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Summer's Heat (Immortals (Book 9)) by LJ Vickery (7)






Chapter Seven



Once they gained the sidewalk, Emesh looked around. “You brought a car?” he questioned.

“We did,” Dorian answered. “But I already sent them away. I figured the safest thing to do was to have Enten take it and drive Kate back to Douglas’ house.” He turned to Emesh’s mate who gave a strangled cry.

“My mother? But I thought you said…”

“I know what I said.” Dorian looked back toward the tomb-like house. “But we can’t talk until we’re away safely. I have a feeling he has eyes and ears all over this property. We should roll while we have the chance.” Nobody could fault his wisdom. The warlock eyeballed the tractor cab sitting at the curb. “Will it fit four?”

“It will,” Douglas rasped at the warlock. “Although I’m not usually stupid enough to give rides to strangers.”

“It’s okay, Douglas,” Emesh intervened, approaching the subject gently. “They’re with me.”

He received a snort in response. “I figured that, and yeah, very reassuring.” Douglas raised a brow sarcastically, but he gave in, hitting the key fob to unlock the tractor.

Emesh climbed up first, taking the front passenger seat while Douglas entered through the driver’s side. Dorian gave a hand up to Addie, feeding her into the back. The pair sat, buckled up and looked around curiously.

“I’ve never been in one of these before,” Dorian admitted. “It looks…”

“I know. Bigger on the inside?” Douglas huffed. “Everyone says the same thing…but don’t ask if it does time travel.”

Emesh barked out a surprised laugh. Yes! His mate watched Dr. Who.

The god sneaked a glance at Douglas’ set chin. No smile, just a telltale wobble of the lower lip. It was enough. Emesh’s heart gave a distinct flutter. Handsome, hot, and a sci-fi lover. Could it get any better?

“I’m not sure of the reference.” Dorian remained clueless. Really? No TARDIS for the warlock? He needed to lighten up and get a life. Speaking of which…

“So, Addie. It looks like being newly married agrees with you.” Emesh had held his tongue long enough. The transformation in the witch was nothing short of miraculous, but he couldn’t let vent to the depth of his surprise. How could he explain to Douglas that a seventy-year-old woman suddenly looked half her age? Emesh thought he’d noticed, back in the compound, a slow ‘young-ing up’ of Addie-May after Dorian’s arrival, but nothing like this dramatic change.

“Yeah,” Addie agreed. “Someone never explained the added benefits of our union.” The witch gave Dorian the stink-eye.

“You know, Emesh, it’s funny how such a bright wife can be so clueless,” Dorian retorted. “If she’d only asked or planned ahead…”

“Oh yeah, Mr. Smart Guy?”

Ooh. Addie’s tone floored Emesh. The witch dared sass the dominant male. Good for her.

“Who had the wherewithal to do a pratfall at Dr. Demento’s house and get flesh and blood DNA as well as a handful of hair?” she continued.

Emesh wondered what Addie had been scraping into a plastic bag while fleeing Alcatraz. Now he knew. Dorian’s normally impassive face twitched. Emesh knew pride when he saw it.

“I thought the move abnormally clumsy, even for you,” Dorian taunted.

The two clearly were headed into a long exchange of snarkiness, but Douglas had obviously heard enough.

“Okay. Wait a minute. You two are newlyweds?” He shook his head while moving the big rig slowly through town, doing his best to obey the obscenely low-speed limit to the letter.

Emesh answered before Dorian could get his mouth open. “Theirs is a… …magical relationship,” he stated firmly. “You have to know them. They’ve been…dating…so long, they fight like siblings.” Emesh glowered at Dorian and dared him to disagree. To his surprise, the warlock looped his arm over Addie’s shoulders and gathered her as close as the seat belts would allow.

“That’s right Douglas. My little bride and I have a long and interesting past. And we’ve been apart for a while, so it’s going to be fun getting to know each other again.”

Addie looked shocked, uncomfortable, and flushed. How interesting. Dorian planned on sticking around. Everyone at the compound had been taking bets he’d leave as soon as politely possible after his cousin’s mating ceremony. With inside information, Emesh would have to double-down with odds on the warlock sticking around.

