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Summer's Heat (Immortals (Book 9)) by LJ Vickery (24)






Chapter Twenty-Four



Dorian hadn’t let go of her since they returned to the cottage. Not such a bad thing. Addie snuggled closer and took a deep breath into the side of her warlock’s warm neck, keeping up as he paced. Yummm. Marigold and sage. She’d always loved the smell of Dorian. That damned incubus had smelled like dirt. Too bad she’d gotten so close to him, but his rank odor had helped every time he’d tried to spike her libido.

Now, Dorian, on the other hand… Addie practically purred. He currently exhibited his most warlock-y, masculine stuff—strutting about boldly, setting down rules, and sporting that lovely crease between his brows that meant he believed himself not arrogant, just worried about her well-being. If she hadn’t already been jazzed up by all the hormones the incubus had thrown around, it might be a buzz kill, or his too grown-up look could have her biting him. Oh, what the heck.

“Dorian.” Addie nipped sharply at the spot she’d been sniffing. “Find a bed and stop wasting time.”

His dark eyes flared, and a current of conjured electricity arced out from his body.

“So, you want me now,” he stated with a snort. “Well, I’ve got news for you. You’ll have to wait for me, Addie. I refuse to scratch an itch that some Underworld fiend started.”

Addie knew differently. Finely tuned to all of Dorian’s nuances, she knew damned well he sported an enormous hard-on. So, liar, liar… He wouldn’t be able to hold out for long.

She drew back and smoothed her hands over her nipples where they plumped through her light blouse, making sure Dorian saw every nuance of the provocative tweak she gave each peak.

“What are you doing?” Dorian’s voice held suspicion. Clearly, he’d forgotten that Addie-the-impish never played by the rules.

“Nothing that should concern you.” Addie continued and upped the ante by unbuttoning to put some of her ample cleavage on display. “If you’re not going to ‘scratch my itch’ as you so aptly put it” ―she pinched one nipple and groaned appreciably for Dorian’s benefit― “then find a bed and let me go. I need to take care of things myself.”

“Like hell, you will.” Dorian’s grip grew tighter around her, but his feet continued to stomp back and forth across the living room. “I’ll restrain you if I have to until this fit has passed,” he growled.

“Tie me up, sweet man, but I’ll torment you with images of a big fat vibrator between my legs, magically working itself in and out.” Conjuring still lay within her capabilities and insinuating something into Dorian’s consciousness had always been easy for her. If his mind didn’t picture that scene right now, Addie had lost her touch.

She squirmed against him as if anticipating, and the moisture between her legs became a drenching reality. She did need something in her pussy, but she’d be damned if she settled for a piece of plastic when a most magnificent staff of flesh lay just within reach.

Her hands fumbled with the rest of her blouse buttons. Her shirt? History. Let him deal with the lovely green laced confection she’d donned for a bra this morning. Dorian had always loved his red-head in green. She lowered the shirt down off her shoulders, breathing hard.

“Dammit, Addie. Put those away,” Dorian ordered, his own breath coming in little puffs through his nostrils. She didn’t comply. Instead, Addie did another nipple tweak and twist between thumb and forefinger, wiggling her bottom at the same time.

“I can’t help it.” Her voice dropped to a bedroom octave, “I’m on fire.” She licked two fingers and slid them inside the semi-sheer cup, rounding her nipple and moaning again.

“Gods. Stop it. You’re not hot for me, you’re hot on incubus fumes. Get yourself under control.”

Silly warlock, Addie snorted, fighting back the lust that suffused her. She appealed to what he denied but already knew.

“And how do you think the incubus came to look like you?” she asked pointedly. “I reclined by that lovely pool, picturing you…picturing us…together. I remembered how we used to be, and…” Aw, hell. She’d never had a foul mouth, but what did she have to lose? “I fantasized that you ripped my clothes off and fucked me, right then and there.”

“Arghh. Addie, stop. You don’t know what you’re doing.”

One more decent sized shove and her husband would go over the edge. He presented in full, masculine warlock display now that his lust came out. His chest had broadened, his skin darkened, and flickers of unleashed power flared from his slitted eyes. Addie’s memories of those powers in bed fueled her escalating desire as she remembered his cock, buried deep inside her, filling her to completion. She needed to play dirty.

Addie grabbed his shirt and yanked. Buttons flew everywhere, revealing his glorious chest. Without a moment’s hesitation, she brought her mouth to his chest and bit his nipple, hard.

That did it.

He had them on the bed in a trice. He hadn’t used his feet for the journey, he’d spelled them there with a primal cry. Instantly, his hard body loomed above her, looking down with a lustful stare she hadn’t seen in years.

