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Ryder (Knights Corruption MC Series Book 5) by S. Nelson (44)


One year later

“Dad, I don’t wanna go,” I heard as I rounded the corner into our guest bedroom. Zoe was standing in the middle of the room, fidgeting with her dress. “Dad . . . ,” she whined, throwing her hands on her hips and entering a stare-down with me.

“Zoe,” I countered, leaning against the doorframe. “What’s wrong? You look beautiful.”

“You know I hate dresses.” She continued to fiddle with the white and black polka-dotted material. “And my hair won’t go the right way,” she complained. Oh Lord, I could only imagine how she’d be once she became a teenager the following year. Puberty was gonna be the death of me, I already knew it. And boys . . . I wasn’t gonna do well with boys lurking around my little girl. Zoe was already a looker, and I feared for my sanity as she grew up.

Now that the threat toward our club had finally been eliminated, Rose and I had agreed on increased visitation with Zoe. While they still lived in Illinois, we both made the effort so that my daughter and I could get to know each other more. I also wanted to test the waters between Braylen and Zoe as well, seeing how well they got along before I revealed that I was thinking about having another kid. Thing was, Braylen had told me she wasn’t ready for a baby, but maybe if I put the thought in her head, she’d come around sooner rather than later.

“Here, honey, let me help you with that,” Braylen said, bouncing into the room to save the day. “Do you want your hair up or down?” She pulled Zoe’s shoulder-length red hair off her shoulders, then released it, giving my daughter a visual of different hairdos. I honestly had no idea where Zoe inherited the red hair from; both Rose and I have dark brown. I believe my ex mentioned someone on her mother’s side being a redhead, but I couldn’t really remember. Other than the color of her strands, there was no mistaking Zoe was mine, although she was looking more like her mother as the years passed.

Zoe smiled, looking at Braylen’s reflection in the mirror. “Um . . . how about up?”

“Up it is.” Braylen described everything she was doing while she set up her tools, Zoe enthralled with the fact that Braylen was a hair stylist. And a very talented one at that. She’d mentioned that one day she wanted to start her own salon, but she just wasn’t ready yet. Little did she know I had a surprise waiting for her, whenever she decided to make the leap.

Money wasn’t an issue for me. I never had to think about it because I had plenty of it stocked away—mostly from the club’s activities before Marek turned us legit. And because of my smart investments, I was set for ten lifetimes. Braylen knew I was wealthy, but she never asked for a figure. She didn’t care, wanted to make her own way, and I respected her more for it, even though I showered her with gifts as often as I could.

Upgrading her car, for one. The day I’d picked her up in a shiny new Mercedes, her dream car, she’d thrown herself into my arms, accepting the vehicle without an issue. She’d known I’d only force it on her anyway. Besides, she’d given me the best head of my life later that evening as thanks.

Win-win for the both of us.

“Sweetheart, you need to get ready yourself or we’re gonna be late,” I urged, pulling Braylen close the second she finished Zoe’s hair.

Furrowing her brows, she turned my wrist toward her and looked at my watch.

“But we still have two hours before it starts.”

Retreating to the other side of the room so Zoe wouldn’t hear me, I leaned in and nipped her lobe before whispering, “But I need some time to fuck you first.”

A pink flush tickled her skin, and I knew she wanted me almost as much as I wanted her.

“Gross, Dad,” Zoe admonished.

There was no way she heard what I just said. “What?” I feigned ignorance.

“I know you just said something about sex.” She casually toyed with her dress, smiling now that she liked her hair.

Braylen laughed, but there wasn’t a goddamn thing funny about what Zoe said. I cleared my throat to get her attention. “What do you know about sex?” I probably should’ve corrected her assumption, but I was too caught up with the fact that she knew anything at all about the topic. She was only twelve, for Christ’s sake.

“I’ve heard about it.” She rolled her eyes, and I thought I was gonna lose it for sure. Every muscle in my body locked up tight, but thankfully Braylen stepped in before I gave myself a heart attack.

“I’ll talk to her, find out what she really knows,” Braylen said quietly. “Sometimes kids say things but have no idea what they mean.” I relaxed, if only slightly. “Now why don’t you go wait for us in the living room?

“But. . . .” I swore I pouted like a little bitch. “I thought . . . you know.” I waved my index finger back and forth between us.

She leaned up on her tippy toes and pressed her lips to mine. “I’m not letting you ruin my hair.” She playfully slapped my chest. “Now go get ready, and I’ll do the same.” Braylen tapped her foot while she pointed toward the doorway. Unfortunately, I knew I’d have to wait to ravage my woman, but I hoped she knew she was in for it once the opportunity presented itself.

As she shut the door behind me, I saw her say something to Zoe, and they both laughed, the sound making me extremely happy. She might just be more receptive to the idea of having my kid after all.

Brutus came barreling toward me as I entered the living room, hopping up on me as soon as I sat down. It wouldn’t take me long to get dressed, so I decided to spend some time with my buddy. I loved that damn dog, more than I thought I’d love any animal.

“She knows what she’s missin’,” I mumbled, patting Brutus’s head as if he had any clue what I was talkin’ about. He wagged his tail and gave me a sloppy kiss, licking the side of my face when I made a move to roughhouse with him. Jumping off the couch, Brutus ran toward the door, letting me know that while he wanted to play, he needed to go to the bathroom.

It was rather kismet if I did say so myself. Watching after my three-legged friend as he circled the same patch of grass before taking care of business, I realized that we had both been discarded during the early years of our life. Sure, no one had thrown me out of a moving vehicle, but I’d been tossed around from foster home to foster home until I aged out at eighteen, finding my real family when I became a member of the Knights Corruption years later. I’d been working at a garage when Marek had swung by to pick up a part for a bike he’d been working on. We got to talking and within an hour he’d offered me a job at the club’s garage. The rest was history.

Both Brutus and I had reaped a sliver of justice for the wrongs done in our lives as well. About a month prior, I’d been out for a drive when I’d spotted a familiar lookin’ piece-of-shit car: an Oldsmobile Cutlass with faded blue paint peeling everywhere on the body and a bumper held on by duct tape.

The vehicle was parked outside a liquor store, and when a man emerged and walked toward the Oldsmobile, I made my move. With his hand resting on the handle of the driver side, I walked up behind him and spun him around. When I’d asked if he was the fucker who tossed a puppy from the car, wanting to make sure I had the right person, he smirked and asked me what business it was of mine. In other words, he was the offender. Breaking his nose didn’t satisfy my need for revenge, so I shattered his arm, the one used to discard Brutus like he meant nothing at all.

Much like the payback I’d sought for my dog, fate had done the same with Richard. Although I wanted to put that chapter of my life behind me and remember my mother as she was before her death, wonderful and loving, I still chose to keep tabs on her murderer. It was close to four months after I’d gone to his house that I learned he’d had too much to drink one night and ended up crashing his car into a tree, killing only himself in the accident.

His death brought the final closure to a life of misery, Braylen helping to heal the rest of me with her unconditional love and support. I was one lucky bastard, something she was sure to remind me of whenever she found the opportunity.


On the ride over, I couldn’t stop staring at the man who’d flipped my world upside down, in more ways than one. Everything from his occasional arrogance to his infuriating protectiveness, to the sweet words he whispered while he buried himself inside me. Ryder was the man of my dreams. It’d been a bumpy road, and there were still some potholes in our future, I was sure, but I knew we could get through anything as long as we loved each other.

And we did.


For the occasion, he’d chosen to dress up. Not in a complete suit, because that just wasn’t him, but a crisp white button-up, sans tie, and a pair of dark blue dress pants, brown shoes completing his dressy yet casual look.

As we sat at a stoplight, Zoe in the back seat with her earbuds in, singing along to whatever pop song was on, Ryder unbuttoned his sleeves and rolled them repeatedly until his entire forearms were exposed, the muscles jumping with each movement he made. He caught me looking and said, “I have another muscle you can stare at. Taste, even.”

My eyes widened as I glanced back at his daughter, but she hadn’t heard a thing he’d said. The rest of the trip was done so in silence, other than the radio, for fear that I’d lose control and jump over the console and into his lap. Which would be highly inappropriate with a child present. So instead, I chose to keep my eyes away from all things Ryder and stare out the window as the world passed us by.

After we arrived and took our seats under the tent that had been erected on the lawn behind the clubhouse, Ryder on my right and Zoe on my left, I couldn’t help but be extremely grateful for all the gifts I’d been given. My thankful thoughts were interrupted, however, when my sex-on-a-stick of a man leaned closer and started saying things in my ear that got me all hot and bothered, all sorts of sordid images flashing through my brain and causing me to twitch in my seat.

“Since you wouldn’t let me do it at home, I’m gonna get my way we leave here. I’m gonna hike up your dress and bury my face between your legs. You know I’m addicted to that pussy, baby,” Ryder professed, kissing my cheek like he hadn’t just threatened me with a good fucking. I kept my eyes straight ahead and smiled, not wanting Zoe to think her father was whispering about sex again.

