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Vnor (Aliens Of Xeion) by Maia Starr (81)



The hours went by, and I was a nervous wreck. There was a lot that I did not get to say to Jex. I would have told him that I know deep in my heart that I am more than just an agreement to him. I would tell him that it was obvious that he cared for me because he would not have continued to search for Hannah if he did not want to make me happy. This was the second time that this was happening to me. I didn't get to say a proper goodbye to Hannah when she left for the supply mission because I thought she would return. Now I wasn't able to say a proper goodbye to Jex either. It was driving me crazy.


“I heard the damn alien abandoned you,” I heard an annoying and familiar voice say behind me. I turned around to see Erick standing there with a black eye.


“Why won't you leave me alone, Erick? Why have you always giving me shit? I'm tired of it,” I said.


“Isn't it obvious? Because I've always had feelings for you, Hannah. I don't always know how to show you,” he said.


“Yes, your feelings have been obvious. But I thought I was obvious in telling and showing you that I do not feel the same way about you. Get the picture,” I said getting in his face.


“I don't believe that. I have always felt something between us. You were just denying your feelings,” he said.


“Yes, I am. I have been denying my feelings for a couple of days now. I should have admitted to myself and to him that I am in love with Captain Jex Kailen,” I said.


He looked at me with large eyes. “That alien scum! You too? You are a traitor to humankind. You are nothing but an alien slut,” he said.


I slapped him across the cheek. “He is more of a man than you will ever be,” I said and walked away. I felt good. I felt damn good. I had never stood up to Erick like that before because I was always scared of his power. He ran the colony, and I was always afraid that he would push me and Hannah out if I told him straight up that I did not like him. But now that wasn't going to happen. It was obvious that he was no longer in charge: that the Veruka were in charge of this human colony now.


I walked past the swimming pool that was covered in green moss around to the backside of the house where the ships were parked. I needed to find Lieutenant Baisen to see if he had heard any news. But just as I rounded the corner, I saw five ships coming toward us. I was in shock. As far as I knew, Jex had left with only one ship. Could this be the other Veruka that had taken Hannah?


I ran out to the line to stand beside everyone else looking in awe at the ships. They hovered over the colony.


“Look, there,” Lieutenant Baisen said to me pointing in the opposite direction of the five ships. One ship was coming to the colony over the water. That was my goal. My heart felt happy with joy. He was coming back. Had he found my sister?


The ship landed, and the door opened. Suddenly Hannah ran down the ramp onto the lawn.


“Hannah!” I shouted. I ran to her. Feeling her arms around me as I hugged her with everything that I had been waiting for.


“You are back. You are safe. I am so glad to see you, sister,” I said crying.


“I am so glad to see you as well. I have been so worried about you,” she said.


“I have been worried about you. You were the one that was out on the supply mission, never to return. Don't ever do that to me again,” I said pulling away from her hand and looking at her. “Are you hurt? Are you all right?” I said.


“I am fine. Just a little tired and exhausted from everything. Boy have I been on an adventure, sister,” she said.



“And I have a lot to tell you as well,” she said as she turned back toward the ship. As she did so, a very tall Veruka with brown hair and brown eyes came out of the ship. He was smiling at her. I knew that smile all too well.



“Yes, he rescued me. But I rescued him right back,” she said smiling. I looked into her eyes. My sister was in love.


“So you must be the infamous Helen?” the Veruka said as he came to my side and shook my hand.



“You owe me nothing. I would gladly give my life for her,” he said looking at her with admiration. I was shocked. The entire time I thought of my sister out there in the hostile environment alone, I never would've thought she was falling in love with an alien.




Just then, a group of people crowded us, putting their hands on Hannah patting her and welcoming her back. It was at this moment that I saw Jex standing behind Hannah and Edwards looking at me with a big smile on his face. My heart felt like it was going to explode seeing him there. I ran to him and threw my arms around him.


“Thank you. Thank you. I can't thank you enough. Thank you for bringing her back to me,” I said.


“I said that I would. I will always keep my promises to you, Helen. It was worth everything just to see the smile on your face right now. I like seeing you happy,” he said.





"Willow Springs!” I heard Hannah shout. I turned to her to see her standing on a chair. I was surprised.


