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Vnor (Aliens Of Xeion) by Maia Starr (4)

Chapter 4

Lieutenant Vnor Gin


She was the most stubborn female I had ever met, human or not. She constantly talked, even if we were in danger. She was driving me absolutely crazy. I had spotted the group heading toward us on the horizon, but she did not believe me. I realize that maybe the humans did not have the same vision capabilities that we Kynon had. Nonetheless, she should believe me and trusted me. But she was constantly questioning, over and over.


I knew that she was an intelligent human, but she wanted more from me. She wanted me to be friends; I wasn't looking for friends. I was on a mission, and right now that mission had changed from taking humans from Earth to my planet to finding the rest of the crew and humans and getting off of this unknown planet.


But when I saw the cyborgs, I knew we were in danger. I wasn't counting on this being a cyborg planet, but I knew that they were out there. It was just our luck that we had crashed on one of them. Now it was better to get out of sight than try to confront them or seek help from them. But getting to a safe place and hiding wasn't easy when I had a human female with me that made my blood boil.


Now I stood with my hand over her mouth trying to keep her silent. We did not move. But I did not know if this mattered at all. They could have heat x-ray capabilities going right through the walls to see heated bodies hiding within. But we could at least try.


“In here,” I heard a cyborg say at the end of the opening. I could feel the human female breathing harder against my hand. She was frightened. Suddenly a bright light was in our faces. I couldn't see the cyborgs, but they had found us.


“Two creatures in the cave. I have never seen the like of them before. One is blue, and one is pale,” the cyborg said. It was obviously talking into a radio. The response was, “Bring them out.”


“You two. Step this way. Do not shoot or you will be shot without question,” the cyborg waved the light at us.


“I will not shoot. We will come out peacefully,” I said. There was no point in trying to fight my way out. There were too many of them, and nowhere to go when we got outside anyway. I knew the human female wouldn't be able to keep up with me either. This was the only way to keep both of us alive. I took my hand off of Bridget and grabbed her hand. I let her toward the light and out of the cave. When we got out, there were twenty cyborgs standing with guns aimed at us.


“What are you? Where do you come from?” a cyborg came forward asking us. I could tell that he was the leader. His mechanical parts were a shiny chrome and seemed to be more polished than the others. He looked almost human, but with more machine than man.


“We do not mean any harm. We are only looking for a village with a transmission station and a port. My ship crashed on this planet with my cargo: this creature,” I said looking at Bridget.


The cyborg walked closer to us. He walked around us in a circle; he was sizing us up.


“What are you called?” he asked me.


“I am Lieutenant Vnor Gin. I am a Kynon from the planet Xeion,” I said.


“Xeion? I have never heard of this place. Nor have I heard of Kynon. How do I know that you tell the truth?” he asked.


“You don't. But why would I lie?”


“And what is this cargo? What are you called?” he looked at Bridget and put his finger on her arm. He slid it down her arm. I tensed up. I didn't like him putting his hands on my goods.


“Don't touch me,” she said with anger. I almost laughed at her bravery toward this cyborg.


“I have never seen anything that looks like you. I like the way you look. You are not a Kynon like him. You are almost like us, but different. There is no machine to you,” the cyborg said.


“That is because I am a human. I am not like you,” she said.


“Put them both in chains,” the cyborg said.


The group of cyborgs moveed towards us. I was angry, but there was no point in fighting. Cuffs were put around my wrists and ankles. The same was done to Bridget. But they didn't stop there.


“I am called K6R. What should I call you, human?” he said standing in front of her. Her wrists were clasped together in front of her.


“I am called Bridget.”


“Well, Bridget, I am very curious about how you look,” he said. As soon as he said it, he grabbed her shirt. She gasped. He pulled it up to her neck revealing her ample breasts. I thought that she would scream and protest but instead, she stood there, stone-faced. She had hatred in her eyes for him, but she did not move. She stood up tall and proud. My eyes moved directly to her breasts. She was beautiful, but I could not enjoy it. I was pissed off. How dare he treat my goods in such a way.


“Leave her alone,” I said.


“I will do what I like. This is now mine,” K6R said. He put his hand on one of her breasts. My blood boiled.


“Don’t touch her!” I shouted.


He took his hand off of her and looked at me. “This one is going to be a problem. I can already tell. Let’s take them back with us,” he said to his group of cyborgs. Then he lowered her shirt. I could tell that she was holding back her trembling response. I was impressed with her, and I was in rage with him.


“Move out!” K6R shouted.


Our chains were pulled on, and we were led down the rocks into the desert sand. Bridget was quiet. For the first time, she was quiet. I missed hearing her constant chatter, but something had changed inside of her. She was wounded, and I suddenly felt guilty for not protecting her. Damn this human, why did she have to find me? I would rather be going through this alone than having to protect a fragile human female. I could do it alone.