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Whiskey: Ruthless Bastards (RBMC Book 1) by Chelsea Handcock (15)


Things were getting better at the Clubhouse, the Puppets, and Prospects doing their jobs, and the place was at least cleaner; being on lockdown still sucked rocks.  Her only consolation, now all the Club was on lockdown, she had company.  The guys went out every day, but the women of the Club were under strict instructions to stay put unless escorted, and even those times had to be approved by Tuck.   

Addy was starting to think of these guys, all of them including the broody Link, as family, and it was nice.  Her family was small, and they were all gone now. Caring for the RBMC members made her feel like a part of something, and she liked it.  There was still tension between her and Reagan, they weren’t where they once were, and that hurt Addy.  She hated the distance that Reagan was putting between them, but also understood where she was coming from. Things were different in the MC than out in the real world, or what Addy once considered the real world.  There were rules and expectations that Addy was still getting her head around. 

She was, and had always been, a people pleaser by nature, but this lockdown was going to kill her.  Shoot, she wasn’t the only one; the RBMC Defiance Chapter comprised of almost all younger men between the ages twenty to mid-thirties, and these boys were used to a certain way of living.  With only four Puppets in residence, they weren’t getting their normal amount of, as Whiskey would say, pussy.

Every morning, she had to get up before five so she and Reagan, and a few of the other Puppets, could start on breakfast and the rest of the chores that needed to be done throughout the Clubhouse. The work and getting up early wasn’t the issue, she did that stuff on the farm all the time. 

What was getting to her was being indoors all the time.  On the farm, she was hardly ever inside, even in the winter. Rain or shine there were chores, and she loved it.  She also missed her animals.  She wouldn’t give up this time with Whiskey for anything, but damn, she wanted a little of her normal back with him included in the package. 

Every night, Whiskey would come to the room, take a shower, and come back out in that damn postage stamp towel showing her everything she longed to kiss, touch, and lick.  Damn, the man was hotter than an August day in the dessert.

It also didn’t help that every night, shit any time of the day, the Clubhouse was like a free-for-all porn set.  Addy never knew what she would see coming down the stairs or turning the corner. Shoot, sometimes just walking down the hall turned into an adventure. These people didn’t care if doors were closed or not, they did what they wanted, when they wanted.  She had seen more live sex acts in the last couple of weeks than she had watched of porn in her lifetime.  

She was kind of relieved that nearly all the guys in the RBMC were hot-as-hell, and the Puppets weren’t anything to sneeze at either.  Otherwise, she might have had to stay in her room twenty-four seven, and since Tuck forbade that, well, she wasn’t opposed to watching just a little.  She didn’t even care that that made her some kind of a voyeur; when in Rome.   

But, Whiskey still starred in all her fantasies, none of the guys could hold a candle to him. His body had changed through the years, no longer the lanky but muscular teenager she once remembered, but a well chiseled, hard-bodied man.  His body looked as though it had been carved out of granite, his muscles were large and well-defined, and damn, his body art was some of the best Addy had ever seen, not that she had seen much before staying at the Club, but now she was sure she was becoming an expert.  He had an owl on his shoulder whose wings spanned around front and back; it was breathtaking. 

But, what got her mouthwatering, besides his enormous cock, was his ass; the thing should have stories written about it.  Addy bet that a quarter would bounce right off those tight cheeks, and she was guilty of copping more than a few feels.  The jerk always smiled at her like he knew what she was thinking when he caught her, which was almost always.  Addy had never paid attention to a man’s ass before, but Whiskey was making her an eternal fan.

Once he dropped that towel and got into bed, Addy was a goner. She wanted him to just take her and put her out of her misery, but he wouldn’t.  No, the bastard would ask her every night, “Are you ready to beg yet, Addison?” and Addison all but yelled, hell yeah.  The man had her hook, line, and sinker; Addy was addicted to him.

Just thinking about him and his body was making her panties wet. Shit, she would need go up to their room and take care of some needed business, or at the very least, take an icy shower, if she didn’t get her mind off of the infuriating man.  But hell, she knew it was a losing battle, he was never very far from her thoughts these days.  Not that he was far from them before, this was just different.  He was slowly, but surely, breaking her down.  Addy wanted this time with him, she needed it, even wanted more. 

