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Rocky Mountain Home by Vivian Arend (11)

Chapter Ten

As tired as she was, the words were enough to send a jolt of adrenaline through her system. “Jesse…”

He pressed a kiss to the side of her neck as he slipped a hand under her shirt. “I brought you my paperwork, but to prove what a gentleman I am, you don’t have to look at it tonight.”

His fingers were warm as he caressed and teased, and if she weren’t so damn tired, it would’ve been exactly what she’d craved. “I want to…”

“…fuck. I know. But you can hold out until tomorrow for my cock.”

A noise escaped Dare, somewhere between a laugh and a grunt. “Such an ass.”

He patted her on the butt. “Bed, darlin’. Don’t tempt me to do wicked things when you’re asleep on your feet.”

“Still be fun.” Her words were slurring, and she was thankful for his guidance as he walked her into her bedroom and helped her get ready.

He didn’t take advantage. Not when he stripped off her clothes, or when he knelt beside her, letting her balance with a hand on his shoulder as he wiggled off her pants and socks.

When she would have reached for her pyjamas, she found a warm Jesse-scented T-shirt being pulled over her head.

She nuzzled against his suddenly bare chest. “I like wearing your clothes.”

“Hmm, I like you wearing my clothes too, although naked is even better. Now hit the can. Can you find your way?”

“If you didn’t leave the seat up. Hate falling in.”

Jesse laughed. “Common complaint of the fairer sex. I swear I will do my damnedest to keep you from falling in.”

She took care of business and brushed her teeth, stumbling back to the bedroom in that half-asleep/half-awake state. That she was still vertical was a testament to the invigorating impact of Jesse’s presence.

Damn hormones.

He’d already pulled back the sheets, and she collapsed, punching her pillow into position as she sank into the mattress.

“Good night, darlin’.”

A gentle, chaste kiss landed on her cheek, shocking her enough she opened her eyes to peek into a slice of heaven, his blue eyes only inches away.

She stared for a moment before remembering what she was going to say. “You’re really putting me to bed alone?”

“I really am.” He stood and backed away, his deep voice wrapping her in a warm cocoon. “I know where to find you come morning. Now, hush. Rest.”

Dare was about to protest when she woke, sheets toasty around her, the room dark.

Seemed she’d ended up catching a few zzzs in spite of herself.

She leaned up on an elbow to check the clock. It blinked at her, pale blue digits in a dark background. Two a.m. and she was wide-awake.

Dare lay back, slowly stretching a hand toward the far side of the mattress, surprised and somewhat disappointed to discover she was alone in the big bed.

Disappointed. Huh. Maybe she should do something about that.

She poked her head out the door, not sure what she expected to find at this time of the morning, but the house was quiet, the ranch as well, and she made her way to the sink to get a drink.

Her gaze skittered to a stop on the medical report Jesse had pinned to her fridge. She bit her lip to stop from laughing out loud.

Over the years she’d gathered an eclectic collection of fridge magnets, and he’d strategically gone through them, using the ones with happy faces to hold the paper in place. But the starring role had been given to an oversized yellow arrow that proclaimed TO DO in bold black.

He’d strategically lined it up to his name.

The turkey was trying to be funny, but she totally understood where he was coming from. With so many things to figure out, and an entire relationship to build, she was sure there was something wrong with her that sex was the only thing currently on her mind.

His voice echoed in her brain. This part was simple, and she had to agree with the sentiment. Maybe they shouldn’t base a long-term relationship on sex alone, but it seemed like cutting off her nose to spite her face to deny that she wanted him.

So? What was she waiting for?

Dare headed to the office, pushing the door open carefully. Moonlight shone in the window like a pale blue spotlight. Jesse took up most of the surface of the small, single mattress, blankets kicked off to reveal his muscular torso, the edge of his boxers barely covering more interesting territory. She stepped toward the bed, the merest brush of guilt washing past for waking him up.

Considering what she was about to offer, she didn’t think he’d mind.

She sat on the edge of the bed, and his eyes popped open, searching the room quickly before fixing on her face.

“You okay? What’s wrong?”

Dare hurried to reassure him. “Nothing’s wrong only…”

Suddenly awkward for no good reason, she hesitated.

Jesse sat upright, reaching for her. “You have a nightmare?”

She ignored the question and instead curled herself up on the mattress next to him. “It was lonely in my bed.”

He wrapped an arm around her, laughing softly. “Here I thought I was being a gentleman and letting you sleep with no one making you twitch.”

“Maybe I don’t want to sleep.”

He tensed. “Really?”