“For the gods’ sake, Dorian,” she panted. “Kiss me.”

His head ducked down, and she anticipated and welcomed what would surely be an animalistic assault.

Or not.

A keening noise tore from her throat when he gave her the lightest of brushes across her ready lips. His tongue slipped out to run across her mouth, tasting her…taking his time.

Addie relocated her hands to the back of his head to increase the pressure, but Dorian easily caught and trapped them, holding them captive above her head, continuing his languorous explorations.

Addie finally softened. Fine. She’d play it his way. As if she had any say in the matter since she’d already become total jelly. The tension in her body morphed into a deep, soulful need that had her bones liquefying while spikes of desire blazed to her various epicenters.

And finally. Dorian sank down onto her pliant body and deepened the kiss.

Her mouth opened, and his tongue plunged in, sweeping away years of longing with the rightness of its possession. Addie couldn’t help herself. Tears leaked out of the corners of her eyes. Dorian felt the wetness and raised his head a scant eighth of an inch.

“I know it’s you. Not some incubus,” she whispered into his mouth. “And it’s you I want, Dorian. I’ve never forgotten you…never wanted anyone else. I’m not too proud to admit it. I love you, Dorian, with all that I have.” When he started to speak, she rested her mouth back on his, hushing him before drawing back to continue.

“It doesn’t matter how you feel about me or how you treat me from now on. Whatever you want. I’ll be your captive, your slave…anything. But know this. You can’t make me hate you because I’ll love you always, no matter what.” Having said her peace, Addie closed her eyes and edged back to capture his bottom lip with her own. She was finished talking…and through fighting.

Now, she got the warlock she’d been expecting. Dorian’s mouth came down and crushed hers. His hands came to her head, and bracing himself with his elbows, he held her still while he ravaged her mouth. His tongue and teeth were everywhere, stealing her breath, imprinting on her soul.

The dark hair on his hard, bare chest roughed up against her bra, and she wanted it gone. Her nipples needed pressure, they needed him. As if reading her mind, Dorian’s powers whipped around, popping the clasp. Part of her brain registered he could have made the whole of it disappear, but when his large palm inched up under one cup, she understood. Good warlock, making it ever so naughty. She moaned and arched up into him, seeking his densely packed heat that lay between their bellies.

Dorian flipped them, so Addie lay on top. He tugged her to her knees, so she straddled his midsection. “Take it off, Addie.” He indicated the hanging bra, and with shaking hands, she removed the straps from her shoulders and slid it away. He lay still, looking his fill.

“You have the most beautiful breasts I’ve ever seen,” he sighed. “Bring one down to my mouth.” Her right breast craved more attention at that moment, so she bent and tickled it across his cheek like one would do for a rooting baby. He obliged in kind, nuzzling at her tender flesh before drawing the taut bud into his mouth, where he sucked and laved, causing fire to shoot through her cunt.

“Why aren’t you fucking me, Dorian?” Addie gasped, barely able to get the words from her mouth. When he lifted his from his ministrations, she nearly collapsed on his chest.

“Because I need to love every inch of you,” he whispered gutturally, running a single finger, very slowly, from her throat to her belly button. “Did you hear me, Addie?” he rasped.

“No.” She shook her head. Her mind could only pay attention to the finger dipping down into the top of her jeans.

“I mentioned love.” He shifted again, and Addie instantly lay on her side, facing Dorian. “Because I love you, and I’ve missed you for decades. So, I plan on adoring every part of you of which I’ve been deprived.”

Addie became flushed. She didn’t think she could stand it if he played too long. Still not paying attention to any of his words except ‘touch,’ she reiterated her need.

“Touch later.” She lowered her hands and fumbled with the snap to his jeans. “Fuck now.” She conjured as much of a binding spell as she was able against her powerful husband, and it lasted the few seconds it took to draw down his zipper, drag at his briefs, and dip her hand inside to get a palm-full of what she wanted most. She breathed a deep sigh. “Oh, Dorian. You are so glorious,” she murmured.

“You’re not playing fair,” her warlock choked out. “I wanted slow and gentle. I want you to know the depth of love I have for you.”

Addie’s fingers busily stroked the velvet skin of his bulbous head, reacquainting herself with his dark pink cock. She cried out in desperate need.

“The only depth I’m interested in right now," ―her naughtiness took control again― “is how far your cock can get inside my wet pussy.”

There. That did it. All their clothes spontaneously disappeared, thanks to her husband.

“Wet, did you say?” Dorian’s muscle packed body gave a full, heady display as he rose up to a sitting position, tossing Addie over onto her back. “Spread your legs, wife,” he commanded.

