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Alien Retribution (Zerconian Warriors Book 13) by Sadie Carter (2)


“This trip is going to suck,” Zoey muttered to Boris. “Look how many people Dex is bringing with us. I expected you to come and a few warriors but this is ridiculous! This isn’t the romantic trip for two I had in mind, not unless Dex has suddenly decided he’s into orgies. Which, I am not.” She looked up at him with a grin. “No offense.”

Boris bit his lip. None taken.

“I mean, you’re hot and all, but it would be like sleeping with my brother.”

They were standing on the landing pad, watching as the ship they were taking to Maalika was loaded.

Dex strode towards them, frowning as he barked out orders. He had seemed more stressed of late. Boris wished he knew what was concerning him. Whatever kept him preoccupied better not come back on Zoey.

Zoey tapped her foot as she glared up at Dex. “Dex, is this all really necessary?” She waved a hand around.

“You should not glare at your mate that way in front of others,” Dex answered her.

Zoey turned away. Boris growled and Dex turned to give him a sharp look. He just stared back at Dex calmly. The Emperor needed to…what was the phrase Zoey liked to use?

Pull his head from his ass?

Yes. That was it.

Boris came close to smiling as one young Zerconian males, who had been walking past at the time of Zoey’s announcement, tripped, the crate in his arms flying forward and hitting Macon, who stood a few steps in front of him. Macon turned with a scowl.

“What do you think you are doing, Johan?” he snapped at the poor boy, who was gaping at Zoey. “Pick that up and get moving; the Emperor’s ship is leaving in fifteen minutes.”

Obviously, Macon had not heard Zoey’s statement or he might have made an allowance for the boy, who probably never thought to hear the Empress of Zerconia speak of sex. Or maybe it was the monkey part that was causing him consternation. Boris knew that a monkey was an animal on Zoey’s planet. He did not understand what was so interesting about the way they had sex, though. Perhaps he would need to look that up later.

Dex turned to look at her with a frown.

“Zoey,” he scolded, “do not speak of joining when we are in public.”

Nobody heard his admonishment except for Boris, but he did not like the way Zoey’s shoulders slumped. Dex had been preoccupied and short-tempered of late, and it was starting affect Zoey.

“Sorry,” she muttered, crossing her arms over her chest. “Forget I said anything.”

Dex nodded. “Apology accepted.”

Boris resisted the urge to smack some sense into him, as Zoey would say. Well, she would have said that if she was feeling more like herself. She stared over at the ship.

Then she turned to look up at Dex. “Do you know how many of your warriors take a woman home after one of those human-Zerconian mixers? I’m pretty certain they’re not taking them home for a nice cup of tea and a chat. They know what sex is.”

Dex frowned. “That has no bearing on our conversation.”

“Seems to me it does. Since everyone else is getting some except me.”

“Getting some?” Dex asked, sounding confused.

“Sex, Dex! Keep up.”

Dex sighed. “I thought that I just asked you not to speak of sex in public. It is not becoming of an Empress.”

Boris winced. Dex had not been this thoughtless with his words in a long time.

Something warm and furry pressed against his leg, and he looked down as Giz yawned sleepily. Zoey’s pet was the laziest creature he had ever met. But while he appeared harmless, his claws came out if Zoey was threatened.

Zoey seemed to have a knack of collecting those who were alone and aimless and bringing them together. He, Giz, and Rastian, the lawyer-turned-child-minder, were all here because of Zoey.

No one had expected the Emperor to die so soon and for Dex and Zoey to be thrust into a leadership role, least of all Zoey, who still struggled with her role as Empress. It didn’t help that Dex’s mother was an old dragon. Another of Zoey’s sayings. Although from what he understood, a dragon was not a real animal on her planet.

Sometimes it was difficult to keep up with her.

Not that he minded. Life with Zoey kept him entertained. He stayed because of her. Because when he looked at Zoey, he saw his family. He still loved the men he thought of as brothers, but he didn’t belong with them now.

He belonged with the short blonde female now glaring up at her large mate.

