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Lukas (This is Our Life Series Book 4) by F.G. Adams (25)


Harper Blackwood Bishop

For years, my momma shared the stories of a Christmas time with family and friends. Traditions passed down from Gigi to all of us. I only shared a few with her, but it was magical beyond my wildest imagination. She brought the season to life, and I’ll never forget her. A part of her will live on in me, and I’ll pass it on to my children and generations from now; she will be revered and remembered.

This year, the family decided to share the holiday in her home in honor of her. Carl is busy in the kitchen preparing her special dishes for us. I miss her so much. I tried to get out of coming back to Lakeview. I wanted to forget the heartache he caused me. But I couldn’t let my Momma and Dad down.

I’m standing in the corner watching the festivities when I catch Grayson’s eyesight. He hands his newborn son over to Ella and kisses her on the cheek, then points in my direction. Wonderful, happy times. Uncle G's about to lecture me. Woo-fucking-hoo.

“Harper, I wondered where you ran off to earlier. Follow me. We’re going to have a little chat.”

Like the good little girl I am, I follow his lead through the crowded room, up the winding staircase, and into Gigi’s former bedroom to the French doors opening up onto the balcony.

“I used to sit up here for hours listening to her stories about when she grew up. How times had changed.”

We are sitting on the balcony overlooking the lake. It’s one of my favorite places. The slight chill in the air is nothing compared to the winters in the Ozarks. I button up my lightweight jacket to ward off the cold.

“You good?” Grayson asks with a concerned expression.

“Yep, right as rain on a sunny day in the desert. You?” I sarcastically reply.

“What’s that supposed to mean? I saw you turn tail and run outta here so fast when he showed up with a date. You looked so lost, Harper. Please talk to me. I want to help you.”

“Honestly, I don’t want to talk about it. Not now. Not tomorrow. Not ever. As far as I’m concerned, my infatuation with MacGyver died when I went off to college and he moved on with his life in Lakeview. I’m Oliver’s daughter and too young for him, and a hundred million other reasons, if you ask the right person,” I childishly announce.

“Baby girl, you don’t lie well at all. The truth is written across your beautiful face. You’re in love with Paul, aren’t you?"


“No? Hmm. I reckon it’s only a coincidence the same time he arrived with another woman, you had to rush off to the store for a last-minute gift you had absentmindedly forgotten, too, huh? Quit lying to yourself and quit lying to me. You need to admit the truth to yourself and decide what’s important before it’s too late. Trust me. I know. Time doesn’t wait for anybody. You blink, and everything changes.”

“I just wasn’t prepared to see him with somebody. That’s all. I'm good now. You know, I have a boyfriend back home. He was going to come with us, but at the last minute, he had to return to Cali for a family emergency.”

“Ollie didn’t mention you had a boyfriend. I’d remember something like that. Plus, he would have us all running background checks on every person the dude has come in contact with over the last five years.” He chuckles.

“Well—uh, he kinda doesn’t have any idea.”

“Why the hell not?”

“Because every single guy I have even tried to go out with, he scares them off before we can even leave the house on the date. It’s the same every time. He opens the front door, goes over to the couch, and starts cleaning his large collection of guns. Talking crazy shit about his little cub and how he would hate for me to be hurt. Then he goes on about serving in the Army and the hunting club and being a sharp shooter who’s never missed a target. Yada yada yada blah blah. They can’t run fast enough to get away, half scared to death by his antics.”

Grayson busts out laughing. “He’s something else, that man. You gotta give it to him, he’s awfully protective of his girls.”

“It’s all fine and dandy, but I’m a twenty-three-year-old virgin! For Christ’s sake. I want to live, and he’s standing in the way. Did you know he had someone tailing me while I was away at school?”

“No shitting?”

“The first guy I went out with on a date. We were making out in the front seat of his car when a security guard knocked on the window, held out a cell phone, and said my dad wanted to talk to me. Can you believe that? If I’m lying, I’m dying!” I vent, releasing a mountain top’s worth of frustration.

“Have you tried to talk to him? Tell him you need him to back off, give you some space?” Grayson asks.

“Till I was blue in the face. I get the same response every time. He loves me and doesn't want to see me hurt,” I blow out, ending my rant. Dad’s heart is in the right place.

“I can’t fault his reasons. I’ll try to pull him aside and say something. Maybe get him to let you breathe a little,” Grayson promises.

“Thanks, G. I appreciate it.”

“Don’t mention it. Maybe coming from somebody else, it’ll help.”

“Yeah. We need to get back in there before they start opening gifts without us, and I need to face the pied piper. Come on. Let’s jet.”

“Hey, hold on a sec. Promise me something, Harper. If you need anything, you’ll call me. I’m here for you, and if there’s any chance Paul’s the one, don’t give up so easily. You’re one smart cookie. Figure out a way and make it happen.”

I nod and file his advice away for later.

We head into the family room, where everyone is gathering around the tree to open presents. I glance around the room, and my eyes lock with his. There’s pain and sorrow in his stare, but there is also a deep yearning he won’t act upon. He only ignores what’s between us. The woman sitting beside him leans her head on his arm, and all I see is red and green. I’m angry and envious because I wish that were me and not her.

Merry fucking Christmas, Harper Lee! I avert my eyes, unwilling to give him another chance to hurt me. My heart’s numb as it is. I received a gift from my other family. The one I don’t claim or want to. I’m the heir to millions. My biological father left everything to me. I’m the only one who can control the multi-million-dollar empire he built. It was an invitation to accept my position in the family or watch the ones I care about die.

I didn’t grow up knowing the people surrounding me; I fell into this group of people, and they’ve become my world. The laughter and happiness I project on the outside shadows the darkness and pain deep inside.

The Christmas carols play in the background and the house smells of cinnamon and spice and everything nice, and the one person I need to acknowledge my existence only shadows me, to protect me from the Cabriccis. Little does he know they’ve already got me.

The threat to my mother died with Roman, but the family still exists, stronger than ever with Calista and the twins running the organization, waiting in the wings for my direction. I know sooner or later they will come for me, and there’s nothing anybody around me can do to stop them.

I won’t allow them to be hurt. The happiness my mom has found. My little brother. Oliver and the family I adore. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep them safe. Even if that means I have to leave and go far away. I'll do it.

There might be Cabricci blood running in my veins, but the Blackwood side is stronger. I’ll take them on and win, because anything else is unacceptable. Family first.

Watch out, Calista, your days are numbered.

Revenge is a dish best served with something cold, auntie.