With the Club being on lockdown, she knew he had other responsibilities, but he still carved out time for her, and that made her feel special.  She had learned more about the man in the past few weeks than she had the first seventeen years of her life.  She also learned a lot about herself during that time; damn, she had been so closed off, it was scary.  It was nice to be connecting with someone other than Carri.  It surprised her that that person was Whiskey.

He would do things like making sure she had a bottle of water on the nightstand before they went to bed, or one day when she was feeling and acting especially bitchy, he brought her a crap ton of chocolate.  It was weird, but sweet.  He also brought her a new dress every Sunday, not saying anything about it, just hanging it in the closet, so it was waiting for her.  But, what was really melting Addy’s heart were their talks. Whiskey made sure that every day they got to talk about their day or whatever else was on their minds.  

Addy loved listening to him tell her stories from his time in the service and even his time with the MC.  She also learned why leaving had been so important to him; he needed to find himself, and he had.  When they were younger, he was so filled with hate and anger he wouldn’t have had a chance if he had stayed in Defiance with her; Addy understood that now. 

What she liked more is that they were getting closer.  She could feel it.  He wasn’t like the boy or even the teenager she had once known, there was a whole new side to him.  That side drew her even more than the others.  He was kind, sweet, thoughtful, and even loving.  He said didn’t play games and told her what was on his mind.  They fit better together now.  They had both grown into the people they were meant to be.

The people in Defiance had always been super judgmental and not only to Aiden. It didn’t matter if a person was the best person on the planet, if their parents were considered trash, then so were the kids.  Reagan was a perfect example, she might be a Club Puppet now, but before that she was a straight A student in both high school and college.  She didn’t or hadn’t ever hurt anyone, but because of her family, she was deemed trash.  Addy wondered if that was one of the reason’s Reagan had chosen to stay with the MC instead of moving in with her.

That was another thing, Addy noticed that Reagan was never around at night.  The guys and the other girls would all gather in the common room partying and doing whatever they felt like, but Reagan was never there.  She also noticed that, although all the guys flirted with her, none of them made any moves to take it further as they did with the other girls. The only exception to that was when Tank was around.  He would grab Reagan’s hand, and the two of them would be gone for hours. 

Addy knew for a fact that Reagan had always had a thing for Tank.  He was Reagan’s version of Whiskey to Addy.  The only difference, Tank acted nothing like Whiskey.  He still fucked all the other girls, and if rumors were true, he was even worse when the Club wasn’t on lockdown, doing it right in front of Reagan. That bothered Addy, but after talking with Whiskey about it, she let it go, for now.  Reagan seemed to know the score and accepted it, so who was Addy to interfere. 

 “Hey, we’re going to make a supply run, anything you need or want?”  Reagan asked from the laundry room door. 

Shit, Addy had been so deep in thought, she hadn’t even noticed her standing at the door.

“Ah, no. Hey, who all is going, I thought Whiskey said most of the guys would be out on a run?” 

“Yeah, they are, but I had asked Tank before they all left, and he said it was okay as long as we stayed local.  So, Flo and I will hit Browning’s and stock up on a few things. Slim Jim, one of the of the new Prospects, said he would go with us, but if we didn’t leave soon, then we would have to wait for the rest of the guys to get back, and Lord only knows how long that will take.”

“Okay, if you’re sure you’ll be safe. Just please, be careful.  These guys, the ones that got to Cathy and me, are not people to mess with, Reagan, they are all bad news.” 

“I hear you, but it will be okay. This lockdown is your first, we do this stuff all the time.  Don’t worry we’ll be back before you know it.”

“All right, you won’t hear another word from me, see you when you get back.”

When Reagan left, Addy was tempted to call Whiskey.  It didn’t seem right that Tank would say it was okay for her to leave, but no one else.  Then again, Reagan was right, Addy had never been through a lockdown before, maybe she was just a little paranoid.  Damn, she hadn’t even thought of Ogre or that other man since that first day, but that man still sent chills down her spine. 

Those thoughts also made her think about Cathy. Whiskey had been keeping her updated on how she was doing, but Addy wanted to see for herself. Cathy had been severely beaten and suffered multiple bruises, breaks, and cuts at the hands of those assholes.  Addy really hoped the RBMC made the people responsible for it pay in a very painful way when they caught up with them.