Ahh. No magic necessary. Addie’s legs melted open of their own volition, responding to his dominant tone. Dorian’s fingers delved into her tangle of red curls and unerringly homed in on her needy clit. Addie cried out at the pressure. How long had it been since she’d been touched like this?

The warlock dipped his fingers down and swiped at the moisture that covered her swollen lips, bringing it up and using it to soothe her tender nub. He glided silently down the bed and knelt between her legs, bending her knees outward with the utmost care.

“I will taste you before I fuck you,” he rumbled and swept through her folds with his lips an instant later. Addie cried out and grabbed fistfuls of the comforter she lay on. It wouldn’t take long. She’d never been able to hold off against Dorian’s talented mouth.

His nose nudged her clit as he plunged his tongue deep into her pussy. He lapped her inner walls, then shifted tactics, withdrawing to bring his grazing teeth across her nub while penetrating her with two fingers.

Addie arched against him as he drove his digits in and out with purpose, setting an unforgivable rhythm. She thrashed, throwing her head side to side while he looked…reached…and found what he searched for. Bingo. He targeted that lovely spot.

“Oh, gods,” she exclaimed. “I’m coming, Dorian.”

Addie clasped her hands to the back of his head as he ground down with his teeth, and she exploded into small pieces, seeing colors, and filling her nostrils with the redolent smell of their joining. How amazing. How right.

She relished the journey down from her peak, relaxing around his fingers, then gasped, pierced in one swift move as his fingers gave way to a stunning invasion by his tumescent prick, a prick whose presence she had missed for far too long.

Addie spiraled up again the moment he seated solidly inside and found herself crying out with his filling of her. Her interior muscle walls clenched around his cock, holding, squeezing, remembering. A second, too quick climb and she exploded once again, this time orgasming around his hard, welcome presence.

Sobs caught in her chest as she sensed him escalating toward his own release. She tasted his salty skin with her tongue and clutched his muscular ass with desperate fingers. She opened wider and let him pound away, marveling that she would get to feel this wondrous joining again after having given it up so long ago. Her arms slipped from his flanks and wrapped tightly around his rib cage, holding him as close as she could, wanting to meld with Dorian completely.

When he let go of his control, she welcomed his hot release, feeling it beat far up inside her. He pulsed for a very long time as she hung on, feeling every nuance of his descent. Glorious.

Part of her worried over the possible repercussions of that ejaculate, but she wiped it from her mind. She’d only finished her first, very short period that morning. The chances of pregnancy were slim, but still, it made her laugh.

A sated warlock raised his head and looked down at her with one quirked brow. “You believe that to be funny?”

“Mmm, hmmm,” she nodded. Her impish look returning. “And sexy, and hot and…” she smiled up at him, lasciviously, “when can we do it again?”

“Much as I’d like to accommodate you, I’m sure the gods are ready to be on their way to retrieve Emesh. We’ve discussed that our dear Dr. Trask can probably see invisible gods, so it will be up to me to follow when Trask takes Douglas.”

Addie tried to control her pout. Hmph. She conjured that vibrator she’d been threatening and held it lovingly in one hand. “I’ll probably have to use this a time or two while you’re gone.”

The toy disappeared as fast as it came into being.

“Not on your life, my sweet Addie.” He bent his head and placed a kiss on each of her pink nipples. “You will stay unsated and ready for me.” He leaped off the bed and ‘spelled’ into his pants. The bulge that filled the front of them was unrelenting. It would take more than magic to tame that beast, and they both knew it.

“And in that regard, I warn you to sleep while you can because there will be no rest when I get home,” he smoldered. “And Addie. I meant what I said.”

Her brow wrinkled. He’d said a lot of things, mostly about tasting her and touching her. And her not getting herself off.

“I don’t think I quite heard it,” Addie beseeched softly. “You might have to say it again.” She held her breath and waited.

“Damned witch,” Dorian shook his head, not bothering to hide his amusement. “You always did have me wrapped around your little finger.” He conjured a shirt, socks, and shoes.

Addie stretched, enticingly naked on the bed, waiting.

“I love you, Addie-May Penmarch.” He pointed a strong, compelling finger in her direction. “And I expect to hear it from you again, too, as soon as I get back.”

“Impossible,” Addie grinned, looking even more sated than before. She got the scowl she expected.

“And why is that?” Dorian demanded.

“Because I won’t be able to get one syllable out around the large cock that will be in my mouth.”

Dorian threw his head back and laughed before “spelling” himself out with a satisfied roar.




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