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Just an Illusion - The B Side by D. Kelly (10)

Welcome To The World

April eleventh is a day I will never forget. It was a Friday, and Darren woke Noah and me up pounding on our door at three in the morning.

“What’s wrong?” Noah’s frantic tone pulls me from bed.

“Belle’s water broke and I have no idea what to do. She’s not supposed to have the baby here!”

Noah jumps into action. First, he pops his head into the hall and tells Mac to pull the car up. Then, he tells Darren we’ll meet him in their room in five minutes.

“Get dressed, Mel, we’re going to see our niece make her way into the world. I’m going to call Dr. Walter and ask if she’ll meet us at the hospital and take Belle on as a patient. I’m sure she will, I’ll make it worth her while.” Noah has this smile when he’s plotting a good deed, or trying to get something he wants. I can imagine it goes all the way back to preschool and he even swayed many a teacher with it.

“Yeah, that sounds good. Oh my God, I can’t believe the baby is coming, Noah!”

Placing a tender kiss against my lips, he replies, “Soon, it will be us.”

Thinking about labor terrifies me, but imagining our baby after seeing him, not so much. I’m getting used to the idea; he’s coming soon so I’d better be. I officially graduated into my own maternity pants this week.

Minutes later, Belle is laughing at Darren as he paces the floor in their room.

“Are you okay, Belle?” I ask, wondering why she’s not freaking out right now.

“I’m fine, but Darren isn’t. I don’t even feel anything yet. One minute I was sleeping, the next I thought I’d pissed myself.”

“Alright, guys, let’s get downstairs. Mac brought the car up while I called the doctor Mel went to for her ultrasound. She’s got the best reputation in Orlando, her name is Dr. Walter and she’s agreed to deliver your baby. Grab your extra tickets for tonight, Darren. We’ve got a doctor and a nurse who are going to appreciate your thoughtfulness.”

Darren rushes to his dresser mumbling, “Good idea, Noah. Good idea.”

Belle looks at me and shakes her head, but she’s watching Darren freak out in complete adoration. I can’t believe she’s so calm; it’s got to be because the pain hasn’t started yet. After exiting the room, we’re waiting for the elevator as Wyatt, Sawyer, and Warren come running down the hall to catch up.

The guys help Belle into the SUV, where Mac has already laid out towels. I climb in, followed by Noah and Darren, and the other guys wait for Ryan to pull the other car up.

Twenty short minutes later, Belle is in a hospital room, gowned and hooked up to a fetal monitor and an IV. Talk about the VIP treatment. This room is a suite, and the nurse said we can all stay until Belle tells us to go. Darren takes one side of her bed and I take the other.

“Hey, Belle, we don’t want to interfere with your special moment, so if you want us to leave just say so, okay?”

“Actually, Mel, I’d love for you to stay for the birth. Darren and I already talked about it and it’s only right my sister is here. Especially since my mom isn’t. She’s going to be so pissed. But if I can wake her up in the morning holding a bundle of joy, I’m sure she’ll forgive me.”

I’m touched by her offer and a little fearful. Seeing her give birth is going to be a scary wake-up call for me. It will be worth it to see her baby come into the world. “I’m honored, Belle, thank you.”

“You’re welcome, but the other guys … yeah, they’ll have to go when the action starts. This is only a show for us three.”

“Consider us gone. I don’t think my player mentality can handle watching a woman give birth,” Sawyer calls out, making the guys laugh.

Dr. Walter comes in right then and pauses in her tracks. When her eyes make their way across the room and she realizes she’s got the entire band here, she’s starstruck. Unless you were looking, though, you’d never know it; she recovered like a boss.

“You must be Belle. Seems like congratulations are in order because today is going to be your baby’s birthday. I’m Dr. Walter … and you must be dad?” She extends her hand to Darren.

“Yes, I’m Darren Miller. Thank you for coming and taking care of the two most important women in my life.”

I start crying again. After this tour, I’m going to invent a pregnancy patch that somehow blocks the sporadic waterworks in pregnant women.

“Alright, let me wash up and we’ll see how you’re progressing. Mel, Noah, it’s good to see you again. Thank you for trusting me with your friend.”

Dr. Walter makes me wish if I were going to deliver anywhere, it would be with her. Noah’s research has paid off in spades; I’m so thankful for him right now.

“Alright, guys, you heard the doctor, time to get out. We’ll call you back in a few minutes.” Darren gets up and ushers them all out the door in protective papa mode.

