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Royal Master (Reigning Love Book 1) by Emilia Beaumont (27)


The trip had been cold and exhausting, let alone the jump. My whole body felt like it had been rattled beyond repair, like ice cubes in a cocktail shaker. And all I wanted to do was crash in a bed, preferably with Sophie by my side.

Luckily once I told Jeremy my plan he reluctantly agreed to forgo the jump with me over Morvyn Manor. Having a third wheel present while I tried to convince Sophie that we should be together wasn’t what I had in mind. And he’d understood. He said he was happy to “drop me off” and he’d head to Edinburgh instead for the evening.

But now I was here and I knew getting her to give in to her emotions wasn’t going to be so easy. At least she hadn’t kicked me out of the house yet or left me out in the freezing rain, despite it being late spring, so I considered that a small victory. I had to show her that we weren’t doomed, that people would come around. And I knew it would take Mum a while to let go of tradition, but I couldn’t let that stop me. I couldn’t let Sophie slip through my fingers. I needed to live my life. To the fullest, no matter what. Just like Frederick had wished it so in his letter to me.

The funny thing was that my father was on board with this relationship. He would’ve been the last person I would’ve thought would give his blessing, let alone concoct a plan to keep Sophie within my grasp. My grandparents probably would be on their daughter’s side once they found out. Not that I cared. If they wanted to disown me from their life, fine. I wanted to be fucking happy and if it meant never seeing them again, then so be it. I was willing to take that risk.

My sisters and brother, I wasn’t too sure about. Other than Charlotte, I’d never had much cause to talk to them about this kinda stuff; we were all pretty tight-lipped when it came to matters of the heart. But they were all younger, perhaps a little more enlightened. Maybe they wanted more than arranged marriages for themselves, and me standing up to the way it had always been done could be the first step that we all needed to bring our dusty old way of living out into the light.

“William, where are you taking me?”

“Not far.”

I led her down one of the halls to where the small family portrait gallery was located; all the residences had them, various generations of ancestors staring down at us in the dim light. If I were being honest they were ugly suckers. Either that or the painters had no talent.

Finding the portrait I was looking for, I stopped us, pulling her in front of me and desperately trying to ignore the smell of her shampoo. She didn’t protest when I wrapped my arms around her waist, holding her against me. Though she did stiffen slightly, as if she were holding her breath.

“See this guy?” I said softly, my voice still echoing in the quiet house. “Do you know who this is?”

She shook her head no. “If I had to guess, a very distant uncle? Will, what is this all about? What does this have to do with us?”

“And you call me impatient?” I laughed, revelling in the fact that she was in my arms, her body trembling from my touch. “This is the Duke of Trenton. A formidable man, brusque, a little rough around the edges, but he didn’t take any shit from anyone.”

“Sounds like someone I know,” she murmured, causing me to grin. “Ok, I’ll bite. What’s so special about him?”

I turned her attention to the portrait that hung by the Duke’s. “This is his wife. The Duchess, Lady Judith Litely. She was known to be a very kind and generous woman.”

“Like yin and yang,” she said softly, looking at the woman with the laughing eyes. The artist who’d painted her definitely had talent and it shone through in the micro expressions he’d managed to capture on the canvas. I adjusted my hold on Sophie, and we both leaned against the wall so we could both look at the paintings opposite, my arm still surrounding her waist.

“Judith Litely was a bar maid before she became a Duchess.”

“A bar maid,” Sophie repeated. I held her as I tried to find the next words, the words that was going to define the rest of my life.

“Yup. Rumour has it the Duke got held up due to a storm one night on his way to Scotland in a little inn not far from the border, but that wasn’t entirely accurate. His coachmen just didn’t like him all that much and thought it would be hilarious if he had to rough it for one night. Judith had been working all day, the inn packed with patrons who’d been driven in by the rain. Of course and as predicted, the Duke was pissed off that he was amongst commoners as the inn did not have a private parlour for their esteemed guest and began to take it out on poor Judith, grabbing her hand in an effort to get her attention.”

“And his touch started it all?” Sophie rolled her eyes, scepticism lacing her words. “Did she fall madly in love with him from a mere caress?”

I shook my head. “Well, no, not exactly. Judith was beyond livid that he thought he could touch her in such a familiar manner that she dumped a mug or two of ale on his head and gave him what-for.”

