of the modeling agency I work for. This looks like he was the one who bought my agency. He never mentioned that to me.

I flip through the papers and see a signature scratched at the bottom of the final one. It says, Stanley Xavier Armstrong.

What. The. Fuck?

Suddenly, all the pieces fall together in my mind. It all makes sense and the room starts to spin. Xavier is Stanley from my past. I repeat the words in my mind over and over.

Xavier is Stanley.

Why wouldn't he tell me? Why was he posing as somebody different? I just can’t wrap my head around it.

The fact that he bought my modeling agency and didn't tell me, well, that screams deception. And then I start to think about the fact that I'm standing in his penthouse office. I remember hearing about Stanley doing really well with a media company. This must be it. He must be the owner of this company.

That means he was behind the video. If he owns my modeling agency and Hard Pressed , then that means he was the one that put the video of me out there.

I think about the story I told him the other day. He asked me what I regretted most and I told him the story of Stanley, the boy that broke my heart.

He just sat there, allowing me to explain a past that he was a part of. Why would he not mention his involvement?

His motive for secrecy is unclear. I'm not sure what I ever did to him to deserve this deception. He’s the one who left me after all in high school. He abandoned me and broke my heart. I've never gotten over it.

And now I figure out that this great guy that I'm starting to fall for is Stanley himself?

What is he trying to do to me? Hurt me again? What have I ever done to him to merit that?

I know this almost have to do with what happened in high school. But I still just don't understand. I feel so betrayed, I can hardly stomach the thought of what's just happened.

But even worse than the sickness in my stomach is the wrenching ache in my chest. The two men I loved are actually one and the same. And this man betrayed me.

My heart thuds painfully. I’m no stranger to the feeling of a broken heart. Ironic that it’s the same man who’s done it twice now.

Then I’m suddenly angry. How could he?

I decide to stay exactly where I am and wait for him. I'm gonna confront him about all of this and he better tell me the truth this time. He needs to come clean once and for all.


I walk back to my office in a fucked up state thinking of what I did to that guy on the street and thinking of what I did to Allie. Carrying this secret is eating me up inside. I feel like the worst kind of person and this is just not the guy I am. I'm better than this.

I stroll the offices of Hard Pressed and eventually make my way up to the penthouse. I don't know what I'll do when I get there. Will I call Allie and confess? Will I work on smoothing over her career? Likely both.

I feel confused and that's not a normal state for me. Normally I'm in control of every facet of my life. That level of control gives me a feeling of regularity and calm.

And yet here I am spinning out of control over a woman.

I sought to hurt her and I certainly accomplished that. But never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that now I'd be falling in love with her.

I do love Allie.

That's a truth I can no longer hide or run from. I have to face the truth of that at least. How I'm going to explain myself to her I still don’t know.

I'm still undecided as to whether I should tell her the truth or not. If I tell her, I will lose her. But if I don't, I'll be tormented by guilt for the rest of my life.

My despondency is at the forefront of my mind. I feel like a ball of thunder. I feel like the slightest provocation will make me lose my fucking grip on life. I feel so much rage and anger, and a lot of it is towards that girl Becky who screwed us both over.

I'm hopeful that the press conference today will do something to help Allie's career. But I still haven't seen her and I won't know anything until I do.

I ride the elevator to my office and the doors open. There she is, sitting in my office, waiting for me.

"Hey, Allie, what a pleasant surprise. Did you see the press conference?"

I walk towards her and see that she has an angry expression on her face. What could be wrong?

"How could you have done that to me, Stanley?"

Whoa wait.

Wait a fucking minute, she just called me Stanley.

That means she knows what's been going on.

"How did you find out?" I ask, unable to look her fully in the eyes.

"What do you mean how did I find out? That’s all you have to say? You've been deceiving me this entire time. I don't have to answer to you. But you do need to answer to me. What were you thinking, Stanley? Why did you try to destroy my career?"

I might as well come clean. There's no other recourse. I'm willing to accept my fate.

I approach her but she won't let me touch her. She pushes me away.

"Fine, Allie. Do you want to know? Think about the story you told me at the café the other day. Think about how you said Becky betrayed you. Well, guess what? She betrayed me too.

“After we slept together she told me that you had an STD and didn't tell me. How do you think that made me feel? I gave my virginity to you and after that, I thought you’d lied to me the entire time. That you’d been sleeping around. I loved you and it broke my heart."

She's looking at me and her anger dissolves into a knowing expression like it's all finally making sense to her.

"She said that to you?" she asks.

"Hell yes, she said that," I say. "She told me the wrong location for our first date, and then she told me you had an STD after we slept together. I was so pissed and hurt Allie. I thought I meant nothing to you. I didn't know what to do. So I left school.

“And then when I even thought about coming back to you, I went to the prom you were there with the quarterback. How do you think all of that made me feel? Like all my suspicions were correct. I've been harboring a grudge against you for years."

She looks like I just wounded her with a knife to the heart.

"You mean, you've hated me for all these years?" she says the words slowly, and I see tears forming in her eyes.

God, how it kills me to know that I've caused this pain. She looks beautiful even when she cries. I want to go to her and comfort her. I want to make it all okay.

"I'm gonna tell you the truth, okay? But I want you to think of it from my perspective. And I want you to remember this one thing, Allie...I love you. I know for sure that I love you and I always have."

"Wait a minute, you love me?"

Her words make me feel like less of a man. She still doesn't know the extent of what I've done and what will she think of me then?

"Yes, Allie, I love you."

I want to move to embrace her but I stay where I am. I won't do anything until I come clean fully. Until she knows the whole truth.

"The thing is, Allie, I've been trying to take you down. I set you up with that agent, Harry. I told him to book you for the video shoot. I didn't want you to know what it was about. I had it staged to make you answer the questions in such a way that I could edit it. I made the video, Allie. I did it all." I feel like a fucking monster admitting all this.

"I made it look like you have an STD to get you back for what you did to me. I wanted to hurt you and to make you suffer in a such a way that you would feel my pain. I had it all wrong, baby. I'm so, so sorry."

She's staring at me with a look of rage and sadness all at once.

I go on. "I own this company. Hard Pressed is mine. And I've been lying to you this whole time. And I'm so sorry. I can’t tell you just how sorry. And I didn't know about Becky or about the past and your perspective. I know I hurt you and there's no excuse and I'm just…so sorry."

I see my betrayal reflected in her eyes. She's crying now and there's nothing I can do to stop it. I deserve every bit of her hatred.

"You've been behind all of this. You were out to ruin me, Xavier, and you did it. You won. I'm defeated. Because of what you did, I can no longer afford to live in New York City. I'm packing my bags to go back home. You destroyed my life and my career. I guess that's what you always wanted. So, congratulations. You must be pretty fucking pleased with yourself."

I rush to her side as if to convey my remorse somehow. I had no idea she was thinking of leaving the city. What the fuck will I do without her? I can't let her go.

"Allie, it doesn't have to be like that. I didn't realize what Becky had done. I had it all wrong. I'm so sorry. You can stay with me. We can live together and be together and finally be happy. We don't have to be affected by this bullshit anymore. We can have the chance we missed out on all those years ago."

With firm resolution, she says, "You just don't get it, do you? You can't just hurt people like that and expect to get away with it. How can I ever trust you again? Why would I even want to?"