"Although I did not complete a successful supply mission, it was only a small diversion. Because with the help of this Veruka and his fleet, they did read some abandoned houses and found an enormous amount of food!” She pointed to one of General Razook’s ships that had landed on the lawn. Veruka spilled out with boxes and boxes of food.


“In celebration, let's feast tonight! Let's have a bonfire! Let's celebrate and not be living in fear the way that we have been. It is no way to live. We deserve at least one night of happiness to pretend like Earth is as it was before the cyborgs. Let's eat!” she shouted.


I looked at her impressed. I had never seen her direct a crowd in my entire life. Whatever happened to her on her adventure had made her into a more confident woman. She looked at me and winked. I smiled. Damn, it was good to have her home. Now with two small Veruka armies, we could celebrate and light fires and be happy. We were more protected than ever. We would have the freedom to be ourselves and not be in fear, at least for one night.


An hour later, we were all feasting and having a great outdoor party, complete with wine. There were two small bonfires going. It made me think of the parties that this grand mansion probably had before the cyborg skating. I could see it all now: rich people and their extravagant parties.


I watched Hannah be happy with her Veruka. I was so happy that she had returned and was alive and well, and she was even in love. Then I remembered: she was at Willow Springs. Jex had found her for me. He had held up his end of the agreement, and I allowed him my end of the agreement. I found him standing around the fire with his lieutenant.





“I wish to speak to you in private. Maybe we can go into your large ship to your living quarters,” I said. He gave me a suspicious look.



I followed him onto the largest ship and down the long hallway to the back of the ship. He opened the door, and I was surprised at the luxury of his dwellings. It was a very large room with a large bed, table, sitting bench, and a washroom. It was perfect.


“Now what do you need to speak of that it requires this much secrecy?” he said.




“You returned my sister to me, as promised. You held up your end of the agreement. Now it is time that I hold up my end of the agreement,” I said taking steps toward him and putting my hands on his stomach. I felt his hard rock abs.


“Yes, your end of the agreement. How could I forget? You do owe me,” he said.




“Take this off, Captain. I am trying to hold up my end of the agreement,” I said playfully.


“Yes, as you desire, human,” he said as he unbuckled his belt and pulled it off. Then he pulled the tight pants down to his hips.



“That is what you do to me, human. The very sight of you makes my cock hard,” he said.




I grabbed his cock, wrapping both of my hands around it. He moaned and looked down at me. I smiled and then licked the tip of his staff. He moaned again. But I was not done. I licked him again and again with teasing licks. My whole body was on fire with lust. I was turned on knowing that I was driving him wild with my tongue.




“That’s hard to believe because I feel like I am going to cum already,” he whispered.


I looked up at him and then pushed his cock into my mouth. “Oh fuck!” he shouted.


Then I moved his cock in and out of my mouth as I held onto his hips. He was moaning and trembling underneath my touch. I was enjoying every moment of sucking on him, then stopping and teasing him before giving him more.


“Stop. I don’t think I can handle more, Helen. You have to stop,” he finally whispered.


I stopped and looked up at him. He grabbed my hands and pulled me up to my feet. He was breathing so hard, it was like he had just flown around outside. Then I had an idea.


“I want to see the dragon. I want the dragon to make love to me,” I said.




“Then you shall have it. Step back,” he said. I stepped as far back against the wall as I could in the small space. Then he stepped away.


He took off his boots and pants and stood there naked with his hard cock. Then in a flash and a blur, he shifted into the weredragon form I loved. His emerald wings stretched out, nearly touching each wall and then folded behind him. He looked up at him. His brown eyes filled with pride of what he was.



“Yes, that was the agreement. I was to make love to the dragon in exchange for finding my sister. Now you cannot say that I did not fulfill my end of the contract,” I said as I walked to him.




I pulled off the t-shirt I wore. I didn’t have a bra. Then I pulled off my boots and pants and stood naked in front of him.



I followed orders and pulled the ponytail out of my hair. Then I shook my head to let my hair fall around me.



I walked to him. He picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around his body. He kissed me as I held onto his neck. Jex laid me down on the edge of the bed, the very edge.



“What?” but before I could ask any more questions, he got to his knees and shoved his face between my thighs. “Oh god!” I shouted.


