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Not About That Life (Feeling Some Type of Way Book 3) by Vera Roberts (22)


“Did you and Zerrin have a productive meeting?”

I was standing on the balcony of Nick’s massive apartment when Ian approached me. We all went out to dinner and saw Hamilton. To my surprise, Whitney and her boyfriend (I think?), joined us.

Afterward, we returned to Nick’s apartment while Whitney’s boyfriend went home for the night. From the interaction I gathered with them, they also have a Dom/sub relationship and He seemed very comfortable with her being in Nick’s presence. I only wonder if Whitney’s Dom was protégé of Nick as well.

I was lost in my thoughts, viewing the New York skyline when I heard Nick’s voice from behind. I quickly turned towards him and became lost within him.

He was a tall and muscular man, standing over six feet tall with a size that rivaled a quarterback’s. He took off his business attire from earlier and changed into lounge pants and a black tank top. He wore a silk robe over his clothing with the same Gucci loafers Ian has at his home.

Something about a man with expensive taste but he know what he can afford is appealing to me.

“There’s nothing quite like New York during Christmastime.” It’s the first time I notice his New York accent and it’s rather charming on him. His baritone rumbles through the words York is softly pronounced as yawk.

Nick stands besides me and looks out into the same skyline he’s probably seen a million times already. We both know he’s not here to talk to me about the spectacular view. He’s here to talk to me about what I want to do with BDSM and if it’s really for me.

Honestly, I’m not sure yet. It seems Nick and Zerrin are fully immersed into the Lifestyle, and I don’t think that’s something I can handle right now. But I wouldn’t mind Ian do something now and again to spice things up between us. It’s already having a huge impact on me and I feel more confident than ever.

“Have you lived here all your life?” I ask.

Nick nods. “Born and raised in Staten Island, the oldest of five. We were all born relatively close together. My brothers, Kieran and Joey, don’t live that far from here. I can actually walk to their homes. Our mother also doesn’t live too far, neither. Only our brothers, Eli, and youngest, Tony, live in different parts. Tony lives in the family home that he renovated. Eli lives in Harlem. Kieran used to live in L.A., but he and his wife moved here a year ago to be closer to everyone and raise our kids together.”

“How many children does everyone have?” I ask.

“K and Tiana have two, but she’s pregnant with number three. Joey’s girlfriend is pregnant with twins. Eli has two, and Tony has none.” He takes a sip of the whiskey he’s nursing. “And then there’s Pietro.”

“He’s beautiful, by the way,” I compliment and a proud smile grows on Nick’s face. He’s obsessed with his son, I can tell.  “Do you want any more?”

“Of course but it’s up to God, really.” He replies. His mouth says one thing but his face reveals he and Zerrin might have been trying for a while, to no avail. It’s a subject I don’t push. “If He says all we naturally need is Pietro, then that’s it.”

The way Nick said made me believe he and Zerrin were open to adoption. I think I just love him a bit more.

“You have questions,” he turns to me, “go.”

I hate how well he can read my emotions before I say a single word. “Does your family know you do this, Master?”

Nick shakes his head. “They don’t need to know. They know how private I am and they don’t ask questions unless they want to know.” He leans against the balcony. “It’s not a conversation piece to bring up at dinner parties.”

That brings out a slight chuckle in me. “I guess not, Master.”

He studies my face and I feel his eyes trail up and down my body. I wonder what he’s thinking. Is this young girl wasting his time when he could be with his hot wife inside? I’m sure there are papers he could be grading instead of humoring my young ass. “Why do you want to know about the Lifestyle?”

I feel silly saying it but it’s the honest to goodness truth. “Because of the books and the movie.”

Nick is silent and I hold his gaze. His face is emotionless and I wonder if this was a bad idea. I’ve heard people say what I’ve read isn’t anything like what actually happens but I have to know for myself.

“You might hate it,” Nick turns his attention back to the New York skyline and is silent for a brief moment. He then turns back to me and locks eyes with mine. “Or you just might love it.”

I feel the sensual current pass between us. I see why Master is so popular with the other submissives. Man, Zerrin’s a lucky bitch. “What are you going to teach me, Master?”

“Whatever you want to know,” he causally answers, “the basics, for sure. You need to understand this is a lifestyle. It’s not just about having kinky sex. It’s not just having multiple orgasms and being tied up. There are heavy mental gymnastics that go into BDSM that the mainstream doesn’t talk about it because it’s boring. Why would anyone care about a boot blacking session when they can read how I made my wife climax so hard one night she had to cancel classes the next day because she couldn’t walk.”

Nick said it so fluidly, I almost misheard. I’m hanging on by a thread as he just casually told me how bad he put it on Zerrin where she had to cancel an entire day of classes?

What. The. Fuck.

He pauses again and nurses his cognac. “Zerrin told me you were interested in watching us?”

I swallow. Hard.

My heart is racing and my stomach again bottoms out. I feel like I’m freefalling and I can’t stop. “Yes. She offered to show me how to deep throat, Master.”

