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His Wife by Hastings, Ashley (14)


I spent the rest of that day wandering about the house aimlessly, but I was cautious to stay away from the library, or the sitting room that Mother preferred.

Instead, I found myself in the Tapestry Room, one of my least favorite rooms. The tapestries that covered the walls were dark and dreary, and although I had learned they were cleaned monthly, they always seemed to have a light layer of dust and cobwebs. The room was small compared to the rest of the house with tapestries hanging on all four walls. The effect was claustrophobic.

The only reason I came in here was because nobody else ever did. And, let’s face it, the depressing tapestries matched my mood.

I idly glanced around the room and noticed a modern-looking, orange porcelain vase on the mantel, and wondered why it was in this particular room. It seemed out of place in the midst of all this history. It was somewhat tacky, on closer inspection. I really didn't think it belonged in the house at all. I picked it up and turned it slowly around in my hands, and I heard Nathan calling my name down the hall. Deep in thought, I was startled, and I dropped the vase, and it hit the granite fireplace hearth and shattered.

Oh, no. My first thought was of Mother, and how angry she would be with me. How could I be so clumsy?

I told myself to stop acting like a child, but in my panic, I reverted to childish behavior. I used my shoe to sweep the pieces of the vase under the settee and prayed no one would notice what I had done. Then I got down on all fours to finish putting the pieces out of sight. Before I could stand up, the door opened abruptly, and Mother came in and caught me on my hands and knees on the fine rug. Nathan was right behind her.

"Miss Turner, what are you doing?" Mother’s face turned bright red, and her usually cold voice heated in suspicion. She came around the settee and spied a shard of the vase projecting from under the furniture.

She was so angry that she sputtered her next words. "You are completely irresponsible. That was Savannah's favorite vase! How could you?"

Really? Surely, she was making this up. Savannah seemed to have a personal connection to everything in the damn house. What were the odds, with all the vases in the house, that I would break Savannah's favorite one?

Nathan crossed the room and held out his hand to me. He looked stern. Hesitant in my actions, I took his hand and rose to my feet. Embarrassed, I avoided looking him in the eyes.

“I’m so sorry. I don’t know why I was so clumsy.” My face got hotter with every word I spoke.

"That's enough, Mother. That vase was no one's favorite. It was ridiculously ugly. Let Cook know that Darby and I will dine in our room tonight. We will see you in the morning."

With that, he led me from the room and closed the door on Mother's recriminations.

Back in our room, I regarded Nathan while shifting from one foot to the other. He no longer looked disapproving; instead, he seemed amused. I don't know what was worse, Nathan being angry with me, or laughing at me.

"Behaving like a child? Hiding a broken vase from the grownups?"

Nathan crossed to the end table and pulled out his silver cigar box. He lit a cigar and regarded me carefully.

Suddenly I was angry. I felt a slow roll of furious heat move through my body like a tidal wave. It didn't help my feelings that Nathan was right.

"Stop making fun of me." I was indignant.

He stormed over to where I was standing, and confronted me head on.

"Then stop being a brat. I can't believe I found you in there, on your hands and knees, hiding the pieces of that stupid vase."

He grabbed me by my shoulders and pushed me back down on to my knees. I cried out, surprised and dismayed.

"If you want to be on your knees, Darby, at least do it like a grownup." The anger had left his voice. We could have been discussing dinner plans or any mundane topic from the way he sounded.

He unzipped his pants and pulled out his penis. I was shocked to see that he was hard already.

Nathan took my chin. He looked into my eyes for a long moment, and his expression was almost tender, a direct contrast to his actions.

"Make yourself useful." One hand grabbed the back of my head, and he pressed himself into my mouth. Choking a little, I gazed up at him. "Suck. Use your tongue, and mind your teeth."

Nathan continued smoking his cigar while he watched me. With one hand he stroked my hair, reassuring me without any words that I was doing okay.

Dear lord, this was hot. I liked it when Nathan was forceful, even if he was angry or impatient with me to start.

I obeyed his commands with alacrity. Tentative at first, I sucked on his length, and then pulled my mouth away. I used my tongue to lick up one side and down the other. I took him into my hand to get better control, and I stroked him softly.

His groan made me bolder, and my hand slipped down to cup his sac. I was overwhelmed by the contrast of textures. His shaft was hard but felt covered in the softest velvet. His sac was soft but contained his balls, which I couldn't help but view as the source of his masculine power. The faint saltiness of his skin was pleasant, and he smelled male and intoxicating.

I went back to sucking, and now I was moaning softly, almost uncontrollably. Watching Nathan's pleasure turned me on nearly as much as his touch. His head had fallen back, and his hand kept rubbing the back of my head.