Belle giggles from the bed. “I’m pretty sure not a single one of them would want to see this, except for maybe Noah, and only because he’d want to know what to expect.”

“Belle, put your feet up on the bed and spread your legs for me. You’re going to feel some pressure, but it’s only me feeling with my fingers to see how dilated you are.”

“Ugh …” Belle groans, squeezing my hand. The monitor lines start moving rapidly, and Dr. Walter pulls her hand back, removes her gloves, and goes to wash her hands again.

When she comes back, she smiles up at Belle. “You’re in active labor. Right now you’re about four centimeters dilated. That contraction you had while I was checking you was pretty mild in intensity, but every woman is different. How do you handle pain? Do you want an epidural or any pain medication? The hospital was able to get your records, but I didn’t get a chance to review the birth plan yet.”

“I’m not sure. I was still trying to figure that out because she wasn’t supposed to come for another month.” Belle is understandably upset; this wasn’t how she was expecting her baby to enter the world.

“Yes, well, we find babies come when they’re ready. You have time to think about it, but don’t wait too long. It can sometimes take a while if you opt for an epidural and lots of moms end up missing the window and going natural. We can give you something to take the edge off if the contractions get bad, but it will wear off before you deliver. I’ll check back with you in about an hour. If you make a decision about the drugs before I return, press the button for the nurse. Try and rest, it could be a long night.”

For the next hour, Belle powers through her contractions amazingly well. Once the guys saw how much pain was involved they all decided to go into a private waiting room the hospital set up for them. Except for Noah, he was fascinated with everything.

In the end, Belle opts for drugs but not an epidural. It’s shortly after eight in the morning when Dr. Walter checks Belle for the final time and announces it’s time to bring this baby into the world. Noah goes to the waiting room, leaving me wishing I could go, too. This is the scariest thing I’ve ever seen.

With one hand wrapped around Darren’s and the other around mine, Belle begins to push. When the baby’s head comes out, Darren looks down in amazement. “Belle, I can see her head. She has so much hair.” His excitement is palpable, but I’m not even sure any of what he said registered with Belle. She’s exhausted, in pain, and trying to push a watermelon out of her hoo ha.

Three more pushes and the baby is all the way out. Dr. Walter suctions her mouth, allowing her to release the loudest scream I’ve ever heard. I get it; it was probably just as traumatic for her as it was for her mom.

“Happy Birthday, baby girl!” Dr. Walter announces, holding her high for Belle to see. Belle’s bawling at the sight of her baby.

“Oh my God, Darren, we made that beautiful little girl,” she sobs hysterically.

Darren kisses her sweetly. “We sure did, Belle.”

“Dad, would you like to cut the cord?”

Darren looks horrified. “Um, I think I’ll pass on that one, but thanks for asking,” he tells her, watching with rapt attention as she cuts the cord instead.

“Let the nurses check her scores and her oxygen levels. She seems perfect, but we’ll want to be on the safe side since she’s pre-term. Then they’ll clean her up and give her back, it will only take a few minutes. In the meantime, lets finish up with you first.”

While Dr. Walter is tending to Belle, Darren is hovering over the nurses, making sure the baby is okay. The nurse calls out scores, oxygen levels, and weight before Dr. Walter gives her the green light to bring the baby to mom and dad.

“I’m going to step out now. Enjoy these precious moments. Darren, come get me when I can hold her and learn her name.” Belle seems like she wants to say something, but I cut her off. “You did good, Belle. I’m so proud of you.” With a kiss to her cheek, I go find the guys to give them the good news.

“She’s here and she’s perfectly healthy. They’re going to take some time to bond and call us in. She’s so cute, you guys. Tiny like Belle, but boy does she have a mighty cry.”

“Seems appropriate, another crying woman to add to the mix. Between you and Belle, there’s been nothing but tears the past few months.” Sawyer’s response might have made me laugh if I weren’t so tired.

“How was it?” Noah asks earnestly as I take a seat on the couch and curl up against him.

“It looked like torture, but I’d say the end result was absolutely worth it.”

“Are you scared now?” he asks, concern on his face.

“I’ve been scared but even though it looks horrific, she also sailed right through with no problems. I think I’ll be okay. I’m not a fan of pain, so I might go for the epidural option. Seems like it would make the whole thing a bit more peaceful, or at least less stressful. But I don’t want an audience, Noah. Just the two of us.”

He nuzzles his head against mine. “That sounds like an excellent plan.”

After about a half hour of waiting, Darren comes to invite us all back into the room. The guys all hug him, and he and Sawyer seem to have a moment of sorts before we go in to see Belle. She’s beaming at her baby girl in her arms.

