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My Best Friend's Dad by Winters, Bella (10)



I walked down the street to my apartment wearily. School had been in session for two weeks now and it picked up quickly. I had a lot of homework in all five of my classes and stayed up studying late almost every night.

Of course, that was largely in part due to my late-night talks with Boyce. They started innocently enough, but I grew to crave hearing his voice every night, and eventually the way he groaned when he came for me. We had phone sex every night that we talked after that first time and I was aching for him every moment of the day.

I missed Boyce and the house. I missed seeing him every day and just talking even though we still did. It was just different, and I worked so hard to hide the developing relationship between us from Bella. When she asked if I met any guys at school, I’d casually mention some fake cute guy in a class that smiled at me. I’d never share the details of what I had with Boyce as a fake man in my life. They were too intimate, and I couldn’t share them with even my best friend. I made my way to my apartment and unlocked the door, walking inside, and dropping my backpack on the couch. I followed, hitting the soft cushions of the red couch as I closed my eyes gratefully. I had a full day of classes on Tuesday and Thursday and always came home tired, but still needing to study. I considered a small nap before I hit the books and reached for my blanket as I settled against the soft material. I loved this apartment and the independence that it offered me but after the time I spent with Boyce, it felt lonely most of the time. I sighed and pulled the blanket over me more, tucking it around my neck as I let my eyes drop closed.

I woke up to my phone ringing and blinked in the dark. I reached for the device and looked at the bright screen to see Boyce’s name flashing and answered softly as I yawned. “Hello?”

“Vivian.” His tone was urgent, and I sat up and tried to wake up quickly, knowing that something was wrong. “Bella was in an accident in the city. One of those fucking cab drivers cut someone off and got into a wreck. She’s going to be okay, but she’s in the hospital. I’m going to go to New York to see her. I must cancel the upcoming weekend because I promised I’d stay until she recovered some. I’m sorry, but it’s Bella.”

“Yeah, of course. She’s your daughter.” I was torn between worry for my best friend and the disappointment that was flooding me as tears stung my eyes. I was looking forward to seeing him and it hurt that I couldn’t. “Can I help in any way?”

“I know you have another few days of classes. I don’t want you to miss them, so I’m just going to take the private jet in a few hours and stay as long as she needs me. She got a touch of whiplash and Bella is in a lot of pain. I want to make sure that she gets the proper treatment.” Boyce let out a sigh and I pictured the pain on his face as it echoed through the phone. “I’m so sorry. I wanted to see you so badly, but I have to go.”

“We can make it another weekend. Go see Bella and give her a hug for me. I’ll call her soon.” I blinked as a tear slid down my cheek and listened as he told me good night. I ended the call and clutched the phone in my hand as I let it sink in that I wouldn’t be seeing Boyce this weekend. I would be here alone in this apartment like I was every night and I let out a ragged groan.

I called Bella and found out that she was in the hospital being monitored for a head injury and some soreness. She hit her head on the window when the cab driver cut a bus off and ended up being hit where she was sitting. I told her that if she needed anything that I’d catch a flight there or even drive myself, but Bella assured me that her dad was coming to see her. I knew that, but I couldn’t tell her what we canceled so he could do that. I told her to call the next day and hung up as I closed my eyes again. I just wanted to go to sleep and ignore my responsibilities, but I dragged myself from the couch to make some coffee and get to reading. I played some music in the background and took notes on some of the stuff that I was having trouble with as I pushed the image of Boyce out of my mind. I thought about my classmate Miranda that mentioned a frat party that she was attending this weekend, something I’d blown off since I was supposed to be at the house. She’d invited me, though. Why shouldn’t I go and try to have a little college fun? That was what it was all about. I smiled and vowed to tell her tomorrow that I was in.

I saw Miranda the following day in class and mentioned that I was interested in going to the party with her. She clapped her hands and declared that we were going to have so much fun. Miranda was more of a typical college student and seemed to enjoy herself, so why shouldn’t I? We made plans after lunch to meet at her apartment at seven, which was in the same complex as mine. I would drive since I wasn’t a heavy drinker and let Miranda have some drinks.

