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The McKenzie Ridge Series Book Bundle: Complete with books 1-5 by Stephanie St. Klaire (121)

Working as first responders and in the medical field provided inconsistent schedules that often made getting together as a group difficult. Sure, this group of friends spent a lot of time together through their individual jobs and when time allowed, here and there, but as a whole, it wasn’t as frequent as they would each like. A couple of weekends a month, they managed to get everyone together – these were the times they cherished most. It’s what made them a family.
It was common for the ladies in this group to head up the town committees for all things celebratory. From the annual spring carnival to their yearly Christmas bazaar, they tended to handle it all. When Beck McCain broke ground as the primary donor for the McCain Cardiology and Neurological Critical Care wing at McKenzie General Hospital, the ladies were quick to jump on that as well.
The previous fall, they had quite the scare when Lou Shaw nearly lost her life to a major heart attack that also led to a stroke. McKenzie General wasn’t prepared for such emergencies, so Beck, with all his money and influence, brought in specialists and equipment to facilitate her care and recovery. There was a great need for such care, so Beck was the first to toss in a handful of millions to make sure that anyone in the surrounding area, who had such an emergency or health crisis, didn’t have to go far from home.
The hope was to make it easier to recover and easier for families. He also provided funds to keep the specialists he brought in on staff so they could contribute to the facility’s planning as well as help others while the wing was being built. A project like that would typically take years, but Beck McCain’s money made it happen in less than a year. When you had Beck McCain money, shit just got done faster.
Beck McCain had been staying in McKenzie Ridge when he had an accident and lost his memory. After months of searching for answers, and falling for local cop, Morgan Jameson-McCain, he found his memory. He also found himself in the middle of a menacing scheme where his best friend was trying to do him in and steal his millions. Beck McCain was filthy rich.
Though they were still months away from opening, the basic structure was nearly done – a single level wing, attached to the main hospital, that had not only room for top notch technology and care but also specialty rehabilitation rooms for future patients. Through Lou’s ordeal, and with the help of the two doctors Beck McCain brought in to oversee her care, McKenzie was about to open the most modern, technologically advanced facility the small rustic town could claim.
The ladies were planning a celebratory open house, of sorts, for the donors and residents to tour the facility, see the future plans, and receive thanks for their great deeds and contributions. They were off to a good start, finding simplicity as the key to a successful event – catering, facility tours, and light music for mingling.
Gathered at Pinecrest Ranch, Morgan Jameson’s place, for a big family barbeque and general family shenanigans, the men tended to the children, Blake giving them rides on the horse and buggy as promised earlier in the week, while the women gathered around the large outdoor table, tossing ideas around and delegating various tasks to get ready for the open house.
Three of the women were very pregnant, all due anytime. Jessie couldn’t help but notice how often they each rubbed their pregnant bellies as if to bring them good luck. Everly was the fourth but had recently had her baby boy. All that rubbing was what probably got them in that situation to begin with, she thought.
“I think that’s everything, ladies,” Meg said as their self-appointed chair committee leader. “You all know what to do – now, let’s move on to our next item on the agenda…gossip.
“Here! Here!” several said in unison.
Sam neatly slid a handful of papers into a folder and said, “This is going to be a great gathering. I think everyone will have a good time, especially the donors.”
Everly Shaw-Charles stood and handed her newborn son, RJ, to Jessie. “Here, hold him. He’s finally done eating, and I have to pee like a race horse.”
“Why me? I don’t like them this little. Give him to one of the moms…” Jessie fired back, her hands up in the air in surrender.
Evie looked around. “They’re eating.”
“And I’m…drinking a beer.” Jessie smiled, while cracking open a cold one.
“Jessie…” Everly scolded with her already perfected mom voice.
“What? Shit, they’re always eating,” she said, placing her beer on the table and begrudgingly extending her arms for the baby hand off. Under her breath, she said with an eye roll, “And, it’s starting to show.”