“Everyone, wash your hands if you plan on touching this baby,” I announce firmly as I lead the way to the sink. My grabby hands are itching for a turn. Once I’m finished, Belle kisses her softly on the head and passes her to me with a smile.

“Meet the newest member of our family. Cadence Melody Miller.”

“You picked a musical name, but it’s not a messed up one at all, it’s absolutely perfect. Happy Birthday, Cadence, I’m Auntie Mel.” Noah is smiling down at her over my shoulder and I pass her to him next.

“How do you feel, Belle? Can I get you anything?” I ask, feeling useless after what I just witnessed her go through to bring Cadence into this world.

“I’m okay, Mel. Thank you for being here with me. We already called Veronica and she’s trying to make plans to see her already.”

Darren speaks up as the baby makes it into Wyatt’s arms. “Hey, guys, I need to ask you something important. Especially you Wyatt and Warren.” All eyes are on him except for Wyatt, who’s entranced by Cadence. “Now that Cadence is here early, Belle has to go on maternity leave. It will push her all the way up to when she was supposed to come on tour with us anyway. Not trying to put you on the spot or anything, but would you mind if they just came now? I know it will be an adjustment and …”

“Darren, stop,” Wyatt commands as he passes the baby straight to Warren. “It’s your family, and your bus, too. You don’t even have to ask, at least not me. You already know Mel and Noah don’t care.”

“I don’t care. I think a baby might be just what the doctor ordered to end this tour right,” Warren says, passing Cadence to Sawyer.

Sawyer cradles her in his arms, never breaking his gaze on her. “Hell, I’m her all-time favorite uncle already. She can be my sidekick anytime. I might even change diapers if you’re lucky.”

“Alright, it’s set then,” Warren announces. “Welcome to the tour. Speaking of … you guys need to get some sleep. I’ll push the interviews back to after the show. Darren, rest as much as you can, but we need you there tonight.”

“I’ll come back and sit with Belle while you guys are at the show. You can relieve me when it’s over, Darren,” I say, with the hope of relieving the conflict crossing his face.

With relief in his eyes, he agrees. I get one more chance to hold Cadence before passing her off to her daddy. I’ve never seen Darren look so in love.

Once we’re back at the hotel, instead of going straight to sleep, Noah gets on the computer and starts making calls. In under an hour, he’s hired a company to come out and redesign Darren’s bus. Nothing major, just making it baby friendly. They’re supposed to figure out the ways and hows of fitting essential nursery items in tight spaces. They bring all the furniture and Noah pays them on completion.

After that’s taken care of, he looks at me with a beaming smile. “Let’s do some shopping, Mel.”

As I curl up into his side, we look at a wide variety of items. Eventually, he places an order for a car seat, a stroller, a bouncy chair, and some essentials like clothes, diapers, pacifiers, and baby toiletries. Belle didn’t have a shower and she’s so last-minute, I know she doesn’t have anything yet. It’s another one of Noah’s good deeds, but it’s also fun to shop and browse. As a bonus, we now have an idea of all the stuff we still have to do as well.

We debated themes, colors, and styles of things we’d eventually like to get for our nursery once we’re home from tour. He loves the Dr. Seuss crib set so much he ordered the whole thing now and had it shipped to our house. My husband-to-be is amazing.

“If that company does a good job setting up their bus, we’ll have them come back out and do ours,” Noah says, putting his laptop to the side and tucking me into his arms. With a contented sigh, I curl up into him as my eyes become heavy with sleep.

Later that evening—after bonding with Belle and Cadence for hours—I’m on a baby high. When Noah and I get back to the hotel and climb into bed, he pulls me into his arms.

In the sweetest tone, he asks, “Can we talk about something important to me?”

“Of course, what’s going on?”

“Do you remember in Vegas when I told you if you ever got pregnant I was going to want to marry you immediately?”

Uh-oh, I know exactly where this is going. “Yes, I remember.”

“Let’s pick a day, Mel. We can have any kind of wedding you want. Big, or just the two of us, but I want to be your husband before our baby comes.”

“Noah, isn’t the whole pregnant bride thing a little cliché?”

His body tenses against mine. “Maybe if it’s a shotgun wedding, but this isn’t that.” His firm tone leaves zero room for argument. “You know how I feel about you, and we got engaged before we knew about him. But he’s coming, Mel, and I want us to be a married couple when he’s born. It’s important to me.”