It was a normal college girl activity and I was going to have a good time. I went to get some lunch from the cafeteria and spoke to Bella again, who assured me that her dad was still staying in the city with her. I gritted my teeth and told her that was great, asking to plan to visit her in a few weeks when she was feeling better. I ended the call and threw away my trash before I strolled across the campus to my next class, looking over the other students as they made their way to their destinations. I wasn’t supposed to be involved with Boyce when I came here, at least not to the extent that I was right now. I was supposed to be dating and having fun before I settled into a job and real life. How did I start sleeping with Boyce?

I thought back to the times that we’d been together, and my body heated up as I bit my lip. Maybe if I went to the party, I would meet a guy closer to my own age and I could end the madness with Boyce. This wasn’t going to work, and we’d just get in deeper and find it harder to part down the line. I had to keep some kind of semblance of family with him and Bella and as much as it made me break apart inside. I walked into the building where my English class was held and took a seat in the back as I tucked some hair behind my ear.

The next two days passed slowly, and I left school Friday night with a nervous smile on my face. I was going out tonight for the first time since arriving here on campus. I had enough time to go home and take a small nap before getting ready and I walked to my apartment through the sunny streets, hearing laughter and chatter around me. It felt good to be acting like a normal girl and I held my head higher as I crossed the street.

I finished getting ready and glanced in the mirror just prior to seven o'clock. I was wearing some fitted, worn jeans and a long-sleeved shirt in a dark green color with dark boots and looked cute but comfortable. My hair was in loose waves and I glossed my dark lips one more time before I grabbed my purse. I drove across the lot to Miranda’s apartment that she shared with another girl and shook hands with the shy girl as we were introduced. How could someone shy live with Miranda and survive it? She was so bubbly.

Miranda wore some shimmery leggings and a flowing gray t-shirt with boots and her makeup was flawless. I’d always been jealous of Bella’s looks and now I felt the same way about my new friend. She looked like she had it all together and I felt like I should go home and change. We left, telling Joy goodbye before I led Miranda to my car. The party was on the other side of the campus in fraternity row and I drove slowly to find a parking place, staring at the people gathered in the streets. “It’s crowded here,” I remarked as Miranda laughed.

“I know. It’s usually easier to take a cab, but you said that you wanted to drive.” Miranda offered as I pulled carefully into a spot and checked to make sure that I was in the space straight. “Nice car, by the way.”

Boyce bought us both the newest Range Rover before we left, and I smiled. “Thanks. My parents left me some money and my best friend’s dad insisted that we have good cars. He wanted us to be safe.”

“My mom got me a new Accord. Want to trade?” Miranda joked as she got out and I laughed. I didn’t want something this nice, but Boyce insisted. It wasn’t a big car, so I let it go but I got a lot of looks from people. We made our way across the street to the blue house on the street and Miranda greeted the blonde at the door before she pushed past him and pulled me in.

The music was loud and the house thick with people. The house itself wasn’t that nice but worked to house a group of guys and I frowned as I looked around. It smelled like sweat and the faint scent of smoke from outside as Miranda made her way through the living room to the kitchen. She greeted another guy and turned towards me with two red solo cups in her hand. “Here you go.” She must have seen the look in my eyes and smiled at me. “It’s just one. I know that you don’t want to drink a lot, Viv. I’m fine with that.” I reluctantly took the cup and eyed the keg that it came from as I watched Miranda take a drink from her own cup. I watched her get them both like I was supposed to, so I sighed and sipped the beer. It tasted carbonated and gross and I stuck my tongue out as I set the cup on a table and looked back into the kitchen.

Miranda noticed that I wasn’t drinking any beer and asked me if I wanted something else. She laughed when I told her it was gross and got a soda from the fridge before we walked into the living room where a group of people were dancing. I cracked the can and looked around for anyone that I knew slowly.

I came across a few people in my classes and we chatted with them and Miranda made me dance. It wasn’t that I didn’t like dancing and did it all the time with Bella, but I felt self-conscious here. I could feel people looking at me and I tried to ignore it as some of the girls that we were talking to giggled during a second of quiet in the song that was playing.

College was a lot different than high school in this setting. I told myself to let go and just enjoy myself until Miranda walked away to hug a brunette guy. I stopped moving and watched her as the other girls seemed to drift off, looking at Miranda as she sat down and started talking to another group.

