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Scored by Marquita Valentine (25)



Layton is sitting in bed with me. She’s eating M&M’s she got from the candy room and drinking water to, in her words, ‘even things out’ in the calorie department. We are watching a movie in a television disguised as a mirror that’s as wide as the bed and as tall as Layton.

Instead of watching Chris Pratt charm his way out of a dangerous situation in the new Indiana Jones movie, I’m busy stalking Dallas on Snapchat. He’s wearing a crisp white shirt and a pair of dress pants in grey. They make his butt look amazing.

Heck, he’d look amazing in nothing at all… and that sort of no attire is something Dallas has been known to strip down to at parties in the past.

“Do you think it’s possible to change your ways in less than two months?” I ask.

“Anything is possible, and judging by these really innocent images, Dallas is being the best boyfriend he can be, considering his circumstances.” In total support, Layton is on Instagram, scrolling through feeds with his name as a mention or with him tagged in a post. “And your limitations.”

“You make me sound like the DMV.”

“Please, that’s an insult to the DMV.”

I make a face at her. “I’m going to refresh one last time because the Snapchat stuff is winding down.”

The first thing that pops up is a live interview with Dallas by a busty blonde who looks more than a little happy at seeing him. Immediately, I want to scratch her eyes out.

“I have to ask what everyone is dying to know. Are you seeing anyone?”

“Yes.” He tugs on his ear and looks directly at the camera, his green eyes like light emeralds. “Yes, I am.”

“A woman has finally caught the Dallas Drake? Who is she… and what does she think about Drake’s Dolls? Or is she a member of that exclusive club?”

His mouth flattens for a second, then he smiles. “She’s in a club all by herself. If you’ll excuse me, I have to make an announcement about Night to Play for next year.”

“A Miami party, I hope.”

He winks. “You know how much I love Miami.” He jumps on stage and grabs the mic. Everyone in the club goes nuts and starts cheering for him.

With a sigh, I exit out of Snapchat and roll over to face Layton, wishing I’d gone tonight. How stupid is it to be so irritated and hurt over something he can’t control?

“You didn’t get to tell me what you were able to find out about Joe from Aiden,” I say so I can stop my one-woman pity party.

“A big fat goose egg.” She stops eating and makes a face. “He finds ways to answer my questions without answering my questions.”

“I’m sorry, but the bright side is that there’s no confirmation of Joe’s possible cheating ways.”

Layton waves a finger in the air. “Woo-hoo,” she says flatly.

“Do you think I’m being unreasonable by not letting my relationship with Dallas go public?”

“You don’t want to know what I think.”

I sit up. “Sure I do.”

Layton shakes her head, her messy ponytail swinging. “No, you want to hear me agree with the rules you’ve already put in place.”

“Fine. I do like confirmation, but I’m being completely serious. I swear I want to hear the truth.”

“I think you’re letting your past control your future. Your fear of abandonment and of turning into your mother is going to push away the man who wants to hold you close and never leave you… and if you don’t stop it, you’re going to lose him.” Layton grabs my hand, squeezing it tight. “If Dallas leaves, you’ll regret it more than anything else you’ve ever given up on in your life.”

I think of a future without Dallas, one bereft of his larger-than-life personality, his thoughtful gifts, and romantic tries.

Without his hugs and kisses.

Without late-night talks and Saturday morning breakfasts in bed.

Without laughter and making love to him, which at times are twined together.

“I don’t want to keep him at a distance, but I don’t want to get hurt again. If he cheats, it will break me—I know it.” My mouth trembles and I’m on the verge of crying, something I never do. “I’m so close to being in love with him, Layton.”

Layton smiles softly. “I know, sugar.” She hugs me, providing comfort that makes me love her even more. “They’re not all bad, and we both know it. Dallas is already a good man… but when he’s with you, he becomes a great one.”

“Thanks,” I whisper, letting go of her.

Layton yawns, stretching. “I guess I should go to my own bed so we can get our beauty sleep.”

“Some of us more than others.”

“You’re such a bitch.” She smacks me with a pillow and hops down, bare feet thwacking against the tile.”

“Love you, mean it, byeeeee,” I say in a singsong voice.

“And I mean this from the bottom of my heart.” Layton flips me off and opens the door.

“I’m telling your momma on you.”

“She won’t believe you.”

“Fancy meeting you here,” Aiden says from the hallway. He has a girl on each arm and is dressed almost exactly like Dallas. Were they twinning tonight? I almost ask him if Dallas is far behind, but my pride keeps my mouth shut.

“Fancy meeting your future baby mommas in the middle of the night.” Layton does this silly curtsy and rolls her eyes. “If you’ll excuse me, Your Royal Pain In My Tail, I’m going to bed. Ladies.”

“Saw your man tonight, having his bachelor party at the same club I met Trista and Jean. Who knew Joe was such a traveler?”

