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The Librarian (The Rulers of Darkness MC Book 1) by Belle Winters (11)



Psycho was on his way over. He was going to come stay with us for a few weeks while they waited for some stuff to calm down around the club. Just thinking about how that conversation went, I’m not sure whether I want to cringe or laugh. 

He’d pulled me to the side saying that we needed to talk. I had no idea what about, but I sure wasn’t expecting him to say, “I need to sleep on your couch.”

I looked at him like he was stupid for a full two minutes before answering him with, “huh?”

He explained about some stuff with the club and needing to stay away for a while. I thought about him and me being under the same roof while I was having naughty dreams about him and it didn’t take long before I realized that no, that would be horrible. So, I told him as much. “Not a good idea.”

We went back and forth for a good ten minutes each giving our reasonings. I will admit mine seemed pretty stupid since I wasn’t being entirely truthful. If I was, I’m sure he’d agree with me that it was a bad idea. In the end, he got fed up with me… a bunch of Spanish flew from his mouth and I’m 99% sure that they were not nice words and then he wrapped his hand around my neck. He told me to shut the fuck up otherwise he’d do it and I said no. He released me and stormed off, but not before telling me he’d be here today with his shit.

That was two days ago, and he hadn’t said a peep to me. Not even at dinner yesterday. So, to say the least, he was a bit sore. I heard the sound of his truck pull up which surprised me. He seemed to dislike any form of transportation on more than two wheels. When he let himself in and I saw his two bags it made a lot more sense.

“Hey Alex!” I greeted him cheerily.

He froze on the spot, the door halfway closed and he turned to look at me. This was the first time that I called him by his name. I knew I was pushing it, but I wasn’t in a place to care right at this moment. “The fuck did you just say?” he asked eyes narrowed to slits.

I smiled. “I said hi.”

He moved back into action closing and locking the door. “That’s what I thought I heard.”

“Somebody is grumpy.”

“Somebody is annoying.”

I rolled my eyes. “Yea, sure. I’m going to get dinner ready.” I told him and went into the kitchen.

It wasn’t long until he found me and began eyeing everything I had out. “What’re you making?” he asked.

I raised an eyebrow. “None of your business.”

He pinched my side. “Your fucking mouth Siarra.”

I rolled my eyes. “You always say that, what does it even mean?”

“You need to watch what the fuck comes out of it. One of these days…”

I turned around to face him. “One of these days what?” I challenged.

He growled and backed away. “You just love to try my fucking patience, don’t you?” he asked.

I laughed. “What patience?”

He tried to hide it, but I caught his smile. “You little bitch.”

I shrugged. “There is that…”

“I’m going to watch TV, you get on my nerves.” He huffed and left the kitchen.

I couldn’t help but laugh. He was such a big baby when he wanted to be. If he wasn’t getting his way, I was annoying. If I snapped back at him I was being mouthy and out of line. If I didn’t back down, he stormed off. If I were being honest, I would have to say that Addie was the adult of the three of us because I knew I wasn’t any better.

We all had a peaceful dinner together and watched some TV before retiring to bed. Psycho got comfortable on the couch as we left, and Addie and I parted ways. I was just tucking myself in when the door to my room opened.

“Move over.” Psycho muttered as he made his way over to the bed in nothing but briefs. Woah baby, be still my beating heart.

“Why would I do that?” I asked.

“So, I can lie down. Your tiny ass don’t need all that space.” He said pulling back the blankets and scooting in. I was laying across the bed horizontally.

When I made no effort to move he moved me himself. “Hey!”

“I asked you once.” He said by way of explanation.

“You didn’t ask nicely… besides why are you here?” I asked.

“That couch is not meant for sleeping.”

I laughed. “Hey, you asked for it.”

“Well now I’m sleeping in here with you.”

I arched an eyebrow. “Why can’t you sleep with Addie?” I asked.

He frowned. “That’s a little fucking weird. I’m a grown ass man… I’m not getting into bed with her.” He explained.

I frowned. “That’s your daughter.”

He sighed. “She will probably be uncomfortable. It’s not like she’s known me her whole life and she’s slept with me as a baby. She’s still getting to know me. That’s probably going to creep her the fuck out.”