“Hey there. Want to dance?” a male voice asked as I glanced up to see warm brown eyes. I forced a smile on my face. I could do this. I dated in high school and it was fine. We started to dance together, and I sipped another soda as the guy introduced himself as Billy. He was cute with messy brown hair and a good figure though not as good as Boyce. I reminded myself not to think about Boyce and kept dancing as my favorite song came on.

We ended up going outside and getting some fresh air on the back patio. I knew from talking to Bella that she went to a lot of parties and loved them. I could learn to do the same. Billy sat down on a patio chair and asked me to join him as I sat a couple of feet away and looked up at the sky. “What’s your major?” Billy asked as I started to tell him, knowing that small talk would kill time. He kissed me a little while into the conversation and I gasped in surprise. It wasn’t unpleasant, and I stilled as he pressed closer to me.

I didn’t feel the electricity that I did with Boyce, but that was because it was so forbidden with him. Billy reached a hand around my head to cup my face and deepened the kiss as I leaned closer to him, giving into the moment.



I stayed with Bella for a week at her shoe box apartment, sleeping on the couch instead of at a hotel like I preferred. She was going to be fine, but I wanted to help her with anything that she might need. I neglected her enough working when she was younger and always worked to make up for that.

I thought about Vivian a lot during my stay. I knew that she kept in touch with Bella over the last few days, but we agreed that we wouldn’t talk while I was there. There was no real reason for it and we didn’t want to cause any suspicion. I wanted to, and I’d think about her at night when I was sleeping on the couch that I bought Bella for her place. At least it was comfortable, but I was lonely for Vivian. I wanted her in my bed again or at least on the phone, but I didn’t chance it. Bella would be devastated.

I flew home once she was ready to go back to class, hugging my daughter goodbye. There was a weekend coming up and I hoped that Vivian could make a trip home as I flew, answering emails for work and finding out what was going on from my managers. Everything was running smoothly, and I leaned back to sip my coffee as I breathed in deeply. I knew that my thoughts were more than physical towards Vivian and it worried me as I looked over the sky and the setting sun.

James was at the airport to pick me up and we drove home in a comfortable silence. I looked at my house as we pulled into the garage and thanked him for bringing me home as I grabbed my luggage from the trunk. I knew that the house was going to be empty when I got there but the silence was intimidating after staying in New York for the last several days. I unpacked and got some laundry started before I reached for my phone as I sat on the bed. I sent Vivian a text and turned on the TV, finding a hockey game as I waited for her to get back to me.

Vivian: Boyce? Are you home? How’s Bella?

Me: She’s going back to school next week. She’s going to be fine.

Vivian: That’s great.

Me: I missed you. Can you come see me soon?

Vivian: I am free this weekend if you are. I thought that you might want to go back into the office and catch up.

There was something off about her messages and I frowned.

Me: I’ll be there the next couple of days, but we can go with the original plan of Saturday, if you can make it.

Vivian: Sure. I can leave in the morning.

Me: Can I call you?

She agreed, and I dialed her number, dropping back onto the pillows as I heard the shaking in her voice. “Are you okay, Vivian?”

“I’m fine. It’s good to hear your voice,” Vivian replied as I heard the desire in her tone. We made some small talk and I told her about New York, saying that I’d like to take her there some time in the future. The conversation turned sexual in an instant as I slipped my hand down to grip my cock tightly, hearing her soft moans through the receiver.

This was so much more than sex.

I jerked off hard as she spoke, telling me that she missed me as she fingered her clit. I told her where to touch herself and how, loving that she did everything that I asked. I longed to have her naked in front of me, wet and ready for me to fuck her senseless. I came in my shorts, spilling my heat over my hands and the cloth as I cried out her name.

I fell asleep like that after we ended the call, worn out from our phone sex. It got more aggressive with each call and I knew that I was going to ravage her when she arrived here in a few days. I rose early the following day to work out in my gym and go into the office early to get some work done, thinking about Vivian as I chatted with clients and staff. It was Thursday now, and I’d more than likely be here for most of the next forty-eight hours and I made another cup of coffee as I picked up the phone to make another call.

