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Out of the Storm by Jillian Elizabeth (11)

Chapter 12




To say this investigation of the females found at the scrap yard is frustrating as shit is an understatement.


Two more cars over the last month, with two more bodies. Someone is snubbing these girls out and disposing them. It's now March and I'm digging in, no matter the warning. Someone is out to block my road, I'm making sure my girl is good and safe though...I’m taking no chances.


Nick and I have discovered that the cars being disposed of as scrap are county vehicles. They were assigned to city officials, or most likely cops. Every new lead becomes a dead end and it's frustrating.


“Something’s gotta give, man,” I say to Nick while I pace my office. “Shit can't be blocked at every goddamn turn unless it's made that way,” I whisper loudly.


He nods. He's had this feeling for a bit and I guess I just didn't want to see it. Having anyone crooked in our midst, in our department, is a horrendous thought and accusation. But what the hell else could it be?


“I'm gonna comb through employees from the last year and see who checked these cars in. Maybe that can get us somewhere. Not everyone can be bought and I'm gonna find a son of a bitch that hasn't.”


“That's a steep hill, Carter, you sure you're ready to climb it? Someone doesn't want this to come to light,” Nick responds tightly while steepling his fingers to his mouth, elbows on my desk. “I can't risk this shit this time man, Chantal is ready to pop anytime. I hate to say it, but if you go vigilante on this county, you may have to saddle in with a new partner,” he says, sitting back and staring at me.


I get what he's saying. I don't fucking like it, but I get it.


“You might want to make another meeting with Scott, see if there's any detectives he trusts for you to saddle up with on this one man. I wouldn't trust that weasely fuck Ed with anything like this, any of these guys for that matter. All we know of him outside the great job he does here with us is that he has a teenage son. Something is rotten as hell and I can't stand the smell anymore. We've all got families, people we love that we sing praises of, why doesn't he or any of them?”


“I'll make a call to Scott,” I say nodding. “See what he can help with. The less involvement around the county I can get, the better,” I tell him, standing at my window overlooking the detective bureau.


“Andrea sure as shit isn't gonna like me sticking my neck out any more than I already have. Especially after the warning she received last month. But I have to, someone has to bring down whoever is fucking up my case, and I'll see to it brother,” I say, trying to look more confident than I feel at the moment.


“Just be careful Carter, you don't know how deep this goes.”


“I will, and I'll for damn sure keep you in the loop.”


I've earned my respect here and it isn't for being a crooked, slimy fuck.




Making contact with Scott, he decides it's too risky to keep meeting to talk in the area when all eyes are on me and my investigation. With his recent move out to the boonies, it affords a little more privacy. We made a plan for the weekend. Andrea and I will go out and spend some time with him, Lindsay, and the kids for the day. A nice change from the city pace and just being able to breath in the clean country air may clear my head a little.


Andrea has been kept busy during all of this, and for that I am so thankful. Holly has been spending time with her. They go shooting, see girly movies, and Andrea has joined her at the gym for some kickboxing classes. I can't help but think it does her some good to be out and having fun...and a little self-defense can’t hurt, that's for damn sure.


Chantal is nesting, from what Andrea says, and getting ready for those two girls that will soon own their hearts. She's been having Nick rearrange the house over and over, but it never satisfies her. Poor man just wants to keep the demon at bay, he isn't about to go poking that bear. The yes dear, and right here, man is loving being able to dote on her. Hey, from what he says pregnancy is an aphrodisiac. He's exhausted….but damn if he's gonna complain.


Shit, I can't wait until Andrea and I start a family. It's something I've only ever wanted with her. Watching Nick and Chantal has made me want to start now. But we talked that out….well kind of. Truth be told, I would never be disappointed if it accidentally happens. I think it won't be long after our wedding before we start trying.


Andrea has been over there helping Chantal get organized and ordering her to sit down with her feet up. From what she says, her ankles look more like sausages than ankles from the swelling.


Stubborn woman will never listen to anyone. Gotta love her, she's definitely worked her way into my family...and her husband.