He encouraged me to take more and more of his massive length into my mouth until he filled my throat and I could no longer work him with my tongue. He started thrusting into my throat, and I fought not to gag. Without warning, his salty cum filled my throat, and he cried out. I swallowed it all, and then I licked him clean from root to tip. His hand on my head trembled.

Breathing hard, I sat back on my heels and waited for his command like a faithful and loyal dog. When his eyes found mine, I saw love and gratitude for my actions, and I was proud. Proud to be his wife, proud to have succeeded in my first blowjob, and proud to be kneeling at his feet. My satisfaction almost made up for my silly actions with the ugly vase.

A knock at the door startled us both, and Nathan reluctantly zipped up. He turned to the door, and I slipped on to the sofa, wiping my mouth. Our dinner had arrived, and Nathan busied himself arranging the dishes on the coffee table in front of me. We both seemed reluctant to speak, to break the quiet, peaceful mood that had overtaken us.

We sat side by side on the sofa without words. After eating, he pulled me into his lap and went back to stroking my hair. I had learned one of his favorite things to do was to wind my curls around his fingers. I was drowsy and content to stay quiet, but Nathan was now in a talkative mood.

"Was I wrong to marry you, and bring you here?" His voice was contemplative.

Hurt, I turned in his lap so I could see his face in the dim lighting. “How can you say that?”

"I know I rushed you into marriage. That was a deliberate and selfish choice on my part. I didn't want to give you a chance to think about things, to come to your senses. I'm an old man compared to you, and I didn't want you thinking about missed opportunities you might have had with boys your own age. You should be going to parties, and flirting with different boys. Having fun like other people your age. Instead, I brought you to this museum of a house, and you are left on your own for long hours at a time." He sighed.

I hadn't thought of it this way. He had given me something new to consider. Not that I regretted marrying Nathan, not at all, but I didn't know he had been worrying about how I was handling the transition. His words eased some of my hurt.

“I don’t regret marrying you. I don’t feel like I’ve given up anything at all. Instead, I’ve gained so much.” I stroked his face with one timid hand. “I love you.”

Nathan kissed me, his lips gentle, and then went on. "I wanted you for myself when I saw you in New York City that first day. I wasn't even staying in your hotel at first. I had already concluded all my business meetings before we met, and was on my way to the airport to go home. You didn't know that, I know. I saw you on the street, walking by. I was stopped in traffic, and you were smiling, and turning in circles, entranced by the city. It was obvious it was your first visit, and you were delighted by all the sights and sounds.” He sighed and continued playing with my hair, gazing off into the distance, lost in his memories of that day.

“I had no idea you saw me on the street. You’ve never said anything about that before.”

He continued as if I hadn’t spoken. “So unsullied, and bright, and happy to just be on that dirty, overcrowded street. Everything else faded away when I saw you. I knew then I needed you in my life. I hadn't been happy for so long. I hadn't found the joy in anything."

Afraid to break the spell, I didn’t reply. I willed Nathan to keep on talking.

"I told my driver to stop when you went into the hotel. Then I went in behind you and secured a room. I heard you speaking on the phone to your mother, making plans to eat in the hotel restaurant later. I decided then and there to come to you at dinner and find some way to strike up a conversation with you. I don't know how I knew, but I was certain you would bring the joy back to my life. I was right."

Touched, I shifted in his lap and laid a gentle hand against his chest. His words warmed me.

"That asshole you were dining with made it easy. He was trying to get you into his bed, and he was very clumsy about it. I knew you weren't impressed with him, and I decided to make my move. I was making my own plans for you, and they definitely included getting you into bed, but my age would allow me to be smoother about it."

He paused, considering his words while he smiled down at me with warmth. "Not that I was very smooth. I jumped you the first chance I got that night in that filthy taxi."

I laughed a little and leaned against his chest. "I always feel like a child around you. I want to be older and more sophisticated for you, more like Savannah was."

He pushed back from me a little and grabbed my face. Alarmed, I stared at him.

"Don't try to be Savannah, Darby. That is the last thing I want from you. I want you to be YOU. And you aren't a child."

He stood and swooped me up into his arms with a swiftness that caught me off guard. I clutched at him in surprise.

"Now let me take you to bed, and prove to you that you aren't a child."

Nathan set me on my feet next to the bed, and then he sat down, looking sexy and relaxed, and as always, in total control.

"Strip down to your bra and panties, baby."

Shy, I did as I was told. I kept my eyes downcast. Despite the many wonderful times we had made love, and knowing he had full intimate knowledge of my body, I still had an urge to cover myself when he stared at me with such intensity. I resisted the urge because I knew it would displease him.

