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Protecting His Baby by Nikki Chase (26)


“Fuck!” I curse into the phone.

“I’m so sorry, man.” Caine’s voice filters out the speakers of my car. “I don’t know what to tell you. I spoke with Enzo Guerriero, and he told me there was no problem. I found witnesses who saw you leave the party without touching his daughter. He said he knew his daughter was prone to drama

“Yeah. No shit.”

I keep my eyes on the road. It’s hard enough driving in the dark because literally, the only light source is from my own car. But with the adrenaline pumping through my system, I need to be extra careful. I won’t be useful to anybody dead.

Besides, considering how many similarities my twin brother and I share, and how he died in an accident late at night, there’s a good chance I’m prone to dying the same way, too.

Caine is conspicuously quiet on the other end of the line.

Even though he’s not my favorite person ever, he’s normally competent and efficient. Always on the move, making things happen. And nothing infuriates the Fosters more than someone messing with one of theirs.

“So, what are we going to do?” I ask.

“I . . . Look, my father just got admitted into a hospital, and I’m waiting to see what’s happening. The boys, they’ve got their hands full tonight. I’ll get back to you by tomorrow morning,” he says. Not exactly what I was hoping to hear.

“That’s not good enough, Caine. We both know Rosa is unstable. I don’t know what she’s going to do.”

“I don’t think she’s crazy enough to actually hurt your girl.” He sighs. “Here’s what I think you should do. Go meet up with her tomorrow night like she wants you to and get her to release the girl.”

“Nope. Tomorrow night is too long for me to wait. We need to talk to Enzo.”

“I’ve actually been trying to get in touch with him, but he hasn’t called me back. I’m sure he’ll call as soon as he listens to my voicemail and learns my father’s been hospitalized.”

“Give me his phone number.”

Caine pauses. For obvious reasons, it’s not normal procedure to give out the phone number of another mafia boss. But he seems to understand the seriousness of the situation because he then gives me the ten digits.

“Also,” he says, “my father and I were supposed to meet him for dinner. If you can’t get in touch with him by phone, you can probably find him at Luigi’s.”

“Who the fuck is Luigi?”

“It’s the name of the restaurant. It’s downtown. Google it. I have to go. A nurse has been getting on my nerves all night. Good luck.” Caine hangs up.

A spark of anger heats up my chest at the knowledge that I’m completely alone tonight. I thought they were going to have my back.

But Caine’s got his own crisis to deal with right now, and I can handle this. I’m not alone. I’ve got my gun with me, and my gun’s pretty good at solving problems.

Luigi’s. I enter the name into my GPS and watch the little machine show me a route.

At least I know where to go now.

After Rosa’s phone call, I stared at the picture she sent me of Harper over and over again, trying to figure out where they were.

But I could only see gray walls and some cardboard boxes. Not exactly great clues. They could be anywhere.

Caine wasn’t wrong. Worst case scenario, I can just go to dinner tomorrow night with Rosa and ask her to release Harper.

If she tries to fuck with me, I’ll just have to give her a taste of her own medicine. Kidnap her and threaten her dad into releasing Harper for me.

I’ve never met Enzo before, but I hope he’s a reasonable guy.

Caine did say Enzo’s aware of her daughter’s penchant for drama.

Still, there’s a chance he’ll completely ignore me. Rosa seems like a spoiled princess, and I’m pretty sure Enzo’s at least partially responsible for that.

If she tells dear daddy I’m lying to him, why should he believe me over his own precious daughter?

I have Rosa’s text messages, at least. If he won’t believe my words, surely he’d believe text messages coming from his daughter’s phone number.

My baby.

The words keep playing in my head. It feels strange but not in a bad way.

I’m not used to having family at all. Aside from my stint at the hospital, I’ve never had anyone depend on me. And I didn’t enjoy feeling like I needed to be a reliable person. It was a burden.

But this . . . This is different. Assuming Rosa wasn’t just lying like she normally does.

I might have a baby. And Harper might be the mother of my child.

I have no idea what the truth is. I guess I’ll find out when I speak to Harper.

But baby or no baby, I’m going to save her. Even if it kills me.

It’s not just because I don’t want her death on my conscience. I just can’t imagine living a life where Harper no longer exists.