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Risking the Crown by Violet Paige (202)

Chapter 12

I flipped to the next open page in my journal. I looked at the last date and realized it had been two weeks since I had written. I leaned into the pile of pillows on my bed. I had a night to myself.

Vaughn said his business trip would be short. It was an overnight.

I had papers to grade. I had cases to study. I needed to submit a report to Max. And all I could think about was the cold shallow spot in my bed. I had turned to my journal, thinking I could focus on something other than how much I missed him. In only a few short weeks he had become a constant craving.

I kicked the covers in frustration, and marched to the kitchen to pour a glass of wine.

The dishes from last night’s dinner were stacked on the counter. I closed my eyes, remembering how Vaughn had kept me from putting them away. The chills ran up my arm and down my spine.

That’s what I should write about. How Vaughn had infected me with some kind of sexual intoxication. I was a different woman than the one who had moved to D.C.

It wasn’t that the boxes were unpacked and all my clothes hung in the closet. Or that I knew my way around the Metro and campus. Those things had come with time. Each day I walked through my new life, they became a part of it.

I should write about how something tugged and pulled me toward Vaughn. How I could look at him and feel the current running between us. It defied logic. He had awakened me. Brought happiness when everything else was muddled and gray.

I didn’t know how he’d done it. I had dated other men I knew more about than Vaughn. It seemed by the third date I had a complete history on their favorite sports teams, who they voted for the first time, and every place they had gone on summer vacation as a kid. They weren’t afraid to hand over their biographies. They were scared to death to hand over themselves. The distance they kept wasn’t in a list of personal accomplishments or sharing every opinion that occurred to them. The distance came from under their skin. From time they could give. From fear that feelings for me would cripple their lives.

The irony was that Vaughn was the opposite side of the coin. I knew him better than any man who had been in my bed.

I curled under the covers and rested the wine glass next to the bed.

Instead of picking up my journal I reached for my laptop. It had been a month. More than a month, and I had resisted all my instincts to research Vaughn. Until now.

I didn’t have all the details. I didn’t have a picture of his past or the experiences of his life. I was selfish, but I wanted them.

I typed his name into the Facebook search bar. I waited for his picture to pop up.


I scrunched my nose and tried Instagram and lastly Twitter.


I started an internet search next. I came up empty. Vaughn Hunter didn’t show up anywhere.

I closed the computer and sat back. I realized not all guys liked to be on social media. And they liked being tagged and linked even less. He was a private person. I knew that. But I chewed my bottom lip, trying to figure out how I would ask him about it.

I couldn’t mention it without revealing I had tried to find him.

The question I had to answer for myself was, what difference did it make? Did it matter if I couldn’t find pictures of Vaughn online? Maybe I was spared the awkward pain of seeing him with an ex-girlfriend. What would I get out of scrolling through pictures of him with another woman?

My phone chimed with a text.

I picked it up.

Thinking about me?

I smiled.


I wasn’t ready to tell him that I couldn’t think about anything other than him. I knew it was too soon. I knew a month of dating and sleeping together wasn’t long enough to bare my soul. Even though it was as if Vaughn knew my soul. He knew parts of me no man had touched. Pushed me to a ridiculous Internet search. I was embarrassed.

Want to go somewhere this weekend?

I stared at the phone. Was he asking me to leave town with him? I scrambled through the schedule in my head, dying to tell him yes.

What were you thinking?

My responses were much calmer than my feelings.

I know this place a few hours away. Lots of wine.

I held the glass I had poured. He wanted to go to one of the wineries. I’d heard people at work talk about them. Fall was apparently the best time to go. Holy shit. I imagined an entire weekend with Vaughn on vacation.

I’d love to go.

He typed back quickly.

I’ll make the reservations.


I had a deposition on Monday with Lana Foley, but I could still make this work. I’d have to tell Vaughn we needed to leave earlier on Sunday, but I wasn’t going to say no. I’d work my ass off the rest of the week to prepare.