“They’re pregnant, you asshat,” Everly deadpanned, referring to Sam, Megan, and Morgan who was carrying twins.
“That is not my problem; that would be all of their fault,” Jessie said, tossing her thumb toward the crowd of men in the distance.
Everly draped a blanket over Jessie’s shoulder. “He still needs to burp. Be a good aunt and get that to happen.”
Despite her reluctance, Jessie held the baby close and breathed in his sweet baby scent. Her heart skipped a beat and melted a bit when the little guy snuggled in, nuzzling his way into her neck.
Trying not to smile and show the emotion that precious bundle provoked, she said, “Where’s his baby daddy? You’ve had the kid attached to your boob since you got here. Those things are gonna fall off if you aren’t careful.”
“His father, my husband, is right over there, playing with the other boys and kids… You call him over, and they’ll all come, so you’re warned,” Everly cautioned.
Dramatic eye roll engaged, Jessie asserted, “I guess I’m babysitting. Hurry up and pee.”
Snickers rose around the table, each of the women trying to cover their smirks.
“What? Why are you all staring at me?” Jessie questioned, looking down her front to make sure the baby hadn’t had an accident on her.
“You look good with a baby, Jess,” Meg volunteered.
“Suck it, Fancy Pants,” she quickly fired back as if she had been threatened.
Never taking Jessie and all of her abruptness seriously, Meg continued, “I’m just saying, you and Blake would make pretty babies!”
“Me and who? What the hell is wrong with you?” Jessie scolded, “It’s like you’re asking for a black eye. I’ll hit a pregnant chick, Princess.”
“Sure, you will. Just like you hate babies and all things sweet. You’ve kissed his little head like eight times in the past two minutes.” Meg snickered. “You’re super tough.”
“Honey, we all know his SUV has been seen in front of your house at night and still there the next morning,” Granny Lou added to the argument.
“Oh, my God, and you think… You think we’re…” Jessie couldn’t finish a sentence, shocked at their nosey assessment. “Me and Blake? Is that all you guys think about? No wonder you’re all preggo. You need new hobbies.”
“You and Blake what?” Came a deep voice from behind her. Great , Blake , she thought.
Trying not to show that he startled her or gave her chills – the good kind – Jessie tried to get him on her team, “Oh, they think we’re trying to make babies because that’s all they do. I’m just telling them your truck is always at my house because you’re stalking and harassing me.”
“Stalking and harassing?” he questioned with surprise.
Pleased that she was quick to get under his skin, she continued, “Did I stutter?”
“You called me, remember?” he grinned.
Oh, well played , she thought, “I called you because you’re the police, jackass.”
“Whoa, police?” Evie asked, returning to the group. She sat down, leaving the baby with Jessie. “Why did you need the police?”
The men had gathered around, leaving the kids in the grass just off the deck, playing with everyone’s dogs. When Doc Charles plopped down next to his wife, Everly, he earned a raised eyebrow and dirty look from Jessie.
“Um, your baby?” she said snidely.
Doc shrugged with a smug smile before he leaned over and kissed his wife. “Eh. You’re doing fine. Besides, he looks comfy.” Doc grabbed a celery stick from the vegetable tray and took an obnoxious bite out of it before he threw Jessie a taunting wink.
“There’s something wrong with you. And stop kissing her. That’s where these come from,” she said, pointing to the fidgeting baby on her shoulder. “I shouldn’t have to tell you that, Doctor.”
Colton turned his chair around next to his wife, Meg, so it was facing backward, and straddled it. “What’s with needing a cop, Jess?”
Colton and Jessie were partners at the Fire House, belonging to the same engine, and had been for years. Both started within weeks of each other and had been together ever since. In fire, they didn’t necessarily work in partners, like police, or even paramedics; they worked in crews. Jessie and Colton tended to work as partners, though, helping and taking care of each other over the years.