Their baby shower is in two weeks, and all the guys are throwing them a diaper party as well.


They are gonna need all hands on deck and I'm thankful we are close enough if we are needed.


When I call Andrea on my way to go grab her from Nick and Chantal’s, she seems distracted. “Hey babe, you almost ready?”


“Ummm...yes I guess so.”


“I know you wanted to make the drive to Frankenmuth to see the Chapel and grab some baby stuff from the outlet while we're out there, right?”


“Oh my God, yes I do. Sorry, I've been helping her and just lost in feeling the babies move right now.”


The smile that splits my face is instant, as I maneuver my way through traffic. The hands free in the Explorer is nice, and I can turn it up and just listen to the awe in my girl's voice. “Almost there sweetheart, I'll see you in a few. I love you.”


“Okay, honey. I love you.”


Letting the call end, I turn in the gas station to fill up first. The drive to Frankenmuth is a little over an hour from here, and that gives us an evening in the quaint little Bavarian town.




Pulling up to Nick’s to pick up Andrea, I'm ambushed by Waddles McGee and my partner, Nick.


“We have something important to ask you both while you're here together,” Nick says as Andrea comes to snuggle in to my side.


“Yeah, man. What's up?”


They look to each other and smile, then back to the two of us. I feel Andrea squeeze my side as Nick begins to speak again.


“You know that you both have become the closest family we have, and we've been discussing a lot about our lives while waiting for our girls to arrive.”


At my nod and Andrea’s much eager one, he continues as a grin splits his face wide open. He looks confident on the outside, but he's also dragging his hand along his pant leg. “Chantal and I, well, we wanted to ask if you two would do us the honor of being godparents to our children. It's something huge, and honestly, you two are the only people in the world that would fill this role perfectly.”


I hear Andrea’s intake of breath as she looks up to me with tears sparkling in her ocean blue eyes.


A smile of my own splits my face. I'm taken back, man this is something so….I don't even have words for this moment. Reaching forward with my hand out, I grasp Nick’s hand in mine and bring him in for a brotherly hug and nod.


The look on his face as I pull away is one of relief. His eyes don't look as haunted as they did moments ago. I really hope he didn't think that Andrea and I would let them down on their request.


Andrea runs to squeeze them both on a squeal, and rubs Chantal's protruding stomach. Bringing her face right to her belly, she starts talking. “Hear that, little sweet peas?” she says on a choked and shaky voice. “Auntie Andrea and Uncle Carter are going to be the most important people in your life next to your mommy and daddy.”


A smile and a laugh come from Chantal as her belly shakes from her laughter. Apparently the babies start moving, because Andrea stands back in awe and kisses Chantal quickly on the cheek. “Thank you, it's such an honor and truly means the world to me for you to choose us,” she says quietly.


She turns and squeezes my side, while I kiss the top of her head. She grabs my hand and stretches it over to touch Chantal on her stomach. I hesitate a moment because let's face it, it's awkward as shit.


“Meet your new goddaughters, honey,” she whispers to me as Chantal grabs my hand and pulls it to the place on her stomach just on the left side, where they seem to be moving at the moment.


As soon as my hand connects with her baby filled belly, I feel it. Looking up to Chantal, Nick, and then down to Andrea, I stand here just stunned. They are really moving all over the place. I can see her stomach moving under her tight shirt she's wearing, where my hand isn't touching.


It's then that I vow a vow I never thought I would be graced with. I vow to myself that I will protect these girls with my life just as I will for the parents they belong to. I take a deep, shaky and emotional breath and reach down to kiss her cheek.


“I will take this honor to the grave, you have my word,” I say looking them both directly in their eyes as they stand close. Nick has his arm around her waist protectively and leans down to place a kiss to his wife’s belly. She looks down with a small smile, as she runs her fingers through his hair.


This feels like a private moment now and I think it's time we take our leave. Plus, we won't ever make it to our destination if we don't leave now.