Addy continued to do laundry, getting lost in the task. Hell, these guys needed a fucking maid; at some point, she was going back to her farm and living her life with Whiskey.  They had talked about it and decided that after the lockdown, he would move in with her.  He would still work with the Club and spend a lot of time here, but every night he was able, he would come home to her, and that made Addy extremely happy. 

Addy was just putting clothes in the dryer when all hell broke loose.  The building shook like it had taken a hit by something, and alarms were blaring like crazy.  The laundry room was in the basement, in what used to be an old coal bin.  All the walls were made of stone, and the floor was covered in brick.  Being down here was almost like being in a dungeon.  If she felt the building shake so strongly in the basement, she could only imagine what was happening upstairs. 

Addy ran for the stairs and went up; the entrance to the basement was right off the kitchen. Once she got to the top step, ready to push through, she heard people yelling. That stopped her. Putting her ear to the door, she listened closer, and that is when she heard it.  The voice she would always hear in her nightmares. Ogre.  Shit, what the hell was she supposed to do now and how the hell had he gotten into the RBMC Clubhouse? The place was like a vault, top notch security, and armed bikers. 

She needed to find something, anything to defend herself and the others in the house. As quietly as possible, Addy crept back down the stairs. Then she remembered her phone; running back into the laundry room, she closed the heavy door and locked it.  Thinking that wasn’t good enough, she also placed the chair she had been sitting in under the door knob.  People did that shit in movies, right?  Hell, she just hoped it kept Ogre out.  

Picking up her phone, she dialed Whiskey, nothing happened, no dial tone or anything.  What the hell? Addy pulled it back and looked at the screen; she had no bars. How was that even possible when she was still in the Clubhouse?  Walking around, feeling like that Can you hear me now guy, she tried to find a place that would give her some reception.  There was only one long. thin glass block window in the room, and it had to be about ten feet high.  No way was Addy giving up her protection chair under the door knob, so she tried to move the heavy table she had been folding laundry on earlier.  It took her some time, a little blood, and a bunch of sweat, but she finally got the damn thing moved.

When she climbed onto it, she realized that she was still about a foot short.  Holding the phone up to the window she could see the bars, but she couldn’t talk on it or send a text with her arms held straight up, and no way was she going to put the phone on speaker; she didn’t know if someone might hear.  Jumping down she grabbed all the laundry she had been folding and created a tower.  Climbing on her makeshift step, Addy dialed Whiskey and prayed that he would answer. Three rings, then two more, and his voicemail picked up. Shit. What the hell was she supposed to say?

“Babe, if you get this message soon, you need to get back to the Clubhouse.  Don’t come alone, call all your Brothers.  Something exploded, and then I heard Ogre’s voice. The Vultures are inside, and I don’t know what to do, please hurry.” Addy ended the call and debated on what to do next. Should she call the police, would they even come or would they tip off the Vultures that she was still in the house?  Damn.  Addy started sending text messages to all the RBMC Brothers she had in her contact list.  Waiting a couple of seconds for an answer, then moving on to the next. 

When a shadow crossed the window Addy froze; shit, she couldn’t see out but could they see in?  Would the Vultures find her?  What about Blade, Cinny, and the other people upstairs? Were they okay, was anyone going to help them?  Damn, had Reagan, Flo, and the Prospect made it back from the store yet?  Addy waited, not moving a muscle until the shadow moved on, then jumped down and looked for anything she could use as a weapon, but she couldn’t find anything.  She needed to go out into the basement or try to make it to Tuck’s office.  He had to have a something in there, right?  Shit.

Shit. Whiskey looked around the bar, they were fucked with a capital F.U.C.K.  The Vultures had made it into the Clubhouse and had them all down on their knees.  Shit, this shouldn’t have happened, hell, it shouldn’t have been possible.  How did they get in? Where the hell was all their security?  And where was Addison?  Why wasn’t she in the room with the rest of them?  Had she set them up?  Had she set him up for some kind of payback?  Whiskey didn’t want to believe it, hell, he didn’t even want to think it, but where the hell was she?

Whiskey did a quick head count.  Six of his Brothers weren’t there, along with Crash and Creed.  Cinny and Bambi were the only Puppets, and Cinny looked like she was about to drop.  These assholes loved to beat on women, he just hoped she would keep her mouth shut until he could figure a way out of this mess.  He had a knife in his boot, but the assholes had taken his gun.  What the hell were they doing anyways? The fuckers could have picked them off one by one, but instead they lined them all up and put them on their knees? 

