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Wicked Wonderland: Down the Rabbit Hole (Dark Fairy Tales Book 4) by S Cinders (6)


“MAYBE THEY AREN’T COMING?” Lory called out from the kitchen.

It had already started as a shit day for Alice. She burned her arm pulling the muffins out of the ovens. It had been a long time since she had made such a rookie mistake, and usually, she had on her gloves so that it wouldn’t have mattered that much.

But Alice had been distracted. Her dreams had been haunted by a black-haired demi-God that had treated her like spun glass. Alice had found herself trying to grasp at the dreams after she had awakened and that only served to piss her off.

“Good!” she retorted to her sister, “We don’t need those bastards here anyway.”

“That’s not very nice.”

The low dark tone danced along her skin, causing goosebumps to appear. Alice whipped around and there standing before her was the very same dream haunter that caused her to be so careless. He was accompanied by a man that stood maybe an inch shorter. He had dark blonde hair that was pulled back into a man-bun and a close-cropped beard.

They didn’t look alike any more than she and Lory did. But the way they stood mirrored each other. All bad-assery and confidence that caused Alice to immediately be on the defense.

“Why would I be nice to you?” her eyes flashed as she responded to him. “I’m not exactly known for my kindness.”

Lory snorted with laughter from the kitchen door, “I can vouch for that.”

A hint of a smile crossed Jay’s face, but it was gone so quickly that Alice wondered if she had only imagined it.

“You never said they were hot,” the blonde guy smirked at Alice before his gaze lingered a little too long on Lory to be considered polite.

Instead of blushing, Lory’s mouth broke into a smile, “You must be Mouse.”

Alice caught Lory looking at Mouse like a starving man eyes a steak.

“Oh, hell no!”

Without thought, Alice placed both palms on Jay’s chest and tried shoving him out of her shop. After an uncomfortable moment, with him not budging an inch, and Alice pushing for all she was worth. Mouse laughed, and Alice lost it.

“Get your sexed-up brother out of my fucking café! I don’t want to see either of you around here ever again. Do you hear me?”

Mouse wasn’t sure when he had experienced more fun, “Your girl thinks I’m sexy.”

Alice punched Mouse. She wasn’t tall enough to get a good one in at his face, so she went with whatever she could reach. She made contact at least three times before Jay contained her. She hadn’t hurt Mouse in the slightest, but her hand was already bruised from punching Carlos the night before.

Jay spun her around and pinned her against the nearest wall.

“Are you always this feisty?” his low drawl had a funny way of melting her panties.

“Your brother was eye-fucking my little sister!” Alice fumed.

“She’s not wrong,” Mouse added conversationally.

“Shut the fuck up, Mouse,” Jay growled, and Mouse wisely kept his mouth closed.

Jay looked down at the little firecracker trapped between him and the wall. Her breasts, already full and lush in that corset were smashed against his chest. With every breath she took, it seemed like they came closer and closer.

Fire danced in her brown eyes, and Jay felt a nearly uncontrollable urge to kiss the shit out of her.

“Your sister can take care of herself,” Jay began, “But you have nothing to worry about, Mouse will be on his best behavior.”

There was a disgruntled manly sound that made the truth of Jay’s words debatable, but Mouse was quick to add his assurance.

“I swear to you, ma’am. I am not here to deflower your sister.”

Lory’s horrified gasp could be heard throughout the café, “Like I would let you anywhere near me! And for your information, Mouse, you wouldn’t be the first guy to come sniffing around me.”

There was more under her breath about not being a fucking virgin. But Alice wasn’t too sure about that part.

Mouse smiled, it was dark and dangerous, “If I wanted you, Pumpkin, I’d have you.”

The customers in the café sat there in rapt attention. Truthfully, one came to the Treacle Tart for dinner and a show. The girls always were fighting about something. But this was more entertainment than they had experienced in a while.

A knife came flying out of the kitchen and Mouse ducted right before it lodged itself in his eye.

“I can see the family resemblance,” Mouse smirked as I righted himself.

Jay turned to the customers and commanded, “Get out.”

It wasn’t particularly loud, or even menacing. But the Jabberwocky commanded obedience, and the folks of Wonderland weren’t stupid enough to try and go against him.

Alice kicked and wriggled against his body, but she couldn’t get free. Once the shop was empty, Jay picked up a screaming Alice under one arm and walked over to lock the front door. He turned to Lory and instructed her to change the sign to closed.

Lory, recognizing the authority in Jay’s tone, did just as he bade her. Mouse kept quiet, which was for the best.

Jay carried Alice back into the apartment and set her down on the couch with his arms wrapped around her. Their closeness was causing all kinds of exciting things in Jay’s body. But he pushed it down. This wasn’t the time or the place.

“Listen, Spitfire. You need to calm the fuck down.”

Alice bit him, but he didn’t let her go. In point of fact, she had pushed the Jabberwocky too far. In seconds she found herself being thoroughly and ruthlessly kissed. He was angry, and the kiss was punishing. He smashed her lips into his and forced her mouth open. Alice fought for approximately seven seconds before she melted into his embrace. Her hands that had been trapped slipped out and made their way into his dark hair.

Jay’s head was reeling, and his cock had taken full control of the situation. His hands slipped to her hips and pulled Alice onto his lap. They devoured each other, like lovers who had been separated for eons.

It was passionate and somewhat arousing for the onlookers.

“Shit,” Mouse muttered with wide eyes looking at his brother who was making out with a stranger and back over to the stranger’s sister. “Do they know each other well?”

Lory blinked as if coming out of a fog, “No! Alice said she hadn’t seen your brother in ten years.”

Their conversation slowly sunk into Alice’s conscience and she wrenched her lips away, horrified at how she had responded to him.

Jay’s eyes flashed dangerously, the Jabberwocky just below the surface. He yanked Alice closer to him but didn’t try and kiss her again.

“You will listen,” he demanded, and for once Alice didn’t argue with him.

“That was some kiss,” Mouse said with a depth of appreciation.

Lory giggled, “Looks like we know who the sexed-up brother is.”

Jay laughed at Mouse’s scowl.

“Enough of that,” Jay motioned for Mouse and Lory to sit. “We have much to discuss.”

Alice tried to slip off his lap, but every time she moved he clamped his massive hand down and stopped her from budging. She felt his excitement underneath her ass and couldn’t help the blush that coated her cheeks.

The Jabberwocky might have won this battle, but he certainly had not won the war.