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Vnor (Aliens Of Xeion) by Maia Starr (43)

Chapter 11



The sandstorm sex was something I could not stop thinking about. This human had a hold of my mind and my cock. I did not know why.


Was it because Miranda, this human, was trying so hard to resist me and I was not used to that? Was it the sandstorm atmosphere charged with danger and energy? I did like danger. I was a soldier after all. Was it because this was a forbidden thing that we should not be doing? I did not know what it was but I could not stop thinking about it. We had fucked to the sound of the sandstorm in the blackout. I was growing restless. I needed to have her again. I was on my way to a meeting with Leader Rangellis, but I was going to stop in on the human in order to set up a meeting between us that night. I would have her again, damnit.


“Call the human female out here,” I told the soldier guarding the door of her dwellings.


“Yes, sir, Evlon,” he said. He moved inside the dwelling and appeared with her a few minutes later.


“Hello, Evlon,” she said blushing. I looked at the soldier. He nodded and left the floor to give us some privacy.


“Miranda, do you miss me? I know you do,” I said grinning at her. She looked at the door nervously and took some steps away from it. I assumed she did not want her team to hear what she had done.


“Evlon, I…” she said timidly.


“Are you feeling well? Are you able to walk straight after my cock was inside of you like that?” I asked.


“Shhh, Evlon. Please don’t talk like that. I should not have done that.”


“Done what exactly? Treated my hurt thigh, or sat on my hard cock?”


She gasped.


I laughed. I watched as her breathing grew faster. I wanted her right then and there. I wanted to pick her up and pin her against the wall while I entered her from behind. I had no intention of having this foreplay talk in the hallway, but she just brought it out in me. I did not know what it was about this timid human female that turned me into a raging, horny beast.


“The sex,” her voice was barely a whisper in her reply.


“Why not? I enjoyed it, and I know that you had an amazing time. In fact, that is why I am here now. I want you to come to my home tonight, and we can do it all over again, and again, and again…” I said getting closer to her as she backed up against the wall. I ran the back of my hand down her cheek. “Don't you want to see me? Don’t you want to taste my cock again?”


“No, I do not. We cannot do that again, ever. I am sorry, Evlon. That is a secret. I won’t tell anyone. Please, don’t tell Leader Rangellis. That was a one-time thing only. I do not want anything more from you,” she said.


I was silent. The human’s words burned me for some reason. Yes, I was a soldier that indulged in the flesh, and yes, I had many lovers. But for some reason, I did not want her to reject me.


“I don’t need your permission, you know,” I narrowed my eyes at her.


She gasped. She moved to the door and went inside slamming it behind her. The moment I said those words, I regretted it. But it was true. She was a human slave even though she did not know it, but I knew that Rangellis was planning on something like it. But I did not want to forcefully take her. I wanted her to want me. I wanted her to desire me and worship me. Damn it. She would.


I stomped off to find the soldier to guard the door and then jogged through the city to the government office. I had to jog in order to get rid of some of the energy inside of me before my meeting with Rangellis. And I had a lot of anger to get out.


“You wanted to see me Leader Rangellis?” I asked as I entered his chambers.


“Yes. How are the humans?” he asked.


“Very well, though restless. I think they are starting to think they are prisoners,” I said.


“They are. But let’s call them guests for now, shall we?” he laughed.


“Yes, of course, sir.”


“We need to keep them occupied. I want you to bring them to the war game practice tomorrow,” he said.


“Yes, of course, sir. As you wish.”


“I want them to see just how much we enjoy battle. I want them to know that we make sport of carnage. This will be news that will spread among the Earthlings when they return,” he said.


“Return? You mean to let them eventually go back to Earth then?” I asked confused.


“Something like that, but not quite,” he said.


“But we do need to keep them occupied. Tell them that they are invited to war games practice because we want them to have some fun while on Anvin. The human men seemed to enjoy the dinner feasts very much.”


“Yes, I believe they did,” I smiled knowing full well that Miranda’s team had indulged in sex with the Zenkian females. They participated in the orgies alongside the Zenkian males. I had made sure of it. It was all part of conditioning them. It was what Rangellis wanted.”


“Good, now tomorrow I want one of these men to participate in the practice games. Not the captain, as he would then be no use in the future. I want the pilot of the ship to participate,” he said.


“Participate? He will be killed,” I said.


“No, don’t kill him. Make sure that he is not killed. I only want to strike the fear into him.”


“Yes, Leader Rangellis,” I said. I knew there was a reason for his planning, but I did not know what.


“Good. The day after the practice, the humans will be angry. I want you to calm them with these words. Tell them: Leader Rangellis is ready to speak about these peace accords, and has scheduled it for five days from now,” he said.


“I understand,” I said.


“Good, Evlon. Now that the humans are being taken care of, we have word that the Grantsion rebels might be planning an attack. I want you to send out scouts toward the Grantsion mountains to see if they are preparing their forces. I want you to do that now. The humans can wait. They are an afterthought,” he said.


“Yes, sir,” I said grinning. A rebel battle was just what I needed to get this business with the human female Miranda off my mind. It was something I was used to dealing with. I could deal with the stupid rebels and their bullshit soldier armies. They were not ruthless like we were. They did not make sport out of war games, and therefore we were stronger and better than them. We were fierce and cruel.


“In what form did this intelligence come to us so I can follow up and see if anything has been overlooked?” I asked.


“Yes, good point. You are a soldier first, and you think like one. It was received from the spies we have inside the Grantsion mountains near the rebel base. They pose as Zenkian herders that claim to be neutral to the causes,” he said.


“Hmm, and you trust these spies? How do we know they are not setting us up?” I asked.


“We don’t. But it is better to be prepared,” he said.


“That is true,” I said.


“Now go to the military compound and select your scouts. I want a full report first thing tomorrow morning.”


“Yes, Leader Rangellis,” I said saluting him.


I walked out of his chambers and then out of the government building. As I walked out, I saw my home in the tower in the distance. But it wasn’t just my home; it was Miranda’s. She was in there sitting around, just waiting. I pulled my eyes from the tower. “Damn human!” I said.


I moved into a speeder and flew it fast to the military compound.


“I have orders from Leader Rangellis. I need ten scouts armed and ready in ten minutes with a range to the Grantsions and back,” I said to the operations soldier.


“Yes, sir, Evlon, sir,” he said. He got on the communication and issued the orders while I waited.


Soon I had ten soldiers lined up in front of me. These were some of the best scouts that I had, and I had only wanted to use the best at all times. The stuck out their chest in the black uniforms. They stood at attention waiting for my orders.


“Soldiers! Listen here! We have learned that the rebels might be planning to attack us. We don’t know if it is here in our city or if it is a ship coming in. We don’t know if it is a trade route. We only know they are planning something. I need you to go out there and be my eyes and ears. Report back to me anything you see out of the unusual. Is that understood?”


“Sir, yes, sir!” they shouted.


“I want a full report at sunrise tomorrow. Now go!”


They moved into action. Damn, it felt good to be a soldier that was obeyed and feared.