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Sensational by Janet Nissenson (2)

Chapter Two

He gave a long, low groan as Lauren pressed herself even closer against him, the firm mounds of her breasts crushed against his chest. His hands were splayed on either side of her slim hips, as though he hadn’t yet decided whether to push her away or pull her in even closer. Her tongue traced over the outline of his lips persuasively, until they parted as if with a will of their own.

It took the briefest sweep of her tongue inside his mouth to snap whatever control he’d been struggling to hold onto, and then he was kissing her back fiercely, his hands sliding up the sides of her ribcage and into the thick tangle of her hair. He kept her head immobile as the kiss went on and on, their tongues tangling almost as though they were doing battle with each other, as her arms remained wrapped tightly around his neck.

More than a year had passed since he’d had a sexual partner, and his body was reminding him now – very clearly – about that long abstinence. His cock was fully erect and pushing insistently against the fly of his jeans. And when Lauren began to grind herself against him, he couldn’t determine if the sensation was one of pure, unadulterated pleasure or instead of sweet, sweet pain. His hands slipped down her back to cup her ass, holding her in place as they continued to dry hump each other as if their very lives depended on it.

And then the armful of temptation otherwise known as Lauren startled him yet again by hoisting herself up his body until her legs were tightly wrapped around his waist.

“Bedroom,” she murmured in his ear, her teeth nibbling teasingly on the lobe before she kissed him again.

She was wrapped around him like a vine twined about a tree, with every part of their bodies fused together, and he couldn’t think any longer, could only feel as he began to walk haltingly into the cabin’s sole bedroom. He had to feel his way there blindly, given that his eyes were tightly shut as they continued to kiss with a near desperation, and hoped vaguely that he wouldn’t trip over his own feet. He swore softly as his shins made painful contact with the wooden bedframe, a pain that was quickly forgotten as he tumbled onto the big, soft bed with Lauren still entwined around him.

Ben considered himself a quiet, somewhat introverted man, certainly a loner, and he disliked conflict or confrontation. But those attributes didn’t mean he was also passive or submissive, and definitely not in the bedroom. Every woman he’d ever been with – and there admittedly hadn’t been all that many in his twenty-eight years – had been more than content to let him take the lead, to be the seducer, the dominant.

Now, however, the tempting little spitfire whose small, slender hands were roving greedily over his body, and whose wet, eager mouth was still clinging to his like a starving woman, was knocking him for a loop by being the aggressor. At her urgently murmured instructions, he undressed quickly, his movements jerky and clumsy, made even more so when he was given his first, spectacular glimpse of her bare breasts as she tossed her bikini top aside carelessly.

When they were both naked, their kisses and caresses became even more frantic, their bodies a tangle of arms and legs and lips as they nearly tore up the bed with the urgency of their embrace. He filled his palm with the lush, warm curve of her breast, his thumb teasing the nipple, while her own hands slid over his stomach until she was stroking his rock hard cock with long, slow movements.

“Jesus,” he panted, his hips bucking off the mattress in sync with the stroking of her hand. “Lauren – sweetheart – I need - ”

With a swiftness he wouldn’t have believed possible, she tumbled him back against the pillows, straddling his thighs as she continued to pump his cock.

“You need,” she whispered wickedly, “the exact same thing that I do right now. To fuck. Really, really hard.”

She guided the tip of his throbbing dick to where she was wet and hot and ready, and then shocked him speechless one more time by impaling herself on him with one decisive motion.

“Ah, God!”

Lauren’s gasp was ragged as she remained utterly still for the first time since she’d kissed him out in the great room. When he glanced up at her, the breath stuck in his throat at the glorious sight she made – her slender thighs quivering just a little as she straddled him, as she allowed her body to become used to the feeling of him filling her so completely, stretching her to accommodate his length; the soft nest of her light brown pubic hair just above the spot where their bodies were tightly co-joined; the curve of her belly that was both firm and soft at the same time; those incredible tits, almost too full and firm to be real, but that jiggled enticingly as she slowly began to rock her hips back and forth. Her caramel colored hair was a wild tangle of curls that spilled over her shoulders and back, almost to her tiny waist. There was a pink flush tingeing her skin, one that traveled a path upwards from her belly to her breasts and all the way up to her perfectly sculpted cheekbones. Her green eyes held a dazed expression, almost glassy, and she was breathing unevenly through her lushly full, half-parted lips.