He had a point. “And it won’t creep me out?” I asked.

He groaned. “No, you slept with me before… can we not do this tonight? I had a long day, I’m fucking beat.”

“Do what?” I challenged.

“This fucking pointless battle you’re trying to put me through. I’m already in the bed. If you really were against it I wouldn’t have gotten in. You didn’t put up any type of fight. You’re just giving me hell because you think you can.” He explained. He was partially right.

I was honestly comfortable enough with him that this didn’t bother me any. My only issue is me lusting after him like an insane person. “You know, you can sleep in the other guest bedroom if you don’t want to sleep on the couch.” I offered.

His head snapped back. “You were going to make me sleep in the fucking living room and you have another room?” he asked appalled.

I smiled. “You asked to sleep on the couch and I said yes. You never asked if there were other options. I assumed that’s where you wanted to be.”

He scowled. “Fucking little bitch. That was on purpose.”

I rolled my eyes. “Well you know now, so you can just – “

He shook his head. “No, I’m not moving. I’m already here. You should’ve led with that when I got here. I’ll move my shit in there tomorrow but I’m not moving again tonight. Turn off the fucking light and go to sleep.” He ordered.

“You’re not the boss of me.” I fussed as I reached over and cut off the light.

I settled down into the bed and just as I felt myself start to dose off, his arm wrapped around me. He pulled me across the bed until my back was flush again his chest. He kept his arm around me.

“I thought you don’t cuddle.” I said.


“But you’re cuddling right now.” I reminded him.


“You want to cuddle?” I asked.


“Stop shh’ing me.” I demanded.

“Quiet.” He whispered.

“But – “



“Swear to fuck, talk one more time I’m going to smother you with a pillow.” He promised.

I shut up then. I know I can mess with the man, but I know better than to mess with a sleepy person. They’re the most dangerous kind of people there are. Letting him hold and spoon me, I let myself drift off to sleep.






I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I slept like the fucking dead last night. I was drained as all fuck, but it felt so right having Siarra’s tight little body pressed up against me. My dick stirred at the thought. I got up and made my way to the kitchen. I peeked in and Addie was sitting down at the table and Siarra was bouncing around by the stove. I went away from the kitchen to the living room to get myself a pair of jeans to throw on. I wasn’t comfortable parading around naked in front of my daughter.

When I was dressed, I made my way to the kitchen. The smell of sausage making my stomach growl. If I had to name one thing I liked about her that didn’t also drive me crazy was her cooking. The nut had mad skills in the kitchen.

When I walked into the kitchen they both greeted me with good mornings. Siarra took a bite of bacon and nodded towards the stove. “There’s plenty left, help yourself.” She offered.

I didn’t need to be told twice. I bee-lined it to the food and put the rest of the food on my plate. She sure knew how to feed a man. I took a seat at the head of the table. “What time do you guys head out?” I asked.

Siarra checked her phone. “About 20 minutes. Addie has to be to school at 7:15.”

I nodded. “I’ll drop you guys.” I offered.

Her hand was suspended in air. “Huh?” she asked.

“You deaf?”

She shook her head. “No, but I don’t think I heard you right.”

“Why the fuck not?” I asked not caring I had a mouthful of eggs.

Apparently, she didn’t like it because she scrunched up her nose. “I mean… why?”

She was aggravating. Couldn’t even be nice to the bitch. “Because I fucking can… what the hell else do I have to do?” I put out there. I hated not doing shit and I figured I could make myself useful. Plus, I agreed with Tank. I could use the time away to spend more time with Addie and taking her to school was one of those things. I might as well drop off the pain in my ass too.

“I forgot about that.” She shrugged. “That’s cool.” She took a bite of toast. “But you’re going to have to pick me up too since I won’t have a car.” She pointed out.

Captain fucking obvious. “I figured as much.”

It was silent for a beat before Addie spoke up. “My birthday is next week.” A statement. I’m sure she figured neither of us knew that little tidbit. I for sure didn’t.

“Really?” Siarra all but squealed.

