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Too Hard to Resist (Wherever You Go) by Bielman, Robin (19)

Chapter Nineteen


“Yes,” Madison says quietly.

It’s the best goddamn “yes” I’ve ever received, but— “Are you sure?”

Intense blue eyes, fragile, yet stronger than she gives herself credit for, meet my gaze. “That you asked me that makes me even surer.”

“We can’t go back.”

“I know.”

Moving my hand back to her cheek, my body tightens when she tilts her head into my touch. The kind of trust Madison gives is beyond anything I’ve experienced before. It’s potent. Rare. I’ve never felt like I held a woman’s entire body and soul in my palm like I do right now, and I silently vow to protect this girl’s heart no matter what.

The workings of the female heart are immensely complicated to say the very least, though, and I’m certainly no expert. I rub my thumb over her bottom lip, then lift my hand away.

Madison grabs my wrist, eyes still locked with mine. “I want this.”

My own heart beats heavily inside my chest.

“I want you,” she adds.

No matter the consequences, I want her, too.

I know I shouldn’t do this.

I know it’s stupid. Dangerous.

But I’m going to do it anyway.

“I can’t wait a second longer to kiss you, Madison.”

“Then only wait half a second.”

I wrap my arm around her waist and lay her back on the couch. She complies easily, scooting down so she’s lying flat underneath me. She stares up into my eyes with such trust it almost steals my breath. Madison isn’t some girl I’m hooking up with. She means something to me, and if we only have this weekend, I want to make every moment special for her. I toss the pillows off the couch to give us more room.

“Your idea of a second and mine are very different.” She wraps her arms around my neck to bring me closer. “I’m way past it.” The sultry sound of her whisper drives me to action.

I position my elbows on the sides of her head and crash my mouth to hers. Soft, pliant lips open underneath mine. She tastes like coffee and cinnamon. Her small, wet tongue tangles with mine and it’s good.

Beyond good.

I like to kiss, but this is a whole other level of kissing. Her eyes flutter closed. So do mine. We kiss.





Tight sounds of more pour out from the back of her throat.

What I’m doing is wrong for several reasons, but it’s right for one: Madison is melting underneath my attention.

She gently rakes her fingers through my hair, cranking up my nerve endings in an unexpected and awesome way.

I move my hips against hers. She wraps one leg around mine, bringing me tighter. My cock grows stiffer as she makes no secret of grinding against me. I love this assertive side of her, this feisty part she normally holds back. I slide my hand down her side and underneath her sweater. She lifts her arms above her head. Perfect. I’m dying to get her clothes off, too. I release her mouth and pull the sweater up and off.

She shivers as I take a minute to enjoy the view. The white lace bra is one of those half-cup styles, putting the swell of her breasts on amazing display. My mouth waters. Seriously waters like I’ve never seen a pair of tits before. It’s true I’ve never seen any wrapped so pretty. The lilac straps are velvet, and the same velvet trims the cup. There’s a tiny lilac bow in the center. I will never look at another bow again and not think of Madison.

Tu es la plus belle chose que j’ai jamais vue,” I say.

She sighs. “I love when you speak French.”

“That’s why I did it.”

“What did you say?”

“That you’re the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen. Have I mentioned I love how you dress?”

“Not really.”

“I do. Every day you come to work, I admire every sweet, sexy inch of you.”

“I like the way you dress, too. All business sexy.”

I grin. “Ever since Seattle, I’ve been picturing in vivid detail what you’re wearing under your clothes, too.”

“Today you don’t have to picture it.” She wiggles her hips, signaling her impatience. Normally, I’m not this patient, but I want our first time to be memorable for more reasons than I made her come with my fingers, mouth, and cock. That’s right. She’s getting the newly devised Sax Hat Trick this morning.

“I am anxious to see the rest of it.”

She kicks off her shoes. “I’m anxious for you to see it, too.”

I tug her leggings over her hips and down her legs. It’s like unwrapping the best present ever and discovering the something you’ve wanted for so long is even better than you imagined. There’s a freckle on her hip, and one on her inner thigh. At the sight of the lilac bow centered on her thong panties, I lose my shit and have to kiss her there.