I perk up, my heart racing for Layton. I will castrate Joe if he’s cheating on her.

She crosses her arms over her chest. “And?”

One of the ladies rubs against Aiden. “Why are we still out here?”

“Because the party can’t start until we’re in my room.”

The second lady runs her hand possessively over Aiden’s stomach—gag—and gives Layton a pleading look. “Can you hurry up? He wouldn’t let us touch him at all in the VIP room at the club or in the limo.”

“Soon as your ride for the night tells me what’s going on, he’s all yours.”

Aiden leans forward. “This is called a threesome. If you join in, it could be an orgy.”

Layton’s face pales and she clutches at her pearls, twisting them around two of her fingers. “Joe cheated…” she whimpers and stumbles back. I get up from bed, halfway there to comfort her, but Aiden pushes his dates away. He catches Layton by the shoulders, holding her protectively against him. His face is all soft and concerned looking.

Layton shoves him away. “Don’t touch me.”

I rub my eyes. I have to be seeing things. When I focus on them again, Aiden’s usual smarmy smirk is back in place.

Stopping shy of them, I sneak a peek down the hall to see if Dallas is lurking nearby. My heart drops when I discover he’s not anywhere around that I can see.

“You guys go on,” he orders. “Third door on the left.”

“We’re going to do you so good, baby,” one of them squeals, but from my vantage point and the look on Aiden’s face, he’s already dismissed them.

“He’s not cheating on you, Layton.”

“He’s not?” Layton’s smile is wobbly. “I mean, duh, of course he’s not. Thanks for telling me what I already knew.”

“Don’t fool yourself, baby girl. Every man is a potential cheater.”

“Is that from personal experience?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Don’t need to cheat when I get all the pussy I want.” He pins his dark blue eyes on me. “I didn’t cheat on your sister.”

“That’s so charming, and thanks for clarifying the reasons your relationship with Finley ended badly.” Layton blows out a breath. “I’m going to bed.”

“Mine or yours?” Aiden asks, and I grab Layton’s shirt before she can punch him.

“Go on. You wouldn’t want to keep your guests waiting,” I urge while Layton fumes.

As soon as he rounds the corner, I let go. “Feeling better?”

She shrugs helplessly. “Yes and no.”

“Because I wouldn’t let you hit Aiden?”

“I’ll terrorize him on the plane ride home. Honestly, I’m more upset with Joe. He told me the bachelor party was going to be back home, at his cousin’s house. Not here. There hasn’t been a single picture or video posted about tonight on any of his stuff, which leads me to believe he’s either hiding it from me, or he didn’t know what his groomsmen had planned and is worried I’ll think the worst when I find out.”

“But Aiden said he wasn’t cheating.”

“I know.” She smiles wider. “That does make me feel better about marrying him.”

“Good thing since we’re down to nine days.”

“Eight days. It’s already tomorrow, remember?” Looking happier than I’ve seen her in a long time, Layton starts to sashay to her room. I can’t blame her. I’d jump for joy if I’d discovered my fiancé wasn’t cheating on me, too.

Right now, I’d give anything to definitively know that Dallas isn’t cheating on me. Or to go back in time and say yes when he’d invited me in the first place.

*     *     *

I fall asleep after another hour of feeling sorry for myself, only to wake up alone in bed. After getting up, I move to the bathroom to do my morning thing. Since I’m not worried about looking sexy for Dallas, it doesn’t even take me ten minutes to fix my hair, put on makeup, and get dressed.

Grabbing my phone, I send a text to Layton, asking if she’d be willing to leave today instead of Monday since neither of us are enjoying ourselves anymore… and then one to Dallas to let him know my plans.

I’m not one to play games, even if he’s the ultimate player.

Layton: Give me fifteen minutes and I’m ready.

Me: I’ll get an Uber. Meet you downstairs at 7:30.

She sends me a thumbs-up.

After ordering the Uber, I check my texts one last time. Nothing. There’s nothing from him. Not an apology. Not even an ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ type of thing.

Apparently, I’m not worth even the time for a text from him.

“Why did I let you do this to me?” I whisper, refusing to fall into another pity party over him. I vow instead to never date another athlete. I’ll find a nice, tech-type who works at RTP. Those guys in the research park don’t exactly get a lot of women in their offices, so it stands to reason there will be a boatload of them looking to have a good time.

Not immediately, of course, but maybe two or three years from now.

With a groan, I pick up my carry-on and move to the door. I hear someone just outside and my heart speeds up, but it’s most likely Layton.

The doorknob twists and I stand there, unmoving, as the door swings open. Dallas is standing on the other side. He’s wearing the same outfit he went out in, but he doesn’t look like it at all. Everything, from his hair to his shoes, looks perfect. Almost like last night didn’t happen.

He takes one look at what’s in my hand and leans against the door, so casually that I want to scream. “Where do you think you’re going, bright eyes?”