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Sack Time by A.M. Willard (24)


It’s been six and a half weeks since Greyson and I first had sex and I took my exam. That night we agreed to not share my score until it was official. Let me say it’s been the hardest thing to keep from him. During orgasm one night this past week, I almost screamed it from the top of my lungs. But at the same time it’s given me time to plan my next step of action. Our next set of rules. Also a worn path at the bank of mail boxes as I stalk the postman for a very special letter. Ava explained to me last night that I need to calm down, that I was starting to concern the whole apartment complex with my worry. I brushed her off and went about stalking some of the others who took their test with me. Yes, they have already received their certificate while I’m over here dying a slow death. It’s no longer magic… I no longer have a special dance to dance. I just need that white envelope to show up, let me rip it open and read those words of being accepted.

Okay, the real reason is I can’t wait to move on, and take up Dr. Davis Sr. on his offer all those months ago. See, there’s a secret that we might’ve been keeping from Greyson. One tiny thing that I didn’t say that night when we were confessing everything. I never wanted to bring it up, because what if I failed? He would really be disappointed then. But I know the pre-score, and once the actual paperwork shows up, I can hand him the book I’ve been working on.

Punching the lobby button on the block of numbers, I tap my foot against the floor. Today has to be the day that my mail shows me good news. If not, I’m not sure if I’ll survive another day. With clammy hands, I slow my stride toward the mailroom. When I reach my box, I release the air that I’m holding and take a moment to remember why I did this in the first place. It wasn’t to find love. To finally clear the cobwebs from the tunnel. No, it was to prove to myself that those four years of my life weren’t for nothing. That I can do what I put my mind to. That I can do what I’ve dreamt about all those years ago when I tried to save Barbie’s life when she drowned in my tiny blue pool in my childhood backyard. That’s the true meaning behind this. Oh, and that I also need a job like a week ago. Yes, I marched out on Wednesday night when June confronted me about the real reason Mr. McBride left Dawson Realty. Seems that me being a good person, staying true to myself and not selling my body to just get a deal wasn’t what she wanted to hear. I found out she’d confronted him, and he told her what happened. I never thought she’d view me as that type of person, but when it comes to winning in life people change. That’s a change I never want to witness, nor be a part of. I packed up my desk, left, and haven’t looked back. Ava agreed to help me until I found a new job and get back on my feet. I’m not as worried as they think, as I’ve saved every penny I could over the past few years. Plus, if what I feel is behind this tiny door, I’ll head over and claim a job today.

My key slides in, and I turn it slowly, taking a deep breath as I open the gold door. One white envelope rests in the box all alone. With shaky fingers, I slide it out and read the front. It’s addressed to me from the board, and this is it. This is the moment of truth. Did I pass, or did that stupid box lie to me all those weeks ago. My back hits the wall on the opposite side, as I lean against it for support. Ripping the seal, I slide out the letter and my eyes land on the PASS that’s written in bold print. Fist pump in the air, I take off toward the stairs. It’s almost lunch time and I don’t have time to waste for our slow elevator to arrive.

A quick change of clothes, I grab my bag and double check that my present is tucked inside safe and sound. With my keys in hand, I make my way out to my Jeep and drive toward the only person I want to share this news with.

Traffic is a beast, and I have to talk myself out of pulling over and running to his office. No one wants a sweaty girl professing anything to them. Talk about totally killing the mood. As soon as I pull in I notice his Mercedes is still in the lot, which brings a moment of relief to me. I forgo the back entrance, that I now have the code to, and head toward the front door. Katy, Greyson’s head nurse knows the plan.

Walking through the waiting room, I take in the room and how it’s filled still with expecting mothers and women waiting to see the gorgeous Dr. Greyson. I mean, the word did get out as soon as they started accepting new patients. Almost all of Miami’s single ladies have joined the practice to see if they can land the bachelor. I should feel sad for them, but I don’t.

“Is Katy here,” I ask as the same grumpy temp is still resting her butt at the front counter. Yes, we still don’t get along, but that’s not going to ruin my day today.

“Sherry, come on back. He’s in exam room two, but you have time to hurry past. I’ll send him to his office as soon as he’s done.”

“Thanks,” I say with a smile and practically run toward his office and shut the door. I pull myself together, trying to slow my breathing as I sit and wait for him to join me. My fingers bounce against the leather journal that rests in my lap, only causing my heart rate to spike more. Please don’t let me have a panic attack today… Not today, any other day—fine—but not today. I need to do this with focus and meaning. It’s been planned in my head for weeks now, and I have to execute this flawlessly.

The sound of the doorknob turning causes my heart to spike again, but this time I slow down my breathing and grip the book in my hands. Transpiring all my built-up energy into the pages.