It was the without a doubt the most intimidating and daunting case of my life, going up against a U.S. senator. But Vaughn was just as important. I thrived with him. I needed him. A flash of hesitation whipped through me. Was it irresponsible to put Lana’s case behind my relationship with Vaughn?

I convinced myself I wasn’t doing that. I had the rest of the week to prepare. And it wasn’t as if a deposition was the same as being in the courtroom. I had a long way to go on her case. This was only the beginning. The first stride in the marathon. Right now I wanted to spring to Vaughn.

* * *

On Friday afternoon I skirted past Meg, shoving files in my messenger bag. I still had to pack a suitcase and change for our drive to the winery. I made a list of what to pack. If I hurried, I could throw it together in ten minutes.

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“Weekend plans.” I smiled.

“That’s all you’re going to say? You never leave early.”

I paused in front of her desk. “It’s with a guy.”

“Really? That sounds serious. A weekend trip. Wow.”

I shrugged, trying to downplay the significance. “It’s just a quick trip. I’ll be in Monday for Mrs. Foley’s deposition.”

“I’m not worried about a deposition.” She rolled her eyes. “Tell me who the guy is. That’s more interesting.”

“More interesting than prosecuting a senator who had an affair and fired his mistress when she got pregnant? Your definition of interesting is skewed,” I teased.

“Oh come on,” she whined.

“Maybe after the weekend,” I hinted. “See you Monday morning.”

“You can’t leave like that.”

I laughed. “Have a good weekend, Meg.”

I left her to contend with Addie. I ignored my officemate’s sideway glare when I stacked my files and turned off my laptop at least an hour early for a work day. After working together in close quarters for over a month, Addie still hadn’t warmed up to the idea of sharing space. She didn’t like to collaborate on cases. She didn’t like to share the students.

Most days I felt as if she were guarding secrets, protecting her methods in case I might steal them. The program was competitive, but I didn’t view the other attorneys as my nemeses. I accepted she did.

The odds were stacked against us. With the amount of residents in the program and a limited faculty slot, the margin was too narrow to get caught up in defeating each other. Working in the clinic helped me see that there was enough evil being waged on women in the world. I wasn’t about to pile on it by back-stabbing my colleagues. I’d rather not get ahead than push someone down.

The apartment was quiet while I packed for the weekend. I texted Greer that I was going to be out of town for two nights. I didn’t hear back from her.

She didn’t have access to her phone in some of the senate committee meetings. She said security was always a top concern. She had to leave her phone in the office. I’d probably hear from her later tonight. I wasn’t ready to give her other details anyway. She would interrogate me more than Meg had.

I quickly gathered a few outfits, making sure to pack a special black lacy number I had ordered online. I didn’t have a plan when I saw it on the website. Only that Vaughn had to see me in it. I zipped the suitcase until it was closed completely.

I heard a knock at the door and practically skipped to let Vaughn in.

“Hi.” His sexiness was devastating.

He pulled me in for a kiss.

“Hi.” I smiled, reeling from the way his lips felt. I knew if he let go I might slip off balance.


I nodded. “I’ve never been to a winery, so I wasn’t sure what to pack.” I walked to my bedroom to retrieve my suitcase. “I don’t need anything dressy, do I? I think I packed enough, but…”

“It’s casual. Out in the country,” he explained. “Clothes are always optional.”

Vaughn tugged on the handle before I could reach for it. He lifted it from the bed and walked toward the apartment door.

“Coming?” He turned to wait for me.

I grabbed the keys, my purse, and locked the door behind us.

“Is this your car?” It was simple and non-descript. I pictured him driving something sleek, not a four-door sedan.

I waited on the curb while he placed my suitcase in the trunk. It had already started getting dark.

“No. I rented one for the weekend.”


He held the door for me and I climbed into the passenger seat.

I watched his confident strides as he walked in front of the headlights. Once Vaughn was behind the wheel I let my shoulders relax.

“Hard day?” he asked. He must have noticed the change in my posture.