Addie nodded her excitement climbing. “Yes. And I had a lot of fun at my friend’s slumber party. I was hoping…. “She trailed off and bit her lip.

“What’s it?” I asked.

She shrugged. “I wanted to ask if maybe I can have one too… for my birthday.”

Siarra was all over it. “Of course! What day is your birthday?” she asked.

“Thursday.” I thought about it. That would-be December 11th.

Siarra frowned. “Well… we may not be able to do it on your birthday…” Addilyn immediately deflated and I got pissed. I was two seconds away from saying we’d do it at the club when Siarra spoke again. “That’s a school night. But, we can do it Friday… and we can make a whole weekend out of it.”

Addie jumped up from the table and did a fist pump into the air. “THAT IS AWESOME!!” she screamed out. “I have to make invitations and tell my friends. How many people can I have over?” She was like a whirlwind of activity and she was making my head spin… that didn’t stop me from eating though.

Siarra laughed, like a belly deep laugh. She was laughing so hard a tear leaked from her eye and she had to take off her glasses. Her eyes met mine and fuck me, but that look gripped me by the balls. Her blue eyes twinkling with delight and her smile wide showing off her bright straight white teeth. Beautiful fucking bitch if I ever saw one.

“Woah. We need to get ready for school. How about you hold that off for a day and we can plan everything over dinner. Then, we can make the invitations before bed. How’s that sound?” she asked.

Addie smiled and ran over and smothered Siarra in a hug. Neither of their smiles went away. Addie looked at me and her smile faltered what the fuck? “Sy, is that ok?” she asked.

I shrugged. “Well I’m not a girl and I never went to slumber party, but it sounds fun.” I submitted even though I knew fuck all about that. “This is Siarra’s house and she said it was fine, so I’m good with it.”

Siarra’s eyes flew to mine and her entire body and face softened. I liked that look; like I can go over there and have my wicked way with her anyway I wanted. “It’s absolutely perfect.” She said never leaving my gaze.

I couldn’t help the smile that formed on my face in return. “Will you help?” Addie asked making her way to me, placing her elbows on the table to hold up her head so she was practically in my face.

I cringed. “I uh….” I put down my fork to grip the back of my neck. “I can try…” I offered. I had no clue what the fuck helping even meant so I was instantly nervous.

She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck, her crazy curls falling all over my face. My heart felt like it was going to explode, and I felt warm and shit inside. It was weird, but I heard about this feeling before, and the fact I got it for Addie made it all worth it. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close into me. I haven’t been hugged like this in a fuck of a long time and it felt good. When she pulled back she squealed again and ran off as she announced she was grabbing her stuff for school.

I caught Siarra’s eye. “Thank you.”

She frowned. “For what?” she asked confused.

“For making her happy.” I confessed. There was something about my daughter that can damn sure humble me.

She sniffed, and her eyes watered up again. She got out of her seat and came around to me and wrapped her arms around me. I pushed out my chair and let her have her way, hugging me hard. I wrapped my arms around her, not quite as tight as I did with Addie. When she didn’t let go immediately, everything came into focus. I was sitting down in my chair and she was standing leaning down. Her breasts were practically pressed against my chin, arms around me, and her head laying against mine. I got a whiff of her scent… some sort of strawberry and something else I couldn’t place.

I couldn’t help myself. I loosened my hold on her and leaned my head back until her face was leveled with mine, and then I took her mouth. It was soft and quick, not nearly enough to satisfy me but enough to ease the urge to have her. She sucked in a sharp breath and when I moved to look at her, her eyes were closed, and her lips puckered.

“Ready!” a voice called from behind me, and just like that the spell was broken. My chair scraped as I hurriedly scooted it back. All the while Siarra leaped back like I was a snake.

“I’ll be ready in a second.” I announced as I got up from the table. I threw on a t-shirt and went back to the kitchen and transferred my food to a paper plate before heading out the door.

Addie and Siarra were already at my truck waiting for me and I made sure I didn’t drop any food as I walked and ate. “You’re not serious.” Siarra stated in amusement.

I arched an eyebrow. Did this woman not understand the importance of a meal? “As fucking cancer.” I hit the button to unlock the doors. “Get in the car, I’ll be done I two minutes.” I announced.

