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Plaything at the Royal Wedding: An MFMM Royal Romance by Lana Hartley (57)


I’m scribbling the note onto a piece of paper, frantically scrambling to place it on Krista’s table in the faculty room before anyone else comes in.

Mainly, I’m doing this to avoid any shit show teasing from King and Simon. Those fucking assholes really like to bait me when it comes to my feelings, telling me all the damn time I think like a chick.

I take it all in stride, though. Those fucking clowns are my best friends, and I wouldn’t be who I am today without their presence in my life.

Alright, enough with the sappy bullshit.

Going back to the business at hand, I re-read the note I have jotted in front of me.

Good morning, beautiful.

I grin just thinking about Krista finding the note and the way it might brighten her day.

Oh, yeah…I almost forgot one vital tidbit to place on there—a clue—so she’ll know it’s me who wrote the note because I want all the credit.

I swiftly write in my initial, D, before hastily throwing the note on her table just in time before she walks in, chatting with the guys.

The first thing I notice instantly is Krista’s demeanor. Sure, she’s been through an awful fucking lot, but I can tell by the way her eyes are downcast that she’s sad, frustrated.

That’s where I come in, swooping in to be the knight and shining armor to rescue her. I don’t know why I always have this thing about being the superhero.

The guys give me a hard time about it. But seriously, have I mentioned it before? Fuck them.

I don’t need anyone else’s opinion. I am really starting to care about Krista. All I want to do is brighten her day.

If I can accomplish that with a simple note of kindness, then you can bet your ass I’m going to give it a solid effort.

I rise to the top by fighting for what I want in life and going after it, not by being a pushover or a little pussy bitch.

Competition is out there, and the sharks will eat you if you allow yourself to bleed all over them.

So much for these damn metaphors.

I want to wager Krista’s reaction when she reads my profoundly gentle and thoughtful note.

She arrives to the desk and immediately notices the note, looking around before opening its edges. I grin like a giddy little kid who has just seen Santa at the mall or some shit.

Watching Krista is my favorite hobby. As fucking creepy as it sounds, I happen to have a fondness for her astounding beauty, and I view her as a work of art.

I study her as I observe her frown turn into a bright and joyful smile, her lips twisting from a scowl to a peaceful serenity.

She scans the room, then she finds me at last. As our eyes meet, my heart flips.

Fuck…she’s sexy, and I can’t believe I’ve seen her naked.

I’m a lucky bastard, if I do say so myself.

She gives me the happiest smile I have ever seen from her as she mouths the words thank you. I give her a nod, a gesture of understanding.

She begins walking over to me when I am completely blocked by an old windbag of a professor who approaches me at the same time as Krista arrives.

“Hello, Krista,” he greets her immediately.

“Professor Smith, what a pleasure to see you this morning.” Krista shakes his hand and gives him a friendly smile because she’s the politest person I’ve ever met.

Or, perhaps her change in mood stems directly from my thoughtful note. I’d rather believe the latter, so I take that idea and run with it.

“How is your research coming along?” he asks her as I stand there like a carrot, listening to their conversation.

I place my hands in my pocket and shift my weight awkwardly. Krista catches my drift and gives me a glance. “Um, Dylan here and his team are being so gracious in helping me.”

I grin at Professor Smith, the wrinkly old douchebag. “The lady speaks the truth indeed.”

“I see,” he says gruffly.

“We hit a bit of a snag, however,” Krista adds. “Nothing catastrophic or anything.”

This time, the professor addresses me directly. “What happened?”

“There’s been a blackout incident,” I admit. “We lost power to the research facility. We are having maintenance fix it as we speak. They say that the damage comes from rats who have chewed through the wires.”

“Oh, that’s terrible,” Professor Smith sounds conflicted. “Is there anything I can do to help?” He actually looks genuinely concerned.

I decide to give the sad sack the benefit of the doubt. He seems to have been on Krista’s support team since day one, and I know he has some experience in the field as well.

“Thank you, sir. That’s very kind of you,” I note to him with a smile. “It’s a relief to know that Krista here is getting the tools she needs in order to succeed.”

The professor beams at my compliments. “Not at all. I’m happy to oblige you all in anything you need help with.”

If he only knows that I’ve been balls deep in Krista more than once, I bet he won’t offer his services then.

The secret lives and dies with me as far as I’m concerned. Having it be a private action between us makes it even more taboo and exciting to me. I’m always on the hunt for a new thrill, and the chase never subsides.

“I know how passionate Krista is about the clean coal project,” Professor Smith adds as a side note.