“Why didn’t I think of that?” Sophie snorted and I felt some of the tension ease from my chest. This could work. The story was all true and if she wanted to see the book that was stashed somewhere in the library of this very same house later on I would be happy to show her. I imagined us curled up by a fire, naked and reading the tale while wrapped up in blankets. “But that’s even more corny than what I originally thought.”

“All true though,” I said. “He was so impressed that she was unwilling to treat him differently because of his title that he knew he had to have her. He pursued her for months until he finally wore her down enough and she accepted his proposal. They went on to have ten children together and created a mini dynasty.”

I released her and spun her around to look at me, gripping her chin lightly with my hand. “She wasn’t a royal, Sophie. She didn’t have a title, or wealth to give her any standing, but it didn’t matter, he loved her anyway, for who she was, and he moved heaven and earth to be with her.”

She glanced away. “A duke is a far cry from a prince… or even a king.”

“I don’t care. I am willing to give it all up to be with you.”

Her breath caught and I saw tears gather in her eyes, hoping that she would wait until I was finished before those floodgates opened. But she didn’t. She was too stubborn and had to have her say.

“And that’s the problem, William. I don’t want you to do that for me. I can’t be the cause of—”

“I love you,” I said softly, emotion in my throat. “The country will understand. Hell, even my father understands… and he’s the last person in the world who I thought would be ok with it. I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love you, Sophie. I don’t care that you were my secretary, a servant to the royal crown. I don’t care that you can’t bring any political power to the table or supposedly enrich our stupid bloodline with titles, properties, or wealth. What matters is that you make me deliriously happy. You have showed me what kind of man I can be and I want to be that man, with you. I want to find my place in this world and come home to you every night. I want to know that if the day comes for me to take my place on that throne that I’ll have you standing next to me, cheering me on and telling me when I’m being a fool, and helping me when I fail.”

“William,” she breathed, but I silenced her with a finger on her lips. I wasn’t done yet.

“I won’t be content with a woman who doesn’t love me and is only there because of my title. I want a woman next to me who loves me because of the man that is inside. That’s what I want, Sophie. It’s either you or no one at all. And so far that’s all I’ve selfishly talked about, my wants… but most of all my dream is for you to get what you want too. For there to be no constraints on who you love or choose to be with. There shouldn’t be any barriers… you should have your hearts desire no matter who it is.”

I paused and wiped a tear from her cheek. “And hey, if your wishes and dreams align with mine, all the better,” I said with a hopeful smile. “If they don’t, then I’ll walk away right now. I’ll leave you be. I’ll never ask again. But know this, I’ve never told anyone that I loved them but I’m telling you and you will be the last woman I ever say those words to. Well, unless we have a daughter…”

Her mouth parted and I waited with a damn ache in my chest for her to answer or slap me and walk off. Either way, something was going to happen in a moment and it was going to tell me what I should do next.

“I don’t want to be your secretary,” she finally said, swallowing hard. Her hand was trembling as it touched my cheek, her warmth seeping through my skin. “I don’t want to come in every morning and see you living another life, moving on, marrying someone you’ve been told you’re supposed to.”

“Then don’t,” I answered. “Be with me. You just have to take a chance and—”

“And throw caution to the wind?”

I nodded. Even though I’d told her I would walk away if she told me no, I didn’t know if my legs would obey my promise. I would do whatever it took to get her back. Whatever it took to make her happy.

“This is crazy,” she muttered, shaking her head. I could tell she was on the verge of making a decision, either leaping forward into my arms or pushing me away for good. I could barely stand the tension… the torture. But I would’ve endured anything to merely be in her presence a few seconds longer.

“I quit.”

Her answer stunned me. “What?”

“I’m quitting right now.”

“But you already gave your notice?” I said, completely thrown, not understanding if she was telling me yes or no.

“Yes, well, I didn’t tell you in person, and just so you know I’ve also decided not to work my notice. So, I quit. Right now. It’s over.”

“You’re not my secretary anymore?”

She nodded her head, “That’s right. You’ll have to colour-code your own calendar from now on.”

“I don’t understand…” I said, daring to press for an answer.

Sophie's lips curled in a smile, her eyes sparkling with tears. “You silly Prince. I love you, William, and I don’t want to be without you ever again. What do you think about bartending as my next profession?”

The weight that was crushing my chest disappeared in an instant as the meaning of her words sank in. I crushed my lips to hers. Transferring all of the worry and frustration I’d been experiencing, but most importantly all my dreams, hopes and desires that I’d longed for, our future together, in my kiss.