“Thank you both for the honor of asking us to stand with you through life always,” I tell them as I give them hugs good bye, Andrea doing the same. Giving Chantal a squeeze, I try to break some of the seriousness that's settled around us all. “Love the new minivan outside, sweets. You could keep that thing loaded down with kids in no time.”


She crosses her arms as I step away. “Nice try, shithead. It's a new Chrysler Pacifica, and I freakin’ love it, thank you very much.”


“So buying you a ‘Soccer Mom’ sticker for the back,” I tell her since my little goad didn't quite make the spicy mama come out.


“Just remember, hot shot, payback is a bitch,” she says on a wink.


A laughing Andrea comes to my side and tugs my arm to the door. “Alright you two back to your neutral corners.”


“Put him in his place, girl,” Chantal yells as we are walking out onto the porch.


“Oh, I plan to,” Andrea yells back while waggling her eyebrows at me.


I just shake my head. She knows any place she wants to put me is a place I would gladly be. I'm thinking of a sweet spot between those juicy little thighs that's in need of a bite.




Our little trip to Frankenmuth was nice. We walked the little village together checking out the old shops that lined the street. We stopped over and had some dinner at Zhender’s with some of their ‘Famous Chicken’ and went to see the chapel Andrea wanted me to see. I do remember seeing this from when we were younger. The Silent Night Chapel is close to Bronner’s, the world's largest Christmas store. It's beautiful, I can see the appeal here to her.


She wants to have a carriage ride with the horses we've seen go by us as we've walked the town for our own wedding day. It will take us from the chapel, over the little wooden bridge, and to our hotel, The Bavarian Inn, where we will stay and the reception will take place. Nothing too fancy, but I like her idea of having it away from home, but not too far. She's already demanded I take time off before and after the wedding to relax. I'm pretty sure after I get this latest case down, I will be ready for that as well.


When we walk in the door, it's late. I'm just glad it's Friday and I can have my girl sleep in. I will too if I don't get any calls to interrupt me. I’m praying for no homicides. We picked up a bunch of stuff for the shower at the outlet stores and I carry the bags up and set them in the spare room for her. I don't see Andrea, but I can hear her talking from our bedroom. Following her voice, I walk in and see her sitting against the headboard of our bed talking. She mouths “Holly” to me. I just nod and get up to let her talk to her friend.


Walking back down to the kitchen, I sit and start looking over the files I have of employees that have checked in some of these cars at the scrap yard. The cars that are checked in to the scrap yard that we find a body in each time. I'm alone in this and it sucks, I haven't operated alone in over two years. Nick doesn't want in on this, he knows I'm getting deeper than he’s comfortable going. But shit, he's my partner. I need his smarts in this shit.


I pick up my phone and dial Ed, I don't know who else to ask about any of this. Dude rubs me the wrong way in so many things, but he's a hell of an investigator.


“Avery,” comes his smooth voice over the line.


“Hey, I have some questions for you. I’m combing through this stuff from the scrap yard and some of the employees. You get any leads out of some of the shit you've been working on?”


“What stuff are you combing over?”


“Employees at the yard. Specifically employees that have checked some of the cars in to this place that we've found.”


He's quiet a moment before he speaks again. “One of them is in jail doing time in Jackson, and I haven't gotten far on any others,” he tells me a little tersely.


“Sorry man, I know you're busting your ass on this too. Just thought we could put our heads together and figure this puzzle out.”


“Not a problem,” he says, clearing his throat. “I’m heading back over there tomorrow to see what else I can get, maybe logs of transactions. Someone got paid for these cars. But Avery, don't get too far ahead of yourself here, man.”


That rubs me the wrong way, but I'm not gonna be telling him that. In fact, I won't be divulging anything else from this point. “Thanks man, good luck on your search tomorrow. I'll be around if you need help,” I say, ending the call.


Andrea comes down the stairs moments later. She's off the phone and sits down across from me at the table. “You look exhausted, babe,” she says as she places her hand over mine on the table.


Reaching for her hands, I pull them to my face and just rest my cheek against them.


