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Tequila Burn (The Tequila Duet Book 2) by Melissa Toppen (11)


“I ordered for you and got you a Cosmo.” Emma gestures to the cocktail glass in front of me the moment I slide into the seat across from her at Peggo’s Italian Eatery.

It’s one of mine and Emma’s favorite places to eat but it feels like forever since we’ve been here. When she suggested it yesterday I jumped at the chance. I’ve been craving their lobster ravioli for weeks.

“Thank god. I need it,” I tell her, shrugging out of my jacket. It’s the beginning of December and temperatures have plummeted into the low fifties. I know it gets much colder up North but for me this is pushing it. I hate cold weather.

“Rough day?” She smirks, lifting her own Cosmo to her lips and taking a sip.

“I hate that we’re on separate projects right now,” I whine, reaching for my drink. “And I hate even more that I got stuck with Dave.” I crinkle my nose and Emma laughs, knowing that Dave is by far my least favorite out of all the contractors we use. He’s just so arrogant and egotistical and always thinks he knows better than me.

“I’m sorry, Len.”

“No you’re not. You hate him as much as I do,” I scoff, taking a long pull of my drink.

“I told Dad he needs to cut him loose. He’s such a dick. But he runs a tight crew and gets the job done. You know that’s more important to Dad than whether or not we like him.”

“I know. He’s just so frustrating. And the days suck without you.” I lean back in my chair and sigh.

“Agreed. Dad has taken on so much recently. I told him to stop spreading himself so thin. And us for that matter.”

“I thought two projects at one time was bad. I’ll be lucky if I have any hair left after getting these three done. He needs to hire another designer if he’s going to keep buying every renovation project he finds. I can’t keep up.”

“I’m right there with you,” she agrees. “But, at least it means more money. Not that you need it with that hottie country star of yours.”

Just the mention of Hudson’s name causes a familiar ache in my stomach to come fluttering to the surface. It’s only been five weeks and already I feel like he’s been gone for months. I miss him so much that some days it’s physically painful.

“His money is not my money,” I remind her, having been very adamant that after the house I not take any type of handouts from Hudson.

Of course Emma thinks I’m crazy. She’s of the mind that when you’re with someone what’s theirs is yours. I say that doesn’t become true until you’re married.

“Yeah. Yeah.” She rolls her eyes. “So how is Hudson anyway?”

“He’s good.” I take a drink before continuing. “Extremely busy.”

“I bet he’s having the time of his life. Could you imagine what that must feel like? Being up on stage for all those screaming fans. It seems unreal to even think about.”

“It really does,” I agree, trying to push past the uncertainty I feel every time I think about how much fun Hudson might be having.

It’s irrational and completely unwarranted, but I’d be insane not to worry a little. I mean, I am dating Hudson James after all. A man that half the people in this country would probably screw without a second thought if given the chance.

“I still have a hard time wrapping my head around it most days. Who he is, I mean.”

“So do I.” She laughs, pulling a smile to my lips for the first time today. “So when do you get to see him?”

“He’ll be home for Christmas, but only for like five days. We’re going to spend Christmas Eve with my family, then fly to Texas the day after Christmas to visit his family.”

“Spending the holidays with each other’s families. That’s when you know it’s serious.”

“He bought me a beach house, Emma. I think we’re way past that.”

“Yeah, but anyone can buy a house. It’s the important things that define you as a couple. The fact that he’s so open with you. That he wants you to be a part of his family. It says a lot.”

“You think so?” I ask, needing her reassurance.

“I know so.” She grins. “Do you need to go home and watch the video again?” She cocks her head to the side and looks at me expectantly.

It’s what she’s done from the moment I told her about the video Hudson made before he left. It’s like her and Hudson are in cahoots and every time doubt starts to creep in she’s there to steer me back to the video he made for that very purpose. To reassure me, to comfort me, to remind me that he loves me.

“Hush.” I stick my tongue out at her before draining the remainder of my drink in one long swallow.

I swear this has been the week from hell. Not only has work been super stressful but I also haven’t gotten to talk to Hudson much over the past couple of days. So far today we’ve only managed to share a handful of texts where I filled him in on my day.

He calls when he can and if he’s able we Facetime but it’s never enough. I don’t just want to see him through a screen. I want to hold him, smell him, feel his hands on my body, and his lips pressed against mine.

I’m experiencing the worst sort of withdrawal from the best kind of drug.

Emma starts to say something else but her attention goes to the waiter who appears at my right, a plate in each hands.

“Ladies,” he says, sitting my lobster ravioli in front of me and Emma’s usual lasagna in front of her. “Is there anything else I can get for you right now?”