He was quiet as he checked me over from head to toe. I tried to see myself as he saw me, a thin redhead wearing a black lace bra and panties, standing submissively before him, waiting for his next command.

At least my lingerie was of the highest quality. Nathan had given me a credit card right after we married, and I had used it to buy many gorgeous La Perla lingerie sets. In fact, we had spent one memorable evening with me in his lap at his desk in the library, surfing La Perla's website together, and picking out thousands of dollars of lingerie.

The room had been completely dark; the only illumination had come from the computer screen, the only sounds had been my giggles and soon, our low moans of pleasure. We frequently had sex in the library, and there was something about all those masculine furnishings that made me feel my most feminine and sexy.

Now those purchases were paying off for me again.

Nathan’s eyes roamed down my body. "Take off your bra."

I reached behind me to unhook it, and then I slipped the straps off my shoulders, and shrugged the bra completely off, letting it fall to the floor. I couldn't help myself; I had to cover my breasts with my hands. My hair fell over one eye, and I gazed at him, feeling as vulnerable as a virgin.

Nathan's breathing quickened. "Drop your hands, sweetheart, and come closer."

I did as he asked. He grabbed hold of my hips and turned me, so my back was to the bed.

His hands lifted to palm my breasts, and he massaged them gently. I felt the moisture pooling between my thighs.

"These are your tits, baby. They are incredible. If I had my way, you would wander the estate naked at all times, so that I could feast my eyes upon your amazing body whenever I wanted."

I moaned as he continued fondling me. I could feel his breath grazing my neck, and it turned me on further.

"Tell me what these are." His voice was insistent.

I hesitated, unsure.

"Tell me. Do I need to spank you to make it easier for you?" His voice was gentle and hypnotic.

I needed that spanking because he was right, it did somehow make everything easier. However, I decided to try to do as he wanted.

"These are my tits." My voice was low, almost inaudible.

He turned me back around to face him and leaned forward. His tongue lapped at my nipples, teasing each one in turn. He was feasting on my breasts, and I couldn't look away. Nathan began sucking them, softly at first and then with more vigor. I had to grab his shoulders because my knees weakened.

He sucked and licked his way down my stomach, spending a little extra time on my navel. Then he leaned back.

"Take off your panties."

It was easier this time, to do as he asked. I slipped the panties down past my hips, wiggling a little, liking how his eyes darkened as he watched my movements. I stepped out from my panties and waited to see what would happen next. I was breathing faster, and my breaths were shallow. I was almost panting in my eagerness.

He pulled me in close again and cupped between my legs. The sight of his firm, masculine hand holding me there made me moan aloud.

"This is your pussy." He squeezed, and I moaned again.

"Tell me what this is, Darby."

He flexed those devilish fingers of his. I knew he could feel how wet I was.

"This is my pussy." My voice grew stronger, even saying the unfamiliar word. "Well, actually, this is YOUR pussy."

His head lifted in surprise at my words, and he looked right into my eyes. "Yes, that's right. This is my pussy. Those are my tits. Every delicious inch of you is mine."

He helped me on to the bed and leaned against the headboard. He settled my back against his front. He was still fully clothed, and I was warm and naked in his arms. What a blissful place to be.

Nathan went back to stroking my pussy with one hand. With the other, he plucked at my nipples. I arched and wiggled, wanting more from him.

"What do you need, baby? Do you want me to finger you?"

I moaned, out of control. That was exactly what I needed.

"Just tell me. Say the words, sweet girl, and you shall have it." I could hear the love in his words.

"I want you to finger me." I was breathless in anticipation.

Before I had even finished my sentence, three of his fingers pushed inside all at once. He began fucking me roughly with them, and I rocked my hips against the pressure. The hand at my breast dropped down to my clit and rubbed insistently. I was dizzy with desire.

"Play with your tits, angel."

I didn't hesitate, roughly handling myself the way he liked to do. I plucked each nipple in turn and he watched my every move. He made another pleased noise, and his fingers continued their fantastic torment.

"You are such a good, good girl. Such a good whore, too." He laughed low in his throat. "Buck those beautiful hips, whore, and get what you need. Go on. Take it. Take it what you need from me. Take it."

I rocked my hips against his hand even harder. I came with tremendous force, crying out to the ceiling. God, I loved the way he talked to me in bed.

"I'm not done with you." He continued to fuck me with his fingers. I was dripping all over his hand, but I was beyond any embarrassment. He took hold of my hair and pulled my head back. "I want to call all my friends in, to watch you like this. To help me fuck you, like this. Would you like that? Do you want me to share you, Darby, to pass you around?"

