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Wicked Wonderland: Down the Rabbit Hole (Dark Fairy Tales Book 4) by S Cinders (22)


THE TINY MEWLING NOISES that Mary Ann made while Carlos kissed her were driving him completely insane. The woman was a complete oxymoron with her often-skittish ways and casual indifference one would never guess that she would be a wildcat when provoked.

Her tongue tangled with his as she arched her back pushing her breasts more firmly into his hands. He hadn’t intended on taking the woman right here in the open forest. Honestly, Carlos had just wanted to know what she tasted like.

Shit, now he had to know what every part of her tasted like. His dick wanted to be thrusting inside of her not rubbing against the rough material of his pants. She ground her core against him and Carlos bit back an oath not wanting to break their kiss for even a second.

Her hands were everywhere. They would tangle in his hair and then she would sink her claws unto his shoulders. Mary Ann loved his chest. The firm muscles seemed to shudder when she touched him, and she wanted to touch him everywhere.

There was a fierce longing in her core that she needed him to fill.

She bit his lip and tugged, the sensation going straight to his dick. Carlos was already on the edge and that tipped the scales. In moments he had her lying on the ground. His hand was sliding underneath her clothes and teasing her thighs as he made his way to where she needed him most.

They both groaned as his fingers traced her slick folds.

“Your pussy is soaked,” Carlos growled against her lips.

Mary Ann bucked her hips wanting more contact with his hand, “Do something about it!”

He chuckled deep and dark and she loved the way that it made her nipples tighten with desire.

“You want me to fuck you?” he rasped.

“You had better damn well do something, Caterpillar, or I will take care of it myself!”

Carlos had visions of her delicate hands frantically rubbing her pussy, sinking in and out of her tight hole and he had to brace himself. He wanted to see that, no doubt about it.

“Not today, Sweetheart,” Carlos nipped at her ear before continuing, “Today this pussy is mine!”

He sank two of his large fingers into her and she cried out at the sudden invasion. His eyes remained intently on hers as he slid his fingers into her tight heat. He watched every expression on her face from wonder, to fear, to sheer pleasure. He used his fingers to fuck her like he wanted to use his cock.

Taking some of her creamy desire, he rubbed her folds, coating her and loving the way that he could hear how aroused that she was by his touch alone.

He picked up a rhythm, sliding into her deeply again and again. He added a third finger and Mary Ann closed her eyes as if it were too much, she couldn’t take the intensity of his gaze while his hand was buried inside of her.

“Open your eyes!” Carlos demanded, and she blinked them open again.

He had never been one to think of sex as something other than a physical release. But this right here and right now was more powerful than anything he had ever done before, and his dick was still in his pants.

There was something about this woman. Something that made him want to take notice, to discover everything about her, and to figure out why she was different. Her mouth fell open as deep moans escaped her lips.

He was giving her the ride of her life and Mary Ann was every bit the willing participant. Her hips rising to meet his hands as she chased that final destination that she wanted and needed so badly.

There were two more instances when she tried to close her eyes, but each time Carlos insisted that she meet his gaze. When her tight passage began to clamp down on his fingers he knew that she was entering oblivion.

Carlos flicked her clit with his thumb and slammed into her causing her back to arch completely off the ground as she screamed. Her pussy gushed her cum as she writhed and twisted in his arms. It was the most beautiful thing that Carlos had ever seen.

Once Mary Ann began to still he took notice of her flushed skin. Her breasts looked swollen above her fitted corset and she had pink marks on her neck that he knew would turn into tiny bruises. She was so damn fair! Not even her spattering of freckles could cover what they had been up to.

He grudgingly removed his hand and then as she watched he licked up the cream from her pussy. Mary Ann’s eyes widened impossibly wide as she watched him lapping at his fingers.

“You taste so damn good. The next time we do this I am not going to settle for licking your essence off my fingers. I will have your pussy splayed out and I will feast on it until neither one of us can breathe.”

“Shit, Carlos,” Mary Ann flushed, “I don’t know what to say.”

He grinned, “Well, that has to be a first.”

She would have thrown something at him if she had an object available. Since she didn’t, Mary Ann flicked him off and began to straighten her clothing. Her hair had come undone from the braid that she had put in that morning. When she reached up to fix it, Carlos stopped her.

“I will do it.”

She blinked in surprise, “You know how to braid hair?”

Carlos scoffed, “I come from a large family. I was the older brother and had to help my mother with my sisters.”

“Oh,” Mary Ann’s brow furrowed, “Where are they now?”

He didn’t speak for a long moment and she wondered if she shouldn’t have asked the question. And then Mary Ann realized that he was still chained up by his foot. She felt her blush deepen even further. How did it come to this? He was supposed to be the prisoner.

Carlos’ voice was low, “I don’t know where my sisters are. When my mother died they disappeared. I looked for them, for a long time.”

Mary Ann remembered him saying that he had travelled quite a bit.

“But you never found them,” it was more of a statement and Carlos agreed with a short nod. “I am so sorry, Carlos. I can’t imagine losing Harry and he is a twat most of the time.”

Carlos glanced up and a ghost of a smile filtered through his eyes, “I was often irritated by Maricela and Marcy. They were twins and seemed to speak in another language sometimes. I wasn’t the best of brothers to them and then they were gone.”

Mary Ann placed her hand on his arm, “How old were you when all of this happened?”

He shrugged, “Old enough to know better.”

She insisted, “How old?”

Carlos let out a sigh, “I was fourteen when I came home to find my mother slaughtered and my nine-year-old twin sisters missing.”

She covered her mouth in horror.

He continued, “There wasn’t any sign of who had done it. But in these Woods horrible things happen all the time. Sure, there were some folk who felt sorry for me and took me in for a night or two. But no one had the money to take on a half-grown kid with a shitty attitude and a chip on his shoulder the size of Wonderland. Don’t feel sorry for me Mary Ann. It was a long time ago, and I have long since gotten over it.”

A tear slipped down her cheek, “You are liar.”

He jerked back as if she had stuck him and the chain clinked in response to his movement.

“You aren’t over it, and you never will be. When you lose someone that you love they take a piece of you that never is returned. Sure, you get better and covering up the pain and as time passes you try to fill that spot with other things. But they never quite fit right and you will always have the longing no matter what anyone else tells you.”

She hadn’t realized that she was crying until he pulled her once again in his arms and brushed the tears from her cheeks.

“Who did you lose?” he asked gently.

Mary Ann turned her face into his chest, so he barely heard her reply, “My husband.”