After Ryder had left the bedroom, allowing me to have a talk with Zoe, I’d discovered that she had indeed learned about sex, although some of it was still confusing. I told her it only got worse, to which she gave me the funniest look. After answering a few basic questions, I told her that if she had any more, she should really talk to her mother about them. I’d also warned her not to ask her father, not until she was much older, like around thirty. We both laughed at that one, although she thought I was joking. I wasn’t.

Ryder’s daughter had been staying at our house for the past week, scheduled to leave the next morning, and while our time together had been short, we’d bonded rather quickly. She thought I had a cool job, and I thought she was a pretty amazing kid. I definitely looked forward to her next visit, which was only a few months away.

As we waited for everyone to arrive, my thoughts drifted to the people who’d become like family, the tragedy bringing us all closer together. When I wasn’t working, or hanging out with Kena or Sia, I was shopping with Adelaide, Sully or Reece, or hitting the town for a girls’ night out, although one of the guys always attended. They said it was for our safety, but since there was no more viable threat to their club, I’d chalked up their hovering as just being overprotective.

I shifted in my seat, trying to see who’d just pulled into the lot, when Ryder’s fingertips trailed up my leg, my blue dress riding up my thigh when I’d turned around. Zoe’s head was turned the other way so she hadn’t noticed, but I needed to nip his advance in the bud before he became really brave. Under normal circumstances, I knew he had no qualms about throwing me over his shoulder and disappearing somewhere more private. And while he might be more reserved because of why we were there that day, I still didn’t completely trust him not to act . . . like himself.

“What are you doing?” I whispered, turning my head more toward him so as not to draw the attention of his daughter. His fingers were still ghosting over the top of my leg, the heat from his touch driving me insane.

Keep it together.

“Just touching you.” He smirked, knowing he was playing a dirty game.

“Well, stop it,” I gritted. When his hand trailed farther up my leg, my body shifted completely toward him so only I knew what he was doing.

He gripped my thigh and leaned in. “Meet me inside the clubhouse. I’m gonna fuck you quick before they get started.” He hurriedly rose from his seat, then cursed when he saw Kena and Jagger walking toward us. No way in hell we were going anywhere now, and we both knew it. A few more expletives fell from his mouth, but he’d been sure to keep his voice low so as not to have Zoe hear everything. He’d learned to curb his language whenever she was around, although right then he was certainly struggling.

I laughed as I rose to my feet, hugging my sister and then Jagger before engaging them in small talk.

“It’s not funny,” Ryder growled in my ear, briefly interrupting my conversation.

“It kind of is,” I retorted, reaching for his hand which he readily accepted, squeezing a little too hard before I slapped his arm to loosen his grip. A smug grin spread across his face as he continued to hold onto me.

“Can you believe this is finally happening?” Jagger asked, looking first at Ryder and then shooting a glance at Kena, and not his usual smitten expression either. The silent communication was something more, but I didn’t have time to dissect it because Zoe was unexpectedly behind us.

“Dad, I have to go to the bathroom,” she announced, tugging on his free hand while hopping from one foot to the next.

“I’ll take her,” I offered, yanking my hand from Ryder’s. Or should I say tried to? “You have to let me go.”

He leaned down and nipped my bottom lip before swiping his tongue through my mouth. The kiss was quick yet it made my heart race.

“Never,” he whispered before pulling back.

“Gross, Dad.” Zoe made a face but smiled when I did. Then her expression was back to one of annoyance. “I have to pee. Hello?” She walked off toward the clubhouse and Ryder finally released my hand.

“Should I come with you?” He took a step forward and I stopped him with a hand on his chest. His very muscular, chiseled, hard chest. I lost myself in the moment until I felt his heart thumping harder against my fingertips. Breaking the brief spell of lust, I gave him a quick kiss before taking a step back.


He caught on to my meaning and laughed, shaking his head before turning his attentions back to Jagger. The two of them chatted as I caught up with Zoe. Once I stood beside her, we walked in perfect rhythm, her hand reaching out to connect with mine. I looked down at her and she smiled as she wrapped her fingers around my hand, the gesture signifying she’d accepted me, telling me I was welcome in her world without words.

The way her pale green eyes smiled at me made my womb hurt with longing, something I hadn’t experienced until right then. She was a part of the man I loved, and I wanted nothing more than to give him back a piece of myself.

A little one that was half of me and half of Ryder.

A baby.

The only thing to do now was decide when to let him in on my plans.


“I can’t find it,” I shouted, searching under the couch, then all over the living room. “Where did you say it was?” My frustration level increased as I continued to look for the goddamn stuffed animal Kaden had apparently thrown somewhere and was now causing a fit over because he didn’t have it.

Silence greeted me. Either my wife was ignoring me or she hadn’t heard me. My bet was the first option, so I flipped over cushions until I found the bunny wedged in the back of the couch. “Ha!” I yelled, shaking the toy back and forth in the air as if I’d just found lost treasure. But anyone who had small children knew what a win the find was for me.

Reflecting back on where I’d been a couple years before and where I found myself right then, my life couldn’t have been more different. Yes, I was still the president of my club, my vote the deciding one on most topics, although I always took the men’s concerns and comments into deep consideration. We weren’t only a club—we were family. A unit that had seen the worst in life, but a group that had also reveled in the gifts life had to offer.

I’d been staring off into space when Sully appeared in the doorway. “Did you find it?” she asked, cradling a very sleepy Kaden in her arms. Apparently his freak-out had worn him out.

The boy was attached to my wife, and normally I found it sweet. Then there were other times when he was a little cock-blocker. Plain and simple. I called it like I saw it. But I loved the little guy, more than I thought I ever would any child. Don’t get me wrong, I had a special place in my heart for my goddaughter, Riley, and would protect her until my last breath, but it was small in comparison to the way my heart swelled watching Kaden smile when he saw me.

I’d finally come to understand why Stone turned into a pile of mush when he held his baby girl, ignoring the razzing from his brothers and focusing on the little one who’d turned him from a hotheaded pain in the ass to a doting father. Wait, never mind. He was still a hotheaded pain in the ass, only now there was another, softer side to him we were able to witness.

Much like I’d become whenever Kaden was around.

“Yeah.” I passed her the stuffed animal, and in exchange she handed me the little boy, his hand resting on the side of my face as his blue eyes fluttered open for a moment before closing them and essentially passing out. “Did he go to sleep late? Why is he so tired?”

“I don’t know,” she answered, shrugging before walking out of the room. Sully was frustrated, and I didn’t have a clue as to why. I followed her, careful not to wake Kaden because I had a feeling whatever was bothering her wasn’t gonna be a quick fix.

After putting him down in his own room, I continued to our bedroom, finding my wife rifling through the closet. I didn’t say a word as I wrapped my arms around her and unknotted the silk belt of her robe, parting the material before my hands roamed over her naked body. Her long, jet-black hair was fixed in a fancy updo of sorts, so I made sure not to mess up the style because I knew she’d be pissed at me if I made her redo it.

Spinning her around to face me, I kissed her as I backed her against the wall, my teeth latching on to her bottom lip before she opened for me. Sully wasn’t gonna tell me what was wrong, but if I fucked her senseless, maybe that would help relieve some of the tension and uncertainty trapping her.

It wasn’t that long ago when the thought of touching Sully killed me because there was a possibility that she was my half-sister. A parting gift from her evil father, Psych, right before I destroyed what was left of him, stealing his last breath as I sent him to hell. It felt like the longest span of time before I found out the truth, but in the meantime, I’d also done my share of damage by pushing my wife away.

Ignoring her.

Choosing to stay at the clubhouse instead of at home.

Keeping her in the dark as to why I’d detached myself.

Treating her badly just so I could gain the emotional distance I needed in case the results proved to be true.

But they weren’t true. I’d allowed Psych to fuck with me one last time, and instead of letting Sully know what was going on I chose a different path, one that hurt her immensely. Thankfully, she’d forgiven me, but it had taken some time. There was a part of me that still believed she was guarded when it came to me, but I had no problem proving to her just how much I loved her, and promising her I would never hurt her like that ever again.

“Lie on the bed,” I ordered, pushing the robe off her shoulders until it puddled at her feet.

“I can’t.”


“Because I’m going to mess up my hair.” She laughed when I gave her an annoyed look, then stopped smiling as soon as I pinched her nipple, parting her lips and moaning as she threw her head back.

“Fine. Then you’re gonna ride me.” I walked backward, pulling her with me until I sat in the chair in the corner, positioning her legs on either side of mine so she was straddling me. I’d showered earlier but hadn’t gotten dressed yet, so the only thing between me and my wife was the thin material of my boxer briefs. Tugging down the waistband, I pulled out my cock and rubbed it between her folds. Always so wet and ready for me. She arched her back, and as her tits pushed forward, I latched on, my teeth grazing the puckered bud while my thumb pressed against her clit, rubbing slow circles and driving her insane.