My heart raced in fear and arousal. I didn't want to be shared, and I was sure he knew it, but the picture he painted made me moan again, made me want another one of those exquisite orgasms he liked to give me. I didn't think he wanted to share me, either, but he did want me to know he had total control over our sex life. That was important to him.

"If I asked you to spread your legs for my friends, for my clients, would you do it?" His eyes were watching me, studying my every expression.

"Yes. I'll do whatever you tell me to do." But I dropped my eyes again, and my voice wasn’t convincing.

Despite my hesitation, we both knew it was 100% true. Being shared wasn't my kink, but that didn't matter. My kink was whatever turned Nathan on.

Pleased, he stood up abruptly, grabbed my hips and jerked me down the bed on my back. He tied each of my ankles to the massive four-poster bed, and then he secured my wrists. Spread open for him, I waited for him to take his pleasure in my body, knowing that would give me even more pleasure in return.

"I won't share you, angel. I want you for my own." His deep voice roughened with his desire. “I know you don’t want to be shared, but I love how you want to obey.”

He started undressing, taking his time.

"I think it's time you stopped taking the pill."

I hesitated, thinking it over. Oddly enough, my first objection to the idea of getting pregnant was that our child would have two bitches for grandmothers.

“I don’t know. I think we need to discuss it some more first.”

"We can talk about it later."

He rummaged in the bedside table, taking out a small, black velvet pouch I had never seen before. He turned slightly, so his big body blocked my view of the contents of the little bag.

He knelt on the bed between my legs. I could hear him uncap a bottle, and then a squirting sound. I strained to see, but I couldn't tell what he was doing.

Suddenly I heard a buzzing and felt vibrations against my clit. I jerked against my bonds, and Nathan laughed. He ran the lubed vibrator all over my pussy for several minutes, until I was a bucking, out of control mess again.

Nathan used one hand to open my bottom cheeks. "Your ass is stunning, sweetheart. I've wanted to fuck it for weeks now."

Before I could even feel fear from his words, the vibrator pushed against my other hole, the one that I thought should be all about function, not pleasure. Nathan watched me in his intense way as he continued to work the vibrator into my tiniest hole. One hand held my hips down, so I was forced to absorb all the sensations at once. He fucked me over and over in my ass with the vibrator until I was making animalistic noises, unable to control myself.

“Please! Please, fuck me.” I continued begging. I needed relief.

I heard the sharp sound of a zipper.

Nathan thrust his large cock into my pussy while continuing to hold the vibrator in place. He left the toy firmly seated in my ass, and then pushed his weight off me slightly. The sensations washed over me like a tidal wave.

Nose to nose, he murmured, "I love you, Darby."

He started thrusting, varying the angle, the speed, the depth of each push. The vibrator continued buzzing, and I was full and felt complete. He was grunting and moaning, and I came again. My pussy was making wet sounds now, and he didn't even slow down.

Nathan’s eyes were as savage as his thrusts, his moans getting louder and louder. Finally, he spent inside me, and I came one last time, squeezing his cock firmly with my pussy. He bit my shoulder, hard.

"Fuck, that was so good." We stayed joined together for a long time after, trying to catch our breath.


WE CURLED TOGETHER in the big bed, my head on his bare chest, and his fingers tracing his teeth marks on my shoulder.

"I want you to have more fun, baby. Someone your age should be going to parties, and laughing with friends, not wandering around a dusty old house all day, while this old man works for hours."

So we were back on this, were we?

"Oh, please, I entertain myself very well here during the day, and at night you certainly know how to entertain a girl." I giggled and squeezed his bicep. "I have been thinking about a couple of things, however." I paused, not sure how to make my next request.

"What do you need?" He slipped a finger under my chin and lifted my face to his.

"I would like to set up a place to paint." I rushed my words so he wouldn't think I was asking about changing the garden house again. "Just a corner of a room somewhere would do. Just somewhere that gets a lot of morning light."

Nathan smiled at me. "Pick out a spot, and make me a list of what supplies you need. We will get it done."

"Also, Nate, I was thinking about learning to ride horses. Maxwell told me you have horses out back, and there might be one gentle enough for me to learn on."

My eyes sparkled at the thought, and Nathan kissed me with a lingering sweetness that warmed me to my toes.

"Of course. Whatever you want. I'll teach you myself. We will have to get up early to avoid the heat, at least for another month or two longer, but it should be a lot of fun. I haven't ridden in a long while myself, and I've really missed it."

He rolled over until I was underneath him again, one of my favorite places to be.

"Now let's see if this old man can entertain you one more time tonight."




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