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Plaything at the Royal Wedding: An MFMM Royal Romance by Lana Hartley (40)

Chapter 40


I’m sitting at my big desk with my feet up on one corner. My deep office chair leans back beautifully, holding my head and neck comfortably.

I swing back and forth a little as I twirl the phone cord around my fingers, listening to the yammering on the other end of the phone.

“I’m sorry. You just aren’t hearing me. We are backed up for months, don’t you understand? Everyone wants a personalized Lacey design. But there is no way we can have twenty done for a new fashion show in a month. That’s completely out of the question.”

I barely stop myself from yawning. I’ve been so tired these days. My feet and ankles are killing me, too.

I could really use one of Adam’s foot rubs. Surely, the oil’s around here somewhere. He should be up here soon with a finance report.

“I understand that you want to pay top dollar. I understand that you need personalized Lacey designs. But so does everyone. When I say I’m backed up for months, I mean it. You just didn’t get your orders in fast enough, and that’s all there is to it.”

I brighten immediately as Charlie wheels a dummy into my room. He’s got a tape measure around his neck, with pins sticking out of his mouth. He points at the phone with a quizzical expression.

I make a ‘yammer’ sign with one hand, rolling my eyes.

He grins, shaking his head.

We have been absolutely flat out the last few months. Everyone wants Lacey designs; we were booked out within the first few weeks. My first few lines have gone into manufacture, and they are killing it at the stores.

We have sky rocketed to the top of the industry. My designs, Charlie’s expertise, Adams finance knowledge, Sam’s marketing experience...we’re the perfect team.

Ignoring the phone, I point at Charlie’s dummy. He spins it around, presenting it with jazz hands.

It’s a shiny black leather bra with edges of gorgeous pink lace. The panties have a leather waist band and appear to have a lacey pink gusset between the legs. I point there, raising an eyebrow.

Charlie grins, sticks his hands down Miss Plastic’s pants and waves his fingers through a sexy little crotch hole.

I give him a thumbs up, grinning.

It’s cool. It’s sexy. It will be great for our sex line.

Charlie and I have been combining our design ideas and completely blowing the lid off anything ever produced before. It’s ridiculously fun coming up with designs together.

I wave at Charlie, and he waves back, wheeling Miss Plastic out of the office.

As he goes through the door, I hear hundreds of phones ringing and voices murmuring, some talking loudly.

Every department is completely flat out. We don’t stop all day.

Once we get home, I have three beautiful boys to spoil me while I work on new designs. We often chat about maximizing potential in finance and new marketing strategies. The boys value my opinion on every topic.

“Yeah, look, I’m terribly sorry, but I’ll have to get back to you. There’s nothing I can do to help you out at this stage. Please send me an email with all your details, and I’ll put you in the queue. Yes, well, I am sorry. But it’s the best I can do.”

I put the phone down, not waiting for a goodbye. I’ve inherited Denham’s old assistant Claire, and I call out to her.

“Hey, Claire! How did that call get through? I told you not to send those directly to me anymore.”

“I’m so sorry, Lacey.” She comes to the door. “He wouldn’t listen to me. I really try not to put extra work on you right now, you know. And you’ve been so nice to me. Working for Denham was...”

“I know, honey. You don’t have to tell me twice. Look, you have my permission to hang up on people who refuse to listen. I’m completely booked out, and I’ll be taking a break soon. I can’t do any customized work right now.”

“Yes, ma’am, no problem.” Claire hurries back to her desk.

I see Adam approaching, two thumbs in the air. He strides in with a big grin on his face.

“Profits are even bigger than expected. It’s just as you predicted. You’re an absolute genius, Lacey.”

A giggle bubbles out of me.

“I don’t think I’d go that far. But we have set up all the charity programs, haven’t we?’

He nods.

“Yep. Those are all set. We have six programs running, donating funds monthly to different charities, all to help them actually make changes in the community.” He beams at me, shaking his head. “But that’s not the best part.”


“The other companies got wind of it. They think it’s a marketing strategy. They have all publicly pledged to start their own programs. Some of them are taking out advertisements right now, getting into areas that we haven’t had time to invest in yet.”

I stare at Adam in disbelief, tingles of happiness running over my skin.

“That’s fantastic!”

“I know! Some of them are working on the same charities, trying to undercut us, but others are putting funds into different ones. There won’t be a needy person left in the city once you’re done, babe.”

I shake my head. “I couldn’t have imagined it going this well. We might even hold a meeting with some of the other companies. Try and spread the resources.”

“Definitely. Let’s do it.” Adam leans over and kisses me, rubbing my belly. “Everything okay? It’s good you’ve got your feet up. You need a rub, don’t you?”

I nod, smiling. “You always know what I need.”

“But of course.” He kisses me again.

“Hey, don’t take all the action.” Sam laughs as he comes in.

I look up to see him holding a big advertising poster. It’s me, a few months ago, looking sultry and tempting, wearing one of our raciest designs.

“Oh! Is the new ad campaign ready?”

I try to get up and get stuck while trying to get my feet off the table. Both Adam and Sam run over, supporting me.

“Are you okay?”

“She’s gone white.”

“Get her some water!”

“I’m okay, guys, I’m okay.” I put a hand to my forehead. “I just tried to get up too fast. That’s all.”

I breathe slowly and deeply through the warm rush. I’ve almost gotten used to it now.

Adam strokes my hair back, and Sam rubs my belly. Charlie comes hurrying in.

“I thought I saw you guys come in. Lacey, are you okay?”

I smile and nod for him. “Yes, yes. I’m okay.”

“It’s almost time for your appointment, isn’t it? At the doctor?” Charlie asks, coming over to me.

I nod slowly.

Sam gets up. “I’ll call someone to bring the car around. You guys all ready to go?”

“Wait, no. You guys have to stay here and work. Don’t be silly. I’ll be fine.”

They all stand in front of me, hands on hips or arms folded, with identical stern expressions.

“I thought we made this clear.” Adam frowns at me.

“I told you, work is not important. Not compared to this,” Sam says.

“This is our baby, Lacey—all of ours. We will all be with you every single second. No arguments.”

“The company can run itself for a few hours.” Sam kneels down to touch my face.

“But what about when I take a maternity leave? You can’t all stay with me all the time. Someone will need to be here—”

“I guess that’s what’s so great about having three husbands.” Adam gives me a cheeky smile. “We can take turns. But only until the baby is a bit older. We all want to be involved, every single second.”

Charlie comes up behind me, stroking my hair. “We want you to get all the rest you need, and don’t worry about a thing—burping, diapers, everything. All you will have to do is sleep and hold the baby.”

I feel my eyes tearing up. At twenty or so weeks, it’s the hormones, for sure, but I’m also just so overwhelmed.

In the last year, suddenly, in a landslide, I got everything I never knew I even wanted. A company, a business big enough that can actually make a difference in the community, recognition as a designer, and me as a business woman...

And the one thing I could never have imagined.

I look between my boys.

Charlie, so dark. Adam, fair, and Sam in between.

All so beautiful and unique in their own ways. United in their love for me and their desire to make me happy. Something I had never dreamed of that now belongs to me.

Love times three.