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The McKenzie Ridge Series Book Bundle: Complete with books 1-5 by Stephanie St. Klaire (51)

Chapter 25
Mumbling in the distance began to distract Megan from her thoughts. He knew. He knew everything, but how. She was so careful, covered her tracks at every turn, just as she was told to. If Colton knew, did the rest of them know? They all must hate her. She’d lied. She was a complete fraud, and now they were all in danger because of her carelessness. She should have left months ago.
The mumbling became louder, so many different voices, but she couldn’t quite make out who it was or what they were saying. Her body began to move but not voluntarily. She felt his hands, Colton’s hands, on her. Only his touch could warm her to her core and leave her with chilling goose bumps at the same time.
Confusion faded, and reality took over, reminding her of where she was and what happened. Her eyes shot open, and she gasped for air as she sat up, remembering the mob of footsteps charging in. She needed to run, but firm hands held her still while his voice washed over her, calming her.
Colton had her in his arms…the mumbling had been him. Unsure of what just happened, she scanned the room and found that they weren’t alone. Dawson, Carigan, Blake and Evie were scattered around the room, all eyes on her, their faces reflecting their concern.
“Easy, honey, are you okay?” Colton asked, a look of trepidation hanging from his troubled stare.
Her heart stung knowing she had caused him such pain. The only man she ever loved. The only man she would love, yet she threw his heart to the ground before stepping on it, breaking it in to scattered pieces.
“I…I think so? What happened? I heard them coming… I thought…” She took in the confused looks, realizing the invasion wasn’t the threatening presence she thought it was but just their friends.
Why were they there, she wondered? She looked down, acknowledged she was sitting on the couch, but Jax was no longer in her arms. Panic rose again at his absence. She quickly moved from Colton’s sturdy grip, attempting to get away and find her nephew.
“Jax!” She yelled. Colton once again came to her aid, wrapping her in his embrace.
“Shhhh, shhh, it’s okay, baby. He’s safe! He’s safe!” he assured.
As if on cue, Jessie rounded the corner, Jax on her hip with hands full of cookies, along with Granny Lou, her own hands filled with plated cookies. Not sure what struck her as more odd, Jessie holding a child and smiling, or a room full of their friends in the midst of her crisis and great escape, she turned to Colton for answers.
He smiled his warm comforting smile that somehow, despite imminent danger, put her instantly at ease. Morgan walked in, trailing Jessie and Lou, with a serving tray covered with mugs and what appeared to be a carafe of coffee.
“Well, look who is awake!” she said with a smile, offering her the first mug. “Hot chocolate?”
Megan took the mug, thoroughly stumped by the kindness and generosity, given what she had done to all of them. She smelled the warm, chocolaty drink and glanced at it, noticing the marshmallows floating around.
“Don’t worry, sweetie. It’s safe. We’re the good guys, honey!” Morgan joked with a wink before passing out drinks.
“You passed out. I know I call you Princess, Priss Pants, and Fancy Pants, but don’t you think the Sleeping Beauty act is a bit dramatic? Even for you?” Jessie teased, offering a small grin. “I refuse to call you that, it’s just too ridiculous.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I had. Wow, this has been a real shit day!” Megan proclaimed, emphasis on the shit .
Granny Lou and Jessie high-fived each other at the use of foul language, even if it was fairly minor. “Appears we’re rubbing off on her. She even used it correctly!” Lou joked, causing a group chuckle.
The front door abruptly opened, sending everyone to their feet, Colton and Blake standing in front of Megan while Morgan and Dawson stood in front of Jessie, who was still holding Jax. Sam walked through the door, arms loaded with groceries and kids in tow, confused not only by the unexpected group but the reaction to her entrance.
“I guess I should have bought some more food?” she said.
Nancy watched the three children play in the spare room that had become Jax’s while the adults finally settled around the living room.
“Blake, tell us why you called us all here. The suspense is starting to wear on me,” Carigan said, starting the dialogue.
“Yeah, you said it was urgent, so what gives? If you wanted some of Gran’s cookies, you would’ve just stopped by, which tells me this is serious?” Evie offered.
Blake looked to Megan, then Colton, and proceeded with a nod from Colton.
“It turns out we have a little trouble in town…after one of our own,” he confessed, gaining everyone’s undivided attention.
“Blake, please, I can’t let you all get involved. It’s too dangerous. I’m not dragging you all in to this, please?” Begging with Blake to spare their group, Meg choked back the tears trying to accumulate.
“Too late now – this is what we do. So, who is going to fill us in? From the looks on your faces, I’m guessing Morgie knows, obviously Sparks, and since Blake called, he’s the ring leader. Dish, sweetheart!” Evie said while stuffing another snicker doodle into her mouth.
“Wow, Nancy Drew, great detective work!” Jessie teased with an eye roll, earning her a shot to the head with a pillow, compliments of Everly.
“Now, now, girls, play nice. None of you are too old to put over my knee! Blake, honey, what’s all this fuss about? You have about another 10 minutes of my guaranteed attention!” Gran negotiated as she pulled a flask from her purse, pouring a shot into her hot chocolate.
Blake gave her a stern look before turning his attention to Everly. With just the raising of his brows, she put both hands in front of her and said, “I take responsibility for the old woman! I drove her here. I’ll drive her home!”
“Oh, fuck-stix, who you callin’ old, little lady?” Gran countered with a scolding tone, shaking her finger at her granddaughter, Everly. “This here’s just for medicinal purposes!” she finished with heavy emphasis on medicinal.
“Darn rheumatism is actin’ up. Snows comin’.” She shrugged and took a healthy swig of her doctored hot chocolate, passing her flask to Jessie.
After a quick use, Jessie tossed the flask back into Lou’s oversized purse, witch probably held everything a person would ever need to survive in the wilderness for a week. Jessie took a big gulp of her own doctored hot chocolate before looking to Blake with a smug smile.
“Okay, looks like I have Granny 2.0 over there. You’re not driving Jessie,” Blake scolded.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Captain America. So what are we here for? What’s up with Fancy Pants?” Jessie replied.
Blake sat, hands folded together out in front of him with elbows resting on his knees. He looked down, let out a deep sigh, contemplating where he should begin.
Megan put a hand on his shoulder and said, “I should tell them. It should come from me, at least, the part I know?” she said with a slight smile to assure him she could do this.
Colton’s protective instincts rolled through him. He sat taller, his grip firmer, and he asked, “Are you sure? You aren’t alone in this anymore…you don’t have to.”
“I do, Colton. They need to hear my part from me. Then, they can decide from there what they think of me and if they want to be involved.” Megan firmly stated, regaining some of her confidence.
“Holy shit! Priss Pants has a secret! I friggin’ knew it! Rob a bank or shoot someone?” Jessie half yelled, almost excited that Megan had something less than perfect about her.
“Jessie! Let her talk, for land’s sake!” Carigan scolded, her Irish tendencies flaring. “Go ahead love. What’s your trouble?’
Megan gave Colton one last look, finding the confidence she needed to bravely say what she hadn’t said out loud to another soul. Her secret was nearly free, and its consequences certain. She was fearful of what was to come, but primarily her fears resided in this room. Disappointing those she’d come to love as her own would be her greatest challenge to overcome yet. A squeeze of her hand from Colton raced through her. It was now or never…never no longer an option.
She took a deep, cleansing breath and said, “My name is Trinity Prescott.”