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Resisting Her: Who knew innocence could be so tempting by Alexis Winter (3)

Chapter 3

Madeline stepped into the office and gingerly made her way towards Mr. Windsor’s desk.

"Ah hello Miss Strickland it’s nice to finally meet the woman who has been bringing such innovative talent to my graphics team." He said confidently as he thrust out his hand.

"Uh, Um thank you Sir!" Madeline choked out as she shook his hand.

"Please have a seat," he said as he gestured to the chairs in front of his desk.

He proceeded to unbutton his suit coat and sit back in his chair. “I'm sure you’re wondering why I requested this meeting. I try to have a quarterly meeting with each team to get feedback and see how the morale is but I wanted to speak with you specifically because your work in these few short months has been outstanding. I’m not speaking about just your work ethic and ability to excel at deadlines but the innovative techniques and vision you bring to the team are of someone with years of experience and insight." Madeline tried to keep up and understand everything he was saying but she couldn’t help but wonder if he recognized her from the gym.

"Well thank you for the compliments Mr. Windsor, honestly coming from you it means so much. I really try to just be honest and sincere in my work and lead with intuition. I know the market and trends also play a large impact but I really try to marry them together in a cohesive way that is reflected in my work." Madeline elaborated a little on where she draws her inspiration and what lead her to ultimately choose graphic design and media marketing as her focus in school.

Mr. Windsor grabbed a file off his desk and walked over to the chair next to Madeline. "Listen Madeline, we have just landed some major accounts and I’d like you take a look at them in this file and give me your thoughts. I know this probably seems like a lot of pressure but I’m honestly just looking for your initial thoughts and ideas." As he spoke he scooted his chair closer to Madeline and opened the file. He proceeded to pull out some of the contracts and explain a little about each client; their wants, previous experiences with other firms, etc. As he pulled out the contracts his hand brushed Madeline’s bare knee and she jumped.

"My apologies," he said as he made direct eye contact with her.

"Oh, sorry no I’m just jumpy. It just startled me is all." She blushed and tried to play it off but she felt her nipples get instantly hard when his fingertips brushed her skin. She smiled and nodded as he continued on completely missing his eyes drop from hers to her lips and then to the flush creeping up her neck.

Every time he moved or gestured she could smell his cologne mixed with his masculine scent. Her ability to focus was wearing thin and she wasn't sure how much longer before she just melted into a puddle right in front of him. She was lost in lustful thought when the intercom interrupted again.

"Mr. Windsor your 10:30 is here."

"Thanks Janice I’m just finishing up with Miss Strickland." He responded. "So as I was saying take a look at the files Janice will be sending over and give me your thoughts. I’ll have her schedule a follow-up meeting sometime next week for us to discuss what you’ve come up with." He said as he escorted her to his office door.

"Ok sounds good Mr. Windsor, thanks again for taking the time to meet with me and allowing me this great opportunity." Madeline said with gusto as she thrust her hand in his.

“We'll be in touch," he said with a slight smile as his hand pressed against her lower back. He had removed it as quickly as he placed it there and was already shaking hands with his 10:30 appointment.

"John so great to see you again, come in!" She heard him say as the office door slowly closed.

The entire elevator ride and walk back to her desk, she could still feel his fingertips on her back. It felt like they were going to burn through the sheer material of her blouse.

"Heeey are you ok? You look like you just threw up or cried or something?" Jason had reappeared beside Madeline's cubicle.

“I'm good, just kind of feeling overheated a bit. I need to run to the restroom actually, be right back." Madeline grabbed her purse and hurried to the restroom. She half expected to see her makeup smeared and sweaty matted hair with the way Jason described the way she looked. To her surprise she looked…good, like really good! She had a natural flush to her cheeks and her lips looked puffy and full. Her eyes looked hooded and heavy and her hair was mussed just enough to look voluminous and sexy.

"Oh my god I look like I’m turned on!" She gasped out loud. She quickly looked under the stall doors to ensure nobody heard her. She steadied herself with her hands on the counter and took some long, deep breaths.

"Get it together Maddie, you are a god damn adult and you can act like one!" She said as she pointed to herself in the mirror. She ran some cold water over her hands and pressed them against her neck. She let out a long breath, readjusted her button down blouse and pencil skirt, and then headed back to her desk.