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Mustang: A Mountain Man Romance by S. Cook (66)



Chapter 4: Lydia


The next few days were spent exploring the resort and squeezing as much activity into our hours as possible. Scattered all around were endless options available to ensure one was never bored.

Theo turned out to be the perfect companion, making sure I sampled new things; surfing, snorkeling and even trying out the ping pong tables which I ended up liking immensely.

The nature walks were the best part of all, giving me the chance to enjoy the scenery with the ever attentive Theo by my side.

So far he’d spared nothing, be it cost or his time and effort to ensure I enjoyed every moment. However, I wasn’t surprised when it came to going shopping and Theo pleaded fatigue. I laughed good-naturedly and allowed him spend time with the cable sports channel where he could catch up on his favorite teams.

There were a few stores I’d spotted in the hotel lobby that I wanted to check out. I could never resist looking out for that new, special find and thankfully I made enough of my own money not to worry about spending.

I was left feeling glad I’d followed my hunch to always browse eye-catching stores; I ended up with some unique buys that would make perfect gifts for family at home.

I soon drifted into the swimsuit section of a clothing store and my attention was caught by a particularly daring yet beautiful bikini set.

I loved the bold colors and the cut-out design, but it was far too revealing for my modest tastes. I was no prude but I always opted for clothing that didn’t draw too much attention to my curves when it came to exposing my body.

“Hello, Lydia.”

The surprise at hearing my name had me freezing, before I spun round to face the source of that deep, throaty voice. I recognized him instantly, and my eyes flew to the lanyard holding a name card I quickly read.

“Hi...Brian,” I said with a ready smile.

I found that instead of wondering why and how he happened to know and call me by name, I was quite happy to see him again. He was the gorgeous man at the reception the very first day we arrived.

His somewhat overlong hair was tamed in waves around his face and he was dressed in a polo shirt with the Resort’s crest on the top side. His familiarity did strike me as odd but it was swept aside by my surprise at his appearance.

I guessed he couldn’t be more than thirty, which meant he was around five years older than I was. I was drawn to him in a way I didn’t understand. This blue-eyed hunk was stirring urges in me I’d never expected.

“I’m not sure we’ve been formally introduced,” I said mildly, wishing to instill some decorum yet knowing I was already failing.

My tone of voice held no reprimand but was in fact, somewhat flirtatious. Where on earth had the come-hither impulse come from anyway? I never did that.

Brian chuckled. “Well then, I guess I have a confession to make. From the first day you arrived, I was curious to find out more about you.”

“Which means you must be aware I’m here with my boyfriend, right?” I murmured, arching a brow at him.

He merely smiled even as I added, “And are all employees at the resort so forward?”

He didn’t seem perturbed by my quelling words. “With your stunning looks, you shouldn’t be surprised the kind of attention you attract – employee or not.”

“Yet I’m quite sure flirting with guests isn’t exactly the policy around here. Besides I don’t take kindly to flattery,” I said, fighting to keep the smile from my lips.

Admiration and interest shone in the embers of Brian’s eyes and it was hard to not be warmed by it. I was used to male attention but there was something about Brian that made me feel girlish and impressionable again. It was foolish of me but I felt sure it would pass, like all notions of silliness do.

Brian shrugged and for a moment, our eyes held. “It’s good then that flattery was never my strong point,” he said and the husky edge in his voice suffused my cheeks with heat. What was I, seventeen? Why couldn’t I tell him off for his brazenness?

“Truth is, I’m merely interested in doing my job and that includes offering guests my honest opinion,” he said more lightly, “Which is why I need to tell you that bikini will look fabulous on you.”

I stared down in embarrassment at the colorful pieces of clothing I still held clutched in my hands. “Oh. Um, no thanks. It’s not really my style.”

“Trust me, you’ll make it look even more perfect than any other woman could pretend to. I saw you admiring it and just had to come over and let you know it was made just for you.”

I wondered if he could see the high points of color heating up my cheeks as I felt his eyes travel over my dress. It clung to my body and had a scooped neckline and spaghetti straps which ensured that though it was floor-length it was far from prim and proper.

What certainly wasn’t proper was the way Brian seemed to undress me with those mesmerizing blue eyes. 

“No really, I’d rather not,” I said shyly but with firmness as I dumped the bikini back on its display. “But thanks anyway for the assistance – and the compliments. Are you sure one of your duties isn’t massaging the egos of the guests?”

My tone was a mix of being teasing and reprimanding, and was rewarded when he laughed deeply, the sound so sexy and rough it tripped an unfamiliar switch inside me that I didn’t understand, only that it made my belly feel like it dropped from a sheer height.

“Not all guests, Lydia. Only you,” he said, finally sobering as he held my gaze once again. “I hope you don’t really mind me calling you that. Lydia, I mean. It’s the most beautiful name and I couldn’t resist.”

“I don’t have a problem with that,” I said softly.

And surprisingly, I didn’t. I had no cause to look down my nose at anyone or take myself too seriously. Yes, Brian might be acting way out of line but what wrong could a little harmless flirting do?

Not only was I with someone and he knew it, I was sure he could also tell we were nothing alike. If he wished to be friendlier than expected, I simply had to find a way to keep things in check without seeming to put him down for being a hotel employee trying to get fresh with a guest.

One thing was for sure, there was something different about Brian. His self-confidence, his obvious refinement and his overall charming personality worked in his favor and he kept me wondering by the time he nodded and walked off. Despite myself, I was looking forward to seeing him again.

Only to berate myself the very next minute for my foolishness. I wasn’t the type of woman who enjoyed grabbing the interest of some random male, no matter how gorgeous. The next time I saw Brian, I vowed to do what I should have done from the start and put the fellow in his place.