Friday night, I arrived home late and showered before I fell into bed. I knew that Vivian planned to leave in the morning and figured I’d wake her up. I didn’t sleep well on Bella’s couch and needed to do some catching up after putting in so many hours at the office. I fell asleep to the TV and moved when I thought I heard a door opening. I blinked slowly in the light of the sun, seeing a figure in my doorway. “Hey,” Vivian told me softly as she smiled at me. I looked at the clock to see that it was nine and reached my arms back to rest my head on them.

“Are you going to stand there all day?” I asked as she blushed and walked into the room. I’d made sure that we would have the house to ourselves and Vivian gave me a heated look as she sat on the end of the bed, staring at me.

“I told myself that I was going to come here and that nothing was going to happen.” Her words sobered me, and I frowned at her. “I know how wrong I was.”

“Do you regret us?” I asked as I leaned forward, reaching towards Vivian.

“It’s not regret,” Vivian assured me as she moved to sit over me, her lips brushing mine. I cupped her head and deepened the kiss hungrily as she moaned against me. I knew what she was talking about since I tried to talk myself out of this several times in New York. Bella wouldn’t understand any of this. Vivian was her best friend and like a sister to my daughter. I noticed when she’d point out attractive older women on the streets but didn’t take a second look at any of them. My mind was only on Vivian.

“What is it?” I asked her before I claimed her lips again, reaching down to cup her ass as our tongues danced together. I maneuvered her onto her back easily, slipping her leggings off before I kissed her again. Vivian sighed happily as I pressed my cock against her pussy, happy to find her bare underneath the cotton. I reached down to finger her clit slowly, kissing down her face and neck as Vivian moaned. She was slick with heat and her nub was swollen as I stroked her, listening to her moans as she edged closer to a release.

I wanted to plunge my cock inside of her and fuck her blind, but I kept stroking, feeling her moisture slipping over the tip of my finger. I needed her to come for me before I drove myself inside of her. I whispered for Vivian to take her shirt off before I nipped at her neck, pulling back as she ripped the sweatshirt over her head, leaving her only in a lace bra. I slipped two fingers inside of her, curling them to find the place that made her crumble apart for me. It was the spot that made her scream my name and soak my fingers with her release. It was my favorite thing.

Vivian jerked before coming, my name on her lips. I watched her face contorting in pleasure as she came, leaning forward to suck a hard nipple through the bra as she moaned my name. “Fuck me, Boyce.” Vivian begged as I stared at her. Vivian reached out to grip my cock in her hand, the other hand sliding up my chest as she locked gazes with me. “I want you bare. I want to feel you.” Her voice was so soft, but I heard every word as I spread her legs open and guided myself inside of her tight pussy.

Vivian rocked against me as I buried myself inside of her, wrapping her legs and arms around me to pull me closer. We moved together roughly, our bodies slapping together as we fucked. We made up for the lost time in our motions as I drove harder inside of her. “You feel so fucking good.” I arched back to take her again, feeling nails down my back as I cried out. “Baby, I’m going to come.”

Vivian raised her hips up and I fucked her harder as she groaned for me. “Come with me,” she begged me as she pulled me closer, dragging my lips to hers for a deep kiss. I felt her tighten around me and jerked one more time before I filled her with my release. I dropped back and tumbled to my side, needing a rest as I looked at her.

“Damn it. You still feel just as good,” I murmured as she smiled weakly. “When I can move again, do you want some coffee and breakfast, or do you just want to stay in bed all day?”

“Coffee. I only had a small cup before I left campus,” she told me as I nodded and closed my eyes slowly. I’d slept well and knew that I should be rested, but that was a wearing morning greeting for me.

We both rested for a little while before I handed her a long t-shirt to wear, slipping on some shorts after I used the bathroom. I led the way down the stairs and opened the fridge as she brewed some coffee for us. I threw together some omelets with the vegetables that Anne kept the fridge stocked with and Vivian got some toast going.

I still sensed something off about her as we sat down to eat. “I have to tell you something.” Vivian looked at me with wide eyes. “I went to a party on campus last weekend when you were in New York. I went and hung out with some friends and I…slept with someone.”

I felt shock rippling through my veins as I held my cup in the air. “You slept with someone. Was it another student?” I asked as she nodded slowly. “Am I…is this not enough for you?” I couldn’t believe that words coming out of my mouth. I’d never been a jealous man, never cared for any other woman than Nora as more than a warm body in my bed.