“I thought part of the reason we were going away was for a holiday together. You’ve barely touched me lately. Do you no longer find me attractive?”


“We are nearly ready to leave, Emperor,” Jaxan interrupted.

Boris winced. Terrible timing.

As Zoey turned, he caught a hint of tears in her eyes. He clenched his good hand, resisting the urge to give Dex a smack around the head. He didn’t know why the other man was putting this distance between him and his mate, but if he did not start treating Zoey the way she deserved, then Boris was going to get angry. He liked Dex, respected him.

But no one hurt Zoey.

“Good. I will speak briefly to Koran and then we will leave.” Dex nodded to Jaxan. Rastian walked towards him, the thin, stooped man carrying a babbling Elodie in his arms. Dex stopped to run his hand over Elodie’s head, speaking to her for a moment before Rastian continued towards them.

Zoey reached for Elodie, placing her on her hip and kissing the little girl on the head. Boris was surprised she had agreed to leave the baby behind, but Dex hadn’t wanted the small child to travel so far from Zerconia. Rastian was staying behind to care for Elodie. He was completely devoted to the child.

“Do not worry. I will take excellent care of Elodie.”

Zoey smiled up at Rastian then reached out and patted his arm. The thin man’s expression showed no obvious change but Boris sensed he was pleased.

“Maybe I should bring the two of you along. It doesn’t seem I’m getting the anniversary of my dreams.”

An anniversary was a foreign concept to him, but now he understood that it was a celebration of mating. It was not unreasonable for Zoey to wish some time to herself with her mate. Although, the Emperor and Empress of Zerconia could not go anywhere completely alone.

She sighed then smiled. “Listen to me, moaning about getting to go on holiday. I can eat, drink, and shop to my heart’s content. What have I got to complain about?”

She glanced over at Dex who was speaking to Koran, his second-in-charge who would remain behind while they were on Maalika.

Personally, Boris believed Dex was right to bring so many warriors with them. He had the most precious thing in the universe to protect—his mate. If he had a mate, he would…no, best he did not go there. He would never mate. Females were too far fragile, they could so easily be harmed or killed, and to have a child…

As he looked at Elodie, he felt that peculiar stab of sorrow when he thought of a child of his own. A family was not for him. He could not risk it. Could not care for someone who could easily be taken from him. It was bad enough how much he cared for Zoey. There was no way he could have a mate.

“He is protecting you,” Rastian told her. “Even though Maalika is a friendly planet, there are many who would seek to harm the Emperor and Empress of Zerconia. If you were taken, do you not believe that Dex would do anything to get you back?”

She was silent for a moment. Then she sighed and glanced up at Rastian. “Guess you’re right. I can always rely on you to be the voice of reason, can’t I? Giz is my partner in crime,”—she put her hand on the small creature’s head—“And Boris is my protective shadow.”

He raised his eyebrows at that. She grinned. “Or should that be avenging angel? I was really surprised to hear how Zillion’s blasters all disappeared causing him to cry like a baby.”

Cry like a baby? He hadn’t heard that part.

“He cried?” Rastian asked, almost looking joyful. It seemed that a lot people had come up against Zillion.

She shrugged. “The story might have been exaggerated. Still, I went to sleep with a smile on my face that night. Guess someone was watching over me.”

She snuck a look up at him. She knew? He thought he had been rather circumspect. How had she guessed it was him?

“I don’t know what Dex was thinking when he decided Zillion should come with us.” She scowled as Zillion boarded the ship.

“Zoey, we are boarding now,” Dex called out before heading up the ramp and into the ship.

Zoey sighed then gave Elodie a final kiss goodbye before handing her to Rastian. “There’s something going on with him. I wish he’d tell me what it was. Maybe then we wouldn’t be taking half the damn planet with us on a romantic holiday.”

It was only ten warriors, one pilot, a healer, himself, Dex and Zoey. However, Boris had grown used to her exaggerations. He thought the way she spoke was amusing. And anyone who disagreed generally met with an unlucky accident. It was amazing what people said in front of him. Either they didn’t see him, because he was just considered a bodyguard, or perhaps they thought that because he did not speak that he also did not listen, but any who spoke ill of her earned his wrath.