She moaned under the pressure, her hands sliding up my shoulders and into my hair, urging me closer still. This was what I wanted. And more importantly this was what she wanted.

I could give up everything else in my life as long as I had moments like this waiting on me at home. I broke the kiss and grabbed her hand, pulling her towards the direction of one of the bedrooms. I needed her, badly.

After bumbling down the corridor in my haste, not finding a bed in sight, I instead let Sophie lead the way. Apparently my brain was malfunctioning, all the blood elsewhere, and the floor-plan of the manor that I’d stayed in countless times had been obliterated.

“This way,” she whispered, and we hurried down another hall, finally turning into a bedroom that she apparently had been occupying during her stay. I reached for her again, my heart pumping a thunderous roar in my ears but she batted my arms away.

With a sparkle in her eye she said, “We need to get you out of those wet clothes. Undress, please.”

I grinned. “Turning bossy now?”

“It’s my turn to tell you what I want. And right now that means you naked.”

She arched a brow and watched as I peeled off my outer layers then pulled my shirt over my head, throwing each item on the floor before reaching for my belt buckle. Her cheeks flushed as I kicked off my shoes and pushed my trousers and boxers down my legs, stepping out of them before kicking them aside too.

My cock stood erect, a proud flagpole ready to fly her colours. She walked over, her eyes on my lower half.

When her hands touched my chest, I groaned and closed my eyes, clenching my hands into fists to keep from throwing her on the bed and drilling into her. I wanted her so bad I could taste it, but if she wanted to run the show tonight, I was more than willing to play my part and give her everything she desired. After all, I owed it to her.

Her hands explored my chest, grazing my nipples and running her fingers across my abs. The wake of her nails scraping gently against my skin sent shivers to my core. She walked around me, studying me at my most vulnerable then pressed a kiss on my shoulder blade, her fingers tracing the tattoo there.

“So, what’s this for?” she asked softly.

Keeping my eyes closed, I grinned, remembering the detailed and ornate crown in black ink Rick and I both got.

“That was supposed to be my consolation crown. Frederick had one done too on his shoulder, though his was going to be a symbol of the real thing.” She lingered in place, exploring the symbol I’d long forgotten and continued to tell her of the story when we’d gotten them.

“We were both drunk and beyond reason. Frederick got it into his head to do something stupid. This is what he came up with. So I took him to a friend of a friend who ran a discreet tattoo parlour.”

“No one else knows?”

“Nope… just you now.”

“It looks fresh, like you had it done yesterday.”

“It was practically the last thing we did together around our last birthday,” I said, the memory bittersweet. The last time it had truly been just us against the world, two normal brothers.

I felt Sophie press a kiss on it again, her lips brushing my skin and sending a wave of pleasure down my spine.

She was going to kill me slowly and I was going to enjoy every fucking minute of it. Her fingers trailed over my shoulders as she rounded me again and I hissed as she touched my aching cock with her nimble fingers, testing its weight.

“Careful,” I warned, groaning, as she slid her hand up and down, stroking the sensitive, bulging head.

“I won’t hurt you, far from it,” she whispered in my ear, kissing the underside of my jaw as she gripped me lightly, her fingers continuing to explore my shaft, tugging gently every so often. “Trust me, William.”

“I trust you darling,” I chuckled, my toes curling as she brought me to the brink. “Trust isn’t an issue here.”

When her warm lips touched my cock for the first time I nearly jumped out of my skin. Her mouth was so damn warm and inviting, her touches a little clumsy and inexperienced but still satisfying and exquisite. She took me to the hilt, her warm tongue circling the sensitive skin and I gritted my teeth against the need to touch her, to guide her. She was doing fucking fantastic on her own.

“No more,” I begged, opening my eyes to look down at the sight before me. “I can’t take any more, I have to have you.”

She pulled away and I helped her up, my hands all over her as I tore at her clothing, stripping her in a matter of seconds until she was naked before me.

“That’s better,” I whispered and mirrored her expedition to explore every inch. Touching, stroking, making her moan with a lick of my tongue.

She dug her fingernails into the tops of my shoulders as I knelt down to take her in my mouth, parting her folds and lapping her up. She shuddered as I sucked, her legs widening, needing more, and I complied.