“Please, Cole,” she pleaded, running her fingers through my still-damp hair and clutching me to her breast. While holding me close, she rose onto her tippy toes, replaced my fingers with hers and circled my thickness. “I need you to make love to me now.” Sully positioned me at her entrance then slowly took me inside her.

Fuck! The feeling was still out of this world, her warmth and tightness clenching around me and pushing me toward the edge. As my mouth found hers once more, I poured every bit of myself into her.

What had begun as a ‘fuck you’ to the Reapers, kidnapping the president’s daughter, had turned out to be my greatest gift.

My wife was the bravest person I knew, and although she always wanted to remind me that I was the one who saved her, I believed the opposite was true.

She’d saved me.

She’d given me purpose.

She’d wrapped me in love and bathed me in light when all I’d ever known was darkness.


After my husband made love to me, gentle and slow, a change of pace from the sometimes-aggressive sex we both rather enjoyed, we sat together in silence. He jerked inside me a few times before softening, but I didn’t break the connection of our bodies.

I knew he was mine, forever and ever, but there was always a small piece of me that believed he’d be ripped from my life. So whenever I could, I stayed as close to him as possible.

Cole’s fingers drifted over my skin, slowing when he reached the scars on my lower back. Burn marks my father had inflicted on me when he thought I’d talked to the cops who had raided our club. Cole’s muscles stiffened as they often did whenever he felt the remnants of my previous life. I didn’t think he’d ever stop becoming angry whenever he was reminded of what had happened to me before he saved me, whether by sight or by touch. I’d let it go, and hopefully one day soon he would as well.

Thankfully we were still chest to chest; otherwise, he’d undoubtedly trace the jagged scars on my lower belly, and the one higher up between my ribs, both courtesy of Vex. The demented man who’d claimed me from my father when I’d stayed at the Reapers’ club. My old home. Although harsh, they were all distant memories, and I refused to linger on them for too long. Besides, every touch from my husband erased the past, for me more so than for him.

Pulling me in for another kiss, he said, “We should probably get dressed now. Otherwise we’re gonna be late, and the last thing I need to deal with is Stone’s mouth.”

“Don’t you mean Adelaide’s mouth?” I stood, and he slipped from my body.

“True enough.” Before I made it to the bathroom, Cole grabbed my waist. “I love you,” he professed, kissing the side of my neck before slapping my ass. I shrieked in surprise, which only made him smile. I loved it when he was happy. There was an air of peace surrounding him when he lived in the moment.

Our bubble of contentment shattered when we heard the doorbell, then directly afterward an incessant pounding rattling the thick wooden door.

“What the hell?” Cole grumbled, that peace disappearing as he threw on a pair of jeans.

Even though the intrusion wasn’t welcome, I couldn’t help but admire my handsome, sexy man. His ass was perfection, even in the baggy jeans hanging off his hips. Intricate designs covered both of his muscled arms, drifting over his shoulders and disappearing behind his strong back, his sun-kissed skin a perfect backdrop for the designs littering his body. His club’s emblem was inked in the center of his chest, the artwork shredded apart from the gunshot wound he’d endured. He had a matching wound puckering the skin on his right shoulder. I knew how lucky he was not to have died that day, and before I drove myself crazy with the what-ifs, I took a breath and pushed all thoughts of that time aside.

When Cole’s piercing blue eyes met mine, he smirked, knowing damn well I’d just been ogling him. Eye-fucking him was probably a better description.

The rapping on the door crushed the moment, and as Kaden’s cries joined the noise, Cole cursed before disappearing from our bedroom.

Tying my robe’s belt tightly around my waist, I entered Kaden’s room, finding him standing in his crib and crying. The noise had obviously startled him, but as soon as he saw me, he seemed to calm down. The tears were still spilling down his little cheeks, but his crying had all but ceased, his chest rapidly expanding to pull in air.

“It’s okay, baby,” I soothed, picking him up and cradling him close. He rested his head on my chest and snuggled into me. I kissed the top of his precious little head, inhaling his scent and wishing he’d stay this small forever. It was hard to believe he was already a year and a half.

“Sully. Come here,” Cole shouted, the tone of his voice urgent.

With Kaden still nuzzled close, I descended the steps and soon came face-to-face with our guest. Tripp stood beside Cole, talking quietly until he saw me. My husband’s eyes raked over my body. I knew he was displeased that another man was seeing me in only a robe, but I also knew Cole wouldn’t say anything. He didn’t have to, though, his annoyance written all over his face. If he could dress me in a potato sack, he would. He’d even admitted as much.

“What’s goin’ on?” The way Tripp’s eyes bounced back and forth between Kaden and me raised an alarm, but I wasn’t gonna freak out until he told me the reason for his visit.

“You guys know I’ve been looking for Rachel ever since she left, right?”

Cole and I both nodded at the same time, neither of us taking our eyes off Tripp. Rachel was Kaden’s mother—well, the woman who gave birth to him. I’d managed to convince my husband to allow us to care for the little one until she could be found.

It appeared the day had unfortunately arrived.

My heart picked up its beat. I tried to prepare myself for Kaden to be ripped from my arms, but no amount of planning would make it any easier. So I remained silent.

“Well, I got word.” Tripp took a few steps toward me, and when he was near he rested his hand on the top of Kaden’s head. I swore I couldn’t breathe, a tear streaking my cheek in preparation. Cole saw me start to unravel and rushed to my side, his arm circling my waist to hold me steady.

“Out with it,” my husband seethed, his patience for the entire situation rapidly unfolding. “Where is she?”

No more hesitation from Tripp. “She’s dead. An apparent overdose. I can’t say I’m shocked.”

“What? Are you sure?” I knew it was wrong to feel elation at such news, but I couldn’t help it. “Does that mean he’s ours?” I looked at Cole, then to Tripp. “Does that mean Kaden is ours?” I repeated.

A slow smile spread across Tripp’s face. “It does. He was your son the first time you held him, Sully. And now it’s final. No one will take him from you.” He glanced at Cole. “Either of you,” he confirmed.

As soon as Cole closed the door behind Tripp, he strode toward our son and me with more purpose than I’d ever seen, a huge smile on his face as he wrapped us both in his embrace.

Pride beamed from him as he affirmed my inner thoughts.



“So, how are they?” Reece asked, greeting me at the door with our son, Luke, on her hip. My boy was the spittin’ image of me, and Reece couldn’t be happier. She said it was like I was always with her, even when I wasn’t.

“Pretty damn happy.” My assessment was surely an understatement.

“I wish I could’ve been there with you when you told them,” she pouted, her attention drawn back to Luke. He was fussy, had been for a few weeks. When we took him to see his pediatrician, she’d informed us that Luke had begun teething a few weeks prior, which was right within the average timeframe for a baby of seven months.

“Where’s his teething ring?”

“I think it’s on the counter,” she answered, trying her best to calm him down. He wasn’t full-on crying—not yet, at least.

Our lives had been flipped upside down the day Luke was born, but I wouldn’t change a thing. The little boy was truly a gift, and I hated to think what my life would’ve been like without the both of them.

Even though I hated the thought of her ex-husband, Rick, and what he’d put her through, if she hadn’t run away from him, I would’ve never met her. Her tragedy brought her into my life, and thankfully she’d been able to open her heart and trust me. She had no reason to at first—I was a stranger, after all—but I’d been able to show her that I could protect her. Love her.

“I’m going to put him in his room while I shower. Unless you want to take him.”

For as much as I loved my son, I wanted to join my woman. Picturing her as she soaped her body was enough to make me explode where I stood, and even though Reece was self-conscious about the faint stretch marks she’d gained during the pregnancy, I saw her as perfect. I told her so all the time.

“I’d rather join you,” I revealed, arching a brow and stalking toward her. She handed me our son, thinking he was gonna save her delectable ass. Once I took him into my arms, she quickly kissed me, then practically ran out of the room.

Taking my time walking up the steps, I talked to Luke as if he understood me. “I’m gonna put you in your room, buddy. Daddy needs to convince Mommy to give him some.” Placing a kiss on his head, I lowered him into his crib and surrounded him with some of his favorite stuffed animals. He seemed content so I hurried toward our bedroom, stripping off my clothes and walking into the bathroom. Reece was already finished washing her hair. Fuck, she was fast. When I glanced at the clock by the bed, I understood why. Time was ticking by, and our presence at the clubhouse would be required shortly.

When I opened the door to the shower she turned to face me, flashing me a smile before glancing down at my dick. I took a step toward her, but she shook her head. I thought for a moment she wasn’t gonna let me have her. She hadn’t been in the mood for the past two weeks, between taking care of Luke and her having just gotten over a pretty nasty cold.

What I thought had been a denial turned out to be the opposite. Reece sank to her knees before I could open my mouth to say anything, the sexy gleam in her eye enough to keep me quiet and frozen in place. I slid past her lips and she worked my shaft with the perfect blend of tongue, teeth, and fingers. The closer she brought me, the harder I pumped into her mouth, anchoring her to me with the grip of her hair. She placed a hand on my stomach to steady herself and took me all the way to the back of her throat, which was quite a feat considering my size. But practice made perfect, right?