Dare went for the gusto, rolling as rapidly as the tiny space allowed until they were face to face. “Is it morning yet?”

His grin brightened. “You’re one of those kids. On Christmas morning they had to lock you in your room to stop you from waking the entire household, right?”

Dare drifted a hand over his shoulder and down his back, fingertips teasing along the elastic of his boxers. “You know this from experience?”

She found herself flat on her back with him stretched out full-length over her. “I told you we had a lot in common.”

He brought their lips together and kissed her, soft for a brief instant before he took full control. The heavy weight of his torso pressed her down so she had nowhere to go except around him. She opened her legs to let his hips settle more firmly against her, dragging her nails over his skin as a blanket of warmth accelerated to high heat between one breath and the next.

Jesse shifted far enough he could kiss his way down her neck. “You need to lose my shirt.”

He caught the bottom edge, bunched it up and slid it over her breasts. The next second he had her nipple in his mouth, the impact sending an explosive shot directly between her legs.

For all that he complained about her shirt, he didn’t seem too worried about stopping to get rid of it. He just shoved the material out of the way so he could cup his hands on the outside of both breasts, pressing them together to work from side to side. Dare threaded her fingers through his hair, letting him give her pleasure as he took what he wanted.

“If I’m dreaming, this is the best dream I’ve had my entire life,” Jesse teased, laying a row of kisses down her belly to finish between her thighs. “Look, here’s a sweet little pussy, all ready to be petted.”

Dare snickered. “Where do you get these lines?”

He answered by stroking a finger through her curls, followed by covering her with his mouth.

Cheesy pickup lines or not, damn, the man’s tongue should be offered awards. He teased her clit slow and steady, then faster until he damn near growled. “So fucking sweet.”

He covered her completely. Licking and sucking greedily until she was gasping for air, her body quivering and ready to go.

“Now,” she demanded, “get in me now.”

He didn’t take orders very well. Instead of listening he doubled down, increasing that magic touch with his tongue, slipping his fingers into her sex and thrusting deep.

The result was instantaneous. Her body exploded with pleasure, sex pulsing, thighs quivering, and she moaned involuntarily.

Jesse laughed softly, working his hand as he slid against her body until he could look into her eyes. “There it is, that delicious sound. You need to make it again.”

She’d gone off so quickly, but she wasn’t sure if it was a testament to his talents or to the fact that she’d been pretty much a born-again virgin since February.

Or maybe it was the combination of them, because he looked on the edge as well. Her body tightened around his fingers, attempting to hold on as he pulled free and levered himself over her.

How the realization made it through her pleasure-soaked brain, she had no idea, but an instant after it hit, the words snuck out. “Oh my God, I’ve never done this before.”

He looked amused for a spilt second until he caught her meaning. “Hell. Me neither.”

No condoms. Oh, boy.

Dare took a deep breath, cupping his face in her hands. “Another thing we have in common. We should totally fuck.”

Jesse laughed, gaze connecting with hers as something more serious drifted over his face. He placed his cock to her sex. “Ready?”

She answered by lifting her hips and surrounding the tip of his cock. His lashes fluttered closed with pleasure.

The next second he’d slid all the way in, and this time they both groaned happily. There was no pause, no chance to find control as he pulled back then thrust, the intimacy of being connected powerful and perfect. Hard motions, softer ones, teasing all her senses as he filled her. Over. And again.

Dare closed her eyes and soaked in the sensations. Her body tingled from head to toe, and every good memory she’d had of their one night together was more than matched as he fucked her. The mattress swayed under them even as he kept his power held in check.

After every hard drive the bedsprings creaked, and Dare dug her fingertips into his shoulders. “Yes.”

“More,” Jesse growled. “I want more.”

Oh, God, yes.

He leaned up on one elbow then caught her right leg, dragging her thigh over his hip. The new angle sent him deeper, and they moved together in a pounding rhythm as another peak built.

His lips connected with hers and he kissed her. Once, twice, grinding their hips together. That final brush over her clit closed the deal, and she came, sighing her pleasure into his mouth.

Jesse swore softly, driving his cock fully into her as his body shook with his release. Muscles taut, heavy gasps escaping.

Stillness washed over them. When he finally rested his head on the bed beside her, he held himself braced just far enough away to keep from crushing her into the mattress. They were sweaty, breaths mingling as they balanced on the limited space of her childhood bed, but she was content.

Confused, overwhelmed, but also sated, and for now? They’d found a connection in the simplest thing in the world.

It was enough.



Jesse whistled happily, sitting at the kitchen table.