“I am, I just need a breakthrough in this case somewhere...something.”


“You'll get it. I believe in you so, so much,” she says with such sweet adoring eyes. Eyes so blue and full of love they make me never want to give up on anything in life.


“Your faith in me is unreal.”


“I don't think you understand just how incredible you are as a person. And as a detective your hard work and determination are key in making you exceed. I've always known the incredible person you are, I'm just so glad that you have shown your colleagues too,” she says as she gets up to come over and sit on my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck. She's willing me to see it as she stares into my eyes.


I just shake my head on a small laugh. I don't know what I ever did to deserve her believing in me the way she does….but I'll never survive again without it.


“That was Holly on the phone. She was on her way over to her house to meet up with her husband. I guess he’s had a night that has his partner frightened, ghost from the past with their daughter crept in. I told her it was time, they have so much to work through and talk out. She's stronger now than she was just months ago, I think they can get through this. Eighteen years of marriage isn't anything to snort at. I would hope whoever I spent that time with would always catch me too,” she tells me as she puts her head on my shoulder.


“I can only hope it does. I don't know much about him, but I hope he can see what we see in Holly and want to always catch her,” I tell her kissing the top of her head.


Nodding, she continues, “I told her I'm here, that we’re here if she needs anything.”


“You're incredible, you know that?”


She lifts her head and gives me a small kiss. “Almost as much as you. Let's go to bed, Mr. Incredible.”


On a deep laugh, I shake my head at the woman that never ceases to amaze me. Lifting her up, I grab my phone and carry her up the stairs to our bed.




I’m driving out to Jackson, I need to get to the prison and question Raul Mendoza, the former employee of the scrap yard. He has to know something that can set me on the right path to solving these murders.


Arriving, I flash my badge to the guard at the gate and hear the gate click with a loud buzz. I've navigated this place countless times over the years coming to get information from prisoners on a case I was on. Heading to the main window, I sign in and ask to speak to Raul Mendoza.


“Someone was just here from the police a few hours ago to speak with him and another prisoner,” Brian the guard I know better than the rest informs me.


“No one that I know was here, Brian. But it's imperative to a case I'm working on that I speak with him for just about ten to fifteen minutes,” I tell him.


He nods and looks down to his list and speaks into the phone on the desk. He's nodding and looks up to me with wide eyes.


Narrowing mine in confusion, I wait for him to finish his conversation. What the hell is going on?


“Carter, there won't be a meeting with Mendoza today. He's just been found in the showers dead. He was stabbed multiple times and his throat was slashed.”


I step back a little and run my hand through my hair. You've got to be fucking kidding me. Someone didn't want him talking. My gut is telling me all kinds of warnings right now. There's only one person who knew I was coming here today.


“Jesus fucking Christ. Okay. Thanks Brian. Hey, you don't mind me asking who came in earlier today to speak with him do you?”


He looks at me for a moment, and I don't think he's going to answer. He clenches his jaw and then speaks quietly while looking around him. “Ed Rowenski. He came in and talked with him and then another prisoner. A Trent Zito.”


A cold sweat runs through my body at this information. At hearing that name. Him. Andrea's ex that is serving time for attempted murder and manslaughter after killing their baby and leaving Andrea for dead.


I quickly school my features as he watches me carefully.


“Thanks Brian, that's all I needed,” I say with a knock to the counter and turn to leave. Someone wanted Mendoza quiet…this is deep. Fuck!


After getting back home, I decide to go to the gym I used to train at. Hitting the bag is just what I need right now. I can't tell Andrea about all of this, or Trent's name for that matter, she's liable to lose it.


After hitting the bag for a few hours to work out my frustrations and talking to Jimmy, who trained me when I boxed professionally, I'm feeling no better. I don't know what to do, but I know now more than ever that I can't trust anyone in my department but Nick.


Driving home, my phone starts ringing. It's just early afternoon and I look down to the center console to see it's Nick. Hitting the hands free, I answer. “Hey man, what's up?”