Douglas didn’t look as if he liked Dorian’s tone, studying Addie’s face in his rear-view. Emesh remembered that Douglas grew up in a household where females were no better than chattel and clearly thought Dorian too heavy-handed. But how did one explain the warlock and his mate? Emesh used the only option available. He changed the subject.

“Tell us about Kate, Dorian.” He served a red herring to sidetrack Douglas.

“Gladly.” The warlock squeezed Addie a little closer. “When we arrived, Enten already had Kate out of the house," ―Emesh knew that but it was news to Douglas― “and he filled us in on what he’d pieced together from scoping out the place and from what Kate told him. We had plenty of ammo before we went in, prepared to extricate you from a touchy situation.” Dorian smiled broadly, clearly wanting kudos. “I make a great doctor, don’t I?”

“You had me fooled,” Douglas obliged. “But if you’re not a doctor, then who are you and how did you know where we were?”

The warlock hadn’t been privy to the story Emesh and Enten had woven for Douglas. If he said the wrong thing… Emesh closed his eyes and massaged his forehead. Dammit. His whole potential relationship could be blown before it even began.

Dorian, understanding the morass he could step into, groped for words, cautiously.

“Uh, well…” He cleared his throat, looked at Addie, then Emesh, and coughed again. The uncomfortable silence stretched on a little too long.

“I get it,” Douglas finally relented. “A need to know basis. Emesh already told me that a bunch of you are federal agents. Don’t worry. The particulars don’t matter.”

Dorian huffed out a relieved breath. He could prevaricate from here. “That’s okay. I didn’t know if Emesh told you.” He sent a mock, stern glance at the god. “Just don’t make a habit of it,” he pretended to grumble. “As for finding you, Glory sent us toward your house after she learned that Emesh and Enten didn’t have a car, but had taken a cab…”

“Bus,” Emesh coughed.

“…bus,” Dorian corrected. “Luckily, Enten called from the grounds of that haunted mansion before he went in and prior to us traveling all the way to Leverett. We were in the right place at the right time for an intervention.”

Emesh stole a glance at his mate. Douglas looked happy with the explanations and ecstatic his mother had been safely retrieved. Emesh looked forward to seeing that reunion. But what next? Emesh didn’t want to ponder too deeply. Obviously building a relationship had to happen. And that scared him more than the two-ghouls-and-a-wild-card they’d escaped. Any day.

Reaching Leverett, they noted Enten had parked the car where Douglas’ tractor had been stored earlier. He and Kate must have walked the path back to Douglas’ house.

Emesh’s mate could barely contain himself and once free of the cab, practically ran through the trees in anticipation of seeing his mother. When they broke from the woods, Kate and Enten stood on the porch.

“Mom,” Douglas cried across the distance. His feet pounded the early spring grass as he sprinted toward his mother. Kate had eyes only for her son. She lit up from within, something Emesh could easily understand and recognize. The immortals held back while she launched herself at Douglas and the pair embraced.

Kate stroked Douglas’ face, and her gaze devoured him. She stood back to take a good look and thumped her fists, ineffectually, lovingly, on his large shoulders, trying but unable to force words from between her lips. What did she see in her only son? Had Douglas changed drastically in the years the two had been apart?

Emesh’s throat teared up at the reunion. Douglas kept his arms firmly around Kate and looked down at her with the tenderest of expressions. He murmured a litany of nonsense that sounded like, “I know…I know.”

Mother and son lowered in unison, sinking to the bench of a picnic table. Quiet words poured out between them, punctuated by small smiles and sobs. Emesh could only imagine how they felt until a possible caveat lit within his brain. Oh, no.

Up to this point, the god hadn’t worried about what Kate would say to Douglas, but now that they became more immersed in their own personal stories, he nearly groaned. Would Kate spill about gods and witches and mating ceremonies, scaring Emesh’s Chosen away, or would Douglas nod and agree to anything she told him, thinking his mother delusional? Neither scenario would be good.

Addie apparently read the situation at the same time and in the same way.

