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Sack Time by A.M. Willard (21)


“I’m going to be sick,” I tell Greyson through the phone as I pace back and forth in the parking lot of the testing center.

“You’re going to do great. You nailed every question I threw at you this weekend. Take a deep breath in and out.”

“What if they changed the questions? You know I could’ve bought the wrong books, or they changed it at the last minute to throw us off.”

“They haven’t, and you know this stuff better than I do.”

“Well, you’re a doctor and not a nurse, so you can’t compare that.”

“See, you just called yourself a nurse. Now, get off this phone and go pass that test. I’ve got to run and see my next patient. Make sure you call me as soon as you walk out. I promise to answer.”

“Greyson Davis, if you answer my call while down between some lady’s legs, I will come and smack you.”

“I promise to not answer during an exam. I think that might be awkward.”

“Yes, and thank you for the talk.”

“My pleasure, and that’s what we do, right?”

“Right,” I say before clicking off the call. I smooth the front of my dress down—of course, I thought I needed to dress up for the computer that will be pointing and laughing at me like a clown who just flunked out of clown school. Before my hand touches the door handle, I stall a little longer. Reminding myself that I can do this. I’ve stayed awake all day since about the third day that the cats were gone. Not to mention, I’m only taking one allergy pill now a day, instead of the three I was before.

With a deep breath, I exhale. “You will own today, you will make your dreams comes true, and then finally be able to have sex with Greyson,” I say out loud and pray that no one is near me to overhear my mental pep talk. Yes, we agreed that I would be rewarded with hot, blow my mind sex as he searches for the lost treasure. His words, not mine. I might have allowed him to get a wee bit handsy last night during our study session.

I walk down the hall until I find room one-thirty. Opening the heavy steel door, I hold my head up high and maneuver my feet down the path toward the instructors waiting to take our names.

The closer I get to the front, where questioning eyes are staring back at me, my heart thuds louder in my ears. Two of the instructors were hear before. Yes, the same two that had to wake me from my slumber in the past. I’m pretty sure the smirk on their faces is because they are prepared to wake me once again. Only this time when they escort me out, they’ll tell me to never apply for this test again.

“Miss. Wilde, it’s always a pleasure to see you,” Mr. Lambert says while adjusting his tie.

“Good to see you again,” I say through a smile as I hand him my registration papers. I bounce from side to side softly to calm my nerves as he runs his fingers along the long list of names. Landing on mine he clicks his pen, initials, and hands me my card.

“Good luck, and I believe your familiar with the way this works?”

“Yes, yes I am. Thanks,” I say as I grab my card and dash off to find a seat. Standing in the middle of the room, I calculate each desk. Searching out the room for the best seat for me to plop down in and either make a fool of myself once again, or nail it like I want to nail Greyson. It’s sad that my sex life might depend on the result of this test. Even though when I finish I’ll have a temporary result, it’s not official until four to six weeks afterward when I receive my results and certificate that I can apply for a job. It’s a good thing that I always have real estate to fall back on, right? If this bombs, I’ll just sign up to take the real estate exam and then sell houses for the rest of my life. Either way I’ll have a job; it just might not be as fulfilling.

Situated in my seat, I drum my fingers against the flat surface, waiting for the room to fill and the test to begin. We have six hours to complete the test; once it begins I’ll have two hours until I can potty and stretch. Once I reach that mark, I’ll feel better. Last time I didn’t even make it an hour before I sacked out like a linebacker getting knocked down on his ass.

My palms have entered into the sweat zone. My heart is pounding in my chest so loud that when the person next to me glances over at me, I’m sure it’s because they are silently telling me to calm the hell down. Shrugging, I face forward and take a few deep breaths to calm my nerves.

“You know this, Sherry. You will own this test and make it your bitch, if not your tunnel of love will cave in and runaway from you,” I say, giving myself a mental bump to make it through.

“Good Morning, I’m professor Lambert. If you need something, raise your hand and one of us will come to you. You should know the rules and regulations from your handbook, which means we will not review them. You have six hours to complete the test. Some of you will be fast, some of you will need all six hours. Every two hours we will take a break, lunch is one hour—from noon to one. Does anyone have any questions?”

My eyes drift around the room, waiting for that one hand that always pops up to ask a question that will defiantly annoy Mr. Lambert. I had him my senior year in college. Let me just say, I never asked a question after the first day of lectures. He lit into one of the students, when she asked a more detailed example of his thesis. His response was, “If you need one, then you don’t need to be in this class. Come and listen, you will find your answers.” After that, I made sure I didn’t miss a class. Even when I was sick, I’d sit in the very back and record every word he spoke. Each class felt like a test. Every question with question was a test.