“Stop smirking,” Dare ordered, but there was a smile on her lips as she threw a muffin at him.

He raised his arm, and her missile bounced off his wrist harmlessly. He leaned over to pick it up off the floor then blew at the surface before removing the wrapper. “That wasn’t a smirk. “

She folded her arms over her chest.

This is a smirk.” He leered, leaning forward as he took a big bite of the muffin.

Dare rolled her eyes as she got up from the table and carried her empty plate to the counter. “Could you at least attempt to hide that we’ve been making the beast with two backs the next time you see my brothers?”

Jesse pretended to consider as he hurried to swallow his mouthful. “You plan on not telling Ginny we had sex?”

Dare sighed mightily. “I won’t outright tell her, but she’s like some insane mind reader, or she’s got a crystal ball. She probably woke up in the middle of the night the instant we started fooling around and made a note of it so she could tease me today.”

They had another topic to discuss. Jesse went for it. “Just so you know, I gave my notice at Bar M.”

Her face scrunched with confusion.

“I’ll be working out my final weeks, then I’ll find a job in the Heart Falls area,” he explained. Understanding lit her eyes, then something closer to protest. He spoke before she could complain about his actions. “Hey, I promised to be there for you and Buckaroo. Can’t do that from a couple hundred kilometres away, so you’d better get used to the idea. I’m sticking around, got it?”

She nodded slowly. “I hear you—although I still feel guilty. But…thanks.”

His phone buzzed with a message. She brushed a kiss against his cheek before leaving him to it and disappearing into the washroom.

The water turned on, and Jesse considered ignoring his message and heading into the shower to join her, but he supposed that might be pushing it.

He glanced at the screen to discover a far too familiar message from his cousin.

Rafe: Come home, you jerk

Jesse chuckled before texting back: are you really going with that as a permanent greeting?

Rafe: you like this better? Come home, you jerk, I’m getting married

A sudden rush of adrenaline struck Jesse. The last time he’d talked to Rafe in person was when his cousin had been making a stupid mistake, and Jesse had called him on it.

Although, to be fair, Rafe had also called Jesse stupid that day, so maybe it wasn’t a contest. Still some gloating was necessary.

Jesse: I told you Laurel was perfect for you

Rafe: I’m not marrying Laurel

What the fuck? Jesse texted the message and stabbed the send key violently.

Rafe: kidding. Of course I’m marrying her, idiot. Get your ass home so you can tell me I told you so in person

His cousin had been sending him prods for the last four months, but this was the first time Jesse considered giving in. He wasn’t about to explain everything though, so he sent a final message.

Jesse: congratulations on getting the girl. I’ll let you know if it works to come visit. Gotta run

Then he turned his phone off so he wasn’t tempted to answer any more questions. Instead, he gathered his stuff and got ready to head back south.

Morgan dashed back and forth between them as Dare walked him to the truck, looking pink-cheeked and fresh from her shower. Or maybe it was from the fooling around they’d done.

She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “I’m glad you stopped by.”

Jesse grinned. “Me too. I’ll be back when I can.”

She nodded, stepping back before he was done. No way he was leaving without a kiss goodbye, and he told her so as he tugged her against his body.

Her face brightened further as she draped her hands around his neck. “I’m glad you like kissing.”

“See? Another thing we have in common.”

The kiss was over far too soon, but it was either stop now and head home, or he’d turn around and take her back to bed, and he’d never make it to work on time.

He dropped the tailgate, and Morgan jumped up into the back. Dare ruffled the dog’s ears before stepping aside.

Jesse gave her a smack on the butt.

Dare swatted him playfully. “Drive safe.”

She stepped toward the cottage. Jesse found himself grinning as he headed down the long private road leading to the highway.

Caleb was waiting outside the main ranch house, and waved him down.

Jesse lowered his window, grin turning to a smirk as he took in Caleb’s appearance. The man looked a little worse for wear.

“How are you this fine morning?” Jesse asked on the verge of a shout.

Caleb cringed. “Asshole.

“I get that a lot.”

“I forgot heavy drinking when there are kids in the house is never a good idea. They have no concept of sleeping in, or privacy. Rocking beds and hangovers don’t go well.”

“Got jumped, did you?” Jesse made sure not to mention that he’d gotten jumped in a lot more fun manner, probably earlier than Caleb.

The bed rocking had been much appreciated.

Caleb waved the comment off. “I’ll live. Glad I caught you, though. I’ve been thinking…maybe you should move closer.”

Jesse hesitated. He hated to get his hopes up, but that sounded like good news delivered with perfect timing, considering he was soon to be unemployed. “Was that a job offer?”