The look of disgust on her face cuts me to the core. She pushes me aside and storms out of my office. The last thing I see is her beautiful blonde hair, her perfect body, and her tear-stained face disappearing into the elevator.

She tries to hide her face in her hands and then the door closes. And that's it. It’s over. I've lost her.

I go to my desk and take a seat. The magnitude of what I've done finally hits me. Hard.

The one girl I've ever loved now hates me. I run my hands through my hair and think of ways to win her back. There's got to be a solution.

Whether she hates me or not I will not rest until I make things right for her. She will have my devotion whether she wants it or not. Things with Allie go so far past fucking that I can’t even comprehend the depth of my feelings for her.

Even though I want to go after her and sweep her up in my arms and make her mine, again and again, I resist because I know she hates me and I have to respect that boundary.

I need her. I love her. But I don’t fucking know if I’ll ever have her again.

I sink into a deep depression as I imagine my days spent without this beautiful angel who has so captivated my heart. Normally I'm so bored by seeing women throw themselves at me. But Allie's different, and I may have lost out on that. Missed my chance. When I first saw her, I should have recognized it for what it was. A second chance.

Well, I went and fucked that up too.

The days ahead look dark and dreary. My mood matches the rainclouds that are forming outside. I can see the storm coming in from my view at the top.

Money doesn't mean anything unless you have the right person to share it with. I set out to teach her a lesson, but I’m the one who was schooled, and I guess I've learned my lesson the hard way.

By losing the only woman I’ve ever loved.


I've been holed up at home for the last few days licking my wounds over what happened. I feel sick about the fact that Xavier aka Stanley betrayed me like that.

At the same time, my world is imploding. I'm afraid to leave the house for fear of more judgment from the public. This has been the worst event in my life and right now the thought of losing Xavier makes it all the worse.

I don't know what I'm gonna do moving forward, or how I'm going to help my career.

The image of his face, his chiseled, gorgeous face, is forever in my mind. How could I have known that Stanley, the nerdy guy I knew in high school, would turn into this total superstar? He looks nothing like his old self. At all. Yes, I knew he would do great things but I never expected him to go so far.

As the owner of Hard Pressed he must have at least a billion dollars. A part of me feels nostalgic for the past, for those days when it was just me and him and I saw his genius.

That's what attracted to me to him in the first place. I knew he had a beautiful mind and that he'd make a positive difference in this world.

Now it seems he's used his influence to harm me. Instead of using his power and authority to help the world, he's using it to hurt people, namely, me. That's something I can't understand.

When I knew him in high school he had a heart of gold. That's why it's so hard for me to wrap my brain around the fact that he tried to sabotage my life. He not only tried, but he won. I'm probably gonna have move home soon and I've already started packing.

It's funny because I never thought I'd see him again, much less that he'd be this statuesque billionaire. I was really wrapped up in him. I am really wrapped up in him.

I had high hopes for our future, even though he came off as kind of a jerk. Now I understand why he was a jerk. He was trying to get back at me this whole time. I wish I had seen it coming.

I'm packing up my apartment and it's really sad. I've bought so many boxes and I'm folding up my clothes and my favorite items into them. I cannot sustain this life in New York.

Lindsay's on her way over to help me pack. She's finally relented to the fact that I have to leave.

It's depressing to do this. I never thought I'd ever move back to my hometown, and I especially never thought it would be because I failed.

Usually when I set my mind to something, it happens. Not this time.

I guess I could blame Xavier for my entire life falling apart, but to be honest, it's not like it was that great before he came around. I was still a struggling model. The only difference is that now it's virtually impossible for me to book even the crummiest of jobs.

There's a knock at the door and I know it's Lindsay. I open it, and the sight of her makes me cry.

It's starting to hit me that I'm going to have to leave her in all of this. I'll miss her so much.

She opens her arms to hug me and it's a comfort I sorely need.

"It's okay, Allie, I understand." She always has the right thing to say.

"I just don't know how this happened. I can't even imagine what it's gonna be like to move home. It's like my worst nightmare," I sob into her shoulder.

"Hey, it's okay. Lots of people don't succeed in the modeling world. And you have your whole life in front of you. You just have to figure out exactly what you want to do now."

She's right. It's not like my life is over. I can at least figure out a new career path and hopefully move away from home again later. But for now, everything seems dark and I feel despair.

"You really think so, Lindsay?" I ask her.

"Of course. Not only are you beautiful, but you are so smart. You can literally have any career that you put your mind to. It just may require going back to college or something."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I never looked at it like that."

The idea that I'm going to be back in my parent's house in just a couple days is too depressing to think about. No one wants to go home in defeat, especially not someone as driven as I am. I gave it my all here in New York and I failed. What more can I say?

I wipe my tears away with the sleeve of my sweater and invite her in. My apartment's a mess. There's stuff all over the place both from packing and from being holed up in here for so many days, away from prying eyes.

"Wow, it's like a bomb went off in here," she says, looking around.

"I know, I know. I just haven't been in a state to keep things organized. All we have to do is pack everything up and the movers will do the rest."

I go to my little kitchen and pull out a bottle of champagne I've been saving for a special occasion.

"I've been saving this for something celebratory, and I know me leaving is not celebratory, but this may be the only chance we get to use it."

I pop the champagne and pour it into a couple of mugs I haven’t packed yet. At least it will make moving a little more fun.

She starts placing my things in boxes, folding clothes and wrapping up fragile items.

"So, has he called?" she asks.

"Yeah, he's called all right. He won't leave me alone. My phone buzzes practically all the time. He's been calling and texting me ever since that day in his penthouse."

"It's just so crazy," she says. "You've known him this entire time. He's like a ghost from your past come back to life."

"Tell me about it," I say. "I never thought I'd see him again, much less that he'd look like that."

"Yeah, he's so freaking hot," she says. "Plus, he's a billionaire. Who would've expected that?"

The money means less to me than anything. I just keep thinking how I can't believe Xavier is Stanley. I don't know how I missed it.

"You know," she says gently. "You can always try to forgive him. I mean he was malicious but when you think about it, he had a pretty good reason."

I glare at her. How can she even consider me forgiving him? What he's done is the most untrustworthy thing in the world. I don't care what his reason was, he should never have set out to harm a person like that.

"I will never forgive him."

"Okay, okay. It was just a suggestion."

She's really hit a nerve with me. I haven't even considered forgiving Xavier. The thought is so far out of my mind that it hadn't even occurred to me until Lindsay just suggested it.

I might forgive him in the future, just to free myself from this pain, but there's no way he can ever be in my life again.

"I've resigned myself to the fact that I might be alone for a while. It's so depressing," I say to her.

We spend the rest of the evening packing, and even though it's sad, Lindsay makes me laugh a lot and that lightens the mood.

We drink the entire bottle of champagne between ourselves and Xavier texts me throughout the evening.

At last, most of the boxes are done, the sun has set a long time ago, and it's time for Lindsay to go home.

She gives me a hug and tells me, "I'm really gonna miss you, girl."

I don't try to hide the tears that are forming in my eyes right now. I'm really gonna miss her too.

"What will I do without you, Lindsay?" I ask.

"Don't say that," she says. "It's too sad.

"Good plan. I guess I'll see you later then."

She smiles at me and turns to leave.

Now it's just me alone in this apartment for one of the last times. I'm surrounded by boxes and I push a couple by the window so that I can sit on them and look up at the moon.

