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Lukas (This is Our Life Series Book 4) by F.G. Adams (14)



Commander Geisel put life into simple terms in which I agree. “I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope.” Touché.

I’m a simple guy. But I do love to dabble in some of the finer things in life from time to time. For example, my 1991 Viper, my customized Harley, a glass of fine whiskey. Or better yet, a pair of long sexy legs wrapped around my waist, her screaming my name.

In the household I grew up in, I was taught to be civilized, snobbish, and arrogant. Coming from old money, I was fed from a silver spoon, literally. I had everything I wanted and desired.

Joining the military, I learned quickly that I’m not that person. There was an innate drive inside of me wanting to do the right thing for all people. I didn’t want to be a yuppie who snubbed my nose at a ‘normal, blue collar person.’ It wasn’t who I desired to be.

My family is a lot like the Blackwood family. Minus the fact I never saw my parents. I had a nanny who practically raised me and my younger sister, Clare. My mother would only come around when she wanted to show us off. My father worked constantly and never came home, or at least he was rarely present when I was awake.

A trust fund was set up for me when I was born. I still lack for nothing.

I don’t see my family very often. Once a week, I talk to my sister on the phone. My mom and dad are still disappointed in the choices I’ve made. Being an officer in the military wasn’t good enough for them. And I’m okay with that. Because overall, I love the path I chose. It was the right decision for me. Sometimes I’m surprised by their actions and get a sense they’ve learned to accept it.

When I chose not to follow the path my parents laid out for me, Mom and Dad showed their affection in the only way they know how; showering gifts with big-dollar signs. They funded a few of our ops and startup costs when we first started Trident, which wasn’t necessary. Between the three of us, we had it covered, but Dad insisted on giving it to us. I wanted to believe it was his way of approving the life I’d chosen, but he nixed it when he told me he couldn’t let me starve. Yeah, right.

Most of the guys don't know how much I’m worth, except for Keagan and Ollie. They’d all shit their pants if they knew.

Yet another tether connecting me to Sage. A little tidbit of information she’s not aware of.

As I step off the Trident jet, I breathe in the humid Florida air. My nostrils flare when the scent of salt water tickles my nose. Home sweet home.

Rock me all night long sounds from my pocket. Proceeding down the air-stair, I dig in the opening to retrieve my phone.

“Go ahead.” Answering the phone, I put it on speaker as my feet step onto the tarmac.

“Dude, did you fall asleep or something? I tried to call you several times,” Shannon sounds frustrated.

“Yeah, man. I was tired. Didn’t sleep much last night. Mac said he’d watch the phones and shit. Hang on a sec,” I say as I glance over my shoulder at MacGyver’s mortified expression.

His shoulders synched up to his neck and a ‘sorry’ look smeared across his face.

“Right,” I say and swing behind me, tagging Mac’s big ole head.

“Ouch, what was that for?”

“That, test tube ape, was for not doing your job.” Sarcasm is dripping from my tone.

“I was tired, Luc. I may have…well, I tried to stay awake. I’m exhausted, man. And planes put me to sleep even when I’m not sleepy.”

The kicker is, as of late, each one us is dog bone-weary. From the Jocelyn joyride, to the Fallyn fiasco, now the Sage sidewinder, adrenaline’s pumping at an all-time high. Putting everyone on edge; we’re worn out. I keep wishing for a light at the end of the tunnel, sooner rather than later.

Such is life as a soldier.

I supply Mac with a middle-finger salute and continue with Shannon, “What’s up, dickhead? What’d you find?”

“Love you, too, cunt-licker,” Shannon adds and doesn’t miss a beat. “It appears we caught a small break. The security system we upgraded may have caught the perp who vandalized Sage’s car.”

“Fuck, yeah, it did,” I boast. The upgrade was my pet project. “Who did it?”

“That’s the tricky part, Luc. You need to work your magic to figure that one out. The film is grainy at best. But from what I can tell without you cleaning it up, it’s a tan-skinned man. The fucker didn’t even cover up his face. Although, he only showed his profile; he knew where the cameras were positioned,” Shannon rallies in aggravation.

“Interesting.” I glance over, and Paul is already withdrawing his tablet from his backpack. “Mac’s working on it as we speak and walk,” I laugh out loud.

Apparently, he doesn’t want another smack on the head. Smart kid.

“Also, I received word from my associate in Jacksonville. He said there’s a big shipment going out of the port at the end of next month. I know what you’re thinking, Jolly Green. Every shipment that goes out of a seaport is huge.” Shannon pauses for a moment.

“Exactly, butter-face. So, what’s so special about this one?”

“He was suspicious when he read the docket. It’s all being transferred to a private boat coming in. A private boat that doesn’t register on any of the circuits,” he informs me.

