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Preach by K Webster (6)


I’m still high from last night. Easton was in my room and we were together. It was so much more than anything I ever had with Sean. For one, Easton is attuned to my feelings and mood. He’s not simply trying to get in my pants but he honestly likes me. When he’d gone down on me, I nearly lost my mind. I’d never experienced anything quite like it.

“You’re in a daze there, sweetheart,” Mom says as she parks the car in front of the church. “Everything okay?”

I was frantic and flustered when she got home last night. Easton had barely driven off when they passed each other on the road. It was too close of a call for my liking. I love my mom and she’s pretty cool but something tells me she’d flip out if she caught my preacher licking my pussy.

“It’s fine. I’ll sort it all out with Pastor McAvoy this morning,” I tell her. At least I don’t have to lie.

She takes my hand and kisses the back. “I love you, Lacy Lou. You know you can talk to your momma about anything. Anything.” Her eyes flicker in a knowing way. It makes me wonder if Lydia said anything to her. Easton and I haven’t had sex yet so there’s technically nothing to talk about.

“Thanks, Mom. I love you too. When there’s something to talk about, you’ll be the first to know.”

Her shoulders relax. “Okay. Just be careful. You’ve been through a lot.”

I tear my gaze from hers because my mind drifts to Mikey and I don’t want to cry in front of her. Easton isn’t at the church yet but two cars are in the parking lot—Bobby and Lucinda. Waiting in his office is better than Mom probing about me wanting to have sex with my preacher.

“Bye, Mom. I’ll see you later for dinner,” I chirp, my tone slightly fake.

She grumbles. “Actually, I have to cancel. Kimmie and I are driving out to your grandparents’ house. We’re going to stay the night and pack up their things. She found a nice mobile home to stay in near the house and she has an interview with Moon Wok. I’m just helping her get her life sorted a bit and then it’ll be just us again, kiddo.”

“Okay,” I tell her as we hug. “I’m looking forward to some pedicures without Aunt Kimmie giving me a play-by-play on how to hook a sugar daddy.”

Mom chuckles as we part. “Whatever advice Kimmie gives you, do the exact opposite.”


I climb out of the car and wave to her as she drives off. I’m just starting for the door when Bobby comes out. Bobby isn’t much older than me. I’ve learned from Easton that he graduated two years before me. Bobby had a scholarship to play football but then ruined it all by drinking and driving. The accident landed him wrapped around a pole. Luckily no one else was involved. But it did give him a head injury and he’s not been the same ever since. Kind of spacy. Sometimes a wee bit creepy. Normal people don’t stare and if they are staring, they look away when caught.

Bobby just stares blatantly.


It makes me think of how Lydia warned me about both him and his brother.

I look down at the sexy but sweet pale yellow dress I wore and silently curse myself. I’d worn it for Easton but I didn’t consider that Bobby would get an eyeful too. And like the creep he is, he stares at me as he drags a rolling trashcan toward the dumpster—even craning his neck over his shoulder to check me out.

After giving him an awkward wave, I hurry over to the church doors. When I turn the handle, it doesn’t open. I’m just swiveling to ask Bobby to let me in, when I hear footsteps come up on me. He’s within inches from me which means he ran all the way over here. I let out a squeak of surprise and my ass bumps against the door.

“Hey, Lashey.” He has a lisp too. I’m not sure if it was from complications of the accident or part of the head injury.

“Hey, Bobby. Can you let me in?”

His eyes scan over my face and he stares at my mouth. I can smell coffee on his breath. My inclination is to shove him away from me but I know he’s different so I try not to panic. “You’re pwetty,” he says in adoration. “My brover thinks so too.”

I give him a polite smile. My heart races when I hear the loud rumble of a familiar motorcycle. Bobby stands in my space and doesn’t make any moves to step away. It isn’t until the engine of the bike is cut off and two hands grip his shoulders that he moves. And that’s because Easton physically guides him away from me.

“What are you two kids up to?” Easton asks, his tone playful. But since I know him well, I pick up on the edge in his voice.

“Lashey is pwetty and got locked ousside.”

Easton grunts. “And you were just going to let this pretty lady stand out here all day?”