“Ummm, I know you've been busting your ass, but could you meet me at the station in an hour?”


“What's going on, Nick?”


“Holly’s neighbor. She's an elderly lady, she was attacked this morning. She isn't looking good, man. Someone did a number on her. I need you to help me investigate a little. Local PD got called out on a domestic and found her. Did some talking this afternoon and want to bring you up to speed. But that's not all. Cindy, the waitress from the diner, was found dead this afternoon in the parking lot outside Ram’s Horn.”


Sighing, I squeeze the steering wheel tighter, my knuckles turning white. “Yep. I'll be there,” I say as I jab the button on the steering wheel to end the call.


Calling Andrea to let her know I'll be longer than expected, I head toward the station.


Pulling in, I walk to my office and shut the door. I need a moment and this day has gone to complete shit.


There's a knock on the door. “It's open,” I yell as I take my hand down from my forehead while staring at the wood grains of my desk.


“Got a report update for you from the scrap yard.” Lance one of the guys from the office steps in as he tosses a folder to my desk in front of me. “Positive ID was sent over on two of the girls recently found. I'll let you look it over,” he says with a knock on the door jamb as I open the file. He starts to close the door.


“Hey Lance, anyone else see this report yet?” I ask him as he peeks his head back in.


“Nah man, no one’s been here since it came in. Saw Ed earlier, but haven't seen him this afternoon. Called earlier and said he’d check in but was at the hospital. Oakhill I think. His mom is in intensive care.”


“Jesus, okay thanks,” I tell him as he nods and closes the door.


I read the report- Kimberly Spano, twenty-two years old, works at Bath and Body Works in Fairlane mall in Dearborn. Went missing two months ago.


“Fuck,” I say as I read through it. I have no doubt in my mind now that she was part of this trafficking going on around there. It says she was last seen leaving work at the close of the mall around 9:30 p.m.. Hasn't been seen since.


“Well Kimberly, I'm doing my best to solve this for you, darlin’, but I'm hitting a road block at every turn,” I say as I lean back in my chair and scrub my hands down my face.


Looking through the next one, I see the other female they got a positive on- Samantha Green, a nineteen-year-old college student from Henry Ford. Last seen going to class six months ago and has been missing since.


Did she even make it to class? Someone from school maybe nab her? A million questions run through my head as I try and piece it all together. I really hope that talking to Scott this weekend will help with more, I'm spinning my wheels right now.


Nick opens the door as I close the file. He's got a cup of coffee in his hand he sets down on the desk and sits in the chair across from me.


“Whatcha got there?” he asks as I nod my head, grabbing the paper cup of sweetness off the desk and bring it to my mouth.


“Some positive IDs came over for a couple of the girls found in the scrap yard. This shit just gets more and more twisted, man,” I tell him as I just sit back and shake my head.


His face is somber as he nods. “We will get this, brother, don't you worry. It's what we do.”


“I really fucking hope so, man. I'm getting smacked into more and more walls as it unfolds. One step forward and five steps back.”


“Well, Lily, Holly’s neighbor is at Oakhill and circling the drain. Shit doesn't look good. I got a few of the neighbors to talk after I called you. Last person anyone saw over there was Bobbie Badger, Holly’s husband. He was over there this morning and left. Call was made soon after.”


“What sick motherfucker would tag an old lady like that? This Bobbie Badger just made my shit list. I can't take anymore shit piling up unsolved, man. I'm with you on this and we are gonna nail his ass to the wall if he’s found to have done this.”


“Hold on, Carter. I know shit’s been getting to you, but I've known Bobbie a long ass time. We were basics together when I was an EMT before I decided to switch over to law enforcement instead of being the bitch in the rig. I made sure I got over there and talked to him first. He's just as shocked about the whole thing and I'm pretty fucking sure he's clear. You aren't levelheaded right now and the last thing you need to do is go pissing Holly off on top of it. You can go back and talk with him later with me after I get this shit with Cindy worked out a little more,” he yells as he stands up and smacks the desk.


