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Out of the Storm by Jillian Elizabeth (17)

Chapter 19




Walking into Chantal’s room, I see her sitting on the bed in cute little pink pajamas, Nick on the side of the bed and both the babies laying in her lap. Her legs are crossed and she has a baby on each side. It's clear the love they already have for them just looking at the scene before me. They are every bit the proud parents.


“Hey,” Chantal says looking up, sensing Carter and me in the doorway.


“Hey, Mama and Daddy. I was just admiring this picture-perfect family right here,” I say holding Carter’s hand and stepping closer to the bed.


I reach down and give Chantal a hug. She squeezes me and whispers to me that she loves me and is glad I am here. I just pull back and nod. I don't want to damper this any more than it's already been. I should have been here.


Carter's giving Nick a man hug with a big back clap, and the two share their own conversation between their eyes. I get it, Carter and I are bonded close enough to do that as well. I'll just never get over seeing the two of them sharing the same bond.


Nick comes around the bed to hug me next. He gives me such a brotherly squeeze pouring in everything. He's glad I'm okay, and that I'm here in this moment. One day I'll let myself think about yesterday, but not today. It's time to celebrate.


Stepping closer I look down to get a good look at the two dark haired beautiful babies.


“Auntie Andrea and Uncle Carter, meet Alexandra and Abigail,” Chantal says picking one up and cradling her in her arms. “This is Alex, she's a little bigger than her sister and she's clearly the boss. Little Abigail here,” she says looking down to the baby Nick is now lifting into his arms, “is the quiet laid back one. If she fussed her sister is quick to fuss and she quiets. It's pretty funny actually. We've watched them do it multiple times now.”


“They look a lot alike, but I can see the clear differences in them,” I say looking at each of the girls.


“Abigail most definitely favors Nick,” I hear Carter say stepping up behind me to hold me around the waist as he looks down to each of our friends.


Chantal nods. “In more ways than just looks,” she says on a small laugh.


“How are you feeling, mama?” I ask her.


“I'm definitely feeling better today after taking a shower. Who knew it could feel so glorious for one such small thing after giving birth,” she says as she settles back into the pillows propping her back.


“You look great, you're still glowing,” I tell her kissing her cheek.


“You've done good kid,” Carter says ruffling her hair. He's always teasing her like a big brother. It's cute actually. She readily accepts it.


“Yeah, yeah pain in the ass. Thank you,” she says playfully swatting his hand away.


“You guys want to hold them? We need a picture of them with you for their baby books,” Nick says as he comes closer with Abigail in his arms.


I don't hesitate to reach out and grab the sweet girl in my waiting arms. I haven't let myself hold a baby since I lost Jacob. But holding her in my arms isn't painful, it's a beautiful feeling as she snuggles and settles against me.


“You're a natural,” Chantal says, her voice cracking a little from the emotions.


I just look to her and smile. It does feel so natural.


Chantal places Alexandra in Carter's arms and we both look to each other. I see our future stretched before us in this moment and I can't help the face splitting grin that crosses my face. Nick comes around the bed with his phone in hand turning the camera on.


“Let's get a picture of the girls with their godparents,” he says as he holds it up to aim at us.


“Say cheese,” Chantal adds in.


“Cheese,” we both say in unison as we smile for the camera.


This day will forever be marked in our lives. A good day to always remember and share.




Returning our lives back to normal over the next couple of months has been much easier. I'm feeling good and a little relieved not feeling like I have to look over my shoulder. I never wanted Trent to be dead, but not having him looming over my life any longer is a great feeling. I am safe and I feel it.


I've gone back to work, and we are planning our wedding without any hiccups. Our parents, of course, know all that happened and were concerned for us, but now see we are truly okay and better than ever before. Carter and I have definitely gotten closer and spend more time together.


Holly has been by to hang out more, so much happened in her life over the course of the past few months. Bobbie was released from the hospital and is home with her. Their nightmare wasn't over just yet though. Blake, Ed’s son and the former boyfriend to their daughter, broke into their house intending to kill them both. Thankfully Nick and Carter hadn't let the investigation go with Bobbie and were there when it all happened. Holly was shot and hospitalized for a few weeks. Blake was shot dead at the time he shot Holly and is no longer a threat to their family.


It was then they discovered that Holly was pregnant. She and the baby are perfectly fine, and she and Bobbie have been in a really good place with their marriage. I'm so glad to see they both have each other back again. It was clear the hurt they were both suffering.


Carter and Bobbie have made amends and actually hang out quite a bit when Holly and I do.


Hunter is recovering still, and in good spirits. I don't know that Bobbie would have survived the loss if his friend hadn't pulled through. They are every bit as close as Nick and Carter are. The way Bobbie talks about him, they are brothers in every sense of the word.


We had a small baby shower for Chantal and Nick since the twins decided to make their arrival a little earlier than expected and we didn’t have one before they were born. They've been spoiled rotten and I see them whenever I can.


I'm finalizing our wedding and getting ready for the end of the school year with my class. Lots of things are happening to keep us busy, but I'm loving where my life has taken me. I have the man I love beside me every day, a job I love, and I'm about to finally be Mrs. Carter Avery. Life is moving forward and we've talked a lot more about the family we don't want to wait to start. I've gone off the pill and am not preventing the start of it in any way. When it happens, it was planned. Carter and I make love more and more with the hopes that we will have our own happy news to share with our friends and family.