Bobby frowns but I wave it off. “It’s fine. I’m feeling a little hot though. Can we go inside for our session?”

Easton fishes his keys out of his pocket and unlocks the door. With his palm on my lower back, he guides me inside. Bobby follows us all the way to Easton’s office. Lucinda blanches when she sees Bobby creeping on us. Easton simply gives her a slight shake of his head before ushering me into his office.

“Bobby,” he teases, “we don’t pay you to stand around. If you’re all done, go on and head home.”

Bobby’s gaze lingers on me for a long moment before he nods. Easton closes the door, not waiting for him to leave. Once we’re alone, Easton stalks over to me and hugs me to him. His lips find the top of my head in a sweet kiss.

“I don’t want you alone with him. He’s not all there, Lace,” he warns, making me shiver. “Promise me you’ll stay with your mom until I get here next time.”

“I promise,” I vow because quite frankly I don’t want another repeat of that uncomfortable situation. “I have good news.”

I tilt my head up and stare at his handsome face. Easton is the kind of man who looks too dirty and dangerous to be a man of God. Just seeing him on his bike on the street, you’d assume he was some thug or something. But when he’s in the pulpit spouting off Bible verses with such passion, you can see what a good man he is. Looks can be deceiving. He may look like the devil on the outside—brutally sexy, chiseled jaw, piercing hot eyes, tattoos peeking out from beneath his rolled up shirtsleeves on his forearms—but he’s a fierce angel.

“Tell me,” he murmurs as his lips rain kisses on my mouth.

I smile against his sweet assault. “Mom isn’t coming home tonight. I thought maybe I could stay over.”

His gaze darkens and he trails kisses to my ear. I gasp when he tugs at my lobe with his teeth. “I would love nothing more than to have you in my bed all night. And because I can’t go through another moment like last night, I bought some of these too.” He reaches into his pocket and retrieves a condom.

I laugh. “Look at you. Premeditating.”

His palms find my ass through my dress and he squeezes. “You’re mine now. I don’t care if we have to be each other’s dirty little secrets. This is happening.”

I’m slightly disappointed that we have to hide something that feels natural and right from the outside world. But I’m not stupid either. I’m not eighteen yet and he’s a convicted felon and a preacher. If that’s not playing with fire, I don’t know what is.

We start to kiss again when my phone buzzes. He pulls away and saunters over to his side of the desk. I want to grumble about having to have a session but truth is, I enjoy these talks with Easton. I get a lot off my chest. He never preaches at me or tells me what to do. He simply listens without judgment.

Once I sit down, I fish my phone out of my purse.

Jessie: You never RSVP’d. Coming out tonight to celebrate my birthday?

I groan. I’d been so wrapped up with Easton, I’d forgotten about my friend’s shindig. We’ve been friends since grade school when the teachers used to confuse us as sisters but we drifted some this year. I know that’s my fault. I got involved with Sean and then Nolan. Still, I’m not looking to reconnect after all this time and pass up an opportunity to spend the night with Easton.

Me: Happy birthday, Jess. I’ll make it up to you. Just you and I can go to dinner one night. But I have something I can’t miss tonight.

Not a lie.

I can’t miss this if I want to keep my sanity.

Jessie: No worries. Courtney will be there and you know she likes to get crazy. I know you don’t like her much but I still wanted to invite you.

Me: Be careful. Courtney’s trouble. But then again, maybe you’ll get arrested.

Jessie: That’s the plan. Talk soon, babe.

I tuck my phone back in my purse to find Easton watching me with a smirk. God, he’s hot. Today he picked out a white dress shirt that’s rolled up to his elbows and the top two buttons are undone. It’s slightly wrinkled but it somehow looks good on him. On Saturdays, his scruff is always grown out some before he shaves it all away for Sunday. I’m staring at his full lips when he clears his throat. A dark eyebrow arches in amusement.

“I know I’m good looking but maybe you should take a picture since it’ll last longer and all,” he jokes.

I laugh. “I prefer the real thing over a picture.”

“Everything okay?” He gestures to my purse.

“Yeah. My friend wanted me to come out tonight for her birthday but I told her I had important plans. Plans I could not miss.”