“Kate.” The witch waited for a break in the tears between Douglas and his mother, watching carefully for when the pair stopped talking. “We were so worried about you.”

“Who are you? Oh, my!” Kate gazed at her, aghast.

Addie paused, clearly appalled. She’d forgotten about dropping thirty or forty years since last she’d seen Kate. She bit her lower lip. “It’s me, Kate. Addie-May. Certainly, you remember your roommate from the compound.” Addie begged with her eyes for Kate to accept things and not rock the boat. Emesh needed to intervene. He’d always had the ability to talk with Kate via mind connection as long as they were in close proximity. He used that skill now.

Kate, I promise I’ll tell you everything you want to know, later.

At the sound of Emesh’s voice, Kate turned her attention to him.

But right now, I need you to be cool. No talk of immortals and invisibility. Douglas doesn’t know who we are, yet and―heat came up the back of Emesh’s neck―and I think he’s my Chosen. Like the thing between Glory and Enten. He did a little tap on his amulet. As you can see, he’s made me corporeal which is a pretty sure sign.

“I knew it. I knew it,” Kate gushed, leaping to her feet and forgetting to head-talk. She looked from the god to her son and back again, then gave Douglas her brightest smile. “I knew you’d find someone of your own.” Her heart shone in her eyes and more tears slipped down her cheeks. “Oh, Douglas. Emesh is so sweet and loving. The kind of man I hoped you’d meet. I can’t wait to tell Glory.”

“Whoa. Hold on Mom.” Douglas stood as well, staring at Emesh who still paused on the lawn. Clearly, he felt embarrassed over his mother’s fantasy but looked sweetly confused. He had no way of knowing if Emesh had fed Kate possibilities or if she’d made it up on her own.

The god took pity on Douglas’ discomfort and seized the moment as a divine opportunity. He eased slowly across the grass and up onto the porch. Holding his breath, he snaked an arm around Douglas’ waist and dragged him close.

“Douglas and I are just getting to know each other, Kate. We’ve barely had a chance to talk, let alone see if there’s any…connection.” I have to make him fall for me, he let Kate know. These things take time.

“I understand,” Kate smiled benevolently. Bringing one hand from each of them into her own small grasp, she completed a circle. “You two need time together,” she determined. “And for that reason, I’m going home with Addie, Dorian, and Enten while you two get acquainted.”

Emesh could feel the protest from Douglas before he spoke it. Apparently, so could Kate.

“Now, Douglas,” she chided. “No argument. The safest place for me is back at my cottage in the Blue Hills. I’ve been a little…sick you know, and Addie has been helping me get well. By the time I see the two of you again, I expect to be nearly back to my old self.”

Emesh could see the doubt written all over Douglas’ face. Everyone understood no cure existed for Alzheimer’s, but in actuality, Emesh had no clue what the witches could or couldn’t do. Wouldn’t it be nice to be surprised?

“Okay, Mom.” Douglas kissed the top of her head. “But only for a few days. I’ll be visiting you very soon.”

Kate smiled brightly when her son yielded and tugged them into a group hug. Emesh smelled the lavender in Kate’s hair but filled his lungs with the fresh, woodsy smell of his partner. Thank gods, Kate remained part of the embrace, or Emesh might have humiliated himself by turning and burying his nose in Douglas’ chest. The draw of his Chosen was that strong.

I expect a full report from you. Kate drew away and slyly entered Emesh’s brain. I’m trusting you to make him happy. He’s been alone far too long.

Yes, ma’am, Emesh agreed. You know how it is with the gods. Our Chosen is everything, and I’d die before I let anyone or anything hurt him.

I know that, Emesh. And I’m so happy for you both. The smile hadn’t left her lips since she’d spotted her son coming out of the woods. How refreshing to see her ‘in the moment.’ Maybe Addie-May’s potions were having a positive effect after all. Time would tell.

“I’m going to say goodbye now.” Kate rose on tiptoes and placed a kiss on her son’s cheek. “And I’ll extract a promise that as soon as Emesh tells you all about himself," ―she sent a pointed glance at the god― “you’ll come join us at the compound.”