After she’d sucked every last drop from me, she pulled back, and I slipped from between her lips. “You’re welcome.” She chuckled, reaching out her hand so I could help her stand.

“I’m gonna be sayin’ that to you in a few minutes,” I promised, capturing her mouth and tasting the remnants of my release with the swipe of my tongue.

“I want to talk to you about something,” she said, breaking our kiss and placing her hands on my chest, the pads of her fingers grazing over the scars from my bullet wounds, a sign she was deep in thought.

“Can’t we talk after I make you scream my name?” I reached down and cupped her pussy, my finger slipping between her folds to tease her.

She groaned but stopped me, grabbing my wrist and pulling back.

“No, I need to talk to you now before you make up some excuse as to why you can’t discuss it.”

“This better not be about you going back to work at Indulge, because it ain’t gonna happen.” Reece had finally quit when she was five months along—longer than I’d wanted, her employment there having been a bone of contention between us until she’d finally left. Even though she hadn’t been stripping, instead helping Carla with management duties as well as filling in to bartend, I hated the thought of her being surrounded by all of those drunk and horny men. The club had hired top-of-the-line security, and either I or one of my brothers was always present whenever she was there, but I still hated when she worked a shift.

A rush of air flew past Reece’s lips and she looked angry all of a sudden, telling me Indulge was exactly what she wanted to talk to me about. I narrowed my eyes, the slight tick in my jaw indicating my stubbornness was coming out to say hello. In turn, my woman shut down, clamped her lips shut and tried to shove past me to exit the shower.

I grabbed her arm before she opened the door. “Where do you think you’re goin’?” I pulled her toward me, her back resting against my chest.

“Let go, James.” She always used my real name when she was upset with me. Although I liked my given name just fine, I hated when it came off her tongue in anger.

“No, not until you tell me what’s the matter.” I spun her around, reached down and grabbed her under her ass, lifting her up my body before pinning her against the wet shower wall. “Wrap your legs around me,” I growled.



She pursed her lips and I took the invitation, although I didn’t think she meant it as such. I fucked her mouth with my tongue, our mouths dueling in a heated passion only she could incite from me. Her breathy moans proved she wanted me to continue my assault, so I did.

My dick was so fucking hard, it hurt. I needed relief, and soon, so I lined myself up and gently pushed inside her, making sure to take my time. Even though we’d had sex countless times, I was rather endowed, and it took Reece’s body a bit to accommodate my thickness.

Once I was fully sheathed, I broke away from her mouth. “I love you, baby. But I don’t want you at that place. I’m sorry.” Thrust. “And that’s final.” Thrust. Rotate.

“But I wanna—” Her words were clipped as soon as my thumb pressed against her clit. “Yeah,” she moaned, all thoughts of arguing with me vanishing into thin air. Her fingernails dug into my shoulders as I continued to fuck her. Slow and then fast, rotating speeds until she unraveled and came on my cock.

After I quickly followed and our breathing had regulated, she unhooked her legs and slid down my body. Reece was still upset about my denial.

Several minutes later, after we finished washing up, I shut off the water and handed Reece a towel that was slung over the top of the door. I hated the despondent look on her beautiful face, her blue-gray eyes telling me everything without uttering a single word.

“Reece.” She ignored me and walked out of the shower. “Babe.” Wrapping a towel around my waist, I hurried after her. “Hey,” I called, snagging her hand and stopping her from moving forward. “Don’t be like that. I don’t wanna argue. I’m doing it to keep you safe. Please understand that.”

Her shoulders slumped before she turned around to face me.

“I know,” she acknowledged. “I just need something to do. I love Luke with all my heart, but I need to get out of this house.”

“And there’s nothin’ wrong with that. I have the club, so I get it.”

“I have to get ready,” she said, switching the topic and slowly withdrawing her hand from mine. She chose a light yellow sundress, complete with short sweater and a pair of nude sandals. Placing the items on the bed, she went to work picking out my clothes.

“What are you doing?”

“You’re not wearing jeans to this.” She was completely serious, and I found it adorable that she felt like she had to dress me. In all fairness, jeans had initially been on my list of attire, until I decided I’d dress up a bit for the occasion, wearing black dress pants paired with a crisp white button-down. It was a day to be celebrated, especially seeing as how close to death a few of my brothers had come.

I smiled, waving my hand and giving her a subtle nod to continue.

“I love you, baby.”

“You should,” she replied before flashing me a smile.

“Is that right?”


Reece moved toward the corner of the room and sat at her vanity. I watched as she flipped her head over and dried her long locks. She’d chosen to wear her hair down and wavy, a simple yet sexy hairstyle on her.

As she was busy getting ready, a sudden thought occurred to me, a suggestion which would turn everything around. I could ensure her safety and make her happy all at the same time. I’d work out the details later with Ryder, but my idea was as good as golden.

“Hey.” I caught her eyes in the reflection of the mirror. “How about this? Braylen is gonna open her own salon soon, compliments of a gift from Ryder. Why don’t you work with her? I’m sure she’s gonna need help setting up, then running the business. You could help manage and take care of the books.”

Reece’s mouth fell open. “Are you serious?”

“Yeah. It could be a little bit before everything is up and runnin’, but it’s definitely a viable option for you. I’m sure Braylen would love your help.” As far as I knew, the two of them got on well, and I was sure it wouldn’t take much at all to convince her she needed my woman’s help in her new endeavor.

“Oh my God. Thank you,” Reece exclaimed, jumping into my arms and kissin’ the hell outta me. I took advantage of her gratitude and ravaged her mouth, my dick at full salute by the time we broke apart.

“I don’t have a problem with you wanting to do something with your time,” I reiterated. “Even though you don’t have to. I just don’t want you in that club.”

“I understand. I do.” Reece was happy, and I’d managed to turn things around and give her what she wanted.

But she’d given me even more.

Reece had given me her heart, a son, and an anchor I’d been missing for so long.


We were en route to the clubhouse when Tripp blurted, “I want to tell you something.” I turned around to make sure Luke was content before shifting in my seat to face him.

“What’s that?” I slowed my breathing, preparing to hear something I wouldn’t like. I never knew what was gonna come flyin’ out of his mouth, so better to brace myself for impact.

“It not official yet, but—”He glanced at me, then back to the road ahead of him, a smile curving the corners of his full lips.

“You better tell me,” I warned, mirroring his happy expression.

“I’m giving up my nomad patch for a permanent one. I’m staying around for good.” Tripp being a nomad, not belonging to any one charter, had always made me uneasy. Because he had no roots tying him down, he could’ve disappeared at any time, even though he promised he’d never leave me. Then after the birth of our son, he’d look at me as if I had three heads whenever I voiced my fears.

I knew they were ridiculous, but my life hadn’t always gone as planned, so I never fully allowed myself to feel anything except apprehension. It lessened as the time passed, but the feeling still existed.

Until right then.

I was sure I had a ridiculous grin on my face, but I couldn’t help it.

“Are you happy?” he asked, looking my way when I still hadn’t said anything. “You look happy, but you’re quiet.”

“If you weren’t driving, and Luke wasn’t with us, I’d show you just how happy you’ve made me.” Clasping my hands in my lap to keep them to myself, I bit my bottom lip in giddiness.

“Don’t tell me that, woman.” Several seconds passed. “Damnit! Now I’m gonna be sportin’ a hard-on when we pull up.” His faux-annoyed expression didn’t fool me.

“Then slow down. I don’t need any of the other women there staring at what’s clearly mine.”

I wasn’t a jealous woman by nature, but when it came to Tripp, all bets were off. Did it bother me when he had business to take care of at Indulge or Flings, the club’s two strip clubs? Yes. Did I trust my man around those women? Yes. Did I count the minutes until he came back home? Hell yes.

Tripp had told me on several occasions that he liked when I showed my jealous side, probably because it didn’t happen too often. Not because what he did warranted a reaction, but because it made him feel wanted. Desired. The reverse was not true when the roles were switched, however. My man was typically easygoing, joking around with the best of them, but if he thought someone was hitting on me, his temper would boil over. And sometimes, although not often, he’d gotten physical. It didn’t take much for Tripp to get his point across to other men, because, well . . . he was huge, towering over most people at six four.

Pulling into the lot, Tripp found a parking space readily enough, turned off the engine and exited the truck. He came around to my side first and took my hand to help me down. We opened the back door and together gathered our son, along with all of the things we’d need to keep him happy for the duration.

Up ahead, I saw Hawke, Tripp’s brother, talking to a woman. It wasn’t until she turned that I recognized her from a picture Hawke had shown me when he was a little more than tipsy. He was upset over her leaving him to go and stay with her sister. I’d never officially met the woman, but my heart went out to her for what she’d been through.

“I didn’t know Edana was back,” I blurted, holding Luke close as Tripp and I walked side by side toward the others. The sun hit her hair just so, making me a little envious of her deep red locks.