She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, certainly the sexiest and most seductive, and he couldn’t ever remember being this aroused before. But as she began to move a bit faster, taking him on a slow, sensual ride, his hands suddenly clamped down on her hips, stilling her motions.

“Condom,” he hissed urgently, trying to ignore how incredible it felt to be bare inside of the tightest, hottest pussy he’d ever known, and to concentrate instead on making sure they were both protected.

But she only gave a brief shake of her head, running her palm up his sweat-dampened chest until she was caressing his cheek. “No worries,” she murmured. “Got it all covered, Blue Eyes.”

Any further protest he might have made was swallowed up by the pressure of her mouth against his as she began to ride him in earnest this time. Her breasts were crushed against his chest, the hard points of her nipples poking into his bare skin. His hands slid from her hips to the high, taut curves of her buttocks, urging her to increase the tempo of her movements.

And then Lauren was the one left gasping as Ben swiftly and determinedly took control of things. He rolled her beneath him, crushing her into the mattress with his much bigger body, and letting her know without uttering a single word that he was the one in charge now.

And take control he did – wrapping her legs around his waist with her feet digging into his buttocks as he levered himself up off her body, his biceps straining with the effort. He was now in the perfect position to gaze down and watch her reaction each time he rammed his cock a little deeper, a little harder, inside that tight-as-a-fist pussy. Lauren was panting now, her breathing fast and shallow as her head fell back and her shoulders lifted off the bed. She tried to clasp the back of his neck, to pull his head back down to hers for yet another kiss, but her arms weren’t long or strong enough to get her way. In retaliation, she dug her fingernails into his biceps, but Ben was so far gone by now, so consumed by the unbelievable pleasure of fucking her senseless, that he didn’t even feel the slight pain.

He had never been much of a talker, preferring to express his thoughts and emotions on paper, and he was especially quiet during sex, letting his body do the communicating then. But Lauren – whom he guessed was rarely if ever quiet – was not only a hellcat in bed but a noisy one at that. She groaned and moaned, gasped and panted, alternated between begging him – “Please, Ben, please. Yes, just like that!” – and calling out to some nameless deity – “Oh, God, yes, yes, God, yes! Oh – my – God – fuck, yes!”

She was pulling him along, urging him to go faster and harder in what had already been the wildest ride of his life. It was the dirtiest, most consuming, and – hell, yeah – the most world-rocking sex he’d ever come close to having before, and he wanted it to go on and on, wanted to fuck her for hours before starting it all over again.

But then he felt Lauren’s snug little cunt begin to convulse around his cock, and if he had had any doubts about whether or not she was really having an orgasm, she quickly made it very, very clear about what exactly was happening down there.

“Ohhhh. Ohh, God, yes, yes!” she screamed. “I’m coming, it’s – oh, fuck yes!”

She turned her face to one side, her fingers clamping tightly around his forearms as her teeth sunk into his bicep. Her legs slid bonelessly from where they’d been locked like a vise around his hips, and her eyes closed as the orgasm made her whole body quiver in reaction.

He was at the very end of his limits by now, and despite his desire to prolong the ecstasy as long as possible, he surrendered instead and let it wash through him – coming so hard his balls ached with the effort, emptying himself into her warm, willing body for so long that he couldn’t believe there was even a single drop of semen remaining in his body.

