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Playmaker Duet by Mignon Mykel (4)



It was three in the morning when I finally got back home.

My dad was fucking pissed.

The entire drive home from the precinct he didn’t say a word. It wasn’t the first time I rode home with him in silence, but this was the first time I could actually feel the anger radiating off of him.

Usually when I got into trouble, it was Mom who would come rescue me because Dad was out of town with hockey. There was a summer though that I chose to make some not so great decisions when Dad was home.

Things like going into the school at night with Alex and the boys, and cutting down the basketball nets.

Hey, those douche bags were mocking us. They deserved it.

“Sit your ass on the couch,” were the first words Dad told me now after he unlocked the front door, shutting it behind me when I walked in. The lights downstairs were all on which likely meant Mom was awake as well. God, I hoped I didn’t have to face her.

I moved to the couch and plopped down, crossing my arms over my chest. I was back in my shirt but my shorts were inside out from the haste in putting them back on. The strings were bothering my balls but I knew if I asked Dad if I could change…

Ok, my dad wasn’t abusive but he was pissed. He’d probably tell me the strings could tighten on my balls for all he cared. When he was mad, he sometimes brought out the ‘disappointed coach in the locker room’ voice.

“What the hell were you thinking, Porter?” Dad moved into the living room, having taken off his shoes at the front door. He was wearing lounge pants and a tee that I honestly thought, up until this point, was Mom’s sleep shirt but…

God, they shared clothes.

Dad’s furious pacing, his bare feet slapping on the wood floors, brought me back to present. “Breaking and entering?” Only the coffee table separated my dad and I when he stopped his movement. He stood there, his own arms crossed over his chest and a glare in his eyes.

“And it’s not the first time! When are you going to learn, Porter?”

I knew better than to say anything. Nothing I could come up with would ease this situation. Thankfully, we were lucky and those of us that were caught got off without tickets, but there wasn’t a doubt in my mind that Dad would tell my coach.

“Fair warning, Ports. Three strikes and you’re out. I will not hesitate to pull you from hockey, pull you from those fucking kids you call friends. You better shape up your attitude or you’re going to be disappointed in your consequences. You think it’s so tough right now? Wait until Mom and I stop paying your insurance, helping you with gas. You should have a fucking job, you’re sixteen years old.”

My arms were cramping from being crossed so tightly over my chest, every muscle in them on edge, but I wasn’t about to move from my position.

“You know what? I’m taking away your car for the semester. Learn some responsibility. Get a job and learn how to juggle school, work, and play. If your grades are shit, you’re losing your car for the year. You have gotten off so incredibly easy but I’ll be damned if I’m raising an ungrateful child.”

At that moment, Mom came downstairs, wrapped in her big white robe and a look of disappointment on her face. That was a look I was well used to. She glared at dad before turning her cool blue eyes to me.

“Go to bed. You have to be up in three hours for school,” Mom said.

Dad pointed his finger at me. “And don’t think you’re fucking skipping.”

I pushed up off the couch, my body grateful to finally be moving again, and turned to head up the stairs. Behind me, I heard my parents have a quiet conversation between the two of them.

“That may have been a little harsh.”

“He can’t stay at that school, Ryles.”

“Give him another chance,” she said, almost too quiet for me to overhear.

“He’s had too many chances!” Dad’s voice remained low, but I could still make out the anger in his voice. I was such a fucking disappointment to them. I really honestly thought they wished they stopped having kids after Avery.

“It’s a new year, Noh. He’s just acting out. I know Porter.”

“And I don’t?” Dad interrupted her. I was surprised to hear hurt in his voice.

Hurt? Dad was hurt by that statement?

I glanced over my shoulder, curious of Mom’s reaction. She had that sappy look on her face and reached up to put her hand on Dad’s jawline.

“You do, Noah, I’m not saying you don’t. He’s just had a lot to adjust to this year. Do you remember when we brought Myke and Cael out here? How Cael acted up?”

“He was nine. Porter is sixteen.”

I reached the top of the stairs then and didn’t wait for the rest of the conversation. I had to be up in three hours and there wasn’t a doubt in my mind that dad was waking me up, training camp style, full of every bell and whistle he could come up with.


