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SECRET BABY AT THE ALTAR: Blood Brothers MC by Claire St. Rose (36)

Once Theo was down, Angeline left her father without a second glance and headed back to her bed. Kane was still awake, and he opened his arms to return her to his side. Unable to resist the lure of his hold, she slipped out of her clothes and settled against his chest.


“Little man okay?” Kane asked.


She nodded and murmured that they would talk it all out in the morning. Even in her drowsy state and with the feel of his flesh buzzing against her skin, Angeline knew that there was still so much to work out. Would Noel find them? What would he do if he did? When he did? She didn’t want to lose him again; she loved being able to breathe in his arms. Was it possible to have everything?


“I love you, Angel,” Kane said.


Echoing his words, she fell asleep and dreamed of the life that she had always wanted. She and Kane raising their boy without any trace of fear. It seemed so real, and when she woke to find him gone again, she was suddenly terrified that all of it—Kane’s return and the feel of him inside her—was a fantasy.




Her cunt still burned from his sweet assault. So where was he? Had Noel joined them at first light while she was still out cold and forced him away with his gun or the threat of a fresh assault? Kane had been here, real, and he only would have left if the worst came to pass, if Noel reared his head. Angeline jumped from the bed and hurried to find him. Turning the corner into the kitchen, she nearly brought Brent to his knees as he made the coffee.


“Whoa, Angie!” he said. “You need to slow—”


“Kane?” she asked. “Where is…?”


She stopped speaking when she saw him on the floor with Theo. Angeline’s baby boy was babbling more than usual as Kane tossed a ball back and forth. He clapped when Theo made a catch, and even though Theo’s aim was less than true, he laughed and talked without words every time Kane got his hands back on the ball.


“Not bad, little man,” Kane said. “Bet you’ll be in the majors before long.”


The sight of her boys playing lightened her heart, and her head slipped to her father’s chest even as he watched with worry in his eyes.


“I still don’t think he should be here,” Brent whispered. “It’s not safe.”


Theo made a perfect catch and wobbled towards Kane for a hug. Her lover was quick to return the gesture. As she saw them together, as it always should have been, safe only meant keeping her family intact.


“It is, Dad,” she said. “And it’s what I want.”


Brent grunted as he turned back to the coffee, and Kane looked up with a smile as Angeline sat at his side and held his hand.


“What’s up?” Kane asked.


Theo came into her arms, and as she held her child, Angeline felt Kane’s arm surrounding her.




“I… I thought that you were gone,” she said.


Kane nuzzled her neck, and his lips raced towards her ear.


“Not gonna happen,” he said. “It’s you and me now. For good.”


Theo tried to push the ball back into Kane’s hands, and he took it on cue bounced the red rubber to Theo’s delight.


“It’s us,” Kane said. “Like a real family.” Brent set the table with a scowl, and Kane was on his toes as he extended his hand to him and said, “I’m here to stay. And I swear to you that I’ll look after them with my life.”


Shrugging him off, Brent gave a faint nod and went back to the pouring the coffee. As Theo clung to her, Angeline knew that it would take some time and a miracle to make her father believe it. But he wasn’t poised for a new fight—and that was something. “Well, then you should sit down to breakfast I guess,” Brent said.


Angeline fed Theo and let Kane hold the spoon every few seconds. She took note of the fact that Theo gobbled down his oatmeal quicker when it was Kane’s hand curled around the spoon, and when the boy was fully fed, Kane wiped his mouth clean with a napkin and smiled.


“Eats like a champ, too,” Kane said. “What can’t this kid do?”


“Sleep,” Brent answered. Kane and Angeline looked to Brent in unison, as he kicked his chair back. “Rough night all around,” he said. “Think we both need a nap.”


Brent was not taking no for an answer as he started to carry Theo from the table; but, at the last second, he brought the wide awake boy back and let him touch Kane’s face. Angeline had to smile as her child played with the nose of her burly biker, and when Kane kissed his finger, she fell in love with him all over again.


“He really likes you,” Angeline said.


Kane brought Theo into a bear hug and patted his back as he smiled. “Feeling’s mutual,” he said. “You made a great kid.”


Brent stated plainly that Theo had to get some rest, and then they were alone for the first time since her bed. Kane took her hand and asked her to join him for a walk. Looking over her shoulder one more time, she made sure she heard no crying from the nursery. When she was finally confident that everything was fine, she gripped his hand and let him lead her back to the place where they had reunited. She could still see the rustled leaves, and her body wilted when she thought of him inside her. Kane didn’t make that move now, but he did turn her to his chest.


“I want to ask you something,” he muttered.


She nodded into him, and Kane lifted her face into his hands and smiled down at her.


“When we’re clear,” he started, “when the danger’s gone, I want… I want…”


Before she knew what was happening, Kane was on his knees as he clutched her hand. Angeline knew what he would say next, but she pressed her free hand to his lip and stilled him into silence.


“I… I’ve wanted this,” she said. “Just this. For so long.”


Kane stood tall and took her into his arms.


“Now you have it,” Kane said. “I want to marry you. I want this for keeps.”


Angeline started to fall into his arms when he held her back and stared at her hard.


“Say yes, Angel. I need to hear it.”


Her heart was too full to speak. But just the thought of how he was with Theo caused her to nod, and it seemed to be enough for him. “I’ll take it,” Kane said.


As the leaves rustled above them, Angeline imagined sharing the good news with Theo. He had already taken to Kane, and she would make him understand that his father wasn’t going anywhere. Just the thought of it brought a skip to her step, and Angeline started to drag him through the woods, her excitement intensifying with every step.


“I can’t wait—”


When they burst through the door, the house was a disaster. The furniture was turned over, and there was shattered glass everywhere that she looked.


“What the hell?” said Kane.


Moving away from Kane’s side, Angeline’s first thought—her only thought—was of her son. Crying out his name at the top of her lungs, she flew into the nursery and screamed into her hands.


“Oh God! Oh no!”


Brent was lying on the floor, bloody and beaten. He would need her help. But first, she had to see, to know…




As her eyes found the crib empty, nothing, not even the feel of Kane’s strong hands on her shoulders could ease the ache that worked its way like a crown of thorns around her heart.