Attempts to distract from the subject at hand failed, and Jessie wanted to slug Blake for even giving in to the conversation when the ladies brought it up. They were all close and took care of each other through everything, and Jessie loved that about her people. They were also nosey sons of bitches and acted like dogs on a bone when anything seemingly exciting came up.
“I had a break-in the other day, and they, uh…built a fire…in my fire pit…out back,” she said, downplaying the entire ordeal. “No big deal. It was nothing.”
“What on earth?” Lou was the first to chime in, tossing Jessie a knowing look.
“It was probably just a prank or something,” Jessie tried to offer as an appeasement.
“Then, why the cop guarding you ever since?” Colton asked, skeptical of her answer.
“Because this guy likes to sit in his car all night and stare at my house. He’s creepy like that.” Jessie shrugged, hoping that if she acted like it was no big deal, they would, too. She didn’t want any of them within a mile of her troubles. It was bad enough Blake was getting too close.
“Creepy? Now I’m creepy?” Blake knew she was trying to draw them off topic but wasn’t letting her off easy. “Creepy is breaking in someone’s house and starting a fire. And I’ll say it again, in case everyone missed it. You called me.”
“God, you keep saying that. Want a cookie or something, big guy?” Jessie fired back. “Of course, I called. There was a break-in. I didn’t think you’d beat your chest and piss all over the place like a dog marking his territory. Now, you need a hobby.”
“Oh! I almost forgot!” Lou said, tossing a heap of fabric to Blake. “Got that for ya.”Blake opened it up, spreading it out. “What is it?”
“It’s a sling,” she said, with surprise. “For your bitch.”
All eyes turned to Jessie as they all snickered. “She means his dog, assholes. I’m not his…bitch.”
Lou adopted an overweight dachshund from Colton, named Moonshine. When Doc Bain, the town vet, told her to take him for walks, she put him in a sling to carry him cross-body on her hip and did all the walking for him. Her dog was still overweight, but she was in great shape and thought everyone needed a doggy sling.
“You sure, Jess? Might make kickin’ my balls a little easier,” Blake fired back.
The baby stirred and began to fuss, likely sensing her angst and mood change. Jessie stood, turning her attention to the kids and said, “I’m getting an ice cream. Who wants one?”
When all the kids cheered, they quickly surrounded her, ready to follow her inside. She handed the baby to Blake after kissing his soft sweet head and said, “Since you like to hover. Make yourself useful.”
Baby RJ quickly settled into Blake, high on his shoulder. At six feet and a handful of inches, covered in muscles, his wide shoulders provided a comfortable place for RJ to cuddle and a heart melting scene for women everywhere. There was nothing sweeter, or hotter, than a hunky man’s man cuddling a tiny baby.
When Jessie felt that warm flutter brewing and ache for something so sweet, she pushed the unwelcome emotions aside as she often did. This wasn’t the time or place to reconcile the feelings Blake and babies stirred in her. She would likely catch a case of swollen baby belly if she thought about it too much.
“He’s sucking on his fist; I think he’s hungry again. Ev, make sure our always a hero over here doesn’t try to save your tits and feed the baby himself.” Jessie had to end on a high note.
Muted giggles and snorts surrounded them, but Blake’s smirk said he wasn’t done with Jessie. “So, I’m your hero, huh? Makes sense since you called me.
With a final word on the matter, not to be outdone, Jessie finished with, “Oh, Blake. We’re surrounded by three nurses, two EMT’s, hell even a doctor – yet you still have that stick up your ass. Totally my hero.”
With jaws dropped all around in surprise, Jessie gave herself a mental high five and headed inside the house, kids in tow.
“All of you inside, quickly,” she said then turned to Blake and blew him a kiss before flipping him off for good measure.
“At least, she made sure the kids didn’t see this time.” Sam shrugged between bites of whatever was left on Dawson’s plate. “She’s catchin’ on.”