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Protecting His Baby by Nikki Chase (10)


“What?” Harper asks, her green eyes blazing with anger. “What do you mean, I’m not leaving?”

“It’s dangerous.” I peek through the peephole to make sure nobody else is out there.

“I can take care of myself just fine.” She still doesn’t get it.

I turn around to look at her. As calmly as I can, I say, “I’m sure you can, under normal circumstances. But trust me, nothing about this is normal.”

“This is . . . This must be illegal,” she says in exasperation. “You’re holding me hostage.”

I snort. “I’m trying to keep you safe.”

“Who are you to tell me what to do?” she asks. “I have a job. I can’t stay here forever. People will be looking for me. In fact, I have someone waiting just outside. He’s coming here if I give him a sign.”

I let out a sigh as I lock the door. “If you have any compassion for the guy, tell him to leave. If he’s stopped far enough from this property, it might not be too late for him to just walk away. But you’re better off staying here.”

“Who are you to tell me what to do?” she repeats. “Wait. Who are you, full stop? You still haven’t explained that one.”

I hold my palms up. “Hey, you’re the one who followed me here. Do you make a habit out of following strange men into their houses? Do you do it for the thrills?”

“I . . .” Harper’s jaw hangs open. She’s angry, but she doesn’t know what to say. “Look, you can’t keep me here.”

“You just got here, and now you want to leave?” I chuckle as I head to the living room.

Harper can try unlocking the door and walking out, but I know she won’t. She has spent too much effort getting here. She won’t just walk away that easily.

Besides, if she does try to escape, I’ll catch up to her and overpower her in no time. Whoever is waiting for her won’t even get a chance to hear a yelp out of her.

I take my seat on the couch and pick my phone back up. No new messages. Good.

Harper stands awkwardly by my leather couch, her big, clear, green eyes glaring at me.

She’s also still wearing her damp jeans. That can’t be comfortable. That jacket is also probably too warm to wear inside.

“What do you want, Harper?” I ask, looking up at her.

“I have some questions for you.”

“What if I don’t have answers for you?”

“I need answers, and you’re the only one who can give them to me,” she says, her voice softening.

“But, you see, I don’t need to give those answers to you. As far as I’m concerned, there’s no need for further dealings between you and me.”

“You can choose not to answer some of them if you feel they’re too intrusive,” she says.

“You don’t deal with people much, do you?” I ask.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, generally if you want someone to do what you want, you tell them what’s in it for them. I still haven’t heard what the benefits to me will be if I answer these questions.” I cock an eyebrow as my lips form a lopsided smile. “Are you going to let me do more than kiss you?”

“I’m not joking.” Harper’s voice cracks. “Please, Logan. These questions will haunt me until the day I die.”

“That’s a little dramatic, isn’t it?”

Harper sounds all kinds of crazy, but there’s a sincerity in those green eyes that I can’t ignore.

Or, maybe the sight of her plump, juicy lips is making me weak. After all, the moment I lay my eyes on those long legs I can’t help but remember what they look like bare.

“Please, Logan. I’m serious.” Harper looks like she’s about to cry. She bites her bottom lip as her eyes fill with tears.

I let out a big sigh. Damn those sexy legs.

“Tell me your questions, and I’ll decide if I want to answer them,” I say.

“Oh, thank you!” A big grin breaks out on Harper’s face, and I swear she almost vibrates on the spot from her excitement.

“But first . . .” I look straight into her eyes. “You need to tell your guy to leave.”

“I will,” she says quickly. Taking out her cell phone, she taps on the screen for a few seconds. “Done.”

“Who is it, a boyfriend?” I ask.

It’s none of my business, but a girl with a boyfriend shouldn’t be doing what she has done today. I have a hard time believing a guy would help his girlfriend tail me all the way to my house, knowing we have just kissed.

Why do I care, though?

“Just . . . someone,” Harper says, to my annoyance.

She finally takes off her jacket and takes a seat on the couch opposite the coffee table from me.

Her body leans toward the fireplace by which we sit. Obviously, she’s still cold.

“You told me you’ve never had amnesia,” she says.

I laugh. “Yes. And the answer is still the same. I also don’t have a twin, and I wasn’t born in some lab like a rat. As far as I know, anyway.”

“What do you mean by that?” she asks quickly, her eyes widening. “You don’t know where you were born?”

I shake my head. “No.”

“Why don’t you? Doesn’t your family tell you?”

I stare at her. “I just don’t. And I think I’ve answered all I want to answer today.”

“No, wait, you don’t have to answer that one if you don’t want to,” she says. “I have other questions. Maybe you won’t mind answering those ones.”

I run my fingers through my hair. This girl is really giving me a headache. And, her priorities are thoroughly fucked up.

“Don’t you want to know why I’m keeping you here instead? Isn’t that a more urgent question?” I ask.

“I’m not worried. You don’t seem like a bad guy to me.”

I chuckle. “You don’t know me.”

Jesus. If she knew the things I’ve done . . .

“That’s why I’m trying to get to know you.” Harper gives me a sweet smile.

My heart skips a beat. That smile . . . With those full lips . . . It makes me want to reach across the table, grab her, and claim her mouth again. And maybe do even more to her.

She wants to get to know me, huh? We have plenty of time to spend together, just the two of us. I’ll make sure she gets to know me, alright.

“Besides, you’re a doctor,” she says. “How dangerous can your life be?”

I can’t help but burst into laughter. Oh, if only she knew . . .

“Believe me, I’m not your regular doctor.”

“Because you have rich patients?” Surprisingly, her guess isn’t too far off the mark.

“How do you know that?”

“Well, this place can’t be cheap.” She looks around. “It’s not huge, but you’ve used expensive materials throughout.

“Marble tiles. Plush, exotic rugs. Chunky, solid-wood furniture. High ceilings. Everything’s clean and shiny, too, so you probably have someone regularly come and clean the place for you.”

“Not bad.” I nod, impressed.

“Besides, your car looks expensive, too.” Harper smiles, obviously pleased to hear my compliment.

“You’re pretty good. But, I could be a trust-fund baby. Maybe I’ve inherited everything.”

“You told me you don’t know where you were born.” Harper pauses. “Also, I’ve seen you shaking hands with Robert Foster.”

I frown. This girl keeps coming up with more and more surprises.

“You know him?” I ask.

“I work for him.”

“You work for him?” I repeat, not quite believe what I’ve just heard.

Somehow, I find it hard to believe that such a sweet, innocent-looking girl could work for that man.

“Yeah. At the office of Foster Inc. downtown.” Harper tilts her head as her intelligent eyes study me. “What did you think I mean?”

Of course. She’s not involved in Robert Foster’s shady business. She’s just an office worker.

My mind conjures up an image of her in a skin-tight pencil skirt that shows off the flare of her hips. High-heeled shoes to make her long legs appear even longer. A shirt with one too many buttons undone, giving me a glimpse of her lacy, black bra . . .

She walks up to my imaginary desk in my imaginary office and places her palms on the wooden surface, bending down to show me her smooth, creamy tits.

She opens her mouth. Fuck, I can just envision those lips wrapped around my cock, her tongue darting all over my shaft and her . . .

“What is it that you do for Mr. Foster?” Harper asks, jarring me back to reality.