It's a full moon tonight and it's shining big, bright, and orange. I feel like I want to release this terrible moment with the passage of the full moon. Tomorrow's a new day.

For this moment, though, it's so beautiful and I wish I had someone to share it with.

The idea that I've lost a certain special someone pains my heart once more. It's gonna take a long time to get over this one. He hurt me in my past and now he's done it again.

I don't know how I'll ever forget Xavier.


The rain's continued to fall as if the weather is out to match my mood. Everything's gray, dark, and cold. People slosh in and out of the office with their umbrellas in tow.

I'm missing Allie so much. Now that I've admitted that I love her, there's no going back. I've only ever felt this way for one person...her.

I'm in my office at Hard Pressed and have barely left for the last few days. I'm trying to fix what has now turned into a public relations disaster.

Everyone wants to know more about the video and why it was made in the first place. People are furious thinking that the company has made light of something so serious as STDs. I'm trying to protect my brand reputation as well as Allie's name.

It’s a media circus for sure now that Hard Pressed has become enmeshed in the scandal. I have to keep all things moving and rise above the crisis, and that is no easy task.

Most of all, Allie’s been on my mind nonstop. Her beautiful face and body are all I dream of. There will never be another like her, of that I’m sure. I’d do absolutely anything to right this wrong but what I’m finding is that the path to freedom is not so straight. There’s a million issues I have to deal with, but she’s on my mind all the while.

I've been texting and calling her like crazy, all to no avail. She obviously doesn't want to see or hear from me. I don't blame her but I'm not prepared to lose her yet.

As the owner of this company, I'm trying to take full responsibility for the video nightmare. I released another statement apologizing to Allie and to the public for the video, and I'm hoping that by taking personal liability in the matter some of this nightmare will fade.

My PR team has been working around the clock and so have I. I will not rest until Allie's name is cleared.

We've had all manner of scrutiny within the media and especially on social media. People want to blame Hard Pressed for releasing a video that could've helped desensitize the stigma of STDs. And now that we've taken back our stance on it, they think we're taking back the good work the public health video can do.

That's not the case at all. If anything, I feel more of an obligation to inform people about the stigma of sexually carried diseases. Seeing how Allie was harassed because of something that, if it were true, was probably out of her hands, and well, it makes me want to help.

I've tried to turn this whole thing into a learning experience, and it's changing me from the inside out.

Within the company, I try to make it clear that we stand behind reducing the stigma of STDs, but that I'm simply wanting to clear the model's name. In the end, I've decided to donate over a million dollars to STD research companies in order to prove my merit.

I don't know if Allie understands any of this or if she even cares. I wouldn't blame her for hating me for the rest of our lives. But now that I realize I love her, I have to find a way to be with her.

My luxurious surroundings no longer excite me like they used to. I used to get off on the fact that I have money. But without Allie, none of it means anything. I've built an empire and I have no one to share with.

She's the most gorgeous, brilliant, and sweet girl in the world, and I let her slip right through my fingers. No, that’s not even accurate. I practically forced her away. What an asshole I am.

I pace around my office trying to come up with more solutions to help the situation. How can I spin this video crisis in a way that will reflect well on Allie?

I decide to get Diana, my PR person, on the phone.

"Diana, it's me. I want you to go ahead and push more funding for STD-related research. And I'd like you to release another statement in which I myself take further responsibility for the incident.

“We need to make a new STD video that makes it clear we do not stigmatize based on that. And it needs to have an educational slant."

"Okay, Xavier. Those are all good moves. I think especially creating a new video, maybe with some famous faces behind it, is a great move. I'll start putting that together right now. And I'll send over the paperwork about the new video to your office," she says.

"Perfect. I think this can really save us, and that model, Allie."

Nobody knows that Allie and I are connected yet. I fully intend to make her mine and for it to be public knowledge, I just haven't figured out how.

Hopefully, this new video will go viral also. Maybe I can use it to show how easily things can be manipulated in the public eye. Maybe this could be a lesson for all of us to be careful about what we see and say on the Internet.

That's all I can do for now. I've apologized, I've donated money to the cause, and now I'm putting more money into the creation of a new video campaign.

For now, things are gonna be at a standstill. I don't know what else to do. I tried to contact Allie but she obviously doesn't want to see me, so I'm gonna respect those boundaries...for now.

I pour some scotch, flick the fire on, and sit in front of it trying to think of an ingenious way to further clear Allie's name.

This girl is everything to me. And the more I acknowledge those feelings the deeper they appear to be.

What I keep thinking about is how Allie really believed in me even when I was a geek in high school. She saw past all appearances and she really understood my soul.

I was always a genius, always a computer nerd, and always intent on making something of my life. She saw that, the good in me when I had few, if any, friends.

What she didn't anticipate is that I would grow up to be 6'5 of pure, raw muscle. It's no wonder she didn't recognize me. No one could've anticipated my late growth spurt.

But the thing is, she liked me even when I was nothing. And that really shows her integrity. There's not a lot of women like that.

Hell, there's not a lot of people like that. For someone to stand by you when you're at the bottom, well, that says everything.

There's no way I'm gonna lose a girl like that. She's got more character and honesty then I can even fathom. She believed in me when no one else did, and how did I repay her? I tried to take her down and to destroy her career.

The problem is neither of us could've known how Becky was trying to hurt the other one. What a conniving bitch. There was no way to see the manipulation, and both Allie and I fell for it.

I can't even believe this girl was operating out of pure jealousy. She wanted to torment and punish Allie with a sad life, and I guess she won at that.

A part of me now wants to take revenge on Becky, but the other part has realized something valuable.

I've learned a lesson here about revenge: it's never worth it.

People will have their own karma come back to them. I can't be involved.

I'm never going to wreck someone the way I did Allie. I've had enough of bitterness and I guess I've realized that the best way forward is to forgive.

I forgive Becky and I'm letting that go. The best way forward is for me to create a happy life with Allie. That will be my best revenge.

I see now the futility of sinking to someone's lower level. Becky was jealous, and she was doing the best she could with what she had. I won't give another second of my life wishing retribution on someone else. I forgive her, that's it.

Now I have to set about getting Allie to forgive me. That's my only mission anymore. If she can get past this, then we can rebuild, and nothing will be able to come between us then.

At the same time, her happiness is my goal now. And if she's happier without me, then who am I to say I belong in her life? I deserve what I get, even if it's her permanent distaste for me.

I'll fight like hell to win her back, but in the back of my head, I'm trying to prepare for a life without her so the blow of losing her will not be unexpected.

I stare angrily into the fire and berate myself for not understanding the situation sooner. In all of this, I'm going to have to learn to forgive myself as well.

And if I lose Allie, that will be a bitter pill to swallow indeed.


After Lindsay left, I spent most of the night next to the window thinking about how much I'll miss New York, and how much I'll miss Xavier.

I keep kicking myself for not seeing Becky's deception. What kind of evil witch would take a person's happiness in exchange for…what? Was her ill-will towards me satisfied in knowing I would suffer for so many years?

I had confided in Becky about my love for Stanley. I knew he was the one even back then. And now that he and I were reunited for a split second in time, it's all been ruined.

She likely has seen the video and is proud of herself for ushering about this shitstorm. In essence, it's her fault. But I blame him too. He should've been a better man and been able to stand up to whatever resentment he felt inside.