“No, it isn’t that. I was at the party with a bunch of kids my age and I wanted to be like them. I don’t know. He kissed me, and I just went with it. I woke up the following morning in his bed in the house where the party was held.” Vivian blinked as she raised her eyes to meet mine.

“Did you like it?” I asked as she bit her lip. “Were you drunk?”

“No. I only sipped some beer and tossed it. I drank soda the rest of the night. I was missing you, Boyce. I was feeling weak.” Vivian sipped her coffee slowly as pain crossed her face. “Maybe I was trying to sabotage this thing with us.”

I stared at her as she fidgeted in the chair across from me. I felt the rage pass through me at the thought of another man’s hands on her and stood as Vivian stared at me. “I’m sorry, Boyce.”

I reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling her up as she whimpered. I walked Vivian towards the counter and pressed her against it, facing the wall as I stroked her hair back away from her face. “Did you come the way you do for me, Viv?”

“No,” she replied in a shaking voice as I pressed my lips to her skin. “It’s the first time I’ve ever done anything like that before.”

“Bend over the counter, Vivian. I need to make you remember how I feel fucking you,” I told her in a low voice as she shivered and moved forward. I lifted the shirt up and looked at her ass for a moment, perfect and pale for me as lust raged thought my veins. “This pussy is mine.” I smacked her ass lightly as she jerked forward, crying put softly. I hit her a little harder and watched as fluid seeped down her thighs, knowing the signs of arousal. “I am going to fuck you blind right now and make you remember only me.” I loved a little dominance with a woman and I slapped her again as she moaned long and low. I let my shorts drop to the ground and slid my cock inside of her as she cried my name, gripping her hips tightly as I buried myself inside of her. As much as I hated the idea of her with another man, I closed my eyes and basked in the warmth of her slick pussy. “I will come to your apartment myself if you need any of this, Vivian. I am the only man that will be fucking you from now on.” I was aware that I was claiming her verbally and physically with my actions, but I didn’t care. It was what I wanted, and it took her telling me that she slept with someone else to get the words out.

I fucked her hard and fast as I held her steady, driving myself deeply inside of her as she wrapped around me. “Yours…I am all yours.” She came a beat before me and I buried myself all the way inside of her and came hard. I cried her name as I moved slowly, filling her with my hot seed as Vivian dropped her face against the cold counter.

I let her recover and lifted her carefully to carry her to the couch, dropping down with her gently as she snuggled into my bare chest. “Are you okay?”

“This is so intense with you. I wanted to know if it was like that with anyone and I know that it isn’t. I’m scared, Boyce. What are we going to do about the holidays when Bella is here with us?”

“We’ll worry about that later,” I assured her as I stroked her hair back. I knew that we were sinking in deeper with every moment together, but I didn’t care. We made our way to the table to reheat the food and eat before she walked upstairs and dropped into bed to take a nap. I knew that she was worn out from everything that morning and joined her, needing her heat against me as I closed my eyes.

I woke up a few hours later to my phone ringing beside me and reached for it before it woke Vivian up. I saw Bella’s name on the screen and greeted her as I glanced at Vivian curled up on her side. “Hey, there. How are you feeling?”

“Better. I got out of the apartment for a bit today. I talked to the insurance company, Dad. They’re totaling the rover, but it was his fault, so I am hashing it out with the insurance company. I’m glad I can get to school easily until we figure out what’s going on.” I heard the sorrow in her voice and looked over at Vivian as she stirred beside me. Her eyes popped open and I pressed a finger to her lips as she gazed at me with wide eyes. “Have you talked to Viv?”

“I think she’s coming by to get some things today. I got a text this week,” I replied casually as Bella went on to tell me that she was certain Vivian was sleeping with someone. She told me to dig for information before we ended the call and I laughed aloud. “So, you’re sleeping with someone?”

“I can’t hide anything from her. I’ll tell her it’s some college kid,” Vivian said with concern as she pushed her hair back.

“I’m not mad. I like that your closest friend can tell that you’re happy. You are, right?” I dropped beside her, my lips close to hers as our eyes locked.

“I’m something,” Vivian replied as she pressed her mouth to mine for a soft kiss.