Starting at her belly button, I drop a featherlight kiss. On contact, Madison sucks in a breath, presses her hands into the couch. I open-mouth kiss my way to the edge of lace and groan when I smell her arousal.

I lift up, tug her leggings the rest of the way off, and look my fill. The scar on her knee is pink, but small, a badge of pride by the comment she gave me about it. I’m staring at beauty that is so much more than skin-deep and give a silent thank-you for the gift.

Then I’m on her, lips, tongue, hands. I kiss her mouth, drinking in her sweetness while I clasp the edge of her bra, pulling it down until her nipple is exposed. I rub the pad of my thumb over it, feeling it tighten. Madison bucks against me, moans from the back of her throat.

I kiss down her neck, breathing her in, enjoying her hot skin. I reach behind her back to unclasp her bra. One flick and I’m able to pluck it off her body. Holy shit, her tits are gorgeous. Round and full with pale-pink nipples begging to be sucked.

So I do. She arches, giving me full access, and moans loudly.

“Do you like that?” I ask. I want to know everything that turns her on.

“Yes,” she answers breathlessly. “I can…I can…”

“You can what?” I move to her other beautiful, stiff nipple and suck.

“I can feel it between my legs.”

I’m happy to do something about that. While I continue to pass my tongue and lips over her nipples in equal time, I cup her over her panties and rub my thumb against her clit.

This earns me a louder moan. She bucks against my hand. Her wetness seeps through the thin material, making my dick impossibly hard. I slip a finger underneath the triangle. Feeling her bare pussy is hot as hell. She’s swollen and in need of release, because of me.

“Can I finger you? Would you like that?”

Her eyes fly open, mere inches from mine. They’re bluer than just minutes ago and full of lust and…uncertainty? “You can do anything you want to me,” she murmurs.

“That doesn’t answer my question. This isn’t about me. It’s about you, Mads.”

Embarrassment has her lashes sweeping down.

“Hey.” I touch my nose to hers, then give her an Eskimo kiss. “This is a no-shame zone. My entire house is, and for the next three days, I don’t want you holding anything back. I want you to share everything going on in that beautiful head of yours, or there will be consequences.” That last part is a joke.

Her throat moves as she swallows. “You mean like spanking?”

“Do you want me to spank you?” I ask with surprise. It’s not really my thing, but I’m game if that’s what she wants.

“No.” She couldn’t have a more adamant tone. I laugh softly.

I’ve gathered from our conversations that sex with her ex was very vanilla, and I’ve also sensed she wants more—within reason. I rub noses with her again. “There is no embarrassment in asking for exactly what you want so I can give it to you. If it’s something new, tell me. I’m yours to command until we discover what gets you off.”

She crosses her arm over her eyes. “I’ve never talked like this before.”

“Should I stop?” The idea of just fucking her doesn’t sit well, but if it’s all she wants…


I toy with the edge of her panties. “You have had an orgasm before, right?”

She drops her arm and gazes up at me with such vulnerability, I vow to make this weekend the best of her life. “Kind of. I mean yes, but nothing earth shattering or anything.”

Her ex is a piece of shit.

“I’m guessing he never fingered you to climax?”

She shakes her head.

“Did you ever come on his face?”

Another shake of her head. “He didn’t like oral.”

What the fuck? The guy is a unicorn. “You never gave him head?”

“I did. He just didn’t like to go down on me.” She thinks about that for a moment. “He probably did on other girls, though, right?”

My jaw clenches. Am I happy that Madison is untouched in so many ways that I can be her first? Yes. But I want to fucking use her ex’s face as a punching bag. “I’m going to say this once and then we’re moving forward, okay?”


“Your ex was a despicable human being and you should never think about him again. Starting right now, I’m going to show you how a real man acts toward a woman he cares about. If at any point I do something you don’t like, please tell me. And if I do something you really like, tell me that, too. Your body is incredible, Madison, and it’s a privilege to be the guy to show you what it can do.”

She blinks her agreement. I suspect she’s too emotional to speak given how sincerely charming I am.