I scarfed the food down in one and a half. I was going to have some serious heart burn after that, but it was totally worth it. I hopped in the car and handed the empty plate to Siarra.

Addie began chuckling from her seat in the back. “Sy, that was sick. Nobody eats food like that, you’re like a beast.” She exclaimed.

I shrugged. “I’m a growing man; I gotta make sure I eat.” I told her.

“So. Awesome.” She exclaimed.

I can’t lie; my daughter was an amazing creature. She was totally something else these days. She used to be this closed off, scared and quiet yet resilient girl… and I leave her to this fucking hellion and she’s acting like a goddamn girl now to my dismay. It’s fucked up, but I think I preferred her quiet. I’ve been with enough bitches to know what they can turn into and God fucking help me, I am going to need a never-ending supply of bullets in this lifetime to keep shit in line.






Oh, em, gee. This is insane.

I mean, I get it. This sexy, tatted, muscular, hot… did I mention insanely sexy man was here. I usually drop her off and he picks her up, I’m going to assume that these house wives I encounter in the morning who usually scowl at me had a similar setup.

All the people who turned their noses up and never spoke to me suddenly knew who I was. That was because they were checking out the cement block of a man next to me who was currently holding the other usually unoccupied hand of Addie’s when I dropped her off. I don’t care what the world thinks. I’m not supposed to take it personally, but I do.

Oh, let me correct you. I don’t care about the fake attention, I care about the source. I saw his eyes wander a few times and I felt ready to claw somebody’s eyes out – including his – on the spot. How dare they? I couldn’t openly ogle him, and I had to deal with being in his presence damn near every day, I mean now he’s living with me! That was not fair, and they all need to back off. If I can’t have him, none of these married heffas even has the right to imagine it.

We had just deposited Addie off at her classroom when thee fucking soccer mom approached. You know the one that runs the pack of snooty moms. It wasn’t like they didn’t know I was a librarian and she wasn’t my daughter and her history. They still turn they nose down towards her and I’m happy as all heck Addie didn’t befriend any of their kids.

She walked up to Psycho and totally ignored me. “Are you really that girl Addilyn’s father?” she asked.

He tensed but she didn’t notice. “Yes.”

“Oh well, I’m Miranda… I’m head of the PTA. We just think it’s absolutely adorable to see you with her.” She gushed batting her lashes.

I stepped forward. “We? You mean you and your husband?” I asked. Sue me, I was mad.

   She scowled at me. “You’re the librarian, right?” she meant it to be demeaning but I was proud of it, so she could suck it.

“Yep, that would be me.” I confirmed.

She looked me up and down and rolled her eyes returning her attention to Psycho. “In any event, we would just love it if you join the next PTA meeting.”

He gripped the back of his neck and I wanted to laugh. He was getting annoyed and the way he was fidgeting said he was uncomfortable. “I uh…” he looked over to me, stressed. I gave him a blinding smile in return and he narrowed his eyes. “I’ll see… Sia?” he asked.

Woah, the earth has moved. He never called me by my nickname, he must be really desperate. “Yes?” I asked sweetly.

“We going to go to this PTA thing?” I smothered a laugh because I’m positive he had no idea what that was. He was way in over his head right now.

Miranda looked offended. “Oh, she’s not a parent so she isn’t needed. This is more for concerned and involved parents.”

Alright. Ok. Fine. Yep. “Excuse me?” I asked.

She sniffed. “You’re not her parent, you don’t belong there.” She turned her attention back to Psycho and flipped her hair before pushing her breast forward a tad. Slut. “But he is. So, what do you say? I’ll even accompany you to show you the ropes.” She eyed him up and down slowly and licked her lips.

Who was she talking to and who the heck was she looking at like that? “I don’t need to be her parent; I’m a concerned adult that is very present in her life. So unfortunate for you, I do count. Second, you don’t need to show him anything. He’s a grown man and if he was curious he’d just ask me.”