Their skin was slick with perspiration, their chests heaving from the intense physical effort of the rough sex, and Ben was in a shell-shocked daze at what had just happened. He’d never fallen into bed with a woman he’d met scarcely an hour earlier, and he’d never – ever – come anywhere near to having the sort of wild, almost primitive sex he’d just shared with Lauren. He lifted his hand, startled to notice it was trembling, and gently stroked the damp, tangled strands of her hair. She was curled up against his side, her face buried in the crook of his neck, and she gave a little grunt at his touch.

“You okay?” His voice was raspy, almost raw, even though he’d barely uttered a word the whole time.

She nuzzled her face deeper against his throat. “Way, way better than okay,” she whispered. “In fact, more okay than I’ve ever been.”

He smiled before pressing a kiss to her damp forehead. “What – exactly,” he asked in awed disbelief, “was that?”

Lauren lifted her head then, propping her chin in her hand as she grinned mischievously. “Honey, don’t tell me a big boy like you never learned about the birds and the bees? Well, see, this is how it works. First, the man takes his - ”

“Brat.” He smacked her on one round, tempting ass cheek, his palm instantly soothing the pinkened flesh even though she’d barely flinched at the contact. “You know what I meant. And by no stretch of the imagination could what just happened be called sex. Sex doesn’t make skyrockets go off in your brain, doesn’t make every single nerve ending in your body come alive. I have never – ever – felt anything close to that before. So, since I’m all out of descriptive phrases here – frankly, I think half my brain cells just got fried – why don’t you tell me what just happened here?”

“Hmm.” She flopped onto her back, her head sharing – actually, hogging – his pillow and began to idly run her palm up and down his arm. “Well, considering that you’re only the fourth guy I’ve ever shagged, I’m not sure that you could call me the ultimate authority on the subject. But what I can say for absolute sure is that it’s never been like that for me, either. Not even close. So,” she turned her head, running her tongue over the small teeth marks she’d imprinted on his bicep, “I would say – in my inexpert opinion, mind you – that what just happened was really, really incredible, toe-curling, mind-numbing, earth-shattering, out of this fucking world, hot, hard, dirty sex. But,” she added teasingly, her hand caressing his still-heaving chest, “since I’m far from an expert on the matter – and not very experienced – I’d say we need to have several repeat performances before I could say for sure.”

Ben laughed weakly. “You don’t make it a habit of inviting trespassers into your home then, huh? Not to mention your bed.”

Lauren rolled her eyes. “If it had been anyone but you out there by the bluffs, I’d have called my neighbor – the off-duty sheriff who always carries some sort of weapon with him 24/7 – to head over and throw your ass off the property. So, no, I’ve never brought a man here to the cabin before. And before you ask the next question, I’ve also never fallen into bed with someone I just met before, either. I’ve always been – well, careful.”

“But not with me.”

She shook her head. “No. Not with you. I could sense right away that I would be safe with you, and I also knew the second I saw your face that this would happen. You never stood a chance, Blue Eyes.”

He grinned at her, capturing the hand that still rested on his chest and drawing it to his lips. “And I knew you were trouble the first time you spoke. Speaking of which.” His smile faded, his tone becoming serious. “Talk to me about how you’ve got this birth control situation quote unquote “covered”. Because – swear to God – I’ve never had sex without a condom before, and I’m not sure what the hell I was thinking about when I let you - ”

Lauren placed her palm over his mouth. “Shh. What you were thinking about, honey, was how fast you could get your dick – which is truly, completely amazing, by the way – inside of me. But relax, okay? When I told you I had it covered, I meant it. I don’t lie or spout bullshit – ever – and especially not about something like that.” She shuddered. “God, I can’t even imagine getting knocked up at this point in my life. Not with all the things I want to do, places I’m dying to see, this huge, amazing career I’m going to have. No babies, not for a long, long time if ever.”

“Are you on the pill, then?”

