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SECRET BABY AT THE ALTAR: Blood Brothers MC by Claire St. Rose (47)

That tender touch sent Vince reeling, and he realized how long it had been since a woman touched him with any sort of gentleness. At first, he held his breath, the emotions roiling in him threatening to spill over, but he couldn’t hold it forever. Instead, he channeled it, his eyes fixated on Ariana’s chest, and his cock got hard, throbbing inside those awful sweatpants.


He might have maintained control—after all, the damned pants were so big his hard-on wasn’t obvious—if she hadn’t looked up at him with those golden brown eyes so wide and glistening with surprise they looked like maple syrup. He hadn’t been celibate this past year, but it had all just been going through the motions for him. Now, something tore at his chest, something he hadn’t felt in a long time, and he couldn’t just sit there and stare at her without making a move.


Quick as lightning, he rolled forward, onto his knees, and took her face in his hands, pressing his lips to her with all the force of his pent-up anger and pain and loneliness. He wanted her, and he didn’t stop to think about rejection until she shoved him away with more strength than he would have expected from such a tiny little thing.


He landed on his ass and froze, ready for her tirade, but an instant later, she launched herself at him, knocking him onto his back as she straddled him and leaned in to further the kiss. Vince grabbed her hips, pressing her tighter against his groin, groaning at the sensation of her body rubbing against his cock. She stretched her leg out, and he watched in amusement as she used her sneaker toe to pull the back doors closed just before she reaching down to pull his sweatshirt over his head.


Once his arms were free, Vince shoved his pants down and reached for her uniform, but Ariana slapped his hands away and stripped herself down. God, her breasts were perfect, balanced and perky, and the line down the center of her flat stomach begged him to lick it. As she gazed down at his erection with hooded eyes and full lips slightly parted, his groin ached.


She touched his cock, sliding her hand over him, around the head and down his shaft, and he thrust his hips forward, the sensation overwhelming him. She leaned over, still working him over, and her nipples teased at his chest while her tongue danced in his mouth.


He couldn’t take it anymore, and with a growl, he grabbed her waist, fingers digging into her flesh and rolled over. She cried out as her back slammed into an oxygen tank, and he quickly adjusted so she was under him, dipping his head to take one of those taut nipples in his mouth and roll it around as he used his hands to push her knees apart so he could settle between them.


Her hips undulated as he searched for her center, coating Vince so he would slide in with no resistance. She cried out again, and he put a hand over her mouth to mute the sound as he drove into her, feeling her inner walls convulsing with orgasm. It nearly had him coming too soon, and he struggled to hold back.


Ariana’s hands grabbed his hair, and she pulled Vince’s face back to hers, twisting him so she could delve into his mouth. He drank her in, moving faster and faster in and out of her, the tension growing as she came again and again, moaning into his mouth, until, finally, he thrust into her and spilled, feeling like a tidal wave was pouring from him.


He collapsed on top of her, sweaty, his head spinning and stomach lurching from the exertion. He lay there for a few moments, feeling Ariana’s chest heave against his, smelling her hair. Then he remembered the last time he’d slept with Kristi, and smelled the lilies of her perfume in her hair.


He started to shrivel, and he pulled out, sitting up and grabbing at his clothes. He dressed as quickly as he could, considering he was dizzy and his leg was absolutely killing him from the weight he’d put on it. Ariana sat up more slowly, gazing at him with some sort of confusion as she started to sort out her uniform and dress herself.


Feeling like he might pass out or empty the meager contents of his stomach at any moment, Vince couldn’t stay in this enclosed space anymore, here, with her. He shoved the door open and jumped out, instantly regretting it.


“Vince?” Her voice was small inside the big tin can of a truck.


He didn’t turn to look at her. “I have to go,” he rasped, and he limped away as quickly as he could.




Ariana sat there, half-dressed, the top of her uniform unbuttoned, staring after Vince. She could have cried, but it wasn’t in her character, and she screwed up her face, finished getting dressed, and let her anger override any other emotion that could have reared its ugly head. What the fuck had she been thinking? When had she ever jumped at a man just because he gave her a look that could melt the North Pole?


And a biker?


Jesus, had all her morals disappeared when she’d climbed out of the bus and set foot on the road by the reservation to collect Vince Larson’s filthy ass? She smacked herself in the forehead more than once, repeating one word in her head with each slap. Stupid!


If she needed to get laid so badly, she could have chosen from plenty of men, at work, in school, running around the hospital. But leave it to her to go against everything she stood for and sleep with a man she just met who may not do drugs but probably sold them, or took part in some other illegal activity.


He was part of the Iron Claws, and everyone around knew they lorded over people like they were gods. He’d somehow managed to slip through her defenses, and now she felt dirty. She needed a shower or something, some way to clean Vince Larson off her body, but more importantly, out of her mind. He’d used her, used his late wife to coerce her, and in a moment of sheer lust, she’d given in.


Lord knew that at least next time she faced something so vile, she wouldn’t stop to see if there was a bright spot of shining armor under the surface caked with dirt and blood.