“I’d beg you to stay,” Douglas clearly felt torn letting his mother go, “but I have a run to make with my truck tomorrow. I’ll be gone four or five days, depending on the turnaround.” He gazed hesitantly at Emesh who remained plastered to his side. “I suppose Emesh can come with me,” he allowed. “But as soon as I’m through, I’m driving to the Blue Hills to meet everybody there.” His voice left no room for argument.

Emesh thrilled at being invited along for Douglas’ run. Maybe his mate felt something for him already. Hadn’t the other gods said their Chosen were drawn to them, inexplicably and instantly? Perhaps fate would help Emesh with all parts of a relationship of which he remained unsure.

“Where will we be headed?” he asked, covering his sudden uncertainty.

“Green Bay, Wisconsin,” Douglas divulged and cast his eyes to Dorian when the warlock made a surprised noise.

“Really. I have a house twenty minutes north of there. In Little Suamico,” Dorian divulged.

This was the first Emesh had heard of it, but he remembered hearing that Dorian had been hiding away for centuries in a small town. The warlock fished in his pocket, and Emesh realized he’d conjured a key. “I’m not planning on being back there for a while. If I text you the address and a list of some necessary belongings, do you think you could bring them back to Quincy for me?” The warlock traveled lightly, witchy-wise. It seems that a certain degree of difficulty lay in conjuring large items en masse. Interesting that Dorian would want big personal belongings transported to Quincy. Another sign the warlock might be making his move permanent? Addie pursed her lips, but Emesh could see the hidden smile. Ahh. His wasn’t the only romance budding.

“I don’t see why not,” Douglas shrugged. “I’m picking up a trailer with a very small load while I’m out there, hauling it back to Boston. There shouldn’t be any trouble fitting your stuff. Probably as much as you want us to take.”

Emesh had a gut-clutching epiphany and cautiously took the key from Dorian’s outstretched hand. “Is there anything that you might not want us to…touch, while we’re there?” Dorian could have gods knows what sitting around, reeking of witchiness. Emesh carefully observed the warlock’s face.

“Perhaps you should let Douglas in on a few of our…undercover secrets before you let yourself into my place.” He warned, then brightened visibly. “But feel free to use my place if you need somewhere to stay overnight and help yourself to my wine cellar. I have a 2010 Screaming Eagle ‘Second Flight’ Cabernet that’s sumptuous.”

“That’s very nice of you,” Douglas reached for his mother again, clearly not ready to let her go. Kate hugged him back.

“Less than a week, Douglas, and we’ll be together. Glory will be jumping out of her skin to see you again, and I can’t wait for you to meet my new friends,” she beamed up at him. “Be careful on your trip…please,” she implored.

Yeah brother. Be careful. Enten perused the sky with a guarded look on his face. I’m feeling a presence I don’t like.

Emesh shivered. Apparently, his brother hadn’t sent the cold. He felt it too. Dorian and Addie also looked around, their immortal radar triggering. “Maybe Enten and I should stick with you a little longer,” The warlock suggested. “I can send Kate home with Addie.”

“No.” Emesh needed time alone with his future Chosen. He could keep Douglas safe. The threat didn’t feel god-like, so it couldn’t be the immortal’s long-time nemesis, Beletseri, who―along with her newly made god, Matthew―had been conspicuously scarce as of late. That woman freaking scared the crap out of everybody. But, no, these heebie-jeebie’s could only be something to do with the doctor. Much easier than the underworld goddess, Bel. Whatever species the physician, Emesh could handle him.

“I think it’s best you all take off together.” The danger would be greater for the two women, traveling home alone without immortal back-up. “We’ll be fine.”

I know you feel confident, and don’t think I’m cock-blocking you, but I’m feeling queasy. I’m going to set up a god rotation around the perimeter of the property until the two of you take off tomorrow…just to be safe.

Emesh didn’t like it, but his brother would not be dissuaded.

Fine, Enten. Just make sure you tell everybody to keep their distance. I don’t know what’s going to happen between me and Douglas, but I’m going to need a lot of space to figure it out.

I get it, brother, Enten sounded a little choked up. Douglas better know what a fine god he’s gaining for a mate.




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