Sure enough, Dad woke me up with a fucking blow horn. Yes, a blow horn. One of those loud ones that fans used up in the rafters at hockey games.

And at five-thirty.


I groaned into my pillow, bunching it up toward my ears to block the annoying sound.

“We’re going for a run.”

I rolled over onto my back, but not fast enough to block my face from the jogging pants and hoodie Dad threw at me. He stepped out of my room then but I knew better than to roll over and go back to sleep for the last thirty minutes of my night.

Reluctantly, I got out of bed and pulled the pants up over my boxers and the hoodie over my tee. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I yawned, walking toward my dresser to pull out socks.

I had to lean against my dresser to pull them over my feet. I was so tired, my balance was missing somewhere but I managed. Maybe crooked, but I didn’t care.

“Porter!” Dad yelled from downstairs.

“I gotta piss,” I answered back, but probably not loud enough for him to hear. The only good thing about Avery being gone now was the bathroom was officially all mine. Growing up, it wasn’t too bad for me. There weren’t too many years that there were more than Ace and myself in the same school. Each school had a different start time, with the high school being the earliest and the elementary school the latest. But it was nice to not have to wait an hour for your sister to get ready.

That may be an exaggeration. Ace wasn’t really that bad. She put about as much effort into getting ready for school as I did. Damn, I missed her.

I relieved myself quickly and brushed the funk from my mouth, finally feeling more awake.

“Porter!” Dad yelled again.

Goddamn. “I’m coming!” This time I yelled back so he could hear me. I jogged down the stairs and met Dad in the foyer, where he was already dressed and ready to go, running shoes on and everything. He held out my trainers and I slipped them on, not bothering to untie either before doing so.

“Let’s go.” Dad pulled opened the door, waiting for me to walk out, before shutting it behind us. Knowing the route we’d take, I jogged down the front stairs of our porch and started down the road.

We ran in silence for the first half-mile or so before Dad finally spoke.

“You want to tell me what’s going on with you?”

“Nothing’s going on with me.”

Dad let that sit for a few beats. “I wasn’t joking last night, Ports. Three strikes and I’m pulling you. I don’t like Alex and Matt, and feel that they’re a big part in your recent shenanigans.”

I ground my teeth, tightened my lips, but stayed quiet. It wouldn’t do me any good to defend my friends right now.

“I wish—”

“That I was more like Cael and Jon Jon? That you stopped having kids after Ace?” I blurted out, stopping my run. I was so sick of being a disappointment to him. I didn’t seem to do anything right in Dad’s eyes.

“Woah, woah, woah.” Dad slowed to a stop, his eyes narrowing and his hands on his hips. His mouth was parted as he was breathing hard and his hoodie, like mine, had sweat marks along the front.

“Don’t ever say that, Porter.”

“It’s true though, right?” My voice was louder than it probably needed to be.

“God, no, Porter. Yes, I’m disappointed in some of the choices you’ve made; I thought we raised you differently. But never would I wish we hadn’t had you.”

I crossed my arms and looked away. Between the adrenaline of our run and the anger coursing through me right now at being a failure, my breathing was more erratic than Dad’s. “I have to get ready for school.”

I could feel Dad’s hazel-green eyes on me but refused to look at him. Finally, he broke through the newest silence. “Alright, Ports.”


The first day of school was as unimpressive as every other first day of school. It was a day of rules and syllabi. At the end of the day, I found Mo leaning back against my locker waiting for me.

“Hey, stranger,” she said, giving me a small smile. She, being as smart as she was, wasn’t in any one of my classes. She had a number of Honors classes as well as an AP class and because of her schedule, she had a different lunch from me as well. This was the first we’d seen one another all day.

I pulled my algebra book down against my thigh when I reached her, leaning down to press a soft, quick kiss to her made-up lips.


“Did you get in too much trouble?”

“I should have texted you last night. I’m sorry.” Between being cuffed, thrown into a cop car, brought down to the precinct, and waiting for Dad to show up, not to mention everything that happened after he did show up, texting Mo never even crossed my mind.