I just stare at him and we have a little standoff.


“Fine, glad you're sowing your own ass on this one. I'm going the fuck home. I've had enough for one goddamn morning and afternoon. Keep me posted,” I say as I stand up and grab my jacket off the back of my chair. It spins with the force I've ripped it from.


He nods, grabs his shit, and walks out the door.


“Go get laid or something man, come back here when I need you with a level fucking head or I'll do this my damn self!” he says, peeking his head back in to whisper yell at me.


“Fuck off Nick,” I say as I follow behind him and walk past anyone turning their heads toward us as we walk by.


“See you in the morning,” I say punching the door to the lot.


Cindy? Come the fuck on! Sure she was a foul mouth lady with lots of extracurricular activities under her belt that were less than savvy. But anyone who knew her like us loved her. Why she was at Ram’s Horn and found dead there….well let's hope Nick can handle this for a bit.


This shit is getting out of hand. I need to take these fucks down. If I have to bend the rules, then so be it.




Pulling home, I run in the house and up the stairs to take a hot shower. It always helps to ease some of the stress of the job. Standing under the spray, I just lean my head against the wall and let the hot spray run down my body. Feeling the puddles forming in my deeply cut shoulder muscles, I move my arms and stretch a little. I put myself through the ringer on the bag today, and now I'm starting to feel it. Tilting my head side to side, I try and relieve the tension in my neck while I open and close my hands working the sore joints.


“Babe? When did you get back?” Andrea says opening the door of the bathroom.


“About ten minutes ago,” I answer sort of gruffly and short.


“You aren't usually home this early. What's going on Carter, you need to talk to me. Please,” she says as she sits on the side of the tub.


My back is facing her as I just stand under the spray, head down like every part of the defeated man I feel to be at the moment. “It's been a long day, still hitting roadblocks right and left. Holly's neighbor was attacked this morning. Cindy was found dead outside of Ram’s Horn this afternoon too. I can't get ahead or win for my team no matter how hard I try,” I tell her as my big frame kneels down in the tub, turning around to lay my head on her lap. I'm now soaking her jeans but she doesn't seem to care. I hear her intake of breath and a small shudder as she strokes my wet hair back.


“Wha...what happened to Cindy? Oh my God, Carter, we just saw her.”


“I know baby, it's fucked up is what it is,” I cry out as I bury my face further into her lap.


“Nick is working out the case with Cindy right now, he's gonna call when he's got something so we can go figure it out. I just had to get away for a bit. I need you...I need you to center me, because right now I feel like I'm losing it.”


“Shhhh, don't talk like that. You got this, you just need to breathe and get your thoughts on track for a bit. We all need a break sometimes, Carter. We’re human. You're just as human as the rest of us. It's tearing you apart and I hate seeing what it's all doing to you,” she says as she bends forward placing her head on top of mine.


I feel her tears on my neck as they roll from her face. I slowly sit up to look at her, grabbing her face in my big hands. I wipe the tears away, as I bend down to place my lips on hers. I just hold my lips to hers breathing her in, using our strength together like only we know how.


She pulls back and looks into my eyes, her sad baby blues to my dark brooding brown. She runs her fingertips so gently across my eyebrows, soothing the line I have drawn there with my stress. I just close my eyes and give in to her touch as the water continues to run across my lower back and legs.


I get up and turn to shut down the spray and turn the water off, flexing my hands as I do and holding my right in my left.


She's grabbing my towel as I turn around and she has a confused look on her face with the crease of her forehead as she watches me work my hand. “You hit the bag today? That's the only time I ever see you do that. Jesus Christ, Carter, what the hell are you doing to yourself, baby?”


“I needed an outlet after I went to Jackson today. The guy I was supposed to talk to that worked at the scrap yard was killed before I got there. Fucked up, and another fucking block in my road,” I say as I grab the towel from her limp hands as she just stares at me. She's worried about me. She should be because I don't feel like any part of myself right now.


“Come on, I'll make you some food. You need to eat and ice your goddamn hand,” she says turning to leave the bathroom.


