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Havoc by Laramie Briscoe (20)



Frustration eats at me hardcore, especially after the many close calls Leighton and I have had. Namely last night. I groan loudly – I can still feel her heat on the tip of my dick – the wetness coating it as I almost slipped inside her. Fucking Ace. I could have killed him, could still kill him, for interrupting that moment. I woke up with her on my mind, wanting to pick up where we left off, but realized she had to work today when I found her side of the bed empty. Since then, I’ve been in a foul mood, ready to rip my skin off my muscle.

I almost went to work today, even though it’s my day off, just to give me something to do. Maybe arrest a few people and get rid of this irritation and frustration riding high in me, tensing my body. I don’t have that release today though, haven’t had that sexual release in almost two years. Remembering the way she trembled in my arms, how she arched for my touch, how she moaned when my mouth connected with the tightness of her nipple has me growling. There’s only one thing for me to do; I’m gonna have to work out until I drop. Go until there’s no more go in me left and I’m collapsing because I’ve given it everything I have.

Rolling my shoulders, I strip off the shirt that’s feeling way too restrictive and push my athletic shorts a little further down on my hips. Even though they’re loose, they aren’t doing anything for the erection still there from last night.

Heading out to the garage where I have some equipment, I open the bay doors and do a few stretches, limbering myself up. Thinking better of it, I stop and turn on a few of the oscillating fans I keep out here. Temps in the low-eighties mean it’ll be almost unbearable in here by the time I’m done. When I’m sufficiently warmed up, I use the code to unlock my cell phone, connecting it to the Bluetooth speaker I keep there for just this purpose. The sounds of my playlist – Metallica, Five Finger Death Punch, Avenged Sevenfold, and any other angry rock I could find – fill the empty space. I let the first loud beats roll through my body and then I hit the treadmill hard.

Doing my best to control my breathing and hold my form, I run. I run away from the feelings my wife evokes in me. Run like hell from the way I want her, the way my body craves her. It’s driving me crazy, making me insane, and I’m scared to death it’s going to cause me to make a stupid decision.

One mile goes by, then two, and three. Still I’m wound up; I’m not relaxing at all. If anything, I’m hornier than when I started. Probably all the adrenaline flowing through my body along with the testosterone.

Panting, I bend at the waist and spy my pull-up bar. Stepping off the treadmill, I make my way over to it, grasp the metal, and start pulling my weight up. When that still doesn’t work, I stop, strap some weight around my waist, and then go back to work.

I concentrate on my breathing, hold my legs tight, pull up with my arms, hold it, and then control my descent back down again. I don’t know for how long I do this, how many reps I do – all I know is when I’m done, my arms are jelly. I’m breathing heavy and I’m tired, but the need for her persists.

I still can’t get Leighton out of my head.

My skin prickles with awareness for the first time since I came out here. Turning to face the doors, I see the object of my desire, basically my obsession, looking at me like she could eat me alive.

Interesting, because that’s exactly what I want to do to her. I’m trying to catch my breath when she starts strutting toward me, and make no mistake about it, it’s a strut. It’s like I’ve conjured her from all my impure thoughts, and she’s here to do everything I’ve been thinking about since before I put a ring on her finger. Her purse drops to her side, the contents spilling out across the concrete floor, but neither one of us seem to care.

Her hips are swaying, her ass is probably shaking, and she’s got this look in her eyes I’ve never seen before. It’s hunger, desire, and need all in one.

“I thought you were at work,” my voice is gruff as I speak to her.

The walk to me seems like it’s a million miles, because she’s still making her way across the garage. I move my eyes from her face, take in the flush of her chest, those fucking hard nipples that always give her away, and the way her hands are gripped at her sides.

“Left early.” She finally gets close enough to me that I can touch her. “I missed you.”

Those words are a punch to my gut and I know without a doubt, this is it. The moment we’ve been waiting for, the piece of time we’ve been skirting. I’ll be damned if anyone stops me now.


“I missed you.”

When I finally get to him, I put my hands on his sweaty stomach, caress the firm ridges there, and lick my lips. He’s a feast I want to partake in, an ice cream sundae on a hot day, and I’ve been given permission to have it before my main course. After last night, I’m ready to be honest, I’m ready to stop messing around.

“I want you, need you, crave you, and if I don’t have you, Holden, I’m going to go insane.”

He makes this sound in his throat, the sexiest sound I’ve ever heard in my life, as his hands cup my jaw and bring my mouth to his.

This kiss…

Is nothing like I’ve ever felt before. It’s one without restraint, without censure, and it’s out of control from the moment his lips touch mine. Shoving his hands into my hair, he adjusts my mouth to his liking, jerking me to the side, so that he can step further into my personal space.

With over two-hundred pounds of muscle coming down on me, I grab hold of him around the waist, pulling our bodies together. Moving my hands up his slippery back, I grasp at his muscles, holding on tightly as his tongue slips between my lips claiming every inch of real estate for himself. He’s marking me so that no one else can ever stand a chance. Ruining me because he’s so good at what he does. When he pulls back, nipping at me, I open my eyes and am hit with a punch by the desire I see in his.

“Fuck I want you, and I don’t wanna stop this time. But goddamn I don’t have a condom out here.” His voice is low, deep with arousal, and the hottest thing I’ve ever heard in my life.

Fuck fighting anything anymore. We’ve fought it the whole time. Let’s just give in and see where that gets us. “You’re good, we’re covered, I’m not stopping either.”