I reclaim her mouth, this time starting with a gentle glide of my lips over hers. She immediately surrenders. And takes the initiative to slip her tongue inside my mouth, where I let her dictate how hard and fast she wants to kiss.

My hands are another story. One slips back inside her panties, while the other cups her tit, kneads it. I rub my thumb over her nipple. I work her back up, until she’s bumping and grinding, then slowly, I insert a finger inside her. She’s tight, warm, and so wet. She pushes into my hand, telling me she likes what I’m doing. I add a second finger. She moans some more before her breathing grows shallow. I break the kiss and sit up.

I nudge her legs apart and sit between them on my knees as I continue to work her pussy. I’m fascinated by her. Gaze down at her with reverence, happy I’m the guy who gets to make her orgasm. Her lips are swollen from our kisses. Her mouth is slightly open. Her firm tits barely move, but the muscles in her stomach visibly clench as I make her feel good.

She sighs in pleasure when I hit the right place inside her. I take my free hand, move her panties to the side, and stroke her clit. Her hips lift off the couch. “That feels so good,” she croons.

Two hands are always better than one.

I keep up the double dose of attention. She’s close. Her fingernails dig into the couch. She presses her shoulders back. Her chest rises and falls. “Oh my God, Elliot.”

“Let go for me, Mads. I want to hear you come.”

She peeks at me under heavy-lidded eyes. “You’re already watching me,” she says, like that should be enough.

“Almost the best view ever.”

“Almost?” she breathes out.

“Watching you come when my cock is buried deep inside your tight pussy will be the best.”

My dirty words work like I hoped they would. Madison clenches around my fingers and then she falls apart, coming hard, screaming unintelligible words through her orgasm.

I slowly withdraw my fingers. She watches me lick them clean, her eyes going wide. “Delicious, but I think I need a better taste.”


She bites her lower lip when I curl my fingers around the sides of her thong and tow the small piece of lingerie down and over her ankles. Then I hook her legs over my shoulders and bury my face in her pussy.

Her musky scent is intoxicating, but when she moans my name and threads her fingers through my hair, it’s electric. Tingles race down from my scalp to my dick. I latch on to her clit and suck, lick up and down her slit. She thrusts against my mouth, cups the back of my head, and holds me more firmly against her. I love that she’s taking what she wants from me.

“That feels amazing,” she says. “I can’t believe you’re going to make me come again.”

I had no doubt. I reach my arms up and massage her tits, scraping my thumbs over her nipples.

“Holy stairway to heaven,” she manages in between sexy-as-hell pants. “Don’t stop.”

No problem. I taste and tease, using my mouth and hands in tandem.

She starts to vibrate. Her legs squeeze my shoulders, while her hands keep my head in place. If I wasn’t so good at this, I’d probably need to come up for air, but Madison inspires more from me. I want to feel her come against my face, taste her sweetness directly on my tongue. Make her lose control at my ministrations. That no man has brought her pleasure like this sparks fire in my blood.

I keep at it until her body stiffens, until she’s screaming my name, and pressed firmly against me. Until she starts to float down, her body relaxing with satisfaction. She lets go of my head. Her hips sink into the couch.

Her cheeks are flushed, her body covered in a thin sheen of perspiration. She’s glorious. I could stare at her for hours.

Our eyes meet as I lower her legs. “I’m really, really glad I decided to come over and check on you,” she says.

“You have no idea how happy I am you did.”

“I’d like to make you happier.” She scrambles onto her knees and wavers when upright, reaching for the back of the couch for balance. “Whoa.”

“Careful.” I lift her into my arms and situate her on my lap. “Two orgasms will do that to you.”

The smile she gives me is pure bliss. “I didn’t know that until just now.” She drops her chin and buries her face in my chest. “And I can’t believe I’m completely naked in your arms right now, either.”

I kiss the top of her head. “Believe it, baby.” I get to my feet.

“Where are we going?” she asks.

“My bedroom. You’re due one more orgasm.”

She raises her head. “What?”

“It’s time for number three, only this time I’m coming with you.”