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Lukas (This is Our Life Series Book 4) by F.G. Adams (4)



I’ve always been a huge fan of the Dr. Seuss variety. The man was a genius. He got it right when he said, “Simple it’s not, I am afraid you will find, for a mind-make-upper to make up his mind.” Or her mind in this case.

Although, I’ve always believed you’ll miss the best things in life if you keep your eyes shut, and that’s not me anymore. My eyes are wide open. Targeting Sage.

Vapor encircles my body as I blow out another puff of smoke from my e-cig, or my crack pipe as I like to call it. A hint of vanilla and caramel floats in the air around me as the nicotine takes effect to calm my erratic nerves.

It’s the only vice I allow myself. I quit the pills, smoking cigarettes, and drinking the hard stuff, except for a beer every now and again, since the night I wanted to end it all. I went into an intense therapy for about half a year. It taught me how to live again. How to cope with and accept what had happened to me. Relatively speaking, it’s worked for the most part. Except when it comes to her.

“Fuck, I needed that,” I talk out loud as I lean against the edge of the railing.

My current post is outside on the balcony, under the moonlit sky, overlooking the vast silhouette of the Ozark mountains. The bright lights from inside the log cabin shadow my position, making it difficult for anyone to see me clearly. Yet, I still have a perfect view of inside the cabin, thanks to the two-story windows.

I had to get outside, away from her. It was stuffy. I was suffocating.

My gaze travels to the spectacle of Sage and Harper dancing around the room, hopping up and down like bunny rabbits. Next, they attempt to mimic each other in a robot dance, laughing and smiling. I chuckle. It’s nice to see them having fun. Little Harper deserves it.

I turn my attention to the gawking faces of some of my team members, their gazes locked in the direction of the girls. Fucking Moose and his shenanigans. Fucking Keagan, Oliver, and the rest of the guys for their constant picking and ribbing. If they only knew just how hard I’ve tried to break the wall Sage has built tightly around her, they’d back the fuck off.

Despite the fact, I’ll keep the information to myself. I’m just not ready to spill my lovey-dovey bullshit affections with anyone. Well, except maybe her, but she’s not listening. At least not yet.

My head rotates toward the house, instinctively seeking out Sage. I grasp my bottom lip with my teeth biting down for the sting. The vision swaying back and forth arouses my senses. The tight crimson dress has a slit that runs the length of her long, shapely legs capped off with those damn fuck-me heels, showcasing her painted toes. I want to run my tongue from those polished toes all the way to her plump, wet lips. Fuck! I need her. It’s been too long.

I had to keep my cool earlier after witnessing the display of Sage and Tanner on the dance floor. His hands were roaming a little too close for my comfort. It caused a rash of red-hot heat to course up my spine and neck. I wanted desperately to rip off Tanner’s arms from his body and stuff them down his throat.

Placing my crack pipe back into my mouth, I inhale deeply and turn my back to the windows.

Every time I’m around Sage, she stokes and kindles a burning fire of need. A response so powerful, hell, I don’t even understand it, and it drives me insane.

You know how sometimes when you meet someone, you just click? I’ve never believed in love at first sight, but I sure do believe in the clicks. Sage and I click. Really well.

Peace and quiet ends when a door opens and closes, which causes me to turn around.

“Oh, I didn’t realize anyone was out here. Sorry, Luc. I’ll leave you alone.” Sage smiles as she turns to go back inside.

“No need, doc. There’s plenty of deck out here for the both of us.”

I gesture to the extensive wooden deck and advance to the farthest corner. Permitting the darkness to envelop me.

Unsure, she nods her head and walks over to edge, placing her hands on the rail. Sage draws in a deep, long breath and lets it out slowly.

She slips up and says, “It’s beautiful here. I can see why Ollie and Fallyn love it.”

Like a moth to a flame, I’m drawn to her raspy, seductive voice, and my eyes close hoping that she’ll continue to speak and not go away. Optimistic she’ll continue to let me in, just a little.

“I can’t believe you found her, Lukas. I haven’t had a chance to say thank you,” she begins and runs her hands through her long hair.

In my mind’s eye, I imagine the blush staining her cheeks, and I smile, but she can’t see it.

