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Risking the Crown by Violet Paige (21)


My spontaneous lust for Nic had cost us a valuable thirty minutes of planning, but I felt satisfied and closer to him. When he left for his next meeting I couldn’t help but feel we were leaving permanent marks on each other. Every time we were together, we dove deeper, scratching the surface of our souls.

If he thought we could pull off a trip to America without a royal manager, he had no idea why my job entailed. I was going to have to detail everything and make it happen. I didn’t have time to interview candidates for my replacement. I’d do that when we returned.

In the meantime, I had to coordinate an international travel schedule for the prince.

I had turned in my resignation letter, but I hadn’t turned in my tablet. I pulled up the schedule used to sync the family’s movements.

I tapped my pen on the table, reading through the engagements Nic was supposed to attend over the next two weeks.

All those venues needed to be notified before word got out he was headed overseas. I typed out an official memo with the Sauvage family crest at the top. I would make sure each one was hand delivered before we made the announcement about the trip.

I walked to the dining room and poured another cup of coffee. I was on my way back to the sitting room when I heard footsteps in the foyer.

“Oh, Your Majesty.” I immediately bowed when I saw the queen.

“Oh my God. Don’t do that.” She smiled. “I heard you’re no longer a royal manager.”

I swallowed. “No. I’m not.”

“Damon told me about it and I wanted to visit you myself. I thought you might need an ally.”

“Can you I get something to drink? Coffee?” I stopped. “Or tea?” That was a better offer for a pregnant woman, but I didn’t know anything about pregnancy.

“You can sit while I pour a small cup.” She laughed.

We strolled to an open sun room next to the balcony. The room was washed in light. I didn’t want to take her into my war zone. I had lists and stacks all over the coffee table.

“You know, I’ve never been in Dominic’s apartments.” Her head pivoted back and forth. “I had a small suite for a few weeks.”

“Yes. I remember.” I nodded. Alya had told me she never slept in them. The queen-to-be at the time had used them to work on her dissertation.

“Right. I guess everyone knows everything under this roof.” She stretched her legs forward on an ottoman. “It’s so nice in here. I would curl up in this chair every day and take a nap.”

I laughed. “I don’t know if Nic even uses it.”

“That’s cute. You call him Nic.”

I blushed. It had seemed so natural when I said it. “I never did before.”

“I know you have a lot to do. I heard about the trip too. I don’t want to take up all your time. I just wanted you to know that if you need anything…I’m here.”

“Thank you.” I didn’t know how to respond to the queen coming to me as an equal. I couldn’t shift modes so quickly. Nic wanted me to, but it wasn’t that simple.

I was always on the outside looking in. I had watched Molly Washington stumble more than once since she married the king. And I’d be lying if I said it didn’t bother me how cavalier she was about it all.

There was meaning and merit in the traditions of the crown. Was I abandoning my life’s beliefs now? Was I becoming as careless as her? Was one night with Nic all it took to undo everything that I valued?

“Maybe we can do something together when you get back,” she suggested. “Nothing official, of course. I like to keep it as unroyal as possible.” She smiled, uncurling herself from the chaise. She yawned, rising to her feet.

“I’d like that.” I walked her to the foyer. “Thank you for the visit.”

She paused at the door. “Kenley, I know you and Ayla can run circles around me. And she has more than once, but maybe you and I could help each other. I’m never going to be like Isabel. I’m ok with that. But I’d like to be more like you. I’d like to have your knowledge. Your background is incredible. And this transition isn’t going to be easy. People who were once your co-workers are now going to be serving you. I’ve stumbled through a rough transition, maybe I could help you too.”

“Thank you. We probably have more in common than I realized.”

She brushed her dark hair off her shoulder. I wonder if there was something about Sauvage men liking long hair. I was sure the king wanted her to keep it down.

“No problem. I wish I could go home with you, but I’m not feeling well enough to make the trip.”

“I understand.” I was close to letting her know I was in on her secret, but I’d wait and let her tell me on her own time.

“Have a good trip. Girls’ night when you get back.”

I laughed. “All right. I’m in.”

She left the apartments and I turned to face the workload ahead of me. I wondered if I had been too harsh on her the past months. It was easy to see how out of place she had been as an American. As the woman who created mass chaos inside these walls. As the woman who did something no one had been able to do—marry Damon Sauvage.

I dropped into the seat. I could figure out the family dynamics later. Right now, I had work to do.