She cocked an eyebrow in challenge. “I highly doubt that. Why would he? I mean, no offense honey – “

I shook my head. “Anytime you lead a statement with no offense, you’re going to offend them. And I’m going to warn you now honey… my patience is gone.”

She continued on with her statement like I hadn’t spoken. “You’re not in our class. You just don’t quite fit in. I mean let’s be realistic here, you don’t stand a chance with…” her gaze ate him up again.  “That.

Oh yea, snap. How dare this woman? “Exactly what class do you consider yourself in hmm? The club of housewives who depend on their man to work and take care of them while they spend the day drooling over a man that doesn’t quite care if you exist? I don’t want to fit in with you, why would I? So, I could get a man like him?” I asked jabbing my thumb in Psycho’s direction, just as he wrapped an arm around my middle drawing me back against him. “So, you want to be realistic, Miranda?” I sneered at her. “Why the hell would I need your help honey? He’s had his tongue so far down my throat I’m pretty sure he could draw my tonsils.”

She scoffed, but her face gave her away. Confusion and doubt. “You see this?” I said indicating his arm wrapped protectively around me. “Do you really think I need your help? I think I’ve got this.” I totally didn’t, but what they don’t know won’t kill me.

“Seriously, he’s just – “

I was over this. “He’s nothing. You don’t know him, and I will tell you no he doesn’t want to fuck you. Know why? Because I will kill him in his sleep if he even thinks it.” I felt his chest vibrate in laughter behind me, so I spun around on him. I was deadly serious. “And I would think twice about laughing or tempting me if I were you. Next time you climb in my bed, I’ll be burying your body in the back yard.”

He sucked in his lips trying to contain his laughter. “Ok, this is what I mean. This is not suitable behavior.” Miranda scolded. “Talking about your slutty ways in the middle of the hallway at an elementary school. Have some class.”

I think she was more pissed because she assumed I’d had him already. I wish girl, I really do. Psycho’s grip on me loosened and I took that opening and advanced on her. “Listen here, you better watch it. I would stick my foot so far up your ass right this second, but I won’t because that huge as fuck head of yours is in the way.”

Psycho cursed behind me and he took a step back and I took one forward. She went pale and then Psycho was there grabbing my arms and pulling me flush against him. This time, he wrapped an arm around my shoulders in a position of a chokehold and the other around my stomach. “Alright there thug life. I’m going to need you to chill the fuck out.”

When he had me pinned with no way to move she opened her mouth, but Psycho spoke first. “Look, I don’t know what this was all about… but Siarra is a part of Addie’s life. If she’s not invited because you don’t think she’s good enough than neither am I. Simple.”

I melted into him, some of my fight leaving me. He was standing up for me that was something. Miranda looked on confused. “Oh, well… I guess. But I still wouldn’t mind you know getting together sometime to show you the ropes.” She said.

I growled, honest to God growled. Psycho moved his arm so that his hand was flat on my stomach and he began to slowly rub it like he was calming or satisfying a dog. “If you didn’t already hear what she said, that might not be a good idea. I don’t want her to kill me in my sleep.”

She frowned. “You’re with her?” she asked.

“No.” I wanted to deck him for being honest.

I turned around in his arms and peeked up at him. When he met my eyes, I pouted, and he fought a smile. Then I cheated, I stuck my tongue out at him. I felt the instance change in his body and he leaned down until his mouth was by ear. “What’re doing?” he asked.

I shrugged. “What do you mean?”

“I keep telling you about that fucking tongue.” He threatened.

I rolled my eyes. “Promises, promis – “

His mouth was on mine and he wasn’t gentle. Everything was forgotten, and I melted into him enjoying the way his tongue took over my mouth. A throat cleared, and he pulled back. Oh my, his eyes were heated like he was ready for me now.

“This is not the right time or place for that.” Miranda said.

She was still here? Alright I take it back; I will totally stick my foot in that rear end of hers. I spun around and began stalking towards her and then I was upside down. “Alright ruffian, it’s time to go. I have to get you to work before you end up reading those books in jail instead.”

I began squirming and trying to get free, all the while he just trotted down the hallway like this was normal. “Put me down!” I muttered through gritted teeth. His response was to spank my butt. He was so going to pay for this.