Everything about the trip felt surreal. I didn’t realize until now that I had been holding my breath, waiting for something to happen. Something that would keep us from leaving. Garrett. Work. Vaughn deciding this was too much too soon. I hadn’t let myself fully believe we would go away together until I sat in the car. It hit me, all the anxiety had been a useless waste of time.

Vaughn started the car and led us away from the row of brownstones. I frowned when I saw the endless line of taillights ahead of us. Everyone was trying to get out of D.C. for the weekend.

“How long did you say it takes to get there?” I asked.

“Longer with the traffic, but we should be there in a couple of hours.” He squeezed my knee.

Country lanes or city lights—I didn’t care. I was ok with a long car ride. I was ok with being stuck in a traffic jam. I was ok because I was with Vaughn. My hand slid over top of his and I sat back for the trip.

* * *

When we pulled up in front of the inn, I looked around for other cars.

“Where is everyone?” I asked.

Vaughn hopped from his side and walked around to let me out of the car.

“Must still be in traffic,” he suggested.

I followed him inside. The door creaked as he opened it. But the house was full of charm. I loved it. The weathered beams overhead. The worn hardwood floors. It was gorgeous.

“Wait here,” he directed. “I’ll check us in.”

I stood by the door as he exchanged information with the man behind the desk and received the key.

“We’re ready.” He dangled it in front of me. “Why don’t you go upstairs and I’ll get the bags?”

“I can help you.”

He shook me off. “No. Go on up. I’ll be there in a minute. There isn’t much to carry.”

I reluctantly turned from him, taking the key, and walking up the staircase that extended from the center of the foyer.

It felt good to stretch my legs. Our room was at the end of the hall on the second floor. I turned the key in the lock. There was a monstrous four-poster bed. Across from it was a fireplace. There was a small fire burning. I walked toward it, feeling the gentle waves of heat floating in the air.

The flames crackled and popped, licking the logs in the grate. I wondered if Vaughn had called ahead to make all these arrangements.

It was easy to feel as if we had escaped the city and all the complications that lived there. It might be for only a weekend, but I could pretend Vaughn had rescued me. H was keeping me safe and protected where the only thing we had to worry about was each other.

A few minutes later I heard the handle click as he pushed it open, dragging the suitcases with him.

“Let me help.” I rushed to take my bag from him. I hadn’t over packed, but I wanted to make sure I had everything I might need.

“What do you think about the room?” His eyes darted from me to the bed.

“It has everything.” My heart did this strange flutter step. The room had everything because Vaughn was standing in it.

“Did you pack anything in there for me?”

My hand froze on the zipper. “Why would you think that?”

Vaughn strolled to a tray of wine and food. He poured two glasses of dark red wine.

“Put it on.” His voice was firm.

The thrill ran through my core. I didn’t hesitate. I gathered the black lace from the bottom of the suitcase and walked to the bathroom, quietly closing the door to redress.

When I emerged, the only light was from the fire.

Vaughn’s eyes landed on mine before trailing my throat and the clear path the deep-V cut to my navel. The sheer fabric stretched between my legs, creating a thong that was attached by a satin ribbon. I’d never bought a piece of lingerie so expensive or so seductive in my life. From his reaction, I knew it was worth it.

“Damn, Em,” he growled, sitting on the end of the bed.

“You like it?” I asked coyly. My nipples hardened under his stare. I knew he could see my every reaction. It made every motion I made feel more alluring.

His hands cupped my face, drawing me toward him.

His mouth covered mine as he held me in the kiss. Our breath was ragged and erratic.

“You wore this for me to fuck you in, didn’t you?” he whispered.

I nodded. God, yes.

“Good,” he growled.

He pulled me into his lap, his hands canvassing my body. His tongue lashed at my neck before licking through the fabric over my nipple. I gasped, my head thrown back in ecstasy.

His fingers climbed my spine, massaging my back with hungry pressure. I leaned into his arms, knowing he had me. He wouldn’t let me fall to the floor. He bit and sucked at my breast, coaxing moans from my mouth while I lingered in his hold, my back arched in full extension like a ballerina. Offering him my body. Giving him everything he wanted.

