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Hot Stuff by Weston Parker (40)

Chapter 7




Gage was sweet to be concerned about Chloe, and when I saw his eyes light up, I thought he would suggest that he knew someone who needed a hand.

“Do you know how to cook?” he asked.

Chloe shrugged. “Me? A little.”

I knew a little about her cooking experience. She wasn’t so bad. “Chloe and I used to watch Food TV and try and recreate the dishes. We had a few bombs, but for the most part, we did okay.”

“Yeah, remember the exploding soup?” She let out a wicked laugh, and Gage’s eyes narrowed.

“How does soup explode?”

“I’m not sure, but that’s what it looked like happened. Why do you ask? About the cooking, I mean?”

“Well, with Ava leaving, we’re in need of a cook, and I’ve wanted to hire some help with the kids as well. If you’d be interested, we could work something out.”

I couldn’t believe he was making such a sweet offer, and my heart warmed. “That’s an amazing idea! I just thought that if we had to replace Ava, I’d have to worry about someone else around the kids. Chloe is the only person I trust them with.” I realized she’d have to give up her life in Chicago. “Oh, you’d have to move, though. Would that be a problem?”

“Heck no! I mean, I would lose my apartment, but I’m sure I could find a place here.”

“Oh, you don’t understand, Chloe. We’d need you to live here. I’d like a live-in housekeeper, kind of like I had before.”

“Oh no, we want much better than you had before.” I thought of that evil woman he’d had working for him and cringed. I had never been so glad to see someone lose their job as the day he fired her.

“Of course, much better,” he agreed with a look of certainty.

“The last one used to threaten Ollie, remember?”

“Oh, yeah. I almost forgot about her.” I’d told Chloe everything. “You wouldn’t have to worry about that with me; I love the kids as if they were my own niece and nephew. Ollie doesn’t call me Aunt Chloe for nothing, and I see it as an honor.”

“So, are you up for it?” Gage seemed eager to know her answer.

“I am, if you’re sure you want to take me in.” She gave a little laugh, and I could tell she was as humble as usual.

“Yeah, you stay with us, forget those people at your old job, and let’s move on to something better. I’m still going to contact the proper channels to get an investigation going. Those people shouldn’t be able to treat people that way.”

“Good, maybe if they do something about that manager, it would help other people who work beneath her. I really think she used me as her scapegoat.” I think she was right about that. There were so many cases like that, where someone abused their power for personal gain. Which reminded me that I needed to talk to Gage about James.

Gage poured himself a cup of coffee and then grabbed the sandwich fixings from the fridge. “Anyone else want a sandwich?”

“Wait!” Chloe jumped up from her chair and crossed the room to help. “Allow me. I may as well get used to how you like your sandwiches now, since I’ll be doing this from now on.” She tied on Ava’s apron and then washed her hands before taking the bread roll and slicing it in two.

Gage nodded. “I’ll just have a little mayo, spread to the edges, and I like it with turkey, ham, and swiss.”

“Sounds easy enough.” She went about preparing his sandwich and then looked up at me. “Do you want anything?”

“I’ll have the same, actually, and make yourself one if you want. We need to talk a little more about your responsibilities and what I like to do for myself.” Even though she was being hired, I had certain things I liked to do unless specifically requested.

“Right.” She finished up and then walked the plates to the table where she sat with us. “Anyone want chips or a drink? There’s lemonade in the fridge.” Ava had left her special lemonade, and it was the one thing I was going to miss her preparing.

“Yes, please. We’ll toast to Ava. You’ll have to learn how to make lemonade, you know?” It was one of Ollie’s favorites, and I knew she’d appreciate her carrying on the tradition.

She held her hands up. “I’m not sure I can learn everything that Ava did, but I’ll do my best.” She got the chips and poured us each a glass of fresh lemonade as Gage wasted no time taking a bite.

“This is sandwich perfection,” Gage said with a laugh as Chloe smiled and gave a weary look. “You don’t have to learn everything Ava did, and I don’t have any expectations after the exploding soup confession. As long as you don’t give us food poisoning and Ollie’s happy, we’ll be happy, too.”

Chloe smiled. “Sounds good, and I’ll stay away from soup if it helps.”

“It does.” I gave a soft laugh, remembering the condition we’d found my stove the night of the exploding soup. We’d gone to look for a movie and left the soup on, and when we returned, it had bubbled over the pot and vegetables were everywhere. It had spilled down the sides and somehow hit the rug on the floor below. “I threw away a perfectly good rug that night.” We shared a laugh, and Gage shook his head, taking another bite before I could eat my first.

“At least you can laugh about it now.”

I grabbed a napkin from the holder on the table and wiped my mouth. “We’ll work up an arrangement, and I’ll get you something in writing for your employment later tonight. I’m sure we can come to a fair wage agreement. And as far as your duties, you’ll be in charge of the cooking, though I will like to cook now and then as well. Same with the laundry. Gage and I usually do some of our own, but the children’s and tidying up the house would be your responsibility. There would also be times, when Wade gets older, that you can keep the children overnight for us. And of course, you’d be needed to watch them alone for small periods of time while we run errands or take a quick trip to the office.”

She had already eaten half of her sandwich, inhaling it like she was in a hurry. “I think I can handle it. I’m so excited.” She smiled big and then took a sip of her coffee with much more enthusiasm than before. “I have to go home and get my things, but I can wait until after the wedding, of course. I am paid up through the month for rent, so that gives me time, and I should be getting my last check soon.” She crunched a chip, and then we all busied ourselves a moment, munching away on our meals.

I smiled. “It’s good to hear some good news, and I’m glad this all worked out for the best. Ava leaving wasn’t in my plans.”

“What if Ava comes back? I know that you gave her the option.” She had a worried look on her face as she leaned back in her chair, nibbling a chip.

“Well, it’s not like we can fire you to take her back, but we’ll work it out. If she even comes back. But don’t worry about that; your job is secure.”

“Thanks. I can’t wait to tell Ollie!”

“Oh, speaking of Ollie, there will be times I need you to pick her up from school. I like to do it myself, but sometimes, it’s hard to schedule meetings around her.”

“Again, not a problem.” She got up and came over to hug our necks. Gage finished the last bite of his sandwich as she threw her arm around him, and for a moment, he had a look as if she were choking him. “Thank you so much!”

“Thanks for saying yes. I know it gives Lauren peace of mind, and I know it’s a huge relief for me.” Gage patted her back.

She stood up and scrubbed her face with her hands and then raked her hand through her hair as she let out a deep, cleansing breath. “I’ve got a million calls to make! Please, excuse me. I’ll be back in here later to clean up.”

“Take your time.” I patted her arm. She was so excited, her whole body was trembling as she hurried away.

Gage and I exchanged a smile.

“Glad that all worked out. At least the day turned around for the best.”

I let out a long breath. “I’m not sure about that honey.” I pushed the last portion of my sandwich aside.

“What do you mean? Don’t tell me there’s more bad news.” His shoulders slumped, and he looked deflated. “Everything was just looking up.”

“Yeah, I know. I’m sorry. But there’s something we need to talk about.” I still had to tell him about the lawsuit.