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Losing It by Scarlet Wilder (15)





Oh, Teacher!



“I’VE BEEN GOING CRAZY! Where the hell have you been, Eris? Do you have any idea of the thoughts that have been running through my mind? Shit, I even considered calling that brother of yours at the FBI to send out a posse. If you hadn’t sent that text when you did, I’d be on some horse searching for you now!” Lisa stood in front of me; hand on hip and index finger waving. She desperately tried to look menacing but failed miserably. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that and was definitely not in the mood to argue with her.

“First of all, Lisa, you don’t have Alex’s number. And secondly, I’m sure the last time a posse was sent out to search for anyone in Boston was when the FBI didn’t even exist,” I said flatly.

“Well, as for the number, you don’t know that for sure. And as for the posse, you might have a point there.”

I smiled at her mock indignation, and I knew I owed her an explanation. But I was not ready to tell her about what happened this weekend yet. I needed time to process everything for myself first. I waited too long and was not ready to invite anyone into my secret little world, yet. It was just me and Kyle and I wanted it to stay that way for just a little while longer.

“So… I’m waiting,” she persisted.

“You’re right, Lisa. I am sorry. I should’ve let you know, but I was… well… kinda busy.” As soon as I said it, the soft blush that flushed my cheeks and the pouty smile I just couldn’t stop betrayed me. I quickly dropped my gaze, but Lisa caught that, squinting her eyes as she stared at me, cocking her head to the side.

“Oh. My. God! Eris-Freeking-Johnson. You got laid!” she squealed, her eyes flaring as she slapped her hand on the table.

“Keep your voice down!” I protested, looking around to see who might have overheard; grateful that the Pavement was not that crowded.

“Well, I’m sorry, but this is newsworthy information, honey. You were in danger of becoming the oldest young virgin at BU. So… you got laid.” she squealed again, this time more restrained.

I had to laugh. Lisa was about as excited about it as I was if that was at all possible. I leaned forward. “Yes, if you must know. I did have… sex… with a man.”

“Oh, honey, please. Saying that you had sex with a man doesn’t make it any different than saying you got laid by one!”

I laughed, my cheeks flushed with color.

“Okay, now for the important part,” Lisa said seriously. “I need details and don’t skip on the sleazy bits. Who is this lucky fella? Is it the hottie of the other night… at the club?”

Thoughts of that night flashed in front of my mind’s eye, but I quickly forced it aside, not wanting to give it any undeserved attention.

I shrugged. “No, not him,” I said softly.

“Oh, really?” Lisa asked, her interest peaked. “Who then?”

“Look, Lisa. You know I love you dearly, and I do want to share this with you, but I’m just not ready to talk about it, yet. I just need time to adjust to it all myself. Okay?”

I could see the utter disappointment on her face as she leaned back in her chair, arms crossed in front of her, her mouth drawn into a pout. She was not used to not getting her way, but she knew me well enough by now. Seeing that I was not about to give in, she relaxed.

“You know this is going to kill me. You know how I am. I need to know things! I’m not good at waiting at all!” she moaned.

I threw her an apologetic look, not saying anything.

“Oh, okay then,” she conceded. “I’ll let it go… this time! But I still want to know everything… when you’re ready. Which should be around tomorrow noon, right?” she jabbed, flashing me an accepting smile.

I couldn’t concentrate, the letters on the page in front of me a blur. God, it was so difficult to focus and get any work done. My mind seemed to have a life of its own, trailing off to settle on Kyle and the time we have spent together so far.

It had been nearly three weeks since we first made love. Just the mere thought of it resulted in the now all too familiar throbbing between my legs, my nipples hardening against the material of my bra. I moaned at the effect the mere thought of him had on me.

He was beautiful. Everything about his body excited me. His strong defined arms, broad shoulders, the v-line of his narrow hips. Most of all was the sight of him, standing in front of me… his full erection evidence of his desire for me.

Shit, he was so delicious.

Thoughts of the previous night drifted back into my mind. I had him in my mouth for the first time. He hadn’t pushed me towards it at all, patiently waiting for my curiosity to peak naturally.

I moaned softly, staring off into space as I relived every sweet moment of it, twisting my pencil in my mouth as I did.

Our time preparing dinner together was filled with laughter, giggling, joking around and me flirting shamelessly with the cook, as usual. Sitting down to enjoy the food was just as enjoyable as we caught up on the day’s events. Conversation with Kyle was always interesting and engaging, but he mostly seemed to steer our discussions towards topics that I felt passionate about, having our chats end with me talking more than he did.

And I knew exactly why he did that, making me love him even more. He encouraged me to voice my own feelings, my own thoughts, be at ease to well… just talk – never losing sight of the commitment he had made when he promised to help me with my upcoming presentation.

Later we moved over to the lounge. He needed to review some documents he brought from work and I had a few pages of reading I still had to finish before class the next day. I was done before him.

He was engrossed in reading one of the documents, occasionally pausing to jot down a few notes before continuing.

A piece of his hair fell forward over his forehead, his skin dark against the white button-down he was still wearing, the white collar highlighting his five o’clock shadow.

Good God!

My eyes trailed downward to rest on his broad shoulders and chest, the white material straining slightly under the size him. I continued my journey further downwards to settle on his legs. The material of the black pants was taut as it stretched across his flexed muscles.

I let my eyes rest on his groin area for a moment, playing with the thought of what it would feel like to taste him in my mouth. I wet my lips, pushing my tongue slowly across them as I kept staring… wondering…

“What are you looking at?” he interrupted in a low voice. My eyes shot up and our eyes locked.

That was a mistake.

As soon as our eyes met, I could see that he knew exactly where my mind had drifted. His eyes darkened and his jaw tightened, making the small muscle at the side of his mouth flex.

“Oh. Nothing,” I lied in a childlike voice I barely recognized.

He put the papers down next to him, holding my gaze.

“Come here.” He was not asking.

“Now,” he persisted, seeing my hesitation.

I stood up and moved to settle beside him.

“No. Not there. Kneel in front of me.”

I obeyed, placing my hands on his thighs before looking up at him.

“Now, I’ll ask you again. What were you just thinking about, and don’t lie to me. I know you too well by now,” his voice was demanding, but soft.

I felt the rush of color run over my cheeks and I closed my eyes for a second, swallowing.

“I was thinking… well wondering…” I stammered, struggling to get the words out.


He was not going to let this go.

I let out a small sight, gathering courage before lifting my eyes, matching his gaze. Self-consciousness gave way to a rush of excitement. I felt myself tremble slightly with delight.

“I was wondering how you would taste in my mouth… but I don’t know what to do,” my words were a mere whisper.

His eyes glazed over, becoming even darker. He took hold of my chin between his thumb and forefinger, angling it up before he brushed his lips against mine. He only pulled away slightly and looked into my eyes.

“Well, Miss Johnson. Allow me to teach you…”