Leading her over to the bed I caressed her bare arse and patted it as I said, “Get up there.”

“Wait,” she said and I suddenly stopped, believing for a second she’d changed her mind. But then she added, her cheeks crimson, “I want you to tie me up.”

Digesting her words, my eyes widened. Had I heard her right?

“Are you sure?”

She bit her lip and nodded. “Yes, I’ve thought about practically nothing else since that night at the club… or that time in your office. And that’s what you like, isn’t it?”

Not sure of how to express my joy without scaring her in that moment, I nodded.

“We’ll go slow,” I promised her. I’d been willing to give all that up for her, along with everything else, but if she was interested in that lifestyle I was more than happy to ease her gently into it.

“Not too slow,” she said with a cheeky grin.

I gave her bum another slap, a little harder this time, and this time she willingly obeyed and got on the bed. I covered her body with mine, never wanting another minute to go by without being close to her. I pressed my lips against hers, my tongue sweeping in and taking over her mouth. I was barely hanging on by a thread but I dreamed of the moment lasting forever.

“I’ll be right back, don’t move a muscle or I’ll see to it you are punished.”

“I won’t move,” she said, her chest heaving with anticipation.

“You promise?”

“I promise.”

I tore out of the room and scampered down the hallway to another bedroom, now finding my way, to one I knew would have what I needed. I found two neckties in an old closet and scanned the room for something else. Spotting the items that would make do, I grabbed them and hurried back to Sophie.

I came back to find her in the same position except for her hand that was now nestled between her legs, stroking herself.

“I had to keep myself warm,” she said with a dirty pout.

Back on top of the bed I pushed her hand away from herself. “You know what this means, don’t you? It means you’ve broken your promise and now you have to be punished.”

She tried to hide the grin that was materialising on her face but she was unsuccessful. I kissed her hard before I got to work, tying her wrists to the top of the bed and then used the curtain-ties I’d found to bind her ankles to the base. Her legs were splayed open perfectly and she tugged on her bonds, testing them. She wasn’t going anywhere unless I let her.

My hand found the warm spot between her open legs and she moaned in my mouth as I kissed her again, pressing my finger deep into her core, feeling the wetness around it. She was ready, but I wasn’t, not yet, just a few seconds longer, I thought. Her back arched, bucking for more as I now drove two fingers slowly in and out of her wet cunt.

“Tell me you like that.”

“I do,” she breathed.

“Tell me properly,” I prompted.

“I do, Sir. I like it very much.”

Cruelly I removed my fingers and moved my thumb up to her swollen nub. I tapped her clit lightly. She moaned with every tap, getting louder with each one. I began to slap at her pussy, gently smacking her, but never once did she flinch or try to move away.

“Harder,” she begged.

The sound of my hand hitting her wet swollen folds crackled around the room. I could barely take it any longer, needing to sink myself into her. I distracted myself and rammed my tongue into her mouth, seeking hers, then sucking on her tongue. She writhed beneath me, trying to angle her body just so in order to graze up against my cock.

“Patience,” I said with a devilish smile. As my lips tore from hers and found her hard nipple, I suckled on it as I rubbed lazy circles down below with my thumb. She was panting now, and I could feel the reverberations of her heart pounding through her chest as I mouthed her nipple.

“William,” she gasped, clutching at my shoulders. “Take me, Sir. Please. This is what I want. I want you and your love.”

“And my cock?” I asked with a wry smile. “Do you want my hard royal cock, Sophie?”

“Yes, I want it all. Every inch of you, in me. Now!”

I increased the pressure on her clit and she cried out, her body bucking against mine as she let go, her cries filling the room just as I pushed into her pulsing entrance, feeling her body quiver around me.

“You can have it all,” I said hoarsely as I started to move inside of her, holding back with difficulty.

“Then give it to me. Fuck me.”

I thrust into her hard, no longer restraining myself, and she gasped with shock. We shook the bed with the force of our passion. The iron frame squeaked in delight as it moved across the floorboards away from the wall. I feared that it would come apart before we could.

Sophie exposed her neck, her body arching up, my cock so deep I was afraid I might be hurting her, but she kept on demanding more.

“You feel so damn good… your pussy is mine. All mine.”

“All yours,” she panted back, her eyes wide open, looking up at me.

I eased down to kiss her and I let myself go, pumping my hips as she screamed into my mouth, groaning in harmony as I spilled my royal seed inside of her.




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