It’s important to me. Those four words did me in. I won’t deny him this; I really have no reason to.

“Would your family hate us if we had a ceremony with the two of us? We could video it for them and have a big reception once the tour is over. I hate the idea of the pregnant bride thing, but I’d feel better if it’s only the two of us.”

He quietly ponders my request. “I think they might be hurt at first, but I know my family and they’d understand. I’m sure it’s hard for you to think about a wedding without your parents there, on top of them not being here for the baby. But it will have to be a really big reception, followed by an over-the-top honeymoon with lots of sex. I’m sure Diane and Rob would keep the baby for us.”

And it’s settled. Even though I feel massively guilty for Noah not having his family at the wedding, he’ll be happy with us. This is why I hate secrets. I don’t like having to think ahead to potential disasters. Noah will never know I had to weigh the pros and cons of Sawyer being hurt and getting drunk at our wedding. I don’t trust drunk Sawyer to keep secrets, and I’m not going to lose Noah over one stupid mistake. As long as Sawyer doesn’t have to suffer through a wedding, I’m sure he’ll be fine at the reception, especially because the baby will be here by then.

But Noah is also right about something else. I’ve never wanted a big wedding because I don’t have my dad to walk me down the aisle. This way I don’t get hurt, either.

“Deal, one intimate wedding, one massive reception with an unforgettable honeymoon.”

Noah’s lips meet mine briefly before he asks another question. “Have you been thinking about names?”

“Some. I guess it’s something we should start talking about.” After meeting Cadence tonight, I can fully appreciate the value of a good name.

“What do you think about Nathaniel?” he asks tentatively.

“I like it. It’s one I looked at in the baby book, actually. I have a list with a few names and I’m pretty sure Nathaniel is on it. I remember thinking we could call him Nate.”

“Makes sense. I looked at the book after you and you had marked a few pages. I wasn’t sure what name on the page you liked, but that one stuck out at me. Do you know what it means?” He’s rubbing circles against my low back and it feels really good.

“Mm … no, what does it mean?”

“Nathaniel means ‘Gift of God’ or ‘God has Given’ and I think, in our case, it couldn’t be any truer.”

“It’s perfect. Nathaniel, it is. What about a middle name?”

“What if we wait to meet him for that? We can make a list and see if his personality or his looks match?”

“That’s perfect, Noah. Did we really just name our little boy?”

He chuckles at my excited squeal. “Yeah, Mel, we sure did. I love you.”

“I love you, too. Always.”

The next evening before their show Noah and I go over to the buses to meet with the baby company guys and put away the deliveries. Noah even arranged for a twelve-hour laundry service to come so they can take all the clothes and bedding and wash it in baby soap. Everything will be perfect by the time Belle and Cadence get on the bus.

The boss from the retrofit company shows us all the work they did; it’s spectacular. They took the unused office space and turned it into a changing nook. The bottom of the changing table has dresser drawers and there are two smaller dressers on each side to make plenty of room for clothes.

In the bathroom, they hung a hook that holds the baby bathtub and toiletries. In Darren’s room, they replaced the long dresser with a tall one and used the extra space for a small version of a crib. He shows Noah all the safety features of how the crib and bouncy seat latch and lock into the floor. They also added the appropriate kinds of safety harnesses to the couch so they could lock the car seat in place.

Noah is impressed and takes the guy’s card so he can schedule them to come back in a few months. After he leaves, we get busy sorting all our purchases, which doesn’t take very long. Noah runs outside to put the car seat in the car for tomorrow and while we’re here, I decide to grab a sweater.

When I enter our room, I don’t know what to think.

“Noah! What is this?”

“Did you call me, Mel?” he asks, climbing into the bus.

“What in the world is this?” I ask, pointing to the wall next to our bed. It’s more like up at the top by the headboard—or where the headboard would be if there was one—but it’s all soundproofing and a massive metal bar. Like the kind in handicapped bathrooms.

“I had them put that in for you.”

“What the hell for?” I’m angry as fuck.

“Don’t yell,” he says, pressing his finger against my lips. “There are times when I’m not here and the further along you get, the harder it’s going to be for you to get out of bed. Or it might be,” he says, backtracking a bit. “I thought it would be better to be safe than sorry. I also had them put one against the wall next to the bathtub in case you wanted to soak and not have to ask for help.”

And there’s that sweetness I love so much, which makes my anger dissipate. Even though he’s making me feel elderly, I understand his reasoning. “Thank you, it’s very sweet. I hope I don’t need them, but I’m happy you were thinking of me.”