“How about two more of these?” I gesture to our cocktail glasses.

He smiles and nods before walking away.

“God this looks so good.” I inhale deeply. “I’m glad you suggested it. Had you not I may have had to get takeout one day soon. I’ve been having dreams about this ravioli.”

“You would.” She giggles, finishing off the remainder of her Cosmo just as the waiter reappears with two more.

Over the course of the next hour, Emma and I proceed to stuff ourselves sick on pasta and cosmos. By the time we exit the restaurant just after eight, I feel nearly comatose.

Because we had more to drink than I planned, I leave my car in the parking lot and catch a ride with Robert and Emma who drop me off at my house.

I’m fumbling to get my key in the door when my phone blares loudly from my jacket pocket. It’s Hudson’s song Tequila Haze. I set it as my ringtone the day he left.

Finally managing to get the door open, I pull the device from my pocket to see Hudson’s name flashing across the screen. Kicking the door closed behind me, I click the lock in place as I answer.

“Hey.” I sound winded and immediately wonder if getting into the house was really that strenuous. I might be a bit more buzzed than I originally thought.

“Hey. Why are you out of breath?”

“It’s the damn doors fault. They really should make key holes easier to navigate.”

“I take it cosmos with Emma went well.” He chuckles.

“A little too well I think.” I kick off one shoe in the foyer but don’t manage to get the other off until I’m in the kitchen, immediately going for the fridge to get a bottle of water.

“You didn’t drive, did you?”

“Robert dropped me off. And don’t worry, I left my car at the restaurant, not the Chevy.”

“I don’t care which car you left as long as you made it home safely.”

“Well I did.” I twist the cap off the bottle and take a long pull. “What are you doing right now?”

“We’re on the road. Somewhere in Virginia I think.”

“You don’t even know where you are?” I laugh, setting my water on the breakfast bar before shrugging out of my jacket.

“It all blends together, babe.”

“So how are you?”

“I’m good.” He lets out a slow sigh. “Exhausted, but really, really good.”

“Where’s your show tomorrow?” I ask, not one hundred percent sure.”

“We’re in Philadelphia tomorrow. Then upstate New York the next night.”

“I feel like you just keep getting further and further away.” I pout out my lip even though he can’t see me.

“That’s because I am.” He laughs. “But don’t worry. Two more weeks and I’ll be as close to you as humanly possible,” he promises, his voice growing thick.

“I think I like the sound of that.”

“Good, because I’m going to bury myself inside of you and not leave for days.”

“You realize I’m going to hold you to that.”

“I hope you do.” I can hear the smile in his voice. “So how drunk are you exactly?”

“That depends. Why are you asking?”

“I was just wondering if you’re drunk enough that I could get you to send me a picture or two.”

“What kind of picture?”

“You know what kind of picture,” he says and only then does my drunk brain seem to catch up.

“You want me to send you naked pictures?” I gape into the phone.

“I need something to get me through until the real thing is in front of me.”

I was prepared to tell him no, but after that response I find myself saying something else entirely.

“Okay. Give me five minutes.” I smile, the wheels starting to turn. “I’ll call you back.”

“Okay.” He laughs. “I love you.”

“Love you too.” I quickly hang up and head for the bedroom.

Two minutes later I’m laying on our bed, dressed in a barely there nightie with the straps pulled down, my bare breasts exposed. Using the selfie stick Emma got me, I’m snapping pictures with my phone.

When I’m done I scan through over twenty pictures, picking out the two best ones before texting them to Hudson. My heart pounds out of my chest the instant I hit send.

Less than a minute later, I’ve lost the nightie right as my phone rings. I glance at the screen, smiling when I see Hudson is Facetiming me.

“Did you like your pictures?” I grin at his handsome face.

“What do you think?” He gives me a knowing look. “I’m going to have an instant hard on every time I even think about those pictures being on my phone.”

His words make me squirm and before I can talk myself out of it, I’m moving the phone down so he can see the nightie is gone.

“What about this?” I ask, lying backward to give him a better view.

“Fuck,” he hisses. “Are you trying to kill me?”

“Not trying to kill you.” I slide my hand between my breasts, the phone trained on that area. “Just trying to make sure you remember what you get to come home to.”

“Like I could ever fucking forget.” He swallows hard when I move the phone back up to my face.

“I think we should have a little fun, Mr. Demasi.” I give him a wicked smile.

“What did you have in mind?” His eyelids grow heavier by the second and I can tell he’s just as desperate for my touch as I am for his.

“I can think of a few things.” I smile before angling the phone down my body so Hudson is able to see my hand the second it slips in between my thighs.