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Maniac by Nina Auril (15)


is blaring in my ears when I grunt as my arms begin to shake under the strain of the weight, but I grit my teeth and push through the burn. I probably should have stopped one set ago, but I go for one more rep. I have the bar on my chest when I realize this was a mistake. I take a deep breath and feel the veins in my temples swell under the strain of trying to lift the weight off myself. I get it a few inches up, but I start to panic when my arms threaten to buckle. Just when I’m sure I’m about to drop the weight, two hands grip the bar and place it back on the rack. I look up in surprise to find Brant staring down at me, a deep scowl on his face.

I sit up on the bench and rip the earbuds out of my ears by pulling on the chord.

“Buddy-man!” I hold out a fist for him to bump, happy to see him even though the scowl hasn’t left his face.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

“Well, as you can see,” I wave a hand over the bench press that nearly got me killed a second ago. “I’m baking a cake in the shape of a penguin.” His scowl deepens.

“How long have you been down here?” His hands are on his hips now. I stifle the laughter bubbling up in my throat. He doesn’t seem like he’s in the mood for jokes. I shrug because I don’t know.

“Have you even slept?” I shrug again. He looks away and shakes his head before looking at me again.

“Where have you been? We haven’t seen you in a few days, and there’s no more space for leftovers in the fridge.” He says and pulls up a stool to take a seat next to me. I’m about to give him some vague-ass answer when Erik and three other guys from the frat walk into the gym, laughing and slapping each other on the back. They nod a greeting our way and we return it.

We both watch them as Erik peels his shirt off and starts snapping selfies in the mirror wall. “What a fucking douchebag,” Brant mutters under his breath. I don’t say anything while I stare daggers at his back.

“Anyway,” he says, getting my attention again. “Abs has class this morning, so I figured I’d hang out with you while I wait to pick her up.” I know that’s bullshit. He doesn’t need to wait for Abby. He’s just using it as an excuse to check up on me. “Figured we could hit the park for like a take-out brunch or something when she’s done.”  Sure, bribe me with the promise of food.

“Yeah, man, sounds good. I’ll go hit the shower.” I push myself off the bench, and we head upstairs together. “Why don’t you make yourself useful and go make us some coffee,” I say when we reach the top of the basement steps and shove him in the direction of the kitchen.

I make quick work of getting showered and dressed and meet Brant in the kitchen, steaming cup of black coffee already waiting for me. Best thing about Brant? He knows how I take my coffee. I settle down at  the counter and take my first sip, ignoring his stare.

“So,” he starts and takes a sip of his cup, no doubt with five sugars and the color of beige granny panties. “Sorry man, but we gotta do it.” I look up at him in question. “Talk about our feelings.” He gives me a somber nod. I groan into my cup.

“I haven’t seen you in days man. The last time that happened was… well, never. What’s up?”

“Damn, I guess you’re just going in dry. No lube or sweet talk? Nothing?” All I get from him is a raised eyebrow. I shrug.

“Is it about that girl?”

“Quinn,”  I grit out, irritated that he doesn’t remember her name.

“So, it IS about her.” He grins at me, self-satisfied that he caught me. Asshole. “What’s happening?”

“Nothing. Everything. I think I want to be more than friends.” I slump back in my seat. I want to tell him everything, but at the same time, it feels wrong to discuss what we shared yesterday and the night before.

“Messing with your head?” I nod, and I’m pretty sure there’s a pout on my lips. “I get it, man. Nothing hurts like a woman can. But maybe you need to let it go. It’s just asking for trouble going after Erik’s girl and if it’s already…” He stops short when Erik and his entourage enter the kitchen. We both frown at them and look at each other. He must be thinking the same thing as me. Did these dicks just go down there to take pictures of themselves?

“Good workout?” Brant asks and takes a sip off his coffee before his smile gives him away. I disguise my laughter by coughing.

“Sorry,” I try and look innocent. “Wrong hole.” I place my cup on the counter and punch my chest, faking another cough.

“Didn’t really need a long one this morning. Quinn gave me quite the workout last night, know what I’m saying?” He laughs to his buddies. My blood turns cold, and my fists clench on the counter. Brant gets up from his seat and stands next to me, probably to be ready in case I decide to punch this guy’s face in.

“She’s a hot one. All that red hair. She must be wild in bed.” One of the other assholes adds.