“Yeah,” he answered. “He told me there was a possibility she’d show up today, that she might be moving back here.” Tripp slung the baby bag over his shoulder, looking quite the specimen regardless of what he was carrying. Actually, I thought it made him even sexier, but hey, that was just me.

“Well good. I’m happy for him,” I said, threading my arm through Tripp’s as he led us toward our friends.

“Are we early?” Tripp asked as we walked up behind his brother and Edana, giving her a hug and kiss on the cheek before he approached his brother, doing that man-hug thingy that guys do.

“Yeah, but not by much.” Hawke turned his attention to me, giving me a quick kiss before backing up. He glanced toward Edana to see her reaction, but all she did was smile. “Reece, this is Edana. Edana, this is Tripp’s ol’ lady, Reece.”

“Ol’ lady? We’re still doin’ that?” I laughed as I shook hands with Hawke’s woman. Tripp had referred to me as such a few times, and each time I told him I didn’t care for the phrasing. It made me sound . . . old. He’d shrugged off my protest as if I was being ridiculous. In the grand scheme of things, if that was the worst issue we dealt with, I really had nothing to complain about.

Lost in my thoughts, I was startled when Jagger snuck up behind us, kissing my cheek before slapping Tripp on the back. Holding out his hands, he wiggled his fingers.

“Let me see this guy,” he instructed. I passed him Luke, smiling over his enthusiasm over seeing our son. “He’s getting so big.” He jostled him a bit until he’d positioned him just so, causing my heart to skip a beat in fear that’d he’d drop him.

“You drop my kid and I’ll kick your ass. Don’t care how undefeated you are.”

Jagger laughed at the threat, turning his attentions away from Tripp and back on Luke.

“You wanna be a fighter like me when you grow up? Don’t be like your dad. He can’t throw a punch to save his life.”

Jagger with my son was representative of how most of these men were. Big, tough and loud, yet they all turned into big softies whenever a baby was around.

Making funny faces at Luke, ignoring the jests of his friends, Jagger’s demeanor changed as soon as Kena joined the group. The way she watched his interaction with our son was borderline hypnotic, and I could only wonder what kinds of thoughts were running through her head. When she caught me staring at her, she smiled.

He’s so adorable. Jagger’s eyes were glued to hers.

“Me or Luke?” he teased, moving in to give her a kiss. “Wanna hold him?” A sudden nervousness made her shake her head. “He won’t bite.” Still, she only stood there, extending her hand to caress the side of Luke’s head. “Ya gotta get used to it sometime, babe.”


“Because I’m gonna want one soon, so you might as well get some practice.” He laughed but Kena found his comment anything but funny. In fact, she looked petrified. She dropped her hand to her side and took a step back, giving me a pathetic smile before she turned around and walked away.

Jagger looked puzzled, confused as to what he’d said wrong. “Here,” he said, handing Luke back to me before he took off after her.

I laughed. One odd expression from her and he was practically tripping over his feet to find out why.

“Where’s he goin’?” Tripp asked, and I just shrugged. When I didn’t answer, he added, “Looks like he probably stuck his foot in his mouth.” He leaned down and planted a loving kiss on my lips. “Been there . . . done that.”

“You can say that again,” I laughed.

As I turned back around to watch Jagger chase after his future, I knew mine had already arrived.

Gifting me with every possible dream I hadn’t even known I’d wanted.


“Babe, stop.” Damn, she’s quick. “Kena!” I finally caught up to her right before she disappeared into one of the bedrooms in the back of the clubhouse. Spinning her around, I asked, “What’s the matter? What did I say?” I tried to pull her close, but she pushed me back, her hands resting on my chest to give her some space.

When I finally retreated, she dropped her hands to her sides, looking at the ground as if she feared looking at my face. Paranoia and uncertainty swirled inside me, and instead of blowing off her odd reaction to my joke a few moments before, I continued to press her for a response.

“Are you ever going to answer me?”

She picked her head up, her beautiful eyes looking lost. The longer we stood in silence, the worse I felt, a bead of nervous sweat appearing on my brow. “If you don’t answer me, I’m gonna start to think the worst, and considering I have no idea why you’re upset, my mind is gonna create some off-the-wall scenarios.” I tried to laugh but the sound fell short.

She lifted her hands and signed, You want to have a baby?

“Is that what this is all about?” Another failed laugh fell from my mouth. We’d talked about having kids in passing, more so over the past few months, but nothing serious had ever been decided. I wasn’t even twenty-five yet, so there was no rush. But eventually, I’d want to start my own family, especially after seeing how happy my brothers were with their kids.

I see the way your eyes light up whenever one of our friend’s kids are around.


So, I don’t want to feel rushed to get knocked up. Her expression morphed into anger, the reason for her sudden change in mood rather confusing.

“Jagger!” I turned my head to the side and saw Tripp enter the clubhouse. When he caught my eye, he said, “We’re startin’ in like fifteen.” He jerked his head toward Kena who was standing across from me in the hallway, a frown on his face as if to ask if everything was all right. I nodded.

Grabbing her hand, I pulled her toward a bedroom, kicking the door closed behind me. I knew if I didn’t get her out of her own head, whatever story she was concocting was gonna fester and turn a simple joking statement into something a lot more serious, and unnecessarily so. Advancing toward her left her no option but to back away from me, the backs of her thighs hitting a short dresser against the wall. Nothing except a few motorcycle magazines laid on top, so with a quick swipe of my hand I cleared the items, grabbed her waist and set her on top of it. Spreading her legs, her black and white striped dress riding up her thighs, I moved in between.

“Don’t do this. I don’t wanna fight with you, so stop overthinkin’ shit.” I rested my hand on the side of her neck, her pulse thrumming under my fingertips. She licked her lips, and I did something I probably shouldn’t have, considering where we were and that I had limited amount of time alone with my woman. Running my free hand up the inside of her leg, she fidgeted briefly before I pushed aside her white satin panties and teased her with my finger. Even annoyed with me, she was always wet and ready.

Kena attempted to stop me, her hand grabbing mine under her dress, but her efforts were feeble at best. When she knew I wasn’t gonna give up, she leaned back on the dresser, braced herself and spread her legs farther apart.

“Let’s get these off you,” I coaxed, helping her to rise off the dresser before drawing her panties down her legs and tossing them to the ground. “We only have a few minutes so we have to be quick, and we need to be quiet.” She looked at me and just shook her head before pointing to her throat. “Okay,” I corrected. “I have to be quiet.”

Fumbling with my belt, I unzipped my pants and pushed them down my legs, pulling her toward the edge of the dresser. The moment I thrust inside her was perfection, and seconds later her short pants of air told me she was already well on her way to exploding. Her fingers tangled in my hair as I tried to show her how much I loved her.

“I know you don’t want to talk about it, but I do want kids with you.” Not the sexiest of talk, but I needed her to hear me, and I knew that while Kena was in the throes of passion, she wouldn’t be locked up inside her head. Her body stilled as she stared at me, her pussy clenching down on me while I tried to keep some semblance of composure. “It’s gonna happen. Not today, not tomorrow. Maybe not even next year, but you will have my babies.” She opened her mouth, the action pointless since she couldn’t speak. When she realized what she’d done, she raised her hands in front of her, but before she could sign a single word, I grabbed them and held them to my chest. “I would never rush you,” I affirmed, needing her to know that while my mind was made up, she could take the time she needed to come around to the idea.

She struggled for me to release her hands, and when I did, she signed something I hadn’t expected. I’m scared.

“What are you scared of?”

That our child will have my ‘challenge’. She used air quotes on the last word.

“You know what happened to you isn’t hereditary, right?” She gave me a slow nod. “Then what’s really bothering you?”

She took a moment before raising her hands.

I want to be married before I have children, Jagger. And I know we’re nowhere ready for that step yet, so when you make comments about having kids, I think you just want to skip right over that part altogether.

Okay, I could honestly say I didn’t expect that either.

I was still buried inside her, although we’d stopped moving in order to have our little conversation. But after what she’d just said, I knew it was as good a time as any to let her in on what I’d been thinking about for the past month. Perfect timing and all.

Pulling her hips toward me, I surprised her with the sudden movement, her hands flying to my shoulders to steady herself.

“Marry me, then. Agree to be my wife.”

She looked shocked, and I couldn’t say I blamed her. I hadn’t planned on proposing so soon, but after what she’d said, I had no idea why I’d been waiting.

Are you asking only because of what I just told you?

“Of course not. I love you and don’t want to wait anymore to start the rest of our life together.”

I could tell she was thinking about my response, and for a moment I thought she was gonna turn me down. I wouldn’t lie; my heart fell into my stomach waiting for her answer. But when she cradled my face in her hands and brought my mouth to hers, kissing my lips in the most tender of moments, I knew her answer in an instant.

I pulled back so I could see her beautiful face. “Was that a yes?”

Her face lit up with the biggest smile I think I’d ever seen. She mouthed “yes” at the same time she signed her answer.

It was in that moment that I knew my life would never be the same again. Yes, I knew Kena was mine, that she was the woman I couldn’t live without, but her agreeing to be my wife shoved our love toward a whole other realm of happiness.