I prefer to think of Xavier as always in control of himself, his emotions, and me. Now with this latest violation, I see that he was operating out of fear and not out of love for me.

I can't stop ruminating about him, though. Now it's morning and I spent most of the night awake trying to think of a way in which I won't have to leave the city...and him.

I'm afraid that I’ll always be in love with Xavier, even though everything within me is trying to deny it. I fell for him long ago and those feelings haven't changed. Even when I didn't know his identity, I did know that I loved him, that person who was a stranger to me in so many ways.

Lindsay mentioned forgiving him, and while I don't think I can do that, I also don't feel like I have closure either. I think it might be time to confront him more fully about what he did and to tell him that I'm leaving.

It's the least I can do considering how he's been frantically calling and texting. If I just disappeared without an explanation, he'd be crushed. He'd deserve it, but he'd be crushed. I, unlike him, am a compassionate person and I know he at least deserves a goodbye.

Also, I want to know the ins and outs of his betrayal. I'd like to hear more accurately all the steps he took to destroy me. It might hurt to know the details, but only then may I start about restoring my name.

I want to tell him goodbye and let him know that because of him I have to leave the city forever. The look on his face as I say this goodbye will tell me everything I need to know. I'll see whether he still loves me or not and exactly how remorseful he is.

I tear through the boxes in my apartment so that I can pick out a stunning outfit that will surely turn him on. Even though I'm mad as hell at him, the idea of seeing him never fails to elicit those nervous butterflies in my stomach. I want to look my best. I want him to know just how much he’s lost.

I guess I still feel something for him, but I will never admit that. I can barely admit it to myself, much less to him.

I look and I look for a certain item, and at last, I find it. I pull out a black lace dress that looks fresh off the fall runway, even though it's three years old. I put on my lucky black heels and make sure to apply my makeup perfectly. I want to look like a million bucks when he sees me.

My long blonde hair falls over my shoulders, and the look is accented by two, oversized hoop earrings that I bought on sale.

I look the part of a strong, confident woman now and I just have to act the part. I want Xavier to know what he's really missing. I want him to feel broken at the sight of me.

I take a cab to the studio, ready to confront him. Once again, I'm led directly to his office. But as the elevator doors open to the penthouse, there's no one there. God, does anyone around here ever work?

There are papers everywhere and his place looks as disorganized as mine. I wonder if he's been spending late nights here trying to fix my career? It's a thought I'd like not to think because it gives me hope, and hope at this point is dangerous ground.

After all, he could be trying to save himself as Hard Pressed is now under fire—as they should be.

I look around at all the paperwork and I see a company memo from Xavier about a new video shoot that's under production. It says it will announce changes to the company.

It discusses how the viral video went wrong, and how he intends to fix it. From what I can see, it's a well laid out plan to fix my life and his.

I think of him and how he said he loves me. I wonder if that's still true? When things got tough, I walked out on him, but what the fuck else did he expect me to do?

Being in his office makes me feel closer to him. Suddenly I'm overwhelmed by a huge feeling of emptiness at not being in his life anymore.

I miss his smell, I miss his commanding authority, and I miss the way he makes me laugh.

The thought of all the drama in my life seems less important than the thought of losing him. I'm starting to wonder if maybe I made a mistake walking out on him so quickly.

After all, he did apologize and he seemed full of remorse. Plus, he was just as confused as I was about the past.

Becky did everything to wrong us and her plans worked. I can't picture being that vile to another human being. The thought of what she did to us makes me sick to my stomach.

So why am I still blaming Xavier? He shouldn't have had it out for me, and he shouldn't have done the video, but he was operating under false pretenses. He thought I had hurt him. I guess that makes his betrayal a little bit more understandable...but just a little.

So, he's arranging a brand-new video to clear my name? That sounds really promising. I find myself hoping that he has been spending late nights up here thinking about how to fix everything. It's his fault that I'm in the position I'm in.

Remorse or not, I came to say goodbye and that's still what I need to do.

I figure he must be down in the studio working on the new shoot. So I think I'll meet them there.

Different emotions are swirling in my body and I don't know what's going on. I came here ready to say goodbye to Xavier forever. But seeing the memo in his office about his intentions for a new shoot and a new intention behind the company, well, that's made me second guess myself.

The elevator goes down and I try to prepare myself to see him this one last time. Why did I even come? Anxious nerves take over my body, as being around him always ignites an electrifying sense of desire that I can't stifle.

I feel myself getting closer to where he is in the building. My connection to him is like a sixth sense, something neither one of us can deny. But I still have to be strong and to sever this thing before it gets any deeper.

He's an asshole, a womanizer, a tyrant who's ruined my life. Remember that, Allie. Get through this.

My pep talk helps. I don't want to be with someone who isn't kind. I'm over the whole bad boy thing. Been there, done that. I'm looking for something new now, a real connection.

And even though Xavier's killed any chance of that happening between us, I still can't help but feel what I feel. He was the one, I think, and that thought scares me to death.

This is gonna be the hardest goodbye I've ever said.


I’ve spent the night going over the final details for the video shoot tomorrow. If Allie’s edited film went viral, well this thing is going to break the Internet.

I have the power to make it known that she was simply a pawn in my game and nothing else. By the end of what I’ve created, she and every other victim of false reporting will be in the clear.

I intend to steer my company in a new direction, in the direction of truth and honor. There are no other principles to stand by and I guess I learned that the hard way, but learn it I did. I still have a chance to help Allie, and I’ll take it with full force.

I’m early to the set, making sure everything is perfect and there is nothing missing. Today will be an epic day for Hard Pressed as we’re starting the conversation on the right and wrongs of Internet exposure and online bullying. It’s quite a statement to make in a market that’s festering with untruth, and so-called fake news.

I'm in the largest studio that Hard Pressed has to offer. I want to be here personally to oversee everything. I need to make sure all goes smoothly this time. We're going to make this video and it's gonna make everything all right for Allie. It has to.

To a novice not of the industry, this place would look daunting. It has 100-foot tall ceilings, garages to allow new sets in and out, an array of expensive camera equipment and editing rooms. This is where we do our biggest projects and I figured it was only right to do it here for Allie.

I'm afraid of having jeopardized Allie's career, and more than that, I'm afraid of losing her.

The thought of her being gone from my life is ever-present and it adds a heightened sense of fear and foreboding to everything I do.

But I need to fix her career before the damage gets out of hand, so I choose to focus on that right now.

I know she was struggling before and she must be having an even harder time now. This will repair her image. Of that I'm confident.

The purpose of this new video shoot is to set things right. It will show the full, unedited video of Allie that went viral. People will see how her words were twisted.

The purpose of this video is twofold. First, I'm doing it to save Allie's career. Secondly, I have a newfound respect for how things can get out of hand on the Internet.

I want this to caution the public about how easy it is for things to be manipulated and misconstrued online. I want people to realize they can't always believe everything they see on the Internet. This is a perfect example.

It seems revolutionary that Hard Pressed should be at the forefront of this kind of dialogue. But it's needed in the industry. Anybody can be edited to say anything.

And I, as the owner of this company, can no longer be responsible for that kind of thing happening. We need truth and transparency in all areas.

I tarnished Allie's image, but she’s among thousands of other victims who have been tormented by online bullying. Other lives have been broken down because of edited footage and I want to help stop that from happening.

Our new official stance will be that Hard Pressed is a firm that represents integrity. We're not gonna do underhanded things and we’re only going to cover the truth.