“Sherry, what brings you here, and what are you wearing,” he says as he steps next to me. I look up into his face, taking in the way that he’s smiling down at me. His features try to hide the tiredness behind his eyes, but I know that last night he only received a few hours of sleep. I might be the one to blame for that, but I did tell him to not come over when he got back from the hospital.

“Have a seat, Greyson. We need to talk,” I say, pointing to his chair.

“Okay, but are you going to tell my why you’re wearing scrubs?”

“I am, but you need to listen first.”

“Okay, I’m all ears,” Greyson says while taking his seat. I watch as he sits the charts down that he was holding and how his shoulders slump forward as if he’s carrying around a day or more worth of stress.

“So, you remember that night that we escaped your party and had a, what do you call it, heart to heart. We both confessed parts of our past and why things are they way they are?”

“Yes, I remember, but what’s that have to do with the way you’re dressed? Are you telling me that you have a secret fetish for wearing scrubs?”

“No, but that’s a good one. Okay… well see, there was a small thing I might have left out that night, and I’m not sure how you will take it.”

“Cut to the chase, Sherry, I have patients and a delivery that’s going to happen today… Sorry, I didn’t mean that,” he says, offering up an apologetic smile.

“I know, and that’s what you get for not resting. Anyway, back when I was working with your dad and doing my clinical, I realized that I wanted to work with babies. One day over lunch and a quick study session, your father offered me a job. He told me that when I passed my test, I could come here and work with him, no matter what or who owned the practice. Now it seems we have a dilemma.” I stop to take in the way Greyson’s eyeing me. He’s not sure where I’m going with this as he leans forward and engulfs his hands together. I swallow and proceed, “Today, I happened to have received my results, and I’m official. But hold on, before you speak. With the current job market and that I don’t have a job, I’d like to present this to you.” I stand up and place the journal on his desk. Once I’m seated, I motion for him to open it.

“As you can read along with me, I took it upon myself to create a new rule book. I figured since we will be working together and that kind of goes against our old rules, we needed new ones.”

“Sherry, you passed?”

“Yes, I did,” I say with the biggest smile I can muster.

“So, before we get into these rules... You and my dad had this all figured out before I arrived?”

“Pretty much, except you weren’t apart of that plan. I was going to work with him or the new partner.”

“I knew he had someone else in mind, but never did he mention a new nurse.”

“He didn’t think I would ever go back and take the test again. That day you saw us having lunch, he wasn’t just helping me study—he was talking me into still taking the job. See, there’s one thing you’ve forgotten. You haven’t signed all the paperwork yet, so he still owns the practice and hired me six and a half weeks ago on the intent that when I received my letter I passed.”

“Well, this changes a few things then,” Greyson says as he opens the front of the notebook.

I sit back, witnessing him read the front page.

Rules are meant to be broken.

Sherry Wilde RN and Dr. Greyson Davis Jr., MD OB/GYN

“Keep going, or would you like for me to read them to you?” I ask.

“Please, by all means, tell me our new rules.”

I clear my throat and don’t even bother to grab the book as I’ve memorized each one of them.

Rule number one: There’s no fraternizing with the employees, unless it’s with the parties addressed in this book.

Rule number two: Both sides have to agree to all terms of the new regulations, or they can’t work together.

Rule number three: Sherry promises to only use organic wax from here on out.

Rule number four: Both parties agree to share pineapple pizza together at least weekly on lunch while catching up on life.

Rule number five: Both parties agree to no sexual activity during work hours.

Rule number six: All of the above rules depend on the next answer that Dr. Greyson agrees to.

Rule number seven: If Dr. Greyson agrees that he loves Sherry Wilde, RN in return then all of the above can be broken in the best way possible. Yes, I love you, Greyson….

I sit back and watch as he looks down at the page and back up at me. Questioning if these are the new rules. He takes his time to speak, which only causes me to prepare to run for the alley down the street where I can hide.

“Sherry…” he takes a deep breath, stands, and moves toward me. Reaching his hand out to me, I take it and allow him to pull me up to his chest. “Sherry, I love you, and if we get to have fun breaking all these rules then you start tomorrow. I do, however, have one correction to them. I mean, if they are up for negotiating.”

“Anything is possible, Dr. Davis.”

“Say you’ll move in with me. I’m tired of the running around from your place to mine. Ava’s moving in with Rex, and that’ll leave you alone. Say you’ll live with me and then we can carpool each day, and I won’t have to worry about you falling asleep.”

I let out a laugh at his question, and respond, “I agree to living with you, but we might need a new set of rules for that. I mean, I don’t fold socks, and you have to put the toilet seat down.”

“I can agree to those rules,” he says before he claims my mouth with his.

Standing here in the middle of his office, I never thought that I would be following my dreams and, not to mention, with the person I love. There was a time I never thought I’d find love, that I was going to sleep right through it. But here we are, awake and ready to leap forward in this thing called life where we decide what the rules are.

The End