What just happened? Just moments ago, I’d been upset with Jagger’s jokes about having kids. While I knew I’d blown the situation all out of proportion, the thought of having children with him without being married was something that bothered me. I realized I seemed old-fashioned, knowing people didn’t worry about getting hitched these days in order to have kids, but it was something I wanted for me. To have babies with my husband, not my boyfriend.

I wasn’t sure why my feelings on the subject were so steadfast. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that if we were married, he couldn’t walk away as easily as if we weren’t.

Or maybe I was scared about the whole idea in general and I was making stuff up to justify my walking away from him in front of Tripp and Reece.

Everything had changed, though.

Jagger had just asked me to marry him.

To be his wife.

And I accepted.

He started to move inside me again, his lips finding the area below my ear that he knew drove me crazy. He cradled my neck in one hand, the other grabbing my ass and pulling me toward him every time he thrust forward.

“Baby,” he moaned. “You’ve made me so fuckin’ happy.” He pulled back so he could see my face. Sometimes I wished I had the ability to speak, to hear my voice say his name, or to tell him that what he did to my body drove me to the heavens and back. But all I had were facial expressions, body language and the flutter of my hands.

I love you. Those three words summed up everything for me, and I hoped they were enough.

Jagger’s mouth covered mine, his tongue sweeping past my lips, the urgency in his kiss telling me his body was building toward release. The soft moans that escaped him sent my desire for him so high I feared I’d never come back down. He was certainly talented, although seeing as how he was the only man I’d ever been with I didn’t have anything to compare it to. But I couldn’t imagine anyone else treating me so tenderly yet laying claim to me at the same time.

Each thrust of his hips sparked a fire, my body trembling the closer I came to pure bliss. When his thumb found my clit, I rocked my hips toward him with more urgency, the bubble of ecstasy spiraling through my entire body. I wanted him to see what he did to me, to make sure he witnessed my unraveling. Twisting strands of his dark blond hair around my fingers, I stared into his beautiful amber-colored eyes, his pupils darkening the harder he fucked me, the back of the dresser banging against the wall with each twitch of his hips.

My lips parted as the all-too-familiar tingling threatened to split me apart, short pants of air fanning his face as I desperately tried to catch my breath.

“Are you gonna come?”

I was barely able to nod before my orgasm hit me with such force I threw my head back and pulled him with me, still holding onto him for dear life. He buried his face in the crook of my neck, biting my skin as he took me with wild abandon, his cock thickening and stretching me even wider. He grunted out his release, the sound amplified in the barely furnished room.

It took a few moments before Jagger composed himself enough to back away, slowly uncurling my fingers from his hair. I hadn’t even realized I was still holding him.

“Damn, woman, I think you may still have some of my hair in your hands.” He rubbed the sides of his head, teasing me when he made a pained expression. Gifting me another kiss, he took a step back and looked around the room for something to use to wipe away our sex. There was nothing, so he picked up my panties, wiped me clean and tucked the material inside his pants pocket.

Once he helped me to my feet, I signed, I thought you were supposed to be quiet.

He laughed, the tiny dimple in his cheek appearing and making me melt all over again.

“Seems like I can’t control myself around you,” he admitted. He took a breath to say something else but a knock at the door interrupted him.

“Kena? Jagger? You in there?” My sister. The handle jiggled but thankfully the door was locked. “Hello?”

I smoothed down my dress before opening the door. Jagger was busy tucking himself back into his pants when I came face-to-face with Braylen.

As soon as she saw me, she smiled. “They’re here,” she announced, briefly looking down the hallway before turning her attention back to me. She tried to look past me into the room, but I blocked her view. “Don’t let Ryder find out that you guys escaped to have sex or I’ll never hear the end of it.”

“The end of what?” Ryder asked, appearing out of nowhere. He pushed the door open with ease, not a care that maybe his friend wasn’t dressed, but somehow I doubted he cared.

“What the fuck?” Ryder shouted, shooting my sister an annoyed look. She thought the situation was rather amusing. Her laughter seemed to irritate him, although I suspected he was playing it up more than anything. “Oh, you think that’s funny? That he gets to have sex while we’re waitin’ but I can’t?”

She laughed harder, leaning up on her tippy toes to kiss him.

“Poor baby,” she cooed. “I’ll make it up to you later.”

“You’re damn right you will.” Looking back toward us, more so at Jagger than at me, he said, “Let’s go, brother. Time to get started.” Then just as quickly as they’d appeared, they left, leaving us to assemble ourselves enough to be seen back in public. I was sure my face was flushed, but thankfully Jagger hadn’t messed up my hair, the long dark strands still in perfect curls down my back.

Are you ready?

He grabbed my hand and ran the pad of his finger over the area near my knuckle. “I’ll get a ring and make it official.”

I don’t need a ring to make it official.

“But I want you to have one. Besides, I want you to make all the other women jealous.” He gave me the sweetest kiss. “And hopefully it’ll spur things along with your sister and that bastard she likes to call her man.”

My thoughts instantly flew to Braylen and me being engaged at the same time. How fun would that be to run ideas past each other? To go dress shopping together and drive our men nuts about the tiniest details?

Pulling me from the room, Jagger laced his fingers with mine and led me back outside to join everyone. Up ahead, I saw Sully talking to Reece and Braylen, and all of a sudden I had the sudden urge to share my news. Turning toward Jagger, I tried to tug my hand from his, but he held on tighter. It wasn’t until the third try that he realized I wanted to tell him something.

“Bad habit,” he admitted, flashing me the sexiest grin.

Should I tell them about the engagement?

He looked uncertain, and for a moment I thought maybe he was having second thoughts. I knew it was stupid to think that way, especially seeing as how he just told me he wanted to buy me a ring to make it official, but sometimes I couldn’t help but be a woman, second-guessing and overthinking things too much.

“I would love nothing more, but how about we wait until afterward? I just don’t want to steal anyone’s thunder. You understand, right?”

Of course.

And I did understand. I understood that while Jagger wanted to shout from the rooftops that we were going to be man and wife, he didn’t want to overshadow his friends’ big day. He was always thinking about others, aware of how his friends felt. Jagger didn’t look like a big softie, his tough exterior exuding the exact opposite, but the man had a heart of gold.

He’d never viewed my inability to speak as a hindrance, instead finding ways to communicate with me. Texting was the easiest, but when he’d wanted to explain himself, for me to hear the sincerity in his voice, he’d called me and asked me to press the keys on my phone so I could answer his yes or no questions.

One for yes and two for no.

The biggest sign of his interest, however, had been when he asked Sully to teach him sign language.

I never dreamed I would ever find someone like Jagger. Every day with him was special, fate’s sweetest gift, and soon the world would officially know we belonged to each other.


Goddamn, my soon-to-be wife looked gorgeous. The way her cream-colored dress hugged her in all the right places, her sun-kissed blonde hair styled casually in loose waves. I told her not to even bother with some fancy hairstyle because I was only gonna mess it up as soon as we had a moment of privacy.

I knew people said it was bad luck to see the bride before the ceremony, but we’d already had our fair share of shitty circumstances since we’d been together.

I’d been shot while helping Marek rescue Sully from Vex, her crazy ex.

I’d been run off the road, ending up in Addy’s ER so she could patch me up.

Her uncle, Trigger, had shot me in the leg when he found out we’d not only been seeing each other behind his back, but that I got her pregnant.

And most recently, I’d been shot in the head during our final battle with the Reapers. Well, the tip of my ear had been taken off, but it could’ve been a lot worse if Marek hadn’t tackled the fucker who fired at me.

Come to think of it, I’d been shot quite a few times, but none of my close calls even compared to what Addy had dealt with when she was pregnant with Riley. Ovarian cancer. I’d almost lost her. Could’ve lost them both.

Shoving aside thoughts of the past and what could’ve happened, I turned in my seat to stare at the woman who loved me beyond reason, who I would gladly die for if the circumstance ever called for it.

“Don’t even think about it, mister,” Addy warned, a small smile curving her delectable lips.

“What are you talking about?” I reached over and caressed the side of her face before snaking my hand under her hair to lightly grip her neck, her rapid pulse telling me she was more than ready to give me what I wanted. What we both needed. I pulled her close but she placed her hand on my chest, my frenzied heartbeat giving away what my eyes tried to shield.

“You know what I’m talking about. Don’t start something we can’t finish right now.”

Before I could even think of something witty and convincing to say, a rap sounded against my driver-side window. Grunting in annoyance, I turned toward the intrusion and saw Jagger’s face staring back at me. The way he looked at me, as if I was the one holding him up, told me it was time to greet everyone who’d gathered to share in our day.

Our wedding day.

I’d wanted to marry Addy the day I found out she was pregnant with Riley, but she’d refused, telling me that having a child was no reason to rush into marriage. So I’d allowed her the time she needed, finally proposing at our daughter’s baptism. Then when she was pregnant with our second child, our son, Lincoln, I wanted to get hitched soon after, but she wanted to wait until after she gave birth so she could fit into her dress the way she wanted. I reluctantly agreed.