Nick simply nods. “And what else?”

Come on, Domi…now’s not the time to be skurred. I breathed in Nick’s earthy cologne, felt his power and energy, and instantly felt the need to submit to him. “I want to watch you two in action. If that’s okay, Master.” I hastily added.

“It’s fine,” his voice is flat and he’s so hard to read. I don’t know if I’m bothering him by all of these requests. “The more you learn hands-on, the better. I prefer you would learn that way.” He glances over to Ian, who is talking to Whitney and Zerrin. “What has he told you about his past?”

“Nothing, really,” I shake my head, “he doesn’t like talking about it for some reason.”

“Master Ian’s very private so he’s not going to do a lot of talking about what he does behind closed doors before he can figure out if the person he’s with is worth sharing that intimate detail with.” Nick explains, “the fact you know this much about him shows how much he loves and trusts you.”

It’s something I’m constantly reminded of every day. Ian has showed his love for me in so many ways. I try not to feel guilty going behind his back and purchasing various properties without his knowledge, though I do remember the reason why I’m doing it in the first place.

I just hope he would understand why I did it, instead of being angry.

“What else is on your mind?” He asks.

There is one thing, though I’m not entirely sure this is a good topic to bring up after such a wonderful night. Fuck it, YOLO, huh? “Ian told me you might help me sort through daddy issues.”

“I’m not a therapist, just an ear.” Nick advises.

“My father is not dead but he might as well be.” My body stiffens as sadness pangs my heart. Why am I so hung up on someone who does not care? “It’s starting to impact my relationship. I think once he found out I was with Ian, his behavior became worse. I’m not sure if it’s truly him, he’s still grieving over my mother, or he’s being influenced by his new wife.”

“You’re always going to have that issue with your father. Mine left when I was young. I can actually remember waiting by the window every day for a year, hoping he’ll just come back home.” Nick stares out into the distance. “He never did.”

My problems seem so small compared to his. “How did you handle it?”

“He wouldn’t give me the closure I needed so I sought it out on my own.” He turns to me. “And I advise you do the same.”

I shake my head. “I don’t know how.”

“You’re going have to learn. I won’t always be there and neither will Ian.” Nick’s words are stern but his voice is soothing and comforting. “Your father might be going through some things on his own. He might be missing your mother, he might realize your step-mother was a waste of time, or he just might be an asshole and finally feels comfortable in his skin to reveal it. The only person who knows is your father and he’s refusing to say anything but lash out on you. You need to learn that some people just don’t deserve to be a part of your life, no matter what your connection is.”

It’s a shock to my system but it’s something I needed to hear. I miss the relationship I have with my father but I’m not sure if this new person is someone who should walk me down the aisle. I never thought I would be in a position to consider not inviting my father to my wedding.

“If you feel he’s deserving of more chances, give them to him. I have a feeling, however, you already know what the outcome is going to be and you just hope it’ll be the surprise you want.” Nick concludes. “I’m not telling you to cut him but I am telling you, you might not want to waste more of your time, especially if he’s becoming more aggressive.”

I shake my head again and turn back to face the skyline. “Ian has mommy issues and I have daddy issues. Maybe we’re too broken to be together.”

“I wouldn’t say that,” Nick states, “maybe you two are perfect enough to understand and be strong for each other.”

“Master,” Whitney’s voice interrupts us, “may this girl speak with you and Domi?”

“You may,” he greets her as she walks over to us. Whitney’s eyes are so relaxed and loving as if she was at home with Nick. Their relationship may no longer be sexual, but they clearly have a tight emotional bond. “I need to go home now but I wanted to speak with Domi.”

I’m surprised Whitney wanted to talk with me. Surprisingly, I’m all ears. “Yes?”

“Tomorrow, we’ll go over more routines for your pole-dancing competition coming up. Master Ian told me you just entered and I want to see you win.” She smiles. “So I have a few things in mind to help you.”

I was so used to the competitiveness amongst women that finding the warmth in Whitney’s voice and demeanor was a surprise. “Oh my gosh! Thank you!”

“You’re welcome.” She turns to Nick and they stare into each other’s eyes. “Sweet dreams, Master.” She caresses his cheek.

Nick kisses Whitney’s forehead. “Sweet dreams, piccina. I’ll walk you down.” Nick briefly turns to me. “I’ll be right back.”

I watch how protective Nick is of every woman in his life and I can only imagine he’ll be that way should he have a daughter or a niece. He reminds me a lot of Ian and I see why the two men are good friends.

I rejoin Ian in the living room. He was alone. “Where did Zerrin go?”

“She went to get ready for the demonstration.” He pats the sofa beside him and I gladly snuggle up to him. “They’re going to teach you tonight.”

I gulped. My heart raced and I felt my body pull into a million different directions. “Tonight?” I wasn’t expecting it so soon and definitely not tonight. “What am I going to learn?”

Ian caressed my face and feathered his thumb over my full lips. “How to deep throat.”