I reach down, pushing his shorts and boxers off his hip bones. He groans when I take hold of his hard cock in between my hands. “Leigh.” He buries his face in my neck, the rasp of his short beard scoring my flesh. It’s the hottest thing I’ve ever felt in my life.

“Don’t stop me, Havoc,” I breathe into his ear, grabbing the lobe and pulling at the earring. “I want this, want you, need to feel you inside me.”

“Here?” He questions, his fingers denting my flesh with their rough grip.

“Here,” I confirm. “We’ve gotten a taste of each other, and I’m sick of the taste. I want the whole fuckin’ sundae, not just the whipped cream topping.”

He pulls back, grinning at me, before he moves his hands down, gripping the edges of my t-shirt before pulling it off my body. Again, I pitch backward as he presses against me until my back hits the wall of the garage.

“Sure you don’t wanna go inside? Get a comfortable bed and let me lay you down.” He smears his lips against my neck. “Let me ravage you.”

“You can ravage me just as well here.” I reach down, pulling the cup of my bra down, exposing my flesh to his gaze. “Please ravage me, show me what I’ve been dreaming about isn’t a dream.

He leans down, capturing my nipple in his mouth, tugging on the tight flesh before he swirls it with his tongue, soothing the pinch. My arms tighten around his neck, holding him closer, arching up to his mouth, wanting his touch.

“God you feel so good,” I moan, spreading my legs wider, giving him more room. I can feel his hard cock, pressing against my core, but I still have clothes on and it’s frustrating me.

“Need to get these leggings off,” he growls as I push up into his hard length.

Trying to get them off while I’m pressed against the wall proves impossible. It’s then that I hear a growl and then hear a rip, I look down, seeing the hottest thing ever. He literally ripped the clothes from my body. “Jesus,” I gasp for air, before he covers my mouth with his again.

Anchoring my thighs to the wall with his hips, I feel his fingers run through my core and both of us moan at the moisture there.

“Always so goddamned wet for me.” He smears it up and down his cock, which right now is the second hottest thing he’s ever done, and then moves my panties as he shoves home.

I realize quickly that sex with Holden isn’t hearts and flowers. It’s ripped clothes, slick skin, grunting, groaning, and slapping flesh. It’s amazing.

My legs tighten around his waist, my feet dig into his ass, and I try to push my back against the wall to give me purchase as he slides in and out of my body. Pushing up, pulling out; it’s a dance we’ll perfect if there’s anything I have to say about it.

Closing my eyes, I let my head fall back against the wall, let my shoulders take the weight, and then I feel his lips on my neck. His teeth nip at the tendons before his tongue soothes the bite and then his mouth sucks harshly against the flesh. I’ll wear the badges of this coupling for weeks, I’m positive, but I’ll wear them with pride.

“Yes,” he grunts as he pushes deeper into my body, hitching my legs higher, bottoming out, and rubbing against my nipples in the best of ways. Every single part of my body is turned on, on fire, and ready for what he’s doing to me.

When he picks up the pace and reaches down to put a thumb at my clit, I’m done for. There’s not much more I can take. I force my eyes open and watch as his thrusts become less calculated, more frenzied, and he closes his eyes, pushing his head back on his shoulders. The strong tendons of his neck pop out as he strains for the finish. I lean in, grabbing hold of his earlobe between my teeth, something I learned in one of our make out sessions that he loves.

“Fuck yeah, Leigh, what do you need?” he pants, his body going rigid, harder as he thrusts into me and we work toward the end together.

“Hard, faster,” I pant. And he gives me everything I want. The only sounds in the garage are that of fucking. The slapping of flesh, the moans, the groans, the sounds he makes as he withdraws and then pushes back in, my sharp intake of breath when he hits all the way so that he pushes against the finger on my clit.

“Can’t hold back much longer,” Holden moans.

“Let it go, Havoc,” I groan. “I’m with you, take me with you.”

Our bodies slap against each other, wanting the orgasm we each crave, that we’ve denied each other for so long. My flesh is swollen and needy, ready to take what he wants to give me. And give me he does.

With one last guttural groan, he thrusts into my pussy and his body tightens, holds still as he comes, collapsing against me, his mouth open against my neck. His hot breath on my flesh and the feel of his jerking cock is all I need as I writhe against his thumb.

Fuck me,” he moans, slightly pushing in and pulling out as aftershocks wrack our bodies.

We’re both quiet, trying to figure out what to say to each other. But when our gazes meet, I giggle. I can’t believe I just had sex with him outside, with the doors to the garage open where anyone can see.

“I’ve never done it outside before,” I laugh, holding his body close to mine.

“Me neither. Thank God we live out here, and no one could see you. If we lived close enough to have neighbors, I never would have chanced someone seeing you like this besides me,” he admits, kissing me softly. “Guess that’s one to scratch off the bucket list.”

We’re quiet for a few minutes as we try to clean up and he helps me get my footing underneath me. Neither one of us seems to know what to say to one another, but I catch him looking at me. Looking at me with passion and desire, and it heats me back up again.

“How would you feel about knocking something else off the bucket list?”

He gives me the sexiest grin. “I say I’ll meet you inside, wife of mine, and we’ll see what we can do.”

I giggle as I run into the house. Finally, I’m getting to the best parts of being married, and I’m hoping like hell he’s letting his guard down enough to let me in.