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It's Complicated (Awkward Love Book 1) by Missy Johnson (3)

Chapter Three


I bolt inside my house, locking the door behind me, and lean my head against the wall with a loud thud. It’s like I’m trying to look like a tool. I’d love to have dinner at his place again, but all I could think about was what I’d seen the night before through my window and how much I wanted to see it again.

When I stood in front of him, I didn’t know where to look or what to say, and the way he glanced at me with those goddammed sexy eyes? It was like he knew what I was thinking about. He’s done nothing but be kind and gracious, but then he throws out comments that I totally misread. But I guess that was more me than him. I just wish I knew what he wanted with me.

My father is out again, for the third night in a row. I might as well be living alone at this point, considering he’s never here. I should stop complaining and just be thankful that I get privacy, free rent, and no bills. Not many people my age had that luxury.

Moving away for college had never really entered my mind. I liked living here, and I worried about Dad looking after himself. That was pre-girlfriend days, of course. I’ve only met Mandy once, and while she seems nice, I found it awkward and weird. What I struggled to get my head around most was that my father had found someone, but I hadn’t. I used to dismiss the fact that I was single as just being young and inexperienced. I’d find someone eventually, right? But now, the doubts were starting to creep in, and I was beginning to think it was me.


Grabbing a can of soda from the fridge, I trudge over to the couch, throwing myself down with a groan. Turning on the TV, I flick through until I find something trashy enough to distract me. Even then, I can’t seem to think about anything other than Nick.

I must’ve fallen asleep, because when I wake up, the television is blaring, and it’s dark outside. Someone pounds on the door, and I remember that was what woke me in the first place. I don’t even have the chance to see what time it is when Kayla starts yelling at me to open up. I hurl myself off the couch and stumble over, barely able to keep my eyes open. Kayla looks unimpressed when I finally open the door.

“Hey,” I say, rubbing my eyes. I stifle a yawn, still waking up.

“Hurry up and let me in. It’s freaking freezing out here.” She pauses and stares at me, as if only just noticing my heavy eyes and messed up hair. “Were you asleep already?” she asks, almost accusingly.

“I fell asleep on the couch,” I mutter defensively. “What time is it?” she asks.

“Just after ten.” She leans in the door and glances around. “So…is your dad home?”

“His car’s not there, so no,” I say, making a face. “He must be working late again,” I add when I realize I’m sounding like a bitch. I don’t think Kayla knows about his new girlfriend, and I’m not about to shatter her dream.

Sometimes I wonder if she comes over to see me or my Dad. He was young when he got my mom pregnant—barely seventeen, which made him thirty-nine now. I don’t deny that he’s attractive, but I don’t want to think about my friend liking him like that. Hell, I could barely handle the thought of anyone liking him like that.

“So, why are you here again, at ten at night?” I eye her suspiciously.

She smiles at me, her eyes wide and full of innocence. It’s a look she’d perfected over the years, and I wasn’t falling for it. I cross my arms over my chest and raise my eyebrows at her. Finally, she sighs.

“What? I'm here for the show.” She grins, reaching into her oversized handbag to reveal a bag of popcorn and a bottle of wine.

“Out,” I order, pointing to the door, but I can’t help but laugh.

“Oh, come on. Please?” she begs. “I just want one little peek, and then I promise I’ll never mention it again,” she begs. “It’s either this, or I camp outside your window and watch from there.” She smiles at me, a glint in her eye. “If you make me do that, I’ll embarrass the hell out of you.” She cups her hand over her mouth. “’Holy shit, Anna, you weren’t kidding! That thing is huge.’”

She would do that, too. I sigh and run my fingers through my long, blonde hair. I can't believe I'm even contemplating this. Part of me wants her to see, just so then she can see that my description was actually very accurate. I groan and shake my head, giving in.

“Fine,” I say, clenching my teeth. She squeals as she dances her way down to my bedroom, while I follow behind.

This is such a bad idea


“Are you ready?” I ask her.

My heart races. She nods, her expression serious and determined. We sit on my bed in the darkness, staring at each other, waiting for his light to click on. The look on her face is priceless. It’s like we’re waiting on the sidelines for the signal to enter the war zone.

“Ready as I’m going to be,” she replies, taking a deep breath.

“Wait,” I say, holding up my hand. Kayla stares at me in anticipation. “Wine. We need wine.”

I race back down to the kitchen and grab two glasses and carry them back. Kayla has moved off the bed and is going through my dresser. She glances at me and rolls her eyes.

“Hoarder, much? You keep fucking everything,” she mutters. She shakes her head and examines an old movie stub that I had stashed in a drawer. I walk over and snatch it from her.

“This was the only movie my mother ever took me to,” I explain.

“Oh.” She winces. “Fuck, sorry.” She hesitates for a moment before sitting back down on the bed. “I thought she left when you were born?”

“She did,” I nod. “She and my dad decided to give things another go when she moved back from London. It lasted about three weeks,” I say, forcing a laugh. “She said it was too much and motherhood wasn’t her thing. So, she went back, and I haven’t seen her since. That was when I was five.”

“Harsh,” she says. We’re both distracted by a sudden flash of light. We look over and see the light in Nick’s room is on. My heart races. I turn back to Kayla, who is grinning at me like an idiot.

“You’re about to see something you can’t unsee,” I say with a grin. “You might think you’re ready for this, but trust me, you’re not.”

“Will you stop it?” she grumbles, shoving me off the bed. I laugh as I fall on a heap on the floor. I creep over to the window, Kayla hot on my ass. “Why am I nervous? My stomach is churning,” she says, shaking her head.