It didn’t take much on my part to convince her to name him after me, his need for his mother only rivaled by my need for my woman. The little one was attached to her, whereas Riley was Daddy’s little girl. Don’t get me wrong, she still preferred her mother for certain things—reading bedtime stories, for one—but whenever she hurt herself, it was me she came running to, crawling into my lap and resting her head on my chest.

“I guess that’s our cue.” Addy laughed. Once she’d exited, she popped her head back inside the SUV, that time in the back seat as she fiddled with Lincoln’s car seat. Our son was sleeping, but he started to stir once Addy lifted him into her arms. He nuzzled into her and fell back asleep. Don’t blame ya, buddy. The nine months since he’d been born flew by in a blur. I only hoped the clock ticked by slowly today so I could cherish the moments.

I got to work helping Riley from her seat, her eyes intently watching me, waiting for me to do what I always did whenever I was near her—make a funny face. Twisting my lips and sticking out my tongue, I made a noise before tickling her.

“Daddy.” She giggled, her two-year-old face lighting up as she tried to wriggle away from me. Her laughter filled my ears, and I swore it was like the sun shone all day long.

“If she has an accident, you’re gonna be the one to change her. And seeing as how I had a hell of a time getting her in that outfit,” Addy said, pointing to Riley’s purple and white flowered dress, “it’s not gonna be a walk in the park.” She smiled before shaking her head, knowing damn well her stern words wouldn’t deter me from making my little girl laugh once more.

That was until Riley told me she had to pee. Then I withdrew my hands and finally picked her up.

Kissing her cheek a few times, she placed her tiny hand on my face. “Daddy, you hairs tickawin me.”

“Your mommy likes them.” I winked at Addy as she sidled up next to me, tightly holding Lincoln. She gave me a kiss before going to find our friends.

“Give me my goddaughter,” Sully said, reaching for Riley before I even realized she was near. Since I had to grab a few of the kids’ bags from the back seat, I handed the little girl over, Sully kissing Riley before giving her a big hug.

“Where’s Kaden?” Looking around, I didn’t see the little boy. Though I was certain if she was here, so was he.

“Cole has him.” She pointed across the lot to where her husband was standing behind Tripp, his large body shielding parts of my best friend. “Did you hear?”

“Hear what?”

The biggest smile appeared on her face. “Kaden is ours, for good. Tripp stopped by earlier and told us.” My confusion prompted her to finish, her smile briefly disappearing. “He said Rachel was found dead. Overdose.”

“That’s great.” Sully’s eyes widened at my bluntness. “Look, I’m not saying it’s great that she’s dead, but come on, Sully. From what Tripp told me about her, she was a train wreck. No way she could’ve been a good mother to Kaden.” Reaching out and touching her arm, I said, “That was always your job.” Unshed tears filled her brown eyes. “Oh God. Don’t cry or your husband is gonna have my head.” I smiled, and she laughed, wiping away the lone tear that fell down her cheek.

As we turned around, Marek approached and pulled me in for a quick hug, slapping my back in greeting. He kissed his wife before she went off to join the others, Riley’s sweet laughter carrying behind them.

“You ready to do this, brother?” He looked me up and down from head to toe. “I see you pulled out all the stops today.” Marek was referring to the black Armani I’d chosen for the occasion. No way was I showin’ up half-assed dressed to marry the love of my life.

“I look good,” I joked, laughing as I took in the scene around us. All of our friends were present, with the exception of the brothers of the club who’d passed on, Zip and Breck. Two loyal men who were ripped from this world too soon. Although the threat had finally been eliminated, it didn’t take away the sting from the loss.

Seeing Cutter talking to two people I’d never seen before, I lifted my chin in his direction, Marek turning to see.

“How’s he doin’?”

“As well as he can be, I suppose.”

“Who’s he talkin’ to?”

Marek folded his arms across his chest, a satisfied grin swiftly appearing. “That’s his daughter, Kalista.”

“What? I thought he wasn’t in contact with her.” I’d heard bits and pieces about Cutter’s daughter, and how he refused to have a relationship with her, but his reasons were much like the excuses we’d all used as to why we didn’t want to get attached to anyone outside the club. Safety.

We’d all failed, giving in to loving our women, all the while driving ourselves insane trying to make sure no harm came to them. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to stop some of the things that happened, but we were able to move on from the guilt. Mostly.

“I think Breck’s death made him realize how short life really is. Besides, there’s no more threat, so he’s out of reasons why he should continue to keep her out of his life.”

“I guess you’re right.” Looking back toward them, I asked, “Who’s the guy?”

“Her husband, Eli. He’s the lawyer I met up with a couple years ago, the one who gave me some legal advice about setting up the strip clubs. Stuff I had to know to run the businesses.”

“Oh yeah. I remember you telling me about him. Did you know he was married to Cutter’s daughter?”

“Not a clue. Besides, I don’t think they were married when I met him. And get this—they have a son. Holden, I think his name is. Anyway, that means Cutter’s a grandfather.”

I made a face. “That’s just weird.”

“I know,” Marek agreed. Although Cutter looked like he could be a sweet old grandpa, his clean-shaven face and short gray hair styled perfectly in place, he was anything but. He was ruthless when he needed to be. I’d seen that man do some shit that made me queasy. I couldn’t imagine him tossing around the ball with his grandkid.

“What a small world,” I said, shaking my head at the coincidence. Before we were interrupted by Jagger and Ryder who were headed our way, I bumped Marek’s shoulder with mine. “I just found out about Kaden. Congrats, man.”

“Yeah.” A brightness shone behind my friend’s blue eyes. “You should’ve seen Sully’s face when Tripp told us. I was kinda jealous that I’d never made her heart soar like that.” He laughed. “But I get it. Besides, I really shouldn’t be jealous of my son, right?”

“Why not? I’m jealous of my kids. The way Addy dotes on them, ignoring me sometimes.” I winked. I wasn’t serious. Not completely.

“I wouldn’t change a thing, though. Kaden can have all of Sully’s attention as long as she continues to smile like she has been.”

“When we gonna start this shindig?” Ryder interjected, fast approaching and pulling me into a half hug once he was near.

“Yeah, let’s go, brother. What’s the matter? You got cold feet?” Jagger was only joking. If anyone besides Marek knew that Addy was my fuckin’ life, it was him.

“Funny,” I responded, giving him a half hug as well. Slinging the diaper bag over my shoulder, I clapped my hands together. “Let’s get me married, boys.”

As I walked toward the grounds behind the clubhouse that had been set up for the ceremony, I couldn’t help but think of how lucky I’d been to finally convince Addy to be mine. There were times I was sure she’d second-guessed her decision, but I couldn’t’ve been happier that she stuck it out, giving me two healthy and beautiful children to boot.

The woman was absolutely amazing, and in no time at all, she’d legally belong to me.

To cherish and love for the rest of my undeserving life.


Looking from person to person as my father walked me down the makeshift aisle, I smiled, my heart overflowing with happiness that everyone had made it to celebrate with Stone and me.

“You sure you want to marry him?” my father asked. At first, I thought he was serious. I turned to him to ask him why he’d said such a thing, but then I caught the gleam in his eyes. “Lincoln is a good man, honey.” He refused to call him Stone, always using his given name. “I know I didn’t want to see it at first, but that was only because I wanted to keep you safe. But he’s proven to me that he can take care of you, and my grandchildren. I’m proud to call him my son-in-law.” He smiled. “Just don’t tell him.”

I laughed, tears welling in my eyes as I leaned into him. “You’re gonna make me ruin my makeup, Dad.” He kissed my temple, neither of us breaking our stride. Catching a glance of my new stepmother, who was holding the baby, I whispered, “Camille looks beautiful. How did you get so lucky?”

“I have no idea,” he confessed, a wide smile on his face as their eyes connected. My father had remarried six months before, and I couldn’t be happier. She was a lovely woman who’d brought happiness back into his life, so I’d accepted her right away. She never cringed or shied away whenever my father and I spoke of my mother, instead encouraging us to share our memories of her.

I made sure to take my time walking to meet my future husband, partly because I loved to make the man sweat, but also because I wanted to take the time to appreciate the group of people who’d become so intricate in my life.

Cutter sat next to who I’d learned was his daughter, Kalista, and her husband, Eli. From what I understood, their relationship had been nonexistent. Because of the danger that had surrounded the club, he’d chosen to keep her out of his life, only coming to reveal that he was her father when she’d mistakenly walked into the club’s bar, The Underground, years back. Out of all the men of the Knights Corruption, I knew the least about Cutter. He kept to himself, a quiet man, but I knew he’d suffered a great loss when Breck was killed. So the fact that he’d chosen to open up communication with his daughter made me happy.

Another two steps closer to my man and I saw Hawke and Edana cuddled close to each other, her head resting on his shoulder as he whispered something in her ear, turning his eyes back on me right afterward. He winked, and the smile that lit up his face was one I hadn’t seen before. He’d been depressed over the breakdown in their relationship, the dynamics drastically changing after her attack, but now that she was back, they both looked happier.