I hope that one day Allie will see this video and understand how sorry I am. I never should've hurt her like that. I've done everything I can do up to this point to fix it.

If the video doesn't help her life, then I don't know what will. I've resigned myself to the fact that she probably wants no part of me. And that's a loss I have to bear alone.

I'm prepping the models and the actors about what's going to happen. I want to be in control of every part of the shoot. Just as I'm giving them a pep talk about what's gonna go down, I see the most unexpected person in the world walk in.


She looks fucking beautiful. She's wearing some kind of lace dress that shows her long, tanned legs. She looks so gorgeous that for a moment I just stop and stare at her, wondering how an angel like this can exist on earth.

Then my cock begins to harden against my pants as I think of all the times I've had her already and how amazing it was. If it were up to me, and if I had my usual authority over her, I'd drag her to my penthouse right now and fuck her again and again into the night. That's one way to show remorse—makeup sex.

She catches my eye and notices that I'm staring at her. How could I not? She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

She walks over to me, and I meet her halfway.

"Allie, what are you doing here?" I say with a hint of hopefulness on my voice.

"Hi, Xavier, or should I call you Stanley?" she says with a little bit of bitterness in her voice.

I'll take it. I'll take whatever I can get as long as I can be in her presence. I feel so fucking horrible about what I did.

"Do you see what we're doing here? We're making a new video, Allie. It's gonna show how your words were manipulated and misconstrued. It's gonna show the whole world how fast things can get out of hand."

"You're really doing that?" she asks.

"Of course," I say. "What happened with you, Allie, made me feel bad about what I did to your life, but it also taught me a huge lesson. I intend to make it my mission to help people that are painted in the wrong light within the media. I want our company to have a new set of standards where we only report the truth. You started all that. You inspired me."

She looks around at all the action. There's a lot of money going on in here right now and it's all for her.

She looks so beautiful that I wish I could put her in the video just for that starlight effect. But there's no way I'm putting her in front of the camera ever again, unless, of course, she wants me to.

"Well, this is really great, Xavier. I'm glad you're turning such an awful thing into a good story."

"Is that why you came by here?" I ask.

She looks down at her feet and fidgets with her heels.

"No, I actually stopped by because I need to say goodbye to you. I'm moving back home in a couple days and I just thought you should know."


It feels like the wind is knocked out of me. She can't be leaving. She just can't.

"You can't go anywhere, Allie. You belong here in the city."

With me.

"Well, I wish that were true. I'm just not booking jobs and I can't afford to live here anymore. I'm not even saying it's all your fault. I wasn't doing so well before I met you, and I guess you could say things have gotten even worse."

I'm desperate to keep her here. The thought of her not being a few minutes from my side overwhelms me with anxious, possessive energy.

"I'm not gonna let that happen, Allie. You can't leave. Your career is gonna get fixed. And what about working for Hard Pressed ? There's plenty of work for you as a model here and it will start your career over again."

She looks at me for a second like she wants to take me up on my offer. She looks at me like maybe she wants to kiss me. So, I do her the honor.

I kiss her then and there the middle of the studio so that everyone can see. I kiss her passionately and deeply like I've been dying to do for the past few days.

Only this time, things are different because she knows it's me. There's no more deception and there are no more lies. Things are gonna be based on truth from here on out.

This brings a new level to our connection. The fact that she knows I'm Stanley from her past and that we're repairing everything, well, it feels different. We've always been connected and that's only been enhanced now.

She can feel my hard cock beneath my pants, I'm sure. I know she's getting turned on because her skin is flushed. I'm probably making her wet right here and now.

"Baby, come back to my penthouse with me and we can talk more privately there."

She nods her head and I take her out of there before she has a chance to change her mind. I call my limo and it pulls up right away. Pretty soon I have her in the back of it and it's just the two of us.

I hope this is the beginning of our new adventure together. I hope this means she forgives me. But I just don’t know yet.

We drive through the city, and though she tries to resist at first, I eventually make my way up her skirt. She gives me full access to her sweet pussy, and it's all I could've asked for.

I'm about to cement my right to her and to make it real. She'll be screaming my name by the end of the night and we'll never be separated again.

This is just the beginning of our beautiful story.


Xavier once again has me in the back of his limo and I can't believe I'm here. After all, he did try to prevent me from making it big in this industry.

His tactics were underhanded and he nearly destroyed my life. But at the same time, through it all, he was always there, building me back up.

It's weird really to know that Xavier is Stanley. He embodies these two personas that are one in the same. I loved him when he nearly nothing, a destitute nerd with a brilliant mind, and I love him today, the man behind the corporation.

It's sad to know that a friend's betrayal almost led to our permanent separation. I hate to think of what Xavier thought of me all those years. To him, I was a conniving girl with no interest in what truly matters. To him, I was selfish and out for myself.

And to me, he was the guy that took my virginity and then abandoned me, for what? I hated him for leaving, and I guess I too have been harboring a secret resentment towards him.

Now, thank goodness, we are finally reunited. The winds of Fate have changed and managed to push us together once again. Maybe it's meant to be? Maybe he's the guy I've been yearning for all these years only I couldn't name the feeling?

For now, it's good enough to be appreciating this moment with him. I'm dazzled by the limo and his luxurious lifestyle, but I'm more interested in him. Suddenly I have a thousand questions as to how he got here and what his life has been all these years without me.

"Xavier, I want to get to know you all over again. You feel like a stranger now," I say as I gaze out the window.

Rain is falling and it's cold outside. I feel warm and protected next to him, like finally not a thing could go wrong and I am where I've always been meant to be.

He holds me tight and I welcome the touch.

"I know, baby, but we have a lifetime for that. Right now, I just want to get you home and into a bath."

Did he just say lifetime and home ? Those are forever kind of words, and I'm not used to hearing them. Our future feels so cemented and that actually feels nice. I guess I'm a little scared to be under his power and control for the foreseeable future, but what if it's okay to take that risk?

I like being his. I like the way he owns me. There's a pleasure-pain principle working here that I never tire of. Xavier keeps me on my toes and there's no monotony between us. Dare I hope that this could be something pretty incredible?

He works his hand along my upper thigh, trying to feel me up right here in the car.

I push his hand away and scold, "Not yet. Please, honey, I just want to wait."

"Fine." He pulls his hand back with disappointment, but I can tell he's not really too unhappy with me.

I'll make it worth his while once we get upstairs and can light a fire. I've had a long couple of days and I'm definitely ready to unwind with him.

We arrive at the building and by now the doormen know me.

"Hi, Allie, nice to see you."

I smile at him and make a note of his kindness for future reference.

We walk inside and to the elevator. Once there, it's all I can do to tame Xavier. He wants it now. And he's a force to be reckoned with.

I let him kiss me and nuzzle my neck, reveling in the sensations I thought were lost forever.

"Xavier, I'm dying for a glass of wine. First, please?"

"As you wish."

The doors open, and we walk inside. The city glitters beneath us. It's really incredible up here, a cozy abode away from the bustling streets.

He goes to the wine fridge that's encapsulated by lights, and it covers nearly an entire wall.

"What kind?"

"Pinot, please. Thank you."

I curl up on the rug after clicking on the fire. I need this moment to relax and to re-center myself. Being with Xavier tonight will be the first time that we've been together since my discovering the truth about him.