“All cell phones down… You now have six hours,” is all he says before punching the button on the timer. I mentally remind myself that I can’t focus on the hours, nor the minutes that are counting down. If I do that, I’m sure that I’ll work myself up and have a panic attack.

I slide my card into the computer and verify that all my information is correct. The bright green button glows before me: BEGIN TEST. With a deep breath in and an even bigger exhale, I tap it and start with question one.


The first section that pops up on my screen is about sexually transmitted infections. Has this thing been spying on me? Has it placed some thinking cap on my head? Good thing I studied this and have seen some of it firsthand when I was doing clinical hours for Dr. Davis Sr. My mind shifts back to the computer and the tasks before me. Make it to the end… Stay awake… Reward—getting laid… Of course that’s the perfect thing to think about while you’re answering about sexual transmitted diseases. For the next two hours, I lose myself in the questions—following my gut instinct on each one. Some have been worded to throw us off, but that’s not going to stop me today.

“Break time,” Mr. Lambert yells from the front, bringing me out of my focus. I do need to use the restroom and stretch, but I was on a roll clicking answers while kicking ass.

I let out a puff of air, stand, and reach up toward the ceiling to stretch my back. I slide my phone out of my bag, powering it up while I head out toward the hall to check in with Greyson. Instead of calling, I open my text and notice that I have a few waiting for a response.

Ava: Rock it like the beast you are, or I’ll get you another Hollywood.

Me: I plan to rock it and never will I ever get that done again.

Greyson: Just wanted to say I’m thinking of you and can’t wait until later tonight. I actually told a pregnant lady to hold out for as long as she can today. See, I mean business.

Me: How dare her vagina come between mine getting lucky? Thanks for thinking of me, and I have to admit I wasn’t thinking about you for at least the last two hours. I’m still awake, so that’s a plus. I’ll check in later.

Other than June, Ava and Greyson are the only ones who know about me retaking the test today. I felt it was the safest thing to do. I mean, I’ve already let my parents down the last few times, so I didn’t want to say anything until it was real. Heck, I might not even tell them after today. Might as well wait for the real results to come. I know it’s rare that the computer messes up. I have heard of horror stories with that happening. To play it safe, I will not look for a job, nor tell anyone that already doesn’t know about the score. With my luck, that stupid box that has a mind of its own will tell me I got a ninety-five, when in reality I made a fifty-nine. I quickly do my business and make a pit stop near the water fountain for a sip of nasty H2O. Yes, I refused to bring my bottle out to refill it. If I start that, I’ll end up doing the pee pee dance in my chair. It’s as cold as all get out in the room, which is perfect to cause any normal person to sleep, not to mention have an accident. Satisfied that I’ve completed everything, I head back to my desk and power down my phone. Before long, it’s time to start again. This time I glance up and notice that we have two more hours until lunch, and I’m hoping by the next break afterward I’m done and can hip hop my little shimmying butt out of here.

Flying through my questions, I pause before I start the next one, knowing that the buzzer is fixing to go off for lunch. No sooner than I lean back, Mr. Lambert announces it’s lunch time without even getting up from his chair. I blow it off, stand, and grab my stuff. I packed a sandwich last night as I didn’t want to risk the chance of getting caught in traffic and returning after the doors had been locked. That would be my luck this time. Forget falling asleep, nope I got locked out. That is one story I refuse to tell.

Pushing open the steel door, the sun filters down on my cold skin. I stand here in the middle of the sidewalk for a moment longer than needed to soak it up as the other students pass by in a hurry. I can’t help but laugh at them, as I remember the times I’ve been here before. Only once did I not bring a lunch, and that was the first time. Didn’t matter since I was out before they stopped serving breakfast at McDonald’s drive-thru. Moving toward my car, I spot a familiar one next to it. The closer I get the wider my smile is. Greyson climbs out of the driver side, stops, and puts his arm on the roof before smiling up at me.

“What are you doing here?”

“Came to bring my girl lunch and check on her. You know, offer up my services if need be.”

“Oh really, and what services would that be?”

“My lips, maybe a hand and more lips,” he says before giving me a nod to get in the car. I slink my small frame down into the leather seat and close my door. Once seated, the aroma of pizza sauce slams into me. With wide eyes, I turn and look at Greyson who is now sporting the widest of grins I’ve witnessed on him before.

“Is that what I think it is?”

“Depends on what you think it is? I asked them to serve my penis as a topping, but they didn’t like that much.”

Swatting at him, I go to say, “No you did not, Greyson Davis! You can’t be offering that thing to just anyone.”