“I was thinking of you both, and you’re welcome. They can come off later as easily as they were put on.”

“Yeah, they’re definitely coming down. Sawyer is going to have a field day with this one.” I can just imagine the jokes now.

“Actually, he thought it was a really great idea. He saw how hard it was for Belle to move around at times.

“Are you two always going to be this overprotective?” My smile belies the frustration in my voice.

“Forever and ever, that’s our job. Especially mine. Come on, let’s get to the hospital so I can get to the show on time.”

“Need a baby fix, Mr. Weston?” He can’t fool me; he’s jonesing for Cadence.

“Is it that obvious?”

“Probably only to me. I need my fix of that cuteness, too. Let’s go.”

Noah pulls me close and as his lips meet mine, all thoughts of Cadence are temporarily forgotten as I fall into his love.

“You guys do realize you missed the baby store, like, five miles back, right? I know Darren said there’s some stuff on the bus, but seriously you don’t have any clue how much stuff we need.” Belle’s mama instincts are working overtime. I think it’s mean they’re making her worry, but I understand the element of surprise.

Veronica was able to fly in for a day but she had to get back to work. She’d already missed time for her vacation and Christmas, but they let her come since it was her grandchild. If she didn’t have a massive deadline, she would have stayed longer. Darren arranged for a car to take her back to the airport when we all left the hospital this morning.

“Belle, make me a list and Noah and I will go. You need to rest and Cadence doesn’t need to be in any store right now, she’s too small.” The softness in my voice makes Belle cry.

“I know, Mel, but I was supposed to have all this ready for her. I’m already a failure.”

Wow, talk about post-partum hormones; Belle never talks like this.

“Stop that. It’s not your fault she came early. She’s impatient like her mother. Let’s go get you settled and you can make me a list. It will also help me see what I need to start preparing for.”

Once she hears she’ll be helping me out, she nods her agreement. “Okay, come on.”

Darren already took Cadence onto their bus, where everyone is waiting. When Belle is a few feet inside the bus, she notices the subtle changes. “What did you guys do?”

Noah wraps his arm around my waist. “Nothing you wouldn’t have done if you could. Go take a look around and tell us if we’re missing anything and we’ll get it.”

“You had a bottle station installed?” she squeals as she passes the kitchen area. “Oh my God, she’s got her own dressing area!” she cries as she passes what used to be the office. “You guys!” she screams as she enters the bedroom.

Everyone is smiling, enjoying her incredible happiness at what she sees. We hear drawers and cabinets opening and closing all through the bus. “You even bought formula!”

“Well, you know we can be sadistic now and again, but we prefer for babies not to starve to death,” Sawyer answers, and she uses her middle finger to blow him a kiss.

“Did we miss anything?” Noah asks as she walks back into the room. Belle goes to move Cadence’s seat and she’s caught off guard when the seat won’t move. Looking under it, she notices it’s latched in.

“I’m pretty sure I can say you didn’t miss anything. Hell, I don’t think I would have known about half of this stuff.”

“Us, either,” Wyatt adds. “Noah is so analytical when he researches things. I wouldn’t be surprised if he learned his best bedroom moves from a step-by-step internet guide.”

“Shut up, Wyatt, you’re just jealous Susie French popped my cherry instead of yours.”

Susie French sounds like a whore.

“Oh man, Susie French. Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time. She was smoking hot. Why she picked Noah over me I’ll never understand.”

“Dude, why would I want her instead of Anna? And damn, Sawyer, do you have amnesia or what? You were banging Susie’s best friend … what was her name?”

“Lola Martindale, and she was as hot as Susie,” Darren adds.

“Susie French, huh?” I say quietly to Noah.

“Well, you know, we can’t all lose our virginity to pop royalty.”

“Touché, Mr. Weston.”

“Besides, all of that is behind us. No more Susie or Eli. Just me and you.” Noah kisses my neck, and Darren groans.

“Not in front of my kid.”

Darren shoots daggers at Sawyer when he starts laughing. “Darren, we have luxury buses but they’re still not huge. Are you not going to fuck in the room with your kid? Because if not, you’re going to have to start scheduling babysitters so you can get laid.”

I wish I had a picture of Darren’s face right now. The sheer look of horror at the thought of having sex with Cadence in the room is probably his first official parental challenge. I’m sure he’ll figure it out.

“How about we change the subject? Mel and I picked a name for the baby,” Noah tells them.

“This is a subject I can get on board with,” Warren replies, finally joining in the conversation.