The Vultures were outnumbered, but the RBMC was out gunned.  Even if he could take out the assholes holding a gun to his, Brass, and Talons heads, that left the others to shoot at will.  Unless they could time it just right; even then his Club would have casualties. All the guys knew the risk, but if there was another way for this whole thing to turn out, he would find it.  What they needed was a distraction, something to draw the Vultures attention, so he and the others could make a move.  

Link was signaling the other guys with his hands, telling them to hold tight.  Looked like he and his brother were on the same page.  Whiskey gave a slight nod, showing Link he understood.  Looking around, several others silently acknowledged his order.  Whiskey was pumping himself up, it would be go time soon, and then he saw her, fuck. 

Addison was peeking out of the kitchen door. He tried to shake his head, telling her to go back, but she wasn’t looking at him, all her focus was on the hallway.  What the hell was she doing?  There were seven armed men in the room, and she was crouched down like she was invisible while standing virtually in plain, fucking sight.  She needed to get her ass out the back door and run.  Damn it to hell, she was going for it, and Whiskey was going to do everything in his power to make sure she got through this

“Hey,” Link’s voice startled him at first.  “What are you assholes waiting for? You have us here on our fucking knees, what next?”  The guy right in front of Addison was the one to respond, drawing him closer to Link and the other guys and away from her. 

“That’s right, motherfucker, we have you on your knees, maybe we need to take advantage of that, what do you think Brothers?  I’m thinking taking down the RBMC might be worth pissing the boss man off. At least then all our problems would be solved.” 

“Yeah,” Brass said, “only pussies come into another Club not wearing their cuts. Think we don’t know you’re part of the Vultures?  Hell, you ashamed or something? I would be.”  Damn, that earned him a shotgun butt to his head, and Brass went down hard.  But, that was enough of a distraction for Addison to disappear, but where the hell did she go?

The next few minutes would play out in his mind for years to come.  Link flipped backward like some kind of ninja warrior and took out the guy holding him.  Talon and Tank took out two more of the seven.  Tuck and Jinx burst through the front door and took out three more.  That was when Addison appeared in the hallway holding a shotgun.  Damn it all to hell.  There was only one guy left, and he crouched down in a fighting stance right in front of Addison.  The ugly fucker didn’t look like he knew what to do, but Addison made that decision for him.  Turning the gun around in her hands, she used it like a baseball bat, swinging it for all she was worth right into the fucker’s head.  He went down like a ton of bricks. 

Whiskey couldn’t hold himself back any longer, he rushed to her, first taking the gun out of her hands, handing it off.  Shit, he didn’t even know who he handed off to.  “Babe! Where the hell were you?” 

Addison looked like she was in shock


“I asked you where the hell you were, why weren’t you out here with everybody else?”

“What?  You wanted me to be held at gunpoint while on my knees?  Oh, no wait, what you’re really asking is, did I set you up?” 

“NO! Fuck, shit, I don’t know, this doesn’t make any sense. How did these fuckers get in here?” Whiskey said, throwing his hands up in the air. 

“Seriously, you think I did this?”  Addison said flinging her hands around the room. “Look at your phone, asshole. I called you and everyone else in this damn Club to let you know what was going on. I was in the basement scared out of my mind that’s where the hell I was Whiskey!  That man is the one that attacked me in my barn. I heard his voice through the door, and I knew there was a problem.  Do you understand what I am saying?  I came to help whether you appreciate that or not.”

Fuck, would there ever come a time when he didn’t screw things up with her? She was right, and he was so wrong.  She was walking away from him, damn it. 

“Addy, wait!” 

“Oh, hell no, don’t you Addy me now, all you have asked since I got here is for me to trust you and I have, but when the shoe is on the other foot, who really has the trust issues, huh?  Just leave me alone.”  Whiskey watched as Addison ran up the stairs, hopefully not to pack.


“She’s right, you know.”

“Oh, shut the hell up, Link. Since when are you on Addison side?”

“No sides in this, brother, she’s family, she called and texted all of us trying to get help.  You should have known better, but your groveling will have to wait, we have shit to do.”




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