He was skilled. His tongue licked my wet slit up and down. He pressed against my sweet rosebud, making me scream in ecstasy. I was lost in the moment and never wanted it to end. The pulsing escalated, and I could barely warn him, “I’m cumming…” I whispered.

Then my body released a tremor, and another. I folded my legs around him. He moaned and licked me.


“How was that? Did I do it right?” he said as he came up from the floor.


“Yes, yes,” I could barely answer him. He picked me up and laid me down in the center of the bed.


“You wanted the dragon, and now you shall have the dragon. I shall have you; you are my human female,” he said as he hungrily kissed and devoured my breasts. I bit my lower lip as my body still enjoyed the intense orgasm moving through me. Then he pushed his cock inside of me. I shouted with joy at the feeling. He moaned and groaned and continued to push inside of me, deeper, and deeper.



“I only want to be deep inside of you, Helen,” he whispered. I didn’t know if he was committing himself to only me, but I liked the idea. It made me happy. I looked at him hovering over me. His strong glittering chest and abs moved over me. Emerald wings stretched out behind him, making me fully grasp the fact that I was fucking an alien weredragon. It was so taboo and hot, and it only made me feel filthy and naughty. It turned me on more and more, the more that I looked at him. He was a beautiful creature, and I was a human.


Then I felt the familiar feeling building up inside of me again. I was so sensitive that I was already on the brink when he entered me. But now I could not hold back. “Fuck, I’m going to cum again, Jex. I can feel it,” I said.



“Oh fuck. Yes, yes,” I shouted as I released into orgasm again. He moaned in response as he moved faster and faster. I was so wet, his cock slid in and out of me with ease. I could hear his breathing growing faster and harder. His groans were becoming beastly. The dragon was getting ready to blow. He growled again and again as he moved his hips, swaying them in a rocking motion. His abdomen tensed. He let out a loud growl as he released. I put my hands on his sides, feeling his muscles. His wings spread out behind him, stretching out. Then he stopped moving, and they folded behind him.


His weight collapsed on top of me as we both tried to catch our breath. I was feeling an intense amount of joy filling me. My loins were on fire with the heat of our lovemaking and I was already ready for another round.




“I am not sure I have fulfilled the agreement yet. I think we have to do that a few more times,” I said.


He looked down at me from towering over me on the bed. “Is that so?”


“Yes. I think it is true. After all, you did risk a lot for me in the agreement. I think it is the least I can do,” I said playfully.


“I think you might be right, human female. But I need to catch my breath. I am still inside of you, finishing off,” he said.


“I just want to give you fair warning that we are not done yet. We are just taking a break,” I said.








He smiled and pulled his cock out of me. Then he came down level with my face and kissed me. He kissed my mouth. He kissed my cheeks. He was admiring every inch of my face with kisses.


When we were done with our break, we went again and again into intense lovemaking rounds. He kept up as promised. I had no doubt that he would.



I rolled over onto my side and looked at the ceiling of the room. It was a shiny white, and I could almost see our reflection in it.


“How is that? Enough for now? I think the sun is coming up soon,” he asked playfully.







“I am feeling it right now. Having sex with you brings it on. The colors bleed together. I feel an extreme sense of joy and happiness. My body feels alive, and the energy around me feels like it's pulsating,” he said.



“No, not at all. It is a phenomenon that only happens with the human females. I had only heard of it before, before I was with you. I don't know what it is. None of us do. I only know that I never want it to go away,” he said.


“I don't want it to go away either. I don't want you to go away,” I said looking at him feeling very vulnerable to admit this to him.



“Yes, as much as I am allowed to. And I don't just mean as long as you stay here in Willow Springs. If you leave, I leave. I want to be with you no matter what,” I said hearing the words out loud. It was true. I did want to be with him. I wanted to be with my sister as well, but something told me that she was on the verge of leaving with her own Veruka.


"If that is what you want, it is what I want to. I am in love with you, Helen. I don't want to be without you,” he said.



“Yes, a new agreement. I promise to never leave you. You are my one and only,” he said.

I rolled on top of his body and kissed him. I wanted to seal the deal of this new agreement with a kiss. I never wanted to let him go, and I never would.







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