His sinful smile stretches across his face. “Those plans are extremely important, I agree.” Then, as if slipping into preacher mode, he leans forward and opens his Bible. “I thought we could touch on some passages today about coping with loss.”

All playfulness bleeds from me and I frown. “Joy.”

“It worked for me,” he says, his eyes flickering with sadness. His brows scrunch together as if he’s in pain.


His lips press into a firm line. “I was better equipped to deal with my feelings when he passed away. Actually, it was my brother.”

I gape at him, my lip trembling. “I’m so sorry.”

“It’s what sent me spiraling. Elias was just two years older than I. I adored my big brother. Worshipped him, really. When he committed suicide, I was angry. I blamed my father. It took Tom’s love and guidance to get me through the anger and sadness. Through the word of God, I was able to find peace.” His expression is wistful. “It’s why this,” he motions around him and thumps his Bible, “is so important to me.”

I bite on my bottom lip, guilt flooding through me. I’m responsible for him straying from God. Losing a brother has to feel every bit as awful as losing a child.

“Listen, I know you hate this,” he murmurs, his tone soothing. “But it’s just a part of it. Talking through these things and learning ways to deal with your sadness will help you feel better, Lace.”

I nod and blink away tears. The tears are always just below the surface. All I have to do is think about what Mikey could have grown up to be and then they’re slipping out of their hiding place, soaking me with my own sorrow. I don’t realize I mentally checked out until two warm lips start kissing my knuckles. Easton kneels before me and has threaded our fingers together on one hand and is swiping tears from my jaw with the other.

I shake away my daze and frown. “I’m sorry.”

“Nothing to be sorry for,” he breathes, his lips brushing against my flesh.

We’re quiet for a long time and then he kisses my bare knee. A ripple of pleasure shoots up my thigh to my core. When our eyes meet, his are smoldering. Neither of us speak as he slowly inches my dress up my thighs. His fingers disappear under the fabric and he latches onto my panties.

“Lift your bottom,” he instructs, his tone husky.

I grab the arms of the chair and lift. He pulls my panties down to my knees. His fingers run across the inside and he growls.

“Always so wet for me,” he utters, almost as if he’s fascinated by that fact. But how could I not be wet? He’s sex walking. A hot fantasy come to life. The bad boy turned good. I crave him with every ounce of my being.

“Only you,” I promise.

His greenish blue eyes darken to mostly blue. “Damn straight.”

I smirk. “You can’t cuss in church.”

“I also,” he murmurs as his hand slips between my thighs, “can’t do this.” His finger pushes into me and I gasp. “But I’m doing it. When it comes to you, vixen, I want to do it all, consequences be damned.”

He curves his finger inside and presses against a sensitive place within me. I groan and writhe against his hand. When his thumb starts working my clit while his finger rubs me on the inside, I start to see stars.

Holy shit this feels good.

“Easton,” I rasp. “Oh, God.”

A knock on the door makes me want to scream.

“Everything okay in there?” Lucinda asks. “I can bring some tea.”

She thinks I’m crying. Oh, God, I’m going to start crying if she doesn’t go away.

“We’re fine,” Easton assures her, his fingers never losing their stride. “Nothing a little prayer can’t fix.”

“I hear that,” Lucinda says with a chuckle before we hear the squeak of her office chair when she sits back down.

Easton works me harder and faster until I’m unraveling.

“Jesus Christ!” I cry out when my orgasm rips through me.

“Amen,” he growls.

I suppose to an outsider, it would seem we’re deep in prayer. In reality, the preacher is just deep in me.

His finger slips from inside me and he makes a provocative show of licking my juices from his finger. The glare he’s giving me is feral and positively evil. I get high off the look on his face. It makes me want to see it more often.

“Stand up,” he orders in a low voice. “Bend over my desk. This can’t wait.”

I obey him but sway on shaky legs. He steadies me with his hands on my hips. The touch is gentle but then he roughly twists me away from him. With his strong hand on my back, he pushes me down across the desk. My ass is bared to him and I feel exposed. He runs the palm of his hand under my dress and I shiver when his fingers tease the crack of my ass.

“I’m going to make you mine, Lace. Right here. Right now. Any objections?”

“None,” I breathe.

“Good girl,” he murmurs. “Are you going to be quiet as a church mouse? That’s the only way we can do this.”