“I was. Until I kept forgetting to take it.” She shrugged unapologetically. “Fortunately, I insisted that the other guys I banged used a condom every single time. Most college guys I know aren’t – uh, very discriminating so there was no way any of them were going to hump me bareback. But since I tend to, ah, get easily distracted, my doctor and I decided that maybe the pill wasn’t the best solution for me. So now I’ve got this implant thingy they stuck in my arm, supposed to last for three years at a time, and I don’t have to worry if I go brain dead and skip a pill or two. And,” she added, tracing her index finger over his lips, “I had to have a bunch of tests done before they put the implant in so I definitely don’t have any nasty social diseases. God, do they still call them that?”

“I think the new term is STDs.” He’d realized by now that expecting a quick, concise reply from Lauren would probably never happen in this lifetime. “And I’m clean, too. Before I traveled to Africa for a freelance assignment over a year ago I had to get some vaccinations and tests done. And, um, there hasn’t been anyone since before I left.”

She practically vaulted to a sitting position, her green eyes wide with astonishment as she socked him – hard – on the upper arm. “Shut – UP!” she exclaimed in mingled disbelief and delight. “You cannot possibly be telling the truth. A guy as hot as you – well, you could have fresh pussy every night of the week if you wanted to.”

“Jesus, Lauren.” His cheeks flushed in embarrassment at her very frank way of speaking. “I, uh, appreciate your vote of confidence there but it’s true. You’re the first woman I’ve been with in over a year.”

“Lucky me, then, hmm?” she purred, crawling back on top of him as though she were in actuality a sleek, seductive cat. “To be the one you break your dry spell with, that is. Because – and this is just a guess now – I figure you’ve got a whole lot of time to make up for. And I,” she murmured, bending forward until her breasts were crushed against his chest, “would be very, very happy to help you out with that. I mean, you’re my house guest, after all, and you know the old saying – mi casa es su casa – my bed is your bed – my body is your body. So you should plan on making yourself feel right at home. But first, why don’t you lie back while I give you a little welcome gift?”

The half-hearted protests he’d been about to make – the ones about needing at least a little more time to recover; that both of them should really wash up or take a shower; that he wanted to give her pleasure, too – were all quickly forgotten as Lauren slithered sinuously down his body, her hand stroking his cock that was somehow miraculously rock hard again. And when she licked him up and down just before sucking him greedily into her mouth, he couldn’t think or speak, could only feel – feel and enjoy and wonder faintly if he’d somehow fallen into another dimension – one that was inhabited by a lusty, voracious sex goddess who seemed intent on having him make up for a year’s worth of abstinence in one afternoon.


Lauren propped herself up on her forearms as she took advantage of Ben’s present state of unconsciousness to study him in greater detail. After another rowdy bout of sex – he’d resisted her efforts to finish off the blow job she’d begun so eagerly and made sure both of them got off at the same time – he had fallen asleep just a few minutes ago.

She was still in disbelief that she’d thrown herself at him so brazenly. Oh, not that she hadn’t taken a whole lot of dares in her twenty years, hadn’t acted impulsively and often unwisely on too many occasions to remember. And while she hadn’t been exaggerating earlier when she’d told Ben she could take care of herself very, very capably, she’d also never done anything as potentially risky as inviting a complete stranger to share her home for an undetermined amount of time. She knew that her parents would definitely not approve of her actions, and that she certainly wasn’t planning to ever clue them in. She’d spent an awful lot of her life alternately trying to please her mother and father, and stubbornly insisting on doing things her own way. And, in the case of the gorgeous, hunky man who was sleeping soundly next to her, the latter condition definitely applied.

She’d been something of a late bloomer when it came to having boyfriends – and sex. During high school she had still been a huge tomboy, preferring to compete on the soccer, swim, and cross country teams and take her martial arts classes than enjoy the things her twin sister and most of their friends had been fascinated with – namely, clothes, shoes, makeup, and boys. Though in Julia’s case, it had been boys in the singular case and not the plural, since she’d dated Sam Patterson exclusively for more than five years. Lauren, on the other hand, hadn’t gone on a date until Julia had wheedled, pleaded, and bullied her into attending their senior prom. And that had turned into something of a disaster when her date had gotten stinking drunk at a post-prom party and she’d had to drive him home. She’d parked the car in his driveway, left him passed out cold on the passenger seat, and then pissed off Julia and Sam by interrupting their amorous activities with a phone call pleading for a ride home.