“Nope, I’ll just offer you it as a topping,” he says with a wink as he hands me a slice.

“This is so good,” I say with a mouthful of food.

“Welcome. How’s it going?”

Wiping the corners of my mouth, I place the half eaten slice down and lean back in the seat. “Long, but I feel good about it. I’m just ready for the big DONE button to pop up with a score. I swear if I fail this thing, you will need to just toss me off the pier and feed me to the fish.”

“I’m not tossing you anywhere but over my shoulder.”

“Is that all you think about?”

“Yes… I’m a guy, you’re fucking hot as hell, and I can’t wait to bury myself deep within you. So, you better pass that test or we will be breaking another one of your rules.”

“I thought we said they were fun to break?”

“We did, but you’ve been like a cop with them. I want to break every one of them that we have.”

“That’s a lot of breaking. Can’t we just go slow and do a few at a time?”

“Maybe, just pass your test so we can practice then.”

“Sounds like a plan. How’s your day been?”

“Busy. We have so many that are expecting right now, and I’m just biding my time before they all pop. I have a few more exams when I get back, and then the rest are check-ups to see how mom and baby are doing.”

“Isn’t it great, though? I mean, you get to witness the most precious thing in life.”

“It is. I remember the first delivery I witnessed; it’s actually the reason I went into Obstetrics and Gynecology. At first I wanted to practice internal medicine. That way my dad didn’t pressure me anymore to join the practice.”

“Do you regret not doing it? I mean, it appears that you love what you do.”

“I do, and I’m glad I changed. Even if I never have kids, at least I still get to experience the delivery almost daily.”

When those words hit my ears, I’m silent. We’ve only been officially dating for what—three days I think. Why would I know if he wants kids or not? Does it matter? I mean, we are in the getting to know each other phase. People don’t fall in love in four days with someone. Wait, why am I thinking about this? I shake my head, pick up my other half of pizza, and focus on eating.

“You’re quiet,” he says, looking forward as he places his hand on my legs.

“Just tired, that’s all.”

“No, you stopped talking when I said even if I never have kids.”

“No, I didn’t,” I respond in a much higher pitched voice than intended.

“Yeah, you did.”

“No, I didn’t.”

“Do you want kids?”

“What? What kind of question is that?”

“It’s an honest question, might as well throw it out into the world. It’s not like if you agree one is just going to pop out of the glove box. Trust me, I didn’t pay extra for that option.”

I can’t help but laugh at his silly statement. Turning my body to face him, I grab his hand into mine. “Yes, someday I’d love to have a family. At least one. You know someone to mold. What about you?”

“I’d like three. I grew up being an only child, and would have loved to have had a brother or sister to drive crazy.”

“Wow, three huh?”

“Does that scare you?” he asks.

“Nope, not at all. Plus, you never know, I might not be that person,” I say while glancing down at our hands.

“Never know, but I wouldn’t rule it out.”

I don’t respond. I’m not sure what to say to that. Is Greyson the one for me? Am I the one for him? Yes, my heart flutters when he touches me. Okay, he doesn’t have to even touch me; all it takes is for me to think about him for it the fly away. What is it they say when you meet someone and the relationship is new? Oh, the honeymoon phase… Oh hell no, we need a new name. Last time I entered something called that, my ass cheeks were spread open for the world to view as hot wax was smothered in between them. Nope… We are going to call this the sex phase. A time where we can explore each other, get to know our body parts, and well—have fun. No babies will be in the making… No honeymoon anything

“I need to head back in, and you have babies to go look at. I’ll call you as soon as I leave,” I say as I pull my hand out from his.

“Sherry, you okay?”

“I am. I just… I need to focus. Thank you for lunch; it was a nice surprise,” I say before leaning over and placing a kiss on his cheek.

Right as my feet hit the pavement, I briskly walk from his car as if it was on fire. I can’t stop and turn around as I’m afraid to see the look on his face. Greyson just showed up and surprised me with my favorite food, and what do I do? I run like that baby tried to open the glove box and hop into my tunnel.

Pacing the hallway, I clear my thoughts before I head back to my seat. I’m in the last stretch, and that’s my focus. What isn’t my current one is the fact that I might happen to love Greyson and whether or not he loves me? The baby talk scared the life out of me. What if I end up allergic to them like I did my fur babies? I can’t pack them up in a carrier and send them to live with someone else. Shaking it off, I plop down in my seat in just enough time to let out a sigh and hear,

“Your time has begun,” Mr. Lambert states, bringing me out of my fog. I push it down and focus on the words glaring back at me.