“Well, that’s common enough, too. We’ve hired boats to run shipments that aren’t registered. If you know the right people.” The tension is mounting in my voice from the everyday run-of-the-mill information.

“You might want to sit down for this.” Shannon’s tone turns sinister. “Someone doctored the books, Luc. The name on the cargo was added then erased, but he could make out what is said. It’s Cabricci.”

“Holy Frankenfuck!” I’m excited by the prospect we hit pay dirt. “Good work, Shannon. I’ll call Keagan. This could be just the break we were looking for. Let me know stat if anything else forms. Catch ya later.” I hang up.

“You drive, Mac. I have phone calls to make,” I direct as we reach the parked Hummer in the long-term parking lot.

“Sweet. My pleasure, Lukas.”

I guffaw at his excitement. He’s been itching to drive the company Hummer.

I dial Keagan with the newest intel, and I’m sure he knows exactly where to find Sage. I’ve watched the video from her house, work, and other places she frequents, but her location is unknown. With her cell phone still off, I can’t track her. The only place not in my scope, per her request, is Matilda’s.

“Talk to me, Luc,” Keagan rumbles over the phone.

“We may have something, boss man. Shannon got a call from his guy in Jacksonville. Looks like the Cabriccis have a delivery going out to an unknown source at the end of next month,” I relay the information to him.

“You thinkin’ what I’m thinkin’, Luc?” Keagan asks, his mood optimistic.

“Yeah, K. It’s Mustaf they’re meeting. He’s coming in on that private ship. I feel it deep down. Turn here,” I reiterate while giving Mac directions.

“That’s what I’m thinkin’, too, brother. Where are you headed?” Keagan asks.

“Matilda’s. I can’t seem to find Sage, and I have a feeling that’s exactly where she is. Left at the red light, then turn right. Go through the gate,” I finish my directions to Paul. “Am I right? Is she with Matilda, Keagan?”

“Yeah, Luc. Jo said she didn’t want to go back to her house yet. This shit’s got her spooked. Fuckin’ voodoo-crazy sacred.”

My need to be with Sage ratchets up another notch from his tone. My princess is not going to leave my side once I catch her. No more running, doc.

Keagan interrupts my brooding, “She ain’t there, Luc.”

“How do you know, all-seeing eye?” I scoff.

“That’s right, motherfucker. I’ve got eyes everywhere,” Keagan grunts with a speck of humor filling the air.

“Pull over, Mac. Where is she, K. And don’t pull that respecting her privacy bullshit either. Where the fuck is Sage?”

“It’s about fuckin’ time you’re finally ownin’ that shit, Jolly Green. Good, they’re having lunch at the TP. If you hurry, you might trap her,” Keagan chuckles, teasing me. “Keep me up to speed. Later.”

Keagan ends the call. Fuck. Did everyone know I had a severe case of Sage Blackwood, except me?

“Turn around, Mac. We’re going to the Tropical Palm,” I demand, and Paul completes a u-ey in the middle of the road.

“You gonna get the girl, chief?” Paul asks.

“What the fuck are you talking about, Mac?”

“You know, Sage? You finally gonna make her an honest woman?”

Crickets. I’m sure as shit not answering that cockamamie question. He can figure it out on his own. Despite the fact he’s right. Doesn’t matter. My mind’s made up.

Watch out, princess. I’m coming for you.

When I enter the Tropical Palm, I immediately zero in on her laughter in the far corner booth. As I proceed in that direction, with Mac hot on my heels, I scan the surrounding area. Approaching the table, I eyeball the company sitting with Sage; Matilda and an unknown male.

The same unknown man with a death wish, because he’s sitting too close to my princess. Fury burns inside and I want to rip the arm draped over her chair clean off with my bare teeth. The black-rimmed Superman wannabe glasses scream secrets. He has something to hide, walking wiener cock. Son of a bitch is going to get a swift kick in the ass if he doesn’t move immediately.

The unknown man pulls a piece of lint off Sage’s sweater, briefly looking my way, and his eyes go wide with fright. That’s right, dick-sniffer, be scared. Be very, very scared.

My moment of reserve ends and the blood pumps rapidly through my brain, the veins on my neck begin to bulge. The second I step up to the table, the conversation ceases.

My gaze roams to Matilda first.

“Hello, Grandma Blackwood. How are you today? Looking beautiful as always,” I say. Then my eyes move around the table as I nod. “Sage, unknown male who needs to back up off my woman.” The comment is my usual smart ass, with a side of Hulk.

“Lukas! What are you doing here?” disbelief etched on her face, Sage questions in a shaky voice.

Briefly, I allow the comment to tug at my insides. When a spanking comes to mind, retribution for allowing another man so close to what belongs to me, I feel better. The man sits up straight, pulling his arm from around Sage’s chair when he notices my sinister expression. Good boy. He can be taught.