“No, wait, please. Just come let me hold you. I need to just hold you.”




“Whatcha got, Nick?” I answer the phone, noticing it's getting dark. Andrea and I must have fallen asleep. My towel is still wrapped around my hips and I'm still wrapped around her. I get up and scrub my hand down my face as I wake up and swing my legs over the side of the bed talking to Nick.


“We need to go talk to Bobbie. He's going to be at HQ in a few hours. He's working today. He was the last person to see Cindy alive today. Was there at Ram’s Horn having lunch with his partner, Hunter, and a female rider. Cameras show him walk Cindy outside and then come back in leaving in a hurry. I still don't like to believe he had any part of either of these incidents, man, he's a good guy and I’ve known him a long time. Shit, I'd trust him with my own life.”


Grinding my jaw, I just take it all in as the wheels in my head start turning in motion.


“Oh, and Carter?”




“Holly's neighbor, Lily, she didn't make it man. She's gone.”


“What the fuck, Nick? This day needs a turn for something better. It's been one fucked up thing after another. I swear it's a full fucking moon or something.”


“I agree, shit’s fucked today. I guess we hope for the best when we go talk to him. Meet me in an hour at the station and we can head there together. But Carter?”




“You better keep your shit together when we talk to him. So help me God I'll do this myself if you bring this chip you're wearing on your shoulder. I fucking mean it, man.”


“Yeah, yeah go fuck yourself, coglione. I'm entitled to a rough fucking day. I'll question him however I feel is necessary to get to the bottom of this shit. It's no coincidence this dude was the last seen with both ladies that wound up dead today.”


“Did you just call me a fucker in Italian?” he questions on a deep laugh.


“I brushed up a little, you twat,” I tell him on a small laugh of my own.


“I'll see you in an hour,” I tell him hanging up. I turn back to Andrea and cover her up with our comforter. I kiss her forehead, as I get up and start getting dressed.


“You going back?” she questions in her sleepy voice as she rolls toward me.


“Yeah baby, Nick called. Need to go question Holly’s husband. He was the last one seen with both ladies today. Her neighbor didn't make it. She may need you, Starfish. This may get rough for her. I've never met the guy, but I'm not about to play nice for Holly’s fucking sake.”


She just sighs, she knows how I operate. Maybe she's just hoping I'm wrong. It's not going to be easy on her to see her friend deal with another bad meal added to her already broken plate.


“Be careful, Carter. I love you,” she says as she reaches for me.


Bending down I kiss her pouty mouth. “I love you too, so much,” I say, getting up and finishing.


“Hurry back to me. I have just the thing to smooth down the tough detective when he gets home from his long hard day,” she says as I walk toward our bedroom door.


“I'm gonna hold you to it. You better fucking believe I'm losing myself in that sweet pussy when I get home.”


I hear her giggle as I shut the bedroom door and walk down the stairs to leave the house.




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The Viscount and the Vicar's Daughter: A Victorian Romance by Mimi Matthews

Rush by Molly McLain

Lilith and the Stable Hand: Bluestocking Brides by Samantha Holt

Barefoot Bay: Twice Cherished (Kindle Worlds) by Ava Branson

Anything For You (The Connor Family Book 1) by Layla Hagen

Soul Of A Highlander (Lairds of Dunkeld Series) (A Medieval Scottish Romance Story) by Emilia Ferguson

Taboo For You (Friends to Lovers Book 1) by Anyta Sunday

Three if by Sea: MMF Bisexual Romance by Nicole Stewart

Victoria's Cat (Daughters of the Wolf Clan Book 2) by Maddy Barone

Letting Go (Robson Brothers Book 2) by A.T. Brennan

Once Burned: A Modern Day Beauty and the Beast by Jesse Jordan

Forever Wicked (Castle of Dark Dreams) by Nina Bangs

Dirty Deeds by Lauren Landish

RIDE DIRTY: Vegas Vipers MC by Naomi West

The Road to Bittersweet by Donna Everhart