“We’d all given up hope of ever seeing Fallyn and Harper again. You played a major role in healing our family. It really means a lot to me,” Sage finishes, her voice filled with gratitude and passion.

I can’t stand another minute of being so far away from her. Slowly, I close the distance, until I’m standing right beside her. When our arms touch slightly, a jolt of electricity passes from her to me. She turns her head to look up at me, and I see it. The longing and desire which manifests every time we’re this close.

“I’d do anything for you and your family, Sage. You know this.” I pause to lighten the mood. “Besides, I never fail at anything, and there’s the hero worship that comes along with it. You know how much I dig it.”

Sage reaches out and playfully punches me square in the arm, packing a wallop in the process.

“Ow! What was that for, doc?” I growl and rub the sore spot on my arm.

“That’s because you're such an ass, Hulk.” Sage laughs and turns back toward the darkened skyline.

“Well, warn a guy next time, will you?”

“What would be the point in that? It’s the element of surprise that gets you every time, Jolly Green,” she gloats.

And there it is. My perfect match.

Before she can articulate another word or punch, I pull her into my arms, shielding her behind my towering body from the view of anyone who may be watching inside the house. Boxing her in between my large frame and the sturdy wooden rail.

Instantly, I devour her scrumptious mouth. The sweet flavor of her cinnamon-flavored lip gloss drives me wild and urges me onward. It’s Sage. It’s familiar. She’s my home.

Sage struggles at first, shocked by my quick, unexpected actions.

“Lukas, what are you…” she mumbles between my kisses.

My tongue plunges deep into her wet, velvety kisser, and gradually she buckles in my embrace. Just like always. We join together fiercely, the flame blazing brightly, triggering us both to burn.

Grabbing her long locks within my oversized hands, I gently tug her head backward at an angle, which allows me to penetrate her mouth more deeply. Our tongues duel and my cock stiffens further behind my zipper as I gather her closer. I’m desperate with need and desire, rubbing the thickness of my cock against her tight body.

“I want you, doc. Can you feel it?”

Sage moans as she wraps her hands around my neck. Securing me closer. Our bodies meld and the kiss deepens. We’re like rum and coke. One can be without the other and taste sweet. But when combined, it’s even better.

Suddenly, as if stepping into a cold shower to wake up, she pulls away.

“We can’t do this, Luc. Not here. Not now,” Sage voices as she pants against my chest.

“Yeah. Okay. Your call, Sage. For now,” I warn.

I allow her release and stroll to the corner of the terrace, into the darkness where I’m most comfortable. She remains motionless, staring in my direction. But she can’t see me. I’m enclosed in the shadows.

After a few minutes, she enters the main house, and once again I’m alone.

I take out my crack pipe and inhale.

“Soon, doc. Real soon,” I whisper a promise into the darkness.

Relishing in one more long drag, I place the e-cig in my pocket and make tracks into the house. Time to make an appearance to the group and play nice. Then I can get the hell out of here for some relief.

I steer a course toward the kitchen and grab a bottle of water. When I go back into the great room, Sage is saying good-bye to everyone. I go do the same. She’s not going anywhere without me. We’re not done by a long shot.

“Hey, Ollie. Congrats again. I’m so happy for you, Casanova. You deserve it, man.”

Oliver is positioned proudly beside his new bride, Fallyn. The look they share uniting their love sends a chill over my whole body. It’s sickly sweet and I cringe because of the yearning it brings forth deep inside me. A thirst that may never be quenched. Someday.

“Thanks, Luc. And thanks for standin’ up beside me. Couldn’t have done it without ya, brother,” Oliver wholeheartedly replies.

The sincerity in his voice helps fill the void I’m carrying around a little.

“Yeah, you’re probably right, sizzle chest. But you do alright on your own,” I chuckle, because let’s face it, that shit is funny. My jester role is firmly back in place.

“Right,” Oliver laughs with me.

He imprisons me with a bear hug and I oblige. Oliver is my brother from another mother. One of only a few people in my life whom I let close to me.

Nudging away, I assert, “Alright. Enough of the pansy bullshit. I’m out. I’ll see you in the morning before you leave.”