I'm oddly nervous. We've had so many first times together and this seems like another one, an important one.

I let myself gaze into the fire for several moments, soaking in the anticipation and then he comes over with my wine.

I can tell he's ready. There's no holding back now. He wants to solidify this. He has since the moment he first saw me tonight.

There's nothing more to hide. I'm all his. An open book. The realness of that scares me. It's so raw and vulnerable, a place I seldom go. But if this is meant to be then he'll take me as I am and understand the years of war wounds I've suffered in trying to make a name for myself, in being without him.

I drink the deep purple liquid and it instantly soothes my over-excited nerves. I want this to happen. I want something special with Xavier, even if the notion of it scares me and means upending my life.

He meets me down on the rug and gently tips me backward. The firelight is all there is in his dark place. The orange glow combined with city lights are the only thing that allows me to see his face, handsome and rugged.

His eyes are peering into me and soon he makes his move. He pulls my clothes off, piece by piece and then does the same to himself. I try to cover myself with modesty but he pulls my hands away and pins them above my head.

He's got me trapped under the weight of his frame. Slowly he goes about tormenting and torturing my nipples with his tongue. He kisses my neck and down my flat stomach that flutters under his touch.

Then in one swift, rough movement, he flips me over so that I'm crouching on my knees. He takes two fingers and slides them into my pussy, making circular motions that push me into overdrive.

Then he asks, "Do you want it rough tonight, baby?"

"Yes," I murmur.

I know it's the answer he wants. I know he'd do it anyway no matter what my reaction. He’s always better at judging what it is I want than I am. He's a connoisseur of pleasure and so I trust him to lead me anywhere.

He's bent over me and he puts his wet fingers into my mouth.

"Taste it," he practically snarls. "Taste yourself on me."

I turn my head so that he can see me do it. I suck his fingers like they taste so good and I meet his gaze with a defiant reaction.

This spurs him on and soon he's pulling me apart with rough hands, and then he just stares at my glistening, wet pussy.

Everything's framed with a little mystery by the light of the fire.

"I've been wanting to do this all day. Baby, you're mine. Understand?"

I nod, but do I fully understand the implications of what he's just said? To be his forever is to be in a kind of prison, drawn entirely to him. That's the way he likes it, and if I'm being honest, I want it that way too.

Only when I'm around him, when our connections make sparks, and when he's feeding me pleasure do I ever feel satisfied. This man is my future and he's also my past.

He's what I've been dreaming about but never dared to obtain. He's the phantom in the dark who tormented me with fantasies of what could be. He's the love I never thought possible but secretly wished for.

But now that this moment of eternal servitude is upon me, I feel frightened. His domineering nature is too much sometimes, and yet I know I will give in to whatever he wants of me. I can't say no. I don't want to say yes. But I can't say no.

And that's it. He's entering me from behind harshly, but I whimper under his touch, hungry for more, always more. The satisfaction I glean from having him provoke me is indescribable.

Our connection, as always, is at the forefront. It's unmistakable now that I know he’s Stanley, and since I can no longer hide, what is left but to give myself up to him?


"God, fuck, Allie, you feel so good."

Her pussy's so tight around me. The pressure's building and radiating heat within me.

I fuck her intently and brazenly. She's mine at last. Only mine.

"Yes! Xavier, please yes," she cries.

I've got her ass situated firmly in my hands. Her hips are mine to move and direct. This is the first time I'm going to lay claim to her with the truth on the table. Everything's out in the open and there's no more deceit. I will never deceive her again.

I'm Stanley, and she knows it. I damn near lost her because of my need for revenge, but I feel we're on the right path now.

I should've always known that Allie is true. She has a certain kindness that's hard to come by. And a certain vulnerability that I find irresistible.

I ease my cock into her, slowly back-and-forth, so she can feel every delicious inch. She wants it all and she wants it bad.

Fucking Allie like this, when she really knows it's me, Stanley, well, it changes everything. All of a sudden, there are no more walls between us. She can't hide and neither can I.

I'm the guy from her past, the man of her dreams.

Looking at her beautiful body bent over receiving me, and cast in the light of a raging fire is so ideal. I never thought I'd fall for someone like this. And I certainly never thought it'd be Allie. But here we are. I will never leave her again.

The past is the past, but this is our future. She's my future. I already know that one day I'll marry her. She doesn't know it yet, but I will make it official. It all makes sense finally. I'm meant to be with her.

I don't know why I didn't see it before but it all makes sense now. I was meant to be with Allie and she with me. We only make sense when we're together.

The resentment I felt towards her over the past has been transformed, like a goddamn butterfly, into something better. I wish I had known that she's never betrayed me, but at least I know that now. I plan to make every day with her count so that we can make up for lost time.

I thrust into her and she's crying out, begging for more. She clutches at the rug trying to find a grip that will help her to sustain the force of my weight against her.

She tries to spread her legs out wide, to accommodate some more of my length, but there's nothing she can do. I have her in my grasp and I take her my way. It's always my way.

She seems to have succumbed to this fact and I think it makes us both happy.

Having her bent over my plush rug screaming for more of me causes the intensity to build up. It rises in my cock and I become even more hard with every thrust.

If I hold out, both of our ecstasies will last. If I give in now, it'll be over too quick. I like to draw things out with Allie. I like to be inside of her for as long as possible.

"Good girl, baby, just take it in," I say to her in a soothing tone.

Her body is clenching around me and it causes contractions to build up inside of myself.

I hold onto her for dear life as I pump in and out, in and out. I'm fucking her so hard and her screams do nothing to calm the instinct. I need to be deeper and deeper inside of her. Electricity is shooting throughout my body and I don't how much longer I can hold on. The threshold is so near. Once I cross it, there's no going back. But first I have to make sure she comes.

I slow my motion and bend over her so I can finger her clit. I circle and tease it with one hand while gripping her hip with the other. I need her in place and whimpering only for me.

The combination of my cock thrust so deeply into her and her sensitive clit being stimulated is all too much. I'm damn near exploding, and she is too.

"Xavier, I have to come now, I have to," she practically screams.

It's a good thing we're way up here in the penthouse where no one can hear us. She always screams my name and when she does, when she begs for it, it causes something to shift in me. I feel possessive over her in an inexplicable way. All I know how to do is to give into the joy of dominating her. I need it.

I decide to give in. The intensity must subside at some point.

"Yes, baby, it's time to come," I say.

I delve into her couple more times and it sends both of us over the edge. We come at the same time. Her body clenches around me and the tightness causes me to contract. She's convulsing as I blow my load into her pussy.

Her climax, her ecstasy, is like nothing I've ever seen. Her body contracts like nothing I've ever seen. She's shaking and quivering as the pleasure releases.

I pull her in close and release the rest of my cum into her beautiful body. It's all over and we're just panting and trying to catch our breaths.

I lay down on the rug next to her and the fire warms us. It's as if we both have finally gotten out the last remnants of anger and the torment of not being together is gone.

If we hadn't been torn apart by one jealous friend, then our future would have started a long time ago. But at least now, we've found our back to each other.

Our future is now. And there's no better way to celebrate that than having her holed up in my place.

I plan on keeping her here and never letting go. My watchful eye will always be on her because now she's finally mine in every sense of the word.

I get up and I take her wine and hand it to her. My baby needs a drink. Then I walk over to the windows that look out at the entire city. A fog has descended and it's starting to rain a little bit. Stormy weather is that much my emotions.