Dare’s brother nodded slowly. “We’ll have to figure out where you can fit into the operation, but if you plan to stick around, you may as well work here.”

Jesse buzzed with sincere gratitude as he pumped Caleb’s hand enthusiastically. “Appreciate it.”

Caleb stepped away without another word, headed back to the house. His powerful strides eating up the distance as if in denial of his hangover.

Over the next week, Jesse’s life got calmer, and it didn’t. With his notice given, the job in the south was slowly drawing to an end. Knowing he’d soon be permanently closer to Silver Stone ranch helped ease some of his nightmares, and he made the drive to see Dare the couple chances he got.

Still seemed like a bit of a dream world, and he was exhausted from the extra travel, but it couldn’t be helped.

He and Dare were sitting on her porch in the evening one of the last days in June. He’d driven out that morning after finishing a night watch, and he’d need to leave soon, but the trip was the last time he could get away until his contract finished.

Not being around for five days in a row seemed outrageously long.

“You plan to be here for Canada Day?” Dare asked.

“Can’t. They’re doing a big push to move to the summer grazing lands, and need all hands on deck.”

She changed the topic, or more accurately, brought it back to the same one. “Jaxi emailed again. Invited us up for the Coleman Canada Day party—said you could tell me about it. But I guess that’s out.”

“Sorry, but it is. I wouldn’t do that to you your first shot out of the gate. That’s the entire Coleman family, with all four clans, and friends, and anyone else brave enough to drop in, gathered in one place.”

Dare shuddered. “Okay, I’m thankful we can’t go. I’m more comfortable in smaller groups.”

He didn’t bother to answer that one because small groups were not likely at any Coleman event.

She glanced at him, mischief in her smile. “You’re going to miss our Canada Day tradition, as well. I’ll tell you the dirty details after you’re back, though, so you have ammunition to tease my brothers.”

Jesse raised a brow. “Sounds intriguing.”

“Heart Falls annual charity auction is held on Canada Day. It used to be pies and quilts and a parade, but a couple years ago someone added a bachelor auction. It’s now the bane of the boys’ existence—and it’ll be Dustin’s first year. Luke’s been gloating because being engaged to Penny gets him out of the danger zone.”

Jesse had to laugh. “Since you and I are together, I’m safe as well. But seriously, maybe I should pull some strings to be here. I want to see what woman in their right mind would bid on Dustin.”

“Don’t put down the Duster-dude. I bet he gets the cute votes like you wouldn’t believe.”

Jesse looked out over the land, that sense of being moved forward against his will was back. Maybe it had never gone away.

“You realize Jaxi’s not going to give up until we make an appearance.” He caught Dare’s eye, wondering at her stony expression. “Unless you really don’t want to go, we should probably give in sooner rather than later.”

She picked a bit of lint off her pants, pulling her gaze from his. “Is there a reason you don’t want to go? Because we don’t need to if they’re trouble, and you’re trying to avoid it.”

“God, it’s nothing like that.” Jesse rested his elbows on his knees and fought to explain what he could. “My family is great. I was just looking for some space from them is all, so it’s been rough to wrap my head around going back. I’m sorry if I gave the impression that they’re terrible people.”

She shrugged. “I was trying not to make crazy assumptions. I know you said you missed them, so they couldn’t be all bad.”

“They’re great,” he answered firmly, kicking himself for yet another stupid decision gone wrong. “Let’s set a date. I’m done work at Bar M July fourth, so we could go the week after, if that works for you. Before I get set into the schedule here on the ranch.”

“I’m sure it’s okay.” Dare twisted her fingers together over and over. “I’m a little nervous to meet them.”

Jesse laughed. “They’re likely to never want you to leave. I’ll have to peel you from Jaxi’s clutches when it’s time to go.”

Her face folded into a grimace briefly before she pulled herself together and smiled weakly. “A week, or a weekend?”

“Three days at least,” he suggested. He was proud the words sounded cheerful in spite of the churning in his gut.

She nodded. “You want to email them?”

He should, but damn if he could face that task after having up and left without any warning last February. “You go ahead and tell Jaxi to expect us on the seventh. She’ll be in her glory organizing things.”

Dare agreed, and Jesse leaned back and rocked in the silence that fell.

He was going home.

Going back with a fiancée and with a baby on the way. His brain was still trying to wrap itself around that idea, and now he had another irritating voice inside his head he was desperately trying to ignore. The one drily pointing out that no matter how tough this was going to be, he was glad he’d been forced into it.

Admitting that?





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