If she was being completely honest – something Lauren always prided herself on being, even if the truth wound up having repercussions at times – she could admit that one of the reasons she’d never dated during high school (and not all that much during college thus far) was because she intimidated the hell out of almost every guy she met. Oh, not with her shorter than average height and slender build – though nearly everyone underestimated just how quick and strong she was, and how skilled at martial arts. And as tempting as it was to demonstrate those skills, she’d learned back in grade school to keep a lid on it. After one too many incidences of being called into the principal’s office following a playground demonstration, her father had laid down the law – threatening to cut off the judo and karate classes that Lauren adored, that were in fact one of her lifelines, if she didn’t stop showing off. And Lauren had come to recognize early in her life that stern, unwavering tone in Robert McKinnon’s voice – the one that she knew no amount of pleading and promising or tantrum-throwing would budge.

So she’d held back – at least until high school where she had eagerly cultivated a reputation as the bad-ass chick, the one you just didn’t mess with. And it hadn’t been just her physical strength and athletic skills that had gained her such a reputation. Rather, it had been her quick wit, smart mouth, utter fearlessness, and the way she never backed down from a confrontation that had scared off the clique of popular girls who normally would have taken great pleasure in making all types of catty comments about her; that had caused all the nerdy kids to quake in their shoes whenever she sauntered past them; and that had even made the jocks keep their distance. And nobody actually wanted to date her – ballsy, tough-talking Lauren who could cut a guy down to size with just one scathing glance. And especially not after the incident junior year where – on a dare, of course, because she could rarely resist taking a dare, no matter how stupid or risky it was – she’d landed a roundhouse kick on Sam Patterson’s head. She’d knocked the popular high school quarterback – her own sister’s longtime boyfriend – to the ground, causing him to black out for a few brief seconds.

She’d been damned lucky that Sam and his buddies had been too mortified by the incident to report it, though of course word had spread like wildfire around campus until it had reached the level of urban legend. Julia had been furious, and it had been one of the very few times in their lives that she’d refused to speak to Lauren for more than a week. They had eventually mended their fences, but word of the incident had made guys stay even further away from Lauren.

College had been an opportunity to start over, someplace besides the affluent but admittedly small town of Carmel where everyone knew her. She’d made friends easily at UCLA, her outgoing, vibrant personality attracting both men and women. Guys had hit on her constantly, multiple times a day, and while she’d flirted like mad she had continued to keep her V-card intact until nearly the end of freshman year. Since the lack of opportunity hadn’t been an issue, Lauren had always figured that her rather unimpressive sex life thus far was due to the simple fact that she was picky. She wasn’t the least bit attracted to any of the clean-cut, well-to-do, preppy guys, or even most of the jocks. Instead, the ones who caught her eye were either the rugged, outdoorsy types who liked more extreme sports like ocean kayaking, rock climbing, and mountain biking, or the ones who looked like they should be playing lead guitar in a rock band – long hair, pierced ears, tattoos, and ripped jeans.

Ben, she noted with an admiring smile, possessed the very best attributes of both types of men. His ripped biceps, defined six-pack abs, and well-muscled legs spoke of years spent outdoors engaging in the same sort of extreme sports that she thrived on herself. It was likely that he also did some sort of targeted weight training, but judging from the deep golden tan that covered his face and body he spent the majority of his time outside.

And while the short, close cut of his hair wasn’t exactly rock star material, he did have both a piercing – a small gold hoop in his left ear – and a tattoo. Unable to resist, she idly traced her index finger over the stark black, intricate design that covered part of his bicep. The sleeve of his T-shirt had covered the bulk of the unusual design, and she’d been fascinated to discover it after he’d stripped.