Not that they knew who sought revenge.

Most thought they had just fell victim to unfortunate mishaps. Like the Zerconian female who had called Zoey a brainless fool. She’d suffered a regrettable dress malfunction while shopping at the market a few days later. He grimaced. He could still hear her screams of outrage and embarrassment.

As they watched Rastian and Elodie walk away, Zoey turned to him and shook her head. “I’m not sure how you did it, but I know it was you, Boris. It was very bad of you.” She clicked her tongue but her eyes held a wicked glint of laughter. She leaned closer. “Thank you.” She sent him a wink.

He should have known she wouldn’t be annoyed. Zoey had a well-developed sense of right and wrong. She also had a vicious streak.

It was one of the things he admired most about her.

She tapped her chin thoughtfully. “When I think about it, many of the people who insult me end up having some sort of accident. I’m guessing you know nothing about those either?”

He gave her what he hoped was an innocent look.

She rolled her eyes. “Uh-huh, you’re as innocent as Jack the Ripper.”

Jack the Ripper?

“You know, the serial killer. We watched that movie about him a few weeks ago.”

Oh yes. Zoey loved to watch old movies from Earth. He particularly liked the horror ones. They were most humorous. Being likened to Jack the Ripper wasn’t exactly flattering, though.

“At least you didn’t jump them in a dark alley, I suppose.”

If he could have gotten away with it, he would have. Unfortunately, crime in Zerconia was almost non-existent and he didn’t want to bring any unwanted attention his way. Or Zoey’s. So he just shrugged.

“I suppose a proper empress would tell you off or warn you to stop.” She grinned. “Good thing I’m not a proper empress, huh?”

He nearly smiled.

No, a proper empress she definitely wasn’t.

Thank the Gods.

“Empress, the Emperor wishes for you to join him on-board,” Jaxan called out.

“Come on, guys. Let’s get settled in for the ride.” She picked up Giz, carrying him up the ramp. The lazy animal snuggled into her and promptly fell asleep.

Boris moved behind his charge’s back, keeping watch. Even though they were still on Zerconia, he never let his guard down. Zoey was his to take care of and the fools who underestimated his devotion to her didn’t realize how lucky they were to escape with their lives.

And much as he admired Dex, if he did not change his ways soon, then Boris would take action.




She had to do something.

She couldn’t go on like this. She was hungry, dirty, and in pain. She held her throbbing hand against her stomach, trying to ignore the pain. She was down to her last few credits and those were stolen. Her stomach clenched. The guilt of taking something that didn’t belong to her ate at her. To think that the first twenty years of her life she hadn’t even known what it was like to want something she could not have. To go hungry, to be scared, to be filthy and cold.

Well, that had all changed when her parents were murdered and dear Uncle Faru decided to use her as a pawn in his alliance with the evil one. She shuddered.

Hands touching her. Hurting her. Hot breath against her skin.

Pain. Degradation. Fear.

A flooga bird screeched, bringing her back into the present. She wasn’t there anymore. She was safe. She snorted. Sort of. If one could call being homeless, without funds, and on the run from a bounty hunter safe.

She looked up to see the huge bird circling above her and shivered. Flooga birds fed on dead carcasses. It was a bad omen to see one circling above you.

It meant you were next.

Well, she wasn’t dead yet.

This was not the life she’d been prepared for. Her mother had taught her many life lessons, how to run a household, how to host a party, how to dress, how to walk, how to smile.

Too bad she hadn’t taught her how to safely pick a pocket. Now, that was a skill that just might have been useful.

Not much call for social niceties in the dark alleyways of Maalika. She shifted, trying to find a more comfortable position as she crouched next to a dumpster in the damp, dark alley. It smelled terrible, but at least she wasn’t completely out in the open.