Shifting closer to stand in front of Fallyn, I add, “Good luck with this one, sweet cheeks.”

I steal a quick hug and kiss from Fallyn, and she laughs when Oliver plucks me off her. Grumbling under his breath, something about keeping my hands and lips to myself.

“Fucker. Can’t wait to return the favor, Jolly Green. Oh, and Lukas. Don’t let the bears scare you out there,” Oliver interjects, expecting to get a rise out of me.

One night over drinks, we were sharing childhood stories. I mistakenly told him about a dream when I was a young kid. A bear was chasing me into the woods, and no matter how fast I ran, it caught up with me. Just before he clamped his jaws around my neck, I woke up. Cocksucker.

“Hardy har-har. Very funny, Ols. But any bear out in these woods will fall smitten, like Roxy. When they get a load of this hunk-a burnin’ love coming their way, they’ll have no choice not to love me. People and animals just can’t resist this,” I reply sarcastically.

I gesture with my hands like Vanna White on Wheel of Fortune, up and down my torso while I wiggle my eyebrows up and down. A round of laughter fills the room as I make a beeline out the front door into the dark night.

A few minutes later, the front door opens and the seductress, Sage Blackwood, walks down the steps.

I fall in step with her and we walk for a while, not saying a word, following the path to the cabins.

Finally, breaking the silence, she asks, “What are you doing, Lukas?”

“What? Can’t a guy be chivalrous?”

“Really? Haven’t you heard? Chivalry died out in the Dark Ages,” Sage huffs out.

There’s a hint of laughter in her voice and I sense the shift once again; we’re reading from the same page. Well, the same page, different day.

Because that’s the game we’ve continued to play on and off for the past few years. One hot and steamy booty call after the next. Each and every time, it ends with ‘It’s the last time, Lukas. It will never happen again, Lukas.’ Yada, yada, yada bullshit.

Truth be told, she can’t stop this between us any more than I can. The sex we share is off-the-charts good. The chemistry sizzling hot. Epic to the infinity. Neither one of us can give it up.

The problem is, I want more. I need more from her. Never wanted more with anyone else, until Sage woke up a craving hunger deep inside me, the very first night we met. She stirred up all kinds of crazy emotions I didn’t understand or had ever felt before.

“Then consider it a courtesy of Trident Security. We have to make sure everyone gets to their cabins safe and sound, ma’am.”

“I’ll just bet you do. But alright, I’ll play along. Let me make something clear, Jolly Green. You can walk me to the cabin. And. That. Is. It. Understood?” Sage sounds off, as if she’s trying to convince herself of the words that are coming out of her mouth.

“Crystal. Of course, ma’am. Whatever you need,” I smile sweetly and reply, but my body is already flaming up from being in the vicinity of hers.

“This is me,” Sage points as she walks up the few steps of the rustic cabin.

Oliver has a few dozen cabins located around the hunting property for clients who come in from out of town to hunt. A pretty impressive spread.

His mother, Olivia, has transformed the property into a multimillion-dollar business. People come from all over the world just to shoot a prize deer, or elk.

Sage turns around, her back to the door as if she’s expecting me to leave. Not gonna happen, baby. I’m already there, all up in her personal space. A scant margin between us, we make eye contact, and a wide grin covers my face. Let’s see you squirm your way out of this.

“Good night, Lukas. Thanks for assuring my safety,” she mumbles on a shaky breath, waving her fingers in front of my face.

I push her up against the door and go in for the kill. Pressing my body flush with the heart of her body. I hoist her up, pulling her legs around my waist. Her ankles automatically anchor at the base of my spine. Every muscle in her body tenses. I examine her startled expression, but the passion burning in her eyes gives away the need she’s feeling. The longing and desire twist me all up. Her pink tongue darts out to moisten alluring sweet lips, and I’m a goner.

Leaning in, I greedily consume her lips and flick my tongue along the seam until she opens up for me and a long sensual sob breaks free. She may not want to acknowledge my ownership, but her body recognizes its master. Synchronized laborious breathing and moans ensue. My need for Sage escalates as my manhood expands and lengthens, rock hard and engulfed in her heated, covered warmth.

Catching my breath, I whisper, “Let’s do this, doc.”