Next was Ryder and Braylen. The two of them were made for each other. In fact, they reminded me a bit of Stone and me. He was a pain in the ass most times, and she made sure to tell him about himself. There was a great love between them, though. One that anyone could see as soon as they saw them together. His daughter, Zoe, sat at the end of the aisle, the cutest girl I’d ever seen—next to Riley, of course. I wondered if he and Braylen would have one of their own soon, the way he watched her holding Kaden for Sully making me think the answer would be yes. Then again, maybe I simply had baby fever, so in love with my own children that I wanted everyone to be blessed with them.

Smiling at my thoughts, my eyes connected with Jagger and Kena. I really liked him, and she was his perfect match. She wasn’t as ballsy as her sister, but she still didn’t take any crap from him. Then again, he didn’t give her much to worry about. I’d been the one responsible for him learning sign language. Okay, I hadn’t taught him myself, but I’d orchestrated the training to occur between him and Sully, essentially threatening Marek so he’d let it happen. I wasn’t delusional; I knew if the leader of the Knights Corruption refused, the only thing I could’ve done was pester Stone so badly he would’ve had to convince Marek otherwise. The two of them smiled lovingly toward me, and it wasn’t until I was closer that I noticed Jagger rubbing her left hand. Her ring finger, to be exact. When I looked up, he widened his eyes and grinned.

A few more steps and I saw Tripp and Reece, their adorable son, Luke, cuddled close to his mother. When Tripp’s gaze met mine, he flashed me the biggest grin. What could I say? The man had a special place in my heart. I’d been the one who nursed him back to health after he’d been shot and left for dead in front of the club’s gates. We’d formed a friendship, a special bond during that time. And although we never had any feelings toward each other, he loved to give Stone a hard time, pretending he was hitting on me. My man had finally calmed down some when Tripp met Reece, and he saw how hard his brother fell for the woman. Reece had escaped an abusive relationship, and I was beyond happy that’d she’d met someone who could love and protect her as fiercely as Tripp could.

My uncle, Trigger, was busy bouncing Riley on his lap when he turned his head to watch my father and me walking toward him. Just the sight of him made me miss my mother more so than normal, the resemblance between them uncanny. They’d shared the same almond-shaped eyes and full cheeks, along with the same shade of brown hair, although my uncle’s was mostly gray these days.

Thankfully, my father and uncle had ended whatever feud had kept them apart over the years and started talking again, right after Riley was born. My mother’s brother was ferociously protective over me, even going so far as shooting Stone when he’d first found out about our relationship. It took me a little while to forgive him for that, but I knew his actions had been driven by his love for me, as well as some unspoken code amongst the men of the club, a code Stone trampled all over in order to be with me. My uncle had only started to accept Stone after the birth of our daughter, although he continued to give my man a hard time every now and then.

When we’d finally made it to the front of everyone gathered, I passed my bouquet of red roses to Sully, who’d readily agreed to be my matron of honor, her husband standing next to Stone, clasping him on the shoulder while giving me a slight nod and a smile.

My soon-to-be husband took a step toward me and reached for my hand, my father kissing my cheek before releasing me. Two of the most important men in my life shook hands, mutual respect emanating from them both.

“I can’t wait to get you naked,” Stone whispered in my ear before ushering me to stand in front of Father Houston, the priest who’d come to marry us, the same one who’d performed Riley’s baptism.

The flush of my cheeks made Stone laugh. No one had heard what he’d said to me, but one look at my face and they could surely guess.

As I faced the love of my life, barely listening to the priest as he talked, autopilot kicking in as we repeated our vows to each other, I lost myself to Stone’s piercing gaze.

So much had happened during our relationship, both good and bad, but we’d persevered.

Fate could’ve dealt us a different hand altogether.

Cancer could’ve stolen my life.

Stone could’ve been killed, multiple times over the course of the past couple years.

But none of that happened. Instead, I was given my happily ever after—the man of my dreams, and two wonderful children I loved more than life itself.

Well, soon to be three. I had yet to tell Stone my little secret.


Fifteen years later

“Come on, Riley,” I groaned, chasing after her while she ran toward the back of the clubhouse. “I didn’t kiss her. I swear.” Damn, she’s fast. Increasing my stride, I caught her by the wrist, spinning her around before she could fight me. A gust of wind kicked up, strands of her blonde hair shielding her angry gray eyes from me. Until she swiped them away, glaring at me in the process.

“Let go, Kaden,” she whisper-shouted, trying to tug free from my hold. But I wasn’t gonna let her go until she heard me out. I wanted to shout that I didn’t do anything wrong, that I’d been the one who was caught off guard when Tracy Flemming planted one on me after school the day before, but I had to make sure to keep my voice low enough so no one heard me.

We were at our fathers’ club. Everyone had gathered earlier for a barbecue, and the last thing I needed was for Riley’s dad to catch us. The man was seriously scary when he wanted to be. I overheard him telling her that he’d shoot any boy who dared to put his hands on her.

I was too young to die.

I’d been able to convince my dad’s best friend that I’d watch out for his daughter, that I would make sure no guys came near her. Little did he know I had an ulterior motive for promising such things, that I was the guy staking a claim on his daughter, albeit privately for the time being.

“Not until you let me explain. It wasn’t what it looked like.” The fire in her eyes turned me on, my almost seventeen-year-old hormones wreaking havoc inside my body. I risked a step closer, which only pushed her to retreat until her back was flush with the concrete wall behind her.

“I know what I saw.” She threw her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes. Riley Crosswell was so damn spirited . . . and I loved it.

I loved her, and it was time I reminded her of my feelings.

I moved swiftly, slamming my mouth over hers before my tongue begged for entrance. Moments later, she groaned into the kiss, and I knew I had my opportunity to make her see the truth for what it was.

I only had eyes for her.

My heart belonged to her. Always had, ever since we were kids.

Unexpectedly, she tore her mouth from me and shoved me backward, her hands in front of her in case I tried to come too close again. “Did you sleep with her?”

“No!” I lowered my voice before I drew any unnecessary attention. “I would never do that. She kissed me, baby. I didn’t kiss her back. I swear.”

“Well, obviously she thought she could. Seeing as how no one even knows we’re together.”

“You know how your dad will react,” I reminded her, feeling the anger start to bubble inside me, pissed I couldn’t openly claim Riley for my own.

“I know,” she conceded, looking away from me before chewing on her bottom lip, something she did right before she was about to cry.

“Don’t be upset. We’ll figure something out,” I promised, lifting her face to mine before I kissed her once more.


Life wasn’t fair. Kaden Marek was the boy I’d loved my entire life, yet I couldn’t tell anyone. My dad would seriously freak if he found out we’d been secretly seeing each other, and he was so damn stubborn—something my mom often complained about—that there would be no convincing him to allow the relationship.

Not only did I have my dad to contend with, but every other man in the club. I swore they made it their personal mission to make sure I grew old alone. The only exception was Kaden’s dad, the president of the Knights Corruption. He smiled whenever he saw Kaden and me together. Sometimes I wondered if he suspected something, although he never said anything if he did.

“I love you,” Kaden whispered into the kiss. Pulling back, he stared into my eyes, his the most expressive blues I’d ever seen. So much so I was surprised we hadn’t been found out yet. Whenever we were around our families, like that day, he would stare after me, and when I’d catch him, he’d give me a sexy smirk before looking away.

“I love you more.”

“Not possible,” he argued, his hands going from my waist to underneath my ass, lifting me until I wrapped my legs around his waist. He used the wall behind me as an anchor.

His biceps flexed as he held me, the corded muscles of his chest surely contracting beneath his blue T-shirt. I’d seen Kaden naked a handful of times, his body like a work of art, but it was only last month that we’d decided to finally have sex. At first it’d been a little painful, but the six times we’d been together since then were nothing short of electrifying.

Lost to teasing touches, heavy breaths and soul-scorching kisses, neither of us heard him approach.

“Whoa!” he shouted. “What the hell is goin’ on here?”

I broke the kiss, unhooking my legs and planting my feet on the ground before pushing Kaden back so I could turn and face the intruder.

“Uncle Trigger,” I pleaded, my eyes practically bugging out of my head. “Please don’t tell my dad. I. . . . We just. . . .” I clamped my mouth shut because I couldn’t think of what to say to persuade him not to rat us out.

Within moments, his expression changed from shock to amusement.

“I won’t say a thing, sweetie. On one condition.” His smirk made me wary.

“Anything,” I promised. Kaden reached for my hand, but I batted it away, not wanting to add fuel to the fire. Although the damage had already been done; he’d seen us groping each other, practically dry humping against the back of the clubhouse.

“You have to promise that whenever you do tell your father, that I’m there to see it.” He laughed, and I wasn’t quite sure if he was serious or not.

“Why?” Kaden asked the question, just as baffled as I was.

“Let’s just say it’ll be the sweetest karma.”





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