Impulsively she reached for the digital camera she’d left on the bedside table a couple of days ago. Lauren usually took much better care of her camera equipment, making sure it was always packed safely away, and chided herself a bit now on her carelessness. But at least this particular camera was not a very expensive model, and its proximity now was proving to be extremely convenient.

She focused on the tattoo, then snapped an even dozen shots in a row from various angles. Ben flinched slightly when the flash went off but otherwise didn’t wake. Grinning impishly, Lauren then proceeded to take dozens more shots of the really fine male specimen sleeping in her bed – his face, chest, arms, before carefully easing the sheet downwards so she could photograph his lower body.

“That last shot had better not wind up on a porn website somewhere. I’m a pretty shy guy, after all, and I really don’t want my junk on display to the public eye.”

Ben’s voice was raspy and sounded vaguely amused as she glanced up at him guiltily. Laughing merrily, she set the camera aside and scooted back up the bed until she was cuddled alongside him, her arms wrapped around his waist.

“No worries,” she assured him breezily. “These are going to be for my super-secret, private collection. I’ll triple password protect the file I store them in. And,” she added with a quick kiss to his pec, “you’re way, way hotter – not to mention having much bigger, uh, junk – than those icky, hairless guys in pornos.”

Ben’s dark blue eyes widened. “Uh, would you be speaking from first hand viewing experience?”

She gave him a flirty little wink. “Absolutely. One of my soccer teammates in high school – Erika – lived in this huge-ass mansion in Pebble Beach – pool, tennis courts, the works. So naturally everyone wanted her parents’ place to be our hangout after the last practice of the week each Friday. Especially since her parents always went out that night, and kept both the fridge and the bar stocked to overflowing.”

“What does all this have to do with watching porn flicks?” he asked, puzzled.

Lauren ran her tongue along the side of his neck, pleased when he gave a little shiver of reaction. “Getting there, Blue Eyes. So, this mansion also included two playrooms. One was the PG-rated version – pool table, video games, that sort of stuff. And the other playroom – the one Erika stole a key for – was the X-rated version. In addition to housing a very disturbingly large collection of porn flicks, the room was sort of a – well, I guess you’d call it a dungeon.”

His mouth gaped open in shock. “You mean like - ”

She nodded. “Whips, chains, shackles, all that kinky shit. But Erika didn’t believe for a minute that her parents ever actually used any of it, that they just liked to fantasize about stuff. And given that her father had a stick about a yard long wedged up his ass, while her mother would have had a panic attack if she broke a fingernail, I’m pretty sure she was right.”

Ben began to laugh, the vibrations rumbling in his chest. “So you and your soccer teammates used to spend Friday nights eating snacks, getting drunk, and watching dirty movies? Well, that sure as hell beats how I used to spend my Friday nights during high school – working some lousy minimum wage job.”

“Well, we didn’t watch porn every week. Sometimes we’d mix it up with a slasher flick or an action/adventure movie.”

He began to massage the nape of her neck gently. “What? No chick flicks or rom-coms?” he teased.

She rolled her eyes at him in mock disgust. “God, no, never that crap. Look, lots of girls play soccer these days, starting from when they’re little kids. But in most cases it’s because their parents push them into it. If you’re still playing sports competitively by your junior or senior year of high school, it’s because you want to, because you’re a true athlete. And you don’t – ever – watch chick flicks.”

He grinned at her passionate little speech. “Got it. No chick flicks, no rom-coms. You know, sweetheart, the more I learn about you – which I’m beginning to think could take a lifetime – the more you’re sounding like the perfect woman. Let’s see – you like beer, you do martial arts, you drive a pick-up truck but really want a motorcycle. You’ve got those dogs so well trained they’re like a small army, got a mouth on you like a sailor, and like to watch porn. And I believe I noticed at least one tattoo. May I?”

He picked up her left wrist, turning it slightly until the small mark on the inside was revealed. “What is this?” he asked, his long, blunt fingers tracing gently around the ink.

“The Gemini. You know,” she explained as he looked puzzled, “the twins. When my sister and I went away to college – she’s back east at Cornell – it was the first time we’d ever spent a significant amount of time apart. So I got this done as a little reminder of Julia – so that I’d always have a little part of my twin with me.”