Now that was an important life lesson. How to protect yourself from the elements while on the run. She gasped as she bumped her sore hand. Pain engulfed her. She took in sharp, shallow breaths to stave off the nausea bubbling in her stomach. She glanced down at her injured hand, unable to see much in the encroaching darkness. Just how much damage had that gaagaa beast caused?

When she’d returned to find it occupying her crate, she had attempted to fight it off, a really foolish mistake considering it was twice her size. It had slammed her against the alley wall, twisting her arm until she’d screamed. So she’d left the crate to the gaagaa beast and taken up shelter next to this odorous, awful dumpster.

Probably a good thing she couldn’t see the full extent of the damage, considering she could do little about it right now. Wasn’t like she had access to a regeneration chamber.

 As a child, any little scratch and she’d ended up in her parents regen chamber. She’d barely known a moment’s pain in her life.

Another life lesson learned on the run—how to ignore pain. She’d been punched, kicked, pinched, and had things thrown at her on a fairly regular basis. Her hair probably had more rubbish in it than in the dumpster behind her.

“Princesses are not supposed to get dirty,” she muttered. She remembered her mother telling her that as she’d scolded her for getting into a mud fight with the cook’s grandson. She smiled. She’d forgotten how fun that had been.

This, not so much.

There was no hot bath to be had around here.

She’d grown up expecting to marry a handsome man with the right breeding who would rule her planet, since females could not rule, while she led the life she always had. One of indulgence and security, where she had never known a moment’s fear.

She loved her parents but she now realized they had left her ill-equipped for life outside the walls of their luxurious palace.

She laughed quietly. Now she’d kill just to have a roof over her head. She looked up as a crack of thunder sounded and shivered. Gray clouds filled the sky and she sighed. Wonderful. As if the Gods wished to kick her while she was down, it was about to rain.

Her stomach growled, reminding her that she’d been unsuccessful in her attempt to procure food earlier. And by procure she meant steal. Unfortunately for her, she was a terrible thief.

Another crack of thunder made her jump, jolting her wrist once more. Oh Gods, that hurt. She whimpered, curling into herself in an effort to hold back her scream.

She looked up as that same flooga bird screeched, flying lower and lower. She stood, and reaching into the dumpster, pulled out a bottle and threw it at the animal.

“I’m not dead yet, you-you eater of rotten flesh.”

Okay, so that wasn’t very dignified. It was also pretty pathetic.

A princess never debases herself by swearing.

Well, she wasn’t much of a princess anymore. She sat carefully, keeping her arm close to her body.

She couldn’t bring attention to herself. She never knew where Tazan and his men might be. She thought about the men she’d seen with him a few days ago. While she hadn’t gotten a good look at their faces, they were big and muscular and people had given them a wide berth. It had been bad enough when he’d sent the ulgy beast after her on Ulrika. She shuddered; the one time she’d gotten caught in its roar, she’d stunk for weeks. On the plus side, no one had bothered her. Unfortunately, it made moving around undetected nearly impossible.

But now Tazan was sending warriors after her—three of them.

She knew it was only a matter of time before they caught her. She swallowed. If that happened, then she wasn’t going to let them take her back to her uncle alive. She reached up with her good hand and wrapped it around her locket. Inside sat a pletha pill. Fast-working, painless, and deadly. All she had to do was place it in her mouth and she’d know no more.

She wasn’t going back alive. She wasn’t going to allow her uncle to give her to the evil one again. Loyrul. Even his name made her feel ill. Not again. She still didn’t know how she had managed to escape him in the first place, she couldn’t manage a second time. She shuddered at the thought. No, securing that pletha pill was the smartest thing she could have done.

She couldn’t keep doing this. She was tired and she was starving. It was only a matter of time before Tazan’s men caught her.

Maybe the simplest thing would be to just end it all now, before they got hold of her. She sighed.

She couldn’t give up.

A princess never gives up. She holds her head up and smiles in the face of adversity.

That flooga bird swung past and pooped. Right in her face.

Yep, that seemed to be her life now. She held her head up and what happened? She got pooped on. Wonderful.

She really did have the worst luck.




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