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His Wife by Hastings, Ashley (8)


It did not take me long to get lost. The house was huge, with too many rooms to count, and twisting, confusing corridors branched off in all directions. The house was also incredible. Despite its massive scale and its formidable history, I fell in love with it. I could easily see how with just a few simple touches, I could make this my home forever. What it lacked was family photographs, and that sense of personalization. That was an easy fix.

I looked forward to taking selfies with Nathan, and maybe displaying them along with a few of my paintings. When I was little and my mother started working all the time, I occupied myself with coloring books. Later, I graduated to sketching, and then finally, painting. I didn't fancy myself a hugely talented artist, but I did like to paint, and I had one or two favorite pieces that I would have shipped here from Silver Falls. Maybe I could even find a cozy corner full of light and set it up as my art studio.

Maxwell's brochure helped me tremendously. I went from room to room, reading from the glossy handout and gawking like a tourist. I even took a picture or two with my phone to send to my friends. They weren't going to believe this place! 

The rooms all had names, like the Long Gallery filled with old landscapes and portraits of Nathan’s ancestors. The Stag Room was filled with old hunting conquests, such as the dusty deer heads mounted all over. That room was little creepy, and I didn’t linger for long.

I made my way down the hallway to the next room. I quickly realized it was the formal dining room, and I fell in love with it on first sight. I turned in slow circles to take in the elaborate murals on the walls. Gardenias featured prominently. Apparently, it was some long-dead great, great grandmother's favorite flower, and was incorporated in the original furniture, paintings, and even on the banisters. Peacocks, too, showed up repeatedly in the design of the house, and I enjoyed finding those clever references in each room.

I wandered the first floor alone and hadn't yet made my way upstairs when I noticed a small, walled garden. I went out and found beautiful, fragrant flowers, and another door that led to a tiny chapel. A quick peek into the chapel revealed worn, polished pews, and numerous elaborate stained glass windows. I perched on one of the old pews, and ran my hand along the shiny wood. This would be a great place to just sit and be quiet with my thoughts.

Consulting the brochure, I found something called the Fountain Court that contained the formal rose gardens in addition to a massive fountain, and the Clock Court, which true to its name held a giant clock on one of its brick walls. That is where Nate found me.

"Are you having fun exploring the house, Darby?"

Jumping, I turned around, excited. "Oh, yes, Nate! This place is incredible. I've been exploring for at least an hour, and I don't think I've seen half the house yet."

"This is the Clock Court." He gestured around at the massive courtyard, with its brick pavers. "The Clock Court was for suitors to visit the ladies of Peacock Alley. The clock was a joke by the founder of the estate. He said he didn't want suitors overstaying their welcome with his daughters."

I laughed in delight at his story. “I can’t imagine any father wanting his daughters’ boyfriends hanging around.”

"We have lots of parties here. The formal ballroom is just over there, and my library has an entrance here." He indicated with his hand for me to walk with him.

We stepped from the heat into the much cooler library. It was even bigger than I had imagined, and books lined every wall from floor to ceiling. Nathan's desk featured prominently in the middle of the room. There were several seating areas containing dark leather furniture. A pool table was on one side, and there was a chess set, and a dartboard. Heavy oriental rugs covered the wooden floors. It was definitely a man's room, a highly sophisticated version of a man cave. I caught a faint whiff of cigar smoke and saw Nathan's favorite whiskey in a crystal decanter off to one side on a massive walnut sideboard. I could easily imagine him here, smoking and drinking with friends while having a late night discussion about politics.

I saw papers spread across his desk. "I didn't mean to disturb you while you were working."

"This room is never off limits to you. You are always welcome here, Mrs. Randolph."

I flushed with pleasure at his words. I liked being called Mrs. Randolph. He came closer and ran a finger down my cheek.

"In fact, you are particularly welcome right now." He was so bold that he squeezed my breasts with both hands, and I gasped.

"Don't be shy, Mrs. Randolph. I need you naked and ready to fuck." Nathan said these shocking words in a casual, off-hand kind of way.

"Now? Here?" My words were a little breathless in my surprise.

I was almost in a panic. I wanted to make the house feel like home, but I was a little intimidated about stripping bare in the middle of all this majestic grandeur. I remembered the paintings of Nathan’s ancestors I had studied earlier. There were a couple of portraits in this room, too. I felt like the eyes of those long dead were watching me, and passing judgment on my actions.

"Yes. Definitely now. Definitely here." He raised one arrogant eyebrow at me.

"Nate, I don't think this is a good idea..." My voice trailed off.

Without warning, he snatched me up and carried me to the big chair behind his desk. He positioned me on my stomach over his lap. I knew what was coming, and I was scared and delighted all at once. He pulled my yoga pants down to my ankles, taking my panties down at the same time. Bare and exposed, I squirmed and braced my hands against the floor.

Smack! Smack! SMACK! The blows came hard and in quick succession. If ghosts were watching, they were undoubtedly scandalized.

"Nate, please! I'm sorry!" I protested. It hurt, but I had the urge to giggle, too.

"What did I tell you happened to bad girls? What happens in this library?" Nathan’s voice was stern, and his tone stopped my giggles.

"They get spanked, with their panties off." I sounded like a little girl.

I squirmed to get free, but I think I liked being his bad girl. From virgin to pervert, in less than one day.

"Be still. When you married me, you promised to obey."

He continued spanking me, and I was grateful that the size of the house would likely prevent anyone from overhearing. I grew wetter with every blow. Nathan stopped long enough to run his fingers between my legs. It didn’t take him long to discover how wet I was, and I blushed at my reaction. Nathan continued with his punishment without comment.

After twenty spanks, he pulled me upright into his lap. He was breathing heavily, and I was crying hard. He comforted me by rubbing my back with the same damn hand that spanked me. The gentle sensation curled my toes. Why did that turn me on even further? He then wiped my tears away before stripping me naked, and unzipping his pants. I was so aroused that I was shaking.

He sat me on top of his desk and impaled me with his erection. I gripped the wooden edge of the old desk and prayed it was as sturdy as it looked. He pounded me hard, and I could only make helpless little grunts of pleasure, holding on to him with all my might, trying to absorb his powerful thrusts. His rhythm caused my clit to rub against him.  I arched my back, and he sucked my breasts like he was starving for me. That was all it took for me to come, crying out his name. Nathan followed close behind with his own orgasm, and then he held me next to his chest.

"Let me make all the decisions now. You'll see how much you will love it when I'm in control." His voice was gentle and relaxed, and I panted as I came down from my high.

I pressed a kiss to his chest. “I’ve liked all the decisions you’ve made for the last twenty minutes.”

That surprised a laugh out of him.

He took a monogrammed linen handkerchief from a desk drawer, blotted my tears, and then wiped between my legs without ceremony. I still managed to blush.

He noticed and smiled. "I'll never get tired of these little blushes."

Nathan cuddled me closer, pressing feather soft kisses to my face, his tenderness in stark contrast to the spanking and rigorous sex we just experienced.

"I have what you need, Darby, whether you realize it or not. All you have to do is let go and follow my lead."