I nod. “So quiet.”

He chuckles and gives my ass a squeeze. “But just in case…” His cock through his jeans presses against my backside as he leans into me. He dangles my panties in front of me. “Open.”

I bite my lip for a moment before obeying. Gently, he pushes my panties into my mouth. Once I’m stuffed with them, he caresses my cheek and grins.

“You look so damn beautiful right now.”

My eyes flutter at his compliment. He disappears from my line of sight and I shiver when he pushes my dress up my hips. His palms whisper over my ass before he removes them. When I hear the quiet buzz of his zipper coming down, I become antsy. He’s so slow and so patient that it’s driving me insane. The tear of the foil can barely be heard over my ragged breathing.

And then he’s giving me what I want. Well, sort of. Slowly, he teases the tip of his cock against my opening but doesn’t enter me. He slides his length up between the crack of my ass and then he pushes it down to rub between my thighs. I’m whimpering with need and wriggling when he finally pokes at my opening.

“Are you still wet for me, vixen?”

I moan and nod.

“Good girl,” he praises. “Remember to be quiet.”

I nod again but then I lose all sense of reality when he begins inching his way inside me. I’ve waited for this moment since pretty much the moment I met him two months ago so of course I’m dripping with need. He slides easily into me. My body stretches to accommodate his impressive thickness. I’ve only been with one other man and Easton’s cock is a beast in comparison.

“Dammit,” he hisses. “You feel better than I could have imagined.”

I nod hoping he knows I feel the same way. He squeezes my ass and spreads my cheeks apart. I’m embarrassed that he’s probably seeing parts of me no one has inspected so closely before but it all fades away the moment he thrusts into me. I grab onto the edge of the desk to anchor myself and desperately try to hold in the sounds caught in my throat.

“So perfect, Lacy,” he whispers. “God, you are so perfect.”

My legs quiver and shake. I’ve never felt so full. So complete. His cock rubs against places I didn’t even know could feel good. His pace picks up and his balls slap at my clit. The popping against my clit coupled with the way he drives into me has me losing control. Fire burns through me and heats my flesh as my nerves explode with pleasure. His breathing gets heavier with each thrust. I’m just wondering if he’ll come soon when an intense orgasm seizes me in its clutches. I shudder so hard that if it weren’t for the panties in my mouth, I’d probably hear my teeth chattering. The moan I’m desperate to release comes out as a whine as he slams harder into me. A small grunt is the only warning I get before I feel his cock throb inside me. His palms run up and down my ass as he drains out his climax. As soon as we’re both sated, he slides out of me.


I laugh through my panties. He chuckles too and tugs them from my mouth. Instead of giving them back, he pockets them. I’m too worn out to move. I can hear him pulling off the condom and tying it off. It lands with a thud in the trashcan before he pulls his jeans back up and helps me off the desk. My dress falls back down and the evidence of what we just did in the house of God is gone.

He takes my hands and squeezes them. “You’re mine, Lace.”

I’m smiling up at him when the door creaks open. Immediately, I bow my head. He starts murmuring a prayer about strength and love. Even after being a very bad boy, he can slip into being one of the good ones at the drop of a hat.

“Amen,” he murmurs and releases my hands.


Lucinda clears her throat. “Easton, I’m sorry to interrupt but I had a question about something on the ledger. Before you leave can you clear that up for me?”

“Of course,” he says, his voice smooth. As if he wasn’t just deep inside of my vagina. “Give us a few more minutes.”

Lucinda forces a bright smile and talks through gritted teeth cheerily. “That boy ain’t right in the head. I swear he gives me the willies sometimes.”

Easton and I both jerk our heads to where she’s staring out the window. Bobby stands there holding a rake staring in. I let out a squeak of shock. Easton growls.

“Actually, Lucinda, I’ll take a look at the ledger now. Then I’m going to have a chat with Bobby.” He gives me an apologetic look. “Can you read some of the highlighted passages in your Bible while I work this out?”

I nod and shoot him a worried look. Will Bobby tell on us? There’s no doubt in my mind he got an eyeful just now. Lucinda shuffles out of the office. Before he leaves me to study my Bible, he steals a quick kiss on my lips and then stalks away.