“Don’t worry about it.” She smiled lightly up at me. “I have to go to practice. We get done at five. You able to meet up afterward?”

My own practice was done about that time too but, “I don’t have a car.”

“Oh.” Her face fell a little. “I can pick you up?”

“Let me just confirm it’s ok with my dad, and I’ll let you know, alright?”

She smiled again. “Ok. I’ll talk to you later then.” She put her hand on my chest and rose up on tiptoe, pressing her lips against mine. I put my hand on her lower back and pulled her close, loving that we were taking this new step in our relationship. She still had an arm pressing a book to her chest and her other hand flat against my own chest, but I still was enjoying this closeness.

I slid my tongue against her lips, groaning into her mouth when she opened and let me caress my tongue against hers. For all our fucking, we never did the whole French kissing thing. Open mouthed kisses, closed mouth kisses, her mouth on my dick kisses, but never tongue to tongue kissing.

“Mr. Prescott and Miss Alvey, inappropriate,” a teacher announced behind me. I grinned against Mo’s mouth as I pulled back, pressing one more quick kiss to her lips, then the tip of her nose.

“I’ll text you what my dad says.”

Mo, smiling up at me, nodded. “Ok. Talk to you soon.” She rubbed her hand over my pec before stepping away, smiling at me over her shoulder, before I turned to open up my locker.

Damn, I loved this change in our relationship.


Dad, surprisingly, said Mo could pick me up. Not surprisingly, he gave me a one-hour window to get home. A lot could happen in an hour, but not everything that I wanted to do with her.

I sent Mo a text before practice and then again as everyone was in the locker room getting set for showers. I tossed my phone into my locker before peeling off my jersey and pads. I sat on the bench to pull off my skates, throwing them into the bottom of my locker.

Alex plopped on the bench beside me, wrapped in just a towel, as I was pulling off my pants.

“Dude, too close,” I told him, shucking my lower gear.

“So long as you don’t get chub, we’re good,” Alex laughed.

I grabbed my towel from inside my locker and wrapped it around my own hips, walking toward the communal shower with Alex. “You get in much trouble with Daddy Prescott?”

I glared at my friend. My friends didn’t give me shit about being the kid of an NHL great, nor the brother of two current well-known NHL players.

No, they gave me shit because of my lifestyle.

Which, I suppose, was a byproduct of the whole NHL thing.

It irked the shit out of me when they called my Dad ‘Daddy Prescott’ because they said it in a haughty tone. I was one of the richest kids in our school, but I didn’t flaunt it in any way. I wore the same brands they did, used the same hockey sticks they all bought.

“He was pissed.” I shrugged a shoulder and walked toward one of the shower heads, unwrapping my towel and hanging it on the hook before turning the stream on. “Lost my car for the semester. You?”

I stepped into the water and began rinsing off. I used the 2-in-1 body wash attached to the wall to wash the sweat from my hair and body, waiting for Alex’s response.

“Scot-free, my friend.” The smugness was in his voice. I didn’t bother to look over at him to see the expression on his face.

Kid got out of damn near everything.

“What about you, Matthew?” Alex yelled over the sound of the showers running. I looked to my left to see Matt walking in, using a shower on the other side of the large shower room.

“Grounded for a month,” he said. “No big. I’m always fucking grounded.” He laughed around the last part of his statement.

“I have to bum rides from Alexis,” Ty said with a groan. Alexis was his older sister by a year. She was a senior and hated to be seen with Ty, regardless of the fact he was only a grade below her.

“Any of the girls get caught?” Matt asked. “Al didn’t.”

I shook my head, rinsing my body of suds. “Not Mo.” I looked around. “Any of you with Rox?”

“Nah, she split pretty quickly,” Ty answered. “I didn’t see her today, though.”

“I did. Third period. She’s good.”

“Go fucking figure, just the guys,” Alex said, shaking his head.

I turned off my water and after towel drying, wrapped the cloth around my hips. “Yeah, well. At least we didn’t get tickets.”

“Your daddy would have paid it off anyway,” Alex yelled behind me. Not bothering to turn and give him the satisfaction of my pissed off face, I shot him the bird over my shoulder. Unfortunately, it only made Alex laugh louder.