“And did Julia get a matching tattoo?”

Lauren hooted with amusement. “Julia? You’ve got to be kidding. We may be identical in looks and shoe size and even our bra size, but the resemblance ends there. Jules would probably faint just from looking at the tattoo needle.”

“Should I assume she also doesn’t play sports or know how to take an adult male down with a chop block?”

She shook her head. “While I was at judo class, Jules would be in the dance studio at the other end of the strip mall doing ballet. And instead of soccer or softball, she did gymnastics. Now,” she turned up her nose with a little sniff, “she’s obsessed with yoga of all things. Every time I talk to her she’s either scurrying off to a class or just getting back from one.”

Ben continued to rub the roughened pad of his thumb over her tattoo. “Is this your only ink?”

“Nope.” She wriggled onto her stomach. “Two more. But you’ll have to find them on your own.”

Lauren shivered in reaction as his hand began to slowly trace its way down her spine, taking his time as he leisurely explored every curve and dip. There hadn’t been time for this during either of their previous encounters – they’d been far too frantic and wild, intent only on pushing each other over the edge as quickly and savagely as possible. Now, though, when the edge had been take off a bit, there was time to enjoy the moment, to savor each touch, to memorize each caress.

His big hand squeezed each cheek of her buttocks before continuing its lazy glide down the backs of her leanly muscled hamstrings all the way to her calves.

“Ah. Here’s number two,” he declared triumphantly as he lifted her left foot, running his fingertips along her inner ankle. “And even less idea of what this one means. Are those Chinese characters?”

Lauren didn’t even try to muffle the little groan of pleasure as he began to gently massage her foot. “Mmm, no. They’re ah – wow, that’s good – erm, Japanese. It means – ooh, yeah, go over that spot again just like that – bravery. I got it in honor – oh, honey, you’ve got like magic fingers, you know? – of my first judo teacher – Yamashiro Sensei. He died a year ago, just two months after his eighty-fifth birthday. He – well, that’s another story altogether – but let’s just say he was like a second father to me, except that he had a lot more patience than my own dad. Especially when I was five.”

“I can’t imagine anyone losing their patience with you,” jibed Ben. “I would have just assumed you were a sweet, docile little girl.”

Her snort was loud, derisive, and extremely unladylike. “My father would be rolling around on the floor with hysterical laughter right now to hear you say that.”

“Yeah, well, forgive me if I don’t want to think about your father at this exact moment,” he drawled sardonically. “Now, where was I? Oh, yeah, searching for that elusive third tattoo.”

She gasped as his hand slid up between her thighs, to where she was already wet, a fact he quickly discovered as he slowly pumped two long fingers in and out of her with controlled deliberation.

“Um, I, ah, definitely don’t have a – ah, God – tattoo – um, there,” she panted.

“No?” Ben’s body covered hers now – chest to back – as he used his superior strength to pin her to the mattress. “You sure about that? ‘Cause I’ve heard about guys getting their dicks inked or pierced – two images I’d really rather not visualize.”

“Mmm, well I’ve seen pictures of both at the tattoo parlor I go to. And while some women get their clit hood pierced, I doubt that anyone has ever gotten ink way down there.”

He eased his body from hers, only to flip her over onto her back. His dark blue eyes were filled with what she guessed was very uncharacteristic mischief.

“Well, I still think I should check it out just the same,” he taunted. “After all, tattoo number three must not be very large or I’d have noticed it by now. In fact,” he added, as his mouth trailed hot, open-mouthed kisses along the side of her neck down to her collarbone, “I’d better check this side of you very, very carefully. I mean, when you consider all of the places that pesky little tattoo could be hiding away.”

Lauren’s breath hissed in sharply as Ben cupped a breast in his big hand, his thumb teasing the nipple as he pretended to inspect the underside carefully.