“There’s no doubt about it,” I give her a wink as she listens to us talk gallantly about her.

“The field of study is one that has needed addressing and restructuring for a while now,” Professor Smith admits.

“We have to agree with that,” Krista chimes in, not afraid to speak her mind. She has a fiery spirit, and I respect her immensely because of it.

Another colleague approaches our table and asks to speak to Professor Smith, who bids us a farewell.

“My offer still stands, and my door is always open. If there is anything I can do to help you all, please let me know.” He calls out over his shoulder and casts us a tiny wave before disappearing.

“Well, he’s a sweetheart,” Krista says and smiles up at me.

“Sure, if you like that type,” I tease.

“Oh, don’t get jealous,” she toys with me.

“Don’t worry about that ever happening any time soon.” I laugh and give her an adorable expression I know she won’t be able to resist.

I can see it in her eyes—she wants to kiss me right here and now. If only I could grab her up by the hips, plant her on the desk, and spread her legs while I fuck her brains out.

Oh, well. A guy can dream, right?

I hate to say that I’m the equivalent of most stereotypical males. Unfortunately, I think more with my cock than with my mind, and that has gotten me into trouble more than once.

That being said, my little soldier in my pants runs the show, and I won’t have it any other way.

At that moment, my phone buzzes in my pocket. When I reach for it, I notice that it’s Ronny, the head of the maintenance crew.

“I hope he has good news for us.” Krista braces herself and holds her hands up to her face.

“Here’s to hoping,” I say as I swipe the answer button to receive the call.

Ronny tells me that he and his crew are finished fixing the wiring problems. I hang up after thanking him and smile at Krista.

“God said, ‘Let there be light!’” I bellow in my best preacher voice and raise my hands above my head.

Krista jumps up and down and giggles. “Seriously? You aren’t joking?”

“Cross my heart,” I tell her as Simon and King approach us. “The lights are back on,” I tell them with pride.

“Awesome.” They high-five each other. “Now we can resume our research.” Simon smiles at Krista enthusiastically.

“I can’t wait.” Krista breathes out a sigh of relief.

We walk down the hallway and go into our work room, fully preparing ourselves to concentrate on the tasks at hand.

As we begin talking to Krista, however, and the day drifts on, none of us guys can contain ourselves any longer.

I exchange a glance with King and Simon. I know they’re dying to know Krista’s answer on dating all three of us as much as I am.

I mean, it’s damn near killing me. I’ve never really been good at suspense, and I certainly don’t want to start now.

I decide to be the one to open the topic. Bravely, I ease in so as not to scare her away as if she’s a skittish little deer who’s frozen after seeing headlights.

“So, Krista,” I lean in and grin with valiant charm. “Have you, you know, given our little proposal any more thought?”

Krista clears her throat and glances at all three of us. “Are you asking me if I’ve come to a decision yet?” She licks her lips and stares at us.

“More or less,” I say with nonchalance, because remember, we’re not trying to scare her away here.

She leans back in her chair and grins wildly.

“What?” King says and eyes her hungrily as if he’s a lion and Krista represents the steak that the trainers are dangling in front of his face.

“I do have an answer,” Krista bites her lip and teases us. “I think we should talk about it over drinks…tonight.”

She waits for our reactions.

Internally, I see this as a positive sign. If the answer is no, then she’ll just tell us point blank. She won’t drag us out to drinks and then shoot us down—that just wouldn’t be fair.

“I’m ready for a drink now,” Simon admits.

I close my laptop. “What the hell are we waiting for, then?”

* * *

Thirty minutes later, we are at a table at the same bar where we first met Krista—an idea she proposed, and we jumped at the suggestion, thinking it was perfect and adorable, just like her.

To be honest, the way she’s flirting with us lets us know without words that we have our answer. Krista is going to agree to date all three of us at once, and this is wonderful news. Now, we can have her any time we want, and nobody will suspect anything out of the ordinary.

She wastes no time in getting us hot either, flirting with us and touching our legs subtly under the table.

She leans in close to me and places her hand on the ever rising bulge in my pants, giving me a gentle tug and a light squeeze through my pants.

She’s making me crazy, and I want to feast on her pussy right now. We’re becoming oblivious to the other bar patrons, and I don’t want us to derail on the first day.

“Let’s get out of here,” I blurt out, wanting to play it safe.

“Good idea.” Krista sighs with contentment, her perfect sexy lips parting in flirtatious passion.

“There’s a hotel not even a block away,” Simon offers.

“I’m ready when you guys are,” Krista looks at us, her smoky, dark eyes illuminating seduction and heat that I can’t escape, nor do I ever want to.