“You know it, but I know exactly how to tame her.” I start to get up, ready to paint the wall with his blood but Brant’s hands press me down by the shoulders. He slaps me on the back, it’s too hard, but it does the trick and snaps me out of it.

“So, we’re gonna hit the park. Such a nice day out and all.” He laughs uncomfortably from behind me.

“Yeah?” Erik looks Brant up and down. “We’ll come with you.”

“Um, yeah… so we’re just waiting for  my girlfriend to finish her class. So, uh, you don’t have to wait on us.”

“No, that’s perfect. Gives us time to grab a shower. I’ll ask my girlfriend along too. The girls can keep each other company while we guys hang out.” We watch, slack-jawed, as they leave the kitchen. Then I turn to shoot Brant an accusing look. He steps back and holds his hands up in surrender.

“How was I supposed to know that was going to happen, dude?” I shake my head at him. The very last thing I fucking need today is to be in their company.




Harlow and Brant are talking about hair or color or hair color next to me. I’m not really sure; I'm not paying attention to them. On the other side of me, Abby and Noah are discussing people who eat seeds, or don’t eat seeds or do some weird exercise called Paleo. Not really sure because I’m not paying attention to them either. The only thing I’m paying attention to is Quinn. My eyes are tracking every move she makes.

I’ve been staring at her since she and her friends showed up to the park half an hour ago. While her friends all came over to say hi and took a seat next to Brant and me at the picnic table, she ignored me like I didn’t exist, and she’s been stuck to Erik’s side as if she’s trying to use him as a shield. Like I’m going to let that douchebag stop me. I rip at the label on my beer bottle and watch her laughing at something Erik is saying, but the laughter doesn’t quite reach her eyes. I take my phone off the table and type out a text.

Me: You’re so fucking beautiful.

I watch as she digs her phone out of her jacket pocket and blinks down at the screen. Her eyes flicker to me, but when she sees me staring at her, she looks down quickly and puts the phone back in her pocket.

Me: I can’t stop thinking about you. About yesterday.

I watch as she tries to resist reading my text but finally takes out her phone again. She reads it and closes her eyes briefly before putting it back.

Me: I can still taste you.

I watch as she loses the battle again and as soon as she reads the text I send another.

Me: Can you still feel my tongue on you?

I watch as her mouth parts slightly.

Me: Did Erik make you come as hard last night?

I watch as her eyes find mine. She holds my stare, anger evident in her eyes and the hard set of her mouth. It was an asshole thing to say but I’m angry, and I want her to know that I know. I hate this hot mess of situation we’re in where I don’t even know who is right or wrong. She makes a big show of turning off her phone and puts it back in her pocket before slipping an arm around Erik’s. I dump my phone on the table in frustration and take a big swig of beer.

“Let it go, Alex,” Brant says beside me. He must have noticed our little exchange.

“Would you have let Abby go?” I meet his eyes. He opens his mouth to say something but then stops. Instead, he reaches into the cooler on the ground beside him and pops open another beer before handing it to me, understanding written across his features.

“Yo, Brant,” Erik hollers as he starts walking towards us. “Throw me one of those, will ya?” Brant throws a bottle his way, purposely fumbling it so that Erik has to stumble to the side to catch it. He misses, and the bottle lands on the grass.

“Sorry man, not so good at throwing things.” He shrugs, and I suppress the urge to high-five him. It’s childish, but I appreciate the solidarity.

“No worries, man,” he says as he reaches the table. “How’s it feel to be done with school?”

Why is he suddenly so interested in Brant?

“Where’s Quinn?” I ask.

“Oh, uh,” He shrugs and gestures to somewhere across the park. “Went to the bathroom or something.” More like she saw him heading this way and went running. From me.

“Yo, Harlot,” he nods at Harlow. “Carpet match the drapes yet?” He’s referring to her pink hair. He chuckles to his buddies like it’s the funniest thing anyone has ever said.

“Ugh,” Abby curls a lip in disgust. “And the award for biggest douchebag goes to the preppy boy who can’t even catch a beer.”

Noah starts laughing beside her. Abby is a quiet kind of girl, but when it comes to defending someone else, she doesn’t mince words. I see Erik’s jaw ticks and stare daggers at Noah who returns his glance with a raised eyebrow and a smirk on his lips.

“Hey, Noah,” Erik says to him. “What do you call a gay drive by?” I watch as the smirk slips off Noah’s face. “A fruit roll up.” He  and his friends start laughing, not noticing that the rest of us don’t find him funny. The longer they laugh, the angrier I get. I so badly want to punch this guy’s face in. For lots of reasons.