“Hmm, nothing on this one,” he murmured in a voice that had grown decidedly husky. “Gotta check the other one now.”

She squirmed eagerly beneath him as he plumped the other breast up, and then ran his tongue over the nipple. “Just so you know,” she told him breathlessly, her hips lifting off the bed as he sucked the entire areola between his lips, “my breasts are off limits for any sort of ink. No nipple piercings, either.”

“Good.” Ben squeezed both breasts roughly before kissing a path down her cleavage towards her belly. “Because your tits are works of art, sweetheart, and to deface something so sensational would be the worst sort of crime. Now, where’s number three hiding?”

He continued to kiss and caress his way down her abdomen, parting her legs as he did so to nuzzle her vulva. She clutched his head to her, cursing him silently for not having the sort of long hair that would have allowed her to tug him in even closer.

“Ben.” Her voice was a plaintive wail as his tongue teased the slick folds of her inner labia. “Ah, God.” She grabbed handfuls of the already rumpled sheets as he slid two fingers back inside of her and began to flick his tongue back and forth over her overly sensitized clit. “I’m all – I should really wash and – ohhh!”

He had one hand splayed over her heaving belly, holding her down as her hips thrashed wildly beneath the twin assaults of his mouth and fingers. “You don’t need to wash,” he murmured hoarsely as he lifted his head for a moment. “Just like you didn’t want me to wash earlier when you were giving me head. Especially since you’re the most delicious treat I’ve ever tasted.”

He sucked on her clit then, his fingers pumping frantically in and out of her slick, creamy pussy, and she fell apart – falling and falling until she feared she’d never reach the ground again. Her whole body was quivering in reaction to the stunning orgasm he’d just brought her to, and her arms reached out blindly for him, craving his embrace.

But Ben ignored her outstretched arms as he resumed his quest to find the elusive third tattoo. “Ah. Found it at last. And this one at least I recognize. But tell me – why a seahorse?” he inquired, examining the tiny but perfectly detailed image that graced the instep of her right foot.

She was still struggling to breathe, her head still spinning from the really fabulous demonstration of oral sex he’d just given her. “I, uh, need a minute here, okay?” she wheezed. “Just regaining consciousness.”

He chuckled as he released her ankle and took her into his arms instead, cradling her against him. “Is that a good thing? Passing out after an orgasm, that is.”

“It’s way, way better than good, Blue Eyes,” she whispered, caressing his heavily stubbled jaw. “It’s out of this world, fucking amazing. You’ve, ah, got a gift. Or maybe just a whole lot more experience than my previous partners.”

Ben grimaced. “I doubt that. Don’t forget I went to college, too, and almost every roommate I had was a big manwhore. So I’ve got a feeling the guys you’ve been with more than likely have way more notches on their belts than I do.”

“Okay. Maybe experience isn’t the correct word,” she agreed. “Let’s search our vocabulary and see if we can come up with the right one. How about expertise? Finesse? Or what about instinct or mastery or maybe - ”

He laid two fingers over her lips. “How about,” he suggested in a low, sexy voice, “it’s just a matter of having met the right woman to uncover my previously undetected skills?”

Lauren grinned up at him even as he nudged her thighs apart and began to slowly feed his fully engorged cock back inside of her an inch at a time. “I’d say that makes you something of a bullshitter.” She gasped loudly as he gave a sudden, hard thrust, burying his penis fully inside of her. “But that, ah – oh, God, sooo good – if you keep making me – oooh – feel this amazing you can tell me whatever BS you dream up.”

Ben’s mouth captured hers in another blistering kiss as he continued to ram his cock inside of her pliant body with hard, deep thrusts. “It’s not bullshit,” he whispered raggedly in between kisses. “I’ll never feed you BS, Lauren, or lie to you. But nothing would please me more than to make sure you keep feeling this way. And, like you reminded me earlier, I’ve got a whole year to make up for, don’t I?”

For once she didn’t have a witty comeback, but it didn’t matter because what she was feeling quickly became way too intense for mere words to express.




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