“Hiya, yourself, Lukas Rogers. You’re looking a bit frazzled, my dear. We were just about to order lunch. Why don’t you have a seat and join us. You and the puppy behind you.” Matilda sounds off.

Matilda’s invitation jars me back to the current situation. Her funny character conclusion conjures a slight chuckle. The matriarch of the Blackwood family, a woman I’ve come to respect and adore.

Since I came to Lakeview, we’ve shared several interesting conversations. Matilda’s familiar with my family but keeps it to herself. Old money friends by the circles they keep, and all. She’s a witty, fascinating woman. A woman who will always do whatever it takes to make sure the ones she loves are protected. The same lady who insisted that I call her Grandma. The same lady who keeps the secret about the old money I come from.

Keagan and Ollie didn’t understand why she took a shine to me. Hell, I’m not even sure. Maybe she sees something I don’t, or maybe we’re kindred spirits. Either way, Matilda has become my supporter and friend. We keep secrets for each other and help the other when we can. Without anyone knowing.

“Thank you, malady. Don’t mind if I do. Pull up a chair, Paul,” nodding, I instruct the youngling in hopes that he keeps his trap shut.

The man with no name sitting across from me has turned ghost white. The sweat beading on his brow and the nervous twitching of his left eye are tell-tale signs of panic. Sucker doesn’t have a clue of what I can actually do. Exactly the reaction I was banking on. I howl with laughter inside.

“Can I talk to you, Lukas?” the sassy Sage asks.

There she is.

Matilda grabs hold of her hand and responds, “Now, Sage. Let’s have a bite to eat, then we can talk about other things. You need to relax, peanut. Waitress.”

The waitress comes over and takes our order.

“Excuse me for a moment,” the still unknown man says.

“Nicholas, you don’t have to leave,” Sage comments.

“Nah, I just need to make a call, Sage. I’ll be right back,” he replies.

Nicholas. So that’s his name.

“Alright, hurry back. Our food will be here in a few,” Sage adds.

Nick steps away from the table. Instantly, I stand up and follow Nicholas from the table.

“Lukas, wait. Where are you going?” Sage calls after me.

I hear her but don’t respond. I pursue Nicholas as he enters the bathroom. He approaches the urinal. I saunter slowly to the stand-up pisser right beside him. His slack-jawed gaze looks in my direction, as I continue unzipping and pulling out the wild thang.

“Wha-what are you doing in here?” Nicholas questions, nervousness spiking his tenor.

“What do you mean, buddy. What does it look like I’m doing?” I pointedly ask as I shake and zip up.

At the sink, I wash my hands. Not uttering another word until I’m finished.

I pivot around, facing Nicholas. “The thing I want to know is, what’s your connection to Sage?”

The smile that forms on his ugly face catapults my movements, and in a flash, I’m in his personal space.

“You need to wipe that crazy-ass smile off your face, Nick. Unless you want me to do it for you. I’m always willing to help a brother out,” I reprimand and lean down to his shorter height, nose to nose.

His smirking directly changes when I tower over him. Looming like the harbinger of death, the Grim Reaper himself.

“No harm, no foul, man. I…uh…,” Nicholas attempts to answer and gulps.

“Let’s try this again, penis breath,” I ask and grab hold of his arm and squeeze slightly. “What’s your connection to Sage.”

“Nothing, man. I tried once, but she doesn’t like me like that. We’re just friends and business associates, man. Nothing more,” Nicholas says and winces from my grip.

Maintaining my grasp, I clamp down a little more, allowing him to see a small show of my strength. Nicholas winces and becomes compliant. I could clamp down harder, but I’d rather he not pee on himself. I am a gentleman at heart.

Nicholas’ discomfort is evident by the grimace on his face. I release him.

“Stay away from her. Capiche?” I issue a threat.

“But…but,” Nicholas stumbles on his words. “I…we work together. I can’t do that.”

“Hmm. You’re right. That would make her suspicious. Thanks, Nick,” I express and pat him on the back. “Ok, so work only. That’s it. And you keep your hands to yourself. Understood?” I conclude, making sure that Nicholas is with me.

“Yes, I’ve got it. Only for work.”

“Perfect. I’m glad we had this talk, Nick. I feel much better. You?”

“Yeaasss,” Nicholas replies hesitantly.

Grabbing his arm again, I drag the stunned Nicholas from the bathroom and let go after we exit.

Back at the table, the food is waiting and getting cold. Ignoring the outlandish stares, I take a seat and begin to consume my food.

Sage blazes a path with her chocolate-colored eyes straight into my soul. She’s pissed, but it’s all good. This douche bag is just another obstacle in my way. I’d walk through the pits of hell to protect her.

My top priority is the woman I love.

Has been since the first day I laid eyes on her.

Will be until I take my last breath.




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