Brant shoves at my leg with his, trying to get my attention or stop me from acting on my fantasies of beating his teeth in. “I don’t get it,” I say instead. I totally get it, but I’m not about to let him get away with it. I don’t like bigots, and I like bullies even less.

Erik looks at me like I’m an idiot. “Because fags are called fruitcakes?” He rolls his eyes at his buddies who are still laughing.



“Yeah, why are they called fruitcakes?” I blink up at him innocently.

“Because they’re not normal. The fuck should I know.” He shrugs.

“Why aren’t they normal?”

“Because they’re not straight, dumbass.”

“So, they’re not normal cause they’re gay, and you’re normal cause you’re straight?”

“Yeah, I’m straight.” He laughs like it should be obvious.

“Well so is spaghetti until you get it hot and wet,” I say, and Harlow starts laughing so hard she’s nearly off the bench.

“Yeah, Erik. Why don’t you let me get you all hot and wet? I promise you’ll like it,” Noah chimes in. That gets the rest of us laughing. Everyone except Erik that is. He looks like he’s about to grab Noah across the table and strangle him. I brace myself to get up and intervene in case Erik decides to do something stupid.

“Oh my god, guys, look at this.” All our heads swivel around to look at Quinn who is dragging a hapless, hippy-looking dude behind her. When they reach the table, both Harlow and Noah start squealing. They get up to round the table, and that’s when I spot the puppies. There must be about five of them, their leashes all attached to the hippy’s hand.

“He’s selling them. Noah, can we get one? Are pets allowed in our apartment?” I smile at the excitement on her face. She’s so fucking cute.

“I think so,” Noah nods and gets down on his knees to Quinn. “Pets are better behaved than most of the students in the building anyway. Getting piss and shit all over the living room floor is a regular Tuesday night for some of them.”

I get up from the table to squat next to Quinn and pet one of the overly excited puppies. It’s got nothing to do with getting closer to the puppies. I place my hand over hers where it’s scratching one of the puppies’ ears. Again, nothing to do with getting closer to the puppies.

“Stop it,” she whispers and jerks back her hand. “Just stop.”

I grit my teeth and stand up. I just stand there watching the girl of my dreams playing with puppies and smiling like she’s about to burst from happiness.

“Which one should we get?” Noah asks. One of the puppies’ clambers over all the others and jumps into her lap. He’s all over her, unable to settle on a single spot to lick. Reminds me of something. I can’t help the foolish grin on my face. Cute, man. Both of them.

“Look, Erik, this one likes me,” she manages through her laughter. “He’s licking me.”

“You don’t need a puppy to lick you, Quinn, I did a good enough job of that myself last night.” Several things happen at once. Erik’s stooges start laughing. Harlow gasps in shock. Quinn’s face falls and shoves the puppy off her, she stands up and looks down at the ground in embarrassment. Noah straightens, his stance obvious making it obvious that he wants to kill Erik. The hippy fucks off with his dogs, the tension dripping off everyone making it clear no sale will be made today. Brant comes to stand behind me. And me, I look back at Brant for permission. He raises his eyebrows and lifts his palms in surrender. Good, he’s not going to try and stop me. He’s a pretty chilled out guy, but that was a step too far, even for him.

“Don’t fucking talk to her like that.” I step forward and shove Erik to the ground. I’ve had enough.

“What the fuck man.” He scrambles to his feet and takes a step towards me. “The fuck did you just say to me?”

“I said,” I take a step closer, coming to stand right before him. “Don’t talk to her like that.” Everyone around us is deathly quiet, too scared even to breathe.

“What’s it to you how I speak to her? She’s my girlfriend and I…” I grab his shirt and pull him up towards me, his feet barely still touching the ground.

“And what, motherfucker? What were you going to say? That she’s your girlfriend and you’ll treat her how you want?” I let out an incredulous laugh; the whole situation suddenly struck me as ridiculous. I let go of him, and he takes two steps back, straightening his shirt. I turn to look at Quinn’s shocked face.

“This is what you want?” I ask her and gesture to the asshole. “This is what you want to stay with? This is what I have to compete with?” I turn back to Erik. “Challenge accepted.” I close the space between us and get right in his face. “Watch your fucking back, Erik. I’m coming for her.” I grit out before shoving him aside and stalking off.









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