I felt the warmth of his breath on my skin. He reeled me up to sitting, so I faced him.

“Did you see this bed?” he asked.

“Yes.” I swallowed.

He moved to stand, sliding my thigh away from his waist, and depositing me on the bed. He unzipped his pants, dropping them to the floor.

“You didn’t think I brought you here for a wine tour did you?” he asked wickedly.

I bit my lip. I didn’t care about wine. I cared about this. About spending the weekend in bed with Vaughn. About making him happy. About taking everything he gave.

His boxer briefs hit the floor next. The lust crept through me for him. I rolled onto my back, aligning my head with the end of the bed.

“This is why you’re so fucking perfect, Em.”

He drew one knee next to my shoulder and then the other. His cock bobbed in front of my lips and I whimpered for it. I curled my tongue forward to lick the glistening bead of dew. He tasted salty and sweet. I swallowed with a smile before latching onto the silky skin of his thickness.

“Shit,” he groaned.

I moved quickly, proud of how I could satisfy him this way. He began to sink his cock deeper into my mouth as I opened my throat for him. I sucked and swirled my tongue over the rigid lines of his erection. My hips began to rock gently as he pumped in and out of my mouth and that’s when I felt his tongue slide under my lingerie and lash at my clit.

I almost sputtered with the surprise. He sank deep in my throat as he pushed a finger inside me and his teeth grazed over my nub.

I couldn’t escape the fullness of it. My mouth was his. My clit was his, and my heat. I clutched and squeezed at his fingers, whimpering as he slid in and out of me from all angles. My orgasm was building, faster than I could control it.

I thought I had him. I thought I had led him to the cliff of ecstasy, but I was wrong. He had pushed me off the ledge when I wasn’t looking.

He was relentless, stroking my walls while his tongue circled, building the kind of cataclysmic sensation I didn’t know how to experience. And just when I thought the fullness would push me into an abyss, I felt something new. Something so erotic I bucked with shock. It was taboo. It was off-limits. But the instant Vaughn’s thumb pressed against the forbidden entrance with the promise of breaching it, it was enough to throw my orgasm into another dimension. My body was wracked with pleasure.

His fingers moved deep in me, spreading wider. His cock filled my mouth. His mouth sucked on my clit and his thumb never let up, slipping farther until every part of my body welcomed him. Begged for him. Existed with pleasure because of him.

My release came in epic shattering force, catapulting me into darkness where I could only feel. Nothing existed in those few seconds but pure rapture. And Vaughn had given it to me.

As my breathing slowed, he withdrew his body from me and pivoted on the bed to face me. He pressed a kiss on my lips, sliding his tongue against mine.

His hand slipped under my back and I felt the release of the satin ribbon. He withdrew it and held it up.

“Do you trust me, Em?”

“Yes,” I whispered. I would trust him with my life, but tonight he wasn’t asking for that. He was promising a closeness I had never desired. Pure and total surrender.

“Don’t move.”

He stepped onto the floor and walked to the end of the bed. He lifted me until I was close to the end post of the bed. He reached for my wrists and I watched in silence as he made two loops around them with the ribbon and then secured them to the post with a knot.

“Are you ok with this?” he asked.

I was already dripping wet. My body ached for him. I had been launched into a sphere of my sexuality I didn’t know existed. I wanted to try more. To do more. To do all of it with Vaughn. I nodded slowly.

He lovingly brushed my hair off my shoulder and kissed the bare skin as he climbed behind me.

His hands traced my back, stopping to squeeze and massage my breasts. He coasted over my waist and along my hips, before lifting my ass in the air.

He pressed a kiss onto my back. I held the post. My eyes closed as he spread my legs.

He nudged himself between my legs and with a powerful thrust, he surged inside my body. I screamed out with pleasure, rocking into him.

He moved in and out of me with slow strokes. Each one slower than the last. I begged for more.