“Yes! What is Cadence’s future husband’s name?” Belle asks excitedly.

“You tell them,” I tell Noah, knowing this is one of those important moments for him.

“His name is Nathaniel. It means ‘Gift of God.’”

“That’s awesome. I like it a lot,” Sawyer says, nodding.

“Little Nate, that’s the shit,” Wyatt says.

“Cadence and Nathaniel. It already has a ring to it,” Belle adds, earning another groan from Darren.

“You’re going to put me in an early grave, woman. Let’s get her into high school before talking about dating.”

“Fine, we’ll put it on hold for now. Actually, we have something else to talk about before we take off,” Belle replies, looking directly at me and Noah. “That baby bump is getting big. You guys need to announce your pregnancy.”

“Pot calling kettle much?” I toss back at her.

“That’s why you should listen to me. I caught hell for that, and I’m lucky I still have my job. Slammed is supposed to get the exclusives, and anyone seeing you walk down the street who is paying two bits of attention is going to notice you rocking that bump. In two weeks, you’re going to be five months along, it’s time to spill the beans.”

“She’s right, Mel,” Noah says against my ear. “We could release our first family photo. Just not the gender. It would be cute and the fans would eat it up. Maybe it will ease some of the haters, too.”

“The haters will hate me even more, but I can handle that. Go ahead and announce it. Vague details, baby is due later this year, family photo, obviously we’re thrilled with the news. Scroll in on the photo, if there’s any identifying info on there at all … name, date, etc., edit it out.”

With a worried bite to her lip, Belle replies. “Are you mad at me?”

“No, I’m not mad at you. I was being ridiculous thinking I could fly under the radar longer. After the book signing in Chicago, when I thought someone saw Noah kiss my stomach, I’ve been on edge. At least now it will be out in the open.”

“That’s the spirit! Don’t worry, I’ll make the post super cute and super vague. I’ll send it to you to proof in a few minutes and then I don’t have to work again until my next BAD update.”

I kiss Belle and Cadence goodbye and Noah, Sawyer, and I make our way to our bus. At least now I’ll have Belle with me. Maybe I’ll interview her for the book; she’s a huge part of all of this now. Not only as Darren’s future wife and mother of his child but also as the lead reporter for this whole tour. It could be a great angle.

“Hey, Luther, how’s it hanging?” Sawyer asks the bus driver as we all load on the bus.

“Doing good. Ready to get on the road and see some action.”

“Sounds good. I’ll come up and talk with you later after I get a nap.”

Noah and I exchange greetings with Luther and follow Sawyer inside. I haven’t had a chance to interview him yet. Maybe I’ll do that this week. Sawyer is always up here talking to one of them during the day when he has free time. I wonder if he’s always done it or if he does it now because Noah is occupied by me.

“Has Sawyer always taken time to sit with the drivers, or is that new?”

“Nope, not new, he always has. I used to try, but there’s something about the curve of that front window that gives me motion sickness. Instead, I do my catching up when the buses are stopped. Sawyer loves to watch the world fly by. There’s something about the open road in front of him that calms him.”

“Yeah, I’ve noticed that in the mornings. It’s always been my habit to drink coffee and watch the scenery. I was surprised when I first got on the bus he had the same habit.”

Noah leans back onto the couch and looks up at me. “Why do you have that habit? Sawyer’s always been an early bird, but what about you?”

“Well, my dad wrote “Mellie Sunshine” for me, but the nickname actually came from me being an early riser. He said even as an infant I was always up with the sun, as if I knew not a second of the day should be wasted. He used to get up in the morning and sing, and there was nothing I loved more than sitting with him in the mornings while he was being creative.”

“You loved him a lot but you hardly talk about them. Maybe now it will be easier to let the bad memories go and focus on the good ones.”

Maybe he’s right. “He would have liked you a lot. You’re exactly what he always wanted for me.”

“How do you know?”

“He used to tell me to find a man who valued me more than his passion in life. He said that’s where he messed up with my mom. He thought he could balance both of his true loves equally, but he was never able to find the balance. You’ve never seemed to have an issue finding balance, Noah.”

Noah pulls me to him and kisses my belly, then stands up and pulls me in for a kiss. “That’s because you are my passion, Mel. And you always will be.”

With every word from his mouth, every kiss from his lips, and every thoughtful thing he does for me, Noah has more than made me fall in love with him. He’s taken the girl who wrote a romance novel—the same girl who doesn’t believe in fairy tales—and given her one of her very own. I’m in so much trouble and I couldn’t be happier about it.