“Because this is creepy,” I exclaim. “We’re sitting on my bed, in the dark, waiting for my hot neighbor to get undressed. If we were dudes, we’d be thrown in prison for this,” I add.

“Technically, we’re now crouched beneath your window, but I get your point,” She laughs. “But who cares? If we were dudes, they’d make a movie about this,” she retorts. She strains her neck to look through the window and squeals. “I think he’s coming.”

“Wow, that usually doesn’t happen till after his shower,” I quip, poking my tongue out at her.

I glance over and see that she’s right. Nick enters his room, unbuttoning his shirt as he walks. He shrugs it off, placing it neatly over the end of his bed. I swear I can hear Kayla salivating at the sight of his smooth, tanned chest. Hell, who am I kidding? I’m just as worked up. Maybe more so, because I know what’s coming.

“God, I’m tingling already,” Kayla sighs, a dreamy expression on her face. “Look at that chest,” she sighs. “I heard from my neighbor that Mindy Henderson’s mother ended up in hospital for a week with a split vagina because of his dick.” I snort because she speaks so matter-of-factly. She raises her eyebrows at me. “True story.”

“Bullshit. It was a few stiches, and she was out the same day,” I murmur, craning my neck to get a better view. “Don’t believe everything you hear.”

“They were right about the size of his package, weren’t they?” she points out.

No. They underestimated it.

Her attention turns back to Nick when she realizes he’s unbuckling his belt. I hold my breath and watch as he slides it free from his lean waist. Next, he unbuttons his pants, lowering the zip slowly and deliberately, like he knows that he’s being watched. I can barely take the anticipation that is building up in my chest as he slides his pants lower…and lower…until…

“Holy shit! Fuck me with a stick! How could any woman handle that?” Kayla growls, shaking her head. “What did you say his wife died of? Cancer, or a big fat cock?”

Kayla!” I snort, gasping as wine shoots out of my nose. I turn around and sit back down in shock. She did not just say that.

“What?” she asks innocently. “Don’t tell me you weren’t thinking the same thing.” She glances down at me and shakes her head. “Why are you down there and not up here, watching this?” she asks like I’m insane.

“Because your insensitivity knocked me over,” I retort, cringing as I replay her words in my head. She grabs my arm, pulling it hard. Reluctantly, I get back up on my knees and peer out the side of the window.

Kayla groans. “This is fucking incredible, Anna. Look, he’s stroking it. God, what I wouldn’t do to feel that thing slide between my legs. I wonder what he tastes like. Though I’d struggle to close my lips around that, I think. Brings new meaning to the phrase, ‘more than a mouthful’, huh?”

Kayla,” I gasp, burying my face in my hands. Tears are streaming down my cheeks, I’m laughing so hard. I look up again, just in time to see him slide his hand along his shaft, before flicking the light off. I sigh, disappointed that he’s done.

“Aww, that’s it? I feel ripped off. Where’s the encore? I think I’m gonna write a letter of complaint.”

“You’re not a paying customer, Kales. Give the guy a break. It must be tiring lugging that thing around all day,” I joke.

I sit back on my heels, still watching him as he moves around to the other side of his bed. Then he walks back over to the window and glances out. My heart stops because I swear his eyes meet mine. It’s only for a second, but long enough for me to completely lose my shit.

“Fuck!” I gasp, my heart thudding in my chest.

“What? Oh!” Kayla cries as I yank her by the hand.

We scramble to the floor as though a bomb had just been detonated, collapsing onto our stomachs. Somehow, my bracelet catches on the curtains, bringing them down with me. My arms flailing, I fight my way out from under what feels like a mountain of netting, almost hyperventilating. I am so mortified. I can’t even think about what just happened without wanting to pass out.

“Anna, what the fuck?” hisses Kayla. “Are you trying to get us caught?”

My heart pounds as I blink back tears. If that were my intention, then I’m pretty sure I just managed it. What am I going to do? It's obvious that someone was watching, and I know for a fact that he knows exactly which room is mine.

“Fuck,” I curse. I’m panicked and not sure what to do. Do I confront this or just pretend it never happened? Pretending it never happened is looking pretty damn good. Kayla puts her hand on my leg, trying to calm me down.

“It’s okay, Banana,” she says, using her nickname for me. “I’m sure he didn't see us.”

“It's my room, Kayla,” I growl, my cheeks hot with embarrassment. “Who the fuck is he going to think was perving on him? My father?”

Kayla giggles, her eyes sparkling. “That’s putting a kind of fucked-up image in my head.”

“Kayla,” I growl, almost in tears.

She winces and nods, going back to soothing me. I hate that she can still find this funny. She gets to go home, knowing he has no reason to suspect that she was involved. This was a disaster. I was never going to be able to face him again. I might as well pack up and move to another country.

“Calm down, Anna,” Kayla sighs as if I’m being melodramatic. “Maybe you could work this in your favor?”

“Really?” I snap sarcastically. “And how do you propose that?”

I stop listening because nothing she says from this point is going to change the fact that I’m fucked. And without all the benefits of actually being fucked.

“You better go,” I mumble. I rub the sides of my head and try to think of what to do.

Go?” she laughs. “Why don’t I just go and bang on the guy’s door and announce that we were perving on him? Me leaving right after the fact is a tiny bit obvious.”

She has a point.

“Fine.” I toss a pillow on the floor and lie down. “You can take my bed.”

“Uh, Anna? Should we put the curtain back up?”

I frown in the darkness. I don’t know what to do. At this point, I don’t think anything is going to make things worse. There is no way out of this mess short of relocating and changing my name. Which suddenly isn’t sounding like such a bad option.

Because the other thing I forgot to mention?

Nick isn’t just my neighbor. He’s also my dad’s best friend.