I had better things to do than argue with these assholes.


“Good practice?” Mo asked the moment I slid my ass into her tiny car. I’d already put my gear in her trunk so I lifted my backpack and moved it between our seats, dropping it down on the floor behind us.

“It wasn’t bad.”

“Oh, short answers,” Mo said around a grin. “What’s up?”

I shrugged a shoulder, flipping down the visor in front of me. “Alex is an asshole, but nothing is new there.”

I looked over at her, taking in her partially grinning, but completely laughing, face. “What?”

“You’re cute, that’s all.” She put her hand on the gear shift between us but before she could get us moving, I leaned in to kiss her on the lips.

“Cute, ‘ey?” I asked against her lips, loving the feel of her smile against my mouth.

“Really cute,” she whispered before pecking my lips once more. She pulled back and put the car in drive. I took that as my cue to sit back and put my belt on.

“You had to be home by seven, you said?” Mo glanced at me before looking back to the road. She pulled her sunglasses off the top of her head as she drove.

“Yeah, seven.” I relaxed in the car seat. “Want to head to the park or something, chill?”

“My parents are out to dinner. We can head to my house. Then we’re close to your house and can spend more time together?” The question was in her voice, but it held much more promise than just ‘spending time together.’

I grinned and reached over, putting my hand on her leg. “Sure. I could be game with that.” She lowered her right hand from the steering wheel, putting it on top of mine. I turned my hand under hers, linking our fingers and squeezing once.

Mo’s grin was big, but I was pretty sure mine was bigger.


“God damn, you’re too fucking good at that,” I said, pulling Mo’s head off my dick. Any more sucking, swirling, or squeezing, and I was going to be done but I wanted the full copulation today.

Yep, big words for a big…

You get the picture.

Mo smiled at me, kneeling on her knees between my own as I sat bare-assed naked on her bed. Her tits were free and her nipples were tight peaks. I reached to her chest and tweaked one, grinning when Mo bit her lower lip with a soft moan.

She stood and straddled my legs after I put my knees together. My dick bounced against my abs, resting there when Mo pressed her body tight against mine. I could feel how wet she was as she pressed into me.

I wrapped my hand into her pony tail and brought her head to mine, kissing her deeply, before she pulled back. For the first time since we lost our virginities together two years ago, there was a question in her eyes.

“You know, you could…do that to me?” She looked down, watching her hands as she lightly trailed her fingers down my chest. She avoided my eyes now. “I would be ok with it.”

I hadn’t ever gone down on a girl.

And to be completely honest, the thought of it grossed me out. I mean, it was one thing having my hand there, but my mouth? So close to…everything?

It wasn’t very high on my list of things to learn and get good at.

But I knew better than to give Mo that exact answer, with how she was asking for it right now.

I took her chin and brought her focus back to me. I kissed her cheek, the tip of her nose, her other cheek. “I gotta get in you, Mo. Maybe next time.”

She smiled, her lip still between her teeth. I reached between us to pull her lip free and with my thumb still on her chin, leaned in to kiss her good.

Her hips began to circle, her wet middle rubbing over me, making the base of my dick slick with her need.

“Condom, Mo,” I said, breaking from her lips while panting heavily. I was going to come so fucking fast, after her mouth and now her wet pussy. I knew she had condoms hidden in here, away from where her parents would find them.

With her hand on my chest, she pushed me back to lay flat on her bed. She leaned down, the tips of her tits brushing my chest and her lips light on mine before she reached over to her nightstand. After digging around, she found what she was looking for and expertly ripped the condom wrapper open. She crawled back and, after pressing a kiss to my dick’s head, damn vixen, sheathed my dick in the latex.

She wanted to ride, I could see it in her eyes, but I needed control at the moment. I flipped us over which had Mo laughing, and took the backs of her knees in my hands, driving into her in one quick push.

God, I was so fucking glad I could call her mine right now, that I didn’t have to worry about when she’d find a boyfriend, someone other than me to have sex with. She wasn’t the only girl I had slept with, but she definitely was my favorite.






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