“Vaughn, please,” I pleaded. The pressure was intense. His cock thick inside me.

“I don’t want it to end.” His words almost sounded haunted.

He hilted himself inside me and I hissed, pulling against the tie on the bed. I was at his mercy. Like I had been only minutes before. That had been about filling me with everything he had. This was about timing. Accepting the pleasure. Lingering in it. Discovering the slowness. The rawness of his hot flesh sliding into mine.

“I don’t either,” I moaned. “I don’t.”

My body arched and quivered. Every time he pushed inside me I felt something new and different. As if we were being tied together. Sewn into each other’s skin.

The fire crackled across the room. Vaughn circled his arms around me, landing on the ribbon he tied. He pulled on the end, loosening the knot until it fell from my wrists.

He pulled his cock from me and I whimpered from the emptiness.

But just as quickly he lifted me from the bed and laid me on the floor in front of the fire.

My body burned for him. I thought I would burst into flames from the inside out, but he pushed my knees aside as he began to sink his cock inside me.

His mouth landed on mine and he pushed inside. I groaned. I clawed and grasped at him. Our bodies crawled over each other. We rode each other. We kissed and fucked. Our bodies were slick with sweat. He pushed inside me, sending me to dark and carnal places. He flipped me on my stomach, taking me from behind. Before he neared his orgasm, he rolled on his back, tugging me to straddle him backward. I knew he was watching my every thrust as I slid over his shaft up and down. His hands splayed across my ass, inching closer to the forbidden zone. I didn’t know if I wanted it again or not, only that I loved fucking him like this. I was in control of the speed and the angles. We moved in rhythm. We lost our breath. We lost our minds.

My hands caressed my breasts, massaging over my nipples.

“You drive me fucking insane when you do that, Em.”

“Good,” I teased.

I rubbed my palms over my hips before traveling back to my tits.

“Fuck it,” he growled.

He reared up, sending me forward.

“Oh God,” I squealed. His cock popped from my entrance before he spread my knees wide. I was mesmerized by the flames in front of me.

The blue and dancing light jumping between the logs. Searing and blistering as the fire licked and billowed in the grate. Just then the head of Vaughn’s shaft slid inside me as I struggled to find something to grasp. He was at a new level of animalistic intensity. It felt so incredible I hummed as my breathing turned to ragged pants.

“Oh fuck me, Vaughn. Fuck me,” I begged.

He sent a powerful stroke between my legs and I trembled with dizziness.

“Like that?” he groaned.

“Yes. Again. Please.”

“I can’t fucking stop.”

I stayed on my hands and knees as Vaughn fucked me one last time. I couldn’t last any longer. I was exhausted. I shook with weariness as he pinched and squeezed my nipple as it draped the pile of blankets and pillows we had brought with us to the floor.

“You fucking belong to me, Em,” he growled.

I bucked under him. Another orgasm was about to claim me.

“Only if you belong to me,” I whispered back to him.

“Shit,” he groaned. He pumped inside me, spilling his release in my walls. His body molded to mine.

We collapsed in a heap on the floor. The fire was down to a pile of orange coals.

“Fuck,” he whispered.

I rolled on my back. I wasn’t cold. Far from it. I was exhausted and sated at the same time. Vaughn stood to throw another log on the fire.

I watched his body in amazement. Every line of him was perfect. Every muscle. Every limb.

He took a few steps to the tray of food and brought it to the floor.

“I forgot we had food in here.” I sat up to take few bites.

“We have it all weekend.” He winked. “I didn’t really plan on leaving. I ordered the necessities: food, wine, and wood.”

I smiled. “Then why come all the way out here?” I asked. “We could have done this at my place.”

“I don’t remember you having a four-poster bed.”

I looked at the bed over his shoulder. “True. I don’t.” I took a bite of cheese and cracker and greedily gulped the wine he offered. “Do you think there’s more use for it?”

Vaughn picked up a strawberry. “At least a hundred more.” He said it with such seriousness I almost laughed.




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