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Resisting Her: Who knew innocence could be so tempting by Alexis Winter (15)

Chapter 16

Maddie stood in the shower allowing the hot water to cascade down her body. She was having a hard time making sense of everything…did he just want a one-time thing? She wasn't ready to let her emotions get involved after that kiss incident. Could she do casual sex? She had never tried in the past, it never seemed appealing until now.

She had never been exposed to someone so dominant, so in control and self-aware. She was intrigued by her reaction to his force and powerfulness, the way her lower stomach muscles clenched when he forced her to say those words or when he threatened to spank her.

She couldn’t wrap her head around the fact that he was attracted to her. She felt it was probably more of a desire of convenience. She couldn’t help but notice how empty and lonely his life seemed to be regarding women. Now that she thought about it she had never seen him with a woman. She couldn’t help but feel a little sad at that thought.

She finished up her shower and slipped on her pj’s. Her stomach was alerting her to how hungry she was. She hadn’t eaten since lunchtime and it was nearly 9pm. She dried her hair and moisturized her face then headed to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat.

Bennet had the same idea and was bent over rummaging through the fridge when she entered the kitchen. He turned around and threw her that panty melting smile.

"Looks like we had the same idea." Of course he was shirtless and his pajama bottoms were slung low on his hips. Maddie nervously hugged her arms to her chest again and gave a small smile.

"Yeah kind of forgot how hungry I was I guess."

"Well what are you in the mood for? I’ll make us both something." He said as he began rummaging through the fridge.

Bennet finished whipping up grilled cheese and leftover soup for them and patted the bar stool next to him. "Come here, I promise not to bite…this time." He winked. Maddie blushed and slid onto the stool next to him. "I think we should talk about things." He said as he raised his eyebrows toward her in question. She nodded in agreement as she tucked into her sandwich.

Maddie played with the corners of her crust, "So what’s going to happen?" She wasn’t sure what she was even asking, if she wanted to know what came next physically or how things would play out at work.

Bennet cleared his throat, "Well, I want you to be as comfortable as possible but I’d like to get to know you better, spend time with you intimately. How that plays out is up to you." She wasn’t sure what she wanted, she knew she wanted him but at what cost? Her career? Reputation? Her heart?

"Can I have some time to think about things?" "Of course, whatever you need. I just want you to know that it will not change anything between us should you choose to not engage me in anything outside of a professional relationship."

They both finished their meal in silence and proceeded to place their plates in the dishwasher. "Goodnight" she said as she headed down the hall towards her bedroom. Just as she placed her hand on the door handle Bennet’s hands were turning her around to face him.

"I promise I’ll leave you alone after this." He said as he kissed her fervently. His fingers entangled with hers as he raised them above her head and pinned them against the door. He pressed his body against hers, his firm member pressing into her belly. He sucked her tongue into his mouth as his lips caressed hers. His hands traveled down her arms, one wrapping around the back of her neck the other slipping down the back of her shorts and grabbing her ass.

He was pressing her into himself as he fucked her mouth with his tongue slowly kissing and licking his way down her throat. Just before he snapped he tore himself from her; breathing heavily he stood with either hand on the door frame willing himself to not have his way with her. He reached behind her and opened the bedroom door.

She stood staring at him with that same look from earlier…it was the same look she had given him the night he first kissed her. Her eyelids were heavy and her full lips were parted, he could see her breasts rising and falling under her t-shirt. She wasn’t sure what that gesture meant, was he coming inside her room? Was he telling her goodnight?

She wasn’t confident enough to grab his hand and lead him to her bed even though that’s what she wanted. She felt silly standing there staring at him so she reached out almost involuntarily to touch his chiseled chest. He let out a small gasp when her fingers made contact with his bare skin. They both stood staring at her fingertips as they rested so lightly on his chest.

She pressed her palm against him and then placed the other hand on his body as well. Not moving them at first and then slowly she began to explore. She watched her own hands move across the rippled muscles, wanting to follow with her tongue. A man had never had this kind of effect on her before. The things she wanted to do to him and him to her were beyond her wildest fantasies.

Finally Bennet grabbed her hands, "If you go any further we’re going to be in your bed naked in about five seconds. Have a good night Maddie" He said as he kissed her forehead and closed the door behind himself.