I'm happy that Allie is here, that she's finally mine. I was never expecting this to come, but now that it has I can say I'm actually happy. For the first time in what feels like forever.

Being with her comes with its own set of rules. I feel possessive over her in such a way that it frightens even me. My feelings run so deep and I guess we just have to ride that wave together.

"Baby, don't you want to have a drink?" she asks me from her place on the rug where she's lounging languidly in front of the fire.

"Yeah, I'll make something. But for now, I still want to get you into the bath. Go in there and wait for me."

She looks at me and I shoot her a hard gaze. We both know this night isn't over. There's always more to come. I'm a man of great passions and it takes a lot to fill me up. Luckily Allie's the perfect one to do that.

Without another word, she gets up and walks into my master bedroom. I hear the bathwater start to run and I'm happy she did as she was told.

I walk towards the industrial refrigerator and pull out a couple of sparkling waters. Then I make myself a scotch on the rocks with a twist. I bring it all into the master bedroom and set things up.

Allie's in the bathroom getting the tub ready. I light some candles and make it romantic. I'm so not done with her yet.

She knows me, and she knows that I'm a man of great, shall we say, sexual appetites. I have needs that have to be fulfilled.

Being with Allie makes my libido crank into overdrive. All I can think about when I'm around her is fucking her. And when we're not together she's constantly on my mind.

There's a level of obsession here that's making me crazy with desire. I can't get enough. It's that simple. She's always on my mind, etched into my heart. There's no going back. I'm in deep and this is where I want to stay.

I can feel that she's anxious about the depth of our connection. But I'm not. I'm ready to confront even the darkest of desires that come with being together.

She is my ultimate, the thing I've been chasing and didn't understand at first. She’s the one I’ve been dreaming of and yet didn’t know existed.

Now the gods have smiled upon me and things are at last going right.

I stalk into the bathroom, ready for round two.


Liquid warmth surrounds me, inside and out, as I sink into the oversized marble tub. Bubbles cover my flushed skin and scented oil fills my nose until I'm completely relaxed.

I've made sure it's extra hot because I don't want anything to cool down my emotions right now.

His place has the feel of luxury that makes it the ultimate love nest. He has all the amenities here, and in time I will make use of all of them.

It's raining outside, and because I've had such a long day, I'm definitely ready to sink into this tub and to forget my worries.

My last climax is still reverberating throughout my body. It was earth-shattering. It always is with Xavier. What makes these moments more special is that we have this poignant relationship.

We know each other on an unspoken level. I've known for years that he was my fantasy guy. While the image of him was always unclear, the energy was always there, and energy doesn't lie. I knew he existed...I just didn't know he was Stanley.

I idly wonder what he's doing out there as I kick the bubbles around. When he's not with me, I'm thinking about him and vice versa. I know the obsession works both ways.

Gentle music plays over the speakers and I know he's setting the tone. My pussy is sore and aching from him taking me by the fireplace but it's that wonderful kind of soreness that means I've had a real man between my legs.

I twist my hair up into a bun so that it doesn't get wet and then I curl up into a corner of the tub and wait. It's more like a hot tub with jet streams and everything. He must've had it made custom for his super-sized frame.

I wait, and the mere anticipation of him coming into the room stirs excitement in me. It's a good thing when the man you love makes you wired for life. I think I was living a kind of hum-drum experience before he came in and shook things up.

Now every day is a new adventure as he forces me past my limits and into new territory.

Xavier is my dream guy and I just have to pinch myself to make sure this is real. Is it right for me to be so happy? Can I really receive all of this good fortune?

I decide it'd be a crime not to accept these gifts that life has offered me. I've suffered enough. Now it's time for me to let go and live and enjoy every moment.

I close my eyes and think of him. I always think of him. My body's always vibrating with small electric impulses that connect me to him. I guess this is what a soulmate relationship feels like. I just never dreamed it'd be so intense, all of the time.

I open my eyes and he's there, standing in the doorway staring at me. He loves to watch me. He's got a towel around his waist which he drops to the floor. I take in the full view of his rock-hard body and that 10-inch cock.

He's hard again, of course, and ready for more. He looks at me with dark eyes and I can sense the promise of what's to come.

"I'm waiting for you," I say somewhat nervously.

"Good," is all he says as he sinks himself into the tub.

With his massive frame occupying so much space, the water rises almost to the point that it's spilling over the edge.

"Ahh, this is nice," he says.

All I can do is watch those muscular shoulders flex as relaxes against the edge of the bath. I see rippling abs and I'm sure my face registers nothing but a craving...for him.

He pulls my legs underneath the water so that I'm wrapped around his waist. His cock is just inches from my pussy.

I circle it with my hand and he has an amused expression on his face.

"Like what you see?"

"Of course. I want it. Now."

I'm greedy and hungry to consume him in some way, shape, or form. I ache to ride him and to feel that giant cock inside of me.

His hands grip my waist as he hoists me up on top of him. I slide onto him easily and soon he's inside me. The water makes it all the easier to conform to his size. I'll never get used to a shaft that big, but I'll never tire of trying either.

I cling onto his shoulders and cross my legs around him tightly. He lifts my ass up and down onto his cock, finding a nice rhythm. Soon we're in sync and it feels so good.

The warm bath water matches the warmth that's rising from within my belly. I kiss his neck and hold on tight for the ride.

I rock back and forth on him. The water's sloshing everywhere, out of the tub and onto the floor.

I grind my clit into him and the added sensation nearly takes me over the top.

"Hold on, baby. Just hang on," he says like he's coaching me through it.

Ever the one to draw out my pleasure, I'm always trying not to cross that threshold until he gives me the okay. The best way is to come together, and also when he commands. He seems to know the ins and outs of my body better than I do. He knows what I need.

I come down on his massive cock little by little.

He's in me as deep as he’s ever been. He looks at me, straight in the eyes, and kisses me. We can't get enough of each other and it's apparent.

I feel a certain fullness, a sense of satisfaction that defies everything. With him in this moment, all is well and I am eternally safe, cherished.

When we're fucking, life is perfect. All the problems melt away and all can see is him.

I never knew this amount of loving someone was possible. I never knew I could be so hungry for just one man.

He's staring at me with those deep, soulful eyes and I know he's as far into this as I am. This is only the beginning of our beautiful future. All the pieces are in place and I will be his in this way every day for the rest of our lives.

It's amazing, a miracle really. This amount of intense love is awesome and he, so enduring, keeps pushing me to new heights.

"Baby, I can feel you. I can feel every part of you," he growls into my ear.

I circle around him so he can feel my pussy walls tighten. I'm so close to coming.

He sucks my tits, happy with the view. When we're not kissing he's pulling and twisting my nipples.

I hold onto his neck for dear life as the inevitable wave is about to crash. I've crossed an edge now that there's no arriving back from.

"Baby, fuck. I'm coming."

With one final thrust, I shatter around him in a thousand different ways.

His lips, his chest, his cock. Everything melds into one, but the feeling of him inside of me is what sets me off and what causes multiple detonations of bliss within my body.

My mind feels fragmented with images of him. It's bliss, a kind of paradise that can only be found with him.

"Fuck, baby, you came so hard."

"I know," I manage to mutter in between breaths.

He lifts me off of him and turns me around in the water so that I'm leaning over the tub. He rubs my ass and it gives it a quick spank before pushing his cock deep inside me from behind.

This immediately hits my G-spot and it's pulsing with so much pleasure.

I let him do what he wants to my body because I'm floating in bliss. I've just had the most intense climax and I'm not ready for round two yet. But he doesn't stop, he doesn't cease. He does his thing, continuing to drive into me.

He pounds into me, unable to stop his own release. Water's crashing over the edge of the tub. The pulsations are turning electric and soon he and I are coming at the same time.

Radiant spirals of cool heaven emanate from within me. I've never had it like this. He's grasping my hair, pulling it gently as he emerges over his own cliff.

"This is perfect," I say. "I don’t ever want to stop, Xavier."

"Just think," he says in low, silky tone in my ear. "You have your whole life to look forward to this. It will always be this intense, Allie. You can count on it."

Fuck me. This is my forever. And it’s better than I ever could have hoped.


I'm on the site of yet another photo shoot. I guess you could say I've been working like crazy these days. Fashion editors are clamoring for my attention on both the East and West Coast, and also abroad.

What began as a public relations nightmare has ended in me being a social media influencer and an inspiration to all. My story, that of being manipulated by a viral video, seems to have humbled me in the eyes of the public and made me more relatable.

I've come out as the heroine on top of a dark situation. The fact that Xavier put the whole weight of his company behind me and helped to sort out my image crisis, well it helped a lot.

Now I have at least a million followers on Instagram and that is in itself profitable. I've shot ad campaigns for all the major fashion houses, and I'm working on one today.

It happens to be in New York City, which is a treat because I get to be with Xavier instead of on an airplane.

He's here watching me, as he always likes to do when he gets the chance. He's a control freak, really. He likes to make sure every outfit is perfect and that I look like the supermodel I now am.

I love to have his over-the-top, domineering presence around. It makes me feel safe and comfortable. He's become more than just my lover—we're best friends now.

I walk over to him for approval on my latest outfit, even though the stylist is technically in charge of that.

"How do I look?" I say to him as I grab his arm and use my other hand to trace his rock-hard abs.

I will never get tired of this. He's smoking hot, the guy every girl wants to have. And now, he's all mine.

He sees a hungry look in my eyes.

"You can't be thinking of that now. You have to work. You're gonna nail this shoot and they'll give you the cover."

He can always tell when I want to have sex. Which is pretty much always.

"Okay, Xavier, but you know what I expect tonight," I say to him with fire in my eyes.

"Oh, baby, with you looking so beautiful right now dolled up in this outfit, tonight you can expect the very best," he says.

This statement comes almost as a warning of what I'm going to experience tonight. Every day he takes me to new heights of pleasure and our connection is so deep that I never dreamed it was possible to love someone this much.

He's very commanding, and something about that allows me to relax because I know he's got it all under control.

"Okay, Allie, we're ready for you now," the photographer says.

I reluctantly leave Xavier's side and return to the set. The theme is graffiti, street-style fashion photography. So the backdrop is a brick wall they've made in the studio that several graffiti artists have worked their magic on. It's super gritty, and super me.

I'm excited to have this opportunity and I've been grateful every day since the crisis happened. I never dreamed I'd be on top of my career like this, at this level. But this shows that I earned it and I deserve it. You can't fake it at the top. You have to have real talent to be here.

And I'm proud to say Xavier hasn't had to get me any of my jobs. I've earned them all by myself. And that makes me proud. In fact, I've haven't worked for his company at all since the scandal. It's not because I haven't wanted to, it's because I haven't had time.

Usually, he's with me, jet-setting around the world. I feel strong in my power as a model, and I feel independent as a woman. All of that makes it easier for me to give myself to him. I know I rely on him for nothing. So I can give him everything.

"Okay, Allie, let's take it from the top," the photographer says.

The makeup artists that have been primping me scatter away, someone hits the music, and the camera starts to flash.

I'm on.

I give him my best moves and I carefully follow the photographer's direction. He's a joy to work with. This entire team is.

He has me arching my back against the wall and doing a variety of photos that complement the outfit.

I see Xavier watching me at a distance. His eyes are dark and I can only imagine what he's thinking.

He always does this when I'm on a shoot. And the idea of him watching me turns the heat up on things so much. I think I'm a better model under his gaze.

"Nice, Allie, good job, just like that."

I'm trying to put emotion into my posing so that my eyes are not left empty. How could they be when Xavier is undressing me with his own eyes?

His possessive nature turns me on so much and it comes out full force when I'm modeling and have so many eyes on me. He stares at me intently like he wants me to understand that I'm his, his alone.

I move my body in a variety of ways. I smile, I frown, and I give the photographer any type of expression he requests. I crawl and writhe on the ground, and I jump through the air like a gazelle. Anything he demands of me, I do.

And there's my man watching me the whole time. I know this gives him pleasure, and it certainly puts me on my A-game.

At last, the shoot is over, and I rush over to him. I cover his beautiful, chiseled face with kisses and he pulls me in hard for a long kiss.

"You did so well out there," he says, moving my hand down so I can feel the length of his cock pressing against his pants. “It’s so fucking hot watching you model.”

I lick my lips in anticipation. If no one was here I'd be going down on him right now.

Instead, he pulls me away and I say my goodbyes to everybody. Soon he's got me in the back of the waiting limo and I don't have to wait long for my fantasy to come true.

I slide down to my knees and start to pull his pants off so that I can suck his giant cock.

Before I can get him totally undressed, though, he says, "Allie, I should be the one down on my knees."


He pulls me up so that I'm sitting next to him. He's suddenly so serious, and I wonder what's about to transpire. The next thing I know, I see him pull out a small jewelry box.

What’s he doing? This can't be happening. He gets to one knee as comfortably as he can in the back of the limousine.

"Allie, will you please do me the honor of being my wife? I want to be with you every second of every day for the rest of our lives," he says.

I stare at the giant ring he's presenting me and say the only thing I can.

"Yes, a thousand times yes."

I jump into his arms and his hands are all over me. We're kissing passionately and I feel like this is just the beginning of my life.

"You make me so happy, Allie. Now I can tell you where we're really going."

"Wait a minute? Where are we going?"

He pushes the button that lowers the partition between us and the driver.

He says, "Okay, Henry, take us to the airport."

"Where are we going, Xavier? Aren't you gonna tell me?"

"No, I'm not gonna tell you. But I promise you're gonna love it. We need to celebrate our engagement."

God, at the word engagement, it all sinks in as to how real this is. I am going to be a wife. Xavier’s wife.

More than that, I'm going to be with the man I love forever.

We've survived the complicated journey of being together, and that in itself means something. It means that we can get through anything.

With a little transparency, all things are possible. I trust Xavier now more than anyone else on earth because I know he above all has my best interests at heart.

He kisses me, and it's as if our engagement is sealed by that kiss. I already knew that I'd be his forever, but now he's just cemented our future together.

It feels so good, and my future feels so right. Not one aspect of me is wondering if I made the right choice by saying yes. I know I have. He's my man and my biggest supporter. What could be better?

I look at the beautiful ring he's slipped on my finger, and it's dazzling. I'd like to look longer and to appreciate the feeling of it being on my finger, but Xavier is slowly undressing me.

"It's a long ride to the airport," he breathes as he trails his tongue along my inner thigh.

And with that, I